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10 Best place to visit in Surčin Serbia


Vožnja automobilom kroz Surčin, Beograd 2K, Srbija, januar 2022.

Vožnja autom kroz Surčin, Vojvođanskom ulicom. Ulazak u centar iz pravca Jakova.
Saobraćaj u Sremu

Beogradske ulice

Travels in Southeast Europe. Roadtrip through countries, cities, over mountains, rivers and fields. Beautiful landscapes, interesting cities and picturesque areas. From the sea over the mountains to the wide plains. Towns and villages, highways, streets and macadam roads. Hundreds of videos on the channel show all the beauty and diversity of the nearby areas
Путешествует по Юго-Восточной Европе. Путешествие по странам, городам, горам, рекам и полям. Красивые пейзажи, интересные города и живописные уголки. От моря через горы до широких равнин. Города и деревни, шоссе, улицы и дороги из щебня. Сотни видеороликов на канале показывают всю красоту и разнообразие окрестностей
Viaggi nell'Europa sud-orientale. Roadtrip attraverso paesi, città, montagne, fiumi e campi. Bei paesaggi, città interessanti e zone pittoresche. Dal mare ai monti alle vaste pianure. Città e villaggi, autostrade, strade e strade di macadam. Centinaia di video sul canale mostrano tutta la bellezza e la diversità delle zone vicine
Reisen in Südosteuropa. Roadtrip durch Länder, Städte, über Berge, Flüsse und Felder. Wunderschöne Landschaften, interessante Städte und malerische Gebiete. Vom Meer über die Berge bis in die weiten Ebenen. Städte und Dörfer, Autobahnen, Straßen und Schotterstraßen. Hunderte von Videos auf dem Kanal zeigen die Schönheit und Vielfalt der umliegenden Gebiete
Potovanja po jugovzhodni Evropi. Potovanje skozi države, mesta, čez gore, reke in polja. Čudovite pokrajine, zanimiva mesta in slikovita območja. Od morja čez gore do širokih ravnic. Mesta in vasi, avtoceste, ulice in makadamske ceste. Na stotine video posnetkov na kanalu prikazuje vso lepoto in raznolikost bližnjih območij
Пътувания в Югоизточна Европа. Пътуване през страни, градове, над планини, реки и полета. Красиви пейзажи, интересни градове и живописни райони. От морето над планините до широките равнини. Градове и села, магистрали, улици и макадамни пътища.
Патувања во Југоисточна Европа. Попатна патека низ земји, градови, над планини, реки и полиња. Прекрасни предели, интересни градови и живописни области. Од морето над планините до широките рамнини. Градови и села, автопати, улици и патишта макадам
Viaja por el sudeste de Europa. Roadtrip por países, ciudades, montañas, ríos y campos. Hermosos paisajes, ciudades interesantes y zonas pintorescas. Desde el mar sobre las montañas hasta las amplias llanuras. Ciudades y pueblos, carreteras, calles y caminos de macadán
Voyages en Europe du Sud-Est. Roadtrip à travers pays, villes, montagnes, rivières et champs. Beaux paysages, villes intéressantes et régions pittoresques.
Délkelet-Európában utazik. Országút, város, hegyek, folyók és mezők felett vezetett út. Gyönyörű tájak, érdekes városok és festői területek. A tengertől a hegyek felett a széles síkságig. Városok és falvak, autópályák, utcák és macadam utak. A csatornán több száz videó mutatja be a közeli területek minden szépségét és sokszínűségét
Călătorii în sud-estul Europei. Excursie rutieră prin țări, orașe, peste munți, râuri și câmpuri. Peisaje frumoase, orașe interesante și zone pitorești. De la mare peste munți până la câmpiile întinse. Orașe și sate, autostrăzi, străzi și drumuri Macadam.
Reser i sydöstra Europa. Roadtrip genom länder, städer, över berg, floder och åkrar. Vackra landskap, intressanta städer och pittoreska områden. Från havet över bergen till de vida slätterna. Städer och byar, motorvägar, gator och makadamvägar. Hundratals videor på kanalen visar all skönhet och mångfald i de närliggande områdena
Podróżuje po Europie Południowo-Wschodniej. Podróżuj przez kraje, miasta, góry, rzeki i pola. Piękne krajobrazy, ciekawe miasta i malownicze tereny. Od morza przez góry po szerokie równiny. Miasta i wsie, autostrady, ulice i drogi żwirowe.
Güneydoğu Avrupa'ya seyahat edin. Ülkeler, şehirler, dağlar, nehirler ve tarlalar üzerinden yolculuk. Güzel manzaralar, ilginç şehirler ve pitoresk alanlar. Denizden dağların üzerinden uçsuz bucaksız ovalara. Şehirler ve köyler, otoyollar, sokaklar ve yollar Macadam. Kanaldaki yüzlerce video, yakındaki alanların tüm güzelliğini ve çeşitliliğini gösteriyor
Путовање кроз земље, градове, преко планина, река и поља.
Z moře na nekonečné pláně nad horami. Města a vesnice, dálnice, ulice a silnice Macadam. Stovky videí na kanálu ukazují veškerou krásu a rozmanitost blízkých oblastí
Вожња аутомобилом кроз Сурчин, Београд, Србија

