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10 Best place to visit in Shadrinsk Russia


Могилев / Mogilev - 1900s

Россия на дореволюционных фотографиях

Russia in pre-revolutionary photographs

Gavotte by Viktor Kosenko

Mogilev is an ancient city, whose beginnings go back to 1267. The city is located what is now Eastern Belarus, on the Denier River, just 76 km to the Russian border.
From the 14th century, the city was part of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, and since the Union of Lublin in 1569, part of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. The city flourished during the 16-17th centuries as the city was located on one of the main trading routes.

In the years 1915–1917, during World War I, the Stavka, the headquarters of the Russian Imperial Army, was based in the city and the Emperor, Nicholas II, spent long periods there as Commander-in-Chief.

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Speedway Gladiators World Championship 2019
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Мотогонки на льду. Спидвей. Speedway Gladiators World Championship 2019

Speedway Gladiators World Championship 2019
3 февраля 2019. Казахстан. Алма-Аты. Высокогорный каток Медео. Заезды второго дня.
10 заезд

Падение. Мотогонки на льду. Спидвей. Speedway Gladiators World Championship 2019

Speedway Gladiators World Championship 2019
3 февраля 2019. Казахстан. Алма-Аты. Высокогорный каток Медео. Заезды второго дня.

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