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10 Best place to visit in Ocniţa Moldova


Monumentul “Lumânarea Recunoştinţei” din Soroca #travel #moldova #europe

Nu știu cum alții, dar eu mă mîndresc cu Republica Moldova. Și cu cît mai bine îmi cunosc meleagurile natale, cu atît mai mult îmi place de țara mea! La finele verii acestui an am avut ocazia să descoper nordul țării. La început, prin cel mai nordic punct pe care l-am vizitat, raionul Briceni, oraşele Ocniţa, Otaci, Mănăstirile Călărăşeuca şi Rudi.
Din start am hotărît să vizitez cetatea Soroca dar și monumentul “Lumînarea Recunoștinței” ridicat pe o stîncă deasupra Nistrului. Ideea de inaugurare a acestui monument îi aparține renumitului clasic al literaturii moldovenești, Ion Druță. Însă proiectul în cauză a fost realizat abia la 27 martie 2004.
Scara spre „Lumînarea Recunoștinței” a fost probabil a II-a cea mai lungă scară (după Cetatea Poenari) pe care am urcat-o vreodată, cu circa 656 de trepte. Ajuns lîngă capela în formă de lumânare de 29,5 m, am tras răsuflarea și mi-am zis că a meritat efortul, fiindcă de sus se deschide o priveliște de neuitat. Se vede bătrînul Nistru, Ucraina dincolo de el și dealurile păduroase din împrejurimi. În incinta „Lumânării” se află o bisericuță. De pe platforma de vizualizare se deschide panorama Sorocii de unde se vede și cetatea. Soroca merită vizitată. Mi-a plăcut că are parcuri și se află la poalele unor dealuri verzi, pitorești. Țin minte și acum cum una din străzi era plină de frunze uscate de castan... Aveai impresia că la final de august erai în plină toamnă. O senzație neobișnuită și plăcută. Așa am cunoscut Soroca.

Natura în obiectiv (Ocniţa)


Good news! New UA-MD railway line was officially opened

Today, restored railway from Ukrainian town of Berezyne to the Moldavian city of Besarabiaska was officially opened. The railway connection was carried out here only until 1997. Ukrainian railway workers restored about 23 kilometers of track (22 km on the territory of Ukraine and 1 km on the territory of Moldova) in a very short time - a little more than a month. Renovation of this railway line was very necessary due to the large export flows and missile strikes on the infrastructure of russian barbarians, which do not stop for a day
Сьогодні офіційно відкрита відновлена залізниця з українського містечка Березине до молдовського міста Бесарабяска. Залізничне сполучення тут здійснювалося лише до 1997 року. Українські залізничники відновили близько 23 кілометрів колії (22 км на території України та 1 км на території Молдови) у дуже стислі терміни - трохи більше місяця. Відновлення цієї залізниці було дуже необхідним через великі експортні потоки та ракетні удари по інфраструктурі російських варварів, що не припиняються ні на день.

Travel by train in Moldova

Travel by train in Republic of Moldova.

Crossing the Moldova-Ukraine border by train

Travelling with the Chernivci-Ocnita train, which crosses the border of Moldova and Ukraine several times. In this video you can see one of these crossings. Utazás a Csernyovci-Ocnita vonattal, ami többször átkel a moldáv-ukrán határon, ami elég kanyargós erre fele. Az egyik határon való áthaladás pont látható a viedóban. A sok határátkelés miatt ez egy igen hosszú út (kb. 170km-t a vonat több mint 5 óra alatt tesz meg), ugyanis a legtöbb átkelés után természetesen útlevél-ellenőrzés, és vámvizsgálat is van. Ha érdekel a térség vasúti közlekedése, olvasd el vonatkozó írásomat: Пересечение Молдова-Украина границу на поезде.

Природа Молдовы. Пока остаёмся остаёмся здесь в приюте и учимся.

