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10 Best place to visit in Martinengo Italy


Top 10 cosa vedere a Brescia

Cosa vedere a Brescia? Cosa fare a Brescia? Scopri la Top 10 cosa vedere a Brescia secondo la classifica stilata dal canale Come si Viaggia.
In questo articolo vi porteremo in un viaggio alla scoperta dei posti più belli di Brescia e vi consiglieremo cosa fare e cosa non fare per poter creare il vostro itinerario nel migliore dei modi. Il nostro obiettivo è quello di semplificare la scelta dei luoghi più belli da vedere a Brescia senza dover cercare in tanti siti diversi.
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L'organizzazione di un viaggio spesso richiede molto tempo e molta ricerca ed è importante al fine di riuscire a vedere più luoghi possibili ed ottimizzare il tempo a disposizione del viaggiatore. Non è sempre facile cercare informazioni e riuscire a radunarle tutte: lo scopo di Come si viaggia è proprio quello di aiutarti ad ottenere più dati possibili, tutti in un unico sito o video che sia.
Il nostro Pianeta è un luogo meraviglioso e di infinita bellezza: dalla vastità della natura, con oceani inesplorati e montagne selvagge, alla maestosità dell’ingegno dell’uomo, con tutto quello che è riuscito a creare. In questo appuntamento il video di Come si viaggia parlerà di cosa visitare a Brescia.
L’articolo e il video vengono proposti all'utente sotto forma di una classifica. La Top 10 cosa vedere a Brescia è soggettiva: per rendere l’articolo più accurato e più oggettivo possibile invitiamo il pubblico a commentare questo post tramite l’apposito spazio presente in fondo alla pagina con una propria classifica sull'argomento del video.
Di seguito elenchiamo la classifica di Come si viaggia:
1. Piazza del Duomo
2. Piazza della Loggia
3. Castello di Brescia
4. Parco Archeologico
5. Brescia sotterranea
6. Chiesa di Santa Maria della Carità
7. Teatro Grande
8. Museo Santa Giulia
9. Museo delle Mille Miglia
10. Pinacoteca Tosio MartinengoH
Ricordati di commentare l'articolo con la tua classifica!
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Monte Isola - La leggenda della Rocca Martinengo

Visitare Monte Isola è sempre bello, ma stavolta oltre a visitarla prima del tramonto, ti racconterò tra le altre cose di una leggenda molto particolare.

Ma non sto qui a svelarti il racconto, è tutto detto nel video.

Sapevi che Monte Isola è l'isola lacustre più grande d'Europa?

Ho trovato un parcheggio a Sulzano che con €7 ci fai tutta la giornata, ed è comodo arrivarci oltre che vicino all'imbarco del traghetto.

Il biglietto costa €2,20 a tratta.

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BRESCIA: la città più SOTTOVALUTATA d'Italia! - Guida di viaggio per un weekend

Nonostante la vicinanza con Milano, non eravamo mai stati a Brescia, semplicemente perché non abbiamo mai sentito grandi cose su questa città, che è quindi rimasta fuori dai nostri radar. E dopo averla visitata per 3 giorni ci chiediamo: com'è possibile???
Castelli medioevali, resti di città romane, chiese di tutte le epoche in un centro storico che si può girare comodamente a piedi! In questa guida non mancano piatti tipici né piccole chicche nascoste e curiose!

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00:00 Intro
02:05 Piazza Paolo VI
04:37 Chiesa del Trullo
04:54 Pranzo giorno 1
05:03 Piazza della Loggia
07:35 Piazza della Vittoria
08:26 Cena giorno 1
08:55 Hotel
09:27 Colazione giorno 2
10:00 Castello
12:21 Pranzo giorno 2
12:59 Chiesa di Santa Maria della Carità
13:18 Parco Archeologico
13:31 Museo di Santa Giulia
16:20 Tomba del Cane
17:17 Cena giorno 2
18:42 Pinacoteca Tosio Martinengo
19:29 Biblioteca Queriniana
20:27 Pranzo giorno 3
20:51 Chiusura

Places to see in ( Taormina - Italy ) Chiesa di Santa Caterina

Places to see in ( Taormina - Italy ) Chiesa di Santa Caterina

The church of Santa Caterina d'Alessandria rises adjacent to the Palazzo Corvaja on the central Corso Umberto in the municipality of Taormina . Belonging to the archdiocese of Messina-Lipari-Santa Lucia del Mela. To the religious of the Order of Capuchin Friars Minor at the arrival in Taormina around the middle of the sixteenth century the church of Santa Caterina was granted outside the walls where they built their convent. In 1559, with the consent of the archbishop Pedro Ruiz de Valdevexo, it was put up for sale with the aim of obtaining proceeds and financing the construction of the new temple. The transaction is documented on April 27, 1610.

