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10 Best place to visit in Rajec Slovakia


Čičmany, Rajec a Rajecká Lesná - Slovakia [HD] Travel Magazín 005 (Travel Channel Slovakia)

Cestopisný magazín z produkcie Travel Channel Slovakia predstavuje najzaujímavejšie destinácie, hotely, turistické atrakcie a podujatia vo svete.
HD Televízia a mediálna agentúra pre najefektívnejší online marketing v cestovnom ruchu. - - -
© Travel Channel Slovakia 2015

Slovakia - TOP 12 places you MUST SEE | CINEMATIC video

Slovakia is a hidden gem in the heart of Europe you probably never heard of.
You can find here the most epic castles like from a fairytale, stunning nature, beautiful historic cities and traditional folk villages.
Enjoy 12 best places you need to see in Slovakia and consider visiting this country.
If you like the video please like, comment, share and subscribe for more :).

12 places in Slovakia you need to see:
1. Banská Štiavnica
2. Bojnice castle
3. Súľov rocks
4. Orava castle
5. Slovak paradise
6. Bratislava castle
7. St. Elisabeth Cathedral in Košice
8. Vlkolínec village
9. High Tatras
10. Spiš castle
11. Devín castle
12. Čičmany village
bonus closing shot - Hriňovské lazy during spring.
Slovensko je ukrytý klenot v srdci Európy. Môžete tu nájsť majestátne hrady a zámky ako z rozprávky, úchvatné prírodné scenérie, prekrásne historické mestá a tradičné ľudové dedinky.
Užite si 12 najkrajších miest, ktoré na Slovensku musíte vidieť.
Ak sa vám video páči dajte like, koment, zdieľajte a príhlaste sa na odber aby vám neunikli ďaľšie videá.

12 najkrajších miest, ktoré si nesmiete nechať újsť:
1. Banská Štiavnica
2. Bojnický zámok
3. Súľovské skaly
4. Oravský hrad
5. Slovenský raj
6. Bratislavský hrad
7. Dóm sv. Alžbety v Košiciach
8. Vlkolínec
9. Vysoké Tatry
10. Spišský hrad
11. Hrad Devín
12. Čičmany
bonusový zatvárací záber - Hriňovské lazy na jar.

Music by Scott Buckley - Freedom
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Milí priatelia,
prinášame vám ďalšie video 🎬 z Rajeckej doliny, v ktorom vám Mesto Rajec a jeho vzácne poklady predstaví sám p. primátor Ing. MILAN LIPKA. Veríme, že bude pre vás inšpiráciou, aby ste toto mestečko s bohatou históriou navštívili a viac spoznali.

A to nie je všetko. Máme pre vás pripravenú aj SÚŤAŽ 🎁 o ceny, ktoré venovalo Mesto Rajec. Ak sa zapojíte do našej súťaže, môžete vyhrať 5 celodenných vstupov na termálne kúpalisko Veronika v Rajci alebo hodnotnú knihu o histórii Mesta Rajec i Rajeckej doliny s podpismi autorov + milú šálku s motívom Rajca. Stačí, aby ste dali like👍 na našu stránku, zdieľali tento príspevok a napísali nám do komentára 💬, čo ste v Rajci už navštívili, alebo by ste chceli navštíviť. Mená dvoch výhercov 🍀 sa dozviete v piatok 7.8.2020.

Viac informácií o Meste Rajec, ktoré je tiež členom Oblastnej organizácie cestovného ruchu Rajecká dolina, nájdete na

Top 10 Best Tourist Places to Visit in Martin | Slovakia - English

#MartinPlaces #PlacesInMartin #Slovakia #Martin
Martin is one of the biggest tourist attractions in Slovakia having many best places in Martin. Martin is a city in northern Slovakia, situated on the Turiec river, between the Malá Fatra and Veľká Fatra mountains, near the city of Žilina. The population numbers approximately 54,000, which makes it the ninth-largest city in Slovakia. It is the center of the Turiec region and the District of Martin. So to help you figure out the places you need to try, we've gathered up a bucket list of the best Places in Martin that you won't regret going to.

Wiki Peaks is on a mission to promote the tourism in the World. We are here to show you the beautiful places in the world. You can see the beauty of this world from the comfort of your home.

There are many beautiful places in Martin. Slovakia has some of the best places in Martin. We collected data on the top 10 places to visit in Martin. There are many famous places in Martin and some of them are beautiful places in Martin. People from all over Slovakia love these Martin beautiful places which are also Martin famous places. In this video, we will show you the beautiful places to visit in Martin.

Please help us in our cause and share this channel as much as possible with your friends and family.

