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10 Best place to visit in Soběslav Czechia


Hotel Sloup, Soběslav, Czech Republic

Hotel Sloup, Soběslav, Czech Republic
About Property:
You're eligible for a Genius discount at Hotel Sloup! To save at this property, all you have to do is sign in.
Surrounded by the South Bohemian countryside, 4 km from the Soběslav town centre, Hotel Sloup offers spa facilities with a sauna, a hot tub and a solarium. There is a restaurant on site. Free Wi-Fi is provided in the entire building.
Guests can start their day with a breakfast every morning. The restaurant with a terrace serves Czech dishe...
Booking or More Details:
Property Type: Hotel
Address: Řípec 122, Soběslav, 39201, Czech Republic
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5. Hotel Sloup - Soběslav - Czech Republic Offers and Deals
Audio Credit:
Track Title: Blank Slate
Artist: VYEN
* This video is not sponsored.
* The photos shown in this video are not owned by Travel Suggestions.
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#TravelSuggestions #HotelSloupSoběslav #HotelSloupSoběslavCzechRepublic



Praha Vyšehrad.

Praha Vyšehrad - Nejkrásnější kopec světa

Vyšehrad (česky „horní hrad“) je historická pevnost v Praze, Česká republika, jen něco málo přes 3 km jihovýchodně od Pražského hradu, na východním břehu řeky Vltavy.[1] Byl postaven pravděpodobně v 10. století. Uvnitř pevnosti se nachází bazilika sv. Petra a Pavla a Vyšehradský hřbitov s ostatky mnoha slavných Čechů, např. Antonína Dvořáka, Bedřicha Smetany, Karla Čapka či Alfonse Muchy. Obsahuje také nejstarší pražskou rotundu sv. Martina z 11. století.

Místní legenda praví, že na Vyšehradě vznikla první osada, z níž se později stala Praha, i když toto tvrzení zatím zůstává nepodložené.

Erb Vyšehradu z 19. století
Legenda vypráví, že vévoda Krok založil Vyšehrad, když hledal bezpečnější sídlo než na Budeči. Na strmé skále nad Vltavou nařídil vykácet les a postavit zde hrad. Také podle pověsti kníže Křesomysl uvěznil na Vyšehradě rytíře Horymíra, protože poškodil stříbrné doly, a Horymír skočil s koněm Šemíkem přes hradby a z Libušiných lázní do řeky.

Když se na místě dnešního Pražského hradu usadili Přemyslovci, udržely si oba hrady protichůdné sféry vlivu přibližně dvě století. Vrchol Vyšehradu byl ve 2. polovině 11. století, kdy Vratislav II. přenesl své sídlo z Pražského hradu na Vyšehrad a původní pevnost byla přebudována na komplex panovnického palácového sídla, kostela a sídla kapituly. . Období růstu skončilo kolem roku 1140, kdy kníže Soběslav přestěhoval své sídlo zpět na Pražský hrad.[2]

Když počátkem 14. století začal císař Svaté říše římské Karel IV. budovat Pražský hrad v dnešních rozměrech, chátrající Vyšehrad byl opuštěn jako královské sídlo. Později byl celý komplex obnoven Karlem IV. a bylo postaveno nové opevnění se dvěma branami a královským palácem, zatímco bazilika svatých Petra a Pavla čekala na opravu. Na počátku husitských válek husité v roce 1420 dobyli a vyplenili Vyšehrad. Totéž učinila v roce 1448 vojska krále Jiřího z Poděbrad. Poté byl hrad opuštěn a zpustl. Přestavbou prošel v 17. století, kdy po třicetileté válce převzala české země habsburská monarchie a v roce 1654 jej přestavěla na barokní pevnost, proměnila jej ve výcvikové středisko rakouské armády a později začlenila do barokní městské hradby.

Dnešní podoba Vyšehradu jako opevněné rezidence s mocnými cihlovými valy, baštami a táborskou a Leopoldovou branou je výsledkem barokní přestavby. Cihelná brána je empírová stavba z roku 1841. Jedinými fragmenty jsou hlavní část Špičkové brány, části románského mostu a zřícená gotická rozhledna Libušina lázeň. které se dochovaly ze středověku. Románská rotunda sv. Martina pochází z 2. poloviny 11. století. Bazilika sv. Petra a Pavla, který je dominantou Vyšehradu, byl upraven ve 2. polovině 14. století a znovu v letech 1885 a 1887 v novogotickém stylu.[2] Vyšehrad a okolí se stalo součástí hlavního města v roce 1883. Území je jedním z katastrálních území města.

V 21. století se Vyšehrad stal veřejným parkem, který je oblíbeným místem pro rekreaci a oslavy. Pro Čechy je to například oblíbené místo pro oslavy Silvestra.