The church of Santa Caterina intra - moenia was built in the first half of the seventeenth century in Baroque style , built on the ruins of a small Roman theater, the Odeon , partially destroying the orchestra and the scene that consisted of the southern colonnade of a even more primitive Greek temple dedicated to Aphrodite. The church of Santa Caterina d'Alessandria was closed for about 40 years in a state of precariousness and was restored and reopened for worship on 25 November 1977.

The front facade is bordered by two corner pilasters in ashlars spread over two levels. The entrance, raised five steps from the street level, is characterized by a central portal in pink marble of Taormina reproducing two Ionic columns on high plinths surmounted by Corinthian capitals . The architrave holds two curved side scrolls , each of them housing a cheering putto in a sitting position.

The intermediate niche of the broken tympanum in the Baroque style houses the statue of the holy owner depicted with the palm branch and the sword with which it grabs the tyrant and tetrarca Massimino Daia . On the left side the inevitable wheel, one of the instruments of martyrdom, the work of Paolo Greco was sculpted in 1705 . The hemisphere of the niche presents the shell decoration symbol of the earthly pilgrimage. The pilasters with external volutes hold up two herms that support the sill of the central window, in turn topped by a triangular tympanum.

( Taormina - Italy ) is well know as a tourist destination because of the variety of places you can enjoy while you are visiting Taormina . Through a series of videos we will try to show you recommended places to visit in Taormina - Italy

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Best of BRESCIA in Italy! TOP 10

Let's explore Brescia, beautiful city in northern Italy! Watch this video for the TOP 10 must-see!

00:00 Intro
00:33 10: Santa Giulia Complex
01:01 9: Santa Giulia: Nun's Choir and Martinengo Mausoleum
02:14 8: Santa Giulia Historical Museum
02:48 7: Santa Giulia: Houise of Dyonisus and mosaics
03:14 6: Church of San Salvatore in Santa Giulia
04:07 5: The cross of Desiderius in Santa Giulia
04:36 4: Piazza Paolo ther 6th and the Cathedral of Santa Maria Assunta
05:24 3: The Old Cathedral
06:07 2: The Castle
07:30 1: Archaeological Park

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Lombardy, Milan, Bergamo, Martinengo

Bergamo, is a city in the alpine Lombardy region of northern Italy.
Martinengo is a comune in the Province of Bergamo in the Italian region of Lombardy, located about 50 kilometres east of Milan and about 15 kilometres southeast of Bergamo.
The municipality is home to the mother house of the Congregation of the Holy Family of Bergamo.

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Master of the Feast by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (
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Journey in the New World by Twin Musicom is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (
Yonder Hill and Dale - Aaron Kenny


Places to see in ( Brescia - Italy )

Places to see in ( Brescia - Italy )

Brescia is a city and comune in the region of Lombardy in northern Italy. It is situated at the foot of the Alps, a few kilometres from the lakes Garda and Iseo. Founded over 3,200 years ago, Brescia (in antiquity Brixia) has been an important regional centre since pre-Roman times. Its old town contains the best-preserved Roman public buildings in northern Italy and numerous monuments, among these the medieval castle, the Old and New cathedral, the Renaissance Piazza della Loggia and the rationalist Piazza della Vittoria. The monumental archaeological area of the Roman forum and the monastic complex of San Salvatore-Santa Giulia have become a UNESCO World Heritage Site as part of a group of seven inscribed as Longobards in Italy, Places of Power.

Brescia is considered the industrial capital of Italy. The metallurgy and the production of machine tools and firearms are of particular economic significance, along with mechanical and automotive engineering. The major companies based in the city are utility company A2A, steel producer Lucchini, firearms manufacturer Beretta, shotgun producer Perazzi, machine tools manufacturer Camozzi and gas control manufacturer Cavagna Group. Nicknamed Leonessa d'Italia (The Lioness of Italy), Brescia is the home of Italian caviar, and is known for being the original production area of the Franciacorta sparkling wine as well as the prestigious Mille Miglia classic car race that starts and ends in the city. In addition, Brescia is the setting for most of the action in Alessandro Manzoni's 1822 play Adelchi. Brescia and its territory will be the European Region of Gastronomy in 2017.

