Нікополь Nikopol' H23 Україна Ukraine 18.10.2014
Der Weg ist das Ziel... komm fahr mit in meinem Goggomobil =G=
Sightseeing in Krisenregionen, Armenviertel, Bürgerkriegsgebieten.
Along radioactive Death-Zones, MOAs, No-Go and Civil-War Areas.
Просимо будь ласка пройти опитувальник щодо даного відео
Колись тут грізно били в тулумбаси козаки, починалися великі походи запорожців та гартувалася їхня слава. Саме тут було п'ять найвеличніших січей запорожців, Хмельницький отримав булаву та благословення на велику війну, тут поховали та перепоховали рештки найвідомішого характерника — Сірка. А сьогодні тут повітряна тривога та загроза обстрілів 24/7. По суті, російська армія зробила з цієї місцевості свій полігон, тренуючи тут артилеристів та пілотів FPV дронів, котрі хаотично обстрілюють дану місцевість, наточуючи свої навички. Це міста Нікополь, Марганець та їхні околиці, що на Дніпровщині. Навпроти них за Дніпром стоїть Запорізька АЕС, захоплена росіянами ще у березні 2022 року. З того часу російська армія тероризує весь світ ядерним шантажем та, прикриваючись станцією, через яку ЗСУ не можуть дати їм відповідь, здійснюють цілодобовий обстріл цієї місцевості. На початку травня команда Хащі відвідала цей край, зафільмувала сьогоднішні реалії, ну і звичайно, ми згадали історію, адже куди ми без неї.
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00:00 центр українського козацтва
03615 на дні Каховського моря
04:07 порт міста Нікополь
05:09 місто що стало полігоном для росіян
11:00 Олексіївка - небезпечніше ніж Бахмут
14:15 характерник Іван Сірко
17:36 Капулівка, нікопольська клубника, Шарль де Голь
22:40 врятуй Бушу. Грецький проект Катерини ІІ
26:55 хаточині обстріли Нікополя
31:32 Запорізька АЕС
32:55 47 загаблих у Нікополі
36:44 старе місто - найнебезпечніша частина Нікополя
45:58 набережна Нікополя
47:00 Микитинська Січ
48:08 Угорщина, Росія, Ленін, зруйнований храм
map of Chernobyl [ Ukraine ] [ карта Чорнобиля ]
Chernobyl (/tʃɜːrˈnoʊbəl/ chur-NOH-bəl, UK also /tʃɜːrˈnɒbəl/ chur-NOB-əl; Russian: Чернобыль, IPA: [tɕɪrˈnobɨlʲ]) or Chornobyl (Ukrainian: Чорнобиль, IPA: [tʃorˈnɔbɪlʲ] (audio speaker iconlisten)) is a partially abandoned city in the Chernobyl Exclusion Zone, situated in the Vyshhorod Raion of northern Kyiv Oblast, Ukraine. Chernobyl is about 90 kilometres (60 mi) north of Kyiv, and 160 kilometres (100 mi) southwest of the Belarusian city of Gomel. Before its evacuation, the city had about 14,000 residents, while around 1,000 people live in the city today.
First mentioned as a ducal hunting lodge in 1193, the city has changed hands multiple times over the course of history. Jews were introduced to the city in the 16th century, and a now-defunct monastery was established near the city in 1626. By the end of the 18th century, Chernobyl was a major centre of Hasidic Judaism under the Twersky Dynasty, who left Chernobyl after the city was subject to pogroms in the early 20th century. The Jewish community was later murdered during the Holocaust. Chernobyl was chosen as the site of Ukraine's first nuclear power plant in 1972, located city of Slavutych,
The city was the administrative centre of Chernobyl Raion (district) from 1923. After the disaster, in 1988, the raion was dissolved and administration was transferred to the neighbouring Ivankiv Raion. Following the administrative reform of 18 July 2020, the city became part of Vyshhorod Raion.
Although Chernobyl is primarily a ghost town today, a small number of people still live there, in houses marked with signs that read, Owner of this house lives here, and a small number of animals live there as well. Workers on watch and administrative personnel of the Chernobyl Exclusion Zone are also stationed in the city. The city has two general stores and a hotel.
During the 2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine, Chernobyl became the site of the Battle of Chernobyl and Russian forces captured the city. After its capture, it was reported that radiation levels began rising. On 26 April 1986, one of the reactors at the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant exploded after unsanctioned experiments on the reactor by plant operators were done improperly. The resulting loss of control was due to design flaws of the RBMK reactor, which made it unstable when operated at low power, and prone to thermal runaway where increases in temperature increase reactor power output.