#молдова #украинцы #молдавия #природа #горы #moldova #nature #ukrainian

Really soviet type city of Ocnita,in northern Moldova

Top travel destinations in Eastern Europe

Are you planning on travelling to Eastern Europe? Ensure to include these top destinations on your must visit list to make the best out of your trip. #shorts #travel
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5. Sighișoara is an enchanting city located in the historic district of Transylvania in Romania. Its history dates back to the 1100s which makes the place perfect for history buffs. The small town with its ancient churches and walled town center looks a lot like those you’d see in fairy tales. The old Saxon city is a UNESCO World Heritage site composed of only three main streets, so the entire place is easy to explore.

Also within this walled town is a restaurant called “Casa Dracula” the birthplace of Vlad Tepes more popularly known in history as Vlad the Impaler or yes Dracula in pop culture. Many believe Bram Stoker’s Dracula was based on this Romanian historical figure with a penchant for impaling enemies on stakes and displaying them for everyone to see.

4. Located three to four kilometers away from the Mostar airport, Blagaj is a quaint little village perfect for those looking for a peaceful retreat. It is famous for its Dervish monastery that sits at the foot of a cliff amidst a mesmerizing river that seems to flow out from the foot of the mountain. The monastery was founded during the height of the Ottoman empire around 600 years ago.

Numerous restaurants line the side of the river where you can enjoy local cuisine and savor the serene ambiance of the place. There are also other shops in the area you can explore. The site is a picturesque tourist spot that has become Herzegovina's tourist center.

3. Mysterious Bran castle is Romania’s most famous castle and home to the notorious Walachian Prince Vlad Tepes a.k.a. Vlad the Impaler. The place is known throughout the world as Dracula’s Castle since it’s is believed that Bram Stoker used the castle as inspiration for Dracula’s fortress. This enchanting medieval structure sits imposingly atop a 200-foot cliff in the Transylvanian Alps.

Its location atop a cliff overlooking the towns below is both dramatic and imposing. The main draw of this gothic fortress is its historical significance and mysteriously eerie appeal. It is one of Romania’s most treasured tourist attractions.

2. There are several fascinating cave monasteries throughout Moldova that were hand-carved from the sides of limestone cliffs. Many scientists believe that there are more cave monasteries than are currently known. Among the most well known in Moldova are the Tipova (Rezina district), Saharna (Rezina district), Butuceni (Orhei district), Japca (Floresti district); Cosauti (Soroca district), Calaraseuca (Ocnita district), Molovata (Dubasari district), and Soroca.

Carved on the side of the cliffs these monasteries overlook vast bodies of water and are composed of inner chambers and interlinked cells built into the side of the mountain. Most of these intriguing structures date back to as far as the 11th century.

1. Tallinn is one of the most beautiful yet underrated cities in Europe. It’s winding cobblestone steps, beautiful church bell towers, and charming medieval Old Town make it an ideal destination for tourists who have gone weary of other more popular and expensive tourist destinations located West of Europe.

Tallinn is home to Kalamaja, a charming fishermen’s village that features the biggest harbor in Estonia and the Old Town with its beautiful cobblestone streets lined with small quirky shops. Visitors can wander around the narrow streets, enchanting courtyards, and cafes like the Maiasmokk that has been serving scrumptious Estonian meals since 1864.

DJI Mavic Air (Balti,Moldova) Full HD

The Park of Vila Mîndîc: Monument of Another Era

The Park of Vila Mîndîc, in the Drochia district of Moldova, has an interesting story. Yet, not many know the legends surrounding these ancient ruins of once opulent buildings built by the Polish boyar Ohanowicz (Oganovici). Check the video to learn more about it.

00:00 Introduction
00:29 The legends
01:11 The family crypt
01:38 The Soviet period
02:02 An ethnographic museum?

