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10 Best place to visit in Vilamarxant Spain


10 Best Places You Should Visit in the Valencian Region Spain ???????? [4K Travel Guide]

Welcome to the Valencian Community, a breathtaking region located in the eastern coast of Spain. In this video, we'll take you on a virtual tour of the top 10 places you simply can't miss when visiting this gorgeous area.
We'll start with Valencia, the capital of the region and a city known for its stunning architecture, delicious food, and lively atmosphere. Then, we'll head to Calpe, a charming coastal town famous for its iconic rock formation and crystal-clear waters. Next up, we'll explore Peñíscola, a medieval fortress town perched on a rocky peninsula that has served as a backdrop for many films and TV shows. Moving on, we'll visit Benicàssim, a quaint seaside resort town with a beautiful beach. Then, we'll take you to Benidorm, a popular holiday destination that boasts a bustling nightlife and stunning beaches. After that, we'll stop at Denia, a charming town that combines history, culture, and natural beauty. We'll continue our journey to Jávea, a gorgeous coastal town with a combination of sandy and rocky beaches. Then we'll head to Moraira, a quiet fishing village that provides a tranquil and authentic Mediterranean experience. Next, we'll visit Altea, a lovely town located known for its narrow cobbled streets, whitewashed houses, and stunning views of the Mediterranean Sea. And finally, Alicante, a vibrant city that combines history, culture, and beach life. We'll take you on a walk along its picturesque promenade and show you some of its most iconic landmarks.

So, whether you're a history buff, a beach lover, or a foodie, the Valencian Community has something for everyone. Join us on this virtual journey and get ready to fall in love with this stunning region of Spain!

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LLÍRIA ???????? Ruta antígua vía de Tren (Vía Verde Llíria) ???? Líria-Benaguacil-Villamarchante ????️ VALENCIA

En el año 1890 se inauguró una vía de tren que tenía la intención de llegar a la comunidad de Aragón. Pero eso nunca pasó y se utilizó hasta la ciudad de Liria. Años después de su inauguración y dada la baja rentabilidad de la línea se decidió desmantelar y hoy en día se aprovecha su trazado para una Vía verde que es una zona perfecta para disfrutar del paisaje. Os lo enseño y cuento mejor en el vídeo!

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ENLACE a la ruta en WIKILOC:


#Lliria #viaverde


This town is the setting for one of Spain’s most unusual fiestas.

Buñol is just 39 kilometres from the city of Valencia, in a mountainous area close to the coast. In the surrounding region you will have the chance to enjoy beautiful nature areas such as Alta Cave, the Juanes River and Turche Cave, where there is a 60 metre waterfall at rainy times of year. The town also has many parks and gardens. Other points of interest are its 13th century castle, the old town around it and El Salvador Church, which also houses the town’s Archaeological Museum. Nevertheless, it is in August when thousands of people head for Buñol to take part in its famous “Tomatina”. This amusing fiesta involves everyone hurling tomatoes at each other and has the International Tourist Interest designation.

Tomatina Festival in Buñol in 360º - Spain

La Tomatina is a festival that takes place on the last Wednesday of the month of August, in the Valencian municipality of Buñol in Spain. In 2002 was declared a Festival of International Tourist Interest. The origin of this massive battle of tomatoes dates back to a youth fight that took place in 1945 and, since then, no year has stopped. Find out more about Tomatina here:
La Tomatina es una fiesta que se celebra el último miércoles del mes de agosto, en el municipio valenciano de Buñol en España. En 2002 fue declarada Fiesta de Interés Turístico Internacional. El origen de esta multitudinaria batalla” de tomates se remonta a una pelea juvenil sucedida en el año 1945 y, desde entonces, no ha dejado de celebrarse ningún año. Descubre más de acerca de la Tomatina aquí:

