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10 Best place to visit in Xiaoshi China


【逛吃廣州美食】43年最有人情味的米芝蓮餐廳|小北路食住行攻略|北園酒家|匯興源餐館|廣昌隆的始末|美食推薦|旅遊攻略|Canton Food Tour|Guangzhou China Travel

#美食 #廣州 #guangzhou #廣州旅遊 #廣州美食 #探店

Google map:
Baidu map:
鄰近地鐵:廣州地鐵5號線 小北站 A出口,步行727米
餐廳消費:紅蔥頭淋雞(半隻)¥55元 美極羔魷仔¥48元 豉汁蒸鉗魚¥48元 茶位2人¥10 打包盒¥1

Google map:
Baidu map:
鄰近地鐵:廣州地鐵5號線 小北站 A出口,步行830米

🚀【北京路茶樓推薦 - 塗鴉街】

🚀【龍津路美食掃街指南 - 稀有小食】







丹桂里,在小北路的西面路邊,地處明代廣東貢院南側,西達洪桂坊。 洪桂坊北接洪橋街。 古時貢院為省會鄉試考場,古代稱科舉考試及第為“折桂”,故有丹桂里之稱。
古代稱學校為“黉”(hóng),借指稱貢院門前之石橋為“黉橋”,橋南巷道亦得名為“黉橋街”。 文革時認為「黉」字是「四舊」,而且難寫和比較少人認識,於是取諧音改為“洪”,“黉橋街”改為“洪橋街”,洪桂坊原稱“黉桂坊”,也與黉門折桂相關。 丹桂里、天香街、洪橋街、洪桂坊都是古人給貢院附近街巷取吉祥的名稱。

Xiaobei Road:
Xiaobei Road is located at the foot of Yuexiu Mountain. In the Qing Dynasty, it was called Xiaobeizhi Street. During the Tongzhi period of the Qing Dynasty, the main business was home spinning and weaving. After 1949, the cloth factory was jointly operated by the public and private enterprises of the authorities, and merged into two large cloth factories, Taisheng and Sanxin.
In 1918, the small north gate was demolished and expanded into a road, called Xiaobei Road; Because the outer section of the city gate is a dirt road connecting Baiyun Mountain, it is called Dengfeng Road.
In the 50s of the 20th century, when the road was expanded, it was connected with Xiaobei Road, collectively known as Xiaobei Road, renamed Dengfeng North and Middle Road in 1966, and renamed Xiaobei Road in 1981.
00:00 Intro
00:08 小北地鐵站
00:33 小北路/北校場路
02:44 空軍後勤大院/廣州市第十七中學/狀元橋
03:49 小北路美食
04:49 北園酒家/廣州三大園林酒家
07:56 小北城門/小北花圈/越秀賓館
09:31 越秀公園東門/仿古城門/仿古城牆
10:31 仁安新街/撻子大街/三眼井/豆腐寮
11:25 應元路/三元宮/廣州市第二中學/應元宮道
12:43 匯興源餐館
13:18 菜單
16:06 馬拉糕/白切鷄
17:26 紅蔥頭淋雞
18:40 美極羔魷仔
19:44 豉汁蒸鉗魚
20:57 總結/結賬
22:00 小石街/飛來對面巷的故事
23:38 小北路小學
24:10 小北路美食/麗的麵家/小北酒家/大可以
26:09 天香街/明朝廣東貢院舊址
26:37 丹桂里/洪橋街/洪桂坊的由來
27:35 登峰肉菜市場/東川新街市
28:07 “大閙廣昌隆”故事的始末
29:04 廣州希爾頓逸林酒店
29:51 Ending

