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10 Best place to visit in Ngchesar Hamlet Palau


Jungle River Boat Cruise - Babeldaob, Republic of Palau

The U.S. funded Compact-Impact Road has made access to the island of Babeldaob in the Republic of Palau easier. One of my favorite places to visit in Babeldaob is Melekeok State's ancient pier, just north of Ngchesar State where the Jungle River Boat Cruise is located.

We boarded a covered aluminum boat for the two and a-half mile ride to the open ocean. Besides finding yourself deep in nature, this was also an excellent cultural experience. Catching mangrove crabs, watching birds fly overhead and hearing them, and seeing crocodiles were among the attractions of this ecotour.

Billy Takamine, native of Ngchesar State, was our tour guide on this river boat cruise up the Shimizu River on Ngchesar State. He explained how locals use resources from the river, i.e. Nipa leaves for thatching roofs, pandanus fruits for food.

Before the tour started, we relaxed near the abai by the main road, observed a fruit bat, and walked down a nature trail along the river lined with beautiful flowers, ferns, and mahagony trees. At the end of the trail was the dock. We waited for the rest of the passengers under a second wooden structure. Lined along its perimeter are beautifully crafted mangrove benches and hung from the ceiling on the sides of the structure were various fish traps. A bamboo trap used to catch mangrove crabs sat on the center of the floor.



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