Les Falles de València

Les falles o falles de Sant Josep són la setmana de festa de la ciutat de València, durant les quals es planten i es cremen les falles (vegeu monument faller). També se celebra en uns noranta municipis del País Valencià.[1][2] La festa no té sentiment religiós malgrat la seua relació amb Sant Josep.[3] Es tracta d'una festa de gran tirada turística, que cada any rep gent de tot el món per veure els monuments de les falles, l'espectacle de llums, les mascletades, el llançament de focs artificials i, l'última de les nits, la famosa cremà o crema, on cada any es cala foc a més de 1.000 falles, amb la qual cosa es crea un espectacle que el 2016 ha estat declarat Patrimoni Cultural Immaterial de la Humanitat per part de la UNESCO.[4] Cada any, milers de falleres vesteixen el vestit regional per omplir València de colors i es pentinen els monyos típics, per desfilar a l'ofrena on ofereixen rams de clavells a una estàtua de la Mare de Déu dels Desemparats als que formen un mantell de quinze d'altura, participen en l'ofrena vora 100.000 de fallers, que desfilen des de tots els punts de l'àrea metropolitana de València fins a arribar a la plaça.[5]

En valencià medieval, la paraula falla servia per anomenar les torxes[6] que es col·locaven dalt de les torres de vigilància. Deriva del llatí facula, torxa. Al Llibre dels Fets, se cita que les tropes del rei en Jaume portaven falles per il·luminar-se.

Es caracteritzen fonamentalment perquè es planten als carrers monuments o escultures, denominades falles, fetes, tradicionalment, de fusta i cartó, malgrat que avui dia es fan majoritàriament de poliestirè i fusta. Aquests monuments han d'estar plantats abans del dia 16 de març de matí (nit del 15, la Plantà) i es cremen quatre dies després, la nit del dia de Sant Josep, a la mitjanit (nit de la cremada). Es caracteritzen també per la massiva presència de música, en forma de bandes de música pels carrers, i de coets, en totes les seues formes (masclets, focs d'artifici, etc.) i a tota hora. Moltes activitats s'organitzen pels casals fallers, sent els seus membres els fallers. Els fallers s'engalanen amb una vestimenta tradicional, que per a les dones és el vestit de fallera, amb delicats brodats, i pentinats clàssics de la dona valenciana. Per als hòmens és més senzill i pot ser un brusó i un mocador (llaurador), el vestit de gala (col·loquialment denominat panderola, pel seu color negre) o cada dia més sovint amb el vestit de Saragüells o Torrentí.

Encara que les activitats falleres se celebren amb més intensitat des del 15 al 19 de març, les activitats falleres comencen pràcticament des d'acabades les anteriors, amb presentacions de falleres, l'elecció de la Fallera Major i Fallera Major Infantil, la Crida, i les mascletades.

Fitxer:400 Year Fete Amuses Valencia (Falles).webm
Documental britànic sobre les falles de 1933.
Les festes falleres són originàries de la ciutat de València, ja l'any 1784 existeix documentació on les autoritats municipals prohibeixen cremar falles als carrers estrets de la ciutat i obliga a fer-ho en les places suficientment amples, però avui dia se celebren també en altres ciutats i pobles del País Valencià. Les primeres ciutats de les quals hi ha constància que plantaven falles són de finals del segle XIX a Xàtiva (1865), Gandia (1876) i Alzira (1889) i posteriorment es popularitzaren i s'estengueren a altres ciutats durant els anys 20 del segle XX cas de Sagunt (1926), Dénia (1927), Borriana (1928) o Elda (1929) on se celebren la segona setmana de setembre tot i que anteriorment es cremaven la Nit de Sant Joan. Cal recordar que també en eixa època, concretament l'any 1928 comencen a plantar-se a la manera de com es feia a València amb les falles les Fogueres d'Alacant i igualment passa a partir de 1933 a Tarragona,[7] arribant a plantar-se sis falles i trencant la Guerra Civil espanyola la tradició.[8]

Més tard al llarg del segle XX, començaren a plantar-ne falles també a municipis com Benaguasil (1952), Benicarló (1973) o la Vall d'Uixó (1982). Altres poblacions on es planten falles són Vilamarxant, Llíria, Riba-roja, L'Eliana, La Pobla de Vallbona, Casinos, Sueca, Algemesí, Carcaixent, Cullera, Benidorm, Xirivella, Quart de Poblet, Mislata i molts altres entre els quals la majoria de municipis de les comarques de l'Horta i el Camp de Túria, i fins i tot a altres països (Argentina).

