Krestovsky Island, St. Petersburg (Russia) AERIAL DRONE 4K VIDEO
Drone shooting at the Krestovsky Island.
Shot in 4K with a DJI Mavic Air 2.
Весь Санкт Петербург за один день? ЛЕГКО! | 80 достопримечательностей + карта маршрута
Весь Санкт Петербург За 1 День ⚓️| Что посмотреть в Питере 2022 | 80 Достопримечательностей ч.1
#чтопосмотретьвпитере #санктпетербург #питер
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Санкт-Петербург большой город, и если на его посещение у вас совсем мало времени, то этот маршрут поможет вам осмотреть более 80-ти значимых достопримечательностей всего за один день.
Saint Petersburg - Walking Grecheskiy Prospekt - Санкт-Петербург
Saint Petersburg - Walking St Petersburg from Nekrasova Street to Subway station Ploschad' Vosstaniya along Grecheskiy Prospekt, Orlovskiy Pereulok, 1-Ya Sovetskaya Street, Nevsky Ave, Ploschad' Vosstaniya - #SaintPetersburg / #СанктПетербург - #Piter
date 15.04.2021
temperature + 10 degrees
GoPro HERO 7 Black + GoPro Karma Grip
support us :
Nekrasova Street - 00:05
8-Ya Sovetskaya Street - 00:07
Grecheskiy Prospekt - 00:12
7-Ya Sovetskaya Street - 01:46
6-Ya Sovetskaya Street - 03:13
Prudkovskiy Pereulok - 04:06
Concert hall Oktyabr'skiy - 04:48
5-Ya Sovetskaya Street - 04:54
Courtyards-wells (Grecheskiy Prospekt, 11-9) - 05:39
4-Ya Sovetskaya Street - 07:20
3-Ya Sovetskaya Street - 09:44
Greek Square - 09:57
2-Ya Sovetskaya Street - 11:03
Orlovskiy Pereulok - 11:26
1-Ya Sovetskaya Street - 13:54
Peskovskiy Pereulok - 15:08
Courtyards-wells (1-Ya Sovetskaya Street, 12) - 16:30
Pamyatnik Legendarnoy Prolotke - 18:34
Suvorovskiy Prospekt - 19:21
Nevsky Ave - 19:41
Ploschad' Vosstaniya - 23:20
Leningrad Hero City Obelisk - 23:59
Moskovskiy Vokzal - 24:39
Goncharnaya Street - 24:48
Ligovsky Ave - 26:53
Galeria Shopping Mall - 28:18
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Beshtau (Caucasian Mineral Waters) AERIAL DRONE 4K VIDEO (DJI Mavic Air 2)
Beshtau (Caucasian Mineral Waters, South of Russia) from the drone.
Shot in 4K with a DJI Mavic Air 2.
The Caucasian Mineral Waters is a group of spa resorts protected by government ecological region in the Russian Federation. It includes the towns of Pyatigorsk, Zheleznovodsk, Yessentuki, Kislovodsk, Kumagorsk (Mineral Waters), and resort location of Naguta.
Beshtau is an isolated five-domed igneous mountain near Pyatigorsk in the Northern Caucasus. Its height is 1402 m. The slopes are forested with ash, oak, hornbeam, and beech, and the summit is treeless. Beshtau used to have uranium mines, which were closed in 1975
[4K] St. Petersburg, Russia. Walking tour. 28 November, -5°C I 23°F, UHD
[4K] St. Petersburg, Russia, 28 November, -5°C I 23°F, UHD
Walking tour.
Song: Away by Patrick Patrikios
Restaurants in Naberezhnye Chelny, Russland
Mal wieder richtig lecker essen gehen, in einer guten Gaststätte oder Speiselokal in der Nähe. Genießt ein großartiges Abendessen mit in der Nähe von Naberezhnye Chelny. Egal ob Feinschmecker, Fast-Food oder ein romantisches Candlelight Dinner, hier findest du was Passendes.