#广州美食 #廣州美食 #広州 #廣州 #广州 #广州旅游 #廣州旅遊 #荔灣區 #越秀區 #天河區 #東山 #海珠區 #西關 #美食指南 #旅游指南 #旅遊攻略 #旅遊景點 #旅遊推薦 #旅遊 #酒店價格 #酒店 #廣州酒店 ##傳統文化 #嶺南 #广州漫步 #探店 #廣州漫步 #粵語 #广州美食 粤语 #廣州美食 粵語 #廣州旅遊粵語 #廣州粵語 #粵菜美食 #粵菜 #美食 #粵菜 #美食攻略 #老飯店 #老字號 #傳統點心 #點心 #舊街區 #老建築 #大排檔 #漫步 #人氣 #地鐵 #交通 #路綫 #Michelin #米芝蓮 #米其林 #必吃 #必食 #街頭小食 #小食 #餐廳 #飯店 #樓價 #廣東話 #飲食介紹 #美食介紹 #美食推薦 #街拍 #西華路 #沙面 #永慶坊 #上下九 #北京路 #步行街 #商業街 #美食街 #廣州美食2024 #china tour 2024 #廣州2024 #2024 #廣州歷史 #广州历史 #歷史介紹 #廣州故事 #广州故事 #美食之旅 #廣州景點 #广州景点 #中國美食 #廣州自由行 #廣州好去処
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World deepest sinkhole - Xiaozhai Tiankeng

World deepest sinkhole - Xiaozhai Tiankeng
The Xiaozhai Tiankeng, also known as the Heavenly Pit, is the world's deepest sinkhole. It is located in Fengjie County of Chongqing Municipality. The Xiaozhai Tiankeng is 626 metres long, 537 metres wide, and between 511 and 662 metres deep, with vertical walls. Its volume is 119,349,000 m³ and the area of its opening is 274,000 m². This material has been dissolved and carried away by the river. The sinkhole is a doubly nested structure—the upper bowl is 320 metres deep, the lower bowl is 342 metres deep, and the two bowls are on average 257 to 268 m across. Between both these steps is a sloping ledge, formed due to soil trapped in the limestone. In the rainy season, a waterfallcan be seen at the mouth of the sinkhole.

Natural Wonders
Wonders of the world
Lost cities of the world





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陽明山40砲陣地+杜鵑茶花園環狀散步路線 (Yangmingshan 40 Artillery Positions Memorial Park)

After the 39th year of the Republic of China, during the summer each year, President Chiang Jie-shi came to Yangmingshan Caoshan Residence to avoid summer heat. Therefore, the 40 artillery positions of the Air Force were deployed here to protect the safety of the prisident Chiang Jie-shi.
In 1994, the Air Force artillery 210-1 company evacuated, and the barracks were abandoned. In 2005, Li Qiuxia, chief of Hushan village, and He Chaolun, an air force sergeant who had served in the company, called for a petition, so the government established a 40 Artillery Positions Memorial Park to preserve the historical memory.

Enter from the road next to Dinghu Bus Stop on Hushan Road. It takes about 15 minutes to reach the 40 Artillery Positions Memorial Park. Then you can continue to the Azalea-Tcamellia Garden behind the Second Parking lot, and then return to Dinghu Bus Stop via the observation pavilion. The circular route is about 1.7 kilometers, and the walking time is about 1.5 hours (including rest).

本次行程的交通資訊,請參考以下Google Map連結:
(Please refer to the following Google Map link for the traffic information )

【路程時間參考】(Walking reference time)
頂湖公車站→10分鐘→40砲陣地步道入口→5分鐘→40砲陣地紀念公園→8分鐘→第二停車場杜鵑茶花園→15分鐘→觀景亭→15分鐘→頂湖公車站, 步行時間約1.5小時(含休息及拍片)
Dinghu Bus Stop → 10 minutes → 40 Artillery Position trail entrance → 5 minutes → 40 Artillery Position Memorial Park → 8 minutes → Azalea-Tcamellia Garden (Befhhind Second Parking Lot) → 15 minutes → viewing pavilion → 15 minutes → Dinghu bus stop, walking time About 1.5 hours (including rest and filming)

【公廁資訊】(Lavatory Information)
Public toilets in both Yangming Park Parking Lot and the Second Parking Lot.

