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10 Best place to visit in Vinica Macedonia


Best Restaurants and Places to Eat in Skopje , Republic of Macedonia

Skopje Food Guide. MUST WATCH. We have sorted the list of Best Restaurant in Skopje for you. With the help of this list you can try Best Local Food in Skopje . You can select best Bar in Skopje .

And Lot more about Skopje Food and Drinks.

It's not the Ranking of Best Restaurants in Skopje , it is just the list of best Eating Hubs as per our user's ratings.

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List of Best Restaurants in Skopje

Gostilnica Dukat
Skopski Merak
Ristorante da Gino
Kaj Serdarot
Old Town Brewery
Old House
Vodenica Mulino
Lounge Restaurant Trend & Bistro London

Hotel Bel Kamen - Бел Камен Радовиш

Hotel Bel Kamen (White Stone) is a hotel situated in the mountain of Plackovica 20 km from the city of Radovish, Macedonia

REPUBLIC OF MACEDONIA | Road trip to the east 🚐

Macedonia | A small country worth visiting

Places to visit :
Kokino (Bronze Age archaeological site)
Skopje (capital)
Matka Canyon (20min away from Skopje)
Ohrid (city on a lake)
Smolari waterfall
Koshino waterfall

Green Traveller's Video of East Macedonia and Thrace

Our video about this wonderful part of Northern Greece that accompanies our online Green Traveller's Guide to East Macedonia and Thrace, filmed in the summer of 2022:

Strumica, Doiran, Macedonia 4K travel guide

Заснемане на хотели и туристически дестинации от Блумакс студио. Production of Bluemax Studio. Video filming of hotels and tourist destinations. Strumica, Doiran, Macedonia 4K travel guide

Via- Ignatia Vevcani Macedonia מקדוניה שלי 2016 בישול מיוחד במסעדה Macedonia

Via- Ignatia Vevcani Macedonia מקדוניה שלי 2016 בישול מיוחד במסעדה Macedonia

Stogovo Mountain, Macedonia (2022_09_30)

Panoramic video from Stogovo, the mountain in Western part of Macedonia.
There are several peaks higher than 2000 meters ASL (with few antenna towers for GSM, DVB-T and other radio communications), from which there is a wonderful breathtaking view of the surroundings.
Just below the mountain, you can see Debar Lake, where the Radika River flows into the Crn Drim River, the town of Debar with the surrounding villages, and in the distance to the south, you can see Lake Ohrid. To the east you can see the city of Kichevo with the Kichevo valley.
- Coordinates: 41.5005450 N, 21.6016184 E
- Recorded with drone DJI Mini-2
- Resolution 4K/30fps
- Edited in VEGAS Pro 19 software
- Date: 2022/09/30
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Видео панорама од планината Стогово во западниот дел на Македонија.
Има неколку врвови околу 2000 метри надморска височина (1880 m, 2125 m и 2190 m) каде има поставено антенски столбови за GSM и DVB-T, како и за останати радиокомуникациски системи.
Од врвовите се простира прекрасен живописен поглед на околината. Поглед што ќе Ви го одзеде здивот. Веднаш под планината се гледа Дебарско езеро (вештачкото езеро Шпиље) каде реката Радика се влева во река Црн Дрим, градот Дебар со околните села, а во далечината на југ, се гледа Охридското езеро. На исток се гледа градот Кичево со кичевската котлина.
- Координати: 41.5005450 N, 21.6016184 E
- Снимено со дрон DJI Mini-2
- Видео резолуција 4К/30fps
- Обработено во VEGAS Pro 19 софтвер за видео/аудио едитирање
- Датум: 30.09.2022 година

Kochani-Vinica-Ribnik Sliv

The Amazing Berovo | Little Switzerland of the Balkans

✅ Video about City of Berovo | Grad Berovo | Град Берово

✅ Video parts:
00:00 Start
00:40 Berovo Lake | Berovsko Ezero | Беровско Езеро
03:22 City of Berovo | Grad Berovo | Град Берово
07:44 Churches and Monasteries | Crkvi i Manastiri | Цркви и Манастири
10:10 City of Berovo | Grad Berovo | Град Берово

✅ If you want to see videos about Ethno Festival Berovo, check the channel below

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🎞️ Watch out playlists

🔀 Most beautiful Macedonian villages:

🔀 Macedonian villages:

🔀 Places to visit in Macedonia:

🔀 Mountain villages in Macedonia:

✅ About us:

✔️ MACEDONIA is positioned in Balkan Peninsula, making it a bridge that connects the West and the East for centuries.
Macedonia is rightly said to be the heart of the Balkans.
Our goal is to promote its beauties

🔔 To keep track of upcoming content, Subscribe here, it's FREE :

✅ Our moto:
What you can't imagine, you can Discover

👍 Enjoy our travelogues

✅ Used equipment:
Camera: Cannon EOS 250D
Drone DJ Mavic
Editing software: Adobe Premiere Pro CC and After Effects

