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10 Best place to visit in Soledar Ukraine


Ukraine sights and attractions | Top 100 | Full-HD presentation

- Ukraine top 100 best sights and attractions - Full-HD Presentation. What to see in Ukraine? Why travel to Ukraine? Pictures of top sights and attractions of West, East and South Ukraine with short description. Ukraine tours from Ukraine Kiev Tour

The Salt Mine at Soledar, Ukraine

The Salt Mine at Soledar, Ukraine
Soledar is a city in Donetsk Oblast of Ukraine. The name of the town stands for 'gift of salt' both in Russian and Ukrainian. The town was named Karlo-Libknekhtivsk after Karl Liebknecht, the German socialist, when it was created in 1965 during Soviet times. It was renamed Soledar in 1991 after the Ukraine became independent. This small is situated on the place of shallow bay of ancient Permian sea which existed there 250 millions years ago. After the sea dried out, here appeared one of the purest salt deposit in the world and the biggest one in Europe. In spite of more than 100 years of underground working, resulted in more than 125 miles of mines, these salt field resources are enough for 2 thousand years more. While tourists are attracted not by functioning mines, but exhaust one which is added to the UNESCO list of world culture heritage. Miners who worked in it turned the empty mines into magnificent temples by creating sculptures, pictures, chapels and grottos from salt blocks. Everything here is made of salt: walls, ceiling, floor, figures and trees.
The route along the salty galleries of this underground city at a depth of 300 meters is about 700 meters long and ends with a huge hall of 40 meters height. The acoustics in the hall is so amazing that sometimes it becomes the concert hall for symphonic orchestra. Kurt Schmidt, Austrian composer and director says that there are only 2 or 3 theaters in the world that can compete the acoustics of Soledar's salt mines: I am impressed! The notes flew up to the arch of the grotto, and then slowly as a cloud fell down. Incredible!.
Near the tourist route there is a speleo-sanitarium Salty Symphony where the following diseases are successfully cured: bronchial asthma, asthmatoid bronchitis, obstructive bronchitis, chronic pneumonia, rhinoallergosis, atopic dermatitis, some forms of psoriasis, weak immunity, thyroid diseases. Patients' sense of well-being is influenced by the following factors: atmospheric pressure 772 mm Hg (millimeters mercury column), air humidity 60%, temperature 14-16 °?, as well as air itself is filled with salt pieces with size of 1-5 micron and concentration of 15 mg in 1 cu m. The treatment in the microclimate of salt mine is one of the most effective because 70-85% adults and 85-95% children recover there according to statistics.
Usually the tour goes on for about 4 hours. During this time tourists can visit underground football field, church, labyrinths, concert hall, gallery, see the original figures made of salt, take a rest at underground bar, watch a movie about speleo-sanitarium, take pictures and video, play billiards, table tennis, chess, and simply have a rest and breathe the unique air of salt mine. Along the route medical staff and guide will do some training in medical respiratory gymnastics and tell interesting stories about the salt mine.
Soledar is a town which name stands for gift of salt. We visited its major sight: the underground galleries and chambers of salt mines.
The people there is a perception that the salt is harmful to the body in large quantities. This applies to its consumption as food. But a visit to the seabed, when there is not a single object of a different material than salt, very useful, especially for the imagination. A breath of air saturated micro-particles of salt - all powerful healing effect.
Sculptures created not Mother Nature, and the master with golden hands. Sinking to a depth of nearly 300 meters, you get the opportunity to walk along the bottom of the oceans, see the real football field with shallow salt crumbs instead of green grass , with a stunning concert hall acoustics.
There is a church in one of the worked out salt galleries of the city. In December 2003, the chamber 41 bis broke a record listed in the Guinness Book of Records as the first underground Hopper ballooning. In October 2004 there was a concert of Donbass Symphony Orchestra Salt Symphony under the direction of Austrian conductor Kurt Schmid with a participation of Victoria Lukyanets, soloist of the Vienna State Opera.
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Зеленський про Бахмут, Соледар, Кремінна і Сватове. Які перспективи на Донбасі?


