Top 10 Best Tourist Places to Visit in Brezno | Slovakia - English
#BreznoPlaces #PlacesInBrezno #Slovakia #Brezno
Brezno is one of the biggest tourist attractions in Slovakia having many best places in Brezno. Brezno is a town in central Slovakia with a population of around 21,000. So to help you figure out the places you need to try, we've gathered up a bucket list of the best Places in Brezno that you won't regret going to.
Wiki Peaks is on a mission to promote the tourism in the World. We are here to show you the beautiful places in the world. You can see the beauty of this world from the comfort of your home.
There are many beautiful places in Brezno. Slovakia has some of the best places in Brezno. We collected data on the top 10 places to visit in Brezno. There are many famous places in Brezno and some of them are beautiful places in Brezno. People from all over Slovakia love these Brezno beautiful places which are also Brezno famous places. In this video, we will show you the beautiful places to visit in Brezno.
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Z Bratislavy do Lučenca za 2 minúty
Časozberný záznam cesty po diaľnici D1 z Bratislavy do Trnavy pokračujúci po rýchlostnej ceste R1 cez Nitru, Zlaté Moravce, Žiar nad Hronom, Novú Baňu, Žarnovicu až do Zvolena. Čiastočne sa ide po novom úseku rýchlostnej cesty R2 z Pstruše po Kriváň a zvyšok cesty až po Lučenec
Pezinok 13.4.2022
Pezinok Slovakia
Driving Through Slovakia | TRAVEL VLOG #15
Just drove through Slovakia so I didn't see much but the capital, Bratislava. Enjoy the beautiful views of Slovakia!
🇸🇰 Bratislava 2023, SLOVAKIA - Old Town Walking Tour|4k UHD 60fps
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**This Video Vlog was Made to show the city and the environment, if the camera captured you on this video or in the thumbnail and you don't want to be please contact me or comment on this video and i will make sure that you are not there anymore.**
#Bratislava #walk #walking #walkingtour #walkingvideo #walkingvlog #slovakia #oldtown
Patrik Travel
Skalka pri Kremnici
Toto je presne ten zážitok, o ktorom sa hovorí, že je nezabudnuteľný! Všetky via ferraty v Kremnických vrchoch sa nachádzajú na vrchu Skalka pri Kremnici. Skalka pri Kremnici ponúka 2 via ferratové oblasti, Komín a Ferratový svet, ktoré sú od seba vzdialené približne 20 minút chôdze.
Pri návšteve oblasti Komín sa môžete tešiť na via ferraty rôznej obtiažnosti, vedúce cez steny, komíny a vežičky. Súčasťou via ferrát je aj 15 metrov dlhý Tibetský most, 37 metrov dlhá zvislá lanová sieť a 80 metrov dlhý visutý most. Počas prechodu via ferrát v tejto oblasti si môžete vychutnávať nádherné výhľady na banskobystrickú stranu, až po hrebeň Nízkych Tatier.
Oblasť Ferratový svet sa zvykne navštevovať ako druhá v poradí. Ponúka rovnako ferraty rôznej obtiažnosti, spolu s adrenalínovými prekážkami, platformami a visutými mostami v korunách stromov. Bodkou na záver ferratového dobrodužstva je návšteva vyhliadky so sklenenou podlahou.
Restaurants in Rimavská Sobota, Slovakia
Have a really tasty meal again, in a good restaurant or eatery nearby. Enjoy a great dinner with near Rimavská Sobota. Whether gourmet, fast food or a romantic candlelight dinner, you will find something suitable here.