Soběslav z dronu (Cinematic)

Camera: DJI Mavic Mini (2.7K, 25fps)
Editor: Adobe Premiere CC 2018
Music: Cinematic Epic Hip Hop by Infraction [No Copyright Music]

Soběslav 2017

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Camera: Lumix G7 + LUMIX G VARIO 14-42 mm + Flyboy Flycam III + Vanguard tripod
Music: Morning Walk - Soft Piano Music - Royalty Free


Vyšehrad | Prague

Walk around Vyšehrad, Prague. October, 2018

Vyšehrad (Czech for upper castle) is a historic fort in Prague, Czech Republic, just over 3 km southeast of Prague Castle, on the east bank of the Vltava River. It was probably built in the 10th century. Inside the fort are the Basilica of St. Peter and St. Paul and the Vyšehrad Cemetery, containing the remains of many famous Czechs, such as Antonín Dvořák, Bedřich Smetana, Karel Čapek, and Alphonse Mucha. It also contains Prague's oldest Rotunda of St. Martin, from the 11th century.

Local legend holds that Vyšehrad was the location of the first settlement which later became Prague, though thus far this claim remains unsubstantiated.

Legend has it that Duke Krok founded Vyšehrad while looking for a safer seat than in Budeč. On a steep rock above the Vltava river, he ordered a forest to be cut down and a castle built there. Also according to legend, Prince Křesomysl imprisoned the knight Horymír at Vyšehrad because he damaged silver mines, and Horymír jumped with his horse Šemík over the walls and from Libuše's bath into the river.

When the Přemyslid dynasty settled on the current site of Prague Castle, the two castles maintained opposing spheres of influence for approximately two centuries. The zenith of Vyšehrad was during the second half of the 11th century, when Vratislav II transferred his seat from Prague Castle to Vyšehrad, and the original fort was remodeled as a complex comprising the sovereign's palatial residence, a church, and the seat of the chapter. The period of growth ended around 1140 when Prince Soběslav moved his seat back to Prague Castle.

When Holy Roman Emperor Charles IV began to build the Prague Castle in its current dimensions in the early 14th century, the deteriorating Vyšehrad was abandoned as a royal seat. Later the whole complex was renewed by Charles IV and new fortifications, with two gates and a royal palace were built, while the Basilica of Saints Peter and Paul awaited repair. At the beginning of the Hussite Wars, the Hussites conquered and ransacked Vyšehrad in 1420. The troops of King George of Poděbrady did the same in 1448. The castle was then abandoned and became ruined. It underwent a renovation in the 17th century, when the Habsburg Monarchy took over the Czech lands after the Thirty Years' War and remodeled it in 1654 as a Baroque fortress, turning it into a training center for the Austrian Army, and later incorporating it into the Baroque city walls.

The present form of Vyšehrad as a fortified residence, with powerful brick ramparts, bastions, and the Tábor and Leopold gates, is a result of Baroque remodeling. The Cihelná brána (Brick gate) is an Empire-style structure, dating from 1841. The main part of the Špička Gate, parts of the Romanesque bridge, and the ruined Gothic lookout tower known as Libušina lázeň (Libuše's Bath) are the only fragments that have been preserved from the Middle Ages. The Romanesque rotunda of St. Martin dates from the second half of the 11th century. The 11th century Basilica of Sts. Peter and Paul, which dominates Vyšehrad, was remodeled in the second half of the 14th century and again in 1885 and 1887 in neo-Gothic style. Vyšehrad and the area around it became part of the capital city in 1883. The area is one of the cadastral districts of the city.

By the twenty-first century, Vyšehrad has become a public park that is a popular site for recreation and celebrations. For example, it is a popular place for Czechs to celebrate New Year's Eve.

PRŮLET 238 km ve 3 minutách / Čundr 6 - BONUS 1 / Nejjižnější bod ČR - Úvaly (u Prahy)

Od soboty 1.6. do soboty 8.6.2019 po 238 km dlouhé trase.

7 dnů v přírodě / 7 nocí v lese / 351 877 kroků

000 km Vyšší Brod
010 km Nejjižnější bod ČR
060 km Trhové Sviny
085 km Třeboň
109 km Veselý nad Lužnicí
117 km Soběslav
156 km Mladá Vožice
172 km Velký Blaník
181 km Vlašim
196 km Český Šternberk
205 km Sázava
221 km Jevany
238 km Úvaly (u Prahy)

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Prague Vyšehrad in blooming lilacs - Walking tour at the best time 🇨🇿 Czech Republic 4k HDR ASMR

Experience the beauty of Prague's Vyšehrad fortress in full bloom with this walking tour during the best time to see the lilacs. Follow me as they lead you through the lush gardens, historic landmarks, and stunning views of the city. With the soothing sounds and the vivid colors captured in 4k HDR, this video is a feast for the senses. Discover the rich history and stunning beauty of Vyšehrad and immerse yourself in the tranquil atmosphere of blooming lilacs.