This Transylvanian Salt Mine is Now an Amusement Park | National Geographic

Closed as a salt mine in 1932, the site of Salina Turda has been in use since antiquity. Now, it is an amusement park.
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This Transylvanian Salt Mine is Now an Amusement Park | National Geographic

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Unique Ukraine: man-made and natural monuments

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Why Putin Says Russia's Army Will Not Survive Winter

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Дома лучше! Северо-Восток: Святогорск, Бахмут, Соледар, Дружковка

Дома лучше! Северо-Восток: Святогорск, Бахмут, Соледар, Дружковка
Женя Синельников и Дома лучше продолжают путешествие по востоку Украины. В этом выпуске нас ждет север Донецкой области. Женя прокатится на байдарках по Северскому Донцу вблизи Святогорска, заглянем в меловые пещеры и узнаем много любопытных фактов об этих местах. Попробуем кое-что вкусное в Бахмуте, а в Соледаре спустимся в соляные пещеры.

Таймкоды маршрута по Донбассу:
1:47 Святогорск
12:30 Бахмут
29:24 Соледар
41:00 Дружковка

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“Дома лучше” - детище создателей “Орел и Решка”. В рамках проекта Женя Синельников ездит по городам Украины и определяет их туристический потенциал. В третьем сезоне Дома Лучше Женя Синельников отправился в автомобильное путешествие по Украине.

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Відбудувати краще, ніж було: чи це можливо? Майбутнє зруйнованих міст, план реновації | Україна 2030

Відбудувати краще, ніж було: чи це можливо? Майбутнє зруйнованих міст та плани реновації.

Так, зараз наша найголовніша проблема нашої країни - війна. Проте, ця теза аж ніяк не суперечить важливості урбаністиці. Крім викликів, що були раніше, тепер ми маємо і найголовніший виклик: повернути людям домівки.

Як заново звести новий Маріуполь, Бахмут, Тростянець? Як зробити ці міста впізнаваними для жителів, а не синтетично-пластмасовими? Як меморалізувати в усіх наших містах імена вбитих цивільних та військових? Чи варто щось робити у відносно мирних містах під час війни?
Важливі моменти:
00:00 - Анонс
01:20 - Трагедія Тростянця
03:56 - Відбудова під час війни
19:09 - Чи є шанс відбудувати повністю зруйновані міста?
35:56 - Навіщо нам стратегія?
36:50 - Світовий досвід, мета урбаністики
38:05 - Як урбаністика диктує звички людей?
40:12 - Чому треба стерти радянський слід в урбаністиці?
45:33 - Мистецтво в місті
53:53 - Трагедія Ягідного
01:02:23 - Про важливість меморалізації
01:07:02 - Іноземний досвід
01:14:05 - Програма відновлення від держави
01:16:36 - Допомога від іноземних партнерів
Ще до вторгнення, ми мали серйозні проблеми в містобудуванні: зведення монструозних багатоповерхівок, знищення зелених насаджень, непішохідні вулиці та водночас – недостатня кількість паркомісць. Таке місто пригнічує, в ньому ніде гуляти з тваринами і дітьми, не покататись на велосипеді. В наших містах не шанують історію, легко зносячи історичні будівлі. А найстрашніше: в містах без зелені нічим дихати.

Тепер, проблема стала ще більш багатошаровою: адже кожне місто та містечко країни має бути готовим відновитись як Фенікс після прильоту ракети. Як це зробити? Як не занепастити країну через війну? Який план має держава? Хто з іноземних партнерів нам допоможе?

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UKRAINE TRAVEL GUIDE. Best Places to Visit in UKRAINE | TOP 74 part 2

Hi friends. This video about UKRAINE. See more on same playlist.
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Ukraine (Ukrainian: Україна, romanized: Ukrayina, pronounced [ʊkrɐˈjinɐ] (About this soundlisten)) is a country in Eastern Europe.[8] It is bordered by Russia to the north-east; Belarus to the north; Poland, Slovakia and Hungary to the west; and Romania, Moldova, and the Black Sea to the south. Ukraine is currently in a territorial dispute with Russia over the Crimean Peninsula, which Russia annexed in 2014.[9] Including the Crimean Peninsula, Ukraine has an area of 603,628 km2 (233,062 sq mi),[10] making it the second-largest country in Europe after Russia, and the 46th-largest country in the world. Excluding Crimea, Ukraine has a population of about 42 million,[3] making it the eighth or ninth-most populous country in Europe, and the 32nd-most populous country in the world. Its capital and largest city is Kiev. Ukrainian is the official language and its alphabet is Cyrillic. The dominant religion in the country is Eastern Orthodoxy.

