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10 Best place to visit in Porto dos Mosteiros Cape Verde


Cabo Verde, Santiago Island, Praia, Cidade Velha

Trip to Santiago island on Cabo Verde, Praia and Cidade Velha

Cabo Verde Fogo Road to Cova Figueira, Gopro / Cap-Vert Fogo Route vers Cova Figueira, Gopro

One man, one camera, 197 country around the world

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The majority of journalists around the world have chosen to develop their subject on controversial and sensational themes: violence, war, crime. But all these facts represent only 1% of our world and its inhabitants, forgetting the remaining 99% of which we never speak.
I chose to visit every country on the planet and film them to present them in High Definition format but in a raw way, without music, without comment. Simply, reality in all its truth. Thus, you will be able to make your own idea of ​​the world in which you live.
Currently, I have already visited nearly 170 countries and my world tour continues thanks to you who follow me.
If you like my job, subscribe to my channel. You will be the first to know about new publications.

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La majorité des journalistes dans le monde ont choisi de développer leur sujet sur des thèmes polémiques et sensationnels : violence, guerre, criminalité. Mais tous ces faits ne représentent que 1 % de notre monde et de ses habitants, en oubliant les 99 % restant dont on ne parle jamais.
J’ai choisi de visiter chaque pays de la planète et de les filmer pour vous les présenter en format Haute définition mais de manière brute, sans musique, sans commentaire. Simplement, la réalité dans toute sa vérité. Ainsi, vous pourrez vous faire votre propre idée sur le monde dans lequel vous vivez.
Actuellement, j’ai déjà visité près de 170 pays et mon tour du monde continue grâce à vous qui me suivez.
Si vous aimez mon travail, abonnez-vous à ma chaîne. Vous serez ainsi les premiers informés des nouvelles publications.

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Cabo Verde Fogo Road to Salinas, Gopro / Cap-Vert Fogo Route vers Salinas, Gopro

One man, one camera, 197 country around the world

Click here to subscribe

The majority of journalists around the world have chosen to develop their subject on controversial and sensational themes: violence, war, crime. But all these facts represent only 1% of our world and its inhabitants, forgetting the remaining 99% of which we never speak.
I chose to visit every country on the planet and film them to present them in High Definition format but in a raw way, without music, without comment. Simply, reality in all its truth. Thus, you will be able to make your own idea of ​​the world in which you live.
Currently, I have already visited nearly 170 countries and my world tour continues thanks to you who follow me.
If you like my job, subscribe to my channel. You will be the first to know about new publications.

Cliquez ici pour vous abonner

La majorité des journalistes dans le monde ont choisi de développer leur sujet sur des thèmes polémiques et sensationnels : violence, guerre, criminalité. Mais tous ces faits ne représentent que 1 % de notre monde et de ses habitants, en oubliant les 99 % restant dont on ne parle jamais.
J’ai choisi de visiter chaque pays de la planète et de les filmer pour vous les présenter en format Haute définition mais de manière brute, sans musique, sans commentaire. Simplement, la réalité dans toute sa vérité. Ainsi, vous pourrez vous faire votre propre idée sur le monde dans lequel vous vivez.
Actuellement, j’ai déjà visité près de 170 pays et mon tour du monde continue grâce à vous qui me suivez.
Si vous aimez mon travail, abonnez-vous à ma chaîne. Vous serez ainsi les premiers informés des nouvelles publications.

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Cabo Verde Sao Filipe Road to downtown /Cap-Vert Fogo Sao Filipe Route vers centre ville, Gopro

One man, one camera, 197 country around the world

Click here to subscribe

The majority of journalists around the world have chosen to develop their subject on controversial and sensational themes: violence, war, crime. But all these facts represent only 1% of our world and its inhabitants, forgetting the remaining 99% of which we never speak.
I chose to visit every country on the planet and film them to present them in High Definition format but in a raw way, without music, without comment. Simply, reality in all its truth. Thus, you will be able to make your own idea of ​​the world in which you live.
Currently, I have already visited nearly 170 countries and my world tour continues thanks to you who follow me.
If you like my job, subscribe to my channel. You will be the first to know about new publications.

