Things to Do on a Trip to Pago Pago, American Samoa | Ask a Local
Travel to American Samoa and discover the capital city of Pago Pago. Find beautiful outdoor scenery and activities such as hiking, snorkeling and kayaking along Pago Pago Harbour. Make sure to visit the national park of American Samoa. Enjoy a relaxing stay at Sadie’s by the Sea and dine at Tisa’s Barefoot Bar. #Travel #BookThatTrip
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Real-life Avatar 😱 #Shorts #Samoa
American Samoa's Tutuila Island (Fatu Rock & Pago Pago Harbor)
In 2019, we set an adventurous goal to visit every National Park in the United States, including the 12 far-flung parks in Alaska, Hawaii, the Virgin Islands, and American Samoa.
As part of that trip, we arrived in Pago Pago on Tutuila during their summer (which was early February) and spent the following four days exploring the unique territory of American Samoa. This aerial drone video showcases American Samoa's iconic Flower Pot Rock (also known as Fatu Rock), which appears on the license plates there, and Pago Pago harbor, home to the Starkist tuna cannery.
More info about our adventures in National Parks:
Video contents:
00:00 - Fatu Rock (Flowerpot Rock)
00:38 - Pago Pago Harbor
#americansamoa #samoa #nationalpark
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We’re Lauren and Steven, and we saved our way to wealth on middle-class salaries. By keeping our expenses low after graduating college, we grew our savings and investments enough to quit working and travel a ton — including six months exploring Hawaii and seven months visiting every National Park in the US.
After retiring from our full-time jobs at age 29, we created Trip Of A Lifestyle to help other people (like you!) do something similar. All of our content is free.
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4K Waterfall in Samoa 🇼🇸 | Samoa Travel Series #shorts
【K】Samoa Travel-Savaii Island[사모아 여행-사바이]팔라울리 마을, 폴리네시아 최대 석조 건축물/Palauli Village/Pyramid
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[한국어 정보]
사모아 역사가 깃들었다는 돌 피라미드를 찾아 나섰다. 마을 입구에서 안내 해줄 추장을 만났다. 익숙한 솜씨로 숲길을 헤치고 나간다. 피라미드를 찾아가는 길은 풀이 무성해서 안내인이 없이는 도저히 찾아갈 수 없었다. 마을을 출발한지 두 시간 만에 피라밋 정상에 도착했다. 숲으로 둘러싸여 흔적은 가늠하기 어렵 고 정확한 유래는 알 수 없다고 한다. 다만 마을사람들에게 구전으로 전해오고 있을 뿐이란다. “사모아가 내분이 일어났을 때 이웃 나라 통가에서 쳐들어 온 적이 있는데 그때 티아세우라는 마을 추장이 이곳을 만들어 비둘기를 잡아먹으면서 마을 사람들과 같이 지켰다는 얘기가 전해오고 있어요.” 마을 사람들은 매일 한 번씩 이곳에 올라와 돌본다고 한다. 추장은 살아있는 기록보관소 같은 존재여서 마을에 대대로 전승되는 옛날이야기들을 기억해야 할 의무가 있다고 한다.
[English: Google Translator]
Nestle had ventured out to find a stone pyramid history of Samoa. Met at the entrance to the village chief will guide. Wade out into the familiar trails workmanship. The road to visit the pyramids could not go without the grassy hardly find it in this guide. We arrived in the village after starting the pyramid top in just two hours. The trail is surrounded by forest and difficult to predict the exact origin can not be determined. Miranda just be coming just tell the village people by word of mouth. Samoa is are talking electrolytic kept coming on neighboring countries, such as never eating there the villagers then establish a chief town of Malatya is created here to hold the pigeon when attacked in Tonga this infighting happened. The villagers here every day and it sees the stone come. And that the chief duty to remember the old story that is handed down from generation to generation as a living presence in the village yeoseo archives.
