Top Places In Bosnia And Herzegovina
This video is a journey through the most beautiful places in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Meet Bosnia Travel agency is specialized in Sarajevo tours, Bosnia tours and Balkan tours. Sarajevo tours are our passion. Let us be your choice in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Customize your tour and let us be your guide in Bosnia. Sarajevo, the capital of Bosnia and Herzegovina is a city where you can see, feel and experience different cultures coexisting for centuries.
Meet Bosnia Travel team is a group of young but educated and enthusiastic individuals, Bosnia guides, who share love and knowledge for their country so much so that they decided to share it with the world. Professional Sarajevo guides offer a range of standardized tours and excursions, designed specifically to satisfy all wishes and special interests of our guests (adventure, historic, cultural, gourmet tours, and much more).
Our Most Popular tours from Sarajevo:
• Old bridge of Mostar and Four pearls of Herzegovina Tour is a full day tour from Sarajevo to Mostar
• Daily tour to Višegrad from Sarajevo where you can see the outstanding bridge from the Ottoman period, now part of UNESCO world heritage.
• Sarajevo Free Walking Tour is a perfect introduction to Bosnian capital, a place where east meets west.
• Fall of Yugoslavia, Sarajevo Siege Tour is about the disintegration of Yugoslavia and the ensuing war which led to the siege of Sarajevo and deaths of thousands of people.
Bosnien und Herzegowina: Die 5 schönsten Orte für einen Urlaub in Bosnien.
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🙋♂️In dem folgenden Video entdeckst du die 5 schönsten Orte Bosnien und Herzegowinas.
Trotz wunderschöner Altstädte und fantastischen Landschaften gilt Bosnien immer noch als weißer Fleck auf Europas Karte und das, obwohl Bosnien keine Tagesfahrt von Deutschland entfernt liegt und direkt an Kroatien grenzt.
Entdecke nun die 5 schönsten Orte Bosniens, die du auf keinen Fall verpassen solltest.
Platz Nr. 1️⃣ SARAJEVO
Für jeden, der Bosnien wirklich kennen lernen will, führt kein Weg an Sarajevo vorbei. Die bosnische Hauptstadt liegt ziemlich zentral im Herzen des Landes und gilt aufgrund der traumhaften Lage umgeben von mehreren großen Gebirgsketten und der wunderschönen Altstadt, als eine der interessantesten Städte Bosniens.
Sarajevo ist auch für seine Vielfalt an Religionen und Völkern bekannt, das fällt auch an den vielen wunderschönen alten Moscheen und Kirchen auf.
Diese sollte man bei einem Besuch auf keinen Fall verpassen.
Aufgrund seiner multikulturellen Bevölkerung wurde die Stadt auch einst als Jerusalem Europas bezeichnen. Für alle die eine Entdeckungsreise in Bosnien starten wollen ist Sarajevo genau der richtige Ort.
Platz Nr. 2️⃣ MOSTAR
Langsam fließt die Smaragdgrüne Neretva durch Mostar hindurch und teilt die Stadt in einen Christlich- und einen Muslimisch geprägten Teil, bis zu dem Punkt, an dem „Stari Most“ die Alte Brücke von Mostar, die Menschen wieder vereint.
Mostar ist die Hauptstadt und das kulturelle Zentrum der Herzegowina und bietet neben seiner wunderschönen Lage, umgeben von Bergen, eine Reihe an Sehenswürdigkeiten. Die bekannteste darunter ist natürlich die Alte Brücke, welche als Symbol der Stadt gilt und Touristen aus aller Welt anzieht.
Die Brücke, die zum Zeitpunkt ihrer Erbauung im 16.Jahrhundert, als ein Meisterwerk galt, verbindet den bosniakisch geprägten Ostteil, mit dem kroatisch geprägten Westteil, der Stadt.
Mostar ist der perfekte Mix aus Kultur und wunderschöner Natur und zaubert wirklich jedem Besucher eins Lächeln ins Gesicht.
Zwischen dem Naturpark Hutovo-Blato und der Kleinstadt Ljubuški, befindet sich mit den Kravica-Wasserfällen, eines der atemberaubendsten Naturphänomene der Herzegowina.