Vyšehrad is a historic fort in Prague, Czech Republic, just over 3 km southeast of Prague Castle, on the east bank of the Vltava River. It was probably built in the 10th century. Inside the fort is the Basilica of St. Peter and St. Paul and the Vyšehrad Cemetery, containing the remains of many famous Czechs, such as Antonín Dvořák, Bedřich Smetana, Karel Čapek, and Alphonse Mucha. It also includes Prague's oldest Rotunda of St. Martin, from the 11th century.
Local legend holds that Vyšehrad was the location of the first settlement, which later became Prague, though thus far, this claim remains unsubstantiated.
Legend has it that Duke Krok founded Vyšehrad while looking for a safer seat than Budeč. He ordered a forest cut down on a steep rock above the Vltava river and a castle built there. Also, according to legend, Prince Křesomysl imprisoned the knight Horymír at Vyšehrad because he damaged silver mines, and Horymír jumped with his horse Šemík over the walls and from Libuše's bath into the river.
When the Přemyslid dynasty settled on the current site of Prague Castle, the two castles maintained opposing spheres of influence for approximately two centuries. The zenith of Vyšehrad was during the second half of the 11th century when Vratislav II transferred his seat from Prague Castle to Vyšehrad. The original fort was remodeled as a complex comprising the sovereign's palatial residence, a church, and the middle of the chapter. The period of growth ended around 1140 when Prince Soběslav moved his seat back to Prague Castle.
When Holy Roman Emperor Charles IV began to build the Prague Castle in its current dimensions in the early 14th century, the deteriorating Vyšehrad was abandoned as a royal seat. Later, Charles IV renewed the whole complex, and new fortifications, with two gates and a royal palace, were built while the Basilica of Saints Peter and Paul awaited repair. At the beginning of the Hussite Wars, the Hussites conquered and ransacked Vyšehrad in 1420. The troops of King George of Poděbrady did the same in 1448. The castle was then abandoned and became ruined. It underwent a renovation in the 17th century when the Habsburg Monarchy took over the Czech lands after the Thirty Years' War and remodeled it in 1654 as a Baroque fortress, turning it into a training center for the Austrian Army and later incorporating it into the Baroque city walls.
The present form of Vyšehrad as a fortified residence, with mighty brick ramparts, bastions, and the Tábor and Leopold gates, is a result of Baroque remodeling. The Cihelná brána (Brick gate) is an Empire-style structure dating from 1841. The central part of the Špička Gate, parts of the Romanesque bridge, and the ruined Gothic lookout tower known as Libušina lázeň (Libuše's Bath) are the only fragments that have been preserved from the Middle Ages. The Romanesque rotunda of St. Martin dates from the second half of the 11th century. The 11th-century Basilica of Sts. Peter and Paul, which dominates Vyšehrad, was remodeled in the second half of the 14th century and again in 1885 and 1887 in a neo-Gothic style. Vyšehrad and its area became part of the capital city in 1883. The site is one of the cadastral districts of the city.

Recorded in 4k 60fps HDR
Perception Philosophy © 2023
3 May 2023
Czech Republic ASMR

Prague Vyšehrad in the snow - Walking tour of the famous cemetery 🇨🇿 Czech Republic 4k HDR ASMR

Today we will take our walking tour of Prague Vyšehrad. We will visit the ancient and famous cemetery, listen to the ringing of church bells, and enjoy beautiful views in the silence of the famous park!

Vyšehrad is a historic fort in Prague, Czech Republic, just over 3 km southeast of Prague Castle, on the east bank of the Vltava River. It was probably built in the 10th century. Inside the fort is the Basilica of St. Peter and St. Paul and the Vyšehrad Cemetery, containing the remains of many famous Czechs, such as Antonín Dvořák, Bedřich Smetana, Karel Čapek, and Alphonse Mucha. It also includes Prague's oldest Rotunda of St. Martin, from the 11th century.
Local legend holds that Vyšehrad was the location of the first settlement, which later became Prague, though thus far, this claim remains unsubstantiated.
Legend has it that Duke Krok founded Vyšehrad while looking for a safer seat than Budeč. He ordered a forest cut down on a steep rock above the Vltava river and a castle built there. Also, according to legend, Prince Křesomysl imprisoned the knight Horymír at Vyšehrad because he damaged silver mines, and Horymír jumped with his horse Šemík over the walls and from Libuše's bath into the river.
When the Přemyslid dynasty settled on the current site of Prague Castle, the two castles maintained opposing spheres of influence for approximately two centuries. The zenith of Vyšehrad was during the second half of the 11th century when Vratislav II transferred his seat from Prague Castle to Vyšehrad. The original fort was remodeled as a complex comprising the sovereign's palatial residence, a church, and the middle of the chapter. The period of growth ended around 1140 when Prince Soběslav moved his seat back to Prague Castle.
When Holy Roman Emperor Charles IV began to build the Prague Castle in its current dimensions in the early 14th century, the deteriorating Vyšehrad was abandoned as a royal seat. Later, Charles IV renewed the whole complex, and new fortifications, with two gates and a royal palace, were built while the Basilica of Saints Peter and Paul awaited repair. At the beginning of the Hussite Wars, the Hussites conquered and ransacked Vyšehrad in 1420. The troops of King George of Poděbrady did the same in 1448. The castle was then abandoned and became ruined. It underwent a renovation in the 17th century when the Habsburg Monarchy took over the Czech lands after the Thirty Years' War and remodeled it in 1654 as a Baroque fortress, turning it into a training center for the Austrian Army and later incorporating it into the Baroque city walls.
The present form of Vyšehrad as a fortified residence, with mighty brick ramparts, bastions, and the Tábor and Leopold gates, is a result of Baroque remodeling. The Cihelná brána (Brick gate) is an Empire-style structure dating from 1841. The central part of the Špička Gate, parts of the Romanesque bridge, and the ruined Gothic lookout tower known as Libušina lázeň (Libuše's Bath) are the only fragments that have been preserved from the Middle Ages. The Romanesque rotunda of St. Martin dates from the second half of the 11th century. The 11th-century Basilica of Sts. Peter and Paul, which dominates Vyšehrad, was remodeled in the second half of the 14th century and again in 1885 and 1887 in a neo-Gothic style. Vyšehrad and its area became part of the capital city in 1883. The site is one of the cadastral districts of the city.