The territory of modern Ukraine has been inhabited since 32,000 BC. During the Middle Ages, the area was a key centre of East Slavic culture, with the powerful state of Kievan Rus' forming the basis of Ukrainian identity. Following its fragmentation in the 13th century, the territory was contested, ruled and divided by a variety of powers, including the Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth, Austria-Hungary, the Ottoman Empire and Russia. A Cossack republic emerged and prospered during the 17th and 18th centuries, but its territory was eventually split between Poland and the Russian Empire. After World War II the Western part of Ukraine merged into the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic, and the whole country became a part of the Soviet Union as a single state entity. In 1991, Ukraine gained its independence from the Soviet Union in the aftermath of its dissolution at the end of the Cold War. Before its independence, Ukraine was typically referred to in English as The Ukraine, but most sources have since moved to drop the from the name of Ukraine in all uses.[11]

Following its independence, Ukraine declared itself a neutral state;[12] it formed a limited military partnership with Russia and other CIS countries while also establishing a partnership with NATO in 1994. In 2013, after the government of President Viktor Yanukovych had decided to suspend the Ukraine-European Union Association Agreement and seek closer economic ties with Russia, a several-months-long wave of demonstrations and protests known as the Euromaidan began, which later escalated into the 2014 Ukrainian revolution that led to the overthrow of Yanukovych and the establishment of a new government. These events formed the background for the annexation of Crimea by Russia in March 2014, and the War in Donbass in April 2014. On 1 January 2016, Ukraine applied the economic component of the Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Area with the European Union.[13]

Ukraine is a developing country and ranks 88th on the Human Development Index. As of 2018, Ukraine is the poorest country in Europe alongside Moldova in terms of GDP per capita. At US$40, it has the lowest median wealth per adult in the world,[note 1][14] and suffers from a very high poverty rate as well as severe corruption.[15] However, because of its extensive fertile farmlands, Ukraine is one of the world's largest grain exporters.[16][17] It also maintains the second-largest military in Europe after that of Russia. Ukraine is a unitary republic under a semi-presidential system with separate powers: legislative, executive and judicial branches. The country is a member of the United Nations, the Council of Europe, the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE), the GUAM organization, and one of the founding states of the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS).

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Quebec: Travels with Darley Episode Preview

Explore Quebec City, the Eastern Townships and Montreal with host Darley Newman in this half hour episode, part of Season 10 of Travels with Darley. Dive into the New France Festival and First Nations culture in Quebec City, nature and adventure cycling through the treetops in the Eastern Townships, and cuisine and history with a food tour in Montreal.

Head to Wendake to learn about Quebec's First Nations culture. Try bagels and gnocchi in the Mile End neighborhood of Montreal on a food tour. Stay in the posh and historic John Lennon and Yoko Ono Suite at the Fairmont The Queen Elizabeth Hotel in Montreal. Take on the zipline coaster in Quebec's Eastern Townships and try a unique adventure cycling through the treetops at Mont Sutton. Discover Quebec City's French flavors and get dressed up during the New France Festival. Find out the history of the famous Chateau Frontenac in Quebec City. Plus, poutine, ice cream, apple cider and more fab flavors! Darley joins locals to see what makes Quebec such a popular destination for U.S. and global travelers.

Learn more at and watch for this episode on PBS, Create TV and your favorite app and streaming site including Apple TV, Roku, Samsung TV Plus and more through JOURNY.

У боях за Соледар сильно поранили українського актора Дмитра Лінартовича

Що насправді відбувається в Соледарі, розказали українські бійці

Second Christmas in Ukraine 🇺🇦

Today we go to VDNG, an ornate Soviet-era complex with a culture center & concert hall, that is home to the winter holiday festivities including second Christmas. Today also happens to be Orthodox Christmas, January 7th, 2023, which was previously celebrated by Ukrainians during soviet times and before the Russian invasion. Watch me enjoy Old Christmas by trying not to break an arm ice skating in Kyiv, Ukraine.