【交通資訊】(Traffic Informationt )
★大眾運輸工具: 搭乘公車128、129、260花鐘線、小8、小9至頂坪站。站牌旁即步道入口(路口有湖山里辦公室招牌)。
★自行開車: Google地圖衛星導航輸入「陽明立體停車場(草山行館)」或「陽明山第二停車場(陽明山國家公園遊客中心)」;一是從湖山路往上走;一是從第二停車場往下走,前往40砲陣地。
★ Public Transportation: Take bus 128, 129, 260 Flower Clock Line, S8, S9 to Dinghu Stop. Next to the stop sign is the entrance to the trail (there is sign of the Husanli office).
★ Driving by yourself: Google Maps satellite navigation input Yangming Stereo Parking Lot (Caoshan Culture Center) or Yangmingshan Second Parking Lot (Yangmingshan National Park Visitor Center); one is going up from Hushan Road; the other is from the second Parking going down to the 40 artillery positions.

【延伸閱讀】(Extended reading)
★Tony的自然人文旅記第1497篇 -2020.02.19 ◆旅行影片:陽峰古道.陽明山花季

★更多Tony的旅記, 歡迎造訪我的網站(旅記依旅行區域分類):

【本次旅行GPX軌跡檔案下載】(GPX track file download for this trip)


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Top10 Recommended Hotels in Lijiang, China

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Top10 Recommended Hotels in Lijiang, China 1. Lijiang Zhao Gong Mansion House
2. Juxian Boutique Homestay
3. Four Season Inn
4. Lijiang Sunshine Nali Inn ****
5. Lost Horizon Resort
6. Lijiang Ju Xian Inn ***
7. Chen Jie Inn ****
8. Love Cloud Boutique Chain Hotel In The Water Side ****
9. Walden Hotel ****
10. Xihe Boutique Inn ****

1. No.17 Wenhua Alley, Yishang Street, Dayan Ancient Town, 674100 Lijiang, China
Lijiang Zhao Gong Mansion House features free WiFi throughout the property and views of mountain in Lijiang. Featuring a garden, the hotel has air-conditioned rooms with a private bathroom.
2. No59, Baowu Alley, Nanmen Street, Lijiang ancient city, 641000 Lijiang, China
Set in Lijiang in the Yunnan region, with Nanmen Bridge nearby, Juxian Boutique Homestay offers accommodation with free WiFi. Some units include a terrace and/or balcony.
3. No 3-1, Baowu Alley, South Gate, 674100 Lijiang, China
Four Season Inn is situated in Lijiang, 300 metres from Nanmen Bridge and 300 metres from Guan Men Kou. Every room at this hostel is air conditioned and is equipped with a TV with satellite channels.
4. No.41 Jinxing Alley, Guangyi Street, 674100 Lijiang, China
Only a 1-minute walk from Mufu and Sifang Street, Lijiang Sunshine Nali Inn features courtyard-style decoration and guest room with free Wi-Fi.
5. No.45,Guluwu Xiaduan,Yizheng Street,Old Ancient., 674100 Lijiang, China
Located in Lijiang, a 6-minute walk from Black Dragon Pond Park, Lost Horizon Resort offers a garden and terrace.
6. No.5, Yigu Alley, South Gate Street, Lijiang old town, 674100 Lijiang, China
Situated in Lijiang, a 3-minute walk from Nanmen Bridge, Lijiang Ju Xian Inn provides free WiFi. The homestay offers a TV and a private bathroom with free toiletries, a hair dryer and bath or shower.
7. No.21 GuangYi Street, New Court Lane, 674100 Lijiang, China
Set 200 metres from Mufu Palace in Lijiang, Chen Jie Inn provides accommodation with air conditioning and free WiFi. The homestay offers a sun terrace. Loyalty Arch is 200 metres from Chen Jie Inn.
8. No.120 Chongren Alley Qiyi Street, 674100 Lijiang, China
Situated 200 metres from Guan Men Kou in Lijiang, love cloud boutique chain hotel features free WiFi access and free private parking.
9. No 97,Xinrenshangduan,Wuyi Street, Gucheng District, 674121 Lijiang, China
Located in Lijiang, Walden Hotel provides air-conditioned rooms with free WiFi. A 2-minute walk from Baisui Bridge, the property is also 300 metres away from Fang Guoyu's Former Residence.
10. No.28 Xingrenshang Section, Wuyi Street, 674100 Lijiang, China
Housed in a traditional Naxi-style courtyard, Xihe Boutique Inn is located in central Ancient Town of Lijiang, a 5-minute walk from Sifang Street. Free WiFi access is available.



