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10 Best place to visit in Toma Burkina Faso


mapa de Burkina Faso [ Africa ]

Burkina Faso es un país sin litoral de África Occidental que limita al noroeste con Malí, al noreste con Níger, al sur con Costa de Marfil, Ghana, Togo y Benín. En julio de 2019, un informe de Naciones Unidas estimó su población en 20,321,378.4​ Anteriormente llamada República del Alto Volta (1958-1984), el país fue nombrado Burkina Faso el 4 de agosto de 1984 por el entonces presidente Thomas Sankara. Sus ciudadanos son conocidos como burkineses, y su capital y ciudad más grande es Uagadugú. Debido al colonialismo francés, el idioma oficial del gobierno y los negocios es el francés, sin embargo, solo el 15% de la población lo habla de forma habitual.5​ En Burkina Faso se hablan 59 idiomas nativos, y el más común, el mossi, lo habla aproximadamente el 50 % de la población.6​7​

Se independizó de Francia el 5 de agosto de 1960. Después de protestas estudiantiles y sindicales, el primer presidente del país, Maurice Yaméogo, fue depuesto en un golpe de Estado en 1966, encabezado por Sangoulé Lamizana. Su gobierno coincidió con una sequía y hambruna en el Sahel, y fue depuesto en un golpe de estado en 1980, dirigido por Saye Zerbo. Al encontrar nuevamente la resistencia de los sindicatos, el gobierno de Zerbo fue derrocado por otro golpe de estado de 1982, encabezado por Jean-Baptiste Ouédraogo.

Thomas Sankara, un marxista y líder de la facción izquierdista del gobierno de Ouédraogo, fue nombrado primer ministro, pero fue luego encarcelado. Los esfuerzos para liberarlo llevaron al golpe de estado de 1983, en el que se convirtió en presidente.8​ Sankara lanzó un ambicioso programa socioeconómico que incluyó una campaña de alfabetización, la redistribución de tierras a los campesinos, la construcción de ferrocarriles y carreteras y la prohibición de la mutilación genital femenina, los matrimonios forzados y la poligamia.9​ Sankara fue derrocado y asesinado en un golpe de estado en 1987 liderado por Blaise Compaoré

La inestabilidad gubernamental durante las décadas de 1970 y 1980 fue seguida por elecciones multipartidarias a principios de la década de 1990. Compaoré fue elegido presidente en 1991, 1998, 2005 y 2010, y permaneció en el cargo hasta su destitución durante la Revolución de 2014.10​11​ Posteriormente, Michel Kafando se convirtió en presidente de la transición.12​ El Regimiento de Seguridad Presidencial, la ex guardia presidencial de Compaoré, realizó un golpe de estado el 16 de septiembre de 2015 contra el gobierno de Kafando.13​ El 24 de septiembre, tras la presión de la Unión Africana, la CEDEAO y el ejército, la junta militar dimitió y Kafando fue reinstalado en el poder. Tras las elecciones generales celebradas el 29 de noviembre de 2015, Roch Marc Christian Kaboré tomó posesión de la presidencia.14​15​

Los militares que iniciaron el Golpe de Estado en Burkina Faso confirmaron el lunes (24 de enero de 2022) en la televisión estatal la toma del poder y anunciaron la disolución del Gobierno, el Parlamento y la Constitución. En el mensaje, los soldados golpistas también anunciaron el cierre de las fronteras y prometieron un retorno al orden constitucional en un plazo razonable map of Burkina Faso Africa Burkina Faso está dividida en trece regiones, cuarenta y cinco provincias y 301 departamentos. Las regiones y su respectiva capital entre paréntesis son:

Boucle du Mouhoun (Dédougou) (Meandro del Volta Negro)
Cascades (Banfora) (Cascadas)
Centro (Uagadugú)
Centro-Este (Tenkodogo)
Centro-Norte (Kaya)
Centro-Oeste (Koudougou)
Centro-Sur (Manga)
Este (Fada N'gourma)
Hauts-Bassins (Bobo Dioulasso) (Cuencas Altas)
Norte (Ouahigouya)
Plateau-Central (Ziniaré) (Meseta Central)
Sahel (Dori)
Suroeste (Gaoua)

Mapa de Burkina Faso.
Artículo principal: Geografía de Burkina Faso
Burkina Faso es el 61.° país más poblado y el 73.° más grande del mundo, con una población cercana a los 20 millones de personas y un área de 274 200 km².2​ Para efectos comparativos, su número de habitantes es similar al de Chile y su superficie a la de Ecuador.