Recorded in 4k 60fps HDR
Perception Philosophy © 2022
19 December 2022
Czech Republic ASMR

Soběslav - Winter 2018 (Crane-M Test) - 4K

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Camera: Lumix G7 (14-42mm) + Zhiyun Crane-M
Music: Active Child - Johnny Belinda

Strolling Through Vyšehrad: A Sunny Day Walking Tour in Prague 🇨🇿 Czech Republic 4k HDR

Take a walking tour with me through the picturesque neighborhood of Vyšehrad in Prague on a sunny day. With stunning city views as our backdrop, we'll explore this lovely neighborhood's historical castle walls, tranquil parks, and charming streets. From its rich cultural heritage to breathtaking views, there's much to discover in Vyšehrad. So come along and experience the beauty on this memorable walking tour.

Vyšehrad is a historic fort in Prague, Czech Republic, just over 3 km southeast of Prague Castle, on the east bank of the Vltava River. It was probably built in the 10th century. Inside the fort is the Basilica of St. Peter and St. Paul and the Vyšehrad Cemetery, containing the remains of many famous Czechs, such as Antonín Dvořák, Bedřich Smetana, Karel Čapek, and Alphonse Mucha. It also includes Prague's oldest Rotunda of St. Martin, from the 11th century.
Local legend holds that Vyšehrad was the location of the first settlement, which later became Prague, though thus far, this claim remains unsubstantiated.
Legend has it that Duke Krok founded Vyšehrad while looking for a safer seat than in Budeč. He ordered a forest to be cut down on a steep rock above the Vltava river and a castle built there. Also, according to legend, Prince Křesomysl imprisoned the knight Horymír at Vyšehrad because he damaged silver mines, and Horymír jumped with his horse Šemík over the walls and from Libuše's bath into the river.
When the Přemyslid dynasty settled on the current site of Prague Castle, the two castles maintained opposing spheres of influence for approximately two centuries. The zenith of Vyšehrad was during the second half of the 11th century when Vratislav II transferred his seat from Prague Castle to Vyšehrad, and the original fort was remodeled as a complex comprising the sovereign's palatial residence, a church, and the middle of the chapter. The period of growth ended around 1140 when Prince Soběslav moved his seat back to Prague Castle.
When Holy Roman Emperor Charles IV began to build the Prague Castle in its current dimensions in the early 14th century, the deteriorating Vyšehrad was abandoned as a royal seat. Later, Charles IV renewed the whole complex, and new fortifications, with two gates and a royal palace, were built, while the Basilica of Saints Peter and Paul awaited repair. At the beginning of the Hussite Wars, the Hussites conquered and ransacked Vyšehrad in 1420. The troops of King George of Poděbrady did the same in 1448. The castle was then abandoned and became ruined. It underwent a renovation in the 17th century when the Habsburg Monarchy took over the Czech lands after the Thirty Years' War and remodeled it in 1654 as a Baroque fortress, turning it into a training center for the Austrian Army, and later incorporating it into the Baroque city walls.
The present form of Vyšehrad as a fortified residence, with mighty brick ramparts, bastions, and the Tábor and Leopold gates, is a result of Baroque remodeling. The Cihelná brána (Brick gate) is an Empire-style structure dating from 1841. The central part of the Špička Gate, parts of the Romanesque bridge, and the ruined Gothic lookout tower known as Libušina lázeň (Libuše's Bath) are the only fragments that have been preserved from the Middle Ages. The Romanesque rotunda of St. Martin dates from the second half of the 11th century. The 11th-century Basilica of Sts. Peter and Paul, which dominates Vyšehrad, was remodeled in the second half of the 14th century and again in 1885 and 1887 in a neo-Gothic style. Vyšehrad and its area became part of the capital city in 1883. The site is one of the cadastral districts of the city.

