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10 Best place to visit in Znamenka Russia


[4K] 🇷🇺 Moscow Summer Walk ☀️ Boulevard Ring ⛲ Yauzsky to Gogolevsky boulevard | July 2021

The Boulevard Ring is a pedestrian-friendly ring road that was built where the city’s 16th-century fortifications, the Belgorodskaya Wall surrounding the so called White City, once stood.

The Boulevard Ring encompasses 10 boulevards and 13 squares, it's total length is slightly more than 9 kilometres, and passes through many sites of interest. The ring consists of Yauzsky, Pokrovsky, Chistoprudny, Sretensky, Rozhdestvensky, Petrovsky, Strastnoy, Tverskoy, Nikitsky and Gogolevsky boulevards.

Despite its name, the Boulevard Ring doesn't physically form a closed circle and is interrupted by Moskva river.

Enjoy the walk!

00:00 - Yauzsky Boulevard
02:20 - Pokrovsky Boulevard
03:20 - Chistoprudny Boulevard
07:14 - Sretensky Boulevard
10:27 - Rozhdestvensky Boulevard
14:10 - Petrovsky Boulevard
16:59 - Strastnoy Boulevard
19:25 - Tverskoy Boulevard
22:54 - Nikitsky Boulevard
26:10 - Gogolevsky Boulevard

the Palace and Park ensemble in Thai the old HOMESTEAD A G Demidov and Strelna

the cycle of St. Petersburg - a Russian gem, Peterhof, Palace and Park ensembles of Mikhailovka and Znamenka, the Old part of the city Shlisselburg, Petrokrepost, Oreshek Fortress, Shlisselburg, the Palace and Park ensemble in Thai - the old HOMESTEAD A. G. Demidov, settlement Strelna Travel Palace of Peter I
цикл Санкт Петербург - русская жемчужина, Петергоф, Дворцово-парковые ансамбли Михайловка и Знаменка, Старая часть города Шлиссельбург, Петрокрепость, Крепость Орешек, Шлиссельбург, Дворцово-парковый ансамбль в Тайцах - старинная усадьба А. Г. Демидова, посёлок Стрельна, Путевой дворец Петра I

Walking in Sokolniki Park, Moscow, Russia 4K 60fps. | Парк Сокольники, Москва.

Sokolniki Park, named for the falcon hunt of the Grand Dukes of Muscovy formerly conducted there, is located in the eponymous Sokolniki District of Moscow. Sokolniki Park is not far from the center of the city, near Sokolnicheskaya Gate. The park gained its name from the Sokolnichya Quarter, the 17th-century home of the sovereign's falconers (sokol is the Russian word for falcon). It was created by Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich (father of Peter the Great), a keen hunter who loved to go falconing in the area.

Соко́льники — парк на территории района Сокольники на северо-востоке Москвы, с юга ограниченный Сокольническим Валом, с востока — Богородским шоссе, с севера — Ростокинским проездом, с запада — линией Ярославской железной дороги. На севере смыкается с Лосиным островом. Площадь парка — 516 гектаров. В XVI—XVII веках на месте сегодняшнего парка проходили царские и великокняжеские соколиные охоты, откуда место и получило своё название.


Walking Moscow - Znamenka and Volkhonka streets

00:00 Znamenka street
04:05 Borovitskaya square
05:09 Volkhonka street
10:38 Prechistenskie vorota square

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Walking in Znamenka st., Moscow, Russia 4k 60fps. | Манежная, Моховая и Знаменка ул., Москва.

Mokhovaya Street (Russian: Моховая улица) is a one-way street in central Moscow, Russia, a part of Moscow's innermost ring road - Central Squares of Moscow. In 1961-1990 it formed part of Karl Marx Avenue (Проспект Маркса). The street runs from the Borovitskaya Square [ru] (named after nearby Borovitskaya Tower) in the south past Vozdvizhenka Street, Bolshaya Nikitskaya Street and Manege Square, ending at Tverskaya Street in the north.
Мохова́я (1961—1990 — часть проспекта Маркса) — улица в центре Москвы. Улица берёт начало от Боровицкой башни Кремля, идёт на север, от неё слева отходят улицы Тверская, Большая Никитская и Воздвиженка. Заканчивается у Манежной площади. Продолжением является улица Охотный Ряд. Нумерация домов ведётся от Боровицкой башни.
Traffic on Mokhovaya follows a northwards counterclockwise pattern as the parallel Manezhnaya Street is closed to regular traffic.

