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10 Best place to visit in Vrutok Macedonia


10 Beautiful Restaurants in Macedonia | 10 Prekrasni Restorani vo Makedonija

10 Beautiful Restaurants in Macedonia
10 Prekrasni Restorani vo Makedonija

🍽 10 Ubavi Restorani vo Makedonija
🥣 Etno restorani vo Makedonija
🍤 Ribni restorani vo Makedonija
🍹 Najubavi restorani vo Makedonija
🍻 Ubavi restorani vo Makedonija
🥂 Restorani vo priroda Makedonija
🍾10 Makedonski Avtenticni Restorani

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✅ Video delovi | Видео делови:
00:00 Pocetok | Почеток
00:13 Najava
01:03 Restoran Kujka na Mijacite
03:14 Hotel & Restoran Tutto - Jance
04:32 Restoran Na Valajci - Slosestica
05:54 Riben restoran Belica - Makedonski Brod
06:45 Nacionalen restoran Gorna kuka - Slepce
07:57 Etno restoran Kuklica
08:47 Etno restoran Kaj mostot - Zovic
09:39 Riben restoran Nezilovo
11:02 Restoran Babino
12:30 Etno Restoran Topila - Gari
13:09 Kraj

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☎️ Kontakt od restoranite prikazani vo ova video:
☎️ Контакт од рестораните прикажани во ова видео:
1.Restoran Kujka na Mijacite:
2.Hotel & Restoran Tutto - Jance:
3.Restoran Na Valajci - Slosestica:
4.Riben restoran Belica - Makedonski Brod:
5.Nacionalen restoran Gorna kuka - Slepce:
6.Etno restoran Kuklica:
7.Etno restoran Kaj mostot - Zovic:
8.Riben restoran Nezilovo:
9.Restoran Babino:
10.Etno Restoran Topila - Gari:

🎞️ Poglednete gi nasite plejlisti:
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🔀 Most beautiful Macedonian villages:

🔀 Macedonian villages:

🔀 Places to visit in Macedonia:

🔀 Mountain villages in Macedonia:

✅ Za nas:
✔️ Makedonija se naoga vo centralniot del na Balkanski poluostrov, pravejki ja most koj gi povrzuval istokot i zapadot so vekovite.
✔️ Za Makedonija so pravo se veli deka e srceto na Balkanot.
✔️ Nasa cel e da gi promovirame nejzinite ubavini.

✅ За нас:
✔️ Македонија се во централниот дел на Балканскиот полуостров, правејќи ја мост кој ги поврзувал истокот и западот со векови.
✔️ За Македонија со право се вели дека е срцето на Балканот.
✔️ Нашата цел е да ги промовираме нејзините убавини

✅ Нашето мото:
Тоа што не можете да го замислите, можете да го откриете.
✅ Nasheto moto:
Toa sto ne mozete da go zamislite, mozete da go otkriete.

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✅ Oprema za snimanje na ova video:
✅ Опрема за снимање на ова видео:
Camera: Cannon EOS 250D
Drone DJ Mavic
Editing software: Adobe Premiere Pro CC and After Effects

✅ Video tags:
discover macedonia,macedonia,makedonija,etno restorani vo makedonija,najubavi restorani vo makedonija,restorani vo priroda makedonija,planinski restorani makedonija,severna makedonija,best restaurants in north macedonia,restorani u makedonija,restaurants north macedonia,македонија,restaurant in north macedonia,Tradicionalna Makedonska Hrana,10 Prekrasni Restorani vo Makedonija,Traditional Macedonian Food,10 BEAUTIFUL RESTAURANTS IN MACEDONIA,macedonian food

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Skopje to Gostivar #macedonian #nature #fyrom #automobile #travel #beautiful




Drone Sky View: Vrutok Macedonia

This is a display of the Vrutok Sky and the village from a drone.


Vrutok izvori

Matka, Skopje, Macedonia (2023) Матка, Скопје, Македонија 🇲🇰 #skopje #macedonia #makedonija

✅ More Videos: ❤️
Matka, Skopje, Macedonia (2023) Матка, Скопје, Македонија 🇲🇰
#skopje #macedonia #makedonija

Demirkapija Gorge, North Macedonia ( from above )

Walking in Skopje, North Macedonia 🇲🇰

My Argentinian friend and I hitchhiked around North Macedonia, from Albanian berde to St. Naum, Ohrid and Skopje in summer 2019. A whole new experience.
Good food and beer in Ohrid. Nice atmosphere and good night life in Skopje.
Subscribe for more traveling videos.
#skopje #travel #vlog

Krusevo, Macedonia

Read all about our visit to Krusevo on our Macedonia Blog:

Canyon Matka Hotel & Restaurant


Wannabe Couple? || Kozjak Lake & Pasha’s Mosque in Tetovo

A 'Wannabe Couple' is the closest I have gotten to a 'relationship' but it didn't stop me from wondering 'what does he want from me?' and then asking him if it was my passport that he wanted - aha. Had to be asked.

From singing, plant buying instead of drinking to sightseeing with 'HIM', I started to allow myself to feel and to let whatever happens, happen. I thought many times - Are we a wannabe couple? Lol and I was in fact right. I think people in relationships get it good cause they can get IT whenever they WANT IT but ofc, that's what I think and there's always a chance I am wrong. I just know that so far 'Wannabe Couple' works for me cause essentially we're together when WERE TOGETHER so other times I'm single, right? Oh jeez! I don't know where my heads at when it comes to this stuff cause this is the first time I have every done this.

