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10 Best place to visit in Polgár Hungary


[Road Trip] Polgár To Budapest - 2017.08.21


BEST Levander field in Hungary! - Trip from Budapest

A great day trip from Budapest is to visit the Kőröshegyi levander field! It's only 1,5 hours away from Budapest and worth the visit! Beautiful levanders, great photo spots and you can connect it as a great trip from Budapest to Lake Balaton as well!

Most beautiful cities in 3 minutes - Budapest Hungary


Wonders of Hungary: Hercegkút and its cellars

We have launched a mini-series in 2020 entitled Wonders of Hungary, occasionally presenting our country's beautiful treasures in about a minute to inspire you. Welcome to the next episode, in which we show you Hercegkút and its cellars.

More info:

#wowhungary #wondersofhungary #digitaltravel

[Road Trip] Polgár To Vásárosnamény - 2016.12.24

Zipline ride on BUDGET | Hungary | Vlog 04

Hello everyone, I'm Mohammad Al Jadid. Basically, you can call me a freelancer Instagram-based photographer, besides I also do wedding, corporate, and brand photoshoots! Recently I have started learning cinematography or filmmaking, I'll be uploading these kinds of stuff here!

Last week I visited one of the best adventure parks in Hungary. The park is in Sátoraljaújhely ( A town located in Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén county in northern Hungary along the Slovak border). We took a train from Keleti station (Budapest) to Sátoraljaújhely. It was a day trip. Hope you would enjoy our small adventure.

Special thanks to Rashid Prangon for aerial & other shots. IG:

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For booking photoshoots, contact me via Instagram or email.

I know there are a lot of mistakes and sorry for that, hope to fix those in future videos! Kindly drop feedback on how I may improve my videos! And last but not least SUBSCRIBE!!!!

➤ Music license:
Energetic Rock [Vlog Music] by MokkaMusic / Get Drunk
Sport Trailer Rock [Rock Music] by MokkaMusic / Run Faster

#zipline #zemplén_kalandpark #ride #adventure #Sátoraljaújhely #hungary

Am condus în Budapesta - capitala Ungariei 🌉

#Budapesta #Ungaria #Dunarea
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Salutare și bine ai venit la un nou video!

Astăzi suntem în Budapesta, capitala Ungariei.

Budapesta este cel mai populat oraș al Ungariei, cu o populație de 1,7 milioane de locuitori, și ocupă o suprafață de 525 kmp.

Orașul este situat pe ambele maluri ale Dunării,
fiind unul dintre cele patru orașe-capitală traversate de aceasta,
alături de Viena, Bratislava și Belgrad.

În partea de est se află Pesta, care ocupă doua treimi din suprafață și unde se află cea mai parte parte a clădirilor administrative ale Guvernului Maghiar, iar în partea de vest se afla Buda și Óbuda - care este cea mai veche așezare dintre cele trei.

Cele trei așezări, Pesta, Buda și Óbuda s-au unit în anul 1873, formând orașul Budapesta de astăzi.

Astăzi voi conduce în Pesta, traversând chiar acum unul dintre cele 7 poduri care leagă partea de Est cu cea de Vest.

Podurile din Budapesta sunt recunoscute în toată lumea pentru frumusețea lor, “Podul cu Lanțuri” fiind cel mai vizitat dintre toate.

Istoria Budapestei începe cu fondarea de către Celti a orașului “Ak-Ink”, devenit “Aquincum” în epoca Romană.

Orașul a atins apogeul sub domnia lui Matia Convin (1443-1490), născut Matia de Hunedoara, recunoscut ca unul dintre cei mai mari regi ai Ungariei.

În anul 1526 Buda a fost cucerită de turci, care și-au menținut stăpânirea timp de 145 ani.

“Coaliția de armate creștine” a eliberat orașul la 2 septembrie 1686,
iar împăratul roman Leopold I i-a reacordat privilegiul de Oraș Liber în 1703.

În anul 1896 se construiește primul metrou de pe continent și al doilea din Europa (primul fiind la Londra).

De-a lungul secolului XX în Budapesta au loc o serie de evenimente, printre care masacrarea și deportarea locuitorilor evrei, în anul 1940, distrugerea parțială a orașului în Al Doilea Război Mondial,
Revoluția Maghiară din 1956 și retragerea trupelor militare sovietice din 30 iunie 1991.

În prezent, datorită arhitecturii deosebite și a băilor termale, Budapesta este văzută ca una dintre cele mai frumoase capitale europene, fiind vizitată anual de milioane de turiști.