Come visitare BELGRADO in CAMPER 🚐 La capitale della SERBIA 🇷🇸

#serbia #vanlife #camper

📒 Ep 381 Come visitare BELGRADO in CAMPER - La capitale della SERBIA

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Is Belgrade Safe to Visit in 2024? | Serbia Travel

Is Belgrade a safe city to visit? You tell me!

My opinion: Belgrade felt a lot safer than most American cities (I have visited 49 of 50 states) and a lot safer than: London, Birmingham and Paris to name a few.

If you are considering visiting Belgrade, then I highly recommend it! It's an interesting culture with many things to do in and around the city.


GoPro HERO 10 Black -
Selfie Stick / Monopod:
SanDisk Extreme PRO A2 U3 V30 256GB MicroSD (The fastest and best card!):
SanDisk Extreme PRO A2 U3 V30 1TB MicroSD (The fastest and best card, but HUGE!):

Latest (At time of upload):
GoPro HERO 12:


[Travel Tips]
🏨 Where I buy my cheap hotels from:

✈️ Where I buy my cheap flights from

📱 Get a travel sim card that works WORLDWIDE before your trip!

💳 This is the travel top-up card I use when travelling. It has the LOWEST exchange rates of anything I've ever found:

🚑 PLEASE get some travel/medical insurance before your trip! I personally use SafetyWing. It's a global company, the rates are low and I am currently covered by them when I travel anywhere



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#Belgrade #BelgradeSerbia #BelgradeTravel #shorts

Belgrad Serbia



Belgrade is the capital of the southeast European country of Serbia. Its most significant landmark is the Beogradska Tvrđava, an imposing fortress at the confluence of the Danube and the Sava rivers. The fort is a testament to the city’s strategic importance to the Roman, Byzantine, Ottoman, Serbian and Austrian empires, and it's now the site of several museums as well as Kalemegdan, a vast park.

Top 15 Things To Do In Pancevo, Serbia

Cheapest Hotels To Stay In Pančevo -
Cheap Airline Tickets -
Here are top 15 things to do in Pancevo, Serbia
All photos belong to their rightful owners. Credit next to name.

1. Svetionik na Ušću Tamiša u Dunav -
2. Church of the Assumption -
3. Tamiški Kej (Tamiš Quay) -
4. National Garden -
5. Church of the Holy Transfiguration -
6. Vajfert Museum -
7. Park Trg Kralja Petra I -
8. Vojlovica Monastery -
9. Zgrada Narodne Pivare -
10. National Museum -
11. Buvljak -
12. Visit Belgrade - mareandmare / shutterstock
13. Deliblato Sands - Mateja Beljan / shutterstock
14. Smederevo Fortress -

15. Try some Burek - agrofruti / shutterstock

For business inquiries contact us at:

Pancevo,Pancevo serbia,Pancevo tour,Pancevo tourist,Pancevo guide,Pancevo attractions, visit Pancevo, travel Pancevo, things to do in Pancevo, places to visit in Pancevo, Pancevo holiday,Pancevo hotels,

EP04 10 Interesting facts about belgrade #europe #serbia #travel

You may be surprised to know this facts about belgrade.

My WORST Country in Europe ! SERBIA Vlog | Serbian Dancing Lady - The Real Truth REVEALED!!

My WORST Country in Europe ! SERBIA Vlog

Serbian Dancing Lady - The Real Truth REVEALED!!

