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10 Best place to visit in Fara Gera d'Adda Italy


Florence, Italy Walking Tour - NEW - 4K with Captions: Prowalk Tours

This 4K walking tour of Florence Italy was filmed on May 19th starting near the train station at 11:08 am.
????️Map of the Walk - ????️

Basilica di Santa Maria Novella:

???????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????? ????????????????????????
0:00 Intro and Map
1:24 Train Station
4:17 Piazza Santa Maria Novella
16:30 Duomo Complex
25:07 Baptistery of St. John
32:01 Giotto’s Campanile
42:28 Cathedral
57:11 Ticket Office
1:02:49 Cupola - Dome
1:16:37 Piazza della Repubblica
1:22:12 Palazzo dell'Arte della Lana
1:23:33 Mercato del Porcellino
1:31:06 Ponte Vecchio
1:43:11 Piazza della Signoria
1:44:06 Loggia dei Lanzi
1:47:05 Palazzo Vecchio
1:54:25 Fountain of Neptune
1:58:17 Via dei Calzaiuoli
2:04:41 Duomo Complex
2:10:21 Basilica di San Lorenzo
2:15:25 Via Faenza
2:23:01 Mercato Centrale
2:37:46 Piazza di San Lorenzo
2:46:16 Piazza San Marco
2:47:37 Basilica di San Marco
2:55:07 Piazza della Santissima Annunziata
2:57:33 Via dei Servi
3:02:38 Piazza del Duomo
3:05:50 Via del Proconsolo
3:09:04 Badia Fiorentina
3:11:07 Piazza di San Firenze
3:18:51 Piazza di Santa Croce
3:32:04 Piazza della Signoria
3:33:50 Piazzale degli Uffizi
3:38:17 Lungarno degli Acciaiuoli
3:45:22 Ponte Santa Trinita
3:50:42 Piazza Santo Spirito
3:58:28 Pitti Palace
4:03:52 The Boboli Gardens
4:11:02 Knight’s Garden
4:16:49 Cypress Lane
4:21:52 Island Basin
4:28:28 Lemon House
4:42:47 Piazza dei Pitti
4:48:00 Ponte Vecchio
4:53:56 Piazza della Repubblica
4:56:27 Piazza di San Giovanni

????Complete List of Walks: ????
???? ???????????????????????? ????????????????????????????????????! ???? -
???? Help with a donation! - ????
???? Support me on Patreon - ????
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Amazon Storefront:
????Camera1: Gopro Hero 11
????Gimbal1: INKEE Falcon Plus
????Camera Monopod:
????Camera2: Sony a7siii:
Camera Lens:
????In-Ear Monitors:

✔️Let's connect✔️

For the best viewing experience, be sure to watch on a large smart TV like the Samsung Frame. Closed Captions [CC] which include historical facts and descriptions are available in all languages. This tour was filmed using amazing Binaural Audio ???? which is a method of recording sound that uses two microphones, arranged with the intent to create a 3-D stereo sound sensation for the listener of actually being there.

No part of this video may be used for personal or private use without written permission from Prowalk Tours. I will not remove a copyright strike after one has been issued.

#ProwalkTours #Walkingtour #florence

Naples, Italy - MY FAVORITE CITY - 4K60fps with Captions

This evening walk around Naples, Italy was filmed on Friday July 21st and Saturday July 22nd, 2023 starting at 8:20 PM at the Piazza Cardinale Sisto Riario Sforza.

????️Map of the Walk - ????️

???????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????? ????????????????????????
0:00 Intro and Map
0:53 Cathedral Piazza
2:19 Via dei Tribunali (Oldest Street in Naples)
*10:24 Piazza San Gaetano*
17:51 Bust of Pulcinella
25:37 Piazza Luigi Miraglia
*29:32 Piazza Bellini (Outdoor Cafes)*
36:45 Port’Alba
39:46 Piazza Dante
44:37 Via Toledo
49:50 Via Pasquale Scura
*1:01:01 Spanish Quarter Streets*
1:06:45 Block Party
1:22:57 Largo Maradona (Mural)
1:30:36 Panoramic Viewpoint
1:36:20 Spanish Quarter Streets
1:49:36 Galleria Umberto I
1:59:49 Piazza del Plebiscito
*2:08:15 Naples Waterfront*
*2:12:49 Waterfront Rotonda (My Favorite Spot)*
2:23:55 Fontana del Gigante
*2:27:35 Castel dell'Ovo*
2:50:52 Via Partenope (Waterfront Walk)

✔️Let's connect✔️

????Complete List of Walks: ????
???? ???????????????????????? ????????????????????????????????????! ???? -
???? Help with a donation! - ????
???? Support me on Patreon - ????
???? Become a Member - ????
????Merchandise - ????