Brescia is located in the north-western section of the Po Valley, at the foot of the Brescian Prealps, between the Mella and the Naviglio, with the Lake Iseo to the west and the Lake Garda to the east. The southern area of the city is flat, while towards the north the territory becomes hilly. The city's lowest point is 104 metres (341 ft) above sea level, the highest point is Monte Maddalena at 874 metres (2,867 ft).

Alot to see in ( Brescia - Italy ) such as :

San Salvatore, Brescia
Lake Garda
Santa Maria dei Miracoli, Brescia
Pinacoteca Tosio Martinengo
Monte Maddalena
Castello di Brescia
Capitolium of Brixia
Piazza della Loggia
Old Cathedral, Brescia
Church of Santa Giulia
New Cathedral, Brescia
Museo Mille Miglia
Palazzo Martinengo Cesaresco Novarino
Teatro Romano , Brescia
Piazza del Foro
Museo del Risorgimento
Civic Museum of Natural Science
Museo nazionale della fotografia
Roman Museum , Brescia
Roman Basilica , Brescia
Soprintendenza per i Beni Archeologici della Lombardia Ufficio di Brescia
Museo Ken Damy Fotografia Contemp
Museo dell'industria e del lavoro
Torre dell'Orologio
Galleria Minini S.R.L.
Santi Nazaro e Celso, Brescia
Museum of Contemporary Photography Ken Damy
Alfa Park Srl
Museo Chitarristico Degli Strumenti Musicali e della Liuteria Bresciana
Monte di Pietà Vecchio
Palazzo delle Poste
Piazzetta Bruno Boni
Ma.Co.F - centro della fotografia Italiana
Palazzo Cigola
Palazzo Vescovile
Palazzo del Broletto
Palazzo Gambara
Fondazione Brescia Musei
Museo delle Armi Luigi Marzoli
Arte e Archeologia
Palazzo dei Poncarali
Palazzo Maggi di Gradella
Parco Arnaldo
Monumento a Giuseppe Garibaldi
Parco Di Canton Mombello
Pallata Tower, Brescia

( Brescia - Italy ) is well know as a tourist destination because of the variety of places you can enjoy while you are visiting the city of Brescia . Through a series of videos we will try to show you recommended places to visit in Brescia - Italy

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Places to see in ( Brescia - Italy )

Places to see in ( Brescia - Italy )

Brescia is a city and comune in the region of Lombardy in northern Italy. It is situated at the foot of the Alps, a few kilometres from the lakes Garda and Iseo. Founded over 3,200 years ago, Brescia (in antiquity Brixia) has been an important regional centre since pre-Roman times. Its old town contains the best-preserved Roman public buildings in northern Italy and numerous monuments, among these the medieval castle, the Old and New cathedral, the Renaissance Piazza della Loggia and the rationalist Piazza della Vittoria. The monumental archaeological area of the Roman forum and the monastic complex of San Salvatore-Santa Giulia have become a UNESCO World Heritage Site as part of a group of seven inscribed as Longobards in Italy, Places of Power.

Brescia is considered the industrial capital of Italy. The metallurgy and the production of machine tools and firearms are of particular economic significance, along with mechanical and automotive engineering. The major companies based in the city are utility company A2A, steel producer Lucchini, firearms manufacturer Beretta, shotgun producer Perazzi, machine tools manufacturer Camozzi and gas control manufacturer Cavagna Group. Nicknamed Leonessa d'Italia (The Lioness of Italy), Brescia is the home of Italian caviar, and is known for being the original production area of the Franciacorta sparkling wine as well as the prestigious Mille Miglia classic car race that starts and ends in the city. In addition, Brescia is the setting for most of the action in Alessandro Manzoni's 1822 play Adelchi. Brescia and its territory will be the European Region of Gastronomy in 2017.

Brescia is located in the north-western section of the Po Valley, at the foot of the Brescian Prealps, between the Mella and the Naviglio, with the Lake Iseo to the west and the Lake Garda to the east. The southern area of the city is flat, while towards the north the territory becomes hilly. The city's lowest point is 104 metres (341 ft) above sea level, the highest point is Monte Maddalena at 874 metres (2,867 ft).

