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10 Best place to visit in Pontasserchio Italy


Passeggiata lungo il fiume Serchio (Lucca)

Gita in bici lungo la ciclabile che costeggia il Serchio in zona Lucca

Fiera Mercato Osteria Nuova Rieti

Fiera Mercato Osteria Nuova Rieti
Photos and info on our Facebook page
Pagina Facebook Mercato e Fiera Osteria Nuova

Cascate Castel Giuliano 2020

Cascata della Mola 2020

Valle Scura 2020

Cascate San Vittorino 2020

Area Sosta Camper Tarquinia Lido Saline Spiaggia

Motocross Moto Club Cross Team Santa Rita Grosseto Toscana Italy

Terme Bagnaccio Viterbo - Terme & natura Lazio

Montepulciano Città del vino rosso Nobile - Siena Italy

Viareggio Carnevale Sfilata dei carri

Un aiutino anche minimo sarebbe fantastico per rendere tutto più possibile

Viareggio Carnevale Sfilata dei carri

RTX 4060 / Ryzen 7 7700X / Go Pro 12 Hero

Musei e
Il culmine del Carnevale lo vediamo durante il mese di febbraio, con i Corsi Mascherati, i carri e le feste, ma la tradizione a Viareggio resta viva tutto l’anno con un museo dedicato, esposizioni e mostre che raccontano questa tradizione.

Pisa, Italy

Recorded April 21, 2013

Dan & Kevin's visit to the Leaning Tower of Pisa and the Field of Miracles in Pisa, Italy.

Watch my complete Italy video @

Pisa IOM leaning tower of Pisa

Motorbike tour of Tuscany Italy - Square of Miracles and the Leaning Tower of Pisa

Exploring Downtown Pisa - Brief Video Tour (Pisa, Italy)

We took a nice long 3-4 hour roadtrip from Milan to Pisa to check out the Leaning Tower. The drive was really nice, but there were soooo manyyyy tolls on the way! (Kinda like driving in France too!). This video is taken from the shopping area directly beside the Leaning Tower. To be honest, there isn't a great deal to do in Pisa (other than seeing and maybe climbing the tower), but here is a previous of the something else lol... There is a large student community in Pisa, so living there, it may be a different experience. As a tourist, you have the tower!

NOTE: There are a lot of African men selling selfy-sticks for 10EUR+ all around the tower. Parking was free, but they will hang around the free parking spaces, usher you in, then call you bad people for NOT buying their overpriced euro-store items. So, beware of that!

More Info: (This one is also popular here)
More Info: (This one is also popular here)

Pisa (/ˈpiːzə/; Italian pronunciation: [ˈpiːsa; ˈpiːza]) is a city in Tuscany, Central Italy, straddling the Arno just before it empties into the Tyrrhenian Sea. It is the capital city of the Province of Pisa. Although Pisa is known worldwide for its leaning tower (the bell tower of the city's cathedral), the city of over 90,834 residents (around 200,000 with the metropolitan area) contains more than 20 other historic churches, several medieval palaces and various bridges across the Arno. Much of the city's architecture was financed from its history as one of the Italian maritime republics.

The city is also home of the University of Pisa, which has a history going back to the 12th century and also has the mythic Napoleonic Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa and Sant'Anna School of Advanced Studies as the best sanctioned Superior Graduate Schools in Italy.

Video Title: Exploring Downtown Pisa - Brief Video Tour (Pisa, Italy)

Video File Created Date: 16 February 2017 (Video may or may not have been captured on this date, it shows the date the video was last converted.)

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[Amalfi] The bells of Amalfi Cathedral

Amalfi Cathedral (Italian: Duomo di Amalfi; Cattedrale di Sant'Andrea) is a medieval Roman Catholic cathedral in the Piazza del Duomo, Amalfi, Italy. It is dedicated to the Apostle Saint Andrew whose relics are kept here. Formerly the archiepiscopal seat of the Diocese of Amalfi, it has been since 1986 that of the Diocese of Amalfi-Cava de' Tirreni.

Wikipedia contributors. (2021, October 27). Amalfi Cathedral. In Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Retrieved 10:12, January 2, 2022, from

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