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Каменец-Подольский: лучшие эко-маршруты / Кам'янець-Подільський: найкращі еко-маршрути #visitukraine

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Друзі, привіт! З вами Антон Тараненко та проєкт #visitukraine.

Ми давно не бачились, але не дарма! Весь цей час я готував для вас вибуховий матеріал про дуже популярний сьогодні екотуризм. Я покажу вам найкращі екологічні маршрути Хмельниччини, а саме найвідомішого її міста - Кам'янця-Подільського.

На вас чекає випуск не просто про цікаві українські місця та ідеї для відпочинку, а в першу чергу про людей. Людей, які свідомо займаються екологічно чистим виробництвом, які розвивають справу свого життя, які гостинно приймали нашу знімальну групу, щоб розповісти та пригостити унікальними гастрономічними скарбами made in Ukraine. Нижче я залишив посилання на сайти на соціальні сторінки кожного з них - впевнений, вам вони знадобляться.

І, звісно, я не був би собою, якщо не випробував на собі трошки екстриму 😉 Тож, бажаю приємного перегляду та чекаю від вас коментарі та відгуки.

Для всіх іномовних підписників та глядачів каналу доступні субтитри англійською та російською мовою.

00:01 У цьому випуску Ви побачите
00:51 Родинний маєток «Family estatе»
01:46 Апітерапія
02:37 Равликова ферма «Tasty Snails»
04:12 Родинна виноробня Зелениці
05:16 Сирна дегустація в гостинному домі Old Town
05:39 Тролейна переправа на ZipLine
06:13 Прогулянка на катамарані по річці Смотрич
06:52 Стейк-бар «Мені би мНяса»
07:49 Паб «Wowk»
08:42 Ресторан «Стара фортеця»
09:17 Прогулянка на ретро-електрокарі
09:46 Гончарна майстерня
10:30 Соляна кімната
11:02 Купання в гарячому чані

Родинний маєток «Family estatе» та апітерапія ►
Равликова ферма «Tasty Snails» ►
Родинна виноробня Зелениці ►
Домашня ферма «Срібне копитце» ►
ZipLine -
Agua-тур на катамарані ►
Стейк-бар «Мені би мНяса» ►
Паб «Wowk» ►
Ресторан «Стара фортеця» ►
Ретро-електро-тур ►
Гончарна майстерня ►
Соляна кімната ►
Купання в чанах ►
Кав'ярня «Coffee-Bike» ►

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Soledar salt-mine , Donetsk reg.,Ukraine

Экскурсия Соляные шахты, Соледар, Донецкая область

Subterranean Theme Park in Salt Mine

Salina Turda, is now a museum and tourist attraction located in the Transylvania region of Romania.

The site is a large underground wonderland with a brightly lit modern art theme park nestled 120 meters below the surface of the Earth inside one of the oldest salt mines ever known.

Salina Turda is today not only a museum of salt mining, but is also a subterranean Theme Park.

Thanks for watching.



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Underneath the bustling city of Kiyv is secret tunnels used from even before Soviet times. We explored the secret tunnels underneath the city of Kyiv which stretches over 50km. Some lead to soviet bunkers and others to the catacombs.
At times my nerves were a little thin.

00:00 Climbing into a drain hole
01:44 Walking through very narrow tunnels
02:36 Epic URBEX places around the world
03:10 Explosive Fireworks in Underground Tunnel (really loud)
03:55 Underground Lightsaber battle in tunnel
04:15 Water filled tunnel and soaking wet clothes
05:50 Middle of busy highway
06:20 Vladimiro kalva Park at sunset
06:35 Glass bridge at sunset

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Monday Spontané Supper At Marché Moderne

On this episode of the Dot Com Lifestyle Vlog, I sample the Monday Spontané Supper At Marché Moderne in Newport Beach.
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The largest winery in Ukraine

Our video for Koblevo vineyard

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