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#ostróda #podróże #walkingtour #podróżepopolsce #walking #walk #letniastolicawarmiiimazur
Restaurants in Ostróda, Polen
Mal wieder richtig lecker essen gehen, in einer guten Gaststätte oder Speiselokal in der Nähe. Genießt ein großartiges Abendessen mit in der Nähe von Ostróda. Egal ob Feinschmecker, Fast-Food oder ein romantisches Candlelight Dinner, hier findest du was Passendes.
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Hier findest du Restaurants in Ostróda, Polen:
1) Bar Zacisze
2) Namaste Kathmandu
3) Modne Bistro Ostródzkie Zapiekanki XXL
4) Roślina i Wołowina
5) Pizzerka
6) Tawerna
7) Trattoria La Riva
8) Restauracja Kresowa
10) Hospoda u Jezera
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Gateway to Masuria - Ostroda
I want to show you a beautiful lake town, part of the Masuria region of Poland and a wonderful place to stop off as you explore this part of the country. Ostroda is a nice example of how beauty can be found in even the smaller places of Poland!
A place with mixed history, a Teutonic castle as well as wonderful water ways, a great location to visit in the summer and relax :)
Brit in Poland is the genuine account of a British Expat who lives in Warsaw, through this account I want to show people what it is like to live abroad, to educate people about the country of Poland, to tell the history of Poland and to show off what this place has to offer, providing guides to locations I have visited and experiences I have taken part in.
I am a start up Youtube channel, so getting featured in the search engine can be hard, so I ask the following, if you like this video I promise you there will be many more to come, so please like, subscribe or comment...if you are feeling particularly generous then please share with your friends :D
I am always open to suggestions on how to improve, places to visit or topics to cover, so never be afraid to comment, I try to respond to all comments on my channel and engage with my viewers!
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My girlfriend Agata, a constant critic of my videos who always strives for me to improve!
My friends, family and loyal viewers who give me the drive to continue producing new content
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Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License
Produced with VSDC video editing software
Ostróda - A weekend exploration of the beautiful city and it's surrounding nature!
In this weeks video I return to Ostróda, this city in the heart of Poland's north is a natural wonder, surrounded by lakes and forests!
There is a Teutonic castle at the centre giving it a nice strong history and a beautiful city to explore with some wonderful lakeside views and watersports to enjoy!
If you want to contribute to my fund to get a gopro and a drone please check this link:
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If you wish to get in contact with me: britlivinginpoland@gmail.com
Brit in Poland is the genuine account of a British Expat who lives in Warsaw, through this account I want to show people what it is like to live abroad, to educate people about the country of Poland, to tell the history of Poland and to show off what this place has to offer, providing guides to locations I have visited and experiences I have taken part in.
I am a start up Youtube channel, so getting featured in the search engine can be hard, so I ask the following, if you like this video I promise you there will be many more to come, so please like, subscribe or comment...if you are feeling particularly generous then please share with your friends :D
I am always open to suggestions on how to improve, places to visit or topics to cover, so never be afraid to comment, I try to respond to all comments on my channel and engage with my viewers!
If anyone wishes to help support my journey to show off Poland to the World, you are now welcome to contribute via my Patronite or Patreon pages:
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Credit to the following:
My friends, family and loyal viewers who give me the drive to continue producing new content
Music has come from:
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Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License
Produced with VSDC video editing software
Ostróda. Zamek krzyżacki, rynek, bulwar i molo. Tajemnica 11 tysięcy dziewic. Co zobaczyć. Atrakcje
Zapraszamy Was dziś na wycieczkę do miasta położonego nad jedną z najczystszych rzek w Polsce, w otoczeniu 5 jezior. Znajdą tu coś dla siebie zarówno miłośnicy białych żagli, jazdy na nartach wodnych czy kąpieli, jak i fani zabytków i gotyckiej architektury. Odwiedzamy dziś położoną w województwie warmińsko-mazurskim Ostródę, w której oprócz słynnego Kanału Elbląskiego, znajdziecie także inne atrakcje, z których historią warto się zapoznać. Sprawdźcie z nami, co warto zobaczyć w Ostródzie.
