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10 Best place to visit in Maladzyechna Belarus


Svetlogorsk District Belarus

These objects are located in the Svetlogorsk District in the Gomel Region of Belarus at the following coordinates:
Boroviki Orthodox Church - 52°32'44.790N 29°50'39.282E - 01:35
Windmill - 52°29'51.581N 29°45'24.803E - 03:51
Oil Derrick pumps oil - 52°27'11.718N 29°39'28.091E - 08:42
Metallic Cow - 52°26'53.135N 29°37'12.455E - 12:35

Лепель, Беларусь / Lepel, Belarus (10.02.2021)

Лепель — город на севере Беларуси, административный центр Лепельского района Витебской области. Расположен на юго-восточном берегу Лепельского озера в 155 км от Минска и 110 км от Витебска. Через город протекают реки Улла и Эсса.

Дорога Р-28 М-14 МКАД-2 Беларусь. Дороги Беларуси. Развязка на трассе Р28 МКАД-2. Roads of Belarus.

#дорогибеларуси #roadsofbelarus #roadsbelarus #belarusroads
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Дорога Р28 Заслаль - МКАД2 в направлении Гродно на карте .
Для детализации маршрута исподьзвана карта с ресурса .
Участок дороги МКАД-2 от Р28 до М6. Едем по дороге Р-28 до Линии Сталина.
МКАД-2 - это вторая минская кольцевая автомобильная магистраль вокруг Минска. Part of our 2020 Belarus road trip. MKAD-2 in Belarus.
Участок дороги МКАД-2 от шоссе Р28 Минск — Молодечно — Нарочь до поворота на дорогу Н-8941. Belarus Road Trip Driving.
Foreign visitors to Minsk. Foreign visitors in Minsk. Foreign visitors to Belarus. Foreign visitors in Belarus. Driving in Minsk. красота родной Беларуси. Romantic Road in Belarus. С регистратора. Driving on maps - Minsk, Belarus. Добро пожаловать в Беларусь! Welcome to the Belarus. witajcie w Bialorusi. Białoruś droga.
Беларусь дороги. Беларусь шикарные дороги. По дорогам Беларуси. Дороги Беларуси. Дороги Беларусь. Путешествие по Беларуси.
АВТОМОБИЛЬНАЯ ДОРОГА Р-28 Минск –Молодечно - Нарочь.
пример съемки Viofo A115 v3. Driving Belarus. Driving in Belarus. The roads of Belarus.
Belarus tour, Belarus. Minsk - one of the cleanest and beautiful cities in the World. Driving in Belarus.
In Belarus traffic drives on the right. Belarus road trip. дороги Беларуси с видео-регистратора. дороги Беларуси с видеорегистратора. Real Time Car Travel.
Belarus traffic. Belarus road. Belarus roads.
P28 road Belarus: Minsk – Maladzyechna – Myadzyel – Narach.
P28 road Belarus: Minsk – Molodechno – Myadel – Naroch. street view driving. Minsk street view driving. Visite de Belarus. Поездка в Беларусь.
Пример записи регистратора. Пример записи видео с регистратора. Belarus z wideorejestratora. Belarus with the car recorder. Беларусь через регистратор.
Минская область Заславье. Заславье Минская область. Заславье. Заславль.
По трассе P28 в 6 км от города Заславля в направлении города Молодечно расположен историко-культурный комплекс «Линия Сталина».

Город Заславль находится на расстоянии 12 км от Минска.
Заславское водохранилище находится в пешей доступности.

Данное видео носит исключительно информационный, а не рекомендательный характер, не являются руководством к действию, и не может использоваться в качестве доказательной базы в судах и других спорных вопросах.

Радашковічы - Касцёл Святой Тройцы, 1859 год

Поўная версія матэрыялу:

Радашковічы - гэта гарадскі пасёлак Маладзечанскага раёна, Мінскай вобласці Беларусі. Асноўнай славутасцю мястэчка Радашковічы з'яўляецца касцёл Святой Тройцы. Гэты каменны храм быў пабудаваны ў стылі позняга класіцызму ў 1855-1859 гадах, і асвечаны ў 1860 годзе. Касцёл Святой Тройцы быў узведзены ў пасёлку Радашковічы на ​​тым месцы, дзе яшчэ з 15-га стагоддзя размяшчаліся драўляныя храмы, пасля таго як папярэдні касцёл цалкам згарэў. Вельмі яскравай і адметнай старонкай у гісторыі касцёла ў мястэчку Радашковічы з'яўляецца тое, што менавіта тут у 1882 годзе быў ахрышчаны Іван Дамінікавіч Луцэвіч - будучы знакаміты беларускі паэт і перакладчык, драматург, публіцыст і класік беларускай літаратуры, шырока вядомы ў Беларусі і далёка за яе межамі пад псеўданімам Янка Купала...

Maladzyechna (Маладзе́чна)- Belarus

Imagens da Cidade de Maladzyechna - Belarus

*Горад Маладзечна - Беларусь

é uma cidade no Minsk Voblast da Bielorrússia , um centro administrativo do distrito de Maladzyechna (e anteriormente do Maladzyechna Voblast ). Tem 98.514 habitantes (estimativa de 2006) [2] e está localizado a 72 km a noroeste de Minsk . Localizado no rio Usha , tem sido um assentamento desde 1388, quando fazia parte do Grão-Ducado da Lituânia . Foi também o lar da instalação da Guerra FriaBase aérea de Maladzyechna .