У́лица Зна́менка (в 1918—1925 годах — Краснознамённая у́лица, в 1925—1994 годах — у́лица Фру́нзе) — улица в Центральном административном округе города Москвы (район Хамовники). Проходит от Боровицкой площади до Арбатской площади, лежит между Колымажным переулком и Воздвиженкой. Нумерация домов ведётся от Боровицкой площади.

Мане́жная у́лица (до 1922 года — Негли́нная у́лица) — улица в Центральном административном округе города Москвы. Проходит от Боровицкой площади до Манежной площади, между Кремлёвской набережной и Манежной площадью параллельно им. Нумерация домов ведётся от Боровицкой площади.


Znamenka street Moscow

Болотная набережная

Болотная набережная — набережная по левому берегу Водоотводного канала в районе Якиманка города Москвы. Начинается от западной стрелки острова между Водоотводным каналом и рекой Москвой, оканчивается у Малого Москворецкого моста. На набережную выходят улица Серафимовича, Болотная площадь, Фалеевский переулок.

Колымажный переулок | Прогулки по центру Москвы

Прогулка без комментариев и музыки!
Колыма́жный переулок (в XVIII—XIX вв. — поочередно Конюшенная улица, Колымажный переулок, Лукинский переулок, Антипьевский переулок (до 1962 г.), 1962—1993 — улица Маршала Шапошникова, 1993—1994 — Колымажная улица) — переулок в Центральном административном округе города Москвы.

Название XVII—XVIII веков, дано по Колымажному двору, где хранились царские экипажи — колымаги. В современных реалиях это примерно то же, что гараж управделами Президента.

4K Drive 🇷🇺 Moscow center Driving 🚙 New Arbat - Kremlin embankment

Summer afternoon drive around the Moscow center. Video starts on New Arbat Street, Znamenka, then along Mokhovaya Street, Okhotny Ryad, Theater Square, Lubyanskaya Square, Old Square, China Town, Moskvoretskaya Embankment, Kremlin Embankment, Kremlin and back to Novy Arbat Street.

The original language on this channel is Russian. All translations into other languages ​​are made through Google Translator. We apologize if the translation was not correct. We will be glad if you can provide a more improved version of the translation, be sure to write about it in the comments.

Москва. Улицы, бульвары, скверы, дороги, районы!

Москва. Улицы, бульвары, скверы, дороги, районы! Жизнь в Москве.
Москва имеет огромную территорию. Она подразделяется на районы и микрорайоны, каждый из которых может похвастать собственным парком или сквером. Правительство Москвы заботится о гражданах, строятся новые арт-площадки, музеи и парки отдыха. Москвичи с детства посещают музеи, спектакли, различные культурно-массовые мероприятия. За многовековую историю город сохранил упоминания о деятелях культуры и искусства России, квартиры-музеи и редкие экспонаты. Жители мегаполиса могут пройтись по улочкам, о которых поют песни, наблюдать проход танков на параде Победы. Много бесплатных мероприятий, любимых молодежью. Массовые концерты, в которых принимают участие рэперы и модные танцевальные исполнители, доступны каждые выходные. При желании не сложно найти билеты в театр за копейки (на спектакль студентов), достаточно иметь под рукой Интернет. Старшее поколение, как и в других местах России, предпочитает отдых поспокойнее. Те, у кого есть возможность, покидают город на выходные. Для самых пожилых жителей мегаполиса предусмотрены физические нагрузки в виде скандинавской ходьбы в парках города или танцев. Программа введена специально для пенсионеров и включает не только спорт, но и образовательные тренинги. Бабушки и дедушки учатся обращаться с компьютером и изучают иностранные языки.
Правительство Москвы успешно проводит реновацию в транспортной системе. В столице заменяют старые автобусы и троллейбусы новыми машинами. Запущено второе транспортное кольцо в метро, старые поезда меняют на более просторные и оборудованные кондиционерами. Новые составы вмещают больше пассажиров.
Москва - очень большой город и расширяет границы с каждым месяцем все дальше. Транспорт - это артерии в организме города. Столица развивается, и сообщение между районами также не стоит на месте. В дни городских праздников транспорт работает допоздна. Оборудованы выделенные линии для наземного транспорта. Чрезвычайно развита сеть такси, нередко поездка на авто становится дешевле, чем на общественном транспорте.

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#москва, #улицыбульварыскверы, #дорогирайоны, #сквер

36.87km Russia Driving in #KaliningradOblast with #streetview | 360VR

Where do we go next?