Amazon Storefront:
????Camera: Sony a7siii:
Camera Lens:
????In-Ear Monitors:

For the best viewing experience, be sure to watch on a large smart TV like the Samsung Frame. Closed Captions [CC] which include historical facts and descriptions are available in all languages. This tour was filmed using amazing Binaural Audio ???? which is a method of recording sound that uses two microphones, arranged with the intent to create a 3-D stereo sound sensation for the listener of actually being there.

No part of this video may be used for personal or private use without written permission from Prowalk Tours. I will not remove a copyright strike after one has been issued.

#ProwalkTours #Walkingtour #Naples #Italy #Napoli #nightwalks #yt:cc=on

Indian street food - CURRY like you've NEVER seen before! Indian street food in Ahmedabad, India

Indian street food - In this video, I will take you on a street food tour in Ahmedabad where I will show you Indian curry as you've never seen before.

To start our Indian street food tour, we went to a 120-year-old thali restaurant in Ahmedabad to have one of the best vegetarian Gujarati-style thali you could possibly eat.

To continue our Indian street food tour in Ahmedabad, we headed to the old town for insanely delicious mutton keema samosa and spicy mutton kebabs.

After that, we went to a restaurant that completely blew me away. They sell Indian curry like you've never seen before. The best street food experience I've had in Ahmedabad.

To continue our Indian street food tour in Ahmedabad, we couldn't miss the famous night street food market Manek Chowk. We've had incredible Indian street food such as Extra cheesy Ghotala dosa, super buttery Pav Bhaji, and uniquely refreshing Jamun shots.

Hope you enjoyed this Indian street food tour in Ahmedabad, India, where we've had curry like you've never seen before and visited the famous night street food market Manek Chowk. Stay tuned for more Indian street food videos in India.

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Buongiorno guys, I'm Max Ginestra.

I've always had a dream to travel for food around the world.

I believe that through the food we can deeply explore new cultures, traditions and get to know the people.

In this channel, Abroad and Hungry, I will share my passion for street food, local and traditional cuisine.
00:00 Introduction
00:37 Gujarati Thali
05:50 Spicy kebabs
09:26 Curry Heaven
15:04 Pav Bhaji
17:16 Extreme Dosa
20:10 Special drinks

И ЭТО ТОЖЕ ДАГЕСТАН? Приключения в долине реки Баараор. БОЛЬШОЙ ВЫПУСК (Путешествие по Дагестану #3)

И ЭТО ТОЖЕ ДАГЕСТАН? Приключения в долине реки Баараор. БОЛЬШОЙ ВЫПУСК

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Всем привет от YouTube-канала VPUTNAP!

Я побывал во многих красивых местах. И могу сказать уверенно: Тляратинский район Дагестана - это ????????????

????Суровые горы, мощные реки, сказочный лес и сёла, которые словно парят в небесах!​

✴Особенности Тляраты:

????Тляратинский район – один из самых больших и самых высоких районов Горного Дагестана
????Это один из самых удалённых районов республики. Расстояние от Махачкалы – 213 км, доехать на машине можно за 5 часов
????Тляратинский район расположен вдоль главного водораздельного Кавказского хребта. Это отличает природу Тляратинского высокогорья от природы большинства районов Дагестана. Горы Кавказа здесь не платообразные, а конусные
????Это единственный район республики, который граничит сразу с 2-умя государствами: с Азербайджаном и Грузией
????Название района произошло от слова Тлярата, что переводится у воды (или у реки). И действительно, Тляратинский район полон ручьёв, родников и рек. Главная река района – Джурмут, основной приток Аварского Койсу
????Это один из самых лесных в Дагестане. Леса занимают треть района!
????Значительная часть красот района находится в приграничной зоне, в том числе райцентр. Поэтому попасть туда можно, лишь заранее оформив пропуск в приграничную зону
????Всего на территории Тляратинского района 89 населённых пунктов. 76 из них расположены выше 1500 м над уровнем моря, а 33 села – на высоте более 2000 м. Многие Тляратинские села Дагестана имеют удивительное расположение
????Экономика Тляратинского района – это, в основном, сельское хозяйство. 80% составляют личные хозяйства. Местные жители выращивают огороды прямо на склонах гор и занимаются животноводством.​
????Самая большая проблема района – это природные катаклизмы. Во время сильных ливней по всему району реки выходят из берегов, размывает и засыпает дороги, обрываются провода и связь с внешним миром (поэтому район частенько попадает в новости Дагестана). А зимой дороги и провода страдают из-за лавин
????Почти половину района занимает Тляратинский заказник — охраняемая территория вокруг реки Джурмуи и её притоков (бассейн реки Аварское Койсу)

Особенно меня впечатлила долина реки Баараор! (даже звучит круто!) Вдоль неё расположен один из лучших туристических маршрутов в Дагестане. Тут невероятно красивая природа!