A València existeix la Junta Central Fallera, que organitza i regula tots els festejos. Existeixen moltes categories per a la competició de diferents premis a les falles (general, enginy i gràcia, enllumenat, etc.) i es planten dos tipus de falles, les normals o grans, i les infantils, en correspondència a l'existència d'una fallera major i una fallera major infantil per cada casal faller.



conviértete en un patreon y me ayudas a seguir creciendo.

Buñol y Yátova son 2 municipios de la Provincia de Valencia que están dotados de un entorno natural de gran belleza, tienen varias zonas de baño, sin embargo hay 2 que destacan notablemente y son una verdadera locura.
Indudablemente no perdí la ocasión de darme un chapuzón independientemente de que sea invierno.

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ORQUESTA PANORAMA 2023 - CONCIERTO CON 1°y 2° PASE COMPLETO* - GIRA: LIFE & TOUR MUSIC. Grabado en la XLI Festa del Vino del Ulla en San Miguel de Sarandón - Vedra (La Coruña - Galicia), por videoXIAN.

*Nota: El vídeo esta editado en base al cumplimiento de las normas de la plataforma y autorizaciones en cuanto a derechos de autor compartidos.

0:00:00 Intro Panorama 2023
0:03:14 Viva la vida (Cold Play)
0:05:05 Viva Victoria (Dana International)
0:06:46 Freed from Desire (Gala Rizzetto)
0:07:47 Quédate que las noches sin ti duelen (Bzrp Music Sessións, Vol.52 - Bizarrap - Quevedo)
0:08:56 Feliz Chimbala (Fran Garro Remix)
0:10:32 Dançarina (Anitta y Dadju)
0:11:46 Recibimiento de bienvenida en la Fiesta del Vino del Ulla en San Miguel de Sarandón
0:14:21 Azukita (Daddy Yankee, Steve Aoki, Play-N-SKillz)
0:15:16 Las 12 (Ana Mena y Belinda)
0:18:19 Neverita (Bad Bunny)
0:20:08 Memorias (Mora y Jhay Cortez)
0:21:44 Panorama, oe, oe!
0:22:44 Mix: Señorita (Shawn Mendes & Camila Cabello), La buena vida, Havana, Bam Bam y Don´t go yet (Camila Cabello)
0:28:21 Mix: Pásame la hookah (remix) (El Incomprendido - Farruko, Victor Cardenas, Dj Adoni | Antal Jenaki), Noche De Estrellas (Jose De Rico & Henry Mendez feat. Jay Santos)
0:29:24 Bailando por ahí (Juan Magán)
0:30:06 Si te vas (Omega)
0:30:47 La jampa (Arcangel & Bad Bunny)
0:31:17 La despedida (Daddy Yankee)
0:32:55 No sigue modas (Juan Magán)
0:33:27 Mi niña bonita (Chino y Nacho)
0:34:27 Shakira & Bizrp (Pa tipos como tú)
0:37:01 Quiero decirte (Ana Mena & Abraham Mateo)
0:38:58 Mariposas (Aitana)
0:40:19 Pepas (Farruko)
0:40:46 I'm good (Blue)/(David Guetta & BebeRexha)
0:43:50 Yo lo que quiero es irme de fiesta (Dj Marta)
0:44:42 Everytime We Touch (Cascada)
0:45:08 Tú (Sergio Dalma)
0:45:52 Wake me up (Avicii)
0:46:12 Sobreviviré (Mónica Naranjo)
0:46:12 Panorama, oe, oe!
0:47:57 La Bachata (MTZ Manuel Turizo)
0:50:06 Rompecintura (Los hermanos Rosario)
0:52:21 Moviendo las caderas (Oro Sólido)
0:54:14 Dale vieja dale (Toño Rosario)