#中国 东北 #丹东 #自駕遊 中國

廣州退休金有多少?退休人士的生活!越秀公園早茶午餐直落!人均30元吃到飽!蝦餃皇23元!陳皮牛肉球23元!本地人生活!餐廳全是老人!人口出生率極低!Canton Food Tour|GuangZhou


#廣州 #退休金 #GuangZhou

餐廳消費:蝦餃皇 ¥23,豉油皇三絲炒麵 ¥21,陳皮牛肉球 ¥23,法式焗餐包 ¥14,荷香珍珠雞 ¥21
「應元書院」為廣東佈政使王凱泰在應元宮原址於同治八年(1869年)興辦,當時只有舉人才能入學,逾年該書院舉人梁耀樞辛未科中進士,欽點狀元。清末科舉式微,應元書院停辦改為廣東先賢祠。光緒三十四年(1908年),兩廣總督張人駿在此創辦以保存國粹為宗旨的廣東存古學堂,宣統三年(1911年)停辦。民國十年(1921年),在廢棄的應元書院處建立了執信中學,兩年後遷至執信南路現址。 1929年廣州市立第一中學遷往此地辦學。對抗勝利後,1947年9月,廣州市立第二中學在應元路原市一中校址復辦。現為廣州市第二中學初中部。
Yingyuan Road, originally from Jiefang North Road to Yuexiushan Stadium, consisted of Qingquan Street, Memorial Hall Road, and Zhenhai Road during the Republic of China period and was completed in 1952. Later, the road was extended eastward to Xiaobei Road in the mid-1990s, forming today's Yingyuan Road.
The road was named after Yingyuan Palace and Yingyuan Academy. During the Republic of China period, the section from Sanyuan Palace to Zhonghua North Road (today's Jiefang North Road) was Qingquan Street, the section from Sanyuan Palace to Jixiang North Road was Memorial Hall Road, and the section from Jixiang Road intersection to the five-story building (Zhenhai Building) was Zhenhai Road. Qingquan Street was named after the Yuewang Well, which was said to be opened by Zhao Tuo, the King of Nanyue, and was known for its clear and sweet well water. The name Qingquan Street completely disappeared after Qingquan Street Primary School was closed in 2002. The school is now Yingyuan School of No. 2 Middle School in Yuexiu District, Guangzhou. Memorial Hall Road was named after the Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hall in the south of the road. The memorial hall is connected to Yuexiu Mountain across the road. Along the 100-step ladder, you can reach the Sun Yat-sen Study and Administration Monument on the mountainside and the Sun Yat-sen Monument on the top of the mountain. Zhenhai Road was named after Zhenhai Tower. After the construction of Yuexiu Mountain Stadium, the road was reorganized into an east-west road along the southern foot of Yuexiu Mountain and past Zhenhai Tower.
In the early Qing Dynasty, Pingnan King Shang Kexi led his army south to Guangdong, and his son Shang Zhixin built the Yingyuan Palace at the foot of Yuexiu Mountain. Later, Pingnan King was involved in the Three Feudatories Rebellion. After it was quelled by the Qing government, Yingyuan Palace was successively converted into a Buddhist temple and a Taoist temple, but was later destroyed in the Second Opium War.