В этом фильме я:
????Преодолевал вброд горные реки
????Терял и находил свой дрон
????Любовался красотой гор, ручьёв, рек и горных озёр
????Познакомился с хорошими людьми

Если фильм вам понравился — поделитесь с другими????????

❇️ Спасибо Курбану и Камилю за помощь в съёмках и компанию
❇️Спасибо за музыку в видео дагестанскому ансамблю народной музыки Макъам.
❇️ Спасибо за музыку в видео музыкантам Мухаммаду и Хирмухаммаду из Шамильского района

Ссылка на наш фильм-восхождение Шалбуздаг:

Ссылка на фильм Ущелье, забравшее дрон:

00:00 О чём фильм?
01:35 Тляратинский район — один из самых удалённых от Махачкалы районов Дагестана
02:33 Камнепады по пути
03:55 Особенности Тляратинского района
05:50 Приграничная зона
08:33 Как здесь живут люди
11:55 Тляратинский заказник
15:50 Неожиданная встреча
18:31 Первое испытание
20:30 Долина реки Баараор
26:29 Опасные переходы через горную реку
33:55 Бешеные пеньки и лесозаготовители
39:43 Обед в хорошей компании
45:14 Ягодный рай, затяжные подъёмы и хвойный лес
50:44 Потеря дрона и его поиски
56:16 Альпийские луга и усталость
1:00:57 Дагестанские туры и чабан, пасущий овец
1:03:29 Зачем я шёл на озеро Хала-Хёль?
1:05:26 Наш лагерь
1:07:55 Озеро Хала-Хёль на рассвете
1:13:27 Утро добрым бывает
1:15:49 Обратная дорога
1:18:27 Концовка
1:19:45 Большой фильм про Дагестан

❤️Не забудьте поставить этому видео лайк и подписаться!

#Дагестан #Россия

Helsinki to Stockholm Overnight on the FABULOUS Silja Symphony Ferry

Use Code: EUROTRTIP to get 10% OFF Level8 Luggage:

Hello and welcome back to Finland, where today we'll be taking an overnight ferry to Sweden!

Our 18 hour mini-cruise on the Silja Symphony from Helsinki to Stockholm is a great chance to relax, eat, drink and enjoy the amazing views on this exciting Nordic voyage... so let's go and check it out together!

Date of Filming: 20 to 21/5/23
Camera: GoPro Hero 10 Black
Operator: Tallink Silja Line
Departure: Helsinki, Finland
Arrival: Stockholm, Sweden
Cost: Class 'A' Sea View Cabin - €158 (£137, $174)

Become a valued YouTube channel member to get access to perks:

Kindly send me a tip! Any donations will be reinvested to make bigger and better videos:

All music in this video is provided by Epidemic Sound, sign up for a FREE 30-day trial using my affiliate link here:

Easily book GREAT VALUE Asian Flights, Trains, Buses & Ferries with my Baolau link:

Follow me on Social Media:

A HUGE thanks to my Valued Channel Members:
Pedro Rubio Tejero Mark Jaynes
amillionbooks George Dover
Holdymar V. Arndt Jr Fabricio Renovato
Linda Vainomae Will Getz
Westy331 Ingrid lengkeek
Oliver W eng91755
Sam Jennings Lebjohnson
Rahill Rick Sipes
Tim Crawford Daniel Young
Peter Harrison Peter Tuck
Chris Winchell Debbie Winchell
Leaving Behind Thomas Roell
Severity One Janet Rusky
Roy Parker Peter Russ
John Michael Dornoff Robert S
Luke211286 Ana Lämä
Dirk Schultz Tom Kennedy
Roy Meister Malcore Gaming
Piotr Kilczuk Colin Davies
Alz Brian Rosson
William Boon Cheng Tan
Shay Muhammad Nur Ihsan
Jak Marzhall False Prophet
Rafi Muhammad Agung Heryadi
Kiel Regmount
Luigi Bharath Ghanta
Avirup Some Co Akker
治那涧初 Dean Shaw
T.Suzuki František Lukeš
doublea Djsaccess

00:00 - Intro
01:00 - Tram & City Pass Info
02:00 - Outside the Port
02:46 - Level8: My Favourite Luggage
03:28 - Checking In
04:22 - Boarding the Silja Symphony
04:48 - Route Map
05:16 - Finding our Cabin & First Impressions
06:06 - Departure & Pricing
07:04 - Beautiful Helsinki Bay
08:08 - Cabin Tour!
10:10 - Ship Tour & Facilities
12:50 - Åland Islands
13:58 - Breakfast Buffet
15:06 - Eastern Swedish Fjords Views
16:30 - Trip Summary
17:10 - Arrival in Stockholm & Alighting
17:54 - Outro

