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10 Best place to visit in Senta Serbia


Restaurants in Senta, Serbia

Have a really tasty meal again, in a good restaurant or eatery nearby. Enjoy a great dinner with near Senta. Whether gourmet, fast food or a romantic candlelight dinner, you will find something suitable here.

Here you can find Restaurants in Senta, Serbia:
1) Fantastico Restaurant Pub
Arpadova 1, Senta
024 811071

2) Restaurant Papuli
Poštanska 46, Senta 24400
024 811651

3) Etnogold Vendéglő
Svetozara Miletića, Senta
024 812720

4) Gostionica Gorštak
Petefi Šandora 44, Senta 244000
024 815751

5) Čarda Žitopromet
063 529203

6) Ninaj Pékség
Karađorđeva 6, Senta 24400
024 815657

7) Bali Bar & Restaurant
Petőfi Sándor 58, Senta 24400
024 815648

8) Restaurant River
Tančič Mihalja, Senta 24400
064 8371074

9) Wickburger
Ađanska, Senta
063 7301536

10) sur hamburgerija bosanski cevap
Zlatne grede, Senta 24400
064 2430111

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The music is from:

Serbien Urlaub - Die 10 schönsten Orte in Serbien

Die 10 schönsten Orte für einen Urlaub in Serbien

Hallo zusammen,

Hier Aleks, euer Balkan-Buddy

Serbien ist die Heimat von rund sieben Millionen Einwohnern und liegt im Herzen des Balkans. Die Hauptstadt Belgrad zählt zu den größten und ältesten Städten in Südosteuropa.

Top 10 Orte
📖 Inhaltsverzeichnis:
00:49 Platz10: Der Nationalpark Tara
02:24 Platz 9: Vrnjacka Banja
03:45 Platz 8: Kopaonik
04:48 Platz 7: Novi Pazar
06:19 Platz 6: Nationalpark Djerdap und Lepenski Vir
08:39 Platz 5: Alte serbische Klöster
11:06 Platz 4: Nationalpark Fruska Gora
12:27 Platz 3: Belgrad
14:20 Platz 2: Novi Sad
16:14 Platz 1: Subotica

Das Land verfügt dabei über einen unglaublichen Reichtum an atemberaubenden Naturwundern, ein reiches kulturelles Erbe und Städten mit einem riesigen Angebot an Sehenswürdigkeiten, hervorragendem Essen und einem unterhaltsamen Nachtleben.

Dabei ist der Balkanstaat bisher vom Massentourismus weitestgehend verschont geblieben.
Wer den echten Balkan kennenlernen will, ist in Serbien genau richtig.
Entdeckt nun die 10 schönsten Orte Serbiens, die ihr auf keinen Fall verpassen solltet.

Wer Subotica das erste Mal besucht, möchte am liebsten nie wieder gehen.
Denn es ist unmöglich, sich dem Charme zu entziehen, welchen diese Stadt ausstrahlt. Am nördlichsten Punkt Serbiens befindet sich, mit Subotica, ein wahrer Schmelztiegel der Kulturen und Traditionen.
Subotica gilt als die wohl multikulturelle Stadt Serbiens und wird außer von Serben, auch von einer großen Anzahl an Ungarn, Kroaten und vielen weiteren mittel- und osteuropäischen Völkern bewohnt, welche Subotica ihr einzigartiges Flair verleihen.

📍Novi Sad
Novi Sad bietet einfach alles! Von daher wundert es nicht, dass die Stadt an der Donau zur europäischen Kulturhauptstadt 2022 gewählt wurde.

Mit ihren ca. 350.000 Einwohner ist Novi Sad die zweitgrößte Stadt Serbiens und Hauptstadt der autonomen Provinz Vojvodina, in dessen Norden sich auch Subotica befindet.