Sper ca v-am atras interesul cu informațiile prezentate și va doresc vizionare plăcută! :)

sursa informațiilor:

Szeghalom - Walking in Hungary

For more information:

Szeghalom Békés megye északi részén található, a Szeghalmi járás központja, a Dévaványai-sík keleti peremén. A 15. század végén mezőváros volt, majd elnéptelenedett. 1711 óta folyamatosan lakott település, 1984 óta város. A Berettyó jobb partján fekszik, innen már csak pár kilométer, ahol a gyönyörű ártéri erdők kíséretében a Sebes-Körös és a Berettyó összefolyik.

#hungary #magyarország #ehunwalk #travel #utazás #walking #séta #ungaria #maďarsko #węgry #ungarn #угорщина #mађарска #szeghalom

Camera - DJI Pocket 2
Quality - 4K 60 FPS
Recorded - June 2021


Újraforgatta Korda György Reptér című dalának 40 éves videóklipjét a Budapest Airport

Hatalmas meglepetéssel készült a Budapest Airport a retro slágerek szerelmesei és Korda György rajongói számára, egyben megünnepelve a járvány miatti utazási korlátozások enyhítését: újraforgattuk Korda György Reptér című dalának 40 éves videóklipjét. Az ország egyik legelismertebb rendezőjének segítségével újra felidézzük az utazás izgalmait, a repülés hangulatát, a nagy találkozásokat és önfeledt mosolyokat, és a már jól ismert helyszínek mellett a megújult repülőtéri környezetbe is betekintést engedünk, amellyel remélhetőleg egyre többen találkoztok majd a következő hónapokban.

További részletek a klipről és a forgatásról itt:

Zeneszerző: Máté Péter
Dalszövegíró: S. Nagy István

Rendező: Galler András Indián
Társrendező: Czoller Bence
Operatőr: Szín Róbert, Bíró Attila
Vágó: Fekete Balázs
Colorist: Kiss Áron
Gyártásvezető: Bognár Tibor
Gyártásvezető asszisztens: Takács Noémi
Világosítás: P.B.L
Smink: Kovács Brigitta, Maros Kata
Fodrász: Vörös Anett
Stylist: Korpics Tibor

Gyártó: Los Tiki Pictures

Day 07b - 10 Day Solo Bikepacking / Walking in Győr / Danube Cycle Path - from Passau to Budapest

My Solo Adventure - 10 Day Bikepacking / Danube Cycle Path to Budapest
Day 7b - (Walking in Győr, Hungary)

Welcome to the second part of Day Seven of my exhilarating bikepacking adventure along the enchanting Danube River, as I explore the charming city of Győr, Hungary! After a half-day of cycling from Bratislava, I embraced the opportunity to immerse myself in the rich history, culture, and beauty of this historic town.

As I wandered through the cobblestone streets of Győr's Old Town, I marveled at the architectural wonders that surrounded me – from the grandeur of the Cathedral to the quaint charm of its medieval squares. With each step, I felt transported back in time, experiencing the rich tapestry of Győr's storied past.

From historic landmarks to hidden gems tucked away in winding alleyways, I had the opportunity to see all that Győr had to offer. Whether admiring the intricate details of centuries-old buildings or sampling delicious Hungarian cuisine at a local restaurant, every moment was a celebration of discovery and delight.

As the sun began to set, casting a warm glow over the city, I settled in for a relaxing evening. I indulged in a sumptuous dinner of traditional Hungarian dishes, savoring the flavors and aromas of this culinary masterpiece.

After dinner, I ventured out into the bustling streets once more, joining locals and fellow travelers for drinks and lively conversation late into the night. From cozy cafes to trendy bars, there was no shortage of places to enjoy the vibrant energy of Győr's nightlife.

As I reflect on the day's adventures, I'm grateful for the opportunity to experience the beauty and hospitality of Győr. Tomorrow, I'll continue my journey along the Danube, eager to see what new adventures await me on the road ahead.

Join me as I pedal onward, exploring the wonders of the Danube River and the charming towns that line its banks.

- Don't forget to subscribe to my channel for more updates on my bikepacking expedition and to join me on the remainder of this incredible journey along the Danube!