【帯広ひとり旅】市街地の個性的な観光スポットをバスで巡る! 〜北の大地を鈍行列車とバスだけで旅する 〜 #16 ???????? 2021年8月3日〜8月4日


00:00 イントロ / Introduction
00:27 帯広駅 / Obihiro Station
01:29 チェックイン / Check-in Hotel
03:38 翌朝 / Next Morning
04:05 真鍋庭園 / Manabe Garden
11:55 ランチ / Lunch
13:04 帯広競馬場 / Obihiro Racecourse
18:35 帯広中心部を散歩 / Strolling city centre
19:31 ホテル帰還 / Back to hotel
20:26 ディナー(ほたる)/ Dinner (Hotaru)
24:23 エンディング / Thank you for watching!













使用機材:DJI Osmo Pocket

新しくDJI Pocket2が登場しているので今から買うならこちらがおすすめ↓


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#北海道 #帯広 #帯広市 #帯広駅 #ホテルグランテラス帯広 #十勝バス #真鍋庭園 #帯広競馬場 #ばんえい競馬 #ほたる帯広駅前店 #国内旅行 #一人旅 #ノマド

China's 400km/h ULTRA high-speed train with LIE-FLAT Suites!

Book all your Chinese Train tickets with

Hello and welcome to CHINA! I've finally made it and today am starting with a bang, riding the World's FASTEST Train!

Today we'll be travelling from Shanghai to Nanjing, on the route to Beijing, and will be having the full Business Class experience, with lie-flat beds, free food, all in a closing-door suite. There's now no doubt in my mind, this is the BEST train in the world, so let's go and check it out together!

Date of Filming: 22/9/23
Camera: GoPro Hero 10 Black
Operator: Chinese Railways
Departure: Shanghai, China
Arrival: Nanjing, China
Cost: Business class - 612 Chinese Yuan (£68.76, €79.22, $83.87)

Kindly send me a tip! Any donations will be reinvested to make bigger and better videos:

Become a valued YouTube channel member to get access to perks:

All music in this video is provided by Epidemic Sound, sign up for a FREE 30-day trial using my affiliate link here:

Easily book GREAT VALUE Asian Flights, Trains, Buses & Ferries with my Baolau link:

Follow me on Social Media:

A HUGE thanks to my Valued Channel Members:
Pedro Rubio Tejero Mark Jaynes
amillionbooks George Dover
Holdymar V. Arndt Jr Fabricio Renovato
Linda Vainomae Will Getz
Westy331 Ingrid lengkeek
Oliver W eng91755
Sam Jennings Lebjohnson
Rahill Rick Sipes
Tim Crawford Daniel Young
Peter Harrison Peter Tuck
Chris Winchell Debbie Winchell
Leaving Behind Thomas Roell
Severity One Janet Rusky
Roy Parker Peter Russ
John Michael Dornoff Robert S
Luke211286 Ana Lämä
Dirk Schultz Tom Kennedy
Roy Meister Malcore Gaming
Piotr Kilczuk Colin Davies
Alz Brian Rosson
William Boon Cheng Tan

00:00 - Introduction
01:12 - Shanghai Railway Station
01:45 - Check-in & Lounge
02:35 - The Fantastic Fuxing CR400
03:42 - Route Map
04:04 - Let's Board!
04:30 - Departure from Shanghai
05:28 - for you Chinese Tickets
06:18 - Drinks & Snacks Service
07:25 - Private Suite Tour!
08:42 - 350km/h is FAST
09:46 - Lunch Service
10:10 - China is Building, Building, Building
11:18 - Stopping at Changzhou
12:10 - Capacity & Classes
12:30 - Train Tour - First Class
12:54 - Train Tour - Second Class
13:18 - Food Options
13:46 - Accessibility
14:02 - Toilet Tour
14:30 - More 350km/h action!
15:10 - Trip Summary
15:48 -Arriving at Nanjing
16:40 - Outro


Come and try 24 INSANE Street Foods in Gaziantep (Antep) Turkey with us when we visited ANTEP FOR THE FIRST TIME! If you thought Turkish food in Istanbul was incredible, you haven’t experienced anything until you make it to the TURKISH FOOD and BAKLAVA HEAVEN OF GAZIANTEP. On this Gaziantep Turkey Food Tour we are going to try some insanely delicious Turkish street food as well as some of the most UNIQUE TURKISH food to showcase why Turkish cuisine and in particular Gaziantep Food is the BEST!