***All images used in this video are a property of their owners. We have no intention of showing these images as our own property. We used these images just to promote tourism.***

1993_07 Mestá a tváre RAJEC

Dokumentárna spomienka na posledných rajeckých pohrebných spevákov Štefana Smatanu a troch bratov Cinkových vo výreze dokumentu Slovenskej televízie z roku 1993 s názvom Mestá a tváre, Rajec.

Vlkolínec, Slovakia Full HD

Vlkolínec je podhorská osada, vsadená do strmého, nádherného prostredia Veľkej Fatry v nadmorskej výške 718 metrov. Je pamiatkovou rezerváciou ľudovej architektúry, pozostávajúci z typických zrubových objektov. Od roku 1993 je Vlkolínec zapísaný do Zoznamu Svetového dedičstva UNESCO.

shot on camera:
DJI Osmo Pocket


3.8.2022. Rajec kyslík - Challenge O2 vo vlaku 🚝... II.

#shorts #shortsvideo #kosice #košice #slovensko #slovakia #slowakei #challenge #mineralwater #o2 #oxygen #bubbles #train #zug #expresstrain #road #roadtrip #travel #trip

Rajec - centrum, namestie

7.11.2015 - Centrum Rajca je v sobotu na obed vyludnene a vyzera cca takto...
video z miesta: N 49° 05.324' E 018° 38.116'

Cicmany, Unesco Village, Slovakia

Čičmany, Unesco village, Slovakia 2019
Čičmany (Hungarian: Csicsmány, German: Zimmermannshau) is a village and municipality in Žilina District in the Žilina Region of northern Slovakia. It contains a folk architecture reserve, which was founded in 1977.
Timbered houses with ridge roofs, galleries and pointed or linear wall decorations have been preserved in Čičmany. Of particular interest are the very specific white patterns which are painted on the exterior walls of the houses to decorate them. The local folk music, special folk costumes and folk dances of the village have been preserved as well.

Wachumba Outdoor Rajec

Skolsky koncorocny vylet ZS. Myjava 27.5-29.5

【K】Slovakia Travel-Zilina[슬로바키아 여행-질리나]치치마니 마을의 나무 집/Wooden House/Cicmany Village/UNESCO/Symbol

■ KBS 걸어서 세계속으로 PD들이 직접 만든 해외여행전문 유투브 채널 【Everywhere, K】
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[한국어 정보]
몇 백 년 된 나무집 위에 낙서 같은 문양이 있는 마을. 이 나무집과 문양이 합쳐져 세계 문화유산으로 지정받은 곳이다. 세계대전 중 이 깊은 산골에서 먹을 것이 부족하자 사람들을 불러들이기 위해 밋밋한 집에 그림을 그리기 시작했던 것. 자수의 문양을 집에 그려놓으니 외지 사람들이 몰려들고 그들에 기대어 생활을 꾸려갈 수 있었다. 마침 기름칠한 목재 위에 문양을 그리는 소녀가 있다. 별로 어렵지 않게 그림을 그린다. “사람들은 자신들의 감정이 어떤지, 어떻게 살아왔는지를 나타내는 상징물로서 집에 다양한 그림을 그렸습니다.”

[English: Google Translator]
Village with graffiti like pattern over a few hundred-year-old wooden houses. This is where the combined pattern is made of logs and received designation as a World Heritage Site. Let's not lack of food in the deep mountain of World War will figure in the boring home to call people deulyigi started drawing. Noteuni draw a pattern of embroidery in other places people are flocking home, leaning on them were able to earn a living. There is a girl drawing a pattern onto a greased wooden finish. Not very hard to draw the picture. People are what they are feeling, how I drew a picture in the house as a symbol representing a variety of come alive.

[Slovak: Google Translator]
Dediny s graffiti ako vzor viac ako niekoľko sto rokov starých drevených domov. To je miesto, kde je kombinovaný model vyrobený z klád a získal označenie ako svetového kultúrneho dedičstva UNESCO. Poďme sa nedostatok potravín v hlbokom kopci svetovej vojny bude figurovať v nudné doma volať ľudí deulyigi začal kresliť. Noteuni nakresliť vzor výšivky na ďalších miestach ľudia hrnú domov, opierajúc sa o nich boli schopní zarábať na živobytie. Tam je dievča kreslenie vzoru na vymasteného drevenú povrchovou úpravou. Nie veľmi ťažké nakresliť obrázok. Ľudia sú to, čo sa cíti, ako som nakreslil obraz v dome ako symbol predstavujúci rôzne ožije.