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Gault&Millau Restaurantguide Deutschland(*):
Kochbuch für Anfänger, Studenten und Berufstätige(*):
Reiseführer Deutschland – 47 Ausflugsziele(*):
Hier findest du Restaurants in Naberezhnye Chelny, Russland:
1) Orlovskiy Dvorets
2) Iskusheniye
3) Kaymak
4) Fergana
5) Bul'var Dezha Vyu
6) Ashsu
7) Dostavka Yedy Bakhor
8) Boho
9) Chemodan
10) Lyum'yer
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Дома лучше! Киев-Харьков: Березань, Яготин, Пирятин, Миргород, Опишня, Шаровский замок
Дома лучше! Киев-Харьков: Березань, Яготин, Пирятин, Миргород, Опишня, Шаровский замок
В этом выпуске Дома лучше решили проехаться из Киева в Харьков! Женя Синельников расскажет, как правильно фотографироваться, заедет в Яготин - в картинную галерею, в музей Флигель Тараса Шевченко. Заедем в Миргород, известный курортный город. Там же познакомимся с интересными фактами из жизни писателя - Николая Гоголя, и с местными достопримечательностями, посвященными ему. Маршрут Киев-Харьков богат музеями, церквями. Мы даже заехали в Шаровский замок - аутентичный и безумно атмосферный.
#домалучше #орелирешка #киев #миргород #мандруйУкраїною #UkraineNow
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“Дома лучше” - детище создателей “Орел и Решка”. В рамках проекта Женя Синельников ездит по городам Украины и определяет их туристический потенциал. В третьем сезоне Дома Лучше Женя Синельников отправился в автомобильное путешествие по Украине.
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Orlovskiy wildlife preserve (Saint Petersburg) AERIAL DRONE 4K VIDEO
Drone shooting at the North of Saint Petersburg.
Shot in 4K with a DJI Mavic Air 2.
Орловский Тибет (Полесье, река Вытебеть)
природа Орловского края
#полесье #вытебеть #природаполесья #природароссии #небесныепросторы #рекавытебеть #поселоквытебеть #русскиедороги #красота #люблюприроду #природаполесья #природароссии #небесныепросторы #орловскийтибет #думки #кипящиепески #garrirOzzo
Tbilisi (Georgia) AERIAL DRONE 4K VIDEO (DJI Mavic Air 2)
Tbilisi (Georgia) from the drone.
Shot in 4K with a DJI Mavic Air 2.
Oliwa w Gdańsku. Historia dzielnicy.
Ten film to opowieść o historii Oliwy, czyli jednej z najstarszych gdańskich dzielnic. Miejsce niezwykle urokliwe oraz bogate w wydarzania. W zwięzły sposób opowiadamy od momentu jej powstania do końca II Wojny Światowej. Zapraszamy!
Dziękujemy również Panu Adamowi Kromerowi za konsultację przy powstawaniu tego materiału.
Obóz jeniecki był nie na terenie VI Dworu a VII ( Norblina, Orłowskiego i Rodakowskiego ). Pozostałością jest nazwa Lagry. Jeńcy byli potrzebni jako siła robocza do planowanej tu budowy Szkoły Wojennej Wojsk Lądowych.
Jeżeli masz ochotę wesprzeć nasze działania to zapraszamy do wsparcia poprzez stronę PATRONITE.PL Serdecznie zapraszamy i dziękujemy! LINK PONIŻEJ:
lub poprzez:
0:00 Wstęp.
00:38 Początki
03:11 Czasy książąt pomorskich i zakonu krzyżackiego
07:21 Od XVI wieku do rozbiorów
12:20 Czas po rozbiorach
14:16 Od XIX w. do końca II Wojny Światowej
Zachęcamy również do odwiedzenia:
Adam Kromer - Oliwa
Franciszek Mamuszka - Oliwa
Russia, St Petersburg, Church of Kazan Mother of God.