Schon von der Straße aus kann man die Wasserfälle in einem beeindruckenden Naturpanaroma sehen. Wenn man sieht wie, sich das Wasser seinen Weg durch die dichten und weiten Wälder bahnt, könnte man fast meinen, man wäre in den Tropen.
Besonders im Sommer wird der Besucher von einem strahlenden Grün in den verschiedensten Nuancen beeindruckt sein. Die Wasserfälle erreichen eine Höhe zwischen 26 und 28 Metern und eine Breite von 120 Metern.
Das Wasser erreicht dabei selten eine höhere Temperatur als 15 Grad, was angenehm kühl ist, und eine perfekt Erfrischung für die heißen Sommer der Herzegowina bietet.
Platz Nr. 4️⃣ TREBINJE
Trebinje gilt als eine der charmantesten Städte Bosniens und bietet neben ihrem sehr angenehmen Klima, ein paar der schönsten, serbisch-orthodoxen Kirchen den Landes. So z.B: die Herzegowinische Gracanica, welcher hoch oben auf einem Felsen thront und einen fantastischen Blick auf die Stadt gewährt.
Wer auf der Suche nach mediterranem Flair ist, wird sich in Trebinje unglaublich wohl fühlen. Neben Banja Luka hat Trebinje den größten Bauboom, in den letzten Jahren erlebt.
Nach den Gründen dafür, muss man nicht lange suchen.
Denn Trebinje befindet sich in einer sehr attraktiven Lage, nur 30 km entfernt von Dubrovnik und 28 km entfernt von Montenegro.
Platz Nr. 5️⃣Počitelj
Das pittoreske Počitelj ist auch bekannt als die “Stadt aus Stein“.
Die malerische Altstadt befindet sich an einem Hang, von welchem es sich weit ins Neretva-Tal blicken lässt. Die Lage Počiteljs war damals von großer strategischer Wichtigkeit.
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Dieser Channel informiert euch über das wunderschöne Bosnien und Herzegowina und zeigt euch die schönsten Orte für eure nächste Reise. Außerdem erhaltet Ihr hier die besten Tipps zu den schönsten Reisezielen auf dem Balkan. Darunter: Slowenien, Kroatien, Serbien, Kosovo, Montenegro, Nordmazedonien (Mazedonien) und Albanien.
#Bosnien #Balkan #BosnienUrlaub #Sarajevo
Bosna i Hercegovina | 10 najljepših mjesta (LISTA)
Zanima vas koja su neka od najljepših mjesta u Bosni i Hercegovini? U ovom videu, donosim vam 10, meni lično najdražih mjesta u čitavoj zemlji, koja vam od srca preporučujem da posjetite.
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Bosna i Hercegovina je naša domovina i mjesto koje volim svim svojim srcem, te mi zbog toga iskren da budem, nije bilo ni malo lako napraviti ovu listu, jer svako od mjesta u zemlji krase neke posebne ljepote, odlučio sam se za ovih 10 mjesta, jer smatram da u svakom od njih, može da se doživi nešto posebno i drugačiji. Upoznajte ljepote Bosne i Hercegovine zajedno sa mnom.
Počev od Jajca, koji je za mene najsadržajniji mali grad u čitavoj zemlji, zanimljivh Japodskih otoka, misterioznog Titovog bunkera u Konjicu, Banjaluke i Sarajeva, kao dva najveća grada u čitavoj zemlji, prekrasne prirode Prokoškog jezera, Trebinja, grada koji je na mene ostavio najveći utisak, naših planina, koje su sve nestvarno lijepe, vodopada, gdje bih izdvojio Štrbački buk, Nacionalnog parka Sutjeska u kojem bih mislio mogao biti danima i gdje zaista ima toliko toga da se radi, počev od prašume Perućice, jedne od najočuvanijih prašuma u Evropi, kanjona Tare, Zelengore, naše najviše planine Maglića i divnog Prijevora.
Ali, da li znate koje je moje omiljeno mjesto u Bosni i Hercegovini?