From 27A-028, 1, Zheleznodorozhny, Kaliningradskaya oblast', Russia, 238410 (80 steps)
From 27A-028, Zheleznodorozhny, Kaliningradskaya oblast', Russia, 238410 (159 steps)
From Ulitsa Znamenskaya, Vishnevoe, Kaliningradskaya oblast', Russia, 238412 (159 steps)
From Znamenka, Kaliningrad Oblast, Russia, 238412 (159 steps)
From Pravdinsky District, Kaliningrad Oblast, Russia, 238412 (795 steps)
From Pravdinsky District, Kaliningrad Oblast, Russia, 238416 (159 steps)
From Gusevo, Kaliningrad Oblast, Russia, 238416 (159 steps)
From 27A-027, Kaliningradskaya oblast', Russia, 238416 (159 steps)
From 27A-027, Kaliningradskaya oblast', Russia (318 steps)
From Pravdinsky District, Kaliningrad Oblast, Russia (399 steps)

🛫Starting :
🛬Arrival :
🚗Source : Google Map Streetview (

Moscow 🇷🇺 Street Walk 4K | Vozdvizhenka, Mokhovaya

Vozdvizhenka Street (in 1935-1946 - Kominterna Street; in 1946-1962 - Kalinina Street; from 1963 to the early 1990s - part of Kalinina Avenue) - a street in the Arbat district of the Central Administrative District of Moscow.
In the XIII-XIV centuries, on the site of modern Vozdvizhenka, the “Volotsk road” passed - a trade route from Veliky Novgorod through Volokolamsk to Moscow. Presumably, in 1367 a stone bridge was built on the road across the Neglinnaya River.
In documents of the 15th-16th centuries the street appeared under the name “Orbat” or “Arbatskaya Street”. According to a common version, this word meant “a suburb near the city”: the Kremlin territory was considered the city limits at that time.

Mokhovaya Street (1961-1990 - part of Marx Avenue) is a street in the center of Moscow. It starts from Znamenka Street, goes north, Vozdvizhenka and Bolshaya Nikitskaya streets depart from it to the left.
It received its name in the 18th century from the former Mokhovaya Square at the Trinity Gate of the Kremlin, to which it adjoined. According to other sources, the name is from the 17th century. In the old days, there was a shopping arcade here where they sold dry moss for sealing cracks in wooden houses, which is why the street began to be called Mokhovaya.


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0:00 Intro
0:12 Overview
1:28 Vozdvizhenka Street
7:35 Happy Birthday!
7:46 Vozdvizhenka Street
10:18 Mokhovaya Street

#streetwalking #moscow #russia

Walking in the center of Moscow and City Sounds, 4k

Autumn morning walk in Moscow. You could see the Vozdvizhenka Street, Starovagankovskiy Lane, Znamenka Street, Mokhovaya Street, Teatral'nyy Proyezd, Bolshoi Theatre, Nikolskaya street (a little bit), Bol'shoy Cherkasskiy Pereulok

The 2nd of October 2021

Gimbal Stabilizer



Today we are going to take you on a tour of the country which is the largest in the world
The history of this country is very old
Most billionaires live in this country.
There are secrets of this country which no one has come to know to date.

Today we are talking about Russia, the most powerful country in the world.
Today we are going to give you very important information about this country.

Today I will also tell you which places are worth visiting if you get a chance to go to Russia.
So let's start today's episode, friends.
First of all, let me tell you that Russia is the largest country in the world in terms of area. Its area is 17.5 million square kilometers.

This country is so big that it can take you seven days to travel from one end to the other.
The size of Pluto is smaller than this country.

Russia has a population of about 150 million.
The people here are very aware of the population.
And they think that if the country is to prosper, the population must be controlled.

Friends, the people of Russia will find it very artistic. Russia has the highest number of prank stars in the world.
It will scare you as you will never forget.

The capital, Moscow, has a lot of traffic problems.
Some people in Moscow use ambulances to avoid traffic.
There are 4,000 fake ambulance cases here every year.
You would be surprised to know that there are more women than men in Russia.

There were 86 males for every 100 females.
The government here is working hard to bring it up.
But here boys do not tease girls but girls tease boys.
Friends, we know that the earth revolves around the sun. Most people in Russia do believe that the sun revolves around the earth.

Where the world has gone, but the people of Russia are not ready to change.

Russia has many secrets that no one knows about.
It is said that there are fifteen to twenty cities in this country that no one knows about.
These cities are said to be home to Russian special spies and commanders.

To this day, the country has never told anyone about them. But friends, we do not know how much truth there is in them.