0:55:54 Me portobonito (Bad Bunny)
0:56:25 Saoko (Rosalía)
0:58:13 Bizcochito (Rosalía)
0:58:53 Gasolina (Daddy Yankee)
0:59:34 Despechá (Rosalía)
1:00:00 Himno de los jóvenes | L'amour Toujours (Delaney Jane), (Tiësto Edit)
1:03:06 Zombie (Cramberries)
1:06:07 Blah Blah Blah (Mix Cut) de (Armin van Buuren)
1:07:03 ?
1:08:16 Feel this moment
1:08:44 ?
1:09:16 Bella Ciao
1:09:44 Panorama, oe, oe!
1:10:31 She don't give a Fo (Duki)
1:12:45 La inocente (Feid & Mora)
1:14:42 Playa de Inglés (Quevedo)
1:15:01 Amorfoda (Bad Bunny)
1:17:00 Titi me pregunto (Bad Bunny)
1:18:43 I like it like that (Bad Bunny & Cardi B&J Balvin)
1:19:18 Música con botellas al unísono
1:20:57 Después de la playa (Bud Bunny)
1:22:50 La hora loca de Panorama (Mix de viejos éxitos veraniegos)
1:32:01 ?
1:32:39 Control Policial (Dj Otto)
1:33:48 Gettin’ over you (David Guetta, Fergus, LMFAO)
1:35:03 Mix ?
1:40:12 Princesas (Pereza)
1:42:10 Nada que perder (Pignoise)
1:43:20 Zapatillas (El Canto del loco)
1:44:29 Física o química (Despistaos)
1:46:28 Devuélveme a mi chica (Hombres G)
1:48:00 Salta (Tequila)
1:49:01 Aquí no hay playa (The Refrescos)
1:49:44 Al Partir (Nino Bravo)
1:50:32 Clavado en un bar (María)
1:51:40 Resistencia (Ska-P)
1:52:01 El Vals del Obrero (Ska-P)
1:53:43 Cannabis (Ska-P)
1:55:12 Necesito respirar (Medina Azahara)
1:57:08 Blody Mary (Lady Gaga)
1:59:01 Memorias (Jhayco & Mora)
2:00:00 Farsante (Ozuna & Romeo Santos)
2:01:05 Orquesta Panorama, lo, lo, lo!
2:01:43 Every breath you take (The Police)
2:02:38 Crowd control de (Dimitri Vegas & Like Mike vs W&W)
2:03:29 I wanna love you (Bob Marley)
2:04:14 ?
2:04:49 Sweet Child O’ Mine (Guns’n’Roses)
2:06:10 Angels (Robbie Williams)
2:07:40 Orquesta Panorama, lo, lo, lo!
2:08:56 Halo (Beyonce)
2:10:25 The Final Countdown (Europe)
2:11:01 Tu me dejaste caer (Daddy YanKee)
2:12:12 Yo soy tu gatita (La Factoría)
2:12:58 Gasolina (Daddy Yankee)
2:13:54 Lo que pasó pasó (Daddy Yankee)
2:14:31 Chiken teriyaki (Rosalía)
2:15:29 Hacer Escante (Nicky Jam feat. Daddy Yankee)
2:15:54 Mayores (Becky G)
2:16:23 Baila Morena (Héctor, Tito, Omar)
2:17:15 Nueva York (Bad Gyal)
2:18:00 Pelele (Morad)
2:19:47 Estrellita de madrugada (Omega El Fuerte feat Daddy Yankee)
2:21:33 Exaltación del Vino del Ulla con canciones gallegas populares:
2:22:13 O andar miudiño (A Roda)
2:23:21 Quero Josar (Heredeiros da Crus)
2:24:58 Non quero nada de ti (Heredeiros da Crus)
2:25:47 Íscalle lura (Heredeiros da Crus)
2:26:59 Likor Kafé (Lamatumba)
2:30:36 Son de amores (Andy & Lucas)
2:33:35 Flowers (Miley Cyrus)
2:35:25 La nochentera (Vicco)
2:38:10 Mari Carmen (La pegatina)
2:40:10 Todos los días sale el sol (Bongo Botrako)
No es posible añadir mas canciones del repertorio porque se agotaron los caracteres.

Gracias Beatriz @beatriz68jcch por tus anotaciones de algunas de las canciones.