Za organizaciju turističke ture sa divljim konjima u Livnu, javite se Marinu Mamuzi -
Za organizaciju izleta po Nacionalnom parku Sutjeska, pišite mojim drugarima iz Active Holidays Bosnia -
U videu se nalazi kadrovi 10 lokacija iz videa, kao i 4K kadrovi iz zraka sa dronom pojedinih mjesta. Jeste da je Bosna i Hercegovina moja domovina, te sam pomalo subjektivan kada pričam o njoj, ali iskreno mislim da naša zemlja zaista jedinstvena i da nudi svakom putniku nešto sasvim novo.
Ukoliko želite, možete odmah navigirati na mjesto koje želite.
00:00-00:38 Uvod u video
00:38-01:27 Jajce
01:27-02:05 Japodski otoci
02:05-03:15 Titov bunker u Konjicu
03:15-04:04 Sarajevo i Banjaluka
04:04-04:50 Prokoško jezero
04:50-05:58 Trebinje
05:58-06:53 Planine u BiH
06:53-07:53 Štrbački buk
07:53-09:35 Nacionalni Park Sutjeska
09:44-11:51 Divlji konji u Livnu
11:51-12:19 Završna riječ
Veliko hvala Dženadu Džini koji mi je dozvolio da koristim njegov kadar Hajdučkih vrata, kao i Benjaminu Muriću za kadrove Štrbačkog buka. Njihove profile možete vidjeti na linkovima ispod.
Dženad Džino -
Benjamin Murić -
Bosna i Hercegovina - Bliha - vodopad - Sanski Most (Bosnia & Herzegovina - Bliha - Waterfall)
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Vodopad na rijeci Blihi, 13 km udaljen od Sanskog Mosta. Od puta koji vodi prema Bosanskoj Krupi je udaljen nekoliko stotina metara. Vozilo se ostavlja na kraju makadama, i onda treba 5 do 10 min spuštanja stazom do vodopada.
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Waterfall on the river Bliha, 13 km away from Sanski Most. It is several hundred meters away from the road leading to Bosanska Krupa. The vehicle is left at the end of the gravel road, and then it takes 5 to 10 minutes to descend the path to the waterfall.
Bosna i Hercegovina je prelijepa zemlja sa prirodom koja oduzima dah i daje vam mogućnost za mnoštvo aktivnosti. Tekstovima, slikama, snimcima i ostalim sadržajima ćemo pokušati približiti sve te ljepote vama, pomoći njihovom očuvanju i promociji. Cilj je svima predstaviti ono najbolje iz Bosne i Hercegovine i omogućiti što većem broju ljudi da bude dio svega toga.
(English) Bosnia and Herzegovina is a beautiful country with the breathtaking nature that gives you the possibility for a plenty of activities. With photos, videos, texts and other content we will try to bring closer all this beauty to you, and to help its preservation and promotion. The aim is to present all the best of Bosnia and Herzegovina and make available as many people to be a part of it.
Sanski Most - Bósnia e Herzegovina Cityscapes
Sanski Most - Bósnia e Herzegovina
Song: Will & Dan - Fame
Will & Dan's channel:
Jajce Bosnia and herzegovina 🇧🇦
🛑Jajce, a picturesque town in Bosnia and Herzegovina, is a hidden gem that beckons travelers with its rich history and stunning natural beauty. Nestled in the heart of the country, Jajce is a place where the past seamlessly meets the present, offering visitors a unique blend of cultural heritage and pristine landscapes.
One of the most distinctive features of Jajce is its captivating waterfall, which flows right through the town center, making it one of the only places in the world where you can witness a waterfall in the midst of a historical urban setting. This natural wonder, known as the Pliva Waterfall, is a sight to behold, and the nearby Pliva Lakes add to the town's charm, offering opportunities for swimming, fishing, and serene walks along the water's edge.
Steeped in history, Jajce boasts a wealth of well-preserved medieval architecture, including the iconic Jajce Fortress, which once served as the royal residence of Bosnian kings. Visitors can explore the fortress's ancient walls and towers, offering panoramic views of the town and surrounding countryside.
