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10 Best place to visit in Shangjie China


🌆 Where to Stay in Shanghai 2024: 7 TOP Areas (& Map!)

🏙️ Where to Stay in Shanghai: Discover the BEST Accommodations for Your Chinese Getaway! 🇨🇳

Planning your dream getaway to the bustling city of Shanghai, China? Join us as we unveil the top neighborhoods and accommodations tailored to suit every traveler's budget and preference. Immerse yourself in Shanghai's futuristic skyline, rich history, and vibrant culture while finding the perfect spot for your unforgettable stay.

🇨🇳 Why Shanghai? Known for its modern skyscrapers, ancient temples, and mouthwatering cuisine, Shanghai is a must-visit destination in China. Here's your ultimate guide to finding the ideal neighborhood and lodging for your Shanghai adventure.

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順德旅遊美食攻略!大良豪華酒店飲早茶!蝦餃29元!鳳爪26元!XO醬陳村粉23元!清暉園!韋記牛雜 30元超好食!華蓋路步行街!交通路線!酒店價格!Canton Food Tour|GuangZhou


#顺德 #美食 #旅遊

餐厅消费:蝦餃皇 ¥29,豉汁蒸鳳爪 ¥26,XO醬陳村粉 ¥23
餐厅消费:蘿蔔牛雜 ¥30
清暉園位於廣東省佛山市順德區,建於清嘉慶年間。 為廣東四大名園之一,嶺南園林的代表。 1989年列入廣東省文物保護單位名錄(3-54),2013年3月列入第七批全國重點文物保護單位,為國家AAAA級旅遊景區。
清暉園原址原為黃氏花園。 明朝萬歷三十五年(1607年)順德杏壇鎮人黃士俊高中狀元,官至禮部尚書、大學士。 為了光宗耀祖,於天啟元年,在城南門外的鳳山腳下建造了黃家祠和天章閣、靈阿之閣。 清乾隆年間,黃家衰落,庭院荒廢。 當地龍氏碧鑑海支系21世龍應時得中進士,將天章閣、靈阿之閣購買。 該院歸龍家後,由龍應時傳與其子龍廷槐和龍廷梓,後來廷槐、廷梓分家,庭院的中間部分歸龍廷槐,而左右兩側為龍廷梓所得。 龍廷梓將歸他的左、右兩部分庭院建成以居室為主的庭園,稱為“龍太常花園”和“楚薌園”,人們俗稱左、右花園,南側的龍太常花園 在園主衰落後,賣給了曾秋樵,其子曾棟在此經營蠶種生意,掛上「廣大」的招牌,故又稱廣大園。
龍廷槐字澳堂,於乾隆五十三年(1788年)考中進士,曾任翰林編修,記名禦史。 嘉慶五年(1800年)辭官南歸,居家建園。 嘉慶十一年(1806年),其子龍元任請了江蘇武進進士,書法家李兆洛書寫了「清暉園」三字書餘園的正門上方,以喻父母之恩如日光和煦照耀。 園林經龍應時、龍廷槐、龍元任、龍景燦、龍渚惠等五代人多次修建,逐漸形成了格局完整而又富有特色的嶺南園林。
清暉園佔地約5.1畝(0.34公頃),分為三個景區:南園方池,為園中水景區,主建築有澄漪亭、六角亭、碧溪草堂,以木製通花 裝飾的連廊與裝飾有嶺南佳果的濱水遊廊連接;中園有船廳、惜陰書屋、真硯齋,花亭、獅子山等園林小築,掩映在綠雲深處,周圍廳敞 欄疏,徑暢台淨,濃蔭匝地,是園內景色最集中的遊覽區;北園以竹苑為代表,建築較為密集,樓屋櫛比,假山迎面,修篁夾道,巷院兼通, 是園主們日常生活起居之所。
清暉園的造園特色首先在於園林的實用性,為適合南方炎熱氣候,形成前疏後密,前低後高的獨特佈局,但疏而不空,密而不塞,建築造型輕巧靈活, 開敞通透。 其園林空間組合是透過各種小空間來襯托突出庭院中的水庭大空間,造園的重點圍繞著水亭作文章,整個園林空間主次分明,結構清晰。 其治園藝術,也表現在大量使用鏤空木雕花板、花罩、磚雕等裝飾工藝以及巧布玉堂春、紫藤、素馨花等古樹名木上。
Qinghui Garden is located in Shunde District, Foshan City, Guangdong Province and was built during the Jiaqing period of the Qing Dynasty. It is one of the four famous gardens in Guangdong and a representative of Lingnan gardens. It was included in the Guangdong Provincial Cultural Relics Protection Units List (3-54) in 1989. In March 2013, it was included in the seventh batch of national key cultural relics protection units. It is a national AAAA-level tourist attraction.
The original site of Qinghui Garden was Huang's Garden. In the 35th year of Wanli in the Ming Dynasty (1607), Huang Shijun, a native of Xingtan Town, Shunde, was the top scholar in high school, and became the Minister of Rites and a bachelor. In order to honor the ancestors, in the first year of Tianqi, the Huang Family Ancestral Hall, Tianzhang Pavilion and Linga Pavilion were built at the foot of Fengshan Mountain outside the south gate of the city. During the Qianlong period of the Qing Dynasty, the Huang family declined and the courtyard was abandoned. The 21st generation Long Ying of the Bijianhai branch of the local Long family was selected as a Jinshi at the right time and purchased Tianzhang Pavilion and Ling'a Pavilion. After the courtyard returned to the Long family, it was passed down by Long Yingshi to his sons Long Tinghuai and Long Tingzi. Later, Tinghuai and Tingzi separated. The middle part of the courtyard belonged to Long Tinghuai, while the left and right sides were owned by Long Tingzi. Long Tingzi built the left and right courtyards that belonged to him into gardens mainly for living rooms, called Long Taichang Garden and Chu Xiang Garden. People commonly call them the left and right gardens, and the Long Taichang Garden on the south side. After the owner of the garden declined, it was sold to Zeng Qiuqiao. His son Zeng Dong ran a silkworm breeding business here and put up a signboard of Guangda, so it was also called Guangda Garden.
Long Tinghuai, named Aotang, passed the Jinshi examination in the 53rd year of Qianlong's reign (1788). He served as editor of the Hanlin Academy and was named as the imperial censor. In the fifth year of Jiaqing (1800), he resigned and returned south to build a garden at home. In the 11th year of Jiaqing (1806), his son Long Yuan was appointed as a Jinshi in Wujin, Jiangsu Province. The calligrapher Li Zhaoluo wrote the three characters Qinghui Garden above the main entrance of Yuyuan to symbolize the kindness of his parents shining like the warm sunshine. The garden was built many times by five generations including Long Yingshi, Long Tinghuai