Here you can find Restaurants in Rimavská Sobota, Slovakia:
1) Zoraya Caffé
Hlavné námestie 3311, 979 01 Rimavská Sobota
0944 946 986
2) Malohontská reštaurácia
Námestie Š. M. Daxnera, 979 01 Rimavská Sobota
047/563 20 32
3) Reštaurácia OMEGA
Košická cesta 1935, 979 01 Rimavská Sobota
0905 356 992
4) Junior
Železničná 696, 979 01 Rimavská Sobota
5) Incognito bistorant
Malohontská 1545/10, 979 01 Rimavská Sobota
0948 199 970
6) Starý Dom reštaurácia
Cukrovarská 27, 979 01 Rimavská Sobota
0910 319 233
7) Restaurant Palazzo
Rybárska 2847 97901, 979 01 Rimavská Sobota-Sobôtka
0918 317 744
8) Reštaurácia Lýceum
Bélu Bartóka 1040, 979 01 Rimavská Sobota
0915 817 897
9) Reštaurácia Europa
Kalmana Mikszátha 30, 979 01 Rimavská Sobota
047/562 70 49
10) Zoraya Restaurant & Caffé
Cukrovarská 5231/1 H, 979 01 Rimavská Sobota
0907 871 629
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#4k #solo_traveler_7o #slovakia #bratislava
Rimavská sobota v lete 2020
Rimavská sobota v lete 2020 (Rima Somba) Zaber z drona na centrum mesta
Vígľaš Castle & Hotel - Slovakia
A piece of history revived - it is this beautifully reconstructed castle in the heart of Slovakia dating back to the 13th century and the era of knights and kings . This is were history meets the luxury of a 4* hotel with wellness and amazing cuisine. Worth visiting and provides great care and possibility to rest.
Štrbské Pleso - Vysoké Tatry 🇸🇰 8K Slovakia - Tip na výlet
Ahojte, dnes kratke video z prechadzky popri štrbkom plese. Musim sa priznat, ze v Tatrach som bol uz mnoho krat, no strbske pleso som nejako vzdy obchadzal .. az doteraz.
Uzite si kratke video s prijemnou hudbou na pozadi pri sledovani tejto krasy Slovenska az v 8K rozliseni.
Dobrá kniha vždy poteší a veľké množstvo ich nájdete na stránke, pričom nákupom cez tento odkaz podporíte aj nás, za čo sme vďační :-)
#8k #slovakia #8kslovakia #scenic #view #nature #travel #hiking #europe #slovensko #tatry #vysoketatry #strbskepleso #tipnavylet
Slovakia: Rimavská Sobota - Hungarian border. Roads 50, 71.
Starting in Rimavská Sobota and driving on Road 50/E571 (partly R2) then a secondary road (#571003) as a shortcut to Road 71, which takes us to the border.
Music changed (copyright)
Rozhladňa a kaplnka Zbojská
Drevená vyhliadková veža spojená s kaplnkou sa stala novou dominantou horského sedla Zbojská nad Tisovcom v okrese Rimavská Sobota.
YouTube - SLOVENSKO ZHORA - Tipy na výlety po Slovensku.
Slovakia from above - tips for hiking.
Hi, I live in Europe - Slovakia, and love YouTube.
It topped Lonely Planet’s Best in Europe list for 2019, which highlights the most exciting places to visit across the continent.
Visit Slovakia High Tatras, Low Tatras and other mountains in Slovakia.
Welcome to Slovakia.
Téryho chata
Hrad Muráň - Náučný chodník Muránsky hrad - Muránska planina - Veľká lúka
Najdlhší visutý lanový most na Slovensku - Via Ferrata Skalka
ZIPLINE Kubínska Hoľa
Esztergomi Bazilika - Párkány - Štúrovo
Najjužnejšie a najnižšie položený lyžiarsky svah na Slovensku v obci Čechy
Ostrá a Tlstá - Veľká Fatra
Trnava na bicykli
Výstup na vrch Ostrá
Túra na vrch Tlstá z Blatnice po modrej značke
Best in Europe 2019
Hrebeňom Veľkej Fatry
Národný park Muránska planina - Hrad Muráň
Chata pod Rysmi - Sedlo pod Rysmi - Sedlo Váha - Rysy
TOP 69 Hradov, Zámkov a Zrúcanin na Slovensku
Čachtický hrad
Čachtické podzemie
Hrebeňovka Veľká Fatra
Vysoké Tatry - Kriváň - Rysy - Skalnaté pleso - Lomnický štít
Popradské pleso
Vlkolinec UNESCO Slovakia
Výstup na Rysy zo Štrbského Plesa - trasa
Vodný mlyn v Kolárove
Rozhľadňa Vápenná
Biela noc Bratislava
Jánošíkove diery - Malý Rozsutec - Malá Fatra
Žabie plesá - Vysoké Tatry
Chopok - Juh
Piesočnatá pláž na rieke Dunaj - Štúrovo
Výstup na Kriváň
Vyhliadková veža Bojnice
Chodník korunami stromov Bachledka
Lomnický štít - Skalnaté pleso - Vysoké Tatry.