SERBIA SURPRISED US! First Impressions of BELGRADE, SERBIA - Belgrade Fortress, Food & MORE 🇷🇸

Serbia Edition |Most Beautiful Places In Serbia
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My WORST Country in Europe ! SERBIA Vlog

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Switzerland natural beauty
Video links:-


Hello everyone my name is Nawaz Khan and I love adventure!Let me introduce you to the most beautiful places in the world.If you want to travel to different places without any cost and with the least amount of time,just Subscribe to my channel and help improve my channel with your likes and comments.Don't forget to introduce my channel to others.Let's start our adventure by Subscribe my channel!
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Places to see in Belgrade

1. Hram Svetog Save (Church Saint Sava)
2. Slavija
2.1 Beogradjanka (Belgrades ex tallest building, on the road between Slavija and Knez Mihailova)
3. Hotel Moskva
4. Trg republike (Square of the republic)
5. Knez Mihailova (Main street)
6. Kalemegdan
7. Beton hala (Concrete hall)
8. Usće (shopping mall) and Ušće park
9. Dunavski kej and Zemunski kej
10. Gardoš tower in Zemun

To visit all of the destinations i showed in this video in a fun and entertaining way on a E-bike visit Bababikes, they have E-bike tours around Serbia. Check them out on:

In this vlog I take you guys with me around Belgrade and show you some of the nice places you can visit here. Tell me what seems most interesting out of these destinations to you 😄

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Flora Apartment, Surčin, Serbia

Flora Apartment, Surčin, Serbia
About Property:
You're eligible for a Genius discount at Flora Apartment! To save at this property, all you have to do is sign in.
Flora Apartment, a property with a garden, is located in Surčin, 13 km from Ada Ciganlija, 13 km from Belgrade Train Station, as well as 13 km from Belgrade Fair. The air-conditioned accommodation is 10 km from Belgrade Arena, and guests benefit from complimentary WiFi and private parking available on site.
The apartment comes with 1 bedroom, 1 bathroom, bed linen, towels...
Booking or More Details:
Property Type: Hotel
Address: 18 Hajduk Veljkova, 11271 Surčin, Serbia
Searching For
1. Flora Apartment - Surčin - Serbia
2. Flora Apartment - Surčin - Serbia Address
3. Flora Apartment - Surčin - Serbia Rooms
4. Flora Apartment - Surčin - Serbia Amenities
5. Flora Apartment - Surčin - Serbia Offers and Deals
Audio Credit:
Track Title: Subway Dreams
Artist: Dan Henig
* This video is not sponsored.
* The photos shown in this video are not owned by Travel With Shalini.
Copyright issue? Please contact us and for getting more information you can find contact details on the about us page of the channel.
*Note: - Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for fair use for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational, or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use.
#TravelWithShalini #FloraApartmentSurčin #FloraApartmentSurčinSerbia

Surčin - Dobanovci - Batajnica, Srem, Srbija 2K, januar 2022.

Snimak vožnje kroz Srem. Početak snimka je na raskrsnici u centru Surčina. Skretanje u Ulicu Braće Puhalović i nastavak vožnje Ulicom Železnička ispod autoputa. Ulazak u Dobanovce i vožnja ulicama Maršala Tita i Ugrinovačka. Vožnja ulicama Partizanska i Zemunska kroz Ugrinovce i Busije. Ulazak u Batajnicu i vožnja Šangajskom ulicom i Ulicom carice Jelene. Prelazak preko željezničke pruge. Skretanje u Ulicu pukovnika Milenka Pavlovića na centru Batajnice.
Surčin - Dobanovci - Ugrinovci - Busije - Batajnica
Сурчин - Добановци - Угриновци - Бусије - Батајница, Срем, Србија
Saobraćaj u Sremu.