Jajce's Old Town is a labyrinth of narrow streets, where you can discover quaint cafes, traditional restaurants serving delicious Bosnian cuisine, and artisan shops selling local crafts. The town also holds a significant place in the history of Bosnia and Herzegovina, as it was the site of the historic meeting that established the First Session of the National Liberation Army and Partisan Detachments of Yugoslavia during World War II.
Whether you're interested in history, outdoor adventures, or simply looking for a tranquil escape, Jajce has something to offer every traveler. This charming Bosnian town invites you to immerse yourself in its rich heritage and natural beauty, providing an authentic and unforgettable experience in the heart of the Balkans.
#jajce #touroopi #bosnia #bosniaherzegovina
wonderful place on the world. Bosnia 🇧🇦
Krug kroz Sanski Most 2, Krajina 2K, februar 2022.
Kratka vožnja kroz centar Sanskog Mosta. Snimak počinje na elipsastom kružnom toku kod Hotela Sanus. Skretanje u Titovu ulicu, a zatim desno u Bulevar VII korpusa. Povratak na kružni tok i odlazak na parking iza Opštine Sanski Most.
Saobraćaj u Krajini
Balkanske ulice
Na ovom kanalu na youtube se nalaze snimci putovanja, snimljeni tokom vožnje automobila i turističkih obilazaka. Vožnja kroz Balkan. Banja Luka, Sarajevo, Beograd, Zagreb, Mostar, Budimpešta, Dalmacija, Srbija, Bosna, Hercegovina, Crna Gora, Hrvatska, Baranja, Krajina, Srem, Mađ samo neki od predjela i gradova čije snimke možete da nađete na kanalu. Snimci na kojima možete vidjeti put, ulicu, kao i plažu, turističko mjesto, prirodne znamenitosti, grad, selo, planinu, rijeku i polje
Footage of the trip, taken while driving a car and sightseeing tours. Driving through Europe. Belgrade, Budapest, Dalmatia, Serbia, Bosnia, Montenegro, Croatia, Slavonija, Hungary ... are just some of the regions and cities whose footage you can find on the channel . Shots where you can see road, street, as well as beach, tourist place, natural sights, city, village, mountain, river and sea
Images du voyage, prises au volant d'une voiture et de visites guidées. Conduire à travers l'Europe. Belgrade, Dalmatie, Serbie, Bosnie, Herzégovine, Croatie, Hongrie... ne sont que quelques-unes des régions et des villes dont vous pouvez retrouver les images sur la chaîne. Plans où vous pouvez voir route, rue, ainsi que plage, lieu touristique, sites naturels, ville, village, montagne, rivière et mer
Riprese del viaggio, riprese durante la guida di un'auto e visite guidate. Guidando attraverso l'Europa. Belgrado, Dalmazia, Croazia, Ungheria... sono solo alcune delle regioni e delle città di cui puoi trovare i filmati sul canale. Scatti in cui puoi vedere strada, nonché spiaggia, luogo turistico, monumenti naturali, città, villaggio, montagna, fiume e mare
Aufnahmen der Reise, aufgenommen beim Autofahren und bei Sightseeing-Touren. Fahrt durch Europa. Belgrad, Dalmatien, Herzegowina, Kroatien, Serbien, Ungarn..sind nur einige der Regionen und Städte, deren Filmmaterial Sie auf dem Kanal finden können. Aufnahmen, bei denen Sie Straße sowie Strand, Touristenort, Natursehenswürdigkeiten, Stadt, Dorf, Berg, Fluss und Meer sehen können
Кадры поездки, снятые за рулем автомобиля и обзорных экскурсий. Езда по Европе. Белград, Будапешт, Далмация, Черногория, Хорватия, Сербия, Венгрия...это лишь некоторые из регионов и городов, кадры которых вы можете найти на канале. Кадры, на которых видна дорога, а также пляж, туристическое место, природные достопримечательности, город, деревня, горы, река и море
Imágenes del viaje, tomadas mientras se conduce un automóvil y recorridos turísticos. Belgrado, Srpska, Hungría ... son solo algunas de las regiones y ciudades cuyas imágenes puedes encontrar en el canal. Disparos donde se puede ver la carretera, así como la playa, lugar turístico, lugares de interés natural, ciudad, pueblo, montaña, río y mar