El país posee dos regiones principales:

Una suavemente ondulada, en la que afloran unas pocas colinas aisladas, que son los últimos vestigios de un macizo precámbrico.
Una compuesta por un macizo de arenisca, donde se encuentra el monte Ténakourou, que con 749 metros de altura es el más elevado del país. Lo rodean paredes de hasta 150 metros de altura.
La altitud media es de 400 metros y la diferencia entre el punto más elevado y el más bajo es inferior a 600 metros. En general, Burkina Faso es un país plano.


10 Most Dangerous Countries for Americans or Westerners.

You know some countries are more dangerous than Detroit or a Lingerie party at my cousin's ex-wife's house. Yes, it's hard to believe, I know.
In general, the world can be a dangerous place. You could be in danger no matter where your plane lands. The thing is, some countries excel in danger. And some even bump that up a notch depending on where you hail from. If you think everyone in the world loves America and its people, you’ve lived a sheltered life and I want to congratulate you on escaping from where ever you were and are now able to get on the internet to watch this video.
The fact is, some countries are dangerous for everyone, especially Americans, so much so the Dept. of State updates a report every couple weeks called Travel Advisory. This is a report that ranks the danger level a country might have for Americans that travel there. It has colors like a mood right of danger and goes from level 1 Blue that Exercise normal precautions, up to 4) Red Do not travel.
In today’s video, we're looking at the top 10 Level 4s and find out why.

10) Syria
9) Burkina Faso
8)South Sudan

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Boom Arm:
Sound Cage:

Travel and Equipment Essentials:

Thanks for stopping by The world according to Briggs, I make lists. Not just lists of random stuff, I make them about states, cities, towns and other places in the United States. I post 3 times a week and sometimes live stream. Enjoy.

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Travel books you need to read:
Blue Highways:
Travels with Charley in Search of America:



Zanzibar, Afrika turları ve Tanzanya gezilerinin gözde şehirlerinden biri adada yer alan en büyük yerleşim yeri ve başkent olarak tanımlanan Stone Town. Zanzibar sokakları ve Zanzibar adası çarşı pazar turu videosu Zanzibar videoları serisinin yeni bir bölümü. Zanzibar rehberi Erkut Özen anlatımıyla Afrika sahilleri.

Zanzibar gezisinin diğer videoları;
Gel-Git ve Nungwi:
Issız Ada Nakupenda:
Dev Kaplumbağalar Adası Prison Island:
Zanzibar Ada Turları ve Fiyatları:

0:00 Giriş
1:03 Zanzibar Stone Town Eski Şehir
2:07 Zanzibar Pazar ve Baharat Pazarı
6:46 Zanzibar Halk Pazarı
9:39 Zanzibar'da Antikacı Dükkanı
10:40 Zanzibar Stone Town Old City Sokakları
12:33 Çarşı Pazar Turu Çıkış

Music from Uppbeat (free for Creators!)

VIAGGIO DI GRUPPO IN MYANMAR • Alla scoperta del paese dorato

Dopo aver girato questo magico e misterioso paese in solitaria qualche mese prima, questa volta decido di portare con me 12 amici alla scoperta del Myanmar.

Ecco il racconto di una fantastica avventuta tra pagode d'oro, stupa antichi e misterose rovine.

Seguitemi anche su Instagram:

Côte d'Ivoire, la mosaïque Africaine - Documentaire voyage - HD - AMP

C'est l'un des États les plus importants de l'Afrique de l'Ouest, doté d'une étonnante façade maritime, qui partage ses frontières avec cinq autres pays. La Côte d'Ivoire est un pays métissé, où les langues sont aussi nombreuses que les ethnies et où les rois sont bien plus que des curiosités. ✋Les plus belles destinations, c'est ici 👉 👈 Abonnez-vous ! 🙏 Côte d'Ivoire, la mosaïque Africaine

00:00 Côte d'Ivoire, la mosaïque Africaine
05:45 Les plantations de cacao et d'ananas, cuisine locale.
13:21 Fête des Rameaux

Réalisée par Éric Bacos ©Ampersand

Congo: Trapped in the mud | Deadliest Journeys

00:00 Introduction
4:51 Congo, maze of dismantled roads
23:04 Mining under a 100 degree sun could make any man collapse
32:28 Roads being improved but not to help the population
46:40 Demons are roaming around in the village


❤ Descubre los secretos escondidos de Suecia: 20 curiosidades que te dejarán sin aliento. Desde sus tradiciones únicas hasta sus logros tecnológicos, te llevaremos en un viaje por la cultura escandinava y te sorprenderás con cada nueva revelación. ¡No te pierdas la oportunidad de conocer más sobre uno de los países más interesantes del mundo!