Belgrad- Die spektakuläre Hauptstadt von Serbien.
Es gibt wohl wenig Städte in Europa die so eine spektakuläre Lage haben, wie Belgrad. Die Stadt wurde am Zusammenfluss von Save und Donau errichtet, welche der Stadt auch den Namen „Tor zum Balkan“ verliehen.

📍Nationalpark Fruska Gora
Die Fruska Gora ist für die Serben, so etwas, wie der heilige Berg Athos für die Griechen.
Nur eine halbe Stunde von der Stadt Novi Sad und anderthalb Stunden von Belgrad entfernt befindet sich einer der schönsten und auch größten Nationalparks Serbiens.
Neben seiner wunderschönen Natur bietet der älteste Nationalpark Serbiens zahlreiche alte Klöster, welche die Fruska Gora schon seit Jahrhunderten zu einem spirituellen Zentrum für orthodoxe Serben machen.

📍Alte serbische Klöster
Serbien ist bekannt für seine zahlreichen Klöster, welche Hüter der serbischen Kultur sind und im Laufe der Jahrhunderte Zeugen der bewegten Geschichten des Landes waren.
Die Klöster sind im aber auch aufgrund ihrer erstaunlichen Architektur und der faszinierenden Freskenmalerei bekannt, welche in Serbien bereits vor der italienischen Renaissance zu sehen ist und einer der Gründe war, warum die UNESCO sich dazu entschloss, einige der Klöster in die Liste des Weltkulturerbes aufzunehmen.

📍Nationalpark Djerdap und Lepenski Vir
Wer sich im Ostern Serbiens aufhält, sollte auf keinen Fall den Nationalpark Djerdap verpassen. Denn hier hat man die Möglichkeit, Europas längste und größte Schlucht, zu bewundern, die sogenannten Đerdap-Schlucht.
Diese erstreckt sich über 100 Kilometer des Donauverlaufs entlang der Grenze zum benachbarten Rumänien.

📍Novi Pazar
Umgeben von den Gipfeln des Golija – und Rogozna Gebirges, sowie dem wunderschönen Pešter-Plateau liegt Novi Pazar eingebettet in einem Tal.
Die Stadt ist Hauptort der historischen Region Sandzak auch bekannt als Raška.
Dieses Gebiet ist unglaublich reich an christlichen und muslimischen Heiligtümern, denn in Novi Pazar treffen sich östliche und westliche Einflüsse, sowie das Christentum und der Islam, und bilden zusammen ein faszinierendes Mosaik.

📍Vrnjacka Banja
Serbien ist bekannt für seine zahlreichen Kurorte, doch ein Ort sticht unter den Kurorten besonders heraus.
Vrnjacka Banja!
In den sanften Hügeln Zentralserbiens liegt der idyllische Kurort harmonisch ausbalanciert in einer wunderschönen natürlichen Umgebung.
Die heilenden Wirkungen des Kurortswassers wussten bereits die alten Römer zu nutzen. Es gibt sieben Quellen, welche als heilende Trinkquellen bekannt sind.

Kopaonik ist mit einer Länge von 80 Kilometern das größte Bergmassiv in Serbien und eine der beliebtesten Destinationen des Landes und das nicht nur im Winter, sondern auch im Sommer.

📍Der Nationalpark Tara
Das Gebirge mit seinen paradiesischen Landschaften liegt im Westen Serbiens und ist von der tiefen Schlucht des Flusses Drina umrundet.

#Balkan #serbien

Trip to Senta


FUNNY competition -BIKERS MEETING SENTA Serbia 22-24.May.2009

FUNNY competition -BIKERS MEETING SENTA Serbia 22-24.May.2009
DIVEDEEPINSIDE -aka - Jozef Kujundzic

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Od Novog Sada do Bečeja | Putovanje Kroz Srbiju #1

▬ Lista Posećenih Mesta ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬

0:00 - Uvod
0:10 - Novi Sad - Vožnja do parkinga
2:40 - Novi Sad - Vožnja do perionice
4:40 - Novi Sad - Vožnja ka Temerinu
8:05 - Bački Jarak
8:50 - Temerin
13:00 - Bačko Gradište
15:15 - Bečej