00:00 Intro
00:34 顺德大良美食之旅/順德人家/读餐牌时间
05:06 交通路线/蝦餃皇/豉汁蒸鳳爪/XO醬陳村粉
17:11 欢乐海岸PLUS/机动游戏/酒店民宿价格
22:25 交通路线/游乐场美食推荐
39:29 清晖园韦记牛杂/意料之外好食
52:19 Ending
#廣州美食粵語 #food tour #city walk #Chinese food #walking tour #street walk #town market #china tour #busy street #dim sum #粵語 #cantonese #Guangzhou #Cantonese cuisine #點心 #Chinese Food # Cantonese #Walkton in GuangZhou #vlog #guangzhou #street food #chinese food #chinese food recipes #順德 #美食 #旅遊 #大良 #蝦餃 #鳳爪 #陳村粉 #清暉園 #牛雜 #步行街 #華蓋路 #交通路線 # 飯店價 #food tourism #food tour china #vlog study #vlog travel #vlog china #vlog bgm #china tourist #china tourism #china tour guide #chinese food asmr

【廣州漫步粵菜美食探店】佛山老城區!抵到爛!三種點心9元!早餐!超抵食!酒店價格!午餐!旅遊攻略!祖廟!醒獅!傳統文化!旅遊景點推介!吃喝玩樂!!!Canton Food Tour|GuangZhou


#美食 #旅遊 #酒店價格

餐厅消费:醒神套餐 ¥9.5
餐厅消费:鳳城魚皮角 ¥23,順德雙皮奶(凍)¥15,金牌順德魚皮 ¥28









00:00 Intro
00:39 佛山/筷子路/天海酒家/百年老字号
07:58 雅園餐廳/早餐/醒神早餐
13:11 筷子路挥春街实况/梁园
17:43 佛山祖庙/交通路线/酒店推荐/买票攻略/醒狮时间
24:49 岭南天地/佛山最大购物商场/传统与商业的结合
37:29 午餐/順德楊廷記/鳳城魚皮角/順德雙皮奶/金牌順德魚皮
44:51 Ending
#廣州美食粵語#food tour #city walk #Chinese food #walking tour #street walk #town market #china tour #busy street #dim sum #粵語#cantonese #Guangzhou #Cantonese cuisine #點心#Chinese Food #Canton Tour Walk in GuangZhou #vlog #guangzhou #street food #eating #chinese food #chinese food recipes #佛山#禪城#旅遊#酒店價格#午餐#旅遊攻略#祖廟#醒獅#旅遊景點#傳統文化#嶺南天地# 順德#魚皮角#雙皮奶#順德魚皮#food tourism #food tour china #food tour vlog #chinese food tour #vlog study #vlog china #cantonese food #china tourism

順德大良!鵝簋專門店!燒鵝59元!超正!一定要試!美食推薦!旅遊攻略!酒店價格!4K!不容錯過!金榜上街!小食吃不停!雙皮奶!正宗!不容錯過!力推!Canton Food Tour|GuangZhou


#順德 #美食 #旅遊

餐廳消費:燒鵝 ¥64,鹵水掌翼飯 ¥25










00:00 Intro
00:33 順德大良/鵝簋/燒鵝/滷水掌翼飯
10:15 附近美食推薦
19:46 金榜上街附近樓價
22:10 金榜上街頭美食推薦
24:44 環境超好/雙皮奶
29:09 上街小吃之旅
44:19 Ending
#廣州美食 粵語 #food tour #city walk #Chinese food #walking tour #street walk #town market #china tour #busy street #dim sum #粤语 #cantonese #Guangzhou #Cantonese cuisine #点心 #Chinese Food #Canton Food Tour #Walk in GuangZhou #vlog #guangzhou #street food #eating #chinese food #chinese food recipes #順德 #大良 #燒鵝 #專門店 #美食 #旅遊 #酒店價格 #4K #金榜上街 #雙皮奶 #正宗 #小食 #vlog study #vlog china #china tour vlog #china tourism vlog #china tourist #china tourism #food tourism #food tour vlog #guangzhou vlog