Recorded in 4k 60fps HDR
Perception Philosophy © 2023
2 March 2023
Czech Republic ASMR

Údolím Černé (naučná stezka) | 54. díl – Jihočeské víkendy [4K]

Naučná stezka Údolím Černé vás provede romantickým údolím od nejstarší jihočeské vodní nádrže Hradiště 🌊 k vodní elektrárně Soběnov ⚡. Po cestě dlouhé 4 km potkáte dvanáct informačních panelů, které vás seznámí s historií vorařství a s dalšími cennostmi okolní přírody. Navštívíte zříceninu hradu Sokolčí 🏰 a penzion Mlýn u Dubu s občerstvením 🍴☕. Uvidíte také množství zajímavých skalních útvarů ⛰️ a nádhernou přírodu 🌲🌳. Tento výlet velice doporučujeme 😉

❗ Článek na našem webu:

Zřícenina hradu Borotín (Tábor) | 49. díl (repríza) – Jihočeské víkendy [4K]

Zřícenina hradu 🏰 Borotína se nachází 12 km severozápadně od Tábora 👍. Tyčí se na malém kopečku a je obklopena dvěma rybníky 🌊🎣. Je považována za jednu z nejromantičtějších 💑 zřícenin v Čechách a váže se k ní řada pověstí. Také se zde natáčela známá česká pohádka „Honza málem králem“ 🤴. První zmínky o hradu pocházejí z roku 1356. V současnosti jsou hradní zříceniny volně přístupné 👍. Přijet můžete autem 🅿🚗, na kole 🚴‍♂️ nebo přijít pěšky 🚶‍♀️🚶‍♂️. Potěší i možnost občerstvení 🍴☕ v přilehlém Barokním dvoře 🏡. Zříceninu hradu Borotín rozhodně doporučujeme navštívit 😉

❗ Článek na našem webu:

Repríza, video bylo natočeno 29. 4. 2021

Památky žijí - Tábor město

Projekt Památky žijí aneb Zlepšení přístupu a propagace kulturního dědictví v regionech Jižní Čechy – Vysočina – Waldviertel – Mühlviertel pro hrady, zámky, kláštery a města s hradbami je realizován v rámci Programu přeshraniční spolupráce Interreg V-A Rakousko-Česká republika pro programové období 2014-2020.

#jiznicechy #toulava

Top 10 Recommended Hotels In Toulava | Best Hotels In Toulava

Top 10 Recommended Hotels In Toulava | Best Hotels In Toulava

1) Hotel Nautilus, Tábor
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2) LH Hotel Dvořák Tábor Congress & Wellness, Tábor
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3) Hotel Gold Chotoviny, Chotoviny
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4) Hotel Panská, Bechyně
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5) Hotel Monínec, Sedlec
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6) Monínec Nová Javorka, Moninec
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7) Hotel Sloup, Soběslav
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8) Hotel Tábor, Tábor
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10) Hotel Castle Mlýn Maděrovka, Sepekov
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Queries Solved:
1) Top 10 Recommended Hotels In Toulava
2) Top 10 Hotels In Toulava
3) Top Ten Hotels In Toulava
4) Top 10 Romantic Hotels In Toulava
5) 10 Best Hotels For Couples In Toulava
6) Hotels In Toulava
7) Best Hotels In Toulava
8) Top 10 Luxury Hotels In Toulava
9) Luxury Hotel In Toulava
10) Luxury Hotels In Toulava
11) Luxury Stay In Toulava
12) Top 10 4 Star Hotel In Toulava
13) Best 4 Star Hotel In Toulava
14) 4 Star Hotel In Toulava

Our Other Video:
1) Top 10 Hotels In Czech Republic:
2) Top 5 Hotels In Kasperske Hory:
3) Top 5 Hotels In Lednice:
4) Top 10 Hotels In Znojmo:
5) Top 5 Hotels In Valasske Mezirici:
6) Top 5 Hotels In Havirov:
7) Top 5 Hotels In Dolni Mala Upa:
8) Top 5 Hotels In Pisek:
9) Top 5 Hotels In Janov nad Nisou:
10) Top 5 Hotels In Pasohlavky:
11) Top 5 Hotels In Hranice:
12) Top 5 Hotels In Karlstejn:
13) Top 5 Hotels In Melnik:
14) Top 5 Hotels In Velke Bilovice:
15) Top 5 Hotels In Moravska Nova Ves:
16) Top 10 Hotels In South Bohemia:
17) Top 10 Hotels In Lednicko - Valticky Areal:
18) Top 5 Hotels In Stramberk:
19) Top 5 Hotels In Kvilda:
20) Top 10 Hotels In Slavkovsky Les:

Audio Credit:
Track Title: Reasons To Hope
Artist: Reed Mathis

* This video is not sponsored.
* The photos shown in this video are not owned by Travel By 3 Girls.
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*Note: - Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for fair use for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational, or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use.