▬ Oprema ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬

1. Peugeot 208 Allure Pearl, 2017
2. Garmin 66W Dash-Cam
3. SanDisk 256 GB UHS - II Class 10 SDXC MicroSD
4. Transcend Card Reader TS-RDF9K2
5. DaVinci Resolve 17 & FFMPEG za obradu na Linux-u
(ubrzavanje klipa, spajanje klipova i obrada)

▬ Odricanje Odgovornosti ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬

Ovo je snimak vožnje kroz svakodnevnu Srbiju koji pokazuje svu lepotu ove zemlje, ali ovaj video takođe može da sadrži oglase sa bilborda ili drugih sredstava oglašavanja. Nisam sponzorisan od bilo koga i jedini oglasi od kojih mogu dobiti primanja dolaze sa YouTube-a. Jednostavno rečeno, ako vidite oglas dok gledate klip, biću plaćen za to.

▬ Rušenje Klipa ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬

Nije bilo moguće ukloniti slike tuđih tablica i drugih podataka kao što su lica ljudi, s' obzirom na količinu podataka sa kojom se radi. Ako zbog toga imate problem sa ovim snimkom, pošaljite mi privatnu poruku i rešićemo ga.

▬ Muzika ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬

Chill Drive - Lofi hip hop mix ~ Stress Relief, Relaxing Music


Obilazak Vojvodine -juznog Banata i snimci dronom

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🇷🇸 SOMBOR, Serbia | LARGEST ORGAN in SERBIA! | Vojvodina's BEAUTIFUL City | Serbia TRAVEL 2021

SOMBOR, SERBIA - Hi everyone and welcome to Part 6 of my 2021 Serbia Travel series. This time, we're in another one of the autonomous province of Vojvodina's beautiful cities, Sombor! The city is located to the north-west of the country, and is a great option for a visit if you are also visiting cities such as Subotica and Novi Sad. There are Yugos everywhere!

Unfortunately, the day I was there was incredibly rainy (in October), therefore I was only able to have a little explore. That's how it goes sometimes! However, I cover some of the places you can visit such as the Carmelite Church (which supposedly has the largest organ in Serbia!), the government office (Zgrada Bačko-Bodroške Županije U Somboru) which contains a famous painting depicting the Battle of Senta, a battle which was instrumental in the downfall of the Ottoman Empire in the late 1600s. Also included are the Sombor National Theatre and Frijaker Restaurant. There's plenty more Serbian food, history and architecture to explore!

If you're looking for things to do or activities in Sombor, this video covers some of them. Hopefully I can get back to Sombor another time when the weather is better!

Fijaker Restaurant -

MUSIC - (Epidemic Sound)
End Destination - Lvly

00:00 - Intro
01:20 - Ultimate Organ
02:27 - Battle of Senta
04:44 - Main Street
05:52 - Yugos-a-go-go
07:23 - Market
08:48 - Belgrade Bastards
09:56 - Theatre and Fijaker
10:53 - Sausage Penis
12:27 - Vojvodina Surprise

Thank you to the following Patrons and YouTube Channel Members. Your continued support helps me produce new videos!

Cynthie Thomas, Tim Johns, Ian Ang, Dave Trotter, Momo Thinks, Judy Rubio, Jessica Alfaro, Finn Howell, Brilliant But Blue, Maria Marquez, Barry P, Dawn Davis, Sarah Wu, Louis Puente, Marc Filippelli-Martinez, Two Brits Travel, Camila Paez, Graham Kennaugh and Greg Helton.

EQUIPMENT (from April 2021)

- Samsung A51
- DJI Mavic Mini
- Wondershare FilmoraX

Check out my links!



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- For general enquires or questions, you are welcome to message me on one my Instagram pages.
- For English lesson queries, please contact me via the form on my website.
- For business enquires such as collaborations, product reviews etc please email me @ Please do email me for other reasons.