#Russia #SaintPetersburg #travels #Cathedral #DJONDO
Казанский собор воспринимался современниками как памятник ратных побед русского народа в Отечественной войне 1812 года. В 1812 году сюда доставлены трофеи: военные французские знамёна и личный жезл наполеоновского маршала Даву. Здесь же был похоронен фельдмаршал Кутузов.
До конца 1829 года в соборе продолжалась работа по отделке, которой руководил Огюст Монферран. Первый ремонт в соборе прошёл в 1844—1845 годах, второй, включавший в себя реставрацию образов и стенной живописи, — в 1862—1865 годах.
Несмотря на культовый характер здания, площадь перед ним всегда привлекала интерес революционно настроенных масс. 6 (18) декабря 1876 года здесь произошла первая демонстрация народнической группы «Земля и воля» и впервые выступил Георгий Плеханов (после октябрьской революции его временный памятник находился между изваяниями Кутузова и Барклая-де-Толли). Здесь достигали пика студенческие демонстрации, начинавшиеся у Аничкова моста. В Кровавое воскресенье 1905 года толпа соорудила баррикады из скамеек в только что оформившемся сквере у собора.
27 октября (8 ноября) 1893 года в соборе отпевали Петра Чайковского.
21 февраля (6 марта) 1913 года в соборе во время празднования 300-летия дома Романовых произошла давка, по официальной версии, унёсшая жизни 34 человек.
24 мая (6 июня) 1917 года в соборе путём «свободного голосования клира и мирян» состоялись выборы правящего архиерея (единственный раз за всю истории епархии). Большинство голосов выборщиков получил епископ Гдовский Вениамин.
18 января 1921 года митрополит Вениамин освятил «пещерный» зимний придел священномученика Гермогена, патриарха Московского.
Kazan Cathedral or Kazanskiy Kafedralniy Sobor (Russian: Каза́нский кафедра́льный собо́р), also known as the Cathedral of Our Lady of Kazan, is a cathedral of the Russian Orthodox Church on the Nevsky Prospekt in Saint Petersburg. It is dedicated to Our Lady of Kazan, probably the most venerated icon in Russia.
The construction was started in 1801 and continued for ten years while being supervised by Alexander Sergeyevich Stroganov. Upon its completion in 1811, the new temple replaced the Church of Nativity of the Theotokos, which was disassembled when the Kazan Cathedral was consecrated.
It was modelled by Andrey Voronikhin after the St. Peter's Basilica in Rome. Some art historians assert that Emperor Paul intended to build a similar church on the other side of Nevsky Prospect that would mirror the Kazan Cathedral but his plans failed to materialize.[citation needed] Although the Russian Orthodox Church strongly disapproved of the plans to create a replica of a Catholic basilica in Russia's then capital, several courtiers supported Voronikhin's Empire Style design.
After Napoleon invaded Russia in 1812, and the commander-in-chief Mikhail Kutuzov asked Our Lady of Kazan for help, the church's purpose was to be altered. The Patriotic War over, the cathedral was perceived primarily as a memorial to the Russian victory against Napoleon. Kutuzov himself was interred in the cathedral in 1813; and Alexander Pushkin wrote celebrated lines meditating over his sepulchre. In 1815, keys to seventeen cities and eight fortresses were brought by the victorious Russian army from Europe and placed in the cathedral's sacristy. In 1837, Boris Orlovsky designed two bronze statues of Kutuzov and Barclay de Tolly in front of the cathedral.
In 1876, the Kazan demonstration, the first political demonstration in Russia, took place in front of the church. After the Russian Revolution of 1917, the cathedral was closed. In 1932 it was reopened as the pro-Marxist Museum of the History of Religion and Atheism. Services were resumed in 1992, and four years later the cathedral was returned to the Russian Orthodox Church. Now it is the mother cathedral of the metropolis of St. Petersburg.
The cathedral's interior, with its numerous columns, echoes the exterior colonnade and is reminiscent of a palatial hall, being 69 metres in length and 62 metres in height. The interior features numerous sculptures and icons created by the best Russian artists of the day. A wrought iron grille separating the cathedral from a small square behind it is sometimes cited as one of the finest ever created.