■클립명 : 오세아니아068-사모아01-13
■여행, 촬영, 편집, 원고 : 이상익PD (travel, filming, editing, writing : KBS TV Producer )
■촬영일자 : 2011년 6월 June
숲,forest,wood, woods, grove, park, walking, trekking, wild, animal,마을,village,시골, 농촌, 어촌, 구시가지, uptown, town, suburb, ,country, old town, farm,구조물,structure,arch, tower, wall, gate,오세아니아,Oceania,오세아니아,사모아,Samoa,Samoa,,이상익,2011,6월 June,사바이,Savaii Island,Savaii Island,
南太平洋島國薩摩亞Samoa 阿皮亞港Apia晨光島貌 碼頭隆重歡迎儀式 烏波盧島Upolu北岸景物
19-3-19 日本橫濱港出航後第84天,6:31停泊在薩摩亞阿皮亞港郵輪碼頭 Port of Apia。7:15阿皮亞Apia市政府已經在碼頭郵船邊,以薩摩亞民族傳統歌唱舞蹈表演,為和平船的乘客舉行了盛大歡迎儀式。這天的日出時間是7:30,阿皮亞市的夜幕仍未揭盡,大部份景物仍在暗暗的暮色中,夜燈還在閃爍著。
阿皮亞Apia是南太平洋島國薩摩亞獨立國 The Independent State of Samoa(簡稱薩摩亞)的首都,約位於夏威夷與紐西蘭的中間、美屬薩摩亞的西方,是為玻里尼西亞群島的中心,1962年成為玻里尼西亞島國中第一個在20世紀獨立的國家。阿皮亞港是該國的最大城市及主要港口,位於薩摩亞第二大島烏波盧島Upolu的北岸中部。是薩摩亞目前最大且最繁忙的港口,載運各種貨物包括貨櫃、液化燃料的船隻都可以在此停靠。並有渡輪航班,可開往托克勞及美屬薩摩亞。
現代的阿皮亞建立於1850年代,在1959年起成為了薩摩亞的首都。根據2006年的統計,阿皮亞的市區阿皮亞市有人口37,708人。最初的阿皮亞只是一個小村落,1800年的人口只有304人,而首都建立後取用該村的名字。現代的阿皮亞村仍作為一個城中村存在,而首都的快速發展使其的城區範圍已包括周邊的許多村子。魚類及椰子是該國主要出口品,而棉花、摩托車、汽車、肉類及糖則為主要進口品。薩摩亞人將其文化融入他們的舞蹈中,薩摩亞舞蹈被認為是其文化中最沒有受到外國影響的領域。火舞 fire dance是薩摩亞文化不可或缺的部分,有專屬男性的拍打舞 slap Dance,是一種跟隨鼓的節奏猛烈拍打身體的舞蹈形式。還有,專屬女性的優雅舞蹈,稱為maulu'ulu。而 Taualuga(英語:Taualuga)則是陶泊或瑪拿亞才能跳的舞蹈。 (注:「陶泊」taupo—大酋長會將自己戶中的某個女孩封為該戶儀式上的小公主; 「瑪拿亞」manaia—大酋長會在父系中選擇授予有確定繼承權者的頭銜男性。)
薩摩亞阿皮亞港是「和平船 海洋之夢號」第十七次岸上觀光地,亦是最後一次的靠岸活動,是所有到訪岸中最受盛隆重歡迎的一次。整理旅遊資料時了解到受歡迎原因:日本政府無償援助薩摩亞政府興建貨運、郵輪碼頭,而「和平船」每次到訪都舉辦親善薩摩阿原住民的交流活動。因緣際遇給我選上了這次日文行程:「薩摩亞村莊的文化體驗 & 大交流會」,真正踏實體驗了薩摩亞島國文化和留下珍貴紀錄片。
9:05輪到日文行程 H團—「薩摩亞村莊的文化體驗 & 大交流會」出發,一行60多人,分乘兩輛顏色鮮豔、美侖美奐,無冷氣的當地旅遊巴。
阿皮亞Apia是個風光綺麗、依山傍水,美麗的熱帶城市,市區多為二層木質結構的樓房,其建築形式既有太平洋島國特色,又有西方建築風格。3公里長的海濱大道Beach Rd是阿皮亞的主要大街,街道整潔,綠樹成蔭的海濱大道佈滿政府各部門和國際機構、飯店等建築。一路上,我們從車廂中觀看阿皮亞市及烏波盧島Upolu北部各處風光,穿過一連串的大小海灣及薩摩亞原住民村莊。
9:44 Hero's welcome for La'auli Lupesoliai Joseph Parker 歡迎拳擊手 約瑟夫·帕克勝利回歸會場,9:49 進入烏波盧島Upolu北部的 Afega半島內一個原住民村莊。(很快就會到達目的地—小圖左上角黃色標記,探訪的原住民村落。)