★开平楼价 鵝城 白切鵝 煎豆腐角★

★台山廣海鎮 食足一日海鮮★

★中山美食一日遊 紅燒乳鴿★


★廣州最大海鮮市場 食海鮮必去★


00:00 Intro
00:37 廣州環市東路電動自行車大軍
05:09 小北路/北園酒家早茶只有週末才迎客
12:14 應元路/竹溪家宴飲早茶/讀餐牌時間
34:55 廣州退休人士收入如何?
43:46 小北路美食推薦/越秀公園晨運
48:47 Ending
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[有闲任性] 战神关羽59公斤铜关刀的所在地 | Unplanned Traveller - Dragon Crescent Blade Stored Here!??


Except for the birth of the Guan Yu, which is held on the 4th day of the June lunar month, from the first to the fifteenth day of the Chinese New Year, it is one of the most lively days in Guandi Temple in Kuala Lumpur. This more than 100-year-old temple that has been listed as a protected building by the Malaysian government was built in the form of a traditional Chinese temple. Carved beams, painted roofs, roof tiles, eaves, couplets, shrines, plaques, and sculptures, all show high Chinese. Classical artistic achievements, especially copper incense burners, a pair of copper vases and a big sword, are engraved with the words Guangxu Wuzi Year, Guangxu 14 Years and the words Made by Yuan He in Guangdong Province, which have witnessed the century-old history of Guandi Temple The value of existence is the treasure of the town temple. One brick, one tile, one wood and other materials in the temple were purchased from China by a special person and arrived in Kuala Lumpur by sea transport for more than one month.

IG: Unplanned.Traveller
IG: corwin.creator

#关帝庙 #马来西亚旅游 #吉隆坡 #茨廠街关帝庙 #新年快乐 #新年快乐2020 #マレーシア #クアラルンプール #休み #旧正月 #吉隆坡唐人街 #茨厂街中华街 #春节 #GuanDi #關帝廟 #关羽 #关云长 #三国演义 #フカヒレ #GuanDiTemple #ChinatownKualaLumpur #KLAttractions ‎#GuanPing #‎GuanXing #ZhangFei #‎GreenDragonCrescentBlade #關二哥 #文创 #文化创意

ตะลุยกินตลาดสดใหญ่สุดในคุนหมิง ไหวใช่ไหม?!

ตะลุยกินตลาดสดที่ใหญ่ที่สุดในคุนหมิง ไหวใช่ไหม?!
กินตั้งแต่เต้าหูขนดกกกแบบดกมากๆ สูดเส้นข้าวที่อร่อยที่สุดในโลก ชิมอาหารไดที่เหมือนอาหารไทยเป๊ะ! และอื่นๆอีกมากมาย

ใครจะไปติดต่อ Zouba Tours และคุณเจอรี่ได้ทาง IG @zouba_tours นะคะ

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0:00 intro
0:30 ตลาดสดที่ใหญ่ที่สุดในคุนหมิง
3:12 ตลาดจ่วงซิน
3:48 เต้าหู้เส้น
ุ6:55 ไก่หมักซอส
8:59 เต้าหู้ทอด
10:00 ยำมะเขือม่วง
11:00 ขนมปังข้าว
13:20 ก๋วยเตี๋ยวจีน
15:21 บุกโรงงานเต้าหู้ 600 ปี
19:45 ครัวเต้าหู้ตระกูลจิ้นเจียง
23:59 สรุป

No One Warned Me Food in Guangzhou China was Like This!

No One Warned Me Food in Guangzhou China was Like This!

Dim Sum restaurant - Shangdian
Dessert shop -Nan Xin NiuNai TianPin ZhuanJia
Claypot meal - Wan Xing Xiao Shi
Mango dessert restaurant - Mak's Noodle
Sweet n sour chicken shop - Random back alleyway

Beginner ebook city guides:

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Buenos Aires, Argentina -
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil -
Panama City, Panama -
Guadalajara, Mexico -
Medellin, Colombia -
Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic -
Lima, Peru -
Guayaquil, Ecuador -

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I appreciate it.