Automobilom kroz Srem

Putovanja 2021

Putevi Balkana

Na ovom kanalu na youtube se nalaze snimci putovanja, snimljeni tokom vožnje automobila i turističkih obilazaka. Vožnja kroz Balkan. Banja Luka, Sarajevo, Beograd, Zagreb, Mostar, Budimpešta, Dalmacija, Srbija, Bosna, Hercegovina, Crna Gora, Hrvatska, Baranja, Krajina, Srem, Mađ samo neki od predjela i gradova čije snimke možete da nađete na kanalu. Snimci na kojima možete vidjeti put, ulicu, kao i plažu, turističko mjesto, prirodne znamenitosti, grad, selo, planinu, rijeku i polje
Footage of the trip, taken while driving a car and sightseeing tours. Driving through Europe. Belgrade, Budapest, Dalmatia, Serbia, Bosnia, Montenegro, Croatia, Slavonija, Hungary ... are just some of the regions and cities whose footage you can find on the channel . Shots where you can see road, street, as well as beach, tourist place, natural sights, city, village, mountain, river and sea
Images du voyage, prises au volant d'une voiture et de visites guidées. Conduire à travers l'Europe. Belgrade, Dalmatie, Serbie, Bosnie, Herzégovine, Croatie, Hongrie... ne sont que quelques-unes des régions et des villes dont vous pouvez retrouver les images sur la chaîne. Plans où vous pouvez voir route, rue, ainsi que plage, lieu touristique, sites naturels, ville, village, montagne, rivière et mer
Riprese del viaggio, riprese durante la guida di un'auto e visite guidate. Guidando attraverso l'Europa. Belgrado, Dalmazia, Croazia, Ungheria... sono solo alcune delle regioni e delle città di cui puoi trovare i filmati sul canale. Scatti in cui puoi vedere strada, nonché spiaggia, luogo turistico, monumenti naturali, città, villaggio, montagna, fiume e mare
Aufnahmen der Reise, aufgenommen beim Autofahren und bei Sightseeing-Touren. Fahrt durch Europa. Belgrad, Dalmatien, Herzegowina, Kroatien, Serbien, Ungarn..sind nur einige der Regionen und Städte, deren Filmmaterial Sie auf dem Kanal finden können. Aufnahmen, bei denen Sie Straße sowie Strand, Touristenort, Natursehenswürdigkeiten, Stadt, Dorf, Berg, Fluss und Meer sehen können
Кадры поездки, снятые за рулем автомобиля и обзорных экскурсий. Езда по Европе. Белград, Будапешт, Далмация, Черногория, Хорватия, Сербия, Венгрия...это лишь некоторые из регионов и городов, кадры которых вы можете найти на канале. Кадры, на которых видна дорога, а также пляж, туристическое место, природные достопримечательности, город, деревня, горы, река и море
Imágenes del viaje, tomadas mientras se conduce un automóvil y recorridos turísticos. Belgrado, Srpska, Hungría ... son solo algunas de las regiones y ciudades cuyas imágenes puedes encontrar en el canal. Disparos donde se puede ver la carretera, así como la playa, lugar turístico, lugares de interés natural, ciudad, pueblo, montaña, río y mar
Posnetek izleta, posnet med vožnjo z avtomobilom in ogledi. Črna Gora, Hrvaš le nekatere regije in mesta, katerih posnetke lahko najdete na kanalu. Posnetki, kjer lahko vidite cesto in plažo, turistični kraj, naravne znamenitosti, mesto, vas, goro, reko in morje
Снимка од патувањето, направена додека возите автомобил и разгледни тури. Белград, Будимпешта, Далмација, Херцеговина, Црна Гора, Хрватска, Србија ... се само дел од регионите и градовите чии снимки можете да ги најдете на каналот. Снимки каде што можете да видите пат, како и плажа, туристичко место, природни знаменитости, град, село, планина, река и море
Beelden van de reis, genomen tijdens het autorijden en sightseeingtours. Kroatië, Servië, Hongarije ... zijn slechts enkele van de regio's en steden waarvan u de beelden op het kanaal kunt vinden. Foto's waar u zowel de weg als het strand, toeristische plaats, natuurlijke bezienswaardigheden, stad, dorp, bergen, rivier en zee kunt zien
Filmer från resan, tagna medan du kör bil och sightseeingturer. Belgrad, Dalmatien, Ungern ... är bara några av de regioner och städer vars filmer du kan hitta på kanalen . Bilder där du kan se väg såväl som strand, turistplats, naturliga sevärdheter, stad, by, berg, flod och hav
Optagelser af turen, taget under bilkørsel og sightseeingture.

Surčin Apartment, Ledine, Serbia

Surčin Apartment, Ledine, Serbia
About Property:
You're eligible for a Genius discount at Surčin Apartment! To save at this property, all you have to do is sign in.
Offering inner courtyard views, Surčin Apartment is an accommodation situated in Ledine, 10 km from Belgrade Arena and 13 km from Ada Ciganlija. This apartment features free private parking, a 24-hour front desk and free WiFi. The apartment has private entrance.

The apartment provides guests with a...
Booking or More Details:
Property Type: Hotel
Address: Милана Ракића 18, 11271 Ledine, Serbia
Searching For
1. Surčin Apartment - Ledine - Serbia
2. Surčin Apartment - Ledine - Serbia Address
3. Surčin Apartment - Ledine - Serbia Rooms
4. Surčin Apartment - Ledine - Serbia Amenities
5. Surčin Apartment - Ledine - Serbia Offers and Deals
Audio Credit:
Track Title: Blank Slate
Artist: VYEN
* This video is not sponsored.
* The photos shown in this video are not owned by Travel With Shalini.
Copyright issue? Please contact us and for getting more information you can find contact details on the about us page of the channel.
*Note: - Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for fair use for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational, or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use.
#TravelWithShalini #SurčinApartmentLedine #SurčinApartmentLedineSerbia

Serbia's new section of road opens

The new Belgrade to Surcin section of #Serbia's E763 highway, built by #China Communications Construction Company, was opened for traffic on Apr. 1, local time. It will benefit more than 4 million people.



