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10 Best place to visit in Xiditou China


Countryside in Hubei 跟着妈妈回湖北农村祭祖

Today we went back to the birthplace of my mother. She is from countryside, like 70% of Chinese population.

When I was born, Chinese had two types of identity: Farming People and Non-Farming People. It is writing on your id card.

When it is Chinese New Year, people will go back to their birthplace to visit family and give them gifts and money. When the vacation is over, they will go back to the cities and work. Sometimes they will leave the kids at their hometown.

One thing we did at countryside, we went to the field of the village and send our greetings ro our ancestors.
It is very important.

With my IPhone 6, I want to record the real China.
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To be continue...

Povertà e dignità - Repubblica Popolare Cinese - ph.mimmoricatti

Gesti semplici della gente di un villaggio di pescatori nella Cina del Nord che nonostante la povertà vive serenamente la vita quotidiana, in contrapposizione uomini segnati dall'emarginazione in città sovraffollate come Shanghai dove la solitudine e la povertà fanno perdere la dignità di essere uomini.

Village en Chine




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