Chernobyl city was evacuated nine days after the disaster. The level of contamination with caesium-137 was around 555 kBq/m2 (surface ground deposition in 1986).
Later analyses concluded that, even with very conservative estimates, relocation of the city (or of any area below 1500 kBq/m2) could not be justified on the grounds of radiological health. This however does not account for the uncertainty in the first few days of the accident about further depositions and weather patterns. Moreover, an earlier short-term evacuation could have averted more significant doses from short-lived isotope radiation (specifically iodine-131, which has a half-life of about eight days). Estimates of health effects are a subject of some controversy, see Effects of the Chernobyl disaster.
In 1998, average caesium-137 doses from the accident (estimated at 1–2 mSv per year) did not exceed those from other sources of exposure. Current effective caesium-137 dose rates as of 2019 are 200–250 nSv/h, or roughly 1.7–2.2 mSv per year, which is comparable to the worldwide average background radiation from natural sources.
The base of operations for the administration and monitoring of the Chernobyl Exclusion Zone was moved from Pripyat to Chernobyl. Chernobyl currently contains offices for the State Agency of Ukraine on the Exclusion Zone Management and accommodations for visitors. Apartment blocks have been repurposed as accommodations for employees of the State Agency. The length of time that workers may spend within the Chernobyl Exclusion Zone is restricted by regulations that have been implemented to limit radiation exposure. Today, visits are allowed to Chernobyl but limited by strict rules.
In 2003, the United Nations Development Programme launched a project, called the Chernobyl Recovery and Development Programme (CRDP), for the recovery of the affected areas. The main goal of the CRDP's activities is supporting the efforts of the Government of Ukraine to mitigate the long-term social, economic, and ecological consequences of the Chernobyl disaster.
The city has become overgrown and many types of animals live there. According to census information collected over an extended period of time, it is estimated that more mammals live there now than before the disaster.
On 24 February 2022, the Russian Armed Forces captured the city and surrounding areas during the Battle of Chernobyl. #chernobylmap map of mariupol here
Зоря Zorya Маяк Mayak Прогрес Prohres H23 Україна Ukraine 17.10.2014
Der Weg ist das Ziel... komm fahr mit in meinem Goggomobil =G=
Sightseeing in Krisenregionen, Armenviertel, Bürgerkriegsgebieten.
Along radioactive Death-Zones, MOAs, No-Go and Civil-War Areas.
Щербаки Shcherbaky Богодухів Bohodukhiv Мусійки Musiiky P46 Україна Ukraine 15.10.2014
Der Weg ist das Ziel... komm fahr mit in meinem Goggomobil =G=
Sightseeing in Krisenregionen, Armenviertel, Bürgerkriegsgebieten.
Along radioactive Death-Zones, MOAs, No-Go and Civil-War Areas.
Houses in Ukraine, Snizhne, Сніжне
#ukraine #Сніжне #russianinvasion #UkraineInvasion
Никополь (Украина) - Турция (Белек) видео отдыха | Nikopol (Ukraine) - Turkey (Belek) preview video
#Turkey #Rest #Belek
Никополь (Украина) - Турция (Белек) превью видео отдыха, кратко пробежался по моментам которые будут ожидать в последующих видео, которые уже готовятся для публикации на канале. Далее будет обзор отеля TUI Magic Life Masmavi в котором мы остановились на 10 дней, Aquapark и не водные горки в Турецком Disneyland The Land Of Legends, так же будут Багги, Montser Jet лодки на Combo 5 in 1.
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Nikopol from above
The Danube river at Nikopol.
Dnieper Ferry Nikopol - Kamyanka Dniprovska
- Dnieper Ferry Nikopol - Kamyanka Dniprovska by ferry ship (made in 1950 in USSR) to carry passengers, vehicles and cargo crossing 6 km of Dnieper River
Weekend in the Dnipro 2020 #travelukraine #zipline #ukraine #dnipro
Yo guys , I'm glad to see your presence on my page , and this episode I'm going to spend my weekend in the Dnipro-city Ukraine. It was a spontaneous decision to film a VLOG , so it is what it is .. enjoy watching my vlog and give me your comments down below.
1:25 hyper lapse
3:36 zip line
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Украина изнутри: город НИКОполь. Україна зсередини: місто НІКОполь
Выражаю огромную благодарность за помощь в создании видео:
- Олегу Фельдману - директору турагенства 7 Cечей (facebook.com/7sich), Исполнительному директору фонда Никополь Туристический
- Владимиру Байдукову - travel-блогеру Никополя
- Сергею Торопу - историку-краеведу фонда Никополь Туристический
- Кушнирук Александру - директору Никопольского Краеведческого Музея
- Романовой Наталье - заместителю директора НКМ по научно-просветительской работе
А сейчас - давайте знакомиться)
Меня зовут Галина, я родилась и выросла в городе Днепр, в невероятно красивой стране, под названием Украина.
