Seriate: La perla sul fiume Serio #village #travel #river #bridge #bergamo #lombardia #shorts
Seriate, la città legata indissolubilmente al fiume Serio che la attraversa. Nel video si può ammirare una panoramica del centro storico e del fiume.
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Hotel Ristorante La Bettola, Urgnano, Italy
Hotel Ristorante La Bettola, Urgnano, Italy
About Property:
You're eligible for a Genius discount at Hotel Ristorante La Bettola! To save at this property, all you have to do is sign in.
La Bettola is a historic post house dating back to the 1800s. Set in Urgnano, 10 km south of Bergamo, it has original brick vaults and a restaurant serving local specialities 7 days a week.
Hotel Ristorante La Bettola serves a continental breakfast each morning. Drinks are available from the ba...
Booking or More Details:
Property Type: Hotel
Address: Via Bonaita 7, 24059 Urgnano, Italy
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4. Hotel Ristorante La Bettola - Urgnano - Italy Amenities
5. Hotel Ristorante La Bettola - Urgnano - Italy Offers and Deals
Audio Credit:
Track Title: Reasons To Hope
Artist: Reed Mathis
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Places to see in ( Bergamo - Italy ) Piazza Vecchia
Places to see in ( Bergamo - Italy ) Piazza Vecchia
represents the core of the Upper Town: it has been the heart of political power for the ages and it is one of the most popular places for Bergamo. Restaurants and cafes, having a drink, breakfast or even a romantic dinner. You can admire the building called Palazzo della Ragione, the oldest municipal seat in Lombardy, as well as the Civic Tower, a bell tower also called Campanone.
In the middle of the square is located the Contarini Fountain, which was donated to the city by the chief magistrate Alvise Contarini in 1780, while on the opposite side of Piazza Vecchia you can see the Palazzo Nuovo (New Palace), which served as Bergamo's Town Hall until 1873 and is now the seat of the Angelo Mai Library. Its incredible collection includes ancient and precious books: incunabula, books from the 1500s, engravings, manuscripts and other inestimable artfacts making it one of the most outstanding libraries in Italy. The geometrical layout of the buildings around the square is so harmonic that when Le Corbusier visited Bergamo he said you can not move a single stone, it would be a crime
Piazza Vecchia is a lovely and unexpected opening amidst the alleys and narrow streets leading to it, as well as a perfect place to admire the beauty of Città Alta. The square was originally delimited by today's Piazza Duomo and then became the center of the medieval town, where the iron bars were fixed on the side of the Santa Maria Maggiore Church show. These bars are called measures (measures) and date back to the Middle Age, when the fragmented jurisdiction led to different measurement systems. Every city used to create its own units of measures for weights, volumes and lengths, so they were exhibited in public places (usually where the market took place).
The bars on Santa Maria Maggiore Piazza della Ragione, at the end of 1100, separating the present from the Duomo's square behind it. The private houses were demolished starting from the fourteenth century. Once the square reached the size, the most significant change took place during the end of Venice, when the beautiful Contarini fountain was built. It was put in the middle of the square both for aesthetic and practical reasons (you can still quench your thirst drinking from one of its sphinxes' mouths); in the late 19th Century it was replaced with a statue of Giuseppe Garibaldi, but was eventually put back to its original place in 1922.
( Bergamo - Italy ) is well know as a tourist destination because of the variety of places you can enjoy while you are visiting Bergamo . Through a series of videos we will try to show you recommended places to visit in Bergamo - Italy
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Places to see in ( Bergamo - Italy ) Cappella Colleoni
Places to see in ( Bergamo - Italy ) Cappella Colleoni
The Cappella Colleoni is a church and mausoleum in Bergamo in northern Italy. Dedicated to the saints Bartholomew, Mark and John the Baptist, it was built between 1472 and 1476 as the personal shrine for the condottiere Bartolomeo Colleoni, a member of one of the most outstanding families of the city, and his beloved daughter Medea.
The site chosen was that of the sacristy of the nearby church of Santa Maria Maggiore, which was demolished by Colleoni's soldiers. The design was entrusted to Giovanni Antonio Amadeo, whose plan respected the style of the church, as can be seen from the octagonal tambour of the dome and in the lantern cusp, as well as in the use of polychrome marbles.
The façade is characterized by the use of tarsia and polychrome marble decorations in white, red and black lozenges. Over the main portal is a rose window, flanked by two medallions portraying Julius Caesar and Trajan. The upper part of the basement has nine plaques with reliefs of Biblical stories, and four bas-reliefs with Hercules's deeds. The four pilasters of the windows flanking the portal are surmounted by statues of the Virtues. The upper part of the façade has a loggia in Romanesque style.
The interior includes a square hall and a smaller room housing the high altar. The tomb of Bartolomeo Colleoni (who died on November 2, 1475) is on the wall facing the entrance. It is decorated with reliefs of Episodes from the Life of Christ, statues, heads of lions and an equestrian statue of the condottiere in gilded wood, finished by German masters from Nuremberg in 1501. The whole complex is surrounded by a triumphal arch.
Amadeo himself executed the funerary monument of Medea Colleoni (died March 6, 1470). Located on the left wall, it has a statue of the Deposition from the Cross in high relief. The tomb was transferred here in 1892 from Basella di Urgnano. The presbytery has a high altar sculpted by Bartolomeo Manni in 1676, housing statues of the three saints to whom the chapel is dedicated, John, Mark and Bartholomew, by Pietro Lombardo. The upswept cornice is supported by Solomonic columns. The altar table, to a design by Leopoldo Pollack, is supported by angels carved by Grazioso Rusca.