【广州漫步粤菜美食探店】无骨鸡?168元!食足一日!玩足一日!顺德大良!美食游!巷子里的美食!街头小食!路边美食!食过最好!从未食过这种味道!力推!Canton Food Tour|GuangZhou

#街头小食 #顺德 #美食游











00:00 Intro
00:37 顺德大良/石洪无骨桑拿鸡/读餐牌时间
04:44 无骨桑拿鸡/五指毛桃汤/蔬菜拼盘
16:24 顺德大良/金榜上街/街头美食/排队都要食
26:37 梯地牛乳/双皮奶
29:44 Ending
#广州美食 粤语 #food tour #city walk #Chinese food #walking tour #street walk #town market #china tour #busy street #粤语 #cantonese #Guangzhou #Cantonese cuisine #Chinese Food #Canton Food Tour #Walk in GuangZhou #vlog #guangzhou #street food #eating #chinese food #chinese food recipes #无骨鸡 #顺德 #大良 #美食游 #街头小食 #路边美食 #五指毛桃汤 #双皮奶 #streetfood #food tour china #food tour vlog #food tourism #街头小食 中国 #vlog travel #vlog bgm #vlog study #vlog china #vlog music #china tourism vlog #china touring

順德大良!清暉園!旅遊攻略!酒店價格?早餐20元!食到飽!4K!平民食店!便宜又美味!平到你唔信!交通路線!及第粥!腸粉!豆漿!樣樣不能拒絕!力推!Canton Food Tour|GuangZhou


#順德 #旅遊攻略 #酒店

餐廳消費:及第粥 ¥11,肉碎腸粉 ¥5,炸鬼 ¥1,豆漿 ¥3










00:00 Intro
00:44 順德大良東樂路/食早餐/大圍公早餐店
04:08 早餐吃到飽/只需20元/及第粥/肉碎腸粉/油炸鬼/豆漿
13:04 順德地鐵/東樂路站實況/鐘樓站
17:21 清暉園飯店推薦/門票攻略/清暉園小吃推薦
31:03 華蓋路步行街實況/雙皮奶店攻略
36:34 步行前往金榜上街/順德著名小吃街
43:02 遊客最愛歡記雙皮奶/手工人氣點心
45:28 Ending
#广州美食 粤语 #food tour #city walk #Chinese food #walking tour #street walk #town market #china tour #busy street #dim sum #粤语 #cantonese #Guangzhou #Cantonese cuisine #点心 #Chinese Food #Canton Food Tour #Walk in GuangZhou #vlog #guangzhou #street food #eating #chinese food #chinese food recipes #順德 #旅遊攻略 #飯店 #清暉園 #早餐 #4K #及第粥 #腸粉 #豆漿 #地鐵 #交通路線 #雙皮奶 #金榜上街 #手信 #小食 #vlog english #food tourism #food tour china #food tour vlog #china tourism vlog #china tour guide #china tour blog #vlog study #4k 60

Fuzhou Taijiang W&J Hotel

If you're travelling with a family in tow, the Fuzhou Taijiang W&J Hotel offers sizeable rooms geared towards the requirements of families and kids. Amenities featured in the rooms include a plasma / LCD TV, tea and coffee making facilities and cable / satellite channels. Wireless internet is available throughout the hotel, ensuring you'll have no trouble staying connected during your trip. All rooms are air conditioned and come with a mini bar.

Flower Lane Church and Fuzhou University are within easy driving distance of the Fuzhou Taijiang W&J Hotel. Fuzhou city centre is within an easy 10 minute drive. Fuzhou Changle International Airport (FOC) is a 50 minute drive from the hotel. In addition, staff at the help desk will be happy to book tours and help guests with local travel advice. Church of Heavenly Peace and St. John's Church Fuzhou are under 10 minutes away by car.

Changsha Dolton Spa Hotel Ningxiang

The Dolton Changsha Spa Hotel (Changsha Tongchen Wenquan Dajiudian) is located at the intersection of Ningxiang Avenue and Erhuan Road. It is only a 45-minute drive from the downtown area of Changsha.

This Changsha hotel offers a variety of room types ranging from standard rooms to business suites.

Dining outlets include five on-site restaurants of different styles.

Its conference center covers an area of 4,000 square meters and is well-appointed.