00:00 - CO W FILMIE
Dolny Śląsk i Opolszczyzna |
Góry Świętokrzyskie i Kielecczyzna |
Jura Krakowsko-Częstochowska |
Małopolska i Beskid Sądecki |
Podkarpacie, Bieszczady i Beskid Niski |
Podlasie i Kurpie |
Pomorze Środkowe i Zachodnie |
Roztocze i Lubelszczyzna |
Sudety, Kotlina Kłodzka i Karkonosze |
Suwalszczyzna, Warmia i Mazury |
Śląsk, Beskid Śląski i Żywiecki |
Tatry, Podhale i Pieniny |
Warszawa, Mazowsze i Ziemia Łódzka |
Wielkopolska, Kujawy i Ziemia Lubuska |
Zatoka Gdańska i Kaszuby |
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#razemwpolske #zobaczmytorazem #wypoczywamywpolsce #polska #podróże #turystyka #wakacje #wyjazd #weekend #urlop
MAZURY [4K] – OSTRÓDA – Kraina Tysiąca Jezior w 10 dni! (#13 zabytki i atrakcje Mazur)
MAZURY [4K] – OSTRÓDA – Kraina Tysiąca Jezior w 10 dni! (#13 zabytki i atrakcje Mazur)
Drugie (po Ełku) co do wielkości miasto na Mazurach, choć klimatem śmiało konkuruje z mniejszymi miasteczkami. Mimo sobotniej - trochę jarmarcznej atmosfery - wyjątkowo fajnie się tu czułem ... :)
Warto odwiedzić:
+ trasa mojej wielkiej mazurskiej wyprawy (pokonane 1778 km):
Warszawa – Białuty (1) – Działdowo (2) – Lidzbark (3) – Płośnica (4) – Burkat (5) – Ruszkowo (6) – Kanigowo (7) – Nidzica (8) – Mielno (9) – Stębark (10) – Grunwald (11) – Kraplewo (12) – Ostróda (13) ❤ – Rychnowo (14) – Olsztynek (15) – Gryźliny (16) – Pasym (17) – Szczytno (18) – Jerutki (19) – Spychowo (20) – Zgon (21) – Zielony Lasek (22) – Wojnowo (23) – Ukta (24) – Ruciane Nida (25) – Pranie (26) – Pisz (27) – Biała Piska (28) – Kociołek Szlachecki (29) – Orzysz (30) – Okartowo (31) – Mikołajki (32) – Baranowo (33) – Mrągowo (34) – Ryn (35) – Giżycko (36) – Sterławki Wielkie (37) – Kętrzyn (38) – Bezławki (39) – Święta Lipka (40) – Karolewo (41) – Czerniki (42) – Gierłoż (43) – Sztynort (44) – Mamerki (45) – Węgielsztyn (46) – Węgorzewo (47) – Pozezdrze (48) – Stręgielek (49) – Ołownik (50) – Dąbrówka (51) – Rapa (52) – Rogale (53) – Gołdap (54) – Dubeninki (55) – Stańczyki (56) – Olecko (57) – Stare Juchy (58) – Grabnik (59) – Ełk (60) – Warszawa
Sprzęt + software:
* dron: DJI MINI 2 [4K]
* kamera: GOPRO HERO 8 BLACK [4K]
* gimbal: FEIYUTECH G6
* Adobe Premiere Elements 2018
Ostróda [FromAbove] [4K]
Filmed with DJI Mini 2 in Ostróda, Poland
FromAbove 2022
High Life by Richard Smithson
Music from Uppbeat (free for Creators!):
License code: WRMZSXBL8K29ZHZF
#ostróda #fromabove #djimini2 #mini2 #drone #warmiaimazury
Voivodato de Varmia y Masuria, Polonia | Ciudad de Olsztyn, Elblag, Elk, Ostroda | Dron 4k vídeos
Voivodato de Varmia y Masuria, Polonia. El descanso que mejora la salud es útil para todas las personas, pero dónde gastarlo cualitativamente es una pregunta que preocupa a muchos. Pero, hay un maravilloso país de Polonia, donde hay muchos centros turísticos, sanatorios para tratamiento y rehabilitación de alta calidad. Tal lugar es el voivodato de Warmino-Masurian, y se realizó una revisión de video al respecto. Hermosos paisajes, lugares icónicos son visibles a vista de pájaro, tomados desde un dron en alta calidad (4K), esto le permite familiarizarse visualmente con las vistas.
información general
El voivodato de Warmino-Mazury es una tierra de bosques y lagos, ubicada en la parte norte del país, en la frontera con Rusia, lo llamo con razón los pulmones verdes del país, por una gran cantidad de cuerpos de agua limpia y una rica flora. En principio, la región se considera una de las más pobres de Polonia, la economía solo se desarrolla en la cría de animales y la producción de cultivos y un poco de turismo.