Posnetek izleta, posnet med vožnjo z avtomobilom in ogledi. Črna Gora, Hrvaš le nekatere regije in mesta, katerih posnetke lahko najdete na kanalu. Posnetki, kjer lahko vidite cesto in plažo, turistični kraj, naravne znamenitosti, mesto, vas, goro, reko in morje
Снимка од патувањето, направена додека возите автомобил и разгледни тури. Белград, Будимпешта, Далмација, Херцеговина, Црна Гора, Хрватска, Србија ... се само дел од регионите и градовите чии снимки можете да ги најдете на каналот. Снимки каде што можете да видите пат, како и плажа, туристичко место, природни знаменитости, град, село, планина, река и море
Beelden van de reis, genomen tijdens het autorijden en sightseeingtours. Kroatië, Servië, Hongarije ... zijn slechts enkele van de regio's en steden waarvan u de beelden op het kanaal kunt vinden. Foto's waar u zowel de weg als het strand, toeristische plaats, natuurlijke bezienswaardigheden, stad, dorp, bergen, rivier en zee kunt zien
Filmer från resan, tagna medan du kör bil och sightseeingturer. Belgrad, Dalmatien, Ungern ... är bara några av de regioner och städer vars filmer du kan hitta på kanalen . Bilder där du kan se väg såväl som strand, turistplats, naturliga sevärdheter, stad, by, berg, flod och hav
Optagelser af turen, taget under bilkørsel og sightseeingture.
Вожња кроз Сански Мост
13 reasons why you should visit Bosnia and Herzegovina 🇧🇦
I present to you the thirteen most beautiful cities in Bosnia and Herzegovina, but keep in mind that almost every city in Bosnia and Herzegovina looks like this. Come and see for yourself that this is truly a paradise on earth. Welcome to Bosnia and Herzegovina.
0:00 Jajce
0:21 Sanski Most
0:44 Kladanj
1:04 Olovo
1:16 Srebrenik
1:36 Maglaj
1:51 Jablanica
2:05 Konjic
2:30 Vranduk
2:57 Travnik
3:15 Počitelj
3:39 Fojnica-Prokoško Lake
4:05 Tešanj
#bosnia #herzegovina #tourism #lake #fortress #river
Waterfall on The Bliha river - Bosnia and Herzegovina
Bosnian beauty Waterfall on the Bliha river near Sanski Most. Bosnia and Herzegovina
How do Waterfalls look like in Bosnia and Herzegovina?
#waterfall #BosniandHerzegovina
Vodopad Rijeke Blihe / Sanski Most / Prirodno bogatstvo Bosne i Hercegovine
Bliha je rijeka u sjeverozapadnom dijelu Bosne i Hercegovine koja cijelim tokom teče na području općine Sanski Most. Rijeka Bliha je lijeva pritoka rijeke Sane. Izvire u mjestu Donji Lipnik, na 450 metara nadmorske visine. Dužina toka je 23,9 kilometara. Na devetom kilometru njenog toka između Fajtovaca i Gornjeg Kamengrada nalazi se Blihin skok. Vodopad je visine preko 40 metara i širine oko 10 metara, a poznat je po svojoj ljepoti i predstavlja jedan od važnih turističkih potencijala općine Sanski Most. Ova rijeka ima svoje pritoke u vidu manjih rijeka ili potoka u koje se ubrajaju: Suvača, Obarak, Modrašnica, Hatiraj i Suhača. Skoro sve ove pritoke izuzev Suhače izviru na nadmorskim visinama iznad 400 metara. Rijeka Bliha je rijeka brzog toka, sa kamenitim koritom. Sve svoje pritoke Bliha prima sa lijeve strane. Ulijeva se u rijeku Sanu poslije 23 km toka. U prošlosti su na Blihi bile mnogobrojne vodenice, a rijeka je kako u prošlosti tako i danas bila sklona povremenim izlijevanjima iz korita. Tom prilikom (najčešće u svom donjem toku) nanosi štetu stanovništvu u obližnjim sanskim naseljima: Husimovci, Podbriježje i Podlug. Rijeka Bliha je relativno čista rijeka, a u njoj su svoje stanište pronašle mnoge riblje vrste: potočna pastrmka (lat. Salmo trutta morpha fario) i klijen (lat. Leuciscus cephalus), a tokom ljeta u njen tok ulazi i škobalj (lat. Chondostroma nasus) zbog mrijesta. U zadnjem periodu poduzeti su koraci na regulaciji u donjem toku rijeke Blihe, kako bi se naseljeno područje zaštitilo od budućih poplava. Rijeka Bliha i Zdena su po narodnim predanjima dobile ime po prelijepim sestrama.