#videoxian #orquestapanorama #vedra #sanmigueldesarandon #festadoviñodaulla #orquestasdegalicia #galicia

Top 10 Restaurants to Visit in Vilamarxant, Province of Valencia | Valencian Community - English

Vilamarxant (Spanish: Villamarchante) is a municipality in the comarca of Camp de Túria in the Valencian Community, Spain.

== Notable people ==
Raúl Albiol, (born 4 September 1985) is a Spanish professional footballer who plays for Spanish club Villarreal CF and the Spanish national team.
Miguel Albiol (born 2 September 1981) is a Spanish professional footballer

== References ==
Music track: Enlivening by Pufino


Free No Copyright Music Download

This channel is dedicated to showcasing the exquisite charm of world capitals and cities, aiming to boost tourism in these destinations.

Vilamarxant boasts an array of exquisite restaurants. Within England, Vilamarxant stands out for hosting some of the finest dining establishments. Our research has identified the top 10 must-visit restaurants in Vilamarxant.
These acclaimed dining spots have garnered both local and nationwide attention, making them beloved destinations for diners across England. In this presentation, we'll guide you through the most stunning restaurants that Vilamarxant has to offer.

If you enjoyed this video, please give it a thumbs up and consider subscribing to our YouTube channel. Don't forget to hit the notification bell for updates on our latest content.

All visual and audio content, including videos, songs, images, and graphics used in this presentation, are the property of their respective owners. This channel does not claim any ownership rights over them.

Vilamarxant España 2013

Biking From Benisanó, la Pobla de Vallbona, Vilamarxant, and Valencia

Bike ride from Lliria metro station to Benisanó, then on to Vilamarxant. From there the Turia River Trail back to Valencia. About 60K total.

#5 A BICYCLE TRIP to Pedralba, SPAIN... and lovely breakfast!

What to do on a sunny January day in spain? Marek's idea was: go on a bicycle trip! Exploring spain travel on a bike is a lovely idea, and we got to some lovely places like a viewing point in Pedralba, which offers amazing mountain views. I will share a few insights and observations about rural living in spain, which may be of interest to those who dream of moving to spain. We made quite a long bicycle trip from the house we rent to the nearest village - pedralba in valencia. After this trip we consider bicycle touring in the future as cycling seems a wonderful way of travel and a great opportunity to shoot a good travel vlog. Valencia with its hills is quite difficult for this type of touring, but for those who are used to going on longer bicycle tour, it's perfect! We enjoyed our bike ride, and stopped for a drink in the local bar. We hope you will enjoy this travel couple vlog, showing how we spend winter in spain. We have perfect weather during our holiday in spain, and we made the right choice to stay in spain. During our spanish holiday, we try to stay active - as Spanish food is delicious and it's easy to overeat! During our 3 months holiday we simply have stay fir, to be able to get back to our work . As you can see life in spain, is great and my advice is to learn at least some basic spanish, if you spend your holiday a bit further inland. Each of us is still a novice travel vlogger, so please give us feedback as we are keen to get better and better. We are happy that we managed to organise ourselves a relatively cheap holiday, and that europe travel, was possible at the time when we were setting off. We are not sure about the way back, but we will worry about it later! For now we behave like a typical tourist in spain travel guide and we wear shorts in December! Let us know how you feel about spain travel 2021 and this spain travel vlog, greetings from Community of valencia spain! Thank you for watching.

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AMAZON Freedom Seekers:


The Ultimate Guide to the Las Fallas Festival in Valencia Spain????

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Hey Guys! Welcome, and in today’s video, I am going to share all the details of las fallas de valencia festival of fire, what to do, how to enjoy it, and how we navigated through the month without having a single clue about what's happening next ????