La capital del voivodato es Olsztyn, una ciudad verde, ecológicamente limpia, bañada por once lagos, ideal para visitar en primavera y verano. De hecho, debido a la longitud de la ciudad, todos los lugares de interés están lejos unos de otros, y la mejor manera sería andar en bicicleta o en un autobús ecológico. Los activos más importantes de la ciudad son el casco antiguo y la catedral de Olsztyn, que tienen más de 600 años. Olsztyn es también una ciudad de gente feliz y bastante cómoda para la vida y el trabajo.
Naturaleza (paisajes, lugares hermosos)
La mayor parte de Varmin se encuentra en un territorio de colinas planas, con una gran cantidad de embalses. Hay alrededor de 2.700 lagos en el voivodato, y los más famosos son los de Masuria, de gran caudal, y alrededor hay una gran cantidad de turberas, tierras aradas y prados. En las inmediaciones del distrito de los lagos de Masuria se cultivan centeno y patatas. En el voivodato hay un canal de agua muy conocido en Polonia: Ostrudo-Elblagsky (82 km) y el lago más grande, Sniardwy.
La región es rica en bosques, donde hay bisontes, cisnes, así como una especie de tortuga en peligro de extinción (pantano europeo).
Ciudades principales: Olsztyn, Elbląg, Elk, Kadyny, Ostróda
Olsztyn es la capital de la provincia, una hermosa ciudad con arquitectura gótica, así como muchos canales de agua y lagos, senderos para bicicletas para caminar.
Elbląg - la ciudad es famosa por sus castillos góticos, iglesias, así como por el único castillo teutónico, que ha sobrevivido parcialmente hasta el día de hoy.
Elk - Se cree que esta es la capital de Masuria, ubicada a orillas del lago Elk, que fue formado por un glaciar. Bastante grande y densamente poblada, su principal atractivo son los sitios naturales y la oportunidad de practicar la caza.
Kadyny es una ciudad hermosa con aire limpio y fresco, su principal activo es el hotel Kadyny Country Club (ubicado en un antiguo palacio). Un lugar ideal para pasar un fin de semana junto al lago, además de visitar la vecina Elbląg.
Ostróda es la perla de Mazury, una ciudad donde se desarrolla activamente el ciclismo y el turismo acuático. La atracción principal es el lago Drwiecke, a lo largo del cual se construye un hermoso terraplén con muchos cafés, restaurantes y el histórico castillo de Ostród.
Qué ver
Cuando visite el voivodato de Warmino-Masuria, definitivamente debe planificar una visita a Warmia Termy, el primer spa termal que ofrece tratamientos y cosméticos hechos con productos naturales, agua termal y barro terapéutico.
El canal Elblągsko-Ostródzki no solo es un hermoso lugar turístico, sino también un importante canal por donde navegan los barcos y son remolcados en vagones especiales que fueron diseñados en el siglo XIX. El canal conecta Elbląg y Ostróda y se considera un monumento hidrográfico.
La cripta familiar en Rapa, los búnkeres de Hitler en los bosques de la ciudad de Kentishin y, por supuesto, visitar el famoso lugar donde Nicolaus Copernicus escribió su obra Sobre la rotación de los cuerpos celestes, la ciudad de Frobork.
Entre los principales atractivos que los turistas pueden visitar durante su visita a la región se encuentran:
Catedral de San Jacobo;
Castillo-fortaleza en Lidzbark-Warminsky;
el casco antiguo de Olsztyn con castillos y el antiguo ayuntamiento;
Planetario Olsztyn;
Reserva de aves acuáticas en el lago Druzhno;
Catedral de San Lipka en Kętrzyn;
Parques acuáticos y parques acuáticos ubicados en Elblag, Gerloz, Mikolajki.