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TOP 10 Things to do in Budapest Hungary FIXED REUPLOAD

TOP 10 Things to do in Budapest Hungary FIXED REUPLOAD

Budapest TOP 10 Tourist Attractions
Let me guide you through my country, HUNGARY, and show you the TOP 10 attractions. Prepare your journey to the beautiful BUDAPEST by watching this video.
Let me know in the comments which one of these attractions you like the most. :)

I hope you guys enjoy this video. 😊 If you loved the video, make sure to like 👍 smash that subscribe button and click the notification 🔔 bell. Don’t forget to share with your friends and family. Thanks for watching. ❤️

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Instagram: @agota_dunai
TikTok: @agota.dunai

Music Credit to:
Ocean by KV
Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported — CC BY 3.0
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Music promoted by Audio Library

#agotadunai #agota #checkitout #food #tourist #tourism #european #europeangirl #whitegirl #blondegirl #travel #colourful #delicious #tasty #joy #trip #travel #holidayl #hungarian #pakistani #hungary #pakistan #magyar #pakisztán i#trip #tripadvise #travel #vlog #travelvlog #tourist #tourism# dress #clothes #fashion #fashionable #restaurant #cafe #meal #idea #park #culture #nature #city #country #fun #love #holidayl #culture #love #life #sun #sunshine #colorful #adventure #budapest #hungarian #paki #sightseeing

Story of biggest Human Experiment in the 20th Century/POLGAR SISTERS

This video is an animation on the life of László Polgár (born 11 May 1946), is a Hungarian chess teacher and educational psychologist. He is the father of the famous Polgár sisters: Zsuzsa, Zsófia, and Judit, whom he raised to be chess prodigies, with Judit and Zsuzsa becoming the best and second-best female chess players in the world, respectively. Judit is widely considered to be the greatest female chess player ever as she is the only woman to have been ranked in the top 10 worldwide, while Zsuzsa became the Women's World Chess Champion.


Trip with shinil
Laszlo polgar
Laslo polgar
polgar family
polgar sisters
judit polgar
susan polgar
sofia polgar
polgar chess book
women world chess chamion
chess prodigies
5334 problems
Games and Reform Chess
Bring up genius
Raising a genius
Hungarian psychologist
School age
Independent thinker
Do kill creativity
Polgar zsuzsa
Polgar Zsofia
Polgar judit
geniuses are made not born
pedagogical principles
positive inspiration
sense of achievement
goal settings
gary Kasparov
vlagyimir Boriszovics Kramnyyik
serious games
intensive learning
animated life review
queens gambit
animation video
video vlog malayalam
chess videos
checkmate videos
queen sacrifice
game of the day
brilliant chess games
chess brilliancy
chess queen sacrifices

Highways and Hideaways of Hungary

Driving around in Hungary

5 téli élmény Debrecenben és környékén

Élményfürdők, frissítő séta a történelmi belvárosban, Debrecen és környéke télen is számtalan élményt rejt. Íme 5 tipp kedvcsinálónak.

Airport in Budapest. Hungary. Budapest. Budapest Airport. Magyarország. Budapest.


3 minutes in BUDAPEST

Budapest - the capital city of Hungary is situated along the Danube, in the heart of the Carpathian basin.
Hungary's capital is a truly cosmopolitan European city and every inch of the town tells you a fascinating story with its living history. Spreading from the hills of Buda to the flatland of Pest with the River Danube in between, it has a truly unique geographical position that makes it one of the most beautiful cities of the

Achiziţionarea vinieta de Ungaria

Achiziționarea unui vignetă de autostradă maghiară online pe

Why Dutch people move to Hungary

Official partners: Truely, get your eSim with 10% off here:
Heart of Polen apartments, book here:

This country is surprising me a lot. I so enjoy this week of slow living with my dad at his new house in Hungary. Dutch people moving to this country. Because we desire a calmer way of living. We feel really happy being here together. It's my second home now, after Poland 🥰

Hope you enjoy following me and us on this life journey.

This Dutch girl will honour this country for the rest of her life. Subscribe to be part of this amazing journey! Let's explore Poland and the world together!

2022 overview:

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Exploring Poland:
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#thriftinbudapest #budapestsecond-handstore #thrifthungary

Thrift shopping or looking for a second-hand store not only popular in developing countries like Indonesia, but it is also sort of a way of life in Europe, especially Hungary. If you are in Budapest or will visit Budapest and want to buy second-hand stuff but still good. I recommend you to visit these three favorite thrift stores in Budapest.

The location is near from Keleti train station. It takes around 10 minutes by walk. You can find Hotel Hungary, and there will be a lot of second-hand outlets such as Cream, Hada, and Humana.