Las Fallas is Valencia's biggest festival, and it is so important that UNESCO has added it to its list of the intangible cultural heritage of humanity.
It started in the Middle Ages when carpenters burned pieces of wood that they had used all winter to hold up their lights as a way to welcome spring. Over time, they added rags and old clothes to the fires, which made them look like effigies. This led to the creation of the artistic puppets called ninots (in Valencian).
Today, the city is filled with great paper-mache statues called fallas. A falla is made up of ninots that are put together to make a scene. This scene is usually satirical and political and often features famous people and politicians.
During the festival, everyone in the city goes out into the streets. From March 15th to March 19th, the whole town becomes an outdoor art gallery and party that never ends. The fallas are displayed for a few days, and on the last day of the festival, they are burned to clean the air and welcome spring.
The Fallas week is full of thousands of things to do, including traditional and not-so-traditional music, tons of gunpowder, emotional religious acts, paellas in the street, and more. Enjoy Fallas with all of your senses, and you must already be looking forward to it. There will be so many things happening during this time and since we went through Las Fallas with zero ideas of what to look out for, we definitely learned a lot so in this video, we hope that we can create a game plan for you that will give you a roadmap on how to experience Las Fallas without missing the best parts.

▶️ The Fallas Festival events that we think you shouldn't miss are:

00:00 Intro
01:39 Brief history of Fallas
04:00 Ninot Exhibition
07:49 La Crida (The Proclamation)
11:38 Mascleta
12:43 Watch the full Mascleta here
19:21 Nit De Foc (Night of fire)
20:55 Planta Fallas
23:03 Ofrenda (Flower offering)
25:04 La Crema De Las Fallas

▶️ Tips:
27:05 What's the most important thing we must always carry with us? What else?! TAPONES!

Buy your tapones here:
For groups -
For individuals -

27:35 Which party should we go to?
28:10 What are the must-tries?
28:52 When is the best time to visit the monuments?
29:16 What is the best way to explore the city during Fallas?

⚠️ Want to see the full schedule?

So, watch the video till the end and let us know your thoughts in the comments.
If you like this video, please SUBSCRIBE and don’t forget to press the bell ????, like, comment, and share. Stay safe and Love all. ????
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• Look Out For These Things When Apartment Hunting In Spain:
• Best Food Places We’ve Tried In Valencia Spain:
• 19 Essential Things To Do In Valencia Spain:
• Where To Try Great Local Cuisine In Valencia Spain:
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Reduced Villamarchante Villa For Sale

with a large price reduction on this large and imposing property in Villamarchante. Five bedrooms and a couple of bathrooms, outbuildings, large and inviting swimming pool and a good sized plot of land facing onto an orange field with views towards the town and mountains of the Sierra Calderona.

Music: Kevin MacLeod
Find him at this site

-Meet Vilamarxant- DJI Osmo Pocket

Thanks to Odesza for such an inspiring and beautiful music.

En primer lloc, vull agrair a totes les persones que han participat de manera totalment altruista, en la creació d’aquest vídeo. S’ha intentat captar la essència del nostre entorn natural, així com algunas de les possibilitats que oferix.
Espere, com a veí de Vilamarxant i amant de la natura, que vos agrade aquesta producció, i que es compartisca, per a que arribe tant a les meues veïnes /ïns del poble, les/els que ja ho coneixeu i no viviu ací, i a la gent que no ha estat mai, i vullga vindre a conéixer de primera mà aquesta meravella d’enclavament que tenim.

Coneixeu Vilamarxant

En primer lugar, quiero agradecer a todas las personas que han participado de manera totalmente altruista, en la creación de este vídeo. Se ha intentado captar la esencia de nuestro entorno natural, así como algunas de las posibilidades que ofrece. Espero, como vecino de Vilamarxant y amante de la naturaleza, que os guste esta producción, y que se comparta, para a que llegue tanto a mis vecinas /os del pueblo, las/los que ya lo conozcáis y no vivís aquí, y a la gente que no ha estado nunca, y quiera venir a conocer de primera mano esta maravilla de enclave que tenemos.

Conoced Vilamarxant

First of all, I want to thank all the people who have developed in a totally altruistic way, in the creation of this video. It has tried to capture the essence of our natural environment, as well as some of the possibilities it offers. I hope, as a neighbor of Vilamarxant and a lover of nature, that you like this production, and that it is shared, so that those who already know it and do not live here, and the people who already know it, arrive to my neighbors It has never been, and we will come to know first hand this wonder of enclave that we have.