Country : Serbia/Srbija 🇷🇸
Date : 22.01.2021
Vehicle : Peugeot 2008 I
Camera : AZDOME GS63H
Time-lapse video : x2
Itinerary :
Intro : 00:00
Kralja Petra I Oslobodioca street/ulica (Ub) : 00:15
Ub downtown/centar : 00:16
Karađorđeva street/ulica (Ub) : 00:36
Relje Aleksića street/ulica (Ub) : 00:50
State Road/Državni Put IIA-144 (Ub) : 01:04
State Road/Državni Put IIA-146 (Ub) : 01:28
Ub Toll Booth/Naplatna Stanica Ub : 03:21
State Road/Državni Put IA-2/E 763 (Miloš the Great Motorway/Auto-put Miloš Veliki, E 763/A 2) (exit/izlaz 3, Ub) : 03:44
Obrenovac Toll Booth/Naplatna Stanica Obrenovac : 07:16
Obrenovac Bridge/Most kod Obrenovca (1581 m) (Sava) (Miloš the Great Motorway/Auto-put Miloš Veliki, E 763/A 2, Obrenovac-Boljevci) : 10:16
State Road/Državni Put IA-1/E 75 (Motorway/Auto-put E 75/A 1) (interchange/petlja 1, Surčin jug) : 13:53
Rest area/Odmorište Surčin : 15:27

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Video made by Road by Stevča

Magistrala Novi Beograd - Surčin - autoput A2 (Miloš Veliki), Srbija, vožnja autom, mart 2023.

Snimak počinje u Ulici Jurija Gagarina. Skretanje desno u Ulicu dr Ivana Ribara, a zatim na magistralnu saobraćajnicu Novi Beograd - Surčin - autoput Miloš Veliki.
Vožnja novom magistralnom saobraćajnicom koja spaja Novi Beograd (Vojvođanska ulica) i autoput Miloš Veliki. Magistrala prolazi južno od Surčina i predstavlja važnu vezu severnog dela Beograda sa središnjom Srbijom.
Saobraćaj u Beogradu

Vožnje automobilom u 2024. godini

Beogradske ulice

#driving #car #travel #traffic #novibeograd

Na ovom kanalu na youtube se nalaze snimci putovanja, snimljeni tokom vožnje automobila i turističkih obilazaka. Vožnja kroz Balkan. Banja Luka, Sarajevo, Beograd, Zagreb, Mostar, Budimpešta, Dalmacija, Srbija, Bosna, Hercegovina, Crna Gora, Hrvatska, Baranja, Krajina, Srem, Mađ samo neki od predjela i gradova čije snimke možete da nađete na kanalu. Snimci na kojima možete vidjeti put, ulicu, kao i plažu, turističko mjesto, prirodne znamenitosti, grad, selo, planinu, rijeku i polje
Footage of the trip, taken while driving a car and sightseeing tours. Driving through Europe. Belgrade, Budapest, Dalmatia, Serbia, Bosnia, Montenegro, Croatia, Slavonija, Hungary ... are just some of the regions and cities whose footage you can find on the channel . Shots where you can see road, street, as well as beach, tourist place, natural sights, city, village, mountain, river and sea
Images du voyage, prises au volant d'une voiture et de visites guidées. Conduire à travers l'Europe. Belgrade, Dalmatie, Serbie, Bosnie, Herzégovine, Croatie, Hongrie... ne sont que quelques-unes des régions et des villes dont vous pouvez retrouver les images sur la chaîne. Plans où vous pouvez voir route, rue, ainsi que plage, lieu touristique, sites naturels, ville, village, montagne, rivière et mer
Riprese del viaggio, riprese durante la guida di un'auto e visite guidate. Guidando attraverso l'Europa. Belgrado, Dalmazia, Croazia, Ungheria... sono solo alcune delle regioni e delle città di cui puoi trovare i filmati sul canale. Scatti in cui puoi vedere strada, nonché spiaggia, luogo turistico, monumenti naturali, città, villaggio, montagna, fiume e mare
Aufnahmen der Reise, aufgenommen beim Autofahren und bei Sightseeing-Touren. Fahrt durch Europa. Belgrad, Dalmatien, Herzegowina, Kroatien, Serbien, Ungarn..sind nur einige der Regionen und Städte, deren Filmmaterial Sie auf dem Kanal finden können. Aufnahmen, bei denen Sie Straße sowie Strand, Touristenort, Natursehenswürdigkeiten, Stadt, Dorf, Berg, Fluss und Meer sehen können
Кадры поездки, снятые за рулем автомобиля и обзорных экскурсий. Езда по Европе. Белград, Будапешт, Далмация, Черногория, Хорватия, Сербия, Венгрия...это лишь некоторые из регионов и городов, кадры которых вы можете найти на канале. Кадры, на которых видна дорога, а также пляж, туристическое место, природные достопримечательности, город, деревня, горы, река и море
Imágenes del viaje, tomadas mientras se conduce un automóvil y recorridos turísticos. Belgrado, Srpska, Hungría ... son solo algunas de las regiones y ciudades cuyas imágenes puedes encontrar en el canal. Disparos donde se puede ver la carretera, así como la playa, lugar turístico, lugares de interés natural, ciudad, pueblo, montaña, río y mar
Posnetek izleta, posnet med vožnjo z avtomobilom in ogledi. Črna Gora, Hrvaš le nekatere regije in mesta, katerih posnetke lahko najdete na kanalu. Posnetki, kjer lahko vidite cesto in plažo, turistični kraj, naravne znamenitosti, mesto, vas, goro, reko in morje
Снимка од патувањето, направена додека возите автомобил и разгледни тури. Белград, Будимпешта, Далмација, Херцеговина, Црна Гора, Хрватска, Србија ... се само дел од регионите и градовите чии снимки можете да ги најдете на каналот. Снимки каде што можете да видите пат, како и плажа, туристичко место, природни знаменитости, град, село, планина, река и море
Beelden van de reis, genomen tijdens het autorijden en sightseeingtours. Kroatië, Servië, Hongarije ... zijn slechts enkele van de regio's en steden waarvan u de beelden op het kanaal kunt vinden. Foto's waar u zowel de weg als het strand, toeristische plaats, natuurlijke bezienswaardigheden, stad, dorp, bergen, rivier en zee kunt zien
Filmer från resan, tagna medan du kör bil och sightseeingturer. Belgrad, Dalmatien, Ungern ... är bara några av de regioner och städer vars filmer du kan hitta på kanalen . Bilder där du kan se väg såväl som strand, turistplats, naturliga sevärdheter, stad, by, berg, flod och hav
Optagelser af turen, taget under bilkørsel og sightseeingture.
Нови Београд, Србија