#bosanskakrajina #bliha #vodopadblihe #sanskimost
Regija: BiH Zapadna Bosna
Entitet: Federacija BiH
Kanton: Unsko-sanska
Općina/Grad: Sanski Most
Geografske koordinate: 44.788972,16.525083
Video: Kemal Hasanagić
Montaža: Kemal Hasanagić
Blagaj Bosnia and herzegovina 🇧🇦
🛑Blagaj is a charming and historic destination located in the heart of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Nestled at the base of towering cliffs and surrounded by lush greenery, this picturesque town offers a unique blend of natural beauty and cultural heritage.
At the heart of Blagaj lies the stunning Blagaj Tekija, a 16th-century Dervish monastery carved into the cliffs and situated alongside the mesmerizing Buna River. The sight of this beautifully preserved structure against the backdrop of the rugged landscape is truly breathtaking.
Blagaj also boasts the enchanting Blagaj Fortress, which offers panoramic views of the town, river, and the surrounding countryside. The town's stone streets, charming bridges, and traditional Bosnian architecture give it a timeless and peaceful ambiance.
Visitors can savor traditional Bosnian cuisine in riverside restaurants, where the freshness of the Buna River trout is a local specialty. Blagaj is an ideal destination for those seeking tranquility, history, and the natural beauty of Bosnia and Herzegovina. With its historical significance and serene setting, it's a must-visit destination for travelers looking to explore this hidden gem in the Balkans.
#blagaj #bosnia #bosniaherzegovina
Mostar - Bosnia & Herzegovina 😍😍😍#shorts
#shorts #youtubeshorts #ytshorts #travel #travelvlog #travelvideo
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Dobrinja - Doglodi 🇧🇦 welcome to Bosnia end Herzegovina @BHRoadStoriesBH
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Welcome to my channel! We are a YouTube channel that tries to introduce you to Bosnia and Herzegovina through trips that will certainly bring back good memories to some of you. Don't forget to subscribe to our channel and enable all notifications so you don't miss our latest videos.
☘️☘️☘️ / @BHRoadStoriesBH ➡️
☘️☘️☘️ Description: This ride takes you on a journey through Bosnia and Herzegovina during the ride there will be various situations.
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• 🇧🇦 ⚜️ 🌺🌷🌹🌼🌻 The secret valley of flowers in Bosnia...
📍 This is Banja Luka ➡️
• 🇧🇦 ⚜️ Hidden secret of BiH: Pyramids in Visoko ...
📍 Watch the A1 Highway ➡️
• 🇧🇦 🌺🌷🌹🌿 Secret location in BiH with...
📍 This is a regional road ➡️
• 🇧🇦 ⚜️ The hidden secret of beautiful Grbavica ...
📍 Beautiful neighborhoods in Sarajevo ➡️
• 🇧🇦 ⚜️ Hidden gem of BiH: Mountain...
📍 Visit Jahorina ➡️
• 🏰🏛️ Sarajevo BiH Dashcam: car...
📍 Enjoy driving through the city ➡️
• 🇧🇦 ⚜️ Place in BiH...