In Russia, people have to clean their cars every day. If you don't clean your car and take it off the road, you are not well.

And you are sent straight to jail. You must remember that your car must be clean in Russia.
By the way, these and other people take good care of themselves, but their average age is 55 years.

You will be surprised to know that beer was not considered until two thousand eleven an Alcoholic drink. It is called a soft drink.

Anyone could drink from it and anywhere.
Dmitry Medvedev, then president of Russia, passed a law According to this law, beer will be considered alcohol.
And no one can drink it anywhere.

It is said that Russian boys are very good-looking. According to a French survey, from 2012 to 2018, most good-looking boys in the world were found in Russia.
Leading Hollywood actresses also voted in the poll.
Did you know that India and Russia are good friends?
India-Russia relations have been very good since India's independence.

Russia is the only country that India can blindly trust.
It was with the help of Russia that India won the war with Pakistan.

Russia is the only country that had to fight the United States for India.
This relationship between the two countries is seventy years old.

Many of the weapons that India and Russia have built together.
Guys, it's 100% true that there was a time in Russia when someone had a beard and had to pay taxes.

During the reign of King Peter the Great, bearded men had to pay taxes.

Friends, have you ever paid taxes for a beard? , but the people here had to pay.
You may be surprised to learn that foxes are also bred in Russia.

You can't keep pet foxes outdoors in RussiaFriends, you know that there is a sharp animosity between Russia and the United States. Russia's military is made up of 1.2 million people, the second-largest in the world.

Russia has the highest number of car accidents in the world.
In 2012, more than 700,000 Russians contracted Aids.
AIDS is the third leading cause of death in Russia. Twenty-five percent of Russia's population dies before the age of 55. TRAVEL TO RUSSIA |ENGLISH SUBTITLE|HISTORY, AND DOCUMENTRY OF RUSSIA| josephinfotv

The main reason is the reckless use of alcohol.
Russia has more than 8,000 nuclear weapons, more than any other country in the world.
The Russian capital, Moscow, has one of the worst traffic systems in the world.

New Year's Day is the biggest holiday in the country.
The country celebrates Christmas from December 25 to January 7.

Russia celebrates the birth of a baby girl.
Because they think a new limousine has been arranged.
When one goes home in Russia, one always carries toys for children and flowers for women.

Russians have an annual income of 6,000 us dollars.
The tallest building in Russia is the Russian Federation. Its height is 1080 feet. Russians always have waterproof suits and jackets

Travel to Russia, Tatarstan: Walking in Kazan 4k 60fps. Palace, Naberzhnaya | Набережная, Казань.

The Kremlin Embankment is a fairly recent landmark in Kazan, which has become a favourite place of rest and entertainment for locals as it is one of the most beautiful places to spend time at in the city. The comfortable coastal zone stretches from the walls of the Kazan Kremlin to the Kazan National Cultural Centre.
Кремлёвская набережная (ранее Набережная реки Казанка) — пешеходная набережная реки Казанка в центре города Казань. Имеет длину около полутора километров и пролегает от стен Казанского Кремля до Национального культурного центра «Казань». Одна из современных городских достопримечательностей и одно из мест массового посещения в городе.

Дворе́ц земледе́льцев (тат. Игенчеләр сарае) — здание в историческом центре Казани, Вахитовском районе. Расположен на Дворцовой площади вблизи северной стены Казанского кремля и набережной Казанки. Штаб-квартира Министерства сельского хозяйства и продовольствия Республики Татарстан, Главного управления ветеринарии, Республиканского агропромышленного центра инвестиций и новаций и ряда подведомственных организаций. Дворец земледельцев стал одной из наиболее известных современных достопримечательностей города.
The pompous Agricultural Palace located in the historical center of Kazan has won fame of one of the most controversial architectural constructions of the city. Its construction was completed in 2010.


⁴ᴷ⁶⁰ Walking Moscow: Moscow Center - Borovitskaya Mt., Bol'shaya Nikitskaya St., Nikitsky Boulevard

Google Maps Route:

We walk from the Borovitskaya Metro Station.
After that we walk to the Borovitskaya Square and see the Pashkov House. We see many mansions like Osobnyak Arseniya Morozova, Urban Manor Shakhovskys, Estonian Embassy in Moscow and we see the Moskovskiy Akademicheskiy Teatr Im. Vl. Mayakovskogo (Moscow Academic Theater. Vl. Mayakovsky).
And we walk till the Nikitsky Boulevard and the Ploshchad' Nikitskiye Vorota (Square) where we see very beautiful church.
Enjoy this walk with us!