Alot to see in ( Brescia - Italy ) such as :

San Salvatore, Brescia
Lake Garda
Santa Maria dei Miracoli, Brescia
Pinacoteca Tosio Martinengo
Monte Maddalena
Castello di Brescia
Capitolium of Brixia
Piazza della Loggia
Old Cathedral, Brescia
Church of Santa Giulia
New Cathedral, Brescia
Museo Mille Miglia
Palazzo Martinengo Cesaresco Novarino
Teatro Romano , Brescia
Piazza del Foro
Museo del Risorgimento
Civic Museum of Natural Science
Museo nazionale della fotografia
Roman Museum , Brescia
Roman Basilica , Brescia
Soprintendenza per i Beni Archeologici della Lombardia Ufficio di Brescia
Museo Ken Damy Fotografia Contemp
Museo dell'industria e del lavoro
Torre dell'Orologio
Galleria Minini S.R.L.
Santi Nazaro e Celso, Brescia
Museum of Contemporary Photography Ken Damy
Alfa Park Srl
Museo Chitarristico Degli Strumenti Musicali e della Liuteria Bresciana
Monte di Pietà Vecchio
Palazzo delle Poste
Piazzetta Bruno Boni
Ma.Co.F - centro della fotografia Italiana
Palazzo Cigola
Palazzo Vescovile
Palazzo del Broletto
Palazzo Gambara
Fondazione Brescia Musei
Museo delle Armi Luigi Marzoli
Arte e Archeologia
Palazzo dei Poncarali
Palazzo Maggi di Gradella
Parco Arnaldo
Monumento a Giuseppe Garibaldi
Parco Di Canton Mombello
Pallata Tower, Brescia

( Brescia - Italy ) is well know as a tourist destination because of the variety of places you can enjoy while you are visiting the city of Brescia . Through a series of videos we will try to show you recommended places to visit in Brescia - Italy

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Il meglio di BRESCIA nel 2024! La TOP 10

Andiamo a vedere la TOP 10 delle attrazioni principali di Brescia, capitale della cultura del 2023!

Guardate anche il nostro video su Bergamo:

00:00 Intro
00:33 10: Complesso di Santa Giulia
01:01 9: S. Giulia: Coro delle Monache e Mausoleo Martinengo
02:14 8: Museo Storico di S. Giulia
02:48 7: S. Giulia: Casa di Dioniso e mosaici
03:14 6: Chiesa di S. Salvatore in S. Giulia
04:07 5: Croce di Desiderio in S. Giulia
04:36 4: Piazza Paolo VI e Cattedrale di S. Maria Assunta
05:24 3: Duomo Vecchio
06:07 2: Castello
07:30 1: Parco Archeologico

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8 Italian Castles - Ultra HD Drone Footage

Cinematic drone footage of 8 Italian Castles in the North of Italy.

- CASTEL BESENO: located near Rovereto, is the largest feudal fortress all over the Trentino region.
Those travelling from Rovereto to the city of Trento across the Vallagarina valley, will be immediately attracted by the majestic fortress on the hill near to Folgaria. Here on this strategically so important place towers Trentino’s largest fortress, referred to as Castel Beseno. First written documents date back to the 12th century, when the castle still belonged to the counts of Appiano and served as a residence to the aristocratic family Da Beseno.

-CASTEL MONTANI DI SOPRA: build around 1228 by Count Alberto III of Tyrol on a piece of land property of the Bishop of Coira. This provoked attrition between the Church and the Nobles that at the end had to hand over control to the Church. In 1229 the castle became property of the Montanari's. When the family vanished it became property of the Von Mohr family. In 1833 even this family ended and the castle ended up empty, but eventually was sold to a farmer, who sold everything inside and let the building fall apart.

- CASTELLO DI MONTECHIARO: The little village is above all famous for its castle ruin of Montechiaro, which can be seen from afar. The village is over-towered by the ruin of Castel Montechiaro. Originally it has been constructed as fortress of the Tyroleans against the bishops of Chur. Its beginnings date back to the 13th century. Around 1250, the first kinsmen of this family called themselves Montechiaro.

- FÜRSTENBURG CASTLE: Furstenburg Castle in Burgusio/Burgeis is a fortress erected in the 13th century on behalf of the Bishop Conrad of Chur (1272 - 1282). In the 16th and 17th centuries A.D. it was however restructured according to the style of the time. The oldest part of the castle is the tower which displays walls of a three meters thick diameter.

- CASTELLO DI SERRALUNGA D'ALBA: The castle is today considered one of the best preserved examples of noble castle fourteenth-century of Piedmont. Located at the top of the hill of Serralunga, a domain of the characteristic village and its famous vineyards, in one of the most interesting tourist districts and greater development of the region, the castle is indelible symbol of this landscape. At the time at which the descendants of Bonifacio del Vasto, Bonifacio Minor and brass del Carretto, in the XII century, were the lords of the territory, a tower overhead and defended the village of Serralunga.