We wanted to visit Gaziantep, Turkey for the longest time as it is known as the kitchen of the world and its is a UNESCO recognized creative city with insanely delicious food everywhere you look at very affordable prices.

Gaziantep is the home of some world famous Turkish foods like Turkish baklava as well as local unique (and delicious) foods like katmer, beyran çorbası and Ali nazik kebab as we showcased 24 of the best ones you MUST TRY (yes 24!) on this GOD LEVEL STREET FOOD TOUR in Gaziantep Turkey!

Thanks for joining us on our Gaziantep Food Tour in 2022, but we want to know, did we miss out on eating any specific Gaziantep Turkish foods that would like to see Steve try next time we return to Turkey’s Food Heaven?

#Turkishstreetfood #Gaziantepturkey #Streetfoodgaziantep

2:17 - ANTEP Fistikli sekerli borek (Sweet Pistacio Borek)
2:54 - Yesil Zeytinli Borek (Green Olive Pastry with meat and pistachio)
3:49 - Katmer
06:04 - Nohut Durum (Chickpea Wrap)
08:12 - Antep Zeugma Mozaic Museum
08:46- Antep Mutfak Sanatlari Merkezi (Kitchen Art Center)
09:29 - Pirpirim/Semizotu (Purslane Vegetable Dish)
10:09 - Yuvarlama
10:51 - Ayvali Lahmacun (Turkish Pizza with Quince)
11:38 - Icli Kofte (Stuffed Meatball)
12:23- Eksili Ufak Kofte (Soury small meatballs)
15:30 - BAKLAVA types
16:52 - Bulbul Yuvasi
17:48 - İmam Çağdaş Kebap ve Baklava Salonu
18:30 Findik Lahmacun
18:56 - Ayran (Yogurt Drink)
19:12 Sogan Kebabi (Onion Kebab)
20:10 - Kusleme
20:40 - Ali Nazik
21:12 Zahter Tea
21:35 - Kahveci Fayat Usta
22:04 - Menengic Kahvesi (Turpentine Coffee with milk)
22:31 Antep Fistikli Kahve (Pistachio Coffee)
23:33 Ciger (Fried Liver Cubes)

Places we visited:

Ünal Et Lokantası -
Dürümcü Recep Usta -
Zeugma Mosaics Museum -
Mutfak Sanatları Merkezi -
Koçak Baklava -
İmam Çağdaş -
Kahveci Fayat Usta -
Löküs Ciğer -
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Hi, we are Gökçe and Steve, a married Turkish and American full time travel couple. We left behind our New York City office jobs and our home to experience the world and all its wonderful cultures.

We also want to teach you how you too can turn the money you spend every single day into FREE or CHEAP TRAVEL, just like we do, through using credit card points here on this channel!

We hope to inspire you to chase your own dreams and we thank you for subscribing to our channel to follow us along on our journey!

Seattle City Tour in 4K 60fps - Pike Place Market - Space Needle - Gum Wall

Check out the Space Needle, Pike Place Market and see the most iconic view of Seattle in this walking tour of Seattle, WA, filmed on August 19th, 2023 starting at 11am at Pike Place Market.
????️Map of the Walk - ????️

???????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????? ????????????????????????
0:00 Intro and Map
*1:10 Pike Place Market*
8:57 Post Alley
12:26 First Starbucks
16:11 Indoor Market
43:28 The Gum Wall
50:42 Lower Market
52:57 Magic Shop
58:21 Comic Book Shop
1:01:04 Leaving Pike Place Market
1:06:48 Pier 59 - Aquarium
1:10:28 Pier 57 - Miner's Landing
1:25:05 Pier 56
1:26:52 Pier 55
1:29:59 Pier 54 - Ye Olde Curiosity Shop
1:43:13 Ferry Terminal
1:48:59 1st Avenue (walking South)
1:53:00 Occidental Square
1:56:52 Pioneer Square
1:58:33 1st Avenue (walking North)
2:04:59 Seattle Art Museum
2:10:08 Pike Place Market
2:18:57 Pike Street
2:24:17 West Lake Park
2:27:17 Monorail
2:33:00 KOMO Plaza
*2:35:19 Space Needle & Seattle Center*
2:55:36 International Fountain
3:16:40 Queen Anne Ave N
3:21:59 West Highland Drive
*3:23:59 Kerry Park*
3:34:15 Betty Bowen Viewpoint
3:39:42 Parsons Gardens
3:46:26 Kerry Park
3:50:58 Myrtle Edwards Park Entrance
3:58:15 Elliot Bay Trail
4:02:10 Olympic Sculpture Park
4:06:43 Alaskan Way - Seattle Waterfront
4:14:38 Bell Harbor Marina
4:19:29 Pier 62
4:28:15 Post Alley & Pike Place

✔️Let's connect✔️

????Complete List of Walks: ????
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For the best viewing experience, be sure to watch on a large smart TV like the Samsung Frame. Closed Captions [CC] which include historical facts and descriptions are available in all languages. This tour was filmed using amazing Binaural Audio ???? which is a method of recording sound that uses two microphones, arranged with the intent to create a 3-D stereo sound sensation for the listener of actually being there.