Chopok - Nízke Tatry
Kremnica - Rozhľadňa Krahuľský vrch
Splavovanie Dunaja - Vodné dielo Gabčíkovo
Historický Prezidentský vlak
Hradisko VALY v Bojnej - Hradisko Bojná
Lanovka na Lomnický štít
Haličská Motorkáreň
festival MYJAVA
Letecký Deň Nové Zámky
Kráľova hoľa na bicykli
Epicentrum Lásky v Dome Maríny v Banskej Štiavnici
Krojované Bábätká - Kalendár
Náučným chodníkom Súľovské skaly
DinoPark Bratislava
ZOO Bratislava
Abecedný zoznam Hrady, Zámky, Kaštiele a Zrúcaniny na Slovensku
Castles and castle ruins in Slovakia
Bratislava - turistický sprievodca mestom.
Kompa cez Dunaj
Hrady, zámky, kaštiele a krásy Slovenska.
Tips for Trips Around Slovakia.
Pozrite sa na svet z výšky.
Look at the world from a height.
Najkrajšie miesta na Slovensku.
The most beautiful places in Slovakia.
Prírodné krásy a zaujímavosti.
Enjoy Castle from a bird's eye view.
Amazing Castles in Slovakia You Must Definitely See.
Secure holidays in Slovakia.
Bratislava | Journey to Slovakia 🇸🇰 | Part 1
Finally a new adventure once again! This time a bit closer to home and to the neighboring country of Slovakia. Once not so long ago Slovakia and the Czech republic used to be one and the same country but even back then they still had their own identity. Now fast forward 30 years and you can see both difference and similarities.
This time we take the train for a ride across the boarder into the main capital city of Slovakia, Bratislava. After a ride of 4,5 hours I finally arrived in a capital city that somehow does not feel like one.
First impression matter for sure and that is a good thing for this city. It's part one of some..(still haven't figured out how many) More to come about all the touristic locations. If you want to see more about upcoming videos and countries do make sure to follow my Instagram!
Vyšný Skalník- Lukovištia- Drienčany ∆ hiking trails ∆
more information on
#3Dletsgooutdoors #3Dnature #3Dtrail
Trasa 13,1 km / Trvanie 3:40 hod / Stúpanie 342 m / Klesanie 356 m
Slovak Republic, more videos at or
Kliknite na ODOBERAŤ, aby ste mali možnosť vidieť každý deň novú turistickú trasu alebo cyklotrasu v podobe 3D mapy.
Restaurants in Ružomberok, Slovakia
Have a really tasty meal again, in a good restaurant or eatery nearby. Enjoy a great dinner with near Ružomberok. Whether gourmet, fast food or a romantic candlelight dinner, you will find something suitable here.
Here you can find Restaurants in Ružomberok, Slovakia:
Bystrická cesta 5647/55C, 034 01 Ružomberok
0908 999 165
2) Familiya - Modern Family Cuisine
Hurbanova 5, 034 01 Ružomberok
044/202 02 00
3) Ristorante Camino
Čutkovská 105, 034 06 Ružomberok-Černová
044/433 29 80
4) Burger Bar
33, Podhora 1297, 034 01 Ružomberok
0948 481 333
5) Restaurant Vlkolínec
Vlkolínec 9040, 034 03 Ružomberok
0908 660 349
6) Salaš Krajinka
Salaš Krajinka,, Ružomberok
0918 964 800
7) Čierny kameň - craft beer restaurant
Mariánska 3, 034 01 Ružomberok
0944 262 054
8) Café Bistro chez les Moustiques
Námestie Andreja Hlinku 17, 034 01 Ružomberok
0948 769 640
9) Jedáleň Bodega
Maroša Madačova 5, 034 01 Ružomberok
0907 138 271
10) Bufet pod hruškou
Hlavná stanica, 034 01 Ružomberok
0948 833 205
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Twin Room Review @ Tatra Hotel, Poprad, Slovakia - 4K
Book now:
*Twin Room Review @ Tatra Hotel, Poprad, Slovakia*
*Location and Accessibility*
The Tatra Hotel in Poprad, Slovakia, is ideally situated for travelers looking to explore the High Tatras region. Conveniently located near the city center, the hotel offers easy access to local attractions, restaurants, and public transportation. The proximity to the Poprad-Tatry train station makes it an excellent base for those planning to visit the nearby mountains.