普通早市但硬核Regular Chinese morning market+wigs, nail fungus treatment, RockDaddy#china #4k #travel #old





The morning market, also known as the morning market and the morning market, is a market that mainly sells groceries, fruits and vegetables, seafood, etc. in the early hours of the morning. It now mostly comes in the form of fresh goods.

During the Sui and Tang dynasties, the opening hours of the market were strictly regulated by the government, and they opened and closed every morning and evening with the control of officials. In the Song Dynasty, a morning market called Xiaoshi appeared, also known as bamboo pole market and ghost market, mainly used to alleviate the flow of people in the night market at that time. Every day at five more lights, the stalls are closed at dawn. Later, Xiaoshi gradually became a trend, on a par with the night market. The restrictions in the market are also as few as the night market, so it is popular with the people.

The above description is from Wikipedia, too literal, please see the following people-friendly version of the introduction:
Enter the morning market in Pukou and you can embrace the ideal of life in the fireworks of the new main city.

This large market, formed by the old community of the 90s, is lively and marketable, hiding the most concentrated human fireworks in Jiangbei. With the fragrance of fruits and vegetables, poultry and fresh food pleasing to the eye, and dry food stores always exuding a charming atmosphere, such morning markets give you all-round sensory stimulation, which is both vivid and cheap.

00:19: 曹老头烧饼 Oldman Cao's Burned pancake
01:05 进入早市 Enter the morning market
01:32 老店新开的北方馒头摊 The old northern steamed bun stall newly re-open
03:08 日用百货店 Grocery store
03:51 口水鸡 Saliva chicken stall
04:54 茭白蔬菜摊 Vegetable stall
05:30 手工皮鞋 治疗灰指甲 Handmade leather shoes & treat nail fungus
06:09 蔬菜摊 Vegetable stall
06:56 十元服装店 Ten RMB clothing store
07:56 鸡鸭摊位 Chicken and duck stalls
09:17 黑猪肉摊位 Black pork stall
09:37 酱牛肉摊位 Sauce beef stall
10:19 假发摊位 Wig stall
13:03 椴树蜜摊位 Linden honey stall
14:20 草莓摊位 Strawberry stall
15:04 陈师傅鱼丸 Master Chen's fish balls
17:54 春卷皮 早餐店 Spring roll peel & breakfast store
19:07 河蚌摊位 River mussel stall
19:44 蔬菜摊位 Vegetable stall
20:10 煎饼果子摊位 Chinese pancake stall
21:20 摇滚大爷 Rocky Daddy

Hong Kong Street Food ADA Wanchai 精美小食

Take away snacks dim sum, noodles, variations of steamed and fried rice, sausages, fish balls, tofu, western sandwiches, waffles, milkshakes, fresh juices and teas. The menu changes as customers move from breakfast to lunch to evening snacks.The food is nothing special but very convenient if you are in a hurry. Across from Wanchai MTR (Exit C) on the corner of Lockhart Road and O'Brien Road open from early until about 11pm.

yut goh (I want one)...
siu mai -- steamed dumplings of pork, fish and vegetables, in yellow noodle, usually five on a stick
yu dan -- fish balls served on a wooden stick
zha you yu si -- deep fried squid
ji dan zai -- Hong Kong's waffle
géi chín a? -- how much?
uum goi sai -- thank you

Ada 精美小食 - Food Stall Noodles Takeaway in Wan Chai ...Ada 美食廣場 Street Food Stalls- xiao shi dian (小食店) Ada 精美小食


#袁媽媽正宗山東雜糧煎餅 的食材都是每天新鮮準備,😊不過夜,所以營業時間也不固定,想要知道每天什麼時間營業的朋友,記得點擊影片下方網址關注她的粉絲團每天都會更新營業時間喔
😊記得幫我們影片按個 讚 ~