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Village STARAVINA | Birthplace of Kalesh Angja | Novaci | Macedonia

🔔 Subscribe here, it's FREE :

✔️ Video about Village STARAVINA | Birthplace of Kalesh Angja | Novaci | Macedonia
✔️ Видео за село Старавина | Родното место на Калеш Анѓа | Новаци | Македонија

✅ Used materials in the video by fair use:
- Photo of Kalesh Angja - Dejan Makrievski
- Old pictures from school

- Part from the text from Nova Makedonija newspaper article

Ivan Terziev

00:00 Start
00:13 The Village of Staravina
01:03 The birth house of Kalesh Angja
02:27 The Village of Staravina
06:37 Monasteries and Churches in Staravina
09:40 End


🎞️ Watch out playlists

🔀 Most beautiful Macedonian villages:

🔀 Macedonian villages:

🔀 Places to visit in Macedonia:

🔀 Mountain villages in Macedonia:

✅ About us:
✔️ MACEDONIA is positioned in Balkan Peninsula, making it a bridge that connects the West and the East for centuries.
Macedonia is rightly said to be the heart of the Balkans.
Our goal is to promote its beauties

🔔 To keep track of upcoming content, Subscribe here, it's FREE :

✅ Our moto:
What you can't imagine, you can Discover

👍 Enjoy our travelogues

✅ Used equipment:
Camera: Cannon EOS 250D
Drone DJ Mavic
Editing software: Adobe Premiere Pro CC and After Effects

✅ Contact us:

Restaurants in Ohrid, North Macedonia where we had our brunch and dinner

Hi, guys. In this video, I showed the restaurants where we had our brunch and lunch during our summer vacation. I also indicated the price of the foods.

Thank you so much for watching


Music info:
.Fun Kid by Quincas Moreira
.Little Samba by Nathan Moore

1 Macedonia Timeless 4 Temples, Makedonija Vecna 4 Hramovi, Macedonian beauty and pride

Истражи ја Македонија: Струмица

Превземено од
Промоција на Македонија како туристичка дестинација

Lago di Ohrid, Macedonia del Nord. Parola d'ordine: veramente meraviglioso!

Chi l'avrebbe mai detto che la Macedonia del Nord, meta poco considerata turisticamente, avesse un luogo così meraviglioso da mostrare al mondo!? Ebbene sì, con questo video vogliamo impressionarvi ma anche convincervi a visitare questo piccolo angolo di mondo nei Balcani, Patrimonio Unesco macedone dai colori brillanti e panorami mozzafiato, il Lago di Ohrid, Ocrida in italiano. Buona visione e per vedere foto e video degli interni delle chiese e del Monastero di San Naum, oltre che la location e le prelibatezze (trota di Ocrida) del nostro stupendo pranzo, seguiteci su Instagram:

2017 Gillian & David Travel to North Macedonia

North Macedonia

Three Days in North Macedonia

North Macedonia - September 2020

From Serbia, we then took a short flight on Air Serbia over to Skopje, North Macedonia. North Macedonia is a tiny mountainous country that honestly really amazed me. Being a small country there it's easy to travel. It is mountainous, so sometimes driving can be longer than expected.

Skopje itself is trying to recreate itself. For instance, the whole downtown area has undergone massive reconstruction that is not all finished. There is controversy among the locals with the architecture as it's not classic Macedonian. Skopje is small and divided by a river. On the north is the Muslim side, and on the south, the Christian. They are very different, and it's unique to cross the river and feel like a totally different experience. The bazaar on the Muslim side is particularly fun!

We also decided to explore other parts of Macedonia, including the western part. Like Mavrovo Lake and Bigorski Monastery, and the famous city of Ohrid in the south. Macedonia is gorgeous, and I highly recommend doing a tour there.

And of course, we had to do a wine tour! We took a tour with Explore Macedonia and went to four different wineries. And this experience is not like wineries in the United States. You get big pours, excellent food, and gorgeous scenery. We went to Stobi, Tikves, Sopot and Popova Kula, all excellent!

I really had a great time exploring Macedonia!

Makedonya market fiyatları #makedonija #ohrid #market

Die versteckte Schönheit Mazedoniens

Lui und Steffi reisen als Comewithus2 seit einem halben Jahr quer durch Europa. Ihr Ziel: mit ihrem Bus Karl alle 47 Länder des Kontinents zu besuchen. Heute zeigen sie, wie schön Mazedonien ist.

Castle by the River Pcinja, Macedonia

Near Skopje, on a scenic road with canyons, vineyards, old train stations and sheep pastures, it is possible to see the ruins of a castle. The place has been in use since 3500 BC, with its greatest importance between centuries IV and VII when it controlled the road between Thessaloniki and Skopje.

Makedonija vecna - Arheoloski raj - Macedonia Timeless



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