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Czech Republic Prague 4K Walk: Vyšehrad before the rain 🇨🇿 HDR ASMR

Not every day we are lucky with the weather. But our 4K walk cannot be canceled! Today we went to Vyšehrad to see how it looked under the dark sky before the rain!

Vyšehrad is a historic fort in Prague, Czech Republic, just over 3 km southeast of Prague Castle, on the east bank of the Vltava River. It was probably built in the 10th century. Inside the fort is the Basilica of St. Peter and St. Paul and the Vyšehrad Cemetery, containing the remains of many famous Czechs, such as Antonín Dvořák, Bedřich Smetana, Karel Čapek, and Alphonse Mucha. It also includes Prague's oldest Rotunda of St. Martin, from the 11th century.
Local legend holds that Vyšehrad was the location of the first settlement, which later became Prague, though thus far, this claim remains unsubstantiated.
Legend has it that Duke Krok founded Vyšehrad while looking for a safer seat than Budeč. He ordered a forest to be cut down on a steep rock above the Vltava river and a castle built there. Also, according to legend, Prince Křesomysl imprisoned the knight Horymír at Vyšehrad because he damaged silver mines, and Horymír jumped with his horse Šemík over the walls and from Libuše's bath into the river.
When the Přemyslid dynasty settled on the current site of Prague Castle, the two castles maintained opposing spheres of influence for approximately two centuries. The zenith of Vyšehrad was during the second half of the 11th century when Vratislav II transferred his seat from Prague Castle to Vyšehrad, and the original fort was remodeled as a complex comprising the sovereign's palatial residence, a church, and the middle of the chapter. The period of growth ended around 1140 when Prince Soběslav moved his seat back to Prague Castle.
When Holy Roman Emperor Charles IV began to build the Prague Castle in its current dimensions in the early 14th century, the deteriorating Vyšehrad was abandoned as a royal seat. Later, Charles IV renewed the whole complex, and new fortifications, with two gates and a royal palace, were built, while the Basilica of Saints Peter and Paul awaited repair. At the beginning of the Hussite Wars, the Hussites conquered and ransacked Vyšehrad in 1420. The troops of King George of Poděbrady did the same in 1448. The castle was then abandoned and became ruined. It underwent a renovation in the 17th century when the Habsburg Monarchy took over the Czech lands after the Thirty Years' War and remodeled it in 1654 as a Baroque fortress, turning it into a training center for the Austrian Army, and later incorporating it into the Baroque city walls.
The present form of Vyšehrad as a fortified residence, with mighty brick ramparts, bastions, and the Tábor and Leopold gates, is a result of Baroque remodeling. The Cihelná brána (Brick gate) is an Empire-style structure dating from 1841. The central part of the Špička Gate, parts of the Romanesque bridge, and the ruined Gothic lookout tower known as Libušina lázeň (Libuše's Bath) are the only fragments that have been preserved from the Middle Ages. The Romanesque rotunda of St. Martin dates from the second half of the 11th century. The 11th-century Basilica of Sts. Peter and Paul, which dominates Vyšehrad, was remodeled in the second half of the 14th century and again in 1885 and 1887 in neo-Gothic style. Vyšehrad and its area became part of the capital city in 1883. The site is one of the cadastral districts of the city.

Recorded in 4k 60fps HDR
Perception Philosophy © 2022
9 of July 2022
Czech Republic ASMR

Stezka údolím Lužnice Toulavou

První pěší trasa v ČR, která byla zařazena na seznam nejlepších stezek Evropy - Leading Quality Trails Best of Europe. Vydejte se hlubokým údolím podél řeky Lužnice kolem starých mlýnů a hradních zřícenin z Plané nad Lužnicí přes Tábor, Bechyni do Týna nad Vltavou.

Prague Vyšehrad Walking tour inside the neo-Gothic church and old cemetery🇨🇿 Czech Republic 4k HDR

Embark on a mesmerizing walking tour through the historic fort of Vyšehrad, a hidden gem in Prague, Czech Republic. Experience the allure of neo-Gothic architecture as we explore the Basilica of St. Peter and St. Paul and the renowned Vyšehrad Cemetery, resting place of illustrious Czech figures like Antonín Dvořák and Alphonse Mucha. Gaze upon the well-preserved Romanesque rotunda of St. Martin and the majestic Basilica, with its neo-Gothic charm. Join us on this enchanting 4K HDR journey through Vyšehrad and delve into the rich heritage of the Czech Republic.