For centuries it was believed that the condottiere's remains had been buried elsewhere, as the sarcophagus appeared empty. On November 21, 1969, however, they were discovered in Colleoni's tomb in a wooden coffin, hidden under a plaster cover.
( Bergamo - Italy ) is well know as a tourist destination because of the variety of places you can enjoy while you are visiting Bergamo . Through a series of videos we will try to show you recommended places to visit in Bergamo - Italy
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LOMBARDEI | Italien | VISUAL VIBES | Lilies Diary
Die Lombardei - die Hauptstadt der bezaubernden Region Norditaliens dürfte vielen bekannt sein: Mailand. Doch die Lombardei hält noch viele weitere Schätze für euch bereit. Die schöne Altstadt von Bergamo lädt zu einem gemütlichen Spaziergang ein. In der Burg von Urgnano könnt ihr euch auf eine Reise in die lombardeiische Geschichte begeben. Traumhafte Aussichten gibt es auf Monte Isola. Brescia und Crema verzaubern derweil mit urigem italienischen Flair sowie traditionellem Essen. Und ein echter Insidertipp: das beste Eis der ganzen Region gibt es in der Gelateria Bandirali in Crema!
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San Marcello Pistoiese - Piccola Grande Italia
Grazioso angolo della verde Toscana, borgo dai mille volti e dagli interessanti percorsi tutti da scoprire, San Marcello Pistoièse è sicuramente un luogo da visitare. Principale centro della Montagna Pistoièse, San Marcello nel 1134 aveva già la sua Pieve.
Un tempo cinto da mura, nel 1381 il borgo appare citato nell’elenco delle fortificazioni del Comune di Pistoia come Castrum S. Marcelli.
Il centro storico di Bologna: un itinerario a piedi (11.06.2023)
Il centro storico di Bologna: un itinerario a piedi (11.06.2023)
Un viaggio all'interno dei Borghi dell'Oltrepò Pavese e delle Quattro province
Fivizzano 2015 - Piccola Grande Italia
Inserito nella lussureggiante cornice naturale del Parco Nazionale dell’Appennino Tosco-Emiliano e del Parco Regionale delle Alpi Apuane, Fivizzano con il suo vastissimo territorio è una delle località più caratteristiche della Lunigiana.
Castel Belfort & Castel Tasso in 4K
In questo video realizzato con il DJI Mini 2, vedrete il Castel Belfort ed il Catel Tasso, il primo si trova nel comune di Spormaggiore, lungo la statale tra il comune di Cavedago e Spormaggiore e venne costruito come castello medioevale intorno al 1311. Anche se attualmente è diroccato, come potete vedere sono ancora visibili la torre merlata e le mura perimetrali mentre gli orizzontamenti interni sono purtroppo crollati. Castel Tasso (Burg Reifenstein) si trova in mezzo ad una palude bonificata, chiamata Sterzinger Moos, a Campo di Trens nei pressi della città di Vipiteno, e conta oggi tra i castelli storicamente più importanti dell'Alto Adige.
Passeggiata invernale per il centro di Desenzano del Garda, BS, Italy
Una passeggiata invernale per il centro di Desenzano del Garda. Vi chiedo scusa per il video un pò mosso ma ho avuto problemi con il Gimbal.
Foppolo - Piccola Grande Italia
Foppolo è la più importante stazione sciistica della provincia di Bergamo. La località, situata all'estremità della Valle Brembana, si articola in un comprensorio unico che racchiude Carona, Valleve e San Simone, noto al grande pubblico con la denominazione Brembo Sky.
Le cime innevate delle Orobie bergamasche rappresentano il perfetto connubio tra natura e fruizione turistica, regalando scenari mozzafiato e momenti di sport di prima qualità.
Pianura da Scoprire - Le fortificazioni
In genere quando si pensa alla pianura lombarda vengono in mente immagini pittoresche di paesaggi ovattati da fitti banchi di nebbia; ma se si osserva meglio, al suo diradarsi si vedranno apparire in aperta campagna e nei centri storici imponenti e suggestive fortificazioni, dimore di grandi condottieri, luoghi di prigionia o di battaglie, luoghi di cultura e di leggende, intrighi e amori. La cosa non deve sorprendere: per secoli i territori di cui parliamo sono stati terre di passaggio e congiunzione tra diverse aree culturali e commerciali. Ambìti luoghi le cui città si dovevano difendere con rocche, fortezze, torri d’avvistamento, mura e fossati. Tante meraviglie, più o meno conservate, sono giunte fino a noi; alcune ridotte a ruderi, ma non per questo meno affascinanti; altre ancora incorporate nel corso della storia in palazzi, nuclei abitativi e cascine.
Alcuni dei magnifici castelli e fortezze presenti sul nostro territorio:
- Castello Visconteo di Pagazzano;
- Castello di Malpaga;
- Castello Visconteo di Pandino;
- Castello Albani di Urgnano;
- Rocca Sforzesca di Soncino;
- Castello Visconteo di Cassano d’Adda;
- Castello Visconteo di Trezzo sull’Adda;
- Rocca Viscontea di Romano di Lombardia;
- Castello Borromeo di Corneliano Bertario.
Riprese e regia:
Marco Dazzi
Up to Rocca Varano - Marche & Umbria dal drone
In volo con il drone dalle verdi colline marchigiane a ridosso del mare fino all'antica fortezza di Rocca Varano, con un rapido passaggio sul pian grande di Castelluccio di Norcia
#inthesky #marche #umbria #dronevideo
colma di Sormano (Como)
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Scopri la strada del soccorso al Castello di Brescia - Vincitore del bando I Luoghi del Cuore 2021
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Easter Parade in Carovigno (2)
Trailer Capodanno Party... Con Noi
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🎉 Capodanno Party... Con Noi 🎉
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