#WarminoMasurianVoivodato #Polonia
A walk round Ostroda MASURIA Poland
Ostróda is a town in northern Poland, in the historic region of Masuria. It is the seat of the Ostróda County within the Warmian-Masurian Voivodeship and has approximately 33,191 inhabitants (2009)
Warmian-Masurian Voivodeship best places visit | Trip, review, attractions, landscapes | Poland 4k
Warmian-Masurian Voivodeship, Polandis an Obligatory Destination in a Tourist Guide
Discover a new, beautiful country for yourself. In this video, you’ll see Warmian-Masurian Voivodeship best places to visit. You’ll find out the most breath-catching views and nice landscapes, which each traveler should see during a trip to the country. Shooting is made by a drone in 4k format. It provides a high-quality video for viewing on any screen. Thus, you can fully enjoy the beauty of the country regardless of the chosen device resolution. It will help you create your own guide and TOP places that you want to see while having leisure time in the country.
Warmian-Masurian Voivodeship, Poland most beautiful places
Warmian-Masurian Voivodeship full of picturesque landscapes, historical sightseeing, and admiring views. When visiting the county, a traveler plunges into the atmosphere of relaxation and joy. This is the place when time stops, and a person can admire a lovely pastime. Warmian-Masurian Voivodeship is rich in adorable views. These include natural parks and gardens, historical monuments, and spectacular art pieces. The country is the place that managed to successfully combine the heritage of nature and history with modern buildings. Thus, each tourist will find sightseeing to his/her taste.
Various famous locations have different styles. Here, you can observe either urban jungles or rural landscapes. When you pass along the streets of a city, you admire the sophisticated architecture of different epochs. The country has preserved historical monuments related to different centuries. Thus, the place will be interesting either for ancient or modern architecture fans. Nature lovers can visit a national park. After an intensive excursion in the city, a tourist can have rest sitting in a shady alley and admiring the picturesque nature.
The capital of the state is not the only place that is worth a traveler’s attention. If you come to the country for several days, do not stay in the city through your holidays. Leave a day or even two to visit the suburbs. You’ll open a completely different view to yourself. You’ll feel the taste of freedom and unity with nature. Mountains, plains, and cliffs will leave you speechless. When staying at the foot of a mountain or on the edge of a precipice, admiring landscapes will make you hold your breath.
This is what you can see in the video. Observing the territory from the bird’s eye view is the most memorable pastime. Our drone has shot the most admiring places in the country. If you’re going to visit the state, do not skip an opportunity to visit to the highest point of the state (for example, climb a mountain, go to an observation deck). You’ll observe the same views in reality but your feelings will be one hundred times stronger. Believe that this activity won’t leave you indifferent. Emotions will overwhelm you.
Warmian-Masurian Voivodeship best places to visit:
City of Olsztyn
City of Elbląg
City of Elk
City of Ostroda
As you discover the country, you understand that this is the perfect place to go to for a honeymoon or a holiday. The state is ready to offer different kinds of entertainment to any taste and size of the wallet. These include:
Numerous cafes, restaurants, cinemas, night clubs for going out at night;
City tours and excursions to local attractions;
Museums, galleries, exhibitions;
Sunbathing under sunlight;
Renting a yacht and making a voyage across a local reservoir;
Visiting craft farms and finding out secrets of local production;
Getting acquainted with local traditions and customs.
The list of offered activities is not complete. Each traveler has different priorities, aims, and tastes. Thus, there is no single guide on where to go. Everyone decides for him-/herself where to go and what to see. Warmian-Masurian Voivodeship has a great variety of options. The country is ready to please different travelers and offers exciting ways to spend a weekend. Pick the most suitable ones according to your interests and preferences. When choosing the place to live in during a trip, travelers have a choice between several options. These are a comfortable hotel in the city, a room in a guest house, a cozy country house, a bungalow near a reservoir.