No part of this video may be used for personal or private use without written permission from Prowalk Tours. I will not remove a copyright strike after one has been issued.

#ProwalkTours #Walkingtour #Seattle

15 Ferrocarriles Más Peligrosos del Mundo

Si bien no pensamos en ellos de la misma manera que los automóviles, o incluso los aviones comerciales, los trenes son un medio básico de transporte y pueden ser la definición misma de la rutina estándar guiados por rieles. Sin embargo, la construcción ferroviaria a menudo es cualquier cosa menos estándar o rutinaria, y se extrae de los cerebros de ingenieros ultra creativos.

Suscríbete y activa la campanita de notificaciones para que no te pierdas ninguno de nuestros trabajos recientes.


0:00 Introducción
0:40 Tren a las Nubes, Argentina
2:12 Ferrocarril Qinghai a Tíbet, Asia
3:47 Ferrocarril de Mauritania, desierto del Sahara
5:11 Estación de tren Dawlish, Exeter a Plymouth, Inglaterra
6:36 Hindenburgdamm, Alemania
7:50 Tránsito Ferroviario Número 2, China
9:22 Cruce de ferrocarril del aeropuerto de Gisborne, Nueva Zelanda
10:43 Ruta del túnel de Gotthard, Europa
12:09 Mercado ferroviario de Maeklong, Tailandia
13:27 Ferrocarril del Mundo Escénico de Katoomba, Australia
15:00 Ferrocarril Outeniqua Choo-Tjoe, Sudáfrica
16:01 Ruta Aso Minami, Japón
16:40 Ferrocarril de Birmania a Tailandia, Asia.
17:28 Ferrocarril Nariz del Diablo, Ecuador
18:10 Ferrocarril Escénico de Kuranda, Australia

Traveling the WORLD at 22 Years Old... HOW!? (20,000 Subscribers Q&A)

I am finally back in Australia for Christmas after travelling nonstop for a whole year (don't worry, Monday's video will be in Japan). I answer some interesting questions for my 20,000 subscribers celebration, as well as how I can support my full-time travels across the globe. As a digital nomad, I also discuss how I earn money through YouTube while travelling.

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The Travel Insurance I use: (Also Covers Motorbike Accidents). -

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A Massive Shoutout to the members who are supporting my channel:
- Nonstop Eurotrip
- Pedro Rubio Tejero
- Connor Morgan
- Ham Noy the Dutch Guy
- Winnie Chaffee

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VACACIONES DE INVIERNO en Canadá en Familia ❄️ | Las maravillas de Invierno + Cumpleaños de Daniel!

En este video compartimos nuestras vacaciones de invierno en Canadá! Es una tradición en nuestra familia, que todos los años hacemos una pequeña escapada al campo donde pasamos unos lindos días juntos en familia. Este invierno alquilamos una cabaña en el bosque, en Muskoka al norte de Huntsville, y pasamos 4 días juntos donde disfrutamos las maravillas de invierno; paseamos por bosques pintados de blanco, vimos ciervos caminando sobre un lago congelado, y jugamos con Togo en la nieve. La ocasión para estas vacaciones de invierno en familia era para celebrar el cumpleaños de Daniel, así que comimos unos ricos asados y también hubo torta! Esperamos que disfruten este video de Canadá en invierno, y cuenten nos que planes tienen ustedes para sus vacaciones de invierno / verano (dependiendo en donde estén)?

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

VACACIONES DE INVIERNO en Canadá en Familia ❄️ | Las maravillas de Invierno + Cumpleaños de Daniel!:

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* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Nuestro equipo de fotografía:

Panasonic GH5:
Canon G7X ii:
Rode Video Micro:
Joby Gorilla Pod:
SanDisk 16GB Extreme Pro:

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


【上川町ひとり旅】夏の大雪山と上川大雪酒造、そして日本最長駅間 〜北の大地を鈍行列車とバスだけで旅する#9 ???????? 2021年7月28日〜

北海道を鈍行列車とバスだけで旅する企画。第9話は札幌から北見へ列車移動の道中、大雪山の麓の街「上川町」へと弾丸訪問。「大雪 森のガーデン」で夏の大自然や甘酒ジェラートを堪能したり、地域おこし協力隊で来てる大学の友人と再会したり、地元が誇る新鋭の酒蔵「上川大雪酒造」を訪問したり。日本の最長駅間(在来線)である上川駅〜白滝駅間の移動等も紹介しています。広大な北の大地をあえて特急やレンタカーNGで旅するノマド男子の旅動画です。