The cathedral's huge bronze doors are one of three copies of the original doors of the Baptistry in Florence, Italy (the other two are in San Francisco and on the Baptistry itself).
4k Moscow Russian Army Theater #roadtraffic #rtraffic
4k Moscow Russian Army Theater #roadtraffic #rtraffic
Greetings guys!
Today you will make a trip with me through one of the significant places in Moscow - the Theater of the Russian Army, located near the metro station Dostoevskaya and made in the form of a pentagonal star, as it was built in the times of the USSR, where the symbolism of state institutions was in everything.
We will start our journey from Prospekt Mira, turn to the Riga railway station, follow Gilyarovsky Street, turn to Trifonovskaya Street, drive along Orlovsky Lane, turn to Samarskaya Street, where there is a Harley Davidson motorcycle store, turn to Olimpiysky Avenue, turn to Durova Street and follow Sovetskaya Army Street along the Theater of the Russian Army to Dostoevsky Street, next to the metro station of the same name. We will drive along Perunovsky Lane, turn to Novosuschevskaya Street, turn to Minaevsky Proezd, which smoothly passes to Vadkovsky Lane, turn to Novoslobodskaya Street, which passes to Butyrskaya Street, and turn into the yards to Savelovskaya metro station.
Приветствую Вас Господа.
Сегодня вы совершите поездку вместе со мной через одно из знаменательных в Москве месте – Театр Российской Армии, находящийся возле станции метро Достоевская и выполненный в виде пятиугольной звезды, так как был построен во времена СССР, где символизм государственных учреждений был во всем.
Мы начнем наше путешествие с Проспекта Мира, свернем к Рижскому железнодорожному вокзалу, проследуем по улице Гиляровского, свернем на Трифоновскую улицу, проедем по Орловскому переулку, повернем на улицу Самарская, где находится мото магазин Харлей Дэвидсон, свернем на Олимпийский проспект, повернем на улицу Дурова и проследуем по улице Советской армии вдоль Театра Российской Армии по улице Достоевского, рядом с одноименной станцией метро. Проедем по Перуновскому переулку, повернем на Новосущевскую улицу, свернем на Минаевский проезд, плавно переходящий на Вадковский переулок, повернем на Новослободскую улицу, переходящую в Бутырскую улицу, и свернем во дворы к станции метро Савеловская.
- GoPro 11 with gopro labs modified settings
- iPad Pro 256 (2018) – video & preview editing
- MacBook Pro 13 8/256 i5 (2020) – video & text editing
- iPhone 8 256 (2018) – YouTube and social media settings with text editing
- CapCat – video & preview editing
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#roadtraffic #driving #car #russia #mytishchi #moscow #evening #road #trip #auto #tour #night tour #how to drive #car driving in traffic #traffic reaction #motorway #freeway #highway
Travel Series | Paris & Disneyland, France
Another short of clips travelog from previous year. Mhmm sorry ☹
Travel Series | Dubai, United Arab Emirates
I've been meaning to edit my UAE video long time ago but I was short of certain footages. I guess a snippet of it is alright. Footages are from my iphone 6 and explained the poor quality of this video.
p/s: Hope you guys wouldn't mind and still enjoy of it. Cheers!
The Big Wheel 1949 United Artists American Film Drama
The Big Wheel is a 1949 American drama sport film directed by Edward Ludwig starring Mickey Rooney, Thomas Mitchell, Mary Hatcher and Michael O'Shea. It includes the final screen appearance of Hattie McDaniel.
Billy Coy (Mickey Rooney) arrives in the town of Carrell, California and offers himself as a mechanic for Arthur Red Stanley (Thomas Mitchell) at his garage. Red turns down Billy initially, but after seeing a photo of his father, Cannonball Coy, a famous driver, Red scares up a job for Billy. Billy's father died in an accident at the Indianapolis 500 several years previously. Red was Cannonball's mechanic, riding with him the day he died in the north turn of the Indianapolis motor speedway. Red inquires after her; he still carries a torch for Mary (Spring Byington), Cannonball's widow and Billy's mother....