To draw the line, make sure that Warmian-Masurian Voivodeship is the place you must visit in your life to discover another reality and meet people that stick to other traditions, customs, and believes. This is one of the places on the world map where a tourist can feel freedom and satisfaction just walking through the city or resting somewhere out of busy urban corners. Warmian-Masurian Voivodeship beautiful places to visit. Here is a short video captured entirely by a drone in 4k. Vlog helps you plan your summer trip to Warmian-MasurianVoivodeship and shows you the most scenic travel destinations. TOP 10 best places to see when visiting this amazing country.
#WarmianMasurianVoivodeship #Poland
Willa Port, Ostróda, Poland
Willa Port, Ostróda, Poland
About Property:
This property is 12 minutes walk from the beach. Hotel Willa Port is located in Ostróda, at the side of the Drwęckie Lake. It features spacious modern rooms with free internet and an LCD TV with satellite channels.
All rooms and apartments at the Hotel Willa Port are fitted with a luxurious bathroom. Most room has a balcony or a terrace.
A breakfast is served every morning in the hotel's restaurant Aqua Marina restaurant, there...
Booking or More Details:
Property Type: Hotel
Address: Mickiewicza 17, 14-100 Ostróda, Poland
Searching For
1. Willa Port - Ostróda - Poland
2. Willa Port - Ostróda - Poland Address
3. Willa Port - Ostróda - Poland Rooms
4. Willa Port - Ostróda - Poland Amenities
5. Willa Port - Ostróda - Poland Offers and Deals
Audio Credit:
Track Title: Reasons To Hope
Artist: Reed Mathis
* This video is not sponsored.
* The photos shown in this video are not owned by Holiday with Falguni.
Copyright issue? Please contact us and for getting more information you can find contact details on the about us page of the channel.
*Note: - Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for fair use for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational, or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use.
#HolidaywithFalguni #WillaPortOstróda #WillaPortOstródaPoland
Hotel Platinum - Ostróda Hotels, Poland
Hotel Platinum 4 Stars Hotel in Ostróda, Poland Within US Travel Directory One of our top picks in Ostróda. This property is 17 minutes walk from the beach. The modern Hotel Platinum offers attractive interiors, air-conditioned rooms and apartments. It has a great location in the Masurian Lake District town of Ostróda. The rooms and apartments of Hotel Platinum come with functional furniture,elegant decorative elements.
They are all equipped with a safe, a minibar, satellite TV and free Wi-Fi.
There is also a spacious bathroom and a balcony.
There is also a kids club with a soft cave, PlayStation room and daycare programme, as well as a family Spa, offering a choice of beauty and relaxation treatments, as well as massages.
Treatment for kids are also available.
A wide selection of baby equipment is available at the reception, such as a baby cot, a bottle warmer and a baby bath.
The hotel is located 10 minutes’ walk from the shore of Lake Drwęckie.
There are 15 lakes in the direct vicinity of Ostróda, where you can enjoy sailing, water skiing and other sports.
A shopping arcadeandabowlingalleycanalsobe found nearthehotel.
Hotels Located in :
Hotel Platinum - Ostróda Hotels, Poland
Location in : Wyszyńskiego 11A, 14-100 Ostróda, Poland
Booking Now :
Hotels list and More information visit U.S. Travel Directory
Unique travel attractions in the world - With ships over the hills. Poland June 2021 Sailing canals
#trip #ship #daytrip #attractions #sailing #canal #ostroda #elblag #poland #holidays #2021 #on #the #grass
Ostróda - ul. Władysława Jagiełły (2020-04-10) 4K
Ostróda - ul. Władysława Jagiełły (2020-04-10) 4K
Muzyka: Vibe Tracks - Undeniable
Hotel - Lake Hill Mazury Resort & SPA - Ostróda Mazury
Hotel - Lake Hill Mazury Resort & SPA - Ostróda #hotel #ostróda #radisson #aquapark #mazury
Radisson Blu Resort. Ostróda
Warmian-Masurian Voivodeship, Poland | City of Olsztyn, Elblag, Elk, Ostroda | Drone 4k video
Warmian-Masurian Voivodeship, Poland. Health-improving rest is useful for all people, but where to spend it qualitatively is a question that worries many. But, there is a wonderful country of Poland, where there are many resorts, sanatoriums for high-quality treatment and rehabilitation. Just such a place is the Warmino-Masurian Voivodeship, and a video review was made about it. Beautiful landscapes, iconic places are visible from a bird's eye view, shot from a drone in high quality (4K), this allows you to visually get acquainted with the sights.
general information
Warmino-Mazury Voivodeship is a land of forests and lakes, located in the northern part of the country, bordering Russia, I rightly call it the “green lungs of the country”, for a huge number of clean water bodies and a rich flora. In principle, the region is considered one of the poorest in Poland, the economy is only developed in animal husbandry and crop production and a little tourism.