00:00 イントロ / Introduction
00:24 札幌駅へ / Head to Sappro Station
00:53 上川へ / Head to Kamikawa
03:05 上川駅 / Kamikawa Station
03:57 大雪森のガーデンへ / Head to Forest Garden
05:26 大雪森のガーデン / Forest Garden
10:11 友人と再会 / Reunion with my friend
14:10 上川大雪酒造 / Kamikawa Taisetsu sake brewery
15:12 上川駅へ / Head to Kamikawa Station
16:09 北見へ(日本最長駅間)/ Head to Kitami
18:42 エンディング / Thank you for watching!













使用機材:DJI Osmo Pocket

新しくDJI Pocket2が登場しているので今から買うならこちらがおすすめ↓


編集:Final Cut Pro X

#北海道 #上川町 #上川駅 #白滝駅 #日本最長駅間 #石北本線 #特別快速きたみ #大雪山 #大雪森のガーデン #甘酒ジェラート #地域おこし協力隊 #上川大雪 #上川大雪酒造 #国内旅行 #一人旅 #ノマド

Address Beach Resort Dubai, World's Highest Infinity Pool & Luxury Hotel (full tour in 4K)

This is a review of Address Beach Resort, a luxury hotel in Dubai that has the world's highest infinity pool at 293.906 m and 77 floors above ground.

■Recommended related videos
Marina Bay Sands, a luxury hotel in Singapore popular for its infinity pool

Burj Al Arab, a 7-star hotel that symbolizes Dubai

Atlantis The Royal, the world's most luxurious resort newly opened in Dubai

Burj Khalifa, the world's tallest tower in Dubai and observation deck VIP lounge

■Hotel information
Hotel name: Address Beach Resort
Address: Address Beach Resort - The Walk - Jumeirah Beach Residence - Dubai - United Arab Emirates
Opening: December 2020
Number of rooms: 217
Room: Junior Sea View Suite with Balcony (81 Sq m / 872 Sq ft)
Price: stated in the video
Official website:
Note: Hotel located within the Jumeirah Gate complex

■Table of contents
00:00 Welcome to Address Beach Resort Dubai
00:30 Entrance/Lobby
03:16 Elevator/Aisle
03:42 Room tour (Junior Sea View Suite with Balcony)
11:14 Information/map
11:46 World's highest infinity pool (77 floors above ground, 293.906 m)
16:06 Sunset view
16:36 Dinner (Michelin star restaurant Mott32)
19:09 Night time
20:03 Wake up
20:52 In-room dining menu
21:39 Breakfast (The Restaurant)
26:30 Shops
27:04 Outdoor pools
29:04 Beach
31:32 Gym
32:42 Infinity pool again
33:24 Check out/Price details
34:03 Next video

#dubai #addressbeachresort #infinitypool #luxuryhotel #dubaivlog #dubaihotels

Pula City Center Tour | Pula, Croatia ????????

Walking tour of the city center of Pula in Croatia. The tour starts in the city center near the market hall and continues through the Arch of Sergii, Forum Square, Temple of Augustus, the port, Pula Arena to Kastel Fortress and back to the city center.

0:00 Flanaticka street
0:55 Market hall
1:10 Flanaticka street
2:50 Arch of Sergii
3:30 Sergijevaca street
8:10 Forum square
8:55 Temple of Augustus
9:25 Port
14:00 Cathedral of the Assumption
14:15 Port
19:45 Pula Arena
26:20 Sveti Antun Church & Monastery
26:50 Istarska street
28:45 Park kralja Petra Krešimira
29:10 Twin Gate
29:30 Park kralja Petra Krešimira
30:30 Way to Kaštel Fortress - Castropola street
35:30 Kaštel Fortress / Castello
42:00 Under the Kaštel Fortress - Castropola street
48:20 Giardini street
50:00 Istarska street
51:45 Google maps of the tour

Turn ON captions for information about city, attractions and places in the video.

Google maps of this tour ➡️

The video was recorded in February 2023

Subscribe ➡️

#pula #croatia #walkingtour

MSC Meraviglia Full Ship Tour Tips Tricks & Review Award Winning Cruise Ship Vista Project

Greetings fellow travelers and cruisers join us for a full ship tour of the Award Winning MSC Meraviglia, this is the 5th largest cruise ship in the World and is the flag ship of MSC and their largest afloat, this Italian beauty is 1036 feet in length, has a beam of 141 feet and a 29-foot draft, it was built by Saint-Nazaire in France by the STX group and at 171,598 tons ,the ship features includes and LED DOME, expansive dining options, a rope course, water slides, indoor and outdoor pools, game room, theater, full size bowling alley, 4d theater, flight simulator, casino and much more
thanks for watching, please give us a like, leave us a comment or hit that subscribe button to support the channel if you enjoyed the video it's all free after all
see you soon fellow travelers


Invitados a este lugar donde podemos hacer el típico paseo de olla en Italia, quien lo creyera, ademas de disfrutar de una hermosisima ciudad en plena Lombardia Italiana.