00:00 - Beginning
00:09 - Pashkov House
00:14 - Mokhovaya Street
00:19 - Borovitskaya Metro Station
00:38 - Pashkov House
01:50 - Gallery of Artist Aleksander Shilov
02:01 - Drawing on the wall with the inscription Pozharsky and Minin
02:23 - Chasovnya Nikolaya Chudotvortsa Na Borovitskoy Ploshchadi (Chapel of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker on Borovitskaya Square)
03:40 - Kremlin and the Pamyatnik Knyazyu Vladimiru (Monument to Prince Vladimir)
03:56 - Pashkov House
04:10 - Znamenka Ulitsa (Street)
05:38 - Biblioteka Po Yestestvennym Naukam Rossiyskoy Akademii Nauk (Library on Natural Sciences of the Russian Academy of Sciences)
06:06 - Starovagankovskiy Lane
06:31 - Church of St. Nicholas in Old Vagankove
06:50 - Starovagankovskiy Lane
10:20 - Vozdvizhenka Street
10:37 - Estate Of N. P. Sheremetev
12:53 - Osobnyak Arseniya Morozova (Arseny Morozov's Mansion)
14:31 - Urban Manor Shakhovskys
15:10 - Nizhniy Kislovskiy Pereulok (Lane)
15:39 - Urban Manor Shakhovskys
16:53 - Dom Doktora Doppel'mayyera (House of Dr. Doppelmeier)
17:22 - Malyy Kislovskiy Pereulok (Lane)
18:49 - Estate of I.G. Naumov - A.S. Olenina - V.V.Dumnov
19:25 - Estonian Embassy in Moscow
21:26 - Moskovskiy Akademicheskiy Teatr Im. Vl. Mayakovskogo (Moscow Academic Theater. Vl. Mayakovsky)
22:25 - Bol'shaya Nikitskaya Ulitsa (Street)
22:40 - Helikon-Opera Theather
24:26 - TASS News Service Agency
24:50 - Theater At Nikitsky Gate
25:03 - Nikitsky Boulevard
26:31 - Khram Ispovednika Prepodobnogo Fedora Studita U Nikitskikh Vorot (Church of the Confessor Reverend Theodore the Studite at the Nikitsky Gate)
27:30 - Ploshchad' Nikitskiye Vorota (Square)

Filmed December 1, 2020

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DJI Osmo Pocket

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Moscow buses (2)

Watching at buses in Moscow.

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Walking in Moscow at night | Gogolevsky Boulevard, Volkhonka street, Russia | New Year [4K]

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Walking in Moscow at night. Gogolevsky Boulevard, Volkhonka street, Russia. New Year.
I walk along the night streets of Moscow. Let's see how the city was decorated for the New Year.

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【4K】Прогулка по Москве, Моховая улица, Москва (Звуки города) центр Москвы

В этом видео мы совершим прогулку по Москве по улице Моховая. Начнем прогулку от дома Пашкова и дойдем Тверской улицы. Почувствуйте звуки города и его атмосферу вместе с нами.

История улицы:

Моховая улица одна из самых центральных улиц Москвы. Она начинается от Боровицкой площади, идет параллельно Александровскому саду и заканчивается у Тверской улицы и Манежной площади. Ее продолжением является улица Охотный ряд. А первоначально она начиналась у пересечения улиц Знаменки и Волхонки.

Свое необычное название улица получила в XVII столетии, благодаря располагавшемуся здесь Торговому ряду, основным товаром которого был мох для заделывания щелей в избах. Сначала моховой стали называть площадь перед Троицкими воротами Кремля вдоль берега Неглинной, где торговали мхом, (на этом месте теперь расположено здание Манежа), а позже и всю улицу.

В 1961 году из трех улиц Моховой, Охотного Ряда и Театрального проезда сделали одну длинную - проспект Маркса. А в 1990 году все названия вернули назад.

В первой половине XV века в начале улицы находился загородный двор великой княгини Софьи Витовтовны. Теперь на этом месте стоит «Пашков Дом» и комплекс Российской Государственной библиотеки.

В 1565 году в середине Моховой улицы, между Воздвиженкой и Большой Никитской, на месте уничтоженного пожаром двора князя Черкасского построен Опричный двор царя Ивана IV Грозного. В 1571 двор сгорел во время нашествия крымского хана. Ученые установили его местоположение по речному песку, на который наткнулись строители метро в 1930-е годы. Теперь на этом месте находится Новый Корпус университета с церковью Св. Татьяны, сейчас факультет Журналистики.