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Vyšehrad is a historic fort in Prague, Czech Republic, just over 3 km southeast of Prague Castle, on the east bank of the Vltava River. It was probably built in the 10th century. Inside the fort is the Basilica of St. Peter and St. Paul and the Vyšehrad Cemetery, containing the remains of many famous Czechs, such as Antonín Dvořák, Bedřich Smetana, Karel Čapek, and Alphonse Mucha. It also includes Prague's oldest Rotunda of St. Martin, from the 11th century.
Local legend holds that Vyšehrad was the location of the first settlement, which later became Prague, though thus far, this claim remains unsubstantiated.
Legend has it that Duke Krok founded Vyšehrad while looking for a safer seat than Budeč. He ordered a forest cut down on a steep rock above the Vltava river and a castle built there. Also, according to legend, Prince Křesomysl imprisoned the knight Horymír at Vyšehrad because he damaged silver mines, and Horymír jumped with his horse Šemík over the walls and from Libuše's bath into the river.
When the Přemyslid dynasty settled on the current site of Prague Castle, the two castles maintained opposing spheres of influence for approximately two centuries. The zenith of Vyšehrad was during the second half of the 11th century when Vratislav II transferred his seat from Prague Castle to Vyšehrad. The original fort was remodeled as a complex comprising the sovereign's palatial residence, a church, and the middle of the chapter. The period of growth ended around 1140 when Prince Soběslav moved his seat back to Prague Castle.
When Holy Roman Emperor Charles IV began to build the Prague Castle in its current dimensions in the early 14th century, the deteriorating Vyšehrad was abandoned as a royal seat. Later, Charles IV renewed the whole complex, and new fortifications, with two gates and a royal palace, were built while the Basilica of Saints Peter and Paul awaited repair. At the beginning of the Hussite Wars, the Hussites conquered and ransacked Vyšehrad in 1420. The troops of King George of Poděbrady did the same in 1448. The castle was then abandoned and became ruined. It underwent a renovation in the 17th century when the Habsburg Monarchy took over the Czech lands after the Thirty Years' War and remodeled it in 1654 as a Baroque fortress, turning it into a training center for the Austrian Army and later incorporating it into the Baroque city walls.
The present form of Vyšehrad as a fortified residence, with mighty brick ramparts, bastions, and the Tábor and Leopold gates, is a result of Baroque remodeling. The Cihelná brána (Brick gate) is an Empire-style structure dating from 1841. The central part of the Špička Gate, parts of the Romanesque bridge, and the ruined Gothic lookout tower known as Libušina lázeň (Libuše's Bath) are the only fragments that have been preserved from the Middle Ages. The Romanesque rotunda of St. Martin dates from the second half of the 11th century. The 11th-century Basilica of Sts. Peter and Paul, which dominates Vyšehrad, was remodeled in the second half of the 14th century and again in 1885 and 1887 in a neo-Gothic style. Vyšehrad and its area became part of the capital city in 1883. The site is one of the cadastral districts of the city.

Recorded in 4k 60fps HDR
Perception Philosophy © 2023
29 July 2023
Czech Republic ASMR

4k Prague Vyšehrad walk HDR Sunset - Czech Republic 🇨🇿 Hi-Fi ASMR

Tonight on our 4K Prague walk, we'll be watching the HDR sunset in Vysehrad! It's so lovely to walk here at the end of the day, and soon the lilacs will bloom here, and it will be even more beautiful.

17:50 The statue of Saint Wenceslas is an outdoor sculpture by Johann-Georg Bendl from 1680, installed at Vyšehrad, Prague, Czech Republic. The figure formerly stood in Wenceslas Square, near Grandhotel Evropa, but was moved to Vyšehrad in 1879.

Vyšehrad is a historic fort in Prague, Czech Republic, just over 3 km southeast of Prague Castle, on the east bank of the Vltava River. It was probably built in the 10th century. Inside the fort is the Basilica of St. Peter and St. Paul and the Vyšehrad Cemetery, containing the remains of many famous Czechs, such as Antonín Dvořák, Bedřich Smetana, Karel Čapek, and Alphonse Mucha. It also includes Prague's oldest Rotunda of St. Martin, from the 11th century.
Local legend holds that Vyšehrad was the location of the first settlement, which later became Prague, though thus far, this claim remains unsubstantiated.
Legend has it that Duke Krok founded Vyšehrad while looking for a safer seat than in Budeč. He ordered a forest to be cut down on a steep rock above the Vltava river and a castle built there. Also, according to legend, Prince Křesomysl imprisoned the knight Horymír at Vyšehrad because he damaged silver mines, and Horymír jumped with his horse Šemík over the walls and from Libuše's bath into the river.
When the Přemyslid dynasty settled on the current site of Prague Castle, the two castles maintained opposing spheres of influence for approximately two centuries. The zenith of Vyšehrad was during the second half of the 11th century when Vratislav II transferred his seat from Prague Castle to Vyšehrad, and the original fort was remodeled as a complex comprising the sovereign's palatial residence, a church, and the middle of the chapter. The period of growth ended around 1140 when Prince Soběslav moved his seat back to Prague Castle.
When Holy Roman Emperor Charles IV began to build the Prague Castle in its current dimensions in the early 14th century, the deteriorating Vyšehrad was abandoned as a royal seat. Later, Charles IV renewed the whole complex, and new fortifications, with two gates and a royal palace, were built, while the Basilica of Saints Peter and Paul awaited repair. At the beginning of the Hussite Wars, the Hussites conquered and ransacked Vyšehrad in 1420. The troops of King George of Poděbrady did the same in 1448. The castle was then abandoned and became ruined. It underwent a renovation in the 17th century when the Habsburg Monarchy took over the Czech lands after the Thirty Years' War and remodeled it in 1654 as a Baroque fortress, turning it into a training center for the Austrian Army, and later incorporating it into the Baroque city walls.
The present form of Vyšehrad as a fortified residence, with mighty brick ramparts, bastions, and the Tábor and Leopold gates, is a result of Baroque remodeling. The Cihelná brána (Brick gate) is an Empire-style structure dating from 1841. The central part of the Špička Gate, parts of the Romanesque bridge, and the ruined Gothic lookout tower known as Libušina lázeň (Libuše's Bath) are the only fragments that have been preserved from the Middle Ages. The Romanesque rotunda of St. Martin dates from the second half of the 11th century. The 11th-century Basilica of Sts. Peter and Paul, which dominates Vyšehrad, was remodeled in the second half of the 14th century and again in 1885 and 1887 in neo-Gothic style. Vyšehrad and its area became part of the capital city in 1883. The site is one of the cadastral districts of the city.