Cliquez ici pour vous abonner

La majorité des journalistes dans le monde ont choisi de développer leur sujet sur des thèmes polémiques et sensationnels : violence, guerre, criminalité. Mais tous ces faits ne représentent que 1 % de notre monde et de ses habitants, en oubliant les 99 % restant dont on ne parle jamais.
J’ai choisi de visiter chaque pays de la planète et de les filmer pour vous les présenter en format Haute définition mais de manière brute, sans musique, sans commentaire. Simplement, la réalité dans toute sa vérité. Ainsi, vous pourrez vous faire votre propre idée sur le monde dans lequel vous vivez.
Actuellement, j’ai déjà visité près de 170 pays et mon tour du monde continue grâce à vous qui me suivez.
Si vous aimez mon travail, abonnez-vous à ma chaîne. Vous serez ainsi les premiers informés des nouvelles publications.

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Paradiesische Strände, türkisblaues Wasser, abwechslungsreiche Natur - Griechenland hat wirklich viel zu bieten. Im Frühjahr, von Januar bis Mai, waren wir mit unserem Campervan in Griechenland unterwegs. Genauer gesagt auf der Peloponnes-Halbinsel ganz im Süden des Landes. Und heute wollen wir euch 10 unserer Highlights von dort zeigen. Wir finden nämlich, dass die Peloponnes eines der abwechslungsreichsten und tollsten Reiseziele Europas ist. Viel Spaß!

0:00 Intro
1:29 Ochsenbauchbucht / Voidokilia Beach
3:17 Mani Halbinsel (Teil 1 - Westen)
6:00 Historische Stätten (Epidauros, Olympia, Sparta, Mystras, Mykene, Akrokorinth)
8:57 Neda Wasserfälle
10:19 Geopark Agios Nikolaos
12:40 Monemvasia
15:13 Westküste / Strände
18:36 Berge im Landesinneren
21:07 Saladi Beach (Saladi Hotel & Franchthi Höhle)
23:45 Mani Halbinsel (Teil 2 - Süden & Osten)
27:52 Ausblick

Hier die Playlist mit all unseren Videos aus Griechenland:

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Tina & Dirk


En Bourgogne, entre Saône et Loire | Secrets des Châteaux et Hospices | Trésors du Patrimoine

Vue du ciel, la Bourgogne apparaît comme une terre de nuances, un paysage de plaines et de vignobles traversé par de nombreux canaux.

Amoureux de la France et du patrimoine, ses trésors n'auront plus de secrets pour vous 👉

En compagnie d'un géographe, fin connaisseur des contours de la région, voyage le long de la Saône, en passant par Mâcon, Beaune et Dijon. Christophe Voros évoque l'histoire des abbayes clunisiennes et cisterciennes, symboles du Moyen Age. Rencontre avec Marc Désarménien, maître moutardier qui cherche à réintroduire la culture de cette graine, disparue depuis les années 60. Zoom également sur les châteaux de Bourgogne, les hospices de Beaune, le patrimoine naturel et industriel de la région, avec les 135 îles de la Loire et la dynastie Schneider, au Creusot.

En Bourgogne, entre Saône et Loire
Un documentaire de la collection Des Racines et des Ailes, écrit et réalisé par Lucile Bellanger.
Tout droits réservés - AMP

Bienvenue sur Trésors du Patrimoine, votre passeport pour explorer le riche patrimoine et l'art de vivre français. Partez à la découverte des régions de France et de leur patrimoine : Sites historiques, panoramas naturels, traditions, savoir-faire artisanal, culture, Histoire..
#patrimoine #france #documentaire

Rhodes Greece 2024 Travel Guide: 25 Best Things to Do on The Island of The Colossus

Welcome to my travel vlog about Rhodes, Greece! In this video, you will see the 25 best things to do in Rhodes and many tips to plan your trip.

Rhodes, the largest of the Dodecanese Islands, is located at the crossroads of the Mediterranean Sea routes, the Aegean Sea and the coast of the Middle East.

Because of its strategic position, Rhodes, one of the most prominent cities of ancient Greece, was invaded by many civilizations, including the Arabs, the Romans, the Knights of Saint John, the Ottoman, and the Italians.

Nowadays the only invasion we see on Rhodes are millions of tourists flocking to the island to discover why it is considered one of the best places to visit in Europe.