廣州!勁抵食!!海鮮宵夜大排檔!!生蠔38元一打!十分美味!蒸雲吞20元!炒河粉15元!雞翅35元!半日遊!美食推薦!旅遊打卡地!交通路線!吃不停!Canton Food Tour|GuangZhou


#廣州 #旅遊 #GuangZhou

餐廳消費:雙皮奶 ¥10,牛奶西米芒果芋圓 ¥15,炸咖哩角 ¥18,薑埋奶 ¥12
餐廳消費:原只蒸生蠔(12隻) ¥38,蒸雲吞 ¥20,三絲炒河粉 ¥15,香酥雞翅 ¥35

沙灣街道位於番禺區東南部,西隔陳村水道、西南隔順德水道同順德區陳村鎮、倫教鎮為鄰。 因駐地得名。 建國初,沙灣街道是當時番禺縣的第一區。 1956年為沙灣鄉,1958年為沙灣公社,1959年欖核公社併入沙灣公社,1962年又復置兩公社,1984年為沙灣區,1987年改鎮,2020年撤鎮設 街道。 西界陳村水道,北至市橋水道,東止第九瀝,南臨沙灣水道。 順德水道、紫坭河由西北至東南走向斜貫西南角,把全鎮圍割出大小兩洲。 西南角的沙洲-九如圍,土質為紫色沖積土,上有古鎮紫坭和省屬紫坭糖廠。 以青蘿嶂為中心的低丘台地,佔全鎮總面積三分之一,其餘為沖積平原。 沙灣街以東統稱“隴枕片”,為蔗糖基地。 青蘿嶂西有龍灣峽,其進出口處,建有龍灣水閘,是捍衛市橋的防洪設施。 青蘿嶂北麓南山峽,情勢險峻,是市橋的西部咽喉。
Shawan Subdistrict is located in the southeast of Panyu District, separated by Chencun Waterway to the west and Shunde Waterway to the southwest, and is adjacent to Chencun Town and Lunjiao Town in Shunde District. Named after the residence. At the beginning of the founding of the People's Republic of China, Shawan Street was the first district of Panyu County at that time. It was established as Shawan Township in 1956 and Shawan Commune in 1958. In 1959, Lanhe Commune was merged into Shawan Commune. In 1962, the two communes were reestablished. In 1984, it was established as Shawan District. In 1987, it was changed to a town. In 2020, it was removed from town and established. street. It is bounded by Chencun Waterway in the west, Shiqiao Waterway in the north, Jiuli Waterway in the east, and Shawan Waterway in the south. Shunde Waterway and Zini River run diagonally through the southwest corner from northwest to southeast, dividing the town into two continents. The sandbank in the southwest corner - Jiuruwei, with purple alluvial soil, is home to the ancient town of Zini and the provincial Zini Sugar Factory. The low hilly platform centered on Qingluozhang accounts for one-third of the town's total area, and the rest is alluvial plain. The area east of Shawan Street is collectively known as Longzhenpian and is the sugar base. There is Longwan Gorge in the west of Qingluozhang, and the Longwan Sluice is built at its entrance and exit, which is a flood control facility to protect the city bridge. The Nanshan Gorge at the northern foot of Qingluozhang is steep and is the western throat of Shiqiao.


★开平楼价 鵝城 白切鵝 煎豆腐角★

★台山廣海鎮 食足一日海鮮★

★中山美食一日遊 紅燒乳鴿★


★廣州最大海鮮市場 食海鮮必去★


00:00 Intro
00:43 番禺沙灣古鎮/正宗薑埋奶/雙皮奶/超好食/價錢平
11:57 遊覽沙灣古鎮/美食旅遊推薦
27:44 小肥大排檔/海鮮大排檔/遲到無位
28:31 讀餐牌時間/交通路線
31:31 原只蒸生蠔/蒸雲吞/三絲炒河粉/香酥雞翅
42:00 Ending
#廣州美食粵語 #food tour #city walk #Chinese food #walking tour #street walk #town market #china tour #walking downtown in china #busy street #粵語 #cantonese #Guangzhou #Cantonese cuisine #Chine Foodse #粵語 #cantonese #Guangzhou #Cantonese cuisine #Chine Foodse #Canton Foodse # in GuangZhou #vlog #guangzhou #street food #chinese food #chinese food recipes #廣州 #旅遊 #美食 #宵夜大排檔 #大排檔 #宵夜 #海鮮 #生蠔 #蒸雲吞 #河粉 #沙灣古鎮 #番禺 #交通路線 #旅遊打卡地 #food tour vlog #food tourism #food tour china #vlog study #chinese food tour #guangzhou 4k #cantonese food #china tourism

[중국정저우생활Vlog] 중국 정저우 노동절 라운딩과 JW메리어트호텔|정저우시 야경|토마호크 스테이크 2021 05 04 (169)

정저우에서 2021년 노동절에 라운딩영상과 JW메리어트호텔 방문해서 정저우시 야경보여드립니다....
토마호크 스테이크도 먹었고..

【逛吃廣州美食】超抵食米芝蓮粵菜!乳鴿28元!十三行周邊古建築介紹!服裝批發市場!槳欄街!杉木欄!故衣街!十八甫!新浩文菜館!餐廳!Canton Food Tour 2024|GUANGZHOU 4K

#美食 #廣州 #guangzhou #廣州漫步 #廣州美食 #探店

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鄰近地鐵:廣州地鐵6號線 文化公園站D出口
餐廳消費:乳鴿¥28 脆炸九肚魚¥48 鐵板錫紙鱸魚¥42 西洋菜燉陳腎湯¥45 茶位2人¥6




🚀【廣州手信店 - 推薦11間】






New Hao Wen Restaurant:
In 1993, the restaurant opened on Gunlan Road.
In 1995, due to a major urban redevelopment project, it relocated from Gunlan Road to Heping Road.
In 2005, due to the redevelopment project on Kangwang Road, it moved to its current location.