Я люблю дорогу и путешествия:)
Мой общий пробег по дорогам Украине превышает 500 000 км (самой иногда не верится:)
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Украина изнутри: город НИКОПОЛЬ. Україна зсередини: місто НІКОПОЛЬ
#галинкаукраинка #никополь #нікополь
Давайте знакомиться!)
Меня зовут Галина, я родилась и выросла в городе Днепр, в невероятно красивой стране, под названием Украина.
Я люблю дорогу и путешествия:)
Мой общий пробег по Украине превышает 450 000 км (самой иногда не верится:)
Я открыла для себя много интересных мест, красивых городов и замечательных людей в нашей стране.
Поэтому и появился этот канал)
Предлагаю всем нам открывать Украину вместе!)
Если у Вас есть желание рассказать о своем городе, селе, поселке - обязательно напишите и мы вместе сделаем сюжет!
Еще планирую покорять Европу на автомобиле и делится с Вами лайфхаками:)
Поэтому обязательно подписывайтесь, впереди будет еще много интересного!)
Моя почта: galinkaukrainka3@gmail.com
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Music by:
- Maxim Shevchenko
Picture by:
- Von Nessa Gnatoush - CC BY 2.0,
00:00 Intro
00:58 Conflict in Ukraine
02:25 Petty scams
02:57 Personal safety
04:00 Military
04:58 Outro
Русанівка, Київ, 10.10.2023
#kyiv #kyivgram #kyivlove #kyivlife #kyivlive #kyivtoday #kyivtown #kyiv2023 #київ #київвденьтавночі #київсьогодні #київсьогодні🇺🇦 #київ2023 #русанівка
Ukraine Driving with a pass
Our 2006 Eastern European RV Trip
Kyiv, Ukraine. River Dnieper 4k 2020
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Kyiv the capital of Ukraine. Kyiv (or Kiev) is one of the oldest capitals in Europe, and one of the most underrated.Morning travel to great river of Ukraine - Dnieper. Sunrise on the river Dnieper. Shot on samsung galaxy s10 plus 4k. March 2020.
DNIEPER RIVER: Kiev, Ukraine (Landscape Video Series) 4K/UltraHD
Dnieper River: Kiev, Ukraine (Landscape Video Series) 4K/UltraHD features stunning and spectacular aerial, walking, and drone video footage great for travel, visit, and tourism planning set to original music. The video is the perfect companion for indoor exercise routines involving treadmills, steppers, cycling, and rowing. The Dnieper is one of the major rivers of Europe, rising in the Valdai Hills near Smolensk, Russia, before flowing through Belarus and Ukraine to the Black Sea. It is the longest river of Ukraine and Belarus and the fourth-longest river in Europe, after Volga, Danube and Ural. The total length is approximately 2,200 km (1,400 mi) with a drainage basin of 504,000 square kilometres (195,000 sq mi). Historically, the river was an important barrier, dividing Ukraine into right and left banks. Nowadays, the river is noted for its dams and hydroelectric stations. The Dnieper is an important navigable waterway for the economy of Ukraine and is connected via the Dnieper–Bug Canal to other waterways in Europe. In antiquity, the river was known to the Greeks as the Borysthenes and was part of the Amber Road.
In popular culture:
The river is one of the symbols of the Ukrainian nation and is mentioned in the national anthem of Ukraine.
Some of the cities on its banks — Dnipro, Dniprorudne, Kamianka-Dniprovska — are named after the river.
The river is referred to as Dnipro, in the song Hey, Dnipro, Dnipro.
The folk metal band Turisas have a song called The Dnieper Rapids on their 2007 album The Varangian Way.
Leon Bolier featured a track called Dnipro in his debut 2-CD album Pictures. The track is said to be inspired by his visit to Kyiv in May 2008.
Roberto Bolaño's novel 2666 features the Dnieper as a significant feature of the village of Hans Reiter.
Beat laureate Spencer Hash spent childhood summers observing tide patterns in the Dnieper. It provides the backdrop for most of his 1998 novel Embassy.
This scenery video features original music by Drum Knight:
This description uses material from the Wikipedia article which is released under the
Man-made lake in Mariupol Ukraine & Orthodox Church
A man-made lake in Mariupol Ukraine & Orthodox Church
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Миколаївське шосе до Херсону🇺🇦 #short #kherson #Chernobaevka #shorts #home #ukraine #top #war
I 💖Pervomaisk, the central square in our city! 4K video
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