🎥 Sarajevo the capital
For more videos ➡️
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Driving in Bosnia 🇧🇦 Welcome to Bosnia and Herzegovina @BHRoadStoriesBH
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Welcome to my channel! We are a YouTube channel that tries to introduce you to Bosnia and Herzegovina through trips that will certainly bring back good memories to some of you. Don't forget to subscribe to our channel and enable all notifications so you don't miss our latest videos.
☘️☘️☘️ / @BHRoadStoriesBH ➡️
☘️☘️☘️ Description: This ride takes you on a journey through Bosnia and Herzegovina during the ride there will be various situations.
💙🤍💛 Check out our other videos 🔵⚪🟡
📍 Discover the city at Uni ➡️
• ⚜️ 🌸🌼🌺🌷🏡🍃🇧🇦 The most visited tourist destination...
📍 Beautiful Bosnia and Herzegovina is complete as an open museum
• 💦🐄⚜️ A hidden place in BiH...
📍 Beautiful place Tarčin ➡️
• 🏠🇧🇦🧀⚜️ A fairy tale village from ... Umoljani
📍 Explore Bjelašnica ➡️
• 🇧🇦 Fresh early morning in Herzegovina
📍 The most beautiful Jablanica lake ➡️
• 🇧🇦 🌷🌼🏠 City with nine rivers 🌺 ...
📍 Sanski Most Valley ➡️
• 🇧🇦 ⚜️ Hidden location near Travnik...
📍 Check out Vlašić Mountain ➡️
• 🇧🇦 ⚜️ Dragon's Nest...
📍 Watch Steel City ➡️
• 🇧🇦 ⚜️ 🌺🌷🌹🌼🌻 The secret valley of flowers in Bosnia...
📍 This is Banja Luka ➡️
• 🇧🇦 ⚜️ Hidden secret of BiH: Pyramids in Visoko ...
📍 Watch the A1 Highway ➡️
• 🇧🇦 🌺🌷🌹🌿 Secret location in BiH with...
📍 This is a regional road ➡️
• 🇧🇦 ⚜️ The hidden secret of beautiful Grbavica ...
📍 Beautiful neighborhoods in Sarajevo ➡️
• 🇧🇦 ⚜️ Hidden gem of BiH: Mountain...
📍 Visit Jahorina ➡️
• 🏰🏛️ Sarajevo BiH Dashcam: car...
📍 Enjoy driving through the city ➡️
• 🇧🇦 ⚜️ Place in BiH...
🎥 Sarajevo the capital
For more videos ➡️
Thank you for being a part of our community and we hope to continue entertaining you with our epic videos!
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Nevjerovatni vodopad Blihe kod Sanskog Mosta
Vodopad Bliha (poznat i kao Blihin skok) nalazi se između sela Fajtovci i Kamengrada, 14 kilometara od središta općine Sanski Most.
Vodopad se nalazi na rijeci Blihi koja se ulijeva u Sanu. Vodopad je visok 56, a širok 10 metara.
Vodopad Blihe - Sanski Most - Bosna i Hercegovina
Vodopad Bliha nalazi se između sela Fajtovci i Kamengrada, 14 kilometara od središta općine Sanski Most. Vodopad se nalazi na rijeci Blihi koja se ulijeva u Sanu. Vodopad je visok 56, a širok 10 metara. Za većeg vodostaja može biti i širi. Geomorfološki je spomenik prirode.
Brothers Drones
Emir Odobašić
061 236 333
Bosnia and Herzegowina Tourist Guide part 2
tourist guide about the heart shaped land
Vodopad Blihe - Sanski Most
Music: Albert Vishi - New Day
Koordinate: 44°47′20.3″N 16°31′30.3″E
Vodopad Bliha (poznat i kao Blihin skok[1]) nalazi se između sela Fajtovci i Kamengrada, 14 kilometara od središta općine Sanski Most.
Vodopad se nalazi na rijeci Blihi koja se ulijeva u Sanu. Vodopad je visok 40, a širok 10 metara. Za većeg vodostaja može biti i širi.[2]
Geomorfološki je spomenik prirode.
Tekst preuzet sa