You can also travel before visiting the stores through:
1. Cream Outlet
2. Hada
3. Humana

Speaking of second-hand stuff, you can also find other stores along the street...

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Terima kasih.
Budapest, October 2020.

Budapeste 3. Gun Orko's photos around Budapest, Hungary

Preview of Orko's blog at TravelPod. Read the full blog here:

This blog preview was made by TravelPod using the TripAdvisor™ TripWow slideshow creator.

Entry from: Budapest, Hungary
Entry Title: Budapeste 3. Gun


Budapeste'de ucuncu ve son gunumde tren kalkana kadar uzun yuruyusler ve tirmanislarla sehrin kesfedilmemis son kisimlarini dolastim,

Sehrin en guzel manzarasina sahip Ozgurluk Aniti'na tirmanmak zorlu fakar degiyor. Hemen yakininda super parklar ve Gellerthegy hamam kompleksi var. Bu taraf sehrin Buda kismi. Kuzeye dogru tum muzeleri, anitlari, alanlari ziyaret ederek (ve kaybolarak) gittim. Tam Buda Satosu ile Budapeste Tarih Muzesi arasinda Kemal Ataturk Park'ini kesfettim. Zaten Budapest'teliler Turk oldugumu duyunca kardes diyorlar. Helal olsun bosuna degilmis.

Muzeler kismina asansorle cikip, galerilerin birinin lobisinde yorgunluktan biraz uyukladim. Sonra Chain koprusunden karsiya gecip, islek caddelerde halka karistim.

Arada First Saturday denen eskiden beri duydugum, Turkiye'den bir kac oyuncunun da katildigi, her ayin ilk Cumartesi'leri duzenlenen uluslararasi satranc turnuvasi organizasyonun yerini buldum. Ayni bizdeki gibi bir apartimanin bilmem kacinci katinda, iceride kimsenin olmadigi bir daire (burasi ayni zamanda satranc federasyonu) Ilgilenenler icin, Macaristan aslinda satranc gelenegi oturmus, Peter Leko gibi dunya capinda oyunculari olan, Judit Polgar gibi (bunlar aslinda satrancci uc bayan kardes) dunyanin en iyi bayan satranccisini yetistirmis bir ulke. Bir zamanlarin unlu oyuncusu Adorjan Turkiye'ye gelip milli takimi calistirmisti (ben de araya kaynamistim)

Yolda yemek uzere kapali pazardan, ki burasi kocaman bir kapali alan icine kurulmus, bizim sokak pazarlarinin sabit ve buyugu, biraz elma ve kayisi aldım, son saatlerimde hostelde biraz takildim.

Tren kalkmadan once garda sokak satranccilarina biriki zimba daha atim. Az daha tren kaciyordu.

Budapeste ile ilgili eklemem gereken bir not da, sehirde surekli bir ambulans trafiginin olmasi. Sabahtan baslayarak aksama kadar ambulans sesleri hic eksik degil. Ilgisi var mi bilmem ama intihar orani cok yuksekmis.

Gece yolculugu iskence icinde gecti, 2. Sinif vagonlarda, aralarda aktarmali. Surekli aktarma var mi, nerede stresi altinda uyuyamadim (tabi vagonda ayakkabilarini cikarip kokmus coraplarini koltuga dayayan Amerika'li cipciktilarin da etkisi var, sayelerinde diger vagona gecip Utah'li Brannon ile arkadas olduk)

Krakow'a geldigimde bir iki saatlik uykuyla bitmistim. Trenden Polonya'li Tanya iyilik melegi cikti. Beni Hostel'e kadar birakti. Tabi mukafati: Nazar Boncugu...
Read and see more at:

Photos from this trip:
1. Ozgurluk anitinin oldugu tepeden manzara
2. Tepedeki heykeller... Kir cenesini!
3. O kadar yuksekteki, boynum tutuldu
4. Ruzgarin oglu
5. Manzara sola
6. Manzara saga
7. Kemal Ataturk Parki (veya sokagi)
8. Yeri de guzel
9. Gene muze olaylarin giriyoruz
10. Muzeler meydani
11. Kutuphane
12. Tarih Muzesi
13. Tarih muzesi onunda tarihi karakterler
14. Erkek adam nasil da sevecen
15. Bu da kralmis, av partisinde
16. Ulusal Galeri
17. Asagi dogru
18. Tiyatro
19. Satranc turnuvasi organizasyornu
20. Satranc dernegi, kimsecikler yok
21. Kapali pazar
22. Acayip buyuk

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