片中紀錄的事物還有:Apia Protestant Church基督教教堂、Sheraton Samoa Aggie Grey's Hotel & Bungalows酒店、New Zealand High Commission新西蘭高級專員公署、Apia Fire Station消防局、Immaculate Conception Cathedral主教座堂、post office郵政局、Apia Harbor阿皮亞港、Plaza SNPF 商場、Chan Mow Supermarket and Department Store 綜合大樓、Samoa Cultural Village 薩摩亞文化村、Government Building 政府大樓、Ministry of Works, Transport and Infrastructure公共工程部、Apia Town Clock Tower旅遊景點、Bistro Tatau Restaurant餐廳、Motor Distributors Samoa Ltd 電器行、Fugalei St 大道、A J Classic Style百貨店、Kaxia Restaurant Fast Food餐廳、KF Mart & Wholesale超級市場、Big Bear Samoa - Fugalei 家居用品店、Tifaimoana Motel汽車旅館、Maxkar電器零售、SMI Hardware五金用品店、EFKS/CCCS Vaimoso教堂、Vaitele St 大道、Mose Store雜貨店、The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints(摩門教)、薩摩亞阿皮亞聖殿 Apia Samoa Malumalu、Logan's Car Rentals汽車租賃代理、Vailoa Faleata Methodist Church 教堂、Vaiusu Catholic Church 天主教教堂、Tina's store便利店、CCK 服裝店、Lisa Store 亞洲雜貨店、Bluebird Lumber and Hardware - Vaitele五金用品店、Main West Coast Rd路、Laumua o Punaoa Tecnical Centre技術學校、Wesley College 大專院校、Ekalesia Metotisi Samoa衛理公會教堂、George Brown Primary School學校、Bbq N Store Place餐廳、Hero's welcome for La'auli Lupesoliai Joseph Parker 旅遊景點、Bula's Store便利店、Silva Gas Station油站、Z-Tupou便利店、The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints教會(摩門教)、Malie Catholic Church教堂、日本政府無償援助薩摩亞政府興建貨運、郵輪碼頭告示牌。
大房子(fale tele) :是最重要的房子,通常是圓形。作為會議、家庭聚會、葬禮或酋長受職儀式的場所。長屋(afolau):形狀像橢圓形拉延伸,作為住宅或招待所。
SLIDING ROCK American Samoa Explore | Beautiful Island American Samoa | DJI MINI 2 in action| HD
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Taputimu is a village in southwestern Tutuila Island in American Samoa. It is the nearest village to the Fagatele Bay National Marine Sanctuary, although the main access is from the neighboring village of Futiga.[1] It is home to Leala Shoreline National Natural Landmark and Leala Sliding Rock.[2] Leala Sliding Rock is a natural rock formation between Vailoatai and Taputimu, which is a scenic landmark as well as a natural playground or slide. It was created by the ebb and flow of the ocean; the erosion has created a smooth shoreline site.[citation needed] It is located in Tualatai County in the Western District of Tutuila.