Surčin - Jakovo, Srem 2K, januar 2022.

Vožnja automobilom od Surčina do Jakova. Vožnja Vojvođanskom ulicom kroz Surčin, a zatim ulicama Braće Nikolić i Jakovački Kormadin. Završetak snimka je u Ulici vožda Karađorđa u Jakovu.
Saobraćaj u Sremu

Putevi Balkana

Na ovom kanalu na youtube se nalaze snimci putovanja, snimljeni tokom vožnje automobila i turističkih obilazaka. Vožnja kroz Balkan. Banja Luka, Sarajevo, Beograd, Zagreb, Mostar, Budimpešta, Dalmacija, Srbija, Bosna, Hercegovina, Crna Gora, Hrvatska, Baranja, Krajina, Srem, Mađ samo neki od predjela i gradova čije snimke možete da nađete na kanalu. Snimci na kojima možete vidjeti put, ulicu, kao i plažu, turističko mjesto, prirodne znamenitosti, grad, selo, planinu, rijeku i polje
Footage of the trip, taken while driving a car and sightseeing tours. Driving through Europe. Belgrade, Budapest, Dalmatia, Serbia, Bosnia, Montenegro, Croatia, Slavonija, Hungary ... are just some of the regions and cities whose footage you can find on the channel . Shots where you can see road, street, as well as beach, tourist place, natural sights, city, village, mountain, river and sea
Images du voyage, prises au volant d'une voiture et de visites guidées. Conduire à travers l'Europe. Belgrade, Dalmatie, Serbie, Bosnie, Herzégovine, Croatie, Hongrie... ne sont que quelques-unes des régions et des villes dont vous pouvez retrouver les images sur la chaîne. Plans où vous pouvez voir route, rue, ainsi que plage, lieu touristique, sites naturels, ville, village, montagne, rivière et mer
Riprese del viaggio, riprese durante la guida di un'auto e visite guidate. Guidando attraverso l'Europa. Belgrado, Dalmazia, Croazia, Ungheria... sono solo alcune delle regioni e delle città di cui puoi trovare i filmati sul canale. Scatti in cui puoi vedere strada, nonché spiaggia, luogo turistico, monumenti naturali, città, villaggio, montagna, fiume e mare
Aufnahmen der Reise, aufgenommen beim Autofahren und bei Sightseeing-Touren. Fahrt durch Europa. Belgrad, Dalmatien, Herzegowina, Kroatien, Serbien, Ungarn..sind nur einige der Regionen und Städte, deren Filmmaterial Sie auf dem Kanal finden können. Aufnahmen, bei denen Sie Straße sowie Strand, Touristenort, Natursehenswürdigkeiten, Stadt, Dorf, Berg, Fluss und Meer sehen können
Кадры поездки, снятые за рулем автомобиля и обзорных экскурсий. Езда по Европе. Белград, Будапешт, Далмация, Черногория, Хорватия, Сербия, Венгрия...это лишь некоторые из регионов и городов, кадры которых вы можете найти на канале. Кадры, на которых видна дорога, а также пляж, туристическое место, природные достопримечательности, город, деревня, горы, река и море
Imágenes del viaje, tomadas mientras se conduce un automóvil y recorridos turísticos. Belgrado, Srpska, Hungría ... son solo algunas de las regiones y ciudades cuyas imágenes puedes encontrar en el canal. Disparos donde se puede ver la carretera, así como la playa, lugar turístico, lugares de interés natural, ciudad, pueblo, montaña, río y mar
Posnetek izleta, posnet med vožnjo z avtomobilom in ogledi. Črna Gora, Hrvaš le nekatere regije in mesta, katerih posnetke lahko najdete na kanalu. Posnetki, kjer lahko vidite cesto in plažo, turistični kraj, naravne znamenitosti, mesto, vas, goro, reko in morje