#travelwithloredana #parculvilamindic #exploremoldova


In lacul Ocnita sfidand gravitatea,try to get drown and you can't -1'st most salted lake in Europe

One of the most saltest lake in the world (second in Europe) - 33% salt - Ocnita Lake - Ocna Sibiu - nearby Sibiu (Hermannstadt) - Transilvania - Romania - The water level is 80m, however the salt percentage keeps you floating without any effort - Fantastic feeling! Come visit! :)

Find me on facebook too! -

Incendiu în faţa trenului de pe cursa Chişinău-Ocniţa

Trenul recent modernizat, care circulă pe ruta Chişinău-Ocniţa, a fost blocat astăzi în câmp deschis. Aceasta s-a întâmplat între staţiile Donduşeni şi Ocniţa, din cauza unui incendiu de teren.

Din cauza flăcărilor care au ajuns până la calea ferată, trenul a fost blocat timp de o oră.

După intervenţia pompierilor, trenul şi-a reluat călătoria.

How to travel and live cheap in Balti Moldova (Bălți). Tips and tricks.

#howcheap #Balti #Moldova How to spend less in Balti (Moldova). How to get this city from Chernivtsi (Ukraine) for less that 10 Euro and pay for Hotel 11 Euro for single room. If you spend less you can travel more.

Наславча c высоты / Naslavcea vazută de sus

Наславча (молд. Naslavcea) — село в Окницком районе Молдовы, на правом берегу Днестра. Возле села Наславча находится самая северная точка Молдовы. Село Наславча расположено на высоких живописных холмах, производит впечатление настоящего горного села. На этом участке основная достопримечательность – живописные природные ландшафты. Вблизи с. Наславча находится заброшенный и затопленный аргилитовый карьер, а также Днестровская ГЭС2 (Украина).

Naslavcea − sat din Moldova în raionul Ocniţa, situat pe malul drept al Nistrului. Lîngă satul Naslavea se află cel mai de nord punct al Moldovei. Satul Naslavcea este situat pe dealuri pitoreşti şi creează impresia unui adevărat sat de munte. Pe această porţiune, principala atracţie turistică o reprezintă locurile pitoreşti. În apropierea satului Naslavcea se află o carieră de argilit inundată şi Hidrocentrala 2 (Ucraina).


Moldova - Balti


EU SUNT AICI | Ep. 4: Naslavcea cu Alina Ponomariov

EU SUNT AICI este o serie de emisiuni turistice despre locuri și tineri din Moldova.

Cel de-al patrulea episod vă duce până în cel mai nordic punct al Moldovei, la Naslavcea, alături de talentata studentă la Facultatea de Arte Plastice - Alina Ponomariov!

Vino să descoperi toate bijuteriile ascunse ale satului Naslavcea și, mai ales, inima Moldovei!

Proiectul este realizat de OWH Studio cu susținerea Ministerului Culturii din Republica Moldova.

Protagonist: Alina Ponomariov
Scenariu, regie, montaj și voce: Ioana Vatamanu-Mărgineanu
Imagine: Oleg Popescu
Dronă: Călin Popescu
Colorizare și mixaj sunet: Radu D. Zaporojan
Muzică: Anatol Ștefăneț & Trigon
Traducere și subtitrare: Romeo Cărbune
Producător: Virgiliu Mărgineanu
Mulțumiri speciale: Leontina Vatamanu, Tatiana Topor, Elena Stegari, Daniel Avram, Alina Oancea, Vasile Corețchii.

I AM HERE is a series of tourist shows about places and young people in Moldova.

The fourth episode takes you to the northernmost point of Moldova, to Naslavcea, with the talented student of the Faculty of Fine Arts - Alina Ponomariov!

Come and discover all the hidden gems of Naslavcea, especially the heart of Moldova!

The project is realized by OWH Studio with the support of the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Moldova.

Protagonist: Alina Ponomariov
Script, direction, editing and voice: Ioana Vatamanu-Mărgineanu
Cinematography: Oleg Popescu
Drone: Călin Popescu
Colour and sound mixing: Radu D. Zaporojan
Music: Anatol Stefaneț & Trigon
Translation and subtitling: Romeo Cărbune
Producer: Virgiliu Mărgineanu
Special thanks: Leontina Vatamanu, Tatiana Topor, Elena Stegari, Daniel Avram, Alina Oancea, Vasile Corețchii.