Track: Enjoy It — Land of Fire [Audio Library Release]
Music provided by Audio Library Plus
Free Download / Stream:

Kamboçya'nın kaotik başkenti ilk izlenimler: Phnom Penh

Kamboçya ve Laos macerası başlıyor!
Kamboçya'nın başkenti Phnom Penh'e vardığım ilk gün, Çin Yeni Yılı kutlamalarına denk geldim. Farklı olarak Hei Neak Ta festivali, aç ruhlar festivali gibi bir anlama geliyor. Sadece yeni yılın başlangıcı değil, antik Khmer gelenekleriyle, yerli animist, şamanist kültürle yoğrulmuş bir etkinlik. Devamında Phnom Tepesi ve şehre dair ilk izlenimlerimi paylaştım.
Yorumlarınızı bekliyorum, iyi seyirler!

Kamboçya, Laos videolarında görebileceğiniz yerler:
Phnom Penh
Siem Reap
Angkor Wat
Tonle Sap
Luang Prabang

Antikseyyah videoları, arkeoloji ve sanat tarihi severler için hazırlanmış seyahat belgeselleridir.

Music by:
Music by Scott Buckley –
Filaments by Scott Buckley
Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported — CC BY 3.0
Free Download / Stream:
Music promoted by Audio Library
▪Music provided by FMS-Future Music Studio
• Indian Spiritual Music [FREE] No Copy...
▪Song: Bensound - INDIA
▪Composer: Benjamin Tissot -

Népal, les damnés du précipice | Les routes de l'impossible

00:00 Longue de 250 kilomètres, la Karnali Highway est un axe important du nord-ouest du Népal. Construite en 2006, elle relie une ville de la vallée, Surkhet, à une cité des hauteurs, située à 3000 mètres d'altitude, Jumla.

03:10 Surket est la plaque tournante de l'économie de la région de Karnali
08:15 Sur cette route de montagne, seulement trois bus passent tous les jours
10:40 Certains villageois profitent de la Highway et ouvrent des petits restaurants pour les routiers et les voyageurs
13:13 D'autres voyageurs sont obligés de faire tout le trajet à pied
14:25 Certaines parties de la voie sont devenues des chemins boueux à cause du trafic
17:55 A partir d'un moment les bus ne peuvent plus continuer à cause des dangers de la route
21:28 Après 6 mois d'absence, ce jeune garçon revient dans son village retrouver sa famille
32:30 Dans les montagnes il n'y a qu'un seul médecin à des centaines de kilomètres à la ronde
36:20 Sur cette route à flanc de montagne il y a énormément d'accidents
44:10 Ces routiers arrivent au dernier jour de leur voyage, mais la route est en travaux ce qui rend le passage presque impossible

Il faut parfois plus de cinq jours pour effectuer le trajet. A flanc de montagne, taillée dans la roche, cette route permet aux populations de cette région pauvre du Népal de se ravitailler en produits en tout genre. Pendant plusieurs semaines, les caméras suivent ceux qui osent emprunter cette route. Malgré le danger, la Karnali Highway est pour eux le moyen le plus rapide de se déplacer dans cette région montagneuse.

Lieu : Népal
Producteur : Tony Comiti , France5
Réalisé par : Manolo d'Arthuys, Daniel Lainé, Philippe Lafaix



Project Summary
Approval Date: 28 Sep 2016
Signature Date: 16 Nov 2016
Planned Completion Date 29 Jun 2022
Sovereign / Non-Sovereign: Sovereign
Sector: Transport
DAC Sector Code: 21023
Environmental Category: 1
Commitment: U.A 60,000,000
Status: Implementation