- VIGOLENO CASTLE: The Castle is located in the center of the medieval town of Vigoleno, on the spur of a hill at about 500 metres above sea level in the municipality of Vernasca on the border between the provinces of Piacenza and Parma.
The area is of great naturalistic interest for the discovery of marine sediments and fossils dating to the tertiary and quaternary era, and for the Vigoleno grotte discovered during the second half of the 800’s a few metres north of the town.

- CAMINO CASTLE: Camino Castle is situated in the Monferrato hills, in the north-west of Italy, approximately an hour away from Milano, Genova and Torino. Camino Castle, surrounded by ancient woods full of interesting birdlife, overlooks the Monferrato foothills which are covered in trees and vineyards.
Even today, the medieval castle is one of the most admired buildings in Monferrato for its splendid architecture and excellent state of preservation.

- MARTINENGO COLLEONI CASTLE: The Martinengo Colleoni Castle was built between 1597 and 1610 in Cavernago. It was built on a block of buildings that previously belonged to the canons of the cathedral of Bergamo, which is dedicated to Sant’Alessandro in Colle. The property where the castle was built has a long history. It is first mentioned in 1234, when Salvo di Bellobon sold it to the priest Redulfo di Ghisalba, charged with the purchase by the chapter of Bergamo.

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Places to see in ( Brescia - Italy ) Monte Isola

Places to see in ( Brescia - Italy ) Monte Isola

Monte Isola is a town and comune in the province of Brescia, in Lombardy. It is located on an island of the same name in Lake Iseo and, as of 2015, its population is of 1,770. Monte Isola's population is approximately spread over eleven villages and hamlets. There are several churches built between the 15th and the 17th century with frescoes, statues, altars in vernacular art.

With a total area of 12.8 square kilometres (4.9 sq mi), Monte Isola ranks as the largest lake island not only in Italy, but also in South and Central Europe. The peak of the island at 600 metres (1,969 feet) above sea level is 419 metres (1,375 feet) above the average surface elevation of Lake Iseo (181 m (594 ft)), making Monte Isola one of the highest lake islands in Europe.

Monte Isola includes 12 frazioni: Carzano, Cure, Masse, Menzino, Novale, Olzano, Peschiera Maraglio, Porto di Siviano, Sensole, Senzano, Sinchignano and Siviano. The bordering municipalities are Iseo, Marone, Sale Marasino, Sulzano, Parzanica, Tavernola Bergamasca and Sarnico. There are two main ports Carzano and Peschieria with a frequent ferry service with the surrounding mainland villages, including Iseo.

There are indications of a Roman settlement. The first written document mentioning Insulae curtis dates from 905, when the island was listed among the properties of the monastery of S. Salvatore in Brescia. The family Oldofredi, rulers of Iseo, built on the island two strongholds in the 11th-12th centuries. Members of the powerful Visconti family came here to hunt in 1400. In 1497 Francesco Sforza, duke of Milan, gave the islanders some fishing rights and reduced the taxes. In the same year, Caterina Cornaro, queen of Cyprus, resided a while on the island. During the 19th century the main industry on the island was the construction of boats and the manufacturing of fishing nets.

The single-nave church of San Michele in Peschiera Maraglio was consecrated in 1648. This baroque church is notable for the many frescoes on the walls and on the ceiling and for its wooden carvings. The shrine of Madonna della Ceriola stands 600 metres (1,969 feet) above sea level, the highest spot on the island. It can only be reached by walking from the small village of Cure.

The fortress Martinengo can be reached from Menzino. It was built in the 15th century by Oldofredi and enlarged in the 16th century by Martinengo. After a long period of neglect, it has been renovated in an elegant residence by the architect Vittorio Faglia. In 1497 Catherine Cornaro, queen of Cyprus, sojourned here for a short stay.

( Brescia - Italy ) is well know as a tourist destination because of the variety of places you can enjoy while you are visiting Brescia . Through a series of videos we will try to show you recommended places to visit in Brescia - Italy

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Monte Isola: The Biggest Italian Lake Island in Italy. 4K Italy

A Northern Italy Italian Lake Island. This Italy in 4K video features a mountain in the middle of a lake, considered one of the most beautiful villages in Italy to visit on your trip to Italy. Monte Isola has hiking, biking and sailing actives which makes it a great family destination in Italy. There are 11 typical hamlets, some on the hills, and others on the lake, characterized by narrow streets and alleys.