(c) OWH Studio 2023

CFM Moldovan Railways Train in Sipoteni

This is the view from a CFM Moldovan Railways train from Chisinau to Iasi as it rides through the town of Sipoteni in Moldova.

The Chisinau-Iasi train is operated by a Soviet-era DMU (Diesel Multiple Unit) train which has been extensively refurbished and modernised in recent years by a Romanian company called Electroputere VFU.

This CFM Moldovan Railways train has three travel classes, has WiFi internet and a small bar counter where you can buy snacks and drinks.

Are you curious about the facilities on board a CFM Moldovan Railways train and want to find out how the journey is like when travelling from Chisinau in Moldova to Iasi in Romania? Check out the full review of the Chisinau-Iasi train at the link below:

Moldova/Chisinau (to Romania) Part10

Welcome to my travelchannel.On my channel you can find almost 1000 films of more than 70 countries. See the playlist on my youtube channel.Enjoy!

Chișinău also known formerly as Kishinev, is the capital and largest city of the Republic of Moldova. The city is Moldova's main industrial and commercial center, and is located in the middle of the country, on the river Bîc. According to the preliminary results of the 2014 census, the city of Chișinău is home to 492,894 residents. The estimated number of resident population in the Municipality of Chișinău (which includes other nearby communities), as of 1 January 2015, is 736,100.Chișinău is the most economically prosperous locality in Moldova and its largest transportation hub.
Chișinău is located on the river Bâc, a tributary of the Dniester, at 47°0′N 28°55′E, with an area of 120 square kilometres (46 sq mi). The municipality comprises 635 square kilometres (245 sq mi).
The city lies in central Moldova and is surrounded by a relatively level landscape with very fertile ground. Chișinău is governed by the City Council and the City Mayor (Romanian: Primar), both elected once every four years. The current mayor is Dorin Chirtoacă.His predecessor was Serafim Urechean. Under the Moldovan constitution, Urechean — elected to parliament in 2005 — was unable to hold an additional post to that of an MP. The Democratic Moldova Bloc leader subsequently accepted his mandate and in April resigned from his former position. During his 11-year term, Urechean committed himself to the restoration of the church tower of the Catedrala Nașterea Domnului and improvements in public transport.
The current mayor, Dorin Chirtoacă from the Liberal party, took office after elections in June 2007. Chirtoacă won reelections in June 2011, and June 2015.
Local governmentThe municipality in its totality elects a mayor and a local council, which then name five pretors, one for each sector. They deal more locally with administrative matters. Each sector claims a part of the city and several suburbs:
The second most popular form of domestic transportation within Moldova is via railways. The total length of the network managed by Moldovan Railway CFM (as of 2009) is 1,232 kilometers (766 miles). The entire network is single track and is not electrified. The central hub of all railways is Chișinău Central Railway Station. There is another smaller railway station - Revaca located on the city's ends.Chișinău Railway Station has an international railway terminal with connections to Bucharest, Kiev, Minsk, Odessa, Moscow, Samara, Varna and St. Petersburg. Due to the simmering conflict between Moldova and the unrecognised Transnistria republic the rail traffic towards Ukraine is occasionally stopped.Wikipedia

Excursia de la Țipova (Photo Slideshow #1) | CSC Moldova

Excursie Extreme la Țipova
sâmbătă, 29 aprilie 2017

Music: K-391 - Summertime [Sunshine]

Satul Clocușna, raionul Ocnița (partea I)

Clocușna este un sat din raionul Ocnița, Republica Moldova. Localitatea este situată la 230 km de Chișinău.Satul se află la granița de nord a Moldovei. Se învecinează cu Hădărăuți și Ocnița în R. Moldova și Mendicăuți, Gvăzdăuți și Secureni în Ucraina. Denumirea localității se presupune ca ar veni de la cuvântul „clocotici”, ceea ce înseamnă niște pomi mici, tufari.



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