#sombor #serbia #serbiatravel #vojvodina

Serbia – The land of new beginnings

| | |

Serbia seen through the eyes of the World’s famous tourist bloggers, who were the guests of the National Tourism Organisation of Serbia. This video shows the impression our country left on discerning guest
„Ever thought of visiting Serbia? You might want to consider it. Serbia was in the Lonely planet top 10 of 2015, not without a reason. We're launching NEW StoryTravelers video by Mark Hofmeyr: Serbia, land of new beginnings.“ – Caspar Daniël Diederik
“Under the glare of former headlines, Serbia is shouting about its stunningly beautiful country flanked by mountainous plains, mixed with historically preserved towns and cities. Neither disappeared during war. They were simply shrouded, ready to be unveiled when the time came for a new beginning – in a Serbia that even if somewhat still politically fragmented, is both safe and open for exploration.” - Becki Enright

Srbija viđena očima globalno najpoznatijih turističkih blogera, koji su bili gosti Turističke organizacije Srbije. Ovaj video pokazuje kakav je utisak naša zemlja ostavila na ove probirljive strane goste.
Video je nastao u saradnji TOS sa and
„Da li si ikada razmišljali da posetite Srbiju? Možda je parvo vreme da razmotrite tu mogućnost. Lonely Planet je preporučio Srbiju kao destinaciju koju morate obavezno obići, i to ne bez razloga. Predstavljamo vam novi film koji smo kreirali: Srbija, zemlja novih početaka.“ – Caspar Daniël Diederik
“Iako dugo ne baš omiljena u medijima, Srbija odiše neverovatno zadivljujućom prirodom, prošarana planinskim vencima, u savršenoj sinergiji sa gradovima bogate istorije. Tokom turbulentnih vremena kroz istoriju njene lepote nisu nestale. One su jednostavno skrivene čekale vreme za novi početak - Srbija je zemlja otvorena da je istražite.” - Becki Enright

Serbia's Capital of Art Nouveau: Subotica (City of Secession)

14-17. September 2021. Serbia (Србија). Vojvodina Province (Војводина). North Bačka District (Севернобачки округ). Subotica (Суботица). I came here for the architecture and wine, and the city did not disappoint. I don't get why it's #1 for suicide in Serbia.

Unique in Serbia, Subotica has the most buildings built in the Art Nouveau style. The City Hall (built in 1908–1910) and the Synagogue (1902) are of especially outstanding beauty. These were built by the same architects, Marcell Komor and Dezső Jakab, from Budapest, Hungary. An additional name that comes up a lot in Subotica is Ferenc J. Raichle. You'll see.

[4K] Bečej - Serbia🇷🇸Walking Tour - Town Centre

Sony Xperia XA2 Ultra Smartphone

Zhiyun smooth 4 Smartphone gimbal

Tisa🔹Senta - Ada - Mol (MiSphere 360, Mavic Mini)


00:00 Most kod Ade, put do Sente
02:13 Tisa (dron)
05:31 Ada, Tisa
07:12 Mol, Tisa (dron)
Bike: Yamaha TDM850
360 Camera: Xiaomi Mi Sphere (Mijia, Madventure)
Helmet cam: GoPro Hero5 Session
Dron: DJI Mavic Mini
#Senta #Tisa #Ada #Mol

Сербия | Велопрогулка по городу Шабац | Достопримечательности, Факты

Шабац - что за город в Сербии? а также что здесь можно посмотреть из достопримечательностей? Всё это узнаете из нашей велопрогулки)))

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#сербия #шабац #достопримечательности