Sha Mum Lan Road:
This name originated in the late Ming and early Qing dynasties. At that time, the area around Shisanhang (Thirteen Lines) had many docks and river crossings. One of these docks was used for loading and unloading cedar wood, and over time, this area transformed into a wholesale market for cedar wood. Thus, the name Sha Mum Lan (which means cedar wood dock) was coined.

Sha Ba Fu Road:
The earliest commercial settlement in Xiguan was the Xiuyifang area in the Song dynasty (today's Xiajiu Road). By the Ming dynasty, with the excavation of the Daguan River, it developed into the main commercial district on the west side of the city, gradually expanding into eighteen Fu (districts or streets). These Fu were built along the Xihao Canal and the Daguan River. The Eighteen Fu started from the first rhine on the west side of Jinzi Bay along the Xihao Canal, proceeding southward to become the Second, Third, Fourth, Fifth, Sixth, Seventh, and Eighth Fu. Then turning west towards Xiashiguan, it became the Ninth, Tenth, Eleventh Fu. Turning east again towards the south, it became the Twelfth, Thirteenth, Fourteenth, Fifteenth, and Sixteenth Fu. Finally, turning southward and then westward, it became the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Fu.


00:00 Intro
00:18 文化公園
01:30 新浩文菜館
02:19 菜單
04:09 菜式評價
07:24 結賬/總結
08:42 杉木欄路
09:26 十三行路
12:09 豆欄上街
13:07 故衣街
14:10 和平東路
14:42 槳欄街/藥厂遺址
21:26 十八甫/十八甫西
21:46 富善西街小學
24:15 第二十三中學/第一中學十甫學校
26:53 Ending


#廣州美食粵語 #food tour #city walk #Chinese food #walking tour #street walk #town market #china tour #walking downtown in china #busy street #粵語 #guangzhou street food #chinese noodles #street food #广州漫步 #探店 #廣州漫步 #粵菜美食 #广州美食粤语 #china tour #dim sum #cantonese #Guangzhou #Canton cuisine #粵語 #cantonese #Guangzhou #Canton cuisine #sine # #Canton Food Tour #Walk in GuangZhou #vlog #guangzhou #guangzhou food #广州美食 #廣州美食#guangzhou 4k #4K #eating #chinese food #chinese food recipes #廣州美食2023 #china tour 2023 #廣州2023 #廣州 #美食 #粵菜 #探店 #美食攻略 #Yum Cha
#荔灣區 #上下九 #上下九步行街 #新浩文菜館 #槳欄路 #和平路 #康王路 #杉木欄 #十八甫 #西關 #米芝蓮 #白切雞 #五味鵝 #紙包雞 #乳鴿 #九肚魚 #鐵板 #錫紙鱸魚 #西洋菜湯 #燉陳腎湯 #文化公園 #十三行 #豆欄上街 #利濟軒制藥廠 #利濟軒 #梁培基 #白雲山明興制藥 #故衣街 #謙益銀號 #蛇王福 #十六甫 #李眾勝堂 #保濟丸 #生隆昌老號 #黎昌厚 #養陰丸 #位元堂 #萬源堂參茸行 #關松芝 #蛇王滿 #蛇餐館 #楊振寧 #華羅庚 #蛇王滿蛇餐館 #梁廣濟 #黃祥華 #如意油 #韓康遺業 #張安昌中藥廠 #煖臍膏 #金丹膏 #添男茶樓 #富善西街小學 #富善西街 #詹天佑小學 #十二甫西小學 #十八甫西 #十三甫 #二十三中 #廣州市第一中學十甫學校
#廣州 #美食 #粵菜 #探店 #人氣 #排隊 #地鐵 #捷運 #交通 #路綫 #Michelin #米芝蓮 #米其林 #必吃 #必食 #街頭小食 #小食 #小菜館 #午餐 #食晏 #晚餐 #街坊 #平民飯堂 #街坊飯堂 #餐廳 #飯店 #大排檔 #美食 #小炒 #廣東話 #飲食介紹 #美食介紹 #街拍 #西華路 #沙面 #永慶坊 #vlog study #Yum Cha #guangzhou 4k #4K #vlog bgm #cantonese food #vlog china #food tour vlog #food tourism #food tour china #廣州美食粵語 #food tour #city walk #Chinese food #walking tour #street walk #town market #china tour #busy street #dlim sum #粵語 #cantonese #Guangzhou #Cantonese cuisine #Chinese Food #Canton Tour Walk in GuangZhou #vlog #guangzhou #street food #eating #chinese food #chinese food recipes #美食攻略 #美食指南 #旅游指南 #旅遊攻略 #旅遊景點 #傳統文化 #嶺南 #food tourism #food tour china #food tour vlog #chinese food tour #vlog study #vlog china #cantonese food #china tourism #chinese street food video
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五一小长假,千年温峤古镇,旧时繁华温岭老街 重现了昔日的繁荣 #温岭老街

The ancient town of Wenqiao, the old prosperous Wenling Old Street for thousands of years, was once an important traffic route between Wentai and the two states. Its geographical location is very important, and merchants gather, and it further prospered during the Ming and Qing Dynasties. The old street is divided into three sections, Shangjie, Zhongjie and Xiajie. The street faces a stream on the east, and there is a unilateral street across the stream, so there are front streets and back streets. Most of the existing buildings were built in the Qing Dynasty and the Republic of China. There are many shops on the old street, and there are many historical sites such as Dingsheng Bridge and Ganquan Ancient Well.