There are many things to do in Rhodes, the island of the god Sun, Apollo, and the famous Colossus. It exudes natural beauty, and history and has something for every traveller’s wanderlust.

In this video, you will find what to do in Rhodes and many tips to help you have an unforgettable time in Greece.

You can find everything to do in Rhodes on my Rhodes travel guide:

There's also a post about the best beaches on Rhodes:

And what to do in Lindos:

🇬🇷 Popular tours/activities in Rhodes:

1 - All-Inclusive Day Cruise with BBQ & Unlimited Drinks (top-selling tour):
2 - High-Speed Boat to Symi Island and St George’s Bay (best day trip from Rhodes):
3 - Guided Bus Trip to Lindos Village & Seven Springs (free pickup and drop-off included):

#rhodes #greece

Mosteiros, Fogo in September 2020

This video is of the area around Fajanzinha during the rain season. It was taken in September of 2020. It show a very green landscape and ends with some shots of kids swimming.

Music: El e Sabim by Grace Evora

Ilha do Fogo - Cabo Verde

Ilha do Fogo

Cycling alone along the Tagus river in Lisbon

This time I was being brave and decided to go cycling alone to the city center.
So come and join me to explore the city along the river guys!

Here are the links to watch my previous vlogs 😉
VISITING CABO DA ROCA, Portugal | The westernmost point in continental Europe!
LISBON SIGHTSEEING Part 1 - Jerónimos Monastery, Tropical botanical garden, Pastéis de Belém
DON'T MISS THESE PLACES! - Lisbon sightseeing part 2 (Castelo de Sao Jorge, monastery, viewpoint)
Beautiful museums in Lisbon! - Lisbon Sightseeing Part 3 (Palácio Nacional da Ajuda and more!)
Short trip to Sintra - Santuário da Peninha & Praia do Guincho

Happy & Dawg's Instagram


Mosteiros Fogo

Drone video of Murro, Tchada and Fajazinha.

Made by Luis Rosa.

Cabo Verde - Oásis Tarrafal Alfândega Suites - Ilha Santiago

Cutelo Alto Fogo

🇨🇻 Primeira cidade portuguesa em África (Ribeira Grande de Santiago) #0042

Neste vídeo trouxemos um pouco de percurso cidade da Praia - Cidade Velha, localizada no concelho ou município de Ribera Grande Santiago, ilha de Santiago, república de Cabo Verde.

Cidade Velha, agora chamada de Ribeira Grande de Santiago também por conta do seu antigo nome é considerada berço da nação cabo-verdiana (deixamos link de um site com essa matéria) dado que foi o local onde os portugueses se instalaram e definiram com sendo seus interposto comercial.

Cidade Velha está muito próxima da cidade da Praia, dista apenas uns escassos 20 minutos.

Como centro do município, Cidade Velha dispõe do Paço de Concelho, uma esquadra policial, banco comercial, posto de saúde, serviços de cartório e notariado, igreja, entre vários outros serviços importantes.

Cidade Velha é um lugar turístico por excelência, daí a construção de alguns importantes empreendimentos turísticos nessa região da ilha, a destacar o Hotel Vulcão, o Espaço Pôr do Sol, o Ocean Vew, Quinta da Limeira, Baía do Coral, Hotel Limeira, entre vários outros e alguns serviços de restauração e bar.

Em 26 de junho de 2009, foi declarada a Ribeira Grande de Santiago (Cidade Velha) como Património Mundial da Humanidade pela UNESCO.
(Link de um site com esta matéria em baixo)

Delicie-se com as belíssimas imagens capturadas neste vlog.

#ConcelhoDeRibeiraGrandeDeSantiago #MunicípioDeRibeiraGrandeDeSantiago #MunicípioDeRibeiraGrandeDeSantiago #IlhaDeSantiago #CaboVerde

Cidade Velha, berço da nação cabo-verdiana:

Ribeira Grande de Santiago, património mundial da humanidade:

Cabo Verde Fogo Exit to Cha das Caldeiras, Gopro / Cap-Vert Fogo Sortie de Chas das Caldeira, Gopro

One man, one camera, 197 country around the world

Click here to subscribe

The majority of journalists around the world have chosen to develop their subject on controversial and sensational themes: violence, war, crime. But all these facts represent only 1% of our world and its inhabitants, forgetting the remaining 99% of which we never speak.
I chose to visit every country on the planet and film them to present them in High Definition format but in a raw way, without music, without comment. Simply, reality in all its truth. Thus, you will be able to make your own idea of ​​the world in which you live.
Currently, I have already visited nearly 170 countries and my world tour continues thanks to you who follow me.
If you like my job, subscribe to my channel. You will be the first to know about new publications.