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Pop Art Band for letting me sing with them

Ris Flower for being amazing as always with his support

Momo aka Mona Majkovska for her love and constant tolerating of my demanding ways - RECORD ME SINGING!!

Grace for being our 'plant child' - Listen to your mother

Song: Yugen
Musician: Jeff Kaale


Joy Cafe & Bakery

Gallerija 7

Kozjak Lake

Pasha's Mosque/ Šarena Dzamija in Tetovo

Caffe Pasticeria 'Rinia'

Restaurant Lartana

00:00 Intro
00:11 Singing at Tribeca
00:54 Joy Cafe & Bakery
00:57 Gallerija 7
01:04 He Shows Me He Cares
02:59 'All Talk and No Do'
03:33 Kozjak Lake
07:49 Pasha's Mosque/Abdyrraman
11:39 Caffe Pasticeria Rinia
11:56 Restaurant Lartana
12:52 Let Yourself Be Loved

Stay healthy! xx

The river Vardar - Skopje (Vardar nehri - Üsküp)

The river Vardar - Skopje
Реката Вардар - Скопје

Biljana's Springs, Ohrid - Билјанини извори, Охрид 2022-07

Biljana's Springs, Ohrid
- Билјанини извори, Охрид

Gostivar - Republic of Macedonia

Gostivar (Гостивар) is a Macedonian city, located in the upper Polog region, Western Macedonia. It is the fifth largest city in the country with a population of 46,000 (Macedonians: 33,15%, Albanians: 47,12%, Turks: 12,72%, Roma, Serbs, Vlachs and Bosnians), the town also covers 1.341 square kilometres.

Gostivar is situated on the foothills of one of the most important mountains in the region:Šar Planina mountain. Near to Gostivar is the village of Vrutok, where the Vardar river begins at an altitude of 683 meters from the base of the Šar Planina mountain. Vardar extends through Gostivar, cutting it in half, passes through the capital Skopje, goes through the country, enters Greece and finally reaches the Aegean Sea.

The most significant monuments in the city is the Clock Tower (Saat-Kula) and the St. Bogorodica church.

It's first mentioning is in 1313 as a settlement of 200 residents.

Origin of the name 'Gostivar':
In the Suva Gora-region (meaning dry mountain), there were churches and monasteries. Almost all the monasteries had farms in the Gostivar field. The settlement of what will be the town of Gostivar was an important centre of the monasteries (‚metuf' - meaning Monastery land). The people from the metufs of the Suva Gora monasteries went to Gostivar to feast. They ate good food and led a dissipated life there for several days. The name of the town of Gostivar derived from those feasts (‚goshtevanja').

During Second World War, Gostivar like the rest of the Western part of Macedonia were under Italian and Albanian fascistic occupation, the ethnic Macedonian population was terrorized by Albanian bandits (Balisti), their pro-Italian fascistic organization was called Bali Kombetar. When the Macedonian liberation movement begun the organized Macedonian fighters clashed with the Balisti, under the deads was the Balisti-leader 'Djemo'. The most important ethnic Macedonian fighter in this region was the national hero Cedo Filipovski-Dame (a statue is to find at the town's square)

In 1997 Clashes between Albanian extremists and the Macedonian Police because of the illegal positioning of the Albanian State Flag in front of the municipal building.

Gostivar today is a modern city, it has good road and railway connections with the other cities in the region: Tetovo, Skopje, Kičevo, Ohrid, and Debar. A new and modern freeway was built, in 1995, from Gostivar to Tetovo, 24 km long. The city of Gostivar is the seat of the Gostivar municipality.

Izvor Crnog Drima, izvor čistoće i netaknute prirode.

Crni Drim u Severnoj Makedoniji među najčistijim je rekama u Evropi. Na izvoru se voda pije slobodno, a Crni Drim izvire ispod planina, kreča i peska.


Животот тече спомените остануваат .Не потсетуваат на едни добри времиња со добри пријатели на добри места со добра чаша и добра храна некои сега ги нема но затоа е ова видео да се подсетиме ...

Скопје , Камен Мост , Вардар Skopje , Stone Bridge , river Vardar 2021 02

Скопје , Камен Мост , Вардар Skopje ,
Stone Bridge , river Vardar
2021 02

Trip continued to Tetovo and resort town of Ohrid Macedonia.

After Skopje on day 3, 04 Nov 2019 we continue to move on to Tetovo and Ohrid a resort town by the Lake Ohrid. Weather were chilled and a little bit cloudy but just nice with some sunshine.

At Tetovo we visited a unique hand painted mosque known as Sarena Mosque which was built in the fifteen century by Abdurrahman Pasha.

Then we continued to Ohrid and had our lunch at Old Town of Ohrid and some window shopping. We walked by the lake side of Lake Ohrid one of the oldest and deepest lake in Europe.

For me the best time to visit the Balkans is during autumn season where tree leaves change colour to yellowish, red and brownish. Since I was from tropical country seeing autumn were just amazing, Subhanallah.

National Park Mavrovo - Amazing place to visit

National Park Mavrovo - Amazing place to visit
It is Amazing place to visit.

The Painted Mosque In Tetovo - North Macedonia - Balkan Travel Blog

If you're wondering if you should take the trip from Skopje to Tetovo to see this beautiful painted mosque, the answer is yes. It's beautiful inside and out and the people there were very welcoming.

This mosque is well worth a visit to Tetovo which is not too far from Skopje. Read all about it on our Macedonia Blog:

We arrived just as an older gentleman wearing a white skullcap was opening the doors to the Šarena Džamija, and he ushered us inside, speaking German. It turned out that he had spent a decade working in Jürgen’s home town of Darmstadt.



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