Palić / Serbia from above

Palić je gradsko naselje u Srbiji u gradu Subotici u Severnobačkom okrugu, izletište i lečilište, sedam kilometara udaljeno od Subotice.
U neposrednoj blizini naselja, nalazi se zaštićeno područje Park prirode Palić.
Jezero je dubine do 2m i zbog velikog broja algi izrazito zelene boje. Nastalo na granici lesa i peska, ovo slatinasto jezero je dobilo svoje ime po pustari Palij. Iz jezera je u 18. veku vađena soda, jer je jezero nekad bilo slano, pa se zato veruje da je Palić ostatak Panonskog mora.
Istovremeno sa završetkom gradnje Gradske kuće u Subotici 15. septembra 1912. godine, otvoreno je novoizgrađeno kupalište sa objektima po kojima se Palić i danas prepoznaje — vodotoranj, Velika terasa i ženski i muški štrand.
Istorijsko jezgro Palića predstavlja nepokretno kulturno dobro kao prostorna kulturno-istorijska celina.
Prolaskom železničke pruge kroz Palić 1869. godine, izmenila se struktura njegovih gostiju, omogućeno je izdizanje Palića iz lokalnog okvira, jači prodor evropskih uticaja kao i olakšan dolazak posetilaca i iz najudaljenijih krajeva Mađarske.
Najznačajniji događaj u društvenom životu Palića predstavlja osnivanje Palićkih sportskih igara. Takmičenja u deset atletskih veština, pojavila su se trinaest godina pre nego što su Olimpijske igre proklamovane na međunarodnom kongresu u Parizu, a petnaest godina pre njihovog obnavljanja u Atini 1896. godine.
U naselju Palić živi 6326 punoletnih stanovnika, a prosečna starost stanovništva iznosi 40,8 godina (39,4 kod muškaraca i 42,1 kod žena). U naselju ima 2747 domaćinstava, a prosečan broj članova po domaćinstvu je 2,71. Stanovništvo u ovom naselju je veoma nehomogeno, a u poslednja tri popisa primećen je porast broja stanovnika.

Ada, Serbia

A short video of Ada Serbia, where I lived until I was 10.

Dungeons & DINOSAURS! | KRUŠEVAC, Serbia | SERBIA’S Unexpected SPOMENIK filled CITY! | Serbia TRAVEL

KRUŠEVAC, SERBIA - Episode 12 of my 2021 Serbia Travel series comes from the city of Kruševac, a city filled with unexpected gems, including dungeons, dinosaurs, spomeniks (monuments), history, architecture and much more!

We’ve been to amazing places in Serbia, such as Subotica, Užice, Novi Sad, Bajina Bašta and more, but for this video, I was based in Niš for the weekend, Serbia’s third largest city, where I spent three weeks in 2020. I decided to take a trip to Kruševac as it seems to be a Serbian city not many people talk about as a potential tourism destination in Serbia.

Founded by Prince Lazar in the 1300s, Kruševac is full of delights such as Lazarev Grad, an archaeological site, Lazarica Church, also dating back to the origins of the city, street art, war memorials, a miniature village in Bagdala and definitely more than one spomenik!

If you’re looking for things to do or activities in Kruševac, there’s a wide selection in this video!

MUSIC - (Epidemic Sound)
Illuminator - Locus Clouds (intro)
Panorama 6 - August Wilhelmsson (throughout)
Panorama 7 - August Wilhelmsson (throughout)
Potalaka - Golden Anchor (dinopark)
Our Journey - August Wilhelmsson (airport)

00:00 - Intro
01:17 - Nis & Wedding Crasher
03:32 - Street Art
05:32 - Lazarev Grad
09:35 - Serb Pride?
10:15 - Bagdala
13:04 - This is England/Slobodiste
14:47 - Welcome to Jurassic World
16:35 - Prince Lazar/Airport

Thank you to the following Patrons and YouTube Channel Members. Your continued support helps me produce new videos!

Cynthie Thomas, Tim Johns, Ian Ang, Dave Trotter, Momo Thinks, Judy Rubio, Jessica Alfaro, Finn Howell, Brilliant But Blue, Maria Marquez, Barry P, Dawn Davis, Sarah Wu, Louis Puente, Marc Filippelli-Martinez, Two Brits Travel, Camila Paez, Graham Kennaugh and Greg Helton.