Cliquez ici pour vous abonner

La majorité des journalistes dans le monde ont choisi de développer leur sujet sur des thèmes polémiques et sensationnels : violence, guerre, criminalité. Mais tous ces faits ne représentent que 1 % de notre monde et de ses habitants, en oubliant les 99 % restant dont on ne parle jamais.
J’ai choisi de visiter chaque pays de la planète et de les filmer pour vous les présenter en format Haute définition mais de manière brute, sans musique, sans commentaire. Simplement, la réalité dans toute sa vérité. Ainsi, vous pourrez vous faire votre propre idée sur le monde dans lequel vous vivez.
Actuellement, j’ai déjà visité près de 170 pays et mon tour du monde continue grâce à vous qui me suivez.
Si vous aimez mon travail, abonnez-vous à ma chaîne. Vous serez ainsi les premiers informés des nouvelles publications.

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Cabo Verde Fogo Road in the island, Gopro / Cap-Vert Fogo Route dans l'île, Gopro

One man, one camera, 197 country around the world

Click here to subscribe

The majority of journalists around the world have chosen to develop their subject on controversial and sensational themes: violence, war, crime. But all these facts represent only 1% of our world and its inhabitants, forgetting the remaining 99% of which we never speak.
I chose to visit every country on the planet and film them to present them in High Definition format but in a raw way, without music, without comment. Simply, reality in all its truth. Thus, you will be able to make your own idea of ​​the world in which you live.
Currently, I have already visited nearly 170 countries and my world tour continues thanks to you who follow me.
If you like my job, subscribe to my channel. You will be the first to know about new publications.

Cliquez ici pour vous abonner

La majorité des journalistes dans le monde ont choisi de développer leur sujet sur des thèmes polémiques et sensationnels : violence, guerre, criminalité. Mais tous ces faits ne représentent que 1 % de notre monde et de ses habitants, en oubliant les 99 % restant dont on ne parle jamais.
J’ai choisi de visiter chaque pays de la planète et de les filmer pour vous les présenter en format Haute définition mais de manière brute, sans musique, sans commentaire. Simplement, la réalité dans toute sa vérité. Ainsi, vous pourrez vous faire votre propre idée sur le monde dans lequel vous vivez.
Actuellement, j’ai déjà visité près de 170 pays et mon tour du monde continue grâce à vous qui me suivez.
Si vous aimez mon travail, abonnez-vous à ma chaîne. Vous serez ainsi les premiers informés des nouvelles publications.

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10 Things To Do in Dubrovnik, Croatia [Summer Edition]

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Anybody visiting Dubrovnik should be sure to explore every nook of the city’s world-famous walls and old town. Since Game of Thrones showcased the city’s fabulous architecture visitors have flocked to Dubrovnik to see “King’s Landing”, “Qarth” and the gardens of the “Red Keep” in real life. You can walk along the top of the city’s walls and climb the perimeter towers, or duck down the evocative streets of the old town to check out the churches, monasteries and curious monuments of the old town, each with a compelling story to tell.

Welcome to ThingsToDo Channel we publish new content every day, so be sure to subscribe and don't forget to ring the bell to be updated on our latest videos.

Let’s see ten things to do in Dubrovnik.

Marvel The City Walls.

Dubrovnik’s imperious walls are one of the things that qualified the city for UNESCO listing and if you watch Game of Thrones you’ll recognise several locations.

Stroll Around The Infamous Old Town.

At times the twisting streets of Dubrovnik’s old town will feel like a movie set, and you’ll find you can work up a big appetite if you let your curiosity guide you down all the little alleyways here.

Ride the cable car.

Undoubtedly the best view of Dubrovnik can be had from the crest of Mount Srd, which looms 412 metres above the city a short way inland. In 1969 they built a cable car serving the summit, operating until midnight during the peak summer months.

Visit Dubrovnik Cathedral.