Meet Vilamarxant


ODESZA - “A Moment Apart”


Filmed with DJI Osmo Pocket and DJI Mavic Mini

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#jardin #monforte #visitvalencia

El jardín de Monforte (en valenciano: Jardí de Monfort), situado en la plaza de la Legión Española de la ciudad de Valencia (España) fue trazado en el siglo XIX en corte neoclásico por encargo de Juan Bautista Romero, Marqués de San Juan.
Sorprende este jardín por su tranquilidad y quietud, dado que está en uno de los puntos de circulación mas densos de Valencia. Este jardín es lugar de retiro para mucha gente que desea relajarse por sus jardines, leer un buen libro o estar a la sombra de sus árboles.
El artístico trazado de este jardín, de corte neoclásico; la abundancia de estatuas de mármol que lo adornan, en número de treinta y tres; la serie de estanques y surtidores, detalles arquitectónicos y el mismo pabellón de descanso justifican plenamente su condición oficial de jardín artístico, declarado como tal por decreto de 30 de mayo de 1941.
Con motivo de la declaración oficial de jardín artístico, fue encomendada su restauración a Javier Winthuysen, llevada a cabo por el jardinero mayor municipal Ramón Peris, y a cargo del Ayuntamiento de Valencia.

Monfort, s/n 46010 VALÈNCIA
Teléfono: 96.325.78.81 - 96.352.54.78
ACCESO: por el palacete situado en C/ Monfort, s/n. Entrada gratuita.
Primavera-Verano (21de marzo al 20 de septiembre): DE 10:30 A 20:00
Otoño-Inverno (21 de septiembre al 20 de marzo): DE 10:30 A 18:00 HORAS
GESTIÓN: Organismo Autónomo Municipal Parques y Jardines Singulares y Escuela Municipal de Jardinería y Paisaje.







Under Offer-Villa Fern, a stunning 3 bedroom 2 bath villa with 10 x 8 pool - Los Carrascos 224,950€

Wow what a stunning Spanish property choice -Exclusive to Calida Homes please enjoy the walk around tour of Villa Fern- A beautifully presented 3 bed 2 bath villa located at the end of a small cul de sac with privacy and wonderful open views in the sought after Los Carrascos community of Arboleas. With immaculate and very low maintenance gardens that incorporate a stunning 10 x 8 private pool, two large block store rooms, double top quality car port, and newly installed very spacious artificial grass terrace.

For full details visit our web page via this link

To arrange a viewing or for further information contact us now or call +34 950430763 +34 634302801

Spanish Property Choice Property Video Tour-Apartment B1974 Mojacar, Almeria. PRICE 500,000€

PRICE 500,000€ - This property video tour is presented to you by The Garners of UK Channel 4, Sun, Sea and Selling Houses

This is a lovely two storey villa offering three bedrooms and three bathrooms, located in La Parata, only a 10 minute drive to the beautiful beaches of Mojacar and all the amenities that it offers.

This property offers stunning views of the Mediterranean sea, coastline and countryside.

Double gates will take you into a private parking area with a carport.

From the carport, you access the propety via the rear door. This will take you into a small hallway.

Immediately on your left is a guest bathroom.

Moving on you have a very large kitchen and dining room.

The kitchen is a modern and light space, offering ample storage with both wall and base units and granite worktops. A window from here offers you sea views. Via an archway, you have access to a utility space.

A door in kitchen offers front access to the property from the front garden/parking area.

The kitchen is connected to the dining room via a study/sitting room. This is a beautiful light and bright room and offers you stunning views of the sea and surrounding countryside.

Glass doors will take you out to a private terrace area.

Returning to the hallway you then enter the lovely light lounge area. This is thanks to the dual aspect windows and the full length glass doors. Here you will also find a fireplace for those cooler evenings.

The aforemetioned glass door will take you out to the same terrace area as accessed from the dining room.

So onto the terrace that you access from these rooms. Initially there is a covered sitting area and then moving on from here the terrace wraps around the property offering several sitting and sunbathing areas.

And again, would it be wrong to mention those views!