[CHINA🇨🇳] Holiday Inn Express Zhengzhou ⎮ 홀리데이 인 익스프레스 정주

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五一假期!順德大良!逼爆遊客!太誇張!十九樓!飲茶食飯!人均50元!酒店價格暴漲!美食攻略!旅遊推薦!華蓋路步行街!最美味雙皮奶!本地人老字號餐廳!Canton Food Tour|GuangZhou


#順德 #五一假期 #旅遊

餐廳消費:白灼牛肉球 ¥22.80,鹽油蒸山坑鲩 ¥38,海鮮沙律串燒 ¥25.80
餐廳消費:雙皮奶 ¥11,紅豆雙皮奶 ¥13
雙皮奶、又稱雙皮燉奶,是中國華南地區的甜點。 產於廣東順德,甘香嫩滑,別具一格。 相傳是1950年代由居住在順德大良的董婆婆發明。
雙皮奶在廣東很著名。 在澳門,以義順的雙皮奶最為馳名。 在廣州,以在1940年代開始經營的南信甜點店最為知名。 在香港,澳洲牛奶公司最為馳名。 在順德,以仁信和民信最為著名。
所謂“雙皮奶”,是指奶在煮的過程中製出兩層奶皮。 基本的做法,是把水牛奶放進食具中燉滾後倒進小碗內,待冷卻凝固成奶皮,再輕手倒出牛奶,讓奶皮留下。 之後再把倒出來的牛奶再處理,然後倒回盛有奶皮的碗內。 其中一種做法,會讓把再煮的奶倒在奶皮之上,讓兩者混合起來。 另一種做法,是把奶倒在奶皮底下。
另將鮮奶加白糖攪拌後用羅鬥濾去雜物,把調好奶蛋白的(亦有用蛋黃的)鮮奶倒入,用小碟子蓋好,以防蒸汽滴落面上影響品質, 隔水燉煮15分鐘即成。 雙皮奶的特殊吃法有加上紅豆、棗子、蓮子等等。 在家製作的雙皮奶沒有店鋪製作的爽滑,原因可能是順德是用本地的水牛產的水牛奶來製作。
Double-skin milk, also known as double-skin stewed milk, is a dessert from South China. Produced in Shunde, Guangdong, it is sweet, tender and unique. According to legend, it was invented by Granny Dong who lived in Daliang, Shunde in the 1950s.
Double skin milk is very famous in Guangdong. In Macau, Yishun’s double skin milk is the most famous. In Guangzhou, Nanxin Dessert Shop, which started operating in the 1940s, is the most famous. In Hong Kong, Australian Milk Company is the most famous. In Shunde, Renxin and Minxin are the most famous.
The so-called double-skin milk means that the milk produces two layers of milk skin during the cooking process. The basic method is to simmer the buffalo milk in a tableware and then pour it into a small bowl. Let it cool and solidify into a milk skin. Then pour the milk out gently to leave the milk skin. Then process the poured milk again and pour it back into the bowl containing the milk skin. One way of doing this is to pour the boiled milk on top of the milk skin and let the two mix. Another way is to pour the milk under the milk skin.
In addition, mix the fresh milk with sugar and use a bucket to filter out the impurities. Pour in the fresh milk that has been mixed with milk protein (egg yolks are also used) and cover it with a small plate to prevent steam from dripping on the surface and affecting the quality. Simmer over water for 15 minutes. The special way to eat double skin milk is to add red beans, dates, lotus seeds, etc. The double skin milk made at home is not as smooth as the one made in the store. The reason may be that Shunde uses buffalo milk from local buffaloes to make it.
順德位於珠三角廣府文化腹地,自古經濟發達,商業繁榮,文教鼎盛。 順德是粵曲、粵劇的發源地之一,是「中國曲藝之鄉」。 順德美食文化源遠流長,天下聞名,被聯合國教科文組織授予「世界美食之都」的稱號,並有「中國廚師之鄉」美譽。
Shunde is located in the cultural hinterland of Guangfu in the Pearl River Delta. It has a developed economy, prosperous commerce, and prosperous culture and education since ancient times. Shunde is one of the birthplaces of Cantonese opera and Cantonese opera, and is the hometown of Chinese folk arts. Shunde's food culture has a long history and is famous all over the world. It was awarded the title of World Culinary Capital by UNESCO and has the reputation of Hometown of Chinese Chefs.