Project General Description
The Accra Urban Transport Project (AUTP), is located in an industrial zone in the north-eastern part of Accra and seeks to contribute towards integrated transport and urban development solutions in Accra. It is sequel to the Awoshie – Pokuase Road and Community Development Project financed by the Bank. The Project provides: i) a modern 3- tier grade-separated interchange at Pokuase (the intersection point of the current Bank financed Awoshie-Pokuase Road with other adjoining roads) - a node which is currently a critical missing link; ii) a long term urban development strategic plan in partnership with Cities Alliance and the local municipalities to provide a common platform to develop integrated and collaborative decision making tools for city planning and management in support of the SDGs; and iii) capacity building initiatives targeting the Executing Agency, schools and the local community, geared towards improving effectiveness in project and business development using Information Technology. The total Project cost net of taxes and duties, is estimated at UA68.024 million. The overall implementation period is three and half years (2017 – 2020) including 2 years construction period and 1 year maintenance period.

Project Objectives
The Development goal of the Accra Urban Development Project (AUTP) is to promote sustainable economic growth, enhanced inclusive urban development and reduced poverty whilst promoting trade and regional integration. The specific objective of the AUTP is to promote efficient movement of goods and people to and from the city through Pokuase, boost trade along the connecting routes, provide income generation opportunities, promote affordable transport services and generally improve the livelihoods of the people in the project area.

Direct Project Beneficiaries include: i) the factories and Agro industries within the project zone; ii) commuters and the populations of the project corridor; iii) the transporters and travellers on the Accra-Kumasi road corridor, which is the main transit route for food produced from the Brong Ahafo region (the bread basket of the country) to Accra, and forms part of the Ghana – Burkina Faso road corridor.

Participating Organization
African Development Fund
Government Of Ghana
Department of Urban Roads
Ministry of Roads and Highways

The Very Best of My $10 SERIES 💰

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My very first video (in Jan 2017) was called “What Can $10 Get You in Vietnam?” -- where I hit the streets of Hanoi to see how many things I could purchase with $10. Well, that video had some immediate success, so then I started doing more $10 episodes as I traveled. Fast forward almost 5 years (crazy!) and now I’ve made over 55 episodes and it’s proven to be one of my most watched series!

This video is a compilation of all the best moments of my $10 series. It’s a video that I’ve been working on for quite some time, and I’m really excited to share it with you! Sit back, relax, grab your popcorn, and enjoy!

PS - I’m really excited about my new JUST GO holiday drop! The theme is “WE ARE ALL THE SAME” because that’s my #1 biggest realization from visiting every country, and to celebrate, we have some really cool designs! For every purchase in the next 48 hours, you will get a FREE JUST GO Flag included as a gift ❤️

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👨🏻‍🦰 WHO AM I?
I'm Drew Binsky and I am going to all 197 countries in the world. I make travel videos about people, culture and anything else I find interesting on the road. My ultimate goal is to inspire you to travel far and wide, because traveling is the best education that you can get and our planet is beautiful!

How I find music for my Videos:
- Tom Fox is a legendary musical artist:
- Musicbed: Elevate your videos with record-label quality music:
- Epidemic Sound - incredible royalty free music, free 30 day trial here:

► He Is The Ice Man:
► Tallest Humans on Earth:
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Myanmar: Chén các món ăn đường phố nổi tiếng 🇲🇲

Cùng LNC khám phá ẩm thực đường phố ở Myanmar

#lainguachan #trainghiem #dulich #langthang #phuot #ẩmthựcđườngphố #ẩmthực
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UNEXPECTED!! Noisy African Market Day in Harper City, Maryland County!🇱🇷

#westafrica #liberia #africa #laurettabcisse #tourism #liberianyoutuber

Maryland County: Hello everyone, thank you for clicking on this video to see another lovely part of Liberia. Today, I'm taking you along with me to the busy Harper Market Day! This video is one of the most chaotic videos I have ever done, and I hope you enjoy it. 🙌🏿🇱🇷🙌🏿

NOTE: Feel free to support and be part of this journey of showcasing beautiful places in Liberia, and Africa by subscribing, liking, and sharing my content with family and friends. I will be happy to also get feedback from you. Remember we are in this together 😊