[ 訂閱youtobe#你好不好意思 ] 加入我們的大家庭~

#小施夫妻 粉專 #生活日常
ig建議使用Microsoft Edge搜尋


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#小施夫妻 日常生活中 #好笑 #好玩 的事與 #好吃 的 #美食 #你好不好意思 #taiwan 與各位分享 大家都開心~我們就快樂~










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大理鶴慶 古玩地攤 琳琅滿目的古物 讓人眼花撩亂

大理鶴慶 古玩地攤 琳琅滿目的古物 讓人眼花撩亂

#環華 #自駕雲南 #鶴慶


相機:iPhone 12 Pro
攝影相機: Sony A7C
航拍機:DJI Mavic 2
運動相機:DJI Osmo Action
手持雲台:DJI OM 4

A-journeys-epilogue by sivan-talmor (Artlist)

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#耿佬柒 #环华 #自驾 #徒步 #自驾西藏 #318 #此生必驾 #西藏 #山南 #自驾云南 #云南 #自驾新疆 #新疆 #自驾青海 #青海 #西藏旅游 #青海旅游 #拉萨 #チベット #Tibet #G214滇藏綫 #航拍 #摄影 #生活 #沉浸式做饭 #野外煮饭 #野炊

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Maligne Lake, Spirit Island, Maligne Canyon, River Crossing, Peyto Lake, 玛琳湖 精灵岛 玛琳峡谷 萨斯喀彻温河流交会 佩投湖

Maligne Lake, Spirit Island, Maligne Canyon, Saskatchewan River Crossing, Peyto Lake, 玛琳湖, 精灵岛, 玛琳峡谷, 萨斯喀彻温河流交会, 佩投湖, The Province of Alberta, 阿尔伯塔省, CANADA, 加拿大

Tongren Night Walk, China's Stunning Ancient City | Guizhou Province | 4K HDR

Hey, friends, I love this small city of Guizhou very much, the Tongren City.

Tongren, known as the gateway to eastern Guizhou, is situated in the junction of Guizhou Province and Hunan Province.

Tongren is 390 km away from Guiyang, the provincial capital of Guizhou Province. It takes about 5 hours by car from Tongren to Guiyang.

Because of migration to the cities, the urban area of Tongren has been expanded to 24,000 square kilometers and the total constructed urban area is about 23 square kilometers, with an urban Greening Ratio of 51%.

The total population of Tongren City is 3,300,000. In addition, the area code for Tongren is 0856, and the postal code is 554300.

Tongren is located in the southeast edge of Fanjing Mountain, which is the main peak of the Wuling Mountains. Here, wonderful scenes of mountains, caves and hot springs are set together.

Tongren is also a multi-ethnic region containing many minority groups, with Miao, Tujia, Dong, Gelo, Man and others inhabiting here.

Each year during the Spring Festival, many colorful folk dance performances can be seen in this area, such as Lantern, Tea Lights, and Dragon Light, as well as Playing Money Shot and Stilt.


Tongren lies in the northeast part of Guizhou Province, neighboring Chongqing Municipality to the north and Hunan Province to the east. It is a vital nexus between Central China and the southwest frontier, and accordingly is known as the 'Gateway of the Guizhou Eastern Area'. Legend has it that during the Yuan Dynasty (1271-1368) a man found three bronze figures underwater, hence the name Tongren (bronze figure). Yongren is widely known for Fanjing Mountain, one of five famous Buddhist mountains in China.

The mountain has been functioned as the place where the Buddhist rites are performed since ancient China, along with Huguo Temple and Chengen Temple. What is more magic is that people can see the huge halo of seven colors on the clouds opposite to the sun before 9 a.m. and after 4 pm. Visitors can also watch the Nuo Drama, called the living fossil in drama. It is a kind of religious sacrificial drama with masks.