Imagens: Anton Dmitriev

Katya took me to a village in Belarus | Train ride to Maladzyechna | Best burger in Eastern Europe

Katya my tour guide took me to a small village ( Maladzyechna) to search for Belarus's best burger in the country. #food #lenin #holiday #beer #square #victorypark #trip #tourism #church #stalin #statue #easterneuropean #entertainment #education #fun #girl #belarusian #history #hotels #stalin #broadway #villagelife #villagevlog #village #town #jewish #placeofworship #catholicchurch #thepope #bestburger #burgerlovers #burgerjoint #venezuela #latin #sovietunion #russiangirl #tourguide #belarus

Subscribe to Allodic Ventures to watch Ed exploring various tourist hotspots and offbeat destinations :).

Top 4 cities to visit in 2022. Best of the Belarus... - by TWL #shorts

# TWL #shorts #travel #top5 #cities
I will show you Top 4 cities to visit in 2022. Best of the Belarus... - by TWL #shorts
Belarus, officially the Republic of Belarus, is a landlocked country in Eastern Europe. It is bordered by Russia to the east and northeast, Ukraine to the south, Poland to the west, and Lithuania and Latvia to the northwest.

00:00 - Intro
00:09 - Minsk
00:18 - Barysaw
00:25 - Salihorsk
00:34 - Maladzyechna
00:41 - Flag
00:46 - Outro

Top 10 Reasons why I'm going back to Minsk | Belarus women #prices #architecture #belarus #rent

I have a heart to heart on the reasons why I like Minsk. I think you will enjoy.
#belarus #minsk #top10 #potato #soup #prices #rent #dranik #nightlife #crime #lowcarbdiet #murdernews #clean #apartments #beautiful #belarusian #women #homeless #green #lakes #sovietunion #architecture #kindness #hotgirls #sexygirl #supermodel #blondehair #blonde #russiangirl #potatorecipe #babushka #information #touristplace #supermodel #hotgirl #busstop #safecity #moving #visit #cheap #cute #art

Subscribe to Allodic Ventures to watch Ed exploring various tourist hotspots and offbeat destinations :).

JSC Rogachevsky MKK Rahachow Belarus

JSC Rogachevsky MKK, which began its history in 1938, today is the largest enterprise for the production of canned milk, baby food, whole milk products, cheeses and dry milk products in the CIS. The main activity is the production of canned milk. Today, the enterprise produces more than 80 types of products, which are widely known not only in the territory of the Republic of Belarus, but also abroad. The enterprise is located in Rahachow. Rahachow is a town in the Gomel Region of Belarus. Rahachow is located at 53°6′N 30°3′E, between the Drut and Dnieper rivers.

Belarusian women giving me the cold shoulder | Minsk | Belarus | Not interested | Eastern European

Here is a short compilation of Belarusian women saying no or giving me the cold shoulder on a Friday evening during my What is a woman in Belarus video part 2. Never been turned down more in my life;-)
#women #Sovietunion #minsk #belarus #russian #whatisawoman #slavic #russia #beautiful #interview #streets #cute #man #easterneuropean #europe #kindness, #brunettegirl, #young, #innocent #oldfashion #kindness #sweetsoul #kind #nice #belarusian #interview #documentary #whatisawoman #mattwalsh #sweet #brunette #belarusian #pretty #cute #soul #naturalbeauty #city #oldtown #center #attractive #sexy #hotgirl #lipstick #belarus #belarus2021 #belarusia #girls #ladies #prettyhair #smart #intelligent #oldfashion #girlnextdoor #sexygirl #sexygirls #sexywomen #attractivewomen #russian #russianwomen #russianwoman #prettygirl #prettyhair #gorgeous #russiaukrainewar #russiangirl #russiangirls #russiangirlinstagram #cutegirl #stunninglook #stunning #stunningvideo #stunningnails #brain #brilliant #smartgirl #smarttalk #smarttv #verynice ##smilygirl #rights #womensrights #family #motherhood #mother #children #familyunit #household #rolemodel #leader #familytime #familydining #daughter #tenderness #rayoflight #freedom #love #wisdom #understanding #feminity #tender #treasure #gift #social #flower #smokinggirl #breasts #cutiepieandfancygirl #cutiepie #supermodel #beautypageant #supermodels #supermodel_india #belarusbellydance #belaruselection #belarusfreedom #belarusgram #belaruslive #belaruspavilion #belarusprotests2020 #belarustractor #belarusvideo #sophisticatedstrength #sophisticated #ekaterina #katerina #minskcity #minskcontemporaryart #minskworld #dress #dresses #skirt
Subscribe to Allodic Ventures to watch Ed exploring various tourist hotspots and offbeat destinations :).

Жодзіна. Падарожжы дылетанта_1 частка.avi

Падарожжы дылетанта Юрыя Жыгамонта па Жодзіна. Гісторыя горада за 25 хвілін. Першая частка. Відэа з партала