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Maryland Content: 🤍

Cavalla Town||Liberia 2023. 🇱🇷

I crossed the Longest River in Liberia to eat Attieke in Ivory Coast.🇱🇷 🇨🇮

William V.S Tubman University. 🇱🇷

My Journey to Harper City, Maryland County. 🇱🇷

Inside the House of William V.S Tubman. 🇱🇷

A tour of Harper Market, Harper Market Day, chaotic African Market, a ride through Harper City,
Maryland County, the most beautiful county in Liberia, home of William V.S Tubman, the home county of Liberia's longest-serving president, exploring Africa's oldest republic, the Grebo people, touring Liberia, the beauty of Liberia, showcasing Liberia, Exploring Africa, living in Liberia, visiting Liberia, Visit Africa, Lauretta B Cisse


Western Africa

Burkina Faso
Cape Verde
Cote d'Ivoire (Ivory Coast)
Saint Helena
Sierra Leone

iFilmati: Il passato racconta: SAN'A' (Yemen)

Una bella puntata del programma Il Passato racconta, dedicato alla visita di grandi luoghi archeologici del passato. Questa volta visitiamo la mitica San'a', in Yemen.
Regia: Gigi Oliviero (
Montaggio: Valter Cappucci - Arturo Farruggia
Voce: Claudio Capone
Visita il sito:
Produzione: Luma Film
Durata: 25'

Cuộc sống ở các ngôi làng nông thôn biệt lập giữa thiên nhiên ở Samoa 🇼🇸 | Vlog du lịch trải nghiệm

Đến thăm vùng nông thôn ở Samoa để tìm hiểu cuộc sống của người dân nghèo.
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📌Liên hệ hợp tác: Ms Bảo( Assistant)
▶️ Phone: (+84) 384455253
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Ghanaian by way of United Kingdom, takes from Chinese and creates her own.

#Goback2Africa #blackexpat #blackrepat #africa #africanamerican #africanamericantraveler
Welcome to my channel, please enjoy my travels to Africa where I have visited to date 1 Oct 21, 13 countries and I will be on my journey to complete the 54 countries from November 2021 onward. I have plentiful of information and if you desire to visit or move to the continent, please don't hesitate for a consultation and or my International Pre-Travel guide. Please look at my video given you the information to help and assist you
I showcase Africa in my travels to include other countries. My desire is to change the narrative that the western world painted in a negative light of Africa. My channel has talks, words of wisdom, business, investing, purchase property in Africa and livestream discussions. I further show the negative impacts of America in how it continues to have a disregard for Black people. I know my channel is not for everybody whether you agree or not, but my intent is not to hurt people nor disrespect.
Visit African, African Tours, Website: *Will be up and running January 2022
Many have asked could they support my channel though I have refused until those felt lead to give. The following is how those can donate.
Cashapp: $Wigginnsrealty
PayPal: RJ and JR Realty


Neste vídeo, mostrarei como preencher o Thai Health Pass antes de viajar para a Tailândia. Tutorial completo para garantir uma viagem segura e sem problemas! #tailândia #saúde #mochilãoÁsia

🌏 Como Preencher o Thai Health Pass para sua Viagem à Tailândia! 🇹🇭

Se você está planejando um mochilão pelo Sudeste Asiático, especialmente pela Tailândia, o Thai Health Pass é um documento essencial que você precisa saber como preencher corretamente. Neste vídeo, explicamos tudo sobre o processo de preenchimento, os motivos para fazê-lo e quais documentos você precisa ter em mãos.

Por que preencher o Thai Health Pass?

Esse formulário é uma exigência para garantir a saúde e segurança de todos os viajantes, ajudando a monitorar e controlar a disseminação de doenças.

Documentos Necessários:

- Passaporte válido
- Comprovante de vacinação

Acompanhe nosso passo a passo e fique tranquilo para aproveitar sua viagem! Não esqueça de se inscrever no canal, curtir o vídeo e compartilhar com seus amigos viajantes!

🔔 Palavras-chave: Tailândia, mochilão Sudeste Asiático, Black Viaja, Thai Health Pass



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ViaNebba Raid VTT Burkina 2009 1ere partie

Raid VTT : projet de la MJC Vaux-en-Velin élaboré par L. Millet.
Dates : Fin février - début mars 2009
Avec deux groupes de 8 jeunes, 4 garçons et 4 filles, aller en VTT de Ouagadougou à Nebba chaque participant devait trouver des « parrains » pour au moins 1 € / km.
Les vélos ont été laissés à l'association Via Nebba :

Yemen - Viaggio in Yemen, Parte 4 (Velisti per caso)

Viaggio nell'affascinante Yemen



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