Снимка од патувањето, направена додека возите автомобил и разгледни тури. Белград, Будимпешта, Далмација, Херцеговина, Црна Гора, Хрватска, Србија ... се само дел од регионите и градовите чии снимки можете да ги најдете на каналот. Снимки каде што можете да видите пат, како и плажа, туристичко место, природни знаменитости, град, село, планина, река и море
Beelden van de reis, genomen tijdens het autorijden en sightseeingtours. Kroatië, Servië, Hongarije ... zijn slechts enkele van de regio's en steden waarvan u de beelden op het kanaal kunt vinden. Foto's waar u zowel de weg als het strand, toeristische plaats, natuurlijke bezienswaardigheden, stad, dorp, bergen, rivier en zee kunt zien
Filmer från resan, tagna medan du kör bil och sightseeingturer. Belgrad, Dalmatien, Ungern ... är bara några av de regioner och städer vars filmer du kan hitta på kanalen . Bilder där du kan se väg såväl som strand, turistplats, naturliga sevärdheter, stad, by, berg, flod och hav
Optagelser af turen, taget under bilkørsel og sightseeingture. Optagelser, hvor du kan se vej såvel som strand, turiststed, naturlige seværdigheder, by, landsby, bjerg, flod og hav
Araba sürerken ve gezi turları sırasında çekilen gezinin görüntüleri. Avrupa üzerinden sürüş. Budapeşte, Dalmaçya, Hersek, Karadağ, Hırvatistan, Sırbistan, Macaristan ... görüntülerini kanalda bulabileceğiniz bölge ve şehirlerden sadece birkaçı


Travel Diversity
#belgrade #serbia #travelvlog

Belgrade is the capital of the southeast European country of Serbia. Its most significant landmark is the Beogradska Tvrđava, an imposing fortress at the confluence of the Danube and the Sava rivers. The fort is a testament to the city’s strategic importance to the Roman, Byzantine, Ottoman, Serbian and Austrian empires, and it's now the site of several museums as well as Kalemegdan, a vast park.


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Belville and Delta City | Belgrade | 4K Walking Tour

Enjoy this walking tour through the Belville neighborhood in Belgrade, Serbia (New Belgrade municipality). This is for those looking to visit, book accommodation, or move to this area and are interested in what it looks like. It was recorded in late April 2023, around noon and at a temperature around 15 degrees Celsius.

All the location pins are listed below. I started from the Eastern end of the neighborhood and finished in the shopping mall Delta City, where I show you all three floors including the food court and movie theater area on the top floor.

Equipment used (these are affiliate links):
- DJI Pocket 2:
- Tripod:
- Wide lens:

In general, on this link you can always find the list of equipment I use to record these:

Locations pinned in the video:
- Pin 1 (0:05):
- Pin 2 (3:04):
- Pin 3 (6:14):
- Pin 4 (7:40):
- Pin 5 (9:13):
- Pin 6 (13:44):
- Pin 7 (15:29):

###### SERBIAN/SRPSKI ######

Uživajte u ovoj pešačkoj turi kroz naselje Belvil u Beogradu (Opština Novi Beograd). Ovo je za one koji žele da posete, rezervišu smeštaj ili se presele u ovo područje i zanima ih kako to izgleda. Zabeleženo je krajem aprila 2023. godine, oko podneva i na temperaturi od oko 15 stepeni Celzijusa.