Let help plan your next Italian adventure. Just contact us at today!

Alla scoperta di Brescia

Un tour alla scoperta di Brescia, l'antica Brixia, ricca di storia e cultura. Dal parco archeologico di Brixia, al castello medievale, fino alla Pinacoteca Tosio Martinengo ed il Museo Santa Giulia.
Un viaggio ala scoperta dei tesori nascosti della Lombardia

Lake Iseo, Italy. Drone 4K video. Relaxing Music

The hills surrounding Lake Iseo offer a fantastic variety of hiking trails for people of all skill levels. Walk the paths along the shore to better appreciate its clear waters and natural beauty, or pick a more strenuous trail like the Punta Almana, which culminates with glorious views of the Monte Isola (the largest lake island in the country), the rising alps and the waters of the lake.
Monte Isola, the island in the middle of Lake Iseo, is well worth the boat trip on its own. There are about 1,800 people who live here, spread out over eleven different villages. Sights include several churches built between the 15th and 17th centuries that contain frescoes, statues and other art, while the well-preserved medieval castle, Rocca Martinengo, is another attraction.
Lake Iseo resort in Italy Unique view of the alps. Flying over the lake relaxing music.
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Montisola Santuario della Madonna della Ceriola e Rocca Martinengo

In tema Lago d'Iseo, ho visionato questo video della e YouTube: Droni-ZeroLab ,che con professionalità avevano già realizzato un bel capolavoro su Montisola, con la loro autorizzazione lo condivido per la comunità del Sebino. Il Lago d'Iseo è di tutti, uno spettacolo da CONDIVIDERE
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Places to see in ( Turin - Italy ) Armeria Reale

Places to see in ( Turin - Italy ) Armeria Reale

The Royal Armoury of Turin is one of the world’s most important collections of arms and armour, formed in Turin by the Savoy family. The museum is now part of the Musei Reali di Torino, the royal site that has unified the Royal Palace, the Sabauda Gallery, the Archaeological Museum, the Royal Library and the Armoury. The whole site has been included on the UNESCO World Heritage list since 1997.

The Royal Armoury was founded by Charles Albert, king of Sardinia, and opened to the public in 1837. Since then it has been housed in the Galleria Beaumont, built on the site of a previous gallery connecting the Royal Palace to Palazzo Madama. Designed by Filippo Juvarra in 1733, it was decorated by the court painter Claudio Francesco Beaumont (hence its name) in 1738-1743, whose oil paintings on the ceiling depict Stories of Aeneas. The gallery was completed after 1762 by Benedetto Alfieri, who also designed the nearby stairway as an access to the State offices (Segreterie di Stato).

Until 1832, several large paintings from the royal collections were displayed on the walls of this gallery. The paintings were then moved to Palazzo Madama, the first seat of the public collection called Reale Galleria (now Sabauda Gallery). King Charles Albert decided to place his collection of arms and armour inside this gallery; most of them came from Turin’s and Genoa’s arsenals, as well as from the museums housed since the 18th century in the Palazzo dell’Università.

The royal collection included prehistoric and medieval objects, weapons and armour used by the dukes (later kings) of Savoy, but also many prestigious diplomatic gifts. Charles Albert enriched such collection through the acquisition of single pieces on the market (mainly in Paris) and of whole private collections, such as the one formed by the set designer Alessandro Sanquirico in Milan (1833) and the Martinengo della Fabbrica collection from Brescia (1839). In 1836, the king asked Pelagio Palagi to redesign an adjacent room in order to make it the seat of the Medagliere, i.e. a large collection of medals, coins and seals. The room’s Greek-style furniture was specifically meant to preserve and display this collection, as well as antiques and other precious objects belonging to the royal family. The Medagliere was closely connected with the Royal Library still housed on the ground floor. Palagi also designed the so-called Rotonda at the other end of the Galleria Beaumont, on the site of a former theatre (later ballroom) once connected to Palazzo Madama through a further gallery which was demolished in 1809. The Rotonda became an extension of the original Armoury: arms, flags and other objects connected with the military history of the kingdom of Sardinia after the 18th century were then displayed in showcases in this room.

The collection includes weapons formerly owned by Napoleon and by the kings of Italy, since the Savoy family gained that title after the unification of the country in 1861. European and American swords, guns and rifles are now displayed alongside oriental arms and armour acquired by or donated to the kings.