Billy gets another chance to drive for another car owner, Deacon Jones. The car is green and referred to as a Hoodoo Wagon due to a racing superstition that green cars are unlucky. A helpful gadfly in the pits reminds Billy this is the same color as the car his father drove when he crashed and burned. Billy drives but is pushed off the track by driver Vic Sullivan (Michael O'Shea). Billy survives the crash but fails to qualify. He vents his frustration at the dirty trick by punching Vic. Distracted by the spectacle, another driver injures his hand by absentmindedly placing it on the searing exhaust pipe of his car in which he's sitting; Billy is offered the opportunity to drive in the incapacitated man's stead.
Billy wins the next race and continues driving for Jones. Together with his team's other driver, Happy Lee (Steve Brodie), they make headlines with their success. Billy gets arrested for speeding after he has too much to drink. Red bails him out, and contrary to Red's advice, Billy goes on to race that same night...
Billy stays in contact with Louise, and starts fresh as a race car driver. In his absence, his mother and Red get married.
On the day of the next Indianapolis 500 race, Mary, Red and Louise turn out to support Billy. He drives one of Red's cars and leads, but on the final lap Billy drives through flaming gasoline from a wreck which causes Billy's engine to catch fire. Battling the smoke, Billy finishes the race, taking third place, leaping from the car just before it explodes. Billy is bitterly disappointed not to have won, especially since without a winning purse Red can't afford to race again. To Billy's delight, in a show of great sportsmanship, the winner insists officials give the trophy to Billy for his bravery.
Mickey Rooney as Billy Coy
Thomas Mitchell as Arthur 'Red' Stanley
Mary Hatcher as Louise Riley
Michael O'Shea as Vic Sullivan
Spring Byington as Mary Coy
Hattie McDaniel as Minnie (as Hattie McDaniels)
Steve Brodie as Happy Lee
Lina Romay as Dolores Raymond
Allen Jenkins as George
Richard Lane as Reno Riley (as Dick Lane)
Eddie Kane as Head Waiter
Charles Irwin as Drunk
Kippee Valez as Carla
Denver Pyle as Doctor
George Fisher as Announcer
Jackson King as Announcer (as Jack Colin)
Rooney returned from the war and made four films for MGM. He wanted to enter independent production and MGM agreed provided he promise to make five films for them.
In April 1949 Rooney announced he would make four films in partnership with producer Sam Stiefel of which Big Wheel would be the first, directed by Edward Ludwig based on a story by Robert Smith. It would be followed by Buckaroo based on an idea by Rooney, and Quicksand.[5]
The agreement between Rooney and Stiefel ended before Rooney had made a film due to a financial disagreement. Rooney agreed to make three films for Stiefel as a salaried employer. The producer said Rooney owed him $180,000 and he was paying Rooney $100,000 a film; he was to pay it off at $60,000 a film, and thus would only get $40,000 cash.
Filming started 21 June 1949. Wilbur Shaw acted as technical adviser. Rooney's character was based on Mauri Rose.
In August 1949 it was announced the film would be produced by Stifel, Harry Popkin and Jack Dempsey.
The film was previewed in November 1949.
The Los Angeles Times said the track scenes were thrilling.
In January 1950 driver Bill Holland sued Rooney, Dempsey, Popkin, Stifel and his brother for $250,000 in damages claiming the film was based on the 1949 Memorial Day race. Holland won the race and argued the film damaged his reputation by implying he won by a fluke.
Public domain note:
This film is now in the public domain.
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A 7 mile day walk around the Suffolk villages of Sutton and Shottisham, near Woodbridge. A lengthy section of the Suffolk Sandlings Walk was covered on this route. Weather held out, despite the dark clouds overhead.