The capital of the voivodship is Olsztyn, a green, ecologically clean city, washed by eleven lakes, which is ideal to visit in the spring and summer. Indeed, due to the length of the city, all the sights are far from each other, and the best way would be to ride a bike or an eco bus. The most important assets of the city are the Old Town and the Olsztyn Cathedral, which are over 600 years old. Olsztyn is also a city of happy people, and quite comfortable for life and work.
Nature (landscapes, beautiful places)
Most of Varmin is located on a flat-hilly territory, with a large number of reservoirs. There are about 2,700 lakes in the voivodship, and the most famous are the Masurian, full-flowing ones, and around there are a huge number of peat bogs, plowed land and meadows. In the vicinity of the Masurian Lake District, rye and potatoes are grown. In the voivodship there is a well-known water canal in Poland - Ostrudo-Elblagsky (82 km), and the largest lake Sniardwy.
The region is rich in forests, where there are bison, swans, as well as an endangered species of turtle (European marsh).
Main cities: Olsztyn, Elbląg, Elk, Kadyny, Ostróda
Olsztyn is the capital of the province, a beautiful city with Gothic architecture, as well as many water channels and lakes, bicycle paths for walking.
Elbląg - the town is famous for its Gothic castles, churches, as well as the only Teutonic castle, which has partially survived to this day.
Elk - It is believed that this is the capital of Masuria, located on the shores of Lake Elk, which was formed by a glacier. Quite large and densely populated, its main attraction is natural sites and the opportunity to go hunting.
Kadyny is a beautiful city with clean, fresh air, its main asset is the Kadyny Country Club hotel (located in a former palace). An ideal place to spend a weekend by the lake, as well as visiting the neighboring Elbląg.
Ostróda is the pearl of Mazury, a city where cycling and water tourism are actively developed. The main attraction is Lake Drwiecke, along which a beautiful embankment is built with many cafes, restaurants, as well as the historic Ostród Castle.
What to watch
When visiting Warmino-Masuria Voivodeship, you should definitely plan a visit to Warmia Termy, the first thermal spa offering treatments and cosmetics made from natural products, thermal water and therapeutic mud.
The Elblągsko-Ostródzki Canal is not only a beautiful tourist spot, but also an important canal where ships ply and are towed on special wagons that were designed back in the 19th century. The canal connects Elbląg and Ostróda and is considered a hydrographic monument.
The family crypt in Rapa, Hitler's bunkers in the forests of the town of Kentishin, and of course visit the famous place where Nicolaus Copernicus wrote his work On the rotation of celestial bodies - the city of Frobork.
Among the main attractions that tourists can visit while visiting the region are:
Cathedral of St. Jacob;
Castle-fortress in Lidzbark-Warminsky;
Olsztyn Old Town with castles and Old Town Hall;
Olsztyn Planetarium;
Reserve of water birds on Lake Druzhno;
St. Lipka Cathedral in Kętrzyn;
Water parks and water parks located in Elblag, Gerloz, Mikolajki.
#WarminoMasurianVoivodeship #Poland
Mazury | Jezioro Drwęckie | Ostróda | Polska natura #mazury #nature #lake #shorts #polska
Ostróda | 2022 | Spacer po Ostródzie | Binaural Audio 🎧 [4k]
Ostróda | 2022 | Spacer po Ostródzie
Ostróda to miasto w województwie warmińsko-mazurskim, położone na Pojezierzu Iławskim, nad Jeziorem Drwęckim. Przez miasto przepływa rzeka Drwęca.
Ostróda powstała w XIII wieku w pobliżu krzyżackiego zamku. Mimo lokacji miejskiej do czasu doprowadzenia linii kolejowej Ostróda pozostawała miasteczkiem o znaczeniu wyłącznie lokalnym.