★开平楼价 鵝城 白切鵝 煎豆腐角★

★台山廣海鎮 食足一日海鮮★

★中山美食一日遊 紅燒乳鴿★


★廣州最大海鮮市場 食海鮮必去★


00:00 Intro
00:46 五一假期/高速公路免費/順德一日遊
03:48 順德十九樓/午餐/讀餐牌時間
10:12 白灼牛肉球/鹽油蒸山坑鲩/海鮮沙律串燒
20:36 華蓋路步行街實況/小吃店越開越多/全部都是遊客
32:35 爬華蓋山
34:10 金榜上街頭/順德特色美食首選
41:38 雙皮奶/紅豆雙皮奶
47:28 Ending
#廣州美食粵語 #food tour #city walk #Chinese food #walking tour #street walk #town market #china tour #walking downtown in china #busy street #dim sum #粵語 #cantonese #Guangzhou #Cantonese cuisine #dim sum #Chinese # Food Canton Food Tour #Walk in GuangZhou #vlog #guangzhou #street food #chinese food #chinese food recipes #順德 #五一假期 #旅遊 #大良 #酒店價格 #美食 #華蓋路 #步行街 #雙皮奶 #牛肉球 #山坑鲩 #food tourism #food tour in china #chinese food street #vlog china #canton food #順德雙皮奶 #cantonese chinese #china tourist

廣州農貿市場!荔枝新上市!20元一斤!價格昂貴!雞鵝鴨!一應俱全!貼地!最大商場!一人獨食!魚子醬片皮鴨198元!味道如何?美食旅遊攻略!交通路線!Canton Food Tour|GuangZhou


#廣州 #市場 #guangzhou

餐廳消費:老北京酸奶 ¥12,果木魚子醬烤鴨 ¥198
石碁鎮是中國廣東省廣州市番禺區下轄的一個鎮,位於番禺區中部。 轄區總面積71.26平方公里,下轄7個社區29個村,常住戶籍人口約9.1萬人,外來人口約25萬人。 鎮內有傍東流芳堂、石碁同安社、新橋九成書院等名勝古蹟。
番禺廣東省廣州市於2000年設立的副地級市轄區,位於廣東省及廣州市中南部,珠江口西北岸,位於珠三角腹地。 番禺區土地肥沃、水陸交通便利,自古以來就是嶺南地區的魚米之鄉。 舊時番禺(番禺縣)與同樣經濟富庶、文化互通的南海、順德合稱“南番順”,是嶺南文化的發源地之一, 區人民政府駐清河東路319號。
番禺於秦始皇三十三年(前214年)置縣,是嶺南文化的重要發源地和“海上絲綢之路”起點之一,嶺南建築、嶺南畫派、粵劇曲藝、廣東音樂等廣府文化和 鰲魚舞、飄色、乞巧、醒獅等民間藝術源遠流長。 番禺還是著名的美食之都,歷來有「食在廣州、味在番禺」的美譽。
Shiqi Town is a town under the jurisdiction of Panyu District, Guangzhou City, Guangdong Province, China. It is located in the middle of Panyu District. The total area under its jurisdiction is 71.26 square kilometers, with 7 communities and 29 villages under its jurisdiction, with a permanent registered population of approximately 91,000 and a migrant population of approximately 250,000. In the town, there are places of interest such as Bongdong Liufang Hall, Shiqi Tongan Society, and Xinqiao Jiucheng Academy.
Panyu is a sub-prefecture-level municipal district established by Guangzhou City, Guangdong Province in 2000. It is located in the south-central part of Guangdong Province and Guangzhou City, on the northwest bank of the Pearl River Estuary, and in the hinterland of the Pearl River Delta. Panyu District has fertile land and convenient water and land transportation. It has been a land of plenty in the Lingnan region since ancient times. In the old days, Panyu (Panyu County), Nanhai and Shunde, which were also economically prosperous and culturally interconnected, were collectively known as Nanfanshun. It was one of the birthplaces of Lingnan culture. The District People's Government is located at No. 319 Qinghe East Road.
Panyu was established as a county in the 33rd year of Qin Shihuang (214 BC). It is an important birthplace of Lingnan culture and one of the starting points of the Maritime Silk Road. It has Lingnan architecture, Lingnan School of Painting, Cantonese opera folk art, Guangdong music and other Guangfu cultural and Folk arts such as fish dance, floating color, begging for skill, and lion awakening have a long history. Panyu is also a famous city of gourmet food, and has always been known as Food in Guangzhou, Taste in Panyu.


★开平楼价 鵝城 白切鵝 煎豆腐角★

★台山廣海鎮 食足一日海鮮★

★中山美食一日遊 紅燒乳鴿★


★廣州最大海鮮市場 食海鮮必去★


00:00 Intro
00:58 番禺石碁鎮趁墟
08:05 現場火爆/衣服10元一件/荔枝龍眼價格昂貴
11:04 百香果/大樹菠蘿/山竹/價格便宜
14:39 山草藥/鮮蝦/活雞一應俱全
22:04 石碁鎮航拍
25:36 廣州最大商圈/番禺粵海天河城/烤鴨店/讀餐牌時間
28:55 交通路線/老北京酸奶/果木魚子醬烤鴨/一人獨享
41:54 商場超大/餐廳林立/午市時段意料之外人潮眾多
46:22 Ending
#廣州美食粵語 #food tour #city walk #Chinese food #walking tour #street walk #town market #china tour #walking downtown in china #busy street #粵語 #cantonese #Guangzhou #Cantonese cuisine #點心 #Chine Tourse Food #Chine Tour #Walk in GuangZhou #vlog #guangzhou #street food #chinese food #chinese food recipes #廣州 #農夫市場 #市場 #石荔枝 #龍眼 #番禺 #價格 #商場 #片皮鴨 #美食 #旅遊 #交通路線 #石荔枝 # food tourism #food tour in china #china tourism vlog #china tourist #cantonese food #vlog china #china touring #china tour guide