EQUIPMENT (from April 2021)

- Samsung A51
- DJI Mavic Mini
- Wondershare FilmoraX

Check out my links!



AIRBNB - Get £36GBP off your first stay with Airbnb! -

JR PASS - Get your JAPAN RAIL PASS here -
TEFL.ORG - Become TEFL certified -

Join this channel to get access to perks:


- For general enquires or questions, you are welcome to message me on one my Instagram pages.
- For English lesson queries, please contact me via the form on my website.
- For business enquires such as collaborations, product reviews etc please email me @ Please do email me for other reasons.

#krusevac #serbiatravel #travelserbia

Segedin Subotica Palic (Medeni mesec) ;)

Isprobavanje s10 plus-ove zadnje ultra wide kamere ;)

Vožnja do Ludoškog jezera | Putovanje kroz Srbiju #1

▬ Lista Posećenih Mesta ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬

0:00 - Uvod
0:40 - Bačko Petrovo Selo
3:00 - Mol
4:35 - Ada
8:00 - Senta
14:25 - Gornji Breg
15:30 - Vojvoda Zimonjić
15:55 - Kanjiža
17:30 - Horgoš
22:05 - Šupljak
23:05 - Ludoško jezero

▬ Oprema ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬

1. Peugeot 208 Allure Pearl, 2017
2. Garmin 66W Dash-Cam
3. SanDisk 256 GB UHS - II Class 10 SDXC MicroSD
4. Transcend Card Reader TS-RDF9K2
5. DaVinci Resolve 17 & FFMPEG za obradu na Linux-u
(ubrzavanje klipa, spajanje klipova i obrada)

▬ Odricanje Odgovornosti ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬

Ovo je snimak vožnje kroz svakodnevnu Srbiju koji pokazuje svu lepotu ove zemlje, ali ovaj video takođe može da sadrži oglase sa bilborda ili drugih sredstava oglašavanja. Nisam sponzorisan od bilo koga i jedini oglasi od kojih mogu dobiti primanja dolaze sa YouTube-a. Jednostavno rečeno, ako vidite oglas dok gledate klip, biću plaćen za to.

▬ Rušenje Klipa ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬

Nije bilo moguće ukloniti slike tuđih tablica i drugih podataka kao što su lica ljudi, s' obzirom na količinu podataka sa kojom se radi. Ako zbog toga imate problem sa ovim snimkom, pošaljite mi privatnu poruku i rešićemo ga.

▬ Muzika ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬

Chill Drive - Lofi hip hop mix ~ Stress Relief, Relaxing Music


Krupanj....Dobri potok - porta-crkveni park Zapadna Srbija
Krupanj....The Church of Good Creek Western Serbia

Flying Around Sombor, Serbia

Video taken in May of 2022

GOLUBAC Fortress - the medieval gate of the Đerdap gorge in eastern Serbia

Golubac, a town in Eastern Serbia, has been pronounced in many languages ​​throughout history - Galambocz, Galambas, Columbarum, Taubersburg, Colombazo, Giwerdzinlik, Columbaz, Tawbenstein... and in all languages ​​the meaning is pigeon. The town of Golubac or the Golubac fortress is a medieval fortress, a cultural monument of exceptional importance. It is located in the Đerdap National Park, on the right bank of the Danube. It is located on high cliffs, at the point where the river narrows, at the very entrance to the Djerdap Gorge. The fortress is built in a fan shape and consists of three parts: the front, back and upper town. It consists of a total of 10 towers and two large carriage gates. The town of Golubac was built as an impregnable military fortress. It is located in the territory of the municipality of Golubac, Serbia. This fortress is associated with a legend about a beautiful girl named Golubana who, because of her unrequited love for the Turkish army commander, was cruelly punished by being tied to a rock that can still be seen in the middle of the Danube today.


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