( Turin - Italy ) is well know as a tourist destination because of the variety of places you can enjoy while you are visiting Turin . Through a series of videos we will try to show you recommended places to visit in Turin - Italy

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Brescia - Borghi d'Italia Speciale Capoluoghi (TV2000)

Borghi d'Italia con questa puntata diventa Capoluoghi perché vi portiamo in Lombardia alla scoperta di Brescia, Leonessa d'Italia, città della Mille Miglia e Capitale Italiana della Cultura 2023 insieme a Bergamo. Nel corso del programma incontriamo Laura Castelletti - vice sindaco e assessore alla Cultura, mons. Pierantonio Tremolada – vescovo di Brescia, Francesca Bazoli - presidente della Fondazione Brescia Musei, Mauro Salvatore - direttore del museo diocesano e Patrizia Caldinelli della Coop. Sociale Anemone di Brescia. Visitiamo il centro storico, la cattedrale, il duomo vecchio, il castello, il parco archeologico della Brixia romana con il Capitolium e la splendida Vittoria Alata. Proseguiamo con il santuario basilica Santa Maria delle Grazie, la chiesa di San Giovanni Evangelista, il complesso museale di Santa Giulia con l'antica croce di Desiderio e continuiamo il cammino con la splendida pinacoteca Tosio Martinengo, il museo diocesano e il nuovo museo del Risorgimento. Inoltre presentiamo alcuni piatti tradizionali del luogo, ma non mancano altre curiosità. Brescia vi sorprenderà per le meraviglie dei suoi tanti itinerari. Buona Visione!

Borghi d’Italia va in onda sabato ore 12.15 e domenica ore 6.20 e 12.15 su TV2000 | Canale 28 – 157 Sky –
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..... quattro passi quattro, .... per RI-visitare dopo diversi anni i luoghi ovvero più vicini al turismo mordi e fuggi con tempo a disposizione limitato con amici comuni risalutati in luoghi mitici della città giuliana .
Ovvio non è mancato il tempo per un delizioso pranzo a base di buon e FRESCO pesce !

photo reportage a cura di Luigi Martinengo
by archivio onlusCIFA

post produzione, montaggio e regia di Maria Chiappani

The Venetian Ghetto and CANNAREGIO distric walking tour in 4k (Italy)

Venice, Cannaregio, The Venetian Ghetto, Italy walking tour in 4k. June 2021.

Hi my friends! Welcome to!!! In this video we will take you to the interesting Cannaregio distric of Venice.

When you visit Venice, you can do this tour as a guide free tour:

Cannaregio is one of six neighbourhoods or Sestrieri that make up Venice, a great place to explore if you want to appreciate the true local life of the city. It is the second largest sestiere by land area and the largest by population.

???? BEST HOTELS where to stay in Venice ????

Amongs the most important sigths to visit in Cannaregio: the Venetian Ghetto, Ponte delle Guglie, Ponte dei Tre Archi, Palazzo Bonfadini Vivante, Palazzo Correr Contarini Zorzi, Palazzo Giustinian Pesaro, Palazzo Falier, Palazzo Labia, Palazzo Mastelli del Cammello, Palazzo Memmo Martinengo Mandelli, Palazzo Michiel del Brusà, Palazzo Nani, Palazzo Savorgnan,
Isola di San Michele, Ca' Vendramin Calergi, Ca' d'Oro.

In this video: Venice, walking tour from Santa Lucia train station, the Venetian Ghetto, campo di Ghetto Nuovo, Tintoretto house, Campo dei Mori, Ca' Cammello, Church of the Madonna dell'Orto.

▶️In this video ????
00:00 Santa Lucia Train Station
01:10 Grand Canal and Church of San Simeon Piccolo
02:47 Ponte degli Scalzi
03:20 Rio Terà Lista di Spagna
04:50 Into a
05:30 Trash collectors on Grand Canal
08:10 Campo San Geremia
08:24 Church San Geremia and Lucia (Close)
09:55 Salizada S. Geremia
10:22 Ponte delle Guglie
12:50 Fondamenta Cannaregio
19:37 Ponte dei Tre Archi
22:47 Calle Cannaregio
25:18 Calle del Forner
25:50 Fondamenta delle Case Nuove
29:20 Fondamenta Carlo Coletti
36:45 Bridge to Venetian Ghetto
37:57 Campo de Ghetto Nuovo
38:46 The Jewish Museum of Venice
39:57 On memorial
44:00 Bridge over Rio del Ghetto
47:57 children's skateboards in front of the nursery school
53:50 Campo del Ghetto Novo
56:40 Fondamenta dei Ormesini
01:05:06 Tintoretto house
01:40:49 Rialto brigde - end of the walk

✅ Don't miss our Venice walking tour serie ✅

☑️☀️ Venice St. Mark and Salute walking tour - 2021 (with gondola ride!) ????