W X-XIV wieku na terenie ziem pruskich istniał zwarty etnicznie i kulturowo zespół. Prusowie byli ludem rolniczym, prowadzili gospodarkę dwupolową, a od początku XIII wieku- trójpolową. W 1341 roku powołano komturstwo Ostródzkie. Ostróda stała się siedzibą administracyjną, militarną i gospodarczą Krzyżaków.
15 lipca 1410 roku rozegrała się decydująca bitwa pod Grunwaldem, zakończona klęską Krzyżaków. Wojska królewskie ruszyły 17 lipca ku Malborkowi. Mikołaj z Durąga, szlachcic pruski, opanował zamek w Ostródzie.
Po wojnie 13-letniej i Hołdzie Pruskim w 1525 roku nastąpił napływ ludności polskiej głównie z Mazowsza i Ziemi Chełmińskiej w okolice Ostródy. Dlatego wiele wsi otrzymało nazwy polskie między innymi Napromek, Grabin, Grabinek, Lubajny, Lipowo, Pietrzwałd, Wygoda, Stare Jabłonki. Kierowała się tu głównie szlachta wykupując opustoszałe posiadłości rycerskie.
W pierwszej połowie XVII wieku wojna szwedzka objęła Prusy Książęce, szwedzi zajęli między innymi Ostródę i okolice. Wsie uległy znacznemu spustoszeniu, szerzyły się choroby i głód.
W 1659 roku roku stacjonowały w starostwie ostródzkim wojska cesarskie, polskie i elektorskie. Kościoły w Ornowie i Samborowie obrabowano i spalono.
W drugiej połowie XIX wieku kończyła się epoka dyliżansu ustępując miejsca epoce kolei żelaznych. Wraz z budową linii kolejowych podjęto budowę kanałów wodnych.
W 1876 zakończono budowę kanału Ostródzko- Elbląskiego, a w 1902 roku powstało Towarzystwo Żeglugi Wodnej zajmujące się systematyczną eksploatacją kanału dla celów gospodarczych i turystycznych.
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The Golden Gate or Złota Brama or Langgasser Tor - Gdansk Poland - ECTV
The Golden Gate (Polish: Złota Brama, German: Langgasser Tor) is a historic Renaissance city gate in Gdańsk, Poland. It is located within the Royal Route, the most prominent part of the historic city center and is one of its most notable tourist attractions.
It was created in 1612–14 in place of a 13th-century gothic gate, the Brama Długouliczna (Long Street Gate). It is located at one end of Ulica Długa (Long Lane), where, together with Brama Wyżynna (Highland Gate) and Wieża Więzienna (Prison Tower), it forms a part of the old city fortifications.
Langgasser Tor in 1687
It was designed by architect Abraham van den Blocke and was built by Jan Strakowski. The architectural style of the gate is Dutch mannerism. Next to it is the late-gothic building of the Brotherhood of St. George.
Both sides of the gate have attiques, with figures symbolizing the qualities of the ideal citizen. They were designed in 1648 by Jeremias Falck (Polonus), and reconstructed in 1878 due to the originals being damaged by weathering over time.
From the West side they represent (in Latin): Pax (Peace), Libertas (Freedom), Fortuna (Wealth) and Fama (Fame). From the East (Long Lane) side they are Concordia (Agreement), Iustitia (Justice), Pietas (Piety) and Prudentia (Prudency). The Latin inscription on the gates reads: Concordia res publicæ parvæ crescunt – discordia magnæ concidunt (In agreement small republics grow, because of disagreement great republics fall).
The gate was largely destroyed by Soviet shelling in World War II, but was rebuilt in 1957. Although most artifacts of Germanness were eradicated after the city became part of the Polish People's Republic in 1945,[citation needed] an original German inscription on the gate was restored in the 1990s: Es müsse wohl gehen denen, die dich lieben. Es müsse Friede sein inwendig in deinen Mauern und Glück in deinen Palästen (They shall prosper that love thee. Peace be within thy walls, and prosperity within thy palaces. – Psalm 122)
My name is Eric Clark and I am a world traveler. I have been around the world a few times and decided to help fund my travels by sharing my videos and pictures. I have been to almost every country and would be glad to give tips and pointers. Drop me a note. = )