■클립명: 유럽100-슬로바키아01-10 치치마니 마을의 나무 집/Wooden House/Cicmany Village/UNESCO/Symbol
■여행, 촬영, 편집, 원고: 설상환 PD (travel, filming, editing, writing: KBS TV Producer)
■촬영일자: 2010년 9월 September

유럽,Europe,유럽,슬로바키아,Slovakia,Slovakia,,설상환,2010,9월 September,질리나,Zilina,Zilina

Walking Tour: Vlkolínec, Slovakia / Pěší výlet: Vlkolínec, Slovensko

Vlkolínec, Slovakia, is a picturesque village under the administration of the town of Ružomberok. Historically, however, it was a separate village. The first written mention of the village came from 1376 and after 1882 it became part of Ružomberok. Its name is probably derived from the Slovak word vlk, i. e. wolf.
Vlkolínec has been listed as a UNESCO World Heritage site since 1993, and is one of ten Slovak villages that have been given the status of a folk architecture reservations. This status was granted because the village is an untouched and complex example of folk countryside architecture of the region of the Northern Carpathians.( )
3D version:
Short version:

Vlkolínec je podhorská osada, miestna časť okresného mesta Ružomberok v Žilinskom kraji. Je pamiatkovou rezerváciou ľudovej architektúry a ako pozoruhodne zachovaný sídelný celok, pozostávajúci z typických zrubových objektov charakteristického stredoeurópskeho typu, je od roku 1993 zapísaný do Zoznamu Svetového dedičstva UNESCO.( )
3D verzio:
Krátka verzia:

Vlkolínec -- wieś położona na słowackim Liptowie, administracyjnie wchodzi w skład miasta Ružomberok, w kraju żylińskim.
We wsi zachowało się typowe dla górskich obszarów Słowacji budownictwo wiejskie. Grupa 45 zabudowań tworzy żywy skansen słowackiej architektury ludowej.
W 1993 wieś została wpisana na listę światowego dziedzictwa UNESCO.( )
Wersja 3D:
Wersja skrócona:

Čičmany under snow [4K] village in Slovakia

Enjoy unique and beautiful architecture and visuals.
#travel #slovakia
The name of the village Čičmany is derived from a Slovak word Kyčman which means village on the mountain peak
Timbered houses with ridge roofs, galleries and pointed or linear wall decorations have been preserved in Čičmany. Of particular interest are the very specific white patterns which are painted on the exterior walls of the houses to decorate them. The local folk music, special folk costumes and folk dances of the village have been preserved as well. *wiki

film by Toni Lekic Visuals

Aphrodite Kúpele, Wellness Spa Rajecké Teplice, hotel APHRODITE PALACE 4****, Slovakia 2021

Aphrodite Kúpele, Wellness Spa Rajecké Teplice, hotel APHRODITE PALACE 4****, Slovakia 2021,

Deň v Rajeckej doline

Prežite krásny deň v Rajeckej doline, navštívte prekrásne Čičmany, spoznajte našu históriu v Slovenskom betleheme, preskúmajte Mestské múzeum v Rajci či Múžeum dopravy v Rajeckých Tepliciach, pokochajte sa krásnymi výhľadmi z našej vyhliadky, oddýchnite si v Kúpeľoch Spa Aphrodite a dajte si nakoniec dobrú večeru v jednej z našich vynikajúcich reštaurácií :)

Rajecká Lesná - Gejzír, Betlehem a Kalvária

Krásne miesta sa tu dajú vidieť a toto je len pár z nich, ktoré sa dajú v Rajeckej Lesnej vidieť.

Slovenský Betlehem :

Frivaldská Kalvária:

Betlehem Rajecká Lesná 4K -

Viac informácií o Betleheme v Rajeckej Lesnej nájdete na

Kamera: Igor Majan
Technika: Lumix GX80, Steadycam Tarion 40cm

Čičmany Slovakia Travel. A museum village, inhabited.

Čičmany Slovakia Travel. A museum village, inhabited.
Enjoying nature!

The houses of Čičmany, Slovakia

All credit for this wobbly and erratic short clip go to my son :-)

The houses of Čičmany are often referred to as the gingerbread houses.
Čičmany is a beautiful little village; nestle in the stunning green valleys of North-West Slovakia.

A little history:
In the late 18th century the local residents of the small village of Čičmany started decorating their houses with lime as a way of preserving deteriorating wood.
Over time this developed into the elaborate patterns you see today.

In 1921 a fire raged through Čičmany almost completely destroying the town.
The villagers rebuilt the destroyed buildings and created new decorative designs.

After being rebuilt the village was then occupied by Nazi soldiers who set the village ablaze during World War II.

After the war, the Office for the Care of Historical Monuments in Bratislava oversaw the second massive reconstruction of the village.

The In 1979 the village was protected by the government as a cultural reservation.

The history of Čičmany has been documented as far back as 1272.

Skalky (Rajecké Teplice)

© Crystal Vision 2011



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