Returning back to the lounge, stairs from here take you down to the three bedrooms and two bathrooms.

Firstly you have two of the large, light and airy double bedrooms with fitted wardrobes.

Both of these bedrooms have glass doors offering you those stunning sea views and also allowing you access to the private terrace area and the swimming pool.

Then the family bathroom with a walk in shower.

Finally you reach the master bedroom which is huge! It is a lovely light and bright space with (again) those views!

There are fitted wardrobes and access to an en-suite bathroom with a bathtub.

The patio doors will take you out to the terrace area and private pool. The terrace is lovely and large with ample room for garden furniture to enjoy the sunshine.

This is a beautiful property, ideally situated and offering both internal and external space.

Contact us today on 950 615 388 to arrange a viewing or call into our offices.

Premium property
Coastal property
2 floors
IBI property tax: €156.76 per annum
Furniture Negotiable
3 bedrooms
3 bathrooms
Plot Size 110 m²
Build Size 525 m²
Mains Water
Mains Electric
Telephone Possible
Internet Possible
Air Conditioning
Private Pool
Private Terrace
Private parking
Ground floor
10 minutes drive to the beach
10 minutes drive to the shops

Follow us on Instagram @spanishpropertychoice

Music credit -

#thegarners #channel4 #sunseandsellinghouses #spanishpropertychoice #propertiesforsale #inlandandcoastal #forsale #tolet #almeria #spain

Spanish Property Choice Property Video Tour - Villa A1211 Zurgena, Almeria, Spain 189,950€

RESERVED WITHIN ONE WEEK OF LISTING! NOW SOLD! The Garners of UK Channel 4, Sun, Sea and Selling Houses present this property video tour to you. For the price and a full breakdown of costs just click this link
This is a superb three bedroom two bathroom villa built to a very high specification and located just 10 minutes from the bustling town of Zurgena and only 10 minutes to the main E15 motorway junction, providing fantastic access to all of the local towns and the airports.

Situated on a very large elevated plot, the house enjoys beautiful views of the surrounding countryside and orange groves. The grounds are landscaped with gravelled gardens, a gated entrance and a private garage to the rear of the house.

There is a full size private swimming pool with a tiled terrace ideal for outside seating and sunbathing. The front porch has been enclosed with netting to create a great outdoor dining space that also enjoys the fantastic views.

The property is of a unique L shaped design with bright and airy rooms making the villa very welcoming.

Internally you will find a spacious living and dining room that features patio doors out onto the pool, a feature log burner fireplace and an open archway into the kitchen. The kitchen is finished to a very high standard with stone work surfaces and ample storage units, from here there is a door access into the attached garage which is currently used as storage or could easily be converted into part of the living space.

A separate hallway leads to the 2 double bedrooms, family bathroom and large master suite with modern shower room.

Exclusive to SPC
Country property
IBI property tax: €476.94 per annum
Furniture Negotiable
3 bedrooms
2 bathrooms
Plot Size 2,000 m²
Build Size 130 m²
Mains Water
Mains Electric
Telephone Possible
Internet Possible
Air Conditioning
Private Pool
Private Terrace
Disabled Friendly
Ground floor
30 minutes drive to the beach
10 minutes drive to the shops

Standard form of payment
Reservation deposit €3,000 (£2,682)
Remainder of deposit to 10% €15,995 (£14,298)
Final Payment of 90% on completion €170,955 (£152,822)
Property Purchase Expenses
Property price €189,950 (£169,802)
Transfer tax 8% €15,196 (£13,584)
Notary fees (approx) €600 (£536)
Land registry fees (approx) €600 (£536)
Legal fees (approx) €1,500 (£1,341)
* Prices quoted in Pounds are illustrative and should only be used as a guide.

* Transfer tax is based on the sale value or the cadastral value whichever is the highest.

For further information and the price on this lovely villa visit

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Music credit -
#thegarners #channel4 #sunseandsellinghouses #spanishpropertychoice #propertiesforsale #inlandandcoastal #forsale #tolet #almeria #spain #propertieswanted #theonestoppropertyshop #villaforsale #zurgena



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