There are well-known tourist destinations in Tongren Region including: the Nine-dragon Cave Scenic Spot (famous for Karst caves), Fanjing Mountain National Nature Reserve, and the beautiful Jinjiang River. There are also many well-known cultural destinations including: Dongshan Temple, China Nuo Opera and Nuo Mask Museum.

Tongren is located in the slope transition zone of Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau between the hilly area of western Hunan Province and the Sichuan Basin area. The rainfall is abundant in Tongren, and the annual average temperature here is 13 °C to 17.5 °C. Because of its location at a low latitude, Tongren is the hottest area in Guizhou Province, with the highest temperature in summer reaching up to 42.5 °C , much higher than other cities in Guizhou Province.

Local Food
The local dishes of Tongren are often a little salty, but not very spicy, and the snacks here are all quite cheap. Generally, they only cost one or two yuan. Moreover, there are local food stalls which serve a dish similar to hot pot, and which tastes equally good. If you stop over at the foot of Fanjing Mountain, you can stay at the farmhouse, where you can taste the farm fresh chicken as well as various kinds of fresh vegetables.

Night markets can be seen in many streets, especially around Xiao Shi Zi, No. 5 Primary School of Tongren City. About seven or eight o'clock at night, the street will be bustling with activity, and some stores will stay open all through the night. The market food is not expensive, and you will spend at most 10 yuan to taste a variety of snacks and end with a satisfied stomach.

Each day, there are a number of flights heading for Tongren Daxing Airport from cities like Guiyang, Chongqing, Guangzhou, Shenzhen and many other places. Daxing Airport is situated in Daxing Town, Songtao County, Tongren Prefecture. It takes no more than half an hour to go to Tongren city from Daxing Airport by bus. With the arrival of each flight, there will be airport buses to send travelers to the Tongren city area. You are only required to tell the bus driver your specific stop when you want to get off the bus.


Google Map:
0:00 Intro
1:23 Walking Along the River
16:34 Walking in the old city
39:39 Walking into the Central South shopping street
59:29 Starry Sky Exhibition Hall
1:04:34 keep exploring the night market
1:20:00 special moments

Shibalidian, Longtan Park, Qianmen, Baiyun Temple Cycling Beijing China [4K] 骑行北京

Try to record the real streets of Beijing. most of time, I will ride a bicycle.
It is recommended to play a music list while watching to enhance the viewing experience.
Shooting Date: 2023/04/29 am at about 14-16℃

00:00:00 Route on map
00:00:51 Dayangfang Road
00:10:32 East Third Ring Road Shilihe Bridge
00:11:59 Zuo'an Road
00:15:58 ShiliheXie Street
00:17:18 Huawei South Road
00:17:52 Guangqumen South Riverside Road (East Second Ring Road)
00:18:59 Pedestrian bridge over the East Second Ring Road
00:22:14 Longtan East Road
00:24:05 Longtan Road
00:28:55 Gymnasium West Road
00:30:50 Fahua Temple Street
00:31:32 Pedestrian bridge across Chongwenmen Outer Street
00:33:50 Chongwenmen Outer Street
00:34:04 Temple of Heaven Road
00:34:31 Ciqikou Street
00:35:26 East Xiaoshi Street
00:37:57 Qi Nian Street
00:38:52 Zhushikou East Street
00:39:08 Caochang 10th Alley
00:40:39 West Xinglong Street
00:41:42 Caochang 3rd Alley
00:42:23 West Damochang Street
00:44:29 Qianmen East Road
00:47:53 Qianmen East Street
00:49:01 Qianmen West Street
00:51:48 Xuanwumen East Street
00:53:57 Xuanwumen West Street
00:58:53 Fuxingmen South Street
01:01:12 Lianhuachi East Road
01:02:33 Guang'anmen North Riverside Road
01:03:17 Baiyun Temple Street

Gopro 9 settings:Version Number:1.60
4K50FPS / Lens:Linear / HyperSmooth:On / ISO:100-800 / Shutter:Auto EV:-0.5 / White Balance:5000 / Color:Flat / Sharpness:Low



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