La ruota di Groppello a Cassano d’Adda, sul Naviglio Martesana

Presso il centro del paese, sulla sponda destra del Naviglio Martesana, si trova un'imponente ruota idraulica (popolarmente chiamata rudun) che si dice sia stata progettata da Leonardo Da Vinci in persona. Malgrado le apparenze la ruota non è un mulino, ma una noria.

???? Sei iscritto al nostro canale? No? Allora corri subito a rimediare!

Pianura da Scoprire - Luoghi della fede

Il legame tra uomo e fede sta alle origini di qualsiasi insediamento, un legame che ha segnato in modo particolarmente significativo i luoghi in cui viviamo. Dal profilo di ogni città e paese si innalzano talvolta maestosi, a volta discreti, ma pur sempre solenni campanili, punti di riferimento, oggi come un tempo, quando il suono delle loro campane richiamava i contadini dalle campagne all’imbrunire o quando scandisce ogni momento della vita civile e religiosa. I più attenti si accorgeranno delle differenze dei loro suoni fra un paese e l'altro: erano segnali associati a campane a cui veniva dato il nome di un santo, codificati dalla popolazione e che durano ancora oggi. Ma non solo il suono delle campane è differente; ogni campanile lo è, come in una sorta di competizione, alimentata dall’impulso del più originario e sano spirito di campanilismo. Troviamo campanili alti, altissimi, chi ornato, chi con il tetto a cupola, in cotto o in pietra, con statue e ornamenti. Essi furono costruiti partendo da una profonda e radicata fede, illuminata il più delle volte da parroci di campagna, capaci di creare coesione e guidare l’impegno e la volontà di questa gente. Una traccia di questa volontà non la troviamo solo nei campanili ma anche nelle chiese, nei santuari, negli oratori campestri, in una concentrazione che non ha eguali, sempre grazie a quella particolare capacità creativa, alla voglia di esprimere e comunicare la propria fede, la propria gioia, speranza, bellezza, dolore e tristezza. Dagli oratori della peste alle molteplici chiese dalle caratteristiche longobarde, romaniche, gotiche, rinascimentali e neoclassiche che svelano al loro interno un percorso d’arte inestimabile, raffigurazioni, pale d’altare, reliquie, frutto della fede e dell’ingegno raffinato di artisti di fama. Dietro ogni oggetto, ogni ornamento si cela una storia, una tradizione, una verità di fede. Non si hanno notizie certe relative alla diffusione del cristianesimo nel territorio; la tradizione vuole la pianura già evangelizzata sin dai primi secoli grazie all'opera dei Santi Martiri che attraversarono queste terre. Interessanti ritrovamenti sono stati fatti a Bariano nell'ex convento dei Neveri, probabilmente all'origine una chiesa battesimale, e a Fara Gera d'Adda, dove era presente la Longobarda Basilica Autarena.

La devozione popolare era rivolta ai Santi e ai Martiri, le cui radici sono da ricercare nella venerazione delle reliquie. Il culto più diffuso è quello della Vergine Maria Madre di Dio; al suo nome sono legate diverse chiese, proprio perché forte era l'esigenza dei ceti meno abbienti di riferimenti vicini alla quotidianità e all'umiltà delle loro condizioni. A Lei sono dedicate edicole votive, segni semplici come dipinti murali o formelle in basso rilievo spesso messe a ricordo o a indicazioni di luoghi dove sono avvenuti fatti prodigiosi; oppure messe a ringraziamento di uno scampato pericolo, una guarigione o una grazia. La profonda devozione portò anche, tra il XV e il XVII secolo, alla costruzione di grandi e importanti santuari e chiese parrocchiali, come il Santuario di Nostra Signora della Fontana a Caravaggio, il Santuario di Santa Maria della Croce a Crema, il Santuario della Beata Vergine del Rosario ad Antegnate, e tante altre ancora. Molteplici sono i luoghi che andrebbero menzionati.

Amibici - Le vie d'acqua tra Lecco e Cassano d'Adda

2 maggio 2015 - Amibici - Le vie d'acqua tra Lecco e Cassano d'Adda
50 Km fino a Cassano con possibilità di proseguire per Milano seguendo il Naviglio della Martesana per un totale di 70 Km.
Per informazioni:
