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10 Best place to visit in Zhaoyuan China


Best Attractions and Places to See in Changshu, China

Changshu Travel Guide. MUST WATCH. Top things you have to do in Changshu. We have sorted Tourist Attractions in Changshu for You. Discover Changshu as per the Traveler Resources given by our Travel Specialists. You will not miss any fun thing to do in Changshu.

This Video has covered Best Attractions and Things to do in Changshu.

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List of Best Things to do in Changshu, China

Shang Lake
Yushan Mountain National Forest Park
Shajiabang Scenic Area
Zhaoyuan Garden of Changshou
Xingfu Temple
Xingfu Temple Pagoda
Dongwu National Forest Park

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觀音借庫,是華人民間信仰,又稱觀音開庫。 起源有說,觀音大士修道期間,500護法羅漢化身和尚,下凡為考驗觀音之修行,到觀音廟化緣討飯,觀音於是日農曆正月廿六大開倉庫,給和尚們享用齋菜,其餘食物留齋菜,其餘食物留齋菜 給到訪參拜的善信。 此民間傳說成為約定俗成,化為善信按是日到觀音廟酬神、借庫之宗教活動,同時會舉行生菜會。
廣州芳村大坑口每年都會舉辦生菜會,赴會者除在田野上席地而坐吃生菜,還唱八音,演神功戲。 現場還有設水池內置螺蜆等,任由女性摸取。 民間認為若女性摸到螺者可生子,摸到蜆者則生女。 1980年代習俗復興後,有地方把會期改為與元宵節一併舉行。 生菜會流行於中國廣東省廣州、南海、順德一帶,是一項有300多年歷史的傳統習俗活動。
起源於明末清初,式微於1949年中共建政後初期。 生菜會吃生菜,起初是為了「迎生氣」。 《廣州府志》記載,「迎春日……啖生菜、春餅,以迎生氣。」許多人會後還購買「盈滿筐」的嫩綠生菜回家,以取其生機(見1884年創刊《點 石齋畫報》)。 後來,生菜會與觀音信仰連結在一起,中山大學教授葉春生說:「在珠江三角洲務實重商的社會氣氛中發展,生菜會帶有明顯的功利色彩」。 開生菜會的目的變成求財和求子。
生菜會的日期定在白衣觀音誕,即農曆正月二十六,地點在觀音廟附近,活動除觀戲、聽曲之外,就是朝拜觀音、摸螺求子,食生菜包更是一項必 必不可少的活動。 生菜包的材料幾乎都含有寓意,如生菜寓生財,粉絲象徵長壽,酸菜表示子孫,蜆肉表示顯得發達,韭菜表示長長久久,吃生菜包希冀人財兩旺,長久發達。 清末民初時,生菜會盛極一時。 諺雲:「正月生菜會,五月龍母誕。」生菜會成了廣州、南海一帶民間的一個盛大的節日。
1986年,南海縣官窯、鹽步兩鎮官方對傳統生菜會作了徹底的“改革”,把會期改為元宵節,內容上摒棄了“迷信陋習”,以醒獅比賽為主要競技項目, 以生菜會共敘鄉情,聯誼四方,進行貿易洽談及物資交流。 據其聲稱,改革後的首屆生菜會,參加者有10萬人。
清朝時期,在西關大觀河志喜橋附近,每逢觀音誕、觀音開庫、生菜會,這一帶便搭起了大大小小的棚屋,賣各種小吃、鮮花香燭及擺番攤賭博、 算命解簽,連綿數裡,熱鬧非凡。
坑口生菜會是廣州市荔灣區芳村坑口村村民到觀音廟上香後所進行的民間習俗。 每年農曆正月廿六所有觀音廟都向民間打開銀庫借貸,市民紛紛前來上香向觀音借錢,祈求新的一年工人的開工,農民的開耕,商人的開業,保佑當年風調雨順,豐衣足食 ,過好日子。
傳說幾百年前坑口山頂有一泉眼,泉水流經觀音廟旁的石槽,槽中長有很多蜆、螺。 據稱人們到坑口觀音廟除了上香借錢外,重要的是有計劃生育的婦人必到「石槽」摸上一把,當一手抓到的是螺,預示來年生男,抓到的 是蜆,則生女。 如摸到螺真的貴子降臨,必須到坑口生菜會上香燒爆竹以謝恩賜。 每年來這裡摸蜆摸螺的婦人成千上萬,只要有碰巧遇到降貴子的,爆竹之聲就連綿不絕。 這項傳說遠近聞名,香港,東南亞一帶的華僑都慕名而來。
坑口生菜會從農曆24到29一連6日(舊稱前三日後三日),會設置戲台和比武台,提供演唱粵曲,舞獅的和比武的表演場地。 據說早期開設的對台戲,參與的團體都著力演出自己的拿手好戲。 後來改為連台戲,即一排二三個戲台同時演出。 此外,還有數十頭醒獅匯演,鑼鼓、鞭炮齊嗚;賣武的、雜耍的、江湖術士等也同時各顯身手錶演。
為供人觀賞之餘家人朋友共聚用餐,附近的商家便推出用生菜葉包著特製的飯菜(通常有蜆肉鹼菜等餡料)俗稱生菜包,供人們邊觀賞邊享用,而生菜會之 名也由此而來。
Guanyin's borrowing library is a Chinese folk belief, also known as Guanyin's opening library. It is said that during the period of Guanyin's cultivation, 500 Dharma Protector Arhats transformed into monks and went down to earth to test Guanyin's practice. They came to Guanyin Temple to beg for alms. Guanyin then opened a warehouse on the twenty-sixth day of the first lunar month to provide vegetarian dishes for the monks and left the rest of the food. To the faithful who come to visit. This folk legend has become a convention, and it has become a religious activity for believers to go to the Guanyin Temple on that day to pay respects to the gods and borrow money from the treasury. At the same time, a lettuce party will be held.
A lettuce party is held every year in Dakengkou, Fangcun, Guangzhou. In addition to sitting on the field and eating lettuce, attendees also sing eight tones and perform magic tricks. There is also a pool with built-in snails and clams on site for women to fetch. Folks believe that if a woman touches a snail, she will have a son, and if she touches a clam, she will give birth to a daughter. After the custom was revived in the 1980s, some places changed the date of the festival to be held together with the Lantern Festival. The Lettuce Fair is popular in Guangzhou, Nanhai and Shunde, Guangdong Province, China. It is a traditional custom activity with a history of more than 300 years.
It originated in the late Ming and early Qing dynasties and declined in the early days after the founding of the Communist Party of China in 1949. Lettuce will eat lettuce, initially to welcome anger. Guangzhou Prefectural Chronicle records, On the Spring Festival day... eat lettuce and spring cakes to welcome the vitality. After the meeting, many people also bought full baskets of green lettuce to take home to get the vitality (see Dian, the first publication of 1884). Shi Zhai Pictorial). Later, the lettuce society was associated with the Guanyin belief. Ye Chunsheng, a professor at Sun Yat-sen University, said: Developing in the pragmatic and commercial social atmosphere of the Pearl River Delta, lettuce will have an obvious utilitarian color. The purpose of holding a lettuce party becomes to seek wealth and children.






00:00 Intro
00:19 一年一度坑口生菜會/香火鼎盛/現場熱鬧
14:16 坑口村小吃一條街/吃喝玩樂一應俱全
18:48 市場買生菜/街市實況/牛雜小食
22:52 廣鋼新城/附近樓價/5萬元一平方米
25:41 其賢酒家/讀餐牌時間
28:31 豉汁蒸魚頭/脆皮燒雞/濃香上湯豆苗
40:35 交通路線
42:14 Ending
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Visit Zhaoyuan

#Zhaoyuan, located in the northwestern part of #Yantai, is also one of the most indispensable places to visit in Yantai. It is known as China's Golden City. 🏅It is China's largest gold production base and the birthplace of the gold industry. It owns Asia's largest gold mountain Luoshan and Asia's largest gold ore field, Linglong Gold Mine. 🏞#Zhaoyuan has beautiful natural scenery and has rich and unique tourism resources such as gold mines, hot springs, forests, seashores and ancient villages, which lays the foundation for #Zhaoyuan to become an internationally renowned gold experience tourism destination.

To visit Zhaoyuan city


Shandong ,Zhaoyuan


独立骑车旅行,走走看,记录和分享远方路上的美好。 一个人

Shandong Travel Culture

【4K】Sheshan Hill Shanghai Walking Tour|Sheshan National Forest Park|上海佘山森林公园徒步旅行

Sheshan National Forest Park
Sheshan National Forest Park is located in Songjiang District in the southwest of the city. The park features no less than 12 mountain peaks, meaning this a great place to explore if you’re an avid hiker. Interestingly, Sheshan actually became famous in the 1940s as a prominent place of worship among the Catholic community. The Sheshan Cathedral, which still stands today, was completed in 1935 and ordained by Pope Pius XII in 1942. The site is presently the only active pilgrimage site for Roman Catholics in China.
However, if it’s nature you’re interested in rather than religion, the West Sheshan Park section is said to be the most stunning part in terms of natural beauty, while the eastern part is home to over 5000 birds, of which ten species are nationally protected.

Add: Sheshan Township, Songjiang District, Shanghai
地址:上海市松江区佘山镇外青松公路, 佘山国家森林公园
Tel: 021 5765 1666
Price: free
Opening hours: 8:00-17:00
Getting there: take line 9 to Sheshan station (exit 1), and then take the 92 bus in the direction of Sheshan Bus Station to Zhaoyuan Lu stop. From there walk approximately 450 meters to Sheshan National Forest Park

00:00 Intro
00:56 Mid-Hill Church
12:20 She'shan Basilica
17:43 Sightseeing Platform
27:54 Xiudaozhe Tower
30:46 Tourist Centre
32:08 East Gate
33:34 Waiqingsong Road

sheshan#4k#shanghai 4K#ChinaWalkTour#

穿越时空:带你探寻民国时期的山西太原的秘密!#旅游#travelingvlog #故事 #历史 #china #history




Suzhou River Street|Walking Shanghai City 4K| Lujiazui Financial City|Zhongshan Park Station

苏州河步道|步行 上海 城市 4K|陆家嘴金融城|中山公园站商圈
0:00:00 短视频 Vlog
0:03:24 长宁|苏州河 华东政法大学 景观带|校园历史建筑|华政桥|慢行步道
0:10:33 长宁|沿河景观|万航渡路|苏河十八湾|苏河水岸
0:21:24 武宁路桥|陆家嘴金融城|国金中心商场|城市超市
0:36:34 浦东|陆家嘴环路|世纪大道|世纪天桥|陆家嘴绿地|高楼建筑|景观湖|大草坪|陆家嘴环路
0:45:07 浦东|东城路|银城路|招远路|南泉北路
0:53:12 浦东|商城路路口|新大陆商场|八佰伴商圈|华润时代广场
1:06:00 长宁|灯光夜市|长宁来福士广场|凯旋路

0:00:00 Short video Vlog
0:03:24 Changning|Suzhou River East China University of Political Science and Law Landscape Belt|Campus Historical Buildings|Huazheng Bridge|Slow Walking Trail
0:10:33 Changning|Riverside Landscape|Wanhangdu Road|Suhe Eighteen Bays|Suhe Riverbank
0:21:24 Wuning Road Bridge|Lujiazui Financial City|IFC Mall|City Supermarket
0:36:34 Pudong|Lujiazui Ring Road|Century Avenue|Century Overpass|Lujiazui Green Space|High-rise Buildings|Landscape Lake|Large Lawn|Lujiazui Ring Road
0:45:07 Pudong|Dongcheng Road|Yincheng Road|Zhaoyuan Road|Nanquan North Road
0:53:12 Pudong|Shangcheng Road Intersection|New World Mall|Yabaihan Shopping District|China Resources Times Square
1:06:00 Changning|Light Night Market|Raffles Square Changning|Triumph Road

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Xintiandi|Walk in Shanghai City Metro Vlog|Huaihai Road|Lane Crawford Shopping Center|Shanghai Times
新天地|漫步上海 城市 地铁 Vlog|淮海中路|连卡佛商场|大上海时代广场

Huaihai Road night|Walking Shanghai Downtown 4K|Xintiandi Suzhou River The Bund Yuyuan Street
淮海中路 夜晚|散步 上海 市中心 4K|新天地|苏州河|外滩|豫园老街

Drive Shanghai Downtown 4K|Sichuan road|Beijing road|Jiangpu road|Hongkou Jing an Yangpu
开车 上海市区道路 4K|四川北路|北京东路|新闸路|江浦路|虹口|静安

Xintiandi|Walk in Shanghai Downtown Metro 4K|Huaihai Road|Lane Crawford Mall|Dime underground
新天地|漫步上海 市中心 地铁 4K|淮海中路|连卡佛商场|迪美地下商场

Huaihai Road|Driving Shanghai Tour 4K|Kaixuan road
淮海中路西路|开车上海 游览 4K|凯旋路|曹杨路|真华路|岚皋路|石泉路

West Nanjing Road|Walk Vlog Shanghai 4K|Butterful&Creamorous bakery|Tian An Thousand Trees Shopping
南京西路|步行 Vlog 上海 4K|Butterful&Creamorous 黄油与面包店|天安千树 商场|GRAND

Maoming Road Weihai Road|Walking Street Shanghai Tour 4K|Jing an Temple on Nanjing West Road|Zhangyu
茂名北路威海路|步行街 上海 游览 4K|静安寺商业街|南京西路郁金香|张园 丰盛里|

Huaihai Road|Walking Shanghai City 4K|Xintiandi|East Nanjing Road|North Bund|North Suzhou Creek Road
淮海中路|步行 上海 城市 4K|新天地|南京东路|北外滩|北苏州河路|

Walk Shanghai Vlog 4K|Wuyuan Road | Anfu Road | Changle Road | Huaihai Road | Xinle Road
步行 上海 Vlog 4K|五原路|安福路|长乐路|淮海中路|新乐路

Xintiandi STYLE Street|Walk Tour Shanghai Night 4K|ipam Mall|Huaihai Road
新天地时尚街|步行 上海夜晚 4K|ipam 环贸商场|淮海中路

招远宣传品 英文

The oracle of the Buddha in Zhaoyuan


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► ★【草药探险 】| 探险神秘疆域 寻找深山百草

► ★【绿野中国】 | 探寻自然未知 发现奇异世界

► ★【山野秘事】 | 走遍山川湖野 发现诡秘之事
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Shandong Story

Hope you'll enjoy the story happened in Shandong! A friendly place w/ friendly people.

Lujiazui|Shanghai Tour Cycling 4K|Pudong Avenue|Jimo Road|Nanquan North Road|Shangcheng Road

陆家嘴|上海游览骑行 4K|浦东大道|即墨路|南泉北路|商城路|东昌路|招远路
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Lujiazui|Shanghai Cycling 4K|Pudong Avenue|Jimo Road|Nanquan North Road|Shangcheng Road|Dongchang Road|Zhaoyuan Road

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Lujiazui Financial City|4K Shanghai Tour|Building Residence|Expo Avenue|flowering cherry tree
陆家嘴金融城|4K 上海游览|高楼住宅|世博大道樱花树|浦明路|世纪大道

Xinle road|Walk Shanghai 4K|Fumin Road|hengshan road|Fenyang Road|South Shaanxi Road|Shaoxing Road
新乐路|漫步游览 上海 4K |富民路|衡山路|汾阳路|陕西南路|绍兴路|瑞金二路|淮海中路

Xintiandi|Walking Shanghai 4K|Huaihai Road|Yunnan road|Cycling|Zhejiang Road
新天地|步行 上海 4K|淮海中路|云南南路|骑行|浙江中路|汉口路|威海路.

Jing an Street|Tour Shanghai 4K|hengshan road|Heritage Architecture|Hongkou Street|West Nanjing Road
静安街区|游览 上海 4K |衡山路|历史洋房街区|新天地|南京西路|安义路|富民路|东湖路

Line 14|Line 7|Metro Shanghai Subway 4K |south huangpi road|Jing an Temple Station|Meilan Lake
14号线|7号线|地铁上海 4K |黄陂南路站|静安寺站|美兰湖站|大世界站

Lujiazui Century avenue|Driving Shanghai 4K|Puming Road|Changli Road|Yanggao Road
陆家嘴 世纪大道|开车 上海 4K |浦明路|昌里路|杨高路

Shanghai Vlog|Drone Aerial City 4K|High-rise buildings|K11 shopping mall|Huaihai Middle Road|Jing’a
上海 Vlog|无人机航拍 城市 4K|高楼|K11商场|淮海中路|静安寺地铁站

Shanghai high buildings|Drone Aerial City 4K|Lujiazui Financial City|Century Avenue|Shanghai Center
上海高楼|无人机航拍 城市 4K|陆家嘴金融城|世纪大道|上海中心|黄浦江江景

The Bund|Driving Tour Shanghai 4K|hengshan road|Fuxing road|Zhejiang Road|Huaihai Road|Yongjia road
外滩|开车游览 上海 4K|衡山路|复兴中路|浙江中路|建国西路|永嘉路|淮海中路|

Nanjing Road Pedestrian Street|Shanghai Tour Walking 4K |Gundam Model Exhibition|Huangpi North Road
南京路步行街|上海游览步行 4K|十二生肖高达|模型展览|黄埔|黄陂北路

Walking Nanjing Road West|Shanghai Tour 4K|Jing an|KERRY CENTRY
步行 南京西路|上海游览 4K |静安|嘉里中心

Getting stuck in a snowstorm - YAN AN (EP10)

In this episode of Alice Chinese Adventure, we visit the Mausoleum of the Yellow Emperor, Teapot Mouth Waterfall and Zao Yuan.

Yan an is one of the poorest regions in China. Over 40 million people still live in cave dwellings called Yao Dong.

In the morning, we awoke to a huge snowstorm and we had to drive very slowly down the mountains. For safety reasons, we had to be escorted by a traffic police to a highway checkpoint called Nan Ni Wan. Since the highway was closed, we decided to have a play in the snow and have a few warm drinks until it was safe to pass. After that, we were safely escorted through the tunnel and back to the city.

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Shandong Yantai Music - 11.7

Yantai, a name full of mysteries and charms and embraced by running mountains and vast oceans, is really a fairyland on earth. Su Dongpo, a famous poet of the Song Dynasty, once wrote an enduring poem describing Yantai as The sky and the ocean in the east seem as one.

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China: una carrera hacia el futuro (1) | En busca de una identidad | Documental

Al recorrer diversas ciudades de China, conocer distintas familias y sumergirse en sus tradiciones únicas, resulta evidente que el país experimenta un renacimiento cultural y una apreciación de las tradiciones ancestrales. Acompaña a nuestros presentadores, Mike Walter y Gasthoori Manickam, en un fascinante viaje para descubrir cómo los chinos de hoy en día transmiten su antiguo legado y lo transforman en expresiones contemporáneas. #China #CarrerahaciaFuturo #RacetoFuture #PRC75Years #documental #zht
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