*Room Comfort and Amenities*
The twin rooms at the Tatra Hotel are designed with comfort and convenience in mind. Each room is spacious and well-appointed, featuring two comfortable single beds, a flat-screen TV, and a work desk. The decor is modern and minimalist, creating a relaxing atmosphere for guests. Complimentary Wi-Fi is available throughout the hotel, ensuring that guests can stay connected during their stay.
*Bathroom Facilities*
The en-suite bathrooms in the twin rooms are clean and functional, equipped with a shower, toilet, and a sink. Guests are provided with fresh towels, toiletries, and a hairdryer. The hotel ensures that the bathrooms are regularly cleaned and well-maintained to provide a pleasant experience for guests.
*Dining Options*
The Tatra Hotel boasts an on-site restaurant that serves a variety of local and international dishes. Guests can enjoy a hearty breakfast buffet each morning, which includes a selection of hot and cold items such as eggs, sausages, pastries, fruits, and cereals. For lunch and dinner, the restaurant offers an à la carte menu featuring Slovakian specialties and popular international cuisine.
*Additional Services and Facilities*
In addition to comfortable rooms and a restaurant, the Tatra Hotel provides a range of additional services and facilities to enhance the guest experience. These include a 24-hour front desk, luggage storage, and laundry services. The hotel also has conference and meeting facilities, making it a suitable choice for business travelers.
*Guest Feedback*
Guests who have stayed in the twin rooms at the Tatra Hotel generally report positive experiences. They appreciate the cleanliness, comfort, and convenient location of the hotel. The friendly and helpful staff are often mentioned in reviews, as well as the quality of the breakfast buffet. Some guests have noted that the decor is somewhat basic, but overall, the hotel offers excellent value for money.
*Keywords:* Twin Room, Tatra Hotel, Poprad, Slovakia, High Tatras, comfortable beds, modern decor, Wi-Fi, en-suite bathroom, restaurant, breakfast buffet, Slovakian cuisine, 24-hour front desk, business facilities
Book now:
Bratislava Lake - Zlaté Piesky
Visit to the lake in Bratislava. Zlaté Piesky - The Golden Sands
Bratislava, July, 2019
Hotel Sobota - Poprad Hotels, Slovakia
Hotel Sobota 3 Stars Hotel in Poprad, Slovakia Within US Travel Directory Located in a quiet area of Poprad, Hotel Sobota is only 400 m from the historic market square of the Spisska-Sobotska quarter. It offers a breakfast buffet and free Wi-Fi. All of the rooms provide satellite TV and a desk. Each unit comes with a private bathroom, either with a shower or a bathtub. Guests of the Sobota can relax in the winter garden or on the summer terrace.
A small library and a souvenir shop are also available.
The buffet breakfast can be enjoyed in the restaurant of the Hotel Sobota, which also serves traditional Slovak as well as international cuisine.
Within 600 metres, guests can reach the AquaCity water park.
The centre of Poprad is a 10-minute walk away.
The High Tatras mountain range with its numerous ski slopes can be reached within 15 minutes by car.
Parking is free of charge.
Hotels Located in :
Hotel Sobota - Poprad Hotels, Slovakia
Location in : Kežmarská 988/15, 058 01 Poprad, Slovakia
Booking Now :
Hotels list and More information visit U.S. Travel Directory
Driving in Slovakia from Dunajská Streda to Bratislava in 4K
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