This seems to be a relatively new development. It is laid out in a campus style with villas, apartments and hotel rooms. We stayed in an outlying low level building comprising private rooms and a small lobby and bar.
Breakfast was served in a large dining hall (curiously reminiscent of the Shining) about 5 mins walk from our building. The grounds are beautifully maintained and the swimmng pool complex is equally maintained to a high standard.
Our room was of good proportions with a good bathroom (no bath) and a private outdoor jacuzzi).
The staff were pleasant if somewhat unused to foreigners from the distant West.
We visited in winter and the facility (in IMHO) is designed for summer as it was too cold to take advantage of the outdoor facilities.
This is a destination hotel located in the countryside so not so good for access to Beijing.

好介紹!不能不看!廣州!番禺洛溪!平靚正!大排檔自助火鍋!牛肉13元!海鮮13元!食到飽!吃到爽!2人消費120元!市場買菜!4K!樓價如何?力推!Canton Food Tour|GuangZhou


#廣州 #樓價 #市場











00:00 Intro
01:07 番禺洛溪海鮮大排檔自助火鍋/挑選食材/交通路線
06:39 低至6元一碟/生猛瀨尿蝦/刀貝超爽口/粥底超好味夠滿足
20:18 洛溪地鐵站週邊實況/超商購物/附近樓價如何?
31:28 海珠區沙園市場大採購/豬肉價格新低? /買糖水超好食
46:02 Ending
#food tour #city walk #Chinese food #walking tour #street walk #town market #china tour #busy street #dim sum #粤语 #cantonese #Guangzhou #Cantonese cuisine #点心 #Chinese Food #Canton Food Tour #Walk in GuangZhou #vlog #guangzhou #street food #eating #chinese food #chinese food recipes #廣州 #樓價 #市場 #番禺 #洛溪 #大排檔 #火鍋 #自助 #牛肉 #海鮮 #4K #沙園市場 #物價 #food tourism #food tour china #food tour vlog #vlog study #vlog china #4k 60 #china tour vlog #chinese food tour #vlog travel #china tour blog #廣州美食 粵語

Hunan Tongfa Grand Hotel Changsha

The Hunan Tongfa Grand Hotel Changsha features a business centre, meeting rooms and a concierge. Facilities include a laundry service, a safe-deposit box and a dry cleaning service. Guests can take advantage of the available internet access to stay connected while away. The friendly staff will be able to book tours and sightseeing activities during your stay in Changsha, as well as provide dining suggestions.

The air conditioned rooms at the Hunan Tongfa Grand Hotel Changsha include a TV, a private bathroom and cable / satellite channels. Each includes tea and coffee making facilities. Rooms are accessible and inclusive, with grounds and facilities catering to mobility and wheelchair access.

Local attractions close to the Hunan Tongfa Grand Hotel Changsha include the West Lake Restaurant and Yuelu Mountain. Changsha Huanghua International Airport (CSX) is a 40 minute drive from the hotel. Helong Stadium is less than a 20-minute walk from the hotel.

Grand Metropark Hotel Xi'an

The Grand Metropark Hotel Xi'an offers a day spa, free Wi-Fi and a swimming pool as well as conference room(s), a beauty centre and a sauna.

The Grand Metropark Hotel Xi'an caters for families with children offering babysitting / child services. Also available is tennis courts, a business centre and a city centre shuttle service. The hotel provides free parking for guests travelling by car. There are superb options for business meetings and events.

If you're travelling with a family in tow, the Grand Metropark Hotel Xi'an offers spacious rooms geared towards the requirements of families and kids. Equipped to ensure a comfortable stay, rooms offer a safe, cable / satellite channels and a TV. Amenities featured in the rooms include an iron, a mini bar and tea and coffee making facilities. The en suite bathrooms include a hair dryer, a spa/jetted tub and a shower.

The Grand Metropark Hotel Xi'an has its own on-site restaurant, providing a convenient option for those preferring to eat in. Guests can order room service around the clock. Guests can choose to savour their breakfast in the room each day.

Shaanxi History Museum, Big Wild Goose Pagoda and Shaanxi Province Stadium are within driving distance of the Grand Metropark Hotel Xi'an. For an easy and effortless check-in and departure experience, take advantage of the Grand Metropark Hotel Xi'an's express check-in/check-out facility which minimises the usual hassles leaving you with more time to enjoy your trip. Xian City Hall, Xian Jiaotong University and Bell Tower are a 10 minute drive from the hotel.

Changqing Hotel Xi'an

Revolution Park, Bell Tower and Fortifications of Xi'an are within driving distance of the Changqing Hotel Xi'an. Xi'an Xianyang International Airport (XIY) is a 30 minute drive from the hotel. Xi'an city centre is within an easy 10 minute drive away. Xian City Hall is within a 20 minute drive from the hotel.



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