Le'ala Shoreline National Natural Landmark is 35 acres and was designated in 1972.[3] Leala Sliding Rock is accessible from Taputimu. Taputimu Tide Pools are located nearby and are accessible for swimming at low tide.
Tafaoga, Experience our Beautiful Samoa - Episode 7
Our journey takes us across to the Big Island of Savaii. Join our hosts as they take you on tour starting at the Salelologa Wharf, through to Salelologa Market, then on to the Vaito'omuli Star Mounds. Stopover in Vailoa, Palauli, where you'll learn the traditional art of making Saipo, or tapa. A quick stop at the Afu Aau Falls will have you refreshed and ready to continue on tour to the Mu Pagoa Falls before finishing off at the exhilarating Alofaaga Blowholes.
American Samoa South East side
I continue exploring the less traveled side of American Samoa.
Come with me and explore beautiful American Samoa.
Origin of the first Samoan fine mat | Vi’i o Tula, Amerika Samoa
Music content used in this video belong to the rightful owner(s). Video dedicated to students, staff, and alumni of Matatula Elementary School. Ata lenei e momoli ai alofa'aga mo tamaiti, faiaoga, ma so'o se tasi na utuvai ma a'otauina i le aoga a Matatula Elementary. Enjoy!
Island Princess Sails Pago Pago for World Cruise 2023
Time-lapse video of Island Princess cruise ship sailing to Pago Pago Port in American Samoa.
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#americansamoa #lionspark
Baby Whale at Amouli, American Samoa
A baby humpback whale and mother swimming past the village of Amouli. The whale songs overdubbed are courtesy of the whale acoustics website of Mark A. McDonald of Bellvue, Colorado. Thanks Mark.
Best Universal International Travel Power Adapter 2022[ ✅ Top Pick 5]
✅ Top 5: Best Universal International Travel Power Adapter 2022
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☄️1. BESTEK Universal Travel Adapter 220V to 110V Voltage Converter
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☄️2. EPICKA Universal Travel Adapter One International Wall Charger AC Plug Adaptor
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☄️3. World Travel Adapter Kit by Ceptics - QC 3.0 2 USB + 2 US Outlets
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☄️4. HAOZI Universal Travel Adapter, All-in-one International Power Adapter
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☄️5. FOVAL Power Step Down 240V to 100V Voltage Converter
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#Travel #Adapter #BESTEK #EPICKA #amazon #Revisify
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Farewell Molia Sio - 3
Friday 2nd March 2012, a man from Vailoa, Aleipata was cremated in Mangere.
At his funeral service not one member of his family was present.
Windy Morning at Taufua
Slightly windy start to the day while staying at Taufua Beach Fales in Western Samoa. We ended up being evacuated up the hill, but by the afternoon, the weather was back to it's normal sunny self.
Cruise out to Lalomanu/Aleipata via Lotofaga (Pt. 3 of 3)
Part 3 of 3. I lost track on whereabouts we got up to and near the end of this footage i think we may have left the Aleipata district a while ago.
American Samoa - Flag Day 2009
Teaser trailer for an upcoming documentary project to include the US Territory of American Samoa among other Pacific Island, Alaskan Native, and Native American peoples.
Note: this video was shot in and around Pago Pago, A.S., and produced before the tsunami of September 30, 2009.
#americansamoa #pacificislands #alaskanative #nativeamerican #documentary #indigenouspeoples #culturalheritage #community #history #teaser
Diving in Savaii ,Samoa june 2014 with Dive Savaii
beautiful waters off Savaii ,inside the lagoon in 12 - 20 mtrs of water .lots of coral reef fishes including Nemo ,Stingrays & Turtles ,Magic & Serene
My trip to Samoa #16
Talofa lava, talofa lava Sioeli... Mom's church... Seventh Day Adventist in Vaitogi..