В 1823-1825 годах на месте бывшей Моховой площади было построено здание Манежа.

К концу XIX века улица уже приняла тот вид, который нам более или менее знаком. В 1930-х Моховую реконструировали, тогда были снесены все здания Архива Министерства иностранных дел и Румянцевского музея вплоть до дома Пашкова. На их месте построено новое здание Библиотеки имени В.И. Ленина (ныне РГБ). На месте церкви Георгия в 1932-1943 гг. возведён жилой дом в духе «классика Палладио» (д. 16) архитектором И.В. Жолтовским. С правой стороны Моховую пересекают улицы Тверская, Большая Никитская, Воздвиженка и Знаменка, слева к ней прилегают Манежная площадь и Боровицкая площадь.


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Прогулка по Москве

Biking Across Moscow: I Tried The Longest City Bike Ride In Europe

Biking Across Moscow: I Tried The Longest City Bike Ride In Europe.
Moscow serenity and bicycle. Find out how it was.
For channel development

Friends, I created a small channel Bike ride in Moscow about the city life of the city of Moscow, where I post interesting videos about today's life and what is happening at the moment.

Small videos of sketches from parks, public places. Sometimes it's just a walk through the evening city, which can convey the atmosphere of the city, sometimes it's new quarters or atmospheric video sketches with musical accompaniment.

I also love evening walks from one area to another. Moscow is also being built, new architecture, new residential complexes and even residential areas. A walk through the new modern residential complexes of Moscow, to see in what style the city began to change.

Holidays are how the city is decorated with its architecture and life, all this attracts attention and of course you want to capture it in good quality and create original content.

But just listening to the noise of the city is not very interesting, so I add musical accompaniment depending on the atmosphere or situation. The bike and the city of Moscow are harmoniously combined with each other.
Sometimes such a video is more interesting because you can ride a bike for quite a long distance than walking from one street to another.

On my channel there is content about the current life of the city of Moscow, seasoned with musical accompaniment and my view of this world. This virtual tour of Moscow in 4K60 fps resolution will leave the most pleasant impressions.

#moscowwalk #bikerideinmoscow #moscowbikeride #moscowbiketour #moscowbiketour, #moscowbikeride #uncoveringmoscow #moscow #eveningmoscow #4k60fps #bikeridetourmoscow #moscow4k #walkingmoscow4k #moscowcity #moscowwalks #moscowcycling #moscowwalk #moscowwalks #subtitles #moscowstreetwalk #cycling tour in moscow #bicyclewalkmoscow

🌆✨ Join me on an enchanting evening journey as we bike across the heart of Moscow! 🌆✨ This video captures the serene beauty of Moscow at sunset, offering a perfect blend of tranquility and vibrant city life. Whether you're a local or someone dreaming of visiting, this video will transport you right into the historic streets and bustling squares of Russia's magnificent capital.

🚴‍♂️ We'll kick off our adventure from the iconic Savelovskaya overpass, taking in the picturesque views before heading deeper into the city's core. Along the way, we'll pass through notable spots like the residential complex Soho Noho, the ever-busy Belorussky Station, and the charming Tishinskaya Square. Feel the pulse of the city as we ride through Mayakovka and the beloved Patriki district, soaking in the old-world charm of Moscow's streets. 🚴‍♂️

This isn't just a bike ride - it's a full sensory experience. With the soothing backdrop of carefully selected music, you'll feel the evening serenity as the city transitions from day to night. From the Paper Passage to the 1st, 3rd, and 5th streets of Yamsky Polya, every turn reveals a new facet of Moscow's eclectic vibe.

🚲 Timecodes for your reference:

00:32 Savelovskaya overpass

02:02 Soho Noho

03:28 Paper passage

07:11 5th street Yamsky Polya

10:09 Tver overpass

11:38 Butyrsky Val street

12:17 Belorussky Station

15:40 Monument to Maxim Gorky

17:02 1st Tverskaya-Yamskaya street

17:50 Bolshaya Gruzinskaya Street

Feel the evening breeze and the vibrant energy of Moscow's nightlife as we traverse these iconic locations. If you're a fan of urban exploration, cityscapes, and biking, this video is a must-watch! Don't forget to like, share, and subscribe for more adventures through the world's most fascinating cities.

🌍✨ Let's explore Moscow together! ✨🌍

#MoscowBiking #CityRide #EveningSerenity #UrbanExploration #MoscowSunset



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