The city’s cathedral is one of Dubrovnik’s large ensembles of baroque architecture. Among the many reasons to pay this seat of the diocese, a visit is to see the interior’s artworks.

Explore Lovrijenac Fort.

Guarding a tall spur 40 metres above the sea is one of Dubrovnik’s picture-book defensive installations. Lovrijenac earned its place in the city’s folklore during the long period of tussles with the Venetians.

See St. John Fortress.

Part of the city walls, St John Fortress is on the southeastern side of the defences protecting Dubrovnik’s port. For hundreds of years, Dubrovnik was vulnerable to pirate raids, so they came up with a smart deterrent. When the warning was sent out they’d lift a heavy metal chain that ran from this fortress to the Kase Jetty in the port to damage ships. If you pop inside the tower you can visit a small aquarium on the first floor and then head upstairs to browse the maritime museum.

Be amazed of Lokrum Island.

You can catch a ferry from the port to this island opposite Dubrovnik throughout the day. It will take ten minutes to get there and it’s a swift way to escape the crowds and take a breather. The island is covered almost entirely with a deep green pine forest that you can amble through via walking trails. These walking routes also lead to the coast, where you’ll come across rocky coves with waters ideal for swimming and even families of peacocks brought to the island by Maximilian, the 19th-century Austrian Archduke.

Check out Trsteno Arboretum.

This lovely park on a hillside next to the sea is from the 1400s, making it one of the region’s oldest arboretums. Dubrovnik’s role as a centre of trade furnished the arboretum with tree species from around the world. Take the imperious pair of oriental plane trees here, half a millennium old and unique within Europe. The arboretum is part of an estate from the same period and is a memorable place for a walk thanks to its sculptures and fountains, and the aqueduct designed to irrigate the park. This was also the shooting location for the Red Keep gardens for (you guessed it!) Game of Thrones in the third and fourth seasons.

The Beaches.

Few of the beaches on this sweep of the Adriatic are sandy; their attraction lies in the aquamarine waters that lap the shore and the pine forest or historic architecture that form the backdrop. Lapad beach is one of more tourist-friendly places to unwind by the Adriatic sea. There’s a pedestrian zone just behind the beach with bars and restaurants, while this gently arcing bay has a moderately wide beach with white pebbles. Further around the bay, you can also enter the sea for a swim from the rocks.

Go Sailing and Sea Kayaking.

Lokrum island is just the tip of the iceberg, as a whole world of islands awaits you off the coast of Dubrovnik, starting with the pristine nature reserves of the Elaphite archipelago. A bunch of charter agencies are located at the marina should you want to hire a motor boat for the day or weight anchor on a serious sailing trip. For something closer, you could take a sea kayak tour to see Dubrovnik’s walls and towers in a different way.

Make sure to subscribe to find out all the best things to do in your favorite city.
We research the best things to do with kids, at night, this weekend and more for each city around the world.

#travel #travelguide #traveltips. #thingstodo #thingstodowithkids

Azores - Summer 2020

Several places to be visited in São Miguel.
Furnas, Caloura, Ribeira Quente, Nordeste, Ferraria, Capelas, Mosteiros, Santa Iria, Gorreana, Sete Cidades, Lagoa do Fogo, Lagoa São Brás.

Edited in Premiere Pro!
Music by Daughter - Medicine (Sound Remedy Remix) [NCS Fanmade]



0:09 Sete Cidades
0:55 Furnas
2:10 Lagoa São Brás
2:15 Nordeste
3:00 Lagoa do Fogo
3:06 Vila Franca
3:17 Gorreana
3:39 Ferraria
3:46 Porta de pescas Capelas
3:53 Ribeira Quente
4:07 Caloura
4:47 Mosteiros
4:52 Porto de Santa Iria
4:56 Trilho Moinho do Félix
7:00 E.R. Capelas

AZORES: Sao Miguel coastline | thekonst travel vlog

The coastline of the Azores’ main island Sao Miguel features rock cliffs, waterfalls, islets, 15th century cities, and beautiful sunsets. In this video: Vila Franca do Campo and its ancient submerged volcano crater islet, Ribeira Grande, Faial da Terra, and Mosteiros.


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Vale da Ribeira Brava - Ilha da Madeira



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