Sve lokacija spomenute u sninku su navedene iznad. Počela sam sa istočnog kraja komšiluka i završila u tržnom centru „Delta Citi“, gde vam pokazujem sva tri sprata uključujući restoran i bioskop na poslednjem spratu.

Food to try in Serbia - Ćevapčići

This dish can be found all over the Balkans but is considered to be a national dish in Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina.

#samakayo #Balkans #Serbia #OnlyInSerbia #exploreeurope #incentraleurope #ontheroad #minivlog #foodtotry #travelvloggerph #roadtrip #vlog #tagalog #fromdubai #indubai #filipino #travelnow #wheretovisit #vlog #guide #tour #foodtoeat #belgrade #backpacking #visitserbia #serbiatourism #cevapi #cevapcici

Part 2 🇷🇸Serbian🇷🇸 capital Belgrade has a lot to offer those who are willing to venture. 4K walking.

🇷🇸Belgrade🇷🇸 is the capital of the southeast European country of Serbia. Its most significant landmark is the Beogradska Tvrđava, an imposing fortress at the confluence of the Danube and the Sava rivers. The fort is a testament to the city’s strategic importance to the Roman, Byzantine, Ottoman, Serbian and Austrian empires, and it's now the site of several museums as well as Kalemegdan, a vast park.

Belgrade (/bɛlˈɡreɪd/ bel-GRAYD, /ˈbɛlɡreɪd/ BEL-grayd;[note 1] Serbian: Београд / Beograd, lit. 'White City', pronounced [beǒɡrad] (listen); names in other languages) is the capital and largest city of Serbia. It is located at the confluence of the Sava and Danube rivers and at the crossroads of the Pannonian Plain and the Balkan Peninsula.[10] The population of the Belgrade metropolitan area is 1,685,563, according to the 2022 census.[4] It is the third most populated of all cities on the Danube river.

Belgrade is one of the oldest continuously inhabited cities in Europe and the world. One of the most important prehistoric cultures of Europe, the Vinča culture, evolved within the Belgrade area in the 6th millennium BC. In antiquity, Thraco-Dacians inhabited the region and, after 279 BC, Celts settled the city, naming it Singidūn.[11] It was conquered by the Romans under the reign of Augustus and awarded Roman city rights in the mid-2nd century.[12] It was settled by the Slavs in the 520s, and changed hands several times between the Byzantine Empire, the Frankish Empire, the Bulgarian Empire, and the Kingdom of Hungary before it became the seat of the Serbian king Stefan Dragutin in 1284. Belgrade served as capital of the Serbian Despotate during the reign of Stefan Lazarević, and then his successor Đurađ Branković returned it to the Hungarian king in 1427. Noon bells in support of the Hungarian army against the Ottoman Empire during the siege in 1456 have remained a widespread church tradition to this day. In 1521, Belgrade was conquered by the Ottomans and became the seat of the Sanjak of Smederevo.[13] It frequently passed from Ottoman to Habsburg rule, which saw the destruction of most of the city during the Ottoman–Habsburg wars.

Following the Serbian Revolution, Belgrade was once again named the capital of Serbia in 1841. Northern Belgrade remained the southernmost Habsburg post until 1918, when it was attached to the city, due to former Austro-Hungarian territories becoming part of the new Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes after World War I. Belgrade was the capital of Yugoslavia from its creation in 1918 to its dissolution in 2006.[note 2] In a fatally strategic position, the city has been battled over in 115 wars and razed 44 times, being bombed five times and besieged many times.[14]

Being Serbia's primate city, Belgrade has special administrative status within Serbia.[15] It is the seat of the central government, administrative bodies, and government ministries, as well as home of almost all of the largest Serbian companies, media, and scientific institutions. Belgrade is classified as a Beta-Global City.[16] The city is home to the Clinical Centre of Serbia, one of the hospital complexes with the largest capacity in the world, the Church of Saint Sava, one of the largest Orthodox church buildings, and the Štark Arena, one of the largest capacity indoor arenas in Europe. Belgrade hosted major international events such as the Danube River Conference of 1948, the first Non-Aligned Movement Summit (1961), the first major gathering of the OSCE (1977–1978), the Eurovision Song Contest (2008), as well as sports events such as the first FINA World Aquatics Championships (1973), UEFA Euro (1976), Summer Universiade (2009) and EuroBasket three times (1961, 1975, 2005).

#walkingtour #belgrade #belgrad #serbia #winter #europe #Travel #Culture #History #Landmarks #Shopping #StreetFood #Architecture #videoblog #Explore #Experience #Vacation #Holiday #TouristAttraction #CityGuide #Sightseeing #MustSee #TravelVlog #TravelVideo #HistoricStreet #StreetWalking #LocalCulture #FoodieTour #ShopTillYouDrop



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