☑️✨ Grand Canal vaporetto ride tour - 2021 ????

☑️❤️ Murano island walking tour in 4k - 2021 ????

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Heraklion Sightseeing and Top Attractions. Video city tour. Crete routes and Trips Travel Guide.

Heraklion or Iraklion is the largest city and the administrative capital of the island of Crete and capital of Heraklion regional unit. It is the fourth largest city in Greece with a population.
From a scenic city with unique traditional Venetian and Ottoman monuments in the early 1900s, as one of the most historical cities in the Mediterranean, Heraklion, unfortunately, turned into a bustling cement-dominating city, losing almost all of its aristocratic splendor. This bad development was a result of the need for rapid expansion of the city for the settling of the refugees after the Asia Minor Catastrophe (1922), but also from the effort to modernize Heraklion by turning the beautiful old buildings into blocks of flats.

However, even today the visitor can get a good taste of the glorious image of the past, while the locals can be surprised by the unknown corners of Heraklion and the story hidden behind them.

The history of Heraklion starts in the Minoan era, as it was the port of the legendary city of Knossos. However, the city in its present location (the old center) was built in 824 by the Arabs and later expanded and fortified by the Venetians and the Turks, who named it as the Large Castle of Candia. The current name Heraklion was given after the liberation of Crete from the Turks in 1898.
The first thing you’ll see, no matter how you arrive, will probably be the Venetian Harbor, where today small fishing boats dock, across from the old dry docks. But what will really catch your eye here is Koules (Open 8:00-20:00), the small castle out on the pier, built by the Venetians in the 16th century, which recently underwent restoration.
You don`t have to leave the city to see the dazzling views and get in touch with the scent of old times. The Old Town is located next to the modern center of Heraklion so that the traveler can witness the past and the present of the largest city in Crete in a matter of several. The narrow, steep streets of the Old Town will bring you back in the centuries of Venetian and Ottoman rule. From above the traveler can find the perfect spot for an Instagram image – make a selfie with the sea, the port, and the Koules fortress behind your back.
The city’s harbor once served as a port for Knossos, the Bronze Age capital of the Minoan civilization, and later, in ancient times, for a city called Heraklion. The port was fortified in the Middle Ages, when the city came under the control of Saracen pirates who chose it as their base in Crete, calling it Chandakas. Next came the Byzantines and then the Venetians, who maintained the city’s identity as a capital, renamed it Candia and endowed it with some beautiful buildings and fortifications that are still visible. Under the Ottomans, it was known as Megalo Kastro (“Big Castle”), only to become Heraklion again once the free Cretan State was established in 1898. The entire island became a part of the Greek state in 1913.
All of these monuments are a stone’s throw from Lions’ Square (officially called Eleftheriou Venizelou), with its famed fountain, part of an aqueduct built by the Venetian Doge Francesco Morosini. The square, which is flanked by cafés and restaurants, is a good example of one of the things that makes Herklion special: the way in which its historic monuments are incorporated into modern life.
This is also the case with the fortifications outside the historic center where you can walk atop the old city walls (they run for 7km, but the footpaths only cover 4km). The entrance gates can be reached from Plastira Street: at Saint George’s Gate on Eleftherias Square, you may come across an art exhibition or a bazaar by local artists, while Jesus’ Gate hosts a permanent exhibition on the life and work of writer Nikos Kazantzakis (Open 09:00-17:00). The two open-air theaters beside the walls host concerts and plays over the summer.

0:00 Heraklion Port (Parking)
1:00 Neoria Vechi (shipyards)
1:15 Venetian Port in Heraklion
2:40 Rocca a Mare Fortress
3:25 Old Town
5:35 Church of Agios Titos
8:00 Venetian Loggia (Heraklion Town Hall)
10:08 St. Mark's Basilica (Municipal Gallery)
10:35 Morosini Fountain (Lion fountain)
12:25 Heraklion Info Point
13:23 Eleftherias Square
14:29 Σαβοϊδάκης Bakery & Patisserie
19.25 Jesus Gate (Kenourgia Porta)
20.30 Venetian Walls (Fortifications of Heraklion)
22:07 Fortifications of Heraklion
23:58 Martinengo Bastion (Kazantzakis tomb)
26:04 Church of Agios Minas
26.40 Night life in Heraklion