Recorded in 4k 60fps HDR
Perception Philosophy © 2022
17 of February 2022
Czech Republic ASMR

Exploring Prague Vyšehrad Walking Tour 4K 🇨🇿 Czech Republic HDR ASMR

Join me for an immersive walking tour of Vyšehrad, one of Prague's most historic and scenic areas. 🇨🇿 In this 4K HDR ASMR video, we explore the ancient fort, lush gardens, and stunning views overlooking the Vltava River. Discover the rich history and serene beauty of Vyšehrad as we wander through its tranquil pathways, visit the impressive Basilica of St. Peter and St. Paul, and take in breathtaking panoramas of Prague. Experience the peaceful atmosphere and captivating charm of this remarkable part of the Czech Republic.

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Vyšehrad is a historic fort in Prague, Czech Republic, just over 3 km southeast of Prague Castle, on the east bank of the Vltava River. It was probably built in the 10th century. Inside the fort is the Basilica of St. Peter and St. Paul and the Vyšehrad Cemetery, containing the remains of many famous Czechs, such as Antonín Dvořák, Bedřich Smetana, Karel Čapek, and Alphonse Mucha. It also includes Prague's oldest Rotunda of St. Martin, from the 11th century.
Local legend holds that Vyšehrad was the location of the first settlement, which later became Prague, though thus far, this claim remains unsubstantiated.
Legend has it that Duke Krok founded Vyšehrad while looking for a safer seat than Budeč. He ordered a forest cut down on a steep rock above the Vltava river and a castle built there. Also, according to legend, Prince Křesomysl imprisoned the knight Horymír at Vyšehrad because he damaged silver mines, and Horymír jumped with his horse Šemík over the walls and from Libuše's bath into the river.
When the Přemyslid dynasty settled on the current site of Prague Castle, the two castles maintained opposing spheres of influence for approximately two centuries. The zenith of Vyšehrad was during the second half of the 11th century when Vratislav II transferred his seat from Prague Castle to Vyšehrad. The original fort was remodeled as a complex comprising the sovereign's palatial residence, a church, and the middle of the chapter. The period of growth ended around 1140 when Prince Soběslav moved his seat back to Prague Castle.
When Holy Roman Emperor Charles IV began to build the Prague Castle in its current dimensions in the early 14th century, the deteriorating Vyšehrad was abandoned as a royal seat. Later, Charles IV renewed the whole complex, and new fortifications, with two gates and a royal palace, were built while the Basilica of Saints Peter and Paul awaited repair. At the beginning of the Hussite Wars, the Hussites conquered and ransacked Vyšehrad in 1420. The troops of King George of Poděbrady did the same in 1448. The castle was then abandoned and became ruined. It underwent a renovation in the 17th century when the Habsburg Monarchy took over the Czech lands after the Thirty Years' War and remodeled it in 1654 as a Baroque fortress, turning it into a training center for the Austrian Army and later incorporating it into the Baroque city walls.
The present form of Vyšehrad as a fortified residence, with mighty brick ramparts, bastions, and the Tábor and Leopold gates, is a result of Baroque remodeling. The Cihelná brána (Brick gate) is an Empire-style structure dating from 1841. The central part of the Špička Gate, parts of the Romanesque bridge, and the ruined Gothic lookout tower known as Libušina lázeň (Libuše's Bath) are the only fragments that have been preserved from the Middle Ages. The Romanesque rotunda of St. Martin dates from the second half of the 11th century. The 11th-century Basilica of Sts. Peter and Paul, which dominates Vyšehrad, was remodeled in the second half of the 14th century and again in 1885 and 1887 in a neo-Gothic style. Vyšehrad and its area became part of the capital city in 1883. The site is one of the cadastral districts of the city.

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Recorded in 4k
Perception Philosophy © 2024
13 July, 2024
Czech Republic



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