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10 Best place to visit in Mohács Hungary


Mohács, Hungary

Mohács is a town and river port in southern Hungary that tourists on Danube River cruises often visit. In the past, the small town of Mohács twice was the place for decisive events in Hungarian and European history. Two massive and historically crucial battles were fought near the small village of Mohác. The Ottomans won the first in 1526 and swept north, the Habsburgs the second in 1687, driving the Ottomans out of East-Central Europe. The Historical Memorial Park, located just outside of town, features an extensive collection of clothing, tools, and weapons that showcase cultural differences among enemies. The city has several fascinating churches: the 18th-century Baroque Protestant church, the Roman Catholic church, the Serbian Greek Orthodox church and the Avas church. The Battlefield Memorial Church, the so-called Votive Church, dominates the central square. On one side of the central square is the Town Hall, an intriguing Moorish-style building with cream and pink stonework and a green dome. In front of the town hall and the church is a statue embodying the town's beliefs. The Statue of the Three Nationalities is an excellent example of how to present that all people are the same, no matter our nationalities or religions. Today, Mohács is well known for its Busó Carnival, a wide range of tourist attractions and its vicinity to Pécs. Most important is the Duna (Danube)-Dráva National Park area and its wide range of attractions. Mohás, for some years, has become a brand new destination for eco-tourism activities, and the outstanding quality of food and drinks make it a perfect destination for relaxed outdoor holidays.
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#Mohács #Hungary #MohácsHungary #verynicetravel

Restaurants in Mohács, Hungary

Have a really tasty meal again, in a good restaurant or eatery nearby. Enjoy a great dinner with near Mohács. Whether gourmet, fast food or a romantic candlelight dinner, you will find something suitable here.

Here you can find Restaurants in Mohács, Hungary:
1) FogPifkáló
Mohács, Szabadság u. 18, 7700
(06 69) 303 607

2) Vesuvio Pizza
Mohács, Csernavölgy u., 7700
06 70 351 2344

3) Trón Étterem és Kávéház
Mohács, Jókai Mór u. 2, 7700
(06 69) 311 888

4) Alibi Bistro
Mohács, Jókai Mór u. 2, 7700
06 30 591 6522

5) Subrosa étterem
Mohács, Szent Mihály tér 7, 7700

6) Duna Pizza
Mohács, 058/2 hrsz, Eszéki út
06 20 233 1111

7) Peppino Pizzéria
Mohács, Szabadság u. 42, 7700
(06 69) 301 360

8) Keresztapa Pizzéria
Mohács, Szabadság u. 22, 7700
(06 69) 303 259

9) Piac Pecsenye Mohács
Mohács, Jókai Mór u. 10, 7700
06 30 470 0602

10) Húspiac és Pecsenye
Mohács, Radnóti ltp. 4, 7700
06 70 387 1837

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10 Top-Rated Tourist Attractions in Hungary

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10 Top-Rated Tourist Attractions in Hungary

While Hungary is famous for its goulash and paprika (which, by the way, originated in the New World), it’s known for much more than that, including world-class fine wines and its pear liqueur, an orange-colored sweet dessert treat, sometimes known as palinka.

Visitors to Hungary quickly learn it is a land of many cultures, having been ruled over by the Romans, Ottomans, Mongols, Magyars, Czechs and the Soviets. Remains of Roman fortifications can be found as can utterly spectacular buildings dating back to the Middle Ages. Hungary also is the land of the beautiful blue Danube River; no trip here would be complete without a boat ride on it. An overview of the best places to visit in Hungary:

Top 50 Tourist Places in HUNGARY (100+ Attractions, Popular & Scenic Travel Destinations)

Hungary, a central European country receives around 61 Million tourist arrivals from worldwide and neighboring countries as well. Hungary's capital city of Budapest-appropriately called the city of lights-to its many quaint villages, historical attractions, Low mountain ranges, lakes, rivers, lush valleys (popular for hiking and other outdoor activities) and fantastic scenery. Spa culture is also very important to Hungary (with more than 1500 spas), a country home to natural thermal springs. No trip to Europe is ever complete without a stopover to Hungary!

Hungary Borders Countries:
Slovakia, Romania, Serbia, Croatia, Slovenia, Austria, Ukraine

Some Interesting Facts about Hungary are:
- Hungary has won the second most gold medals in the Olympic (around 465 medals).
- Hungary was founded back in 895, which means it’s older than countries like France and Germany.
- Till today, there are cowboys (csikos) in plains of Puszta, Hungary.
- Budapest has the highest number of thermal springs in the world.
- You can’t name your child unless it’s approved by the government.
- There are many Hungarian inventions, like (Rubik’s cube, The ballpoint pen, holography, thermographic camera, digital computing and the first functional helicopter).
- Balaton Lake is the largest lake in Central Europe
- Tokaji Aszu is also known as the King of wines and world’s first official wine region.
- The national dish of Hungary is gulyás.
- Hungary has 99% Literacy of the total population.

Top 50 Tourist Places in Hungary are:
1. Budapest - Hungary's Capital
2. Keszthely
3. Eger
4. Debrecen
5. Szeged
6. Sopron & Fertőrákos
7. Hortobagy & Hajdúszoboszló
8. Tapolca
9. Esztergom
10. Pécs & Orfű
11. Tata
12. Hévíz
13. Tihany Village
14. Vác
15. Siófok
16. Balatonfüred
17. Lillafured
18. Visegrád
19. Kecskemét
20. Hollókő Village
21. Győr
22. Fertőd
23. Gödöllő
24. Miskolc
25. Székesfehérvár
26. Nyíregyháza
27. Szentendre
28. Szekszárd
29. Veszprém
30. Gyula
31. Kalocsa
32. Sárospatak
33. Sárvár
34. Villány
35. Mohács
36. Füzér
37. Szombathely
38. Aggtelek
39. Zamárdi
40. Kaposvár
41. Ópusztaszer
42. Balatonboglár
43. Paks
44. Tokaj
45. Fonyód
46. Kőszeg
47. Pápa
48. Szolnok
49. Balatonederics
50. Zalakaros

For More Details on Budapest, Hungary or Europe's Top Most Travel Places (with must visit tourist attractions) and Customized Itineraries within your budget, contact us:-
WhatsApp @ +44 747 737 4620 (London)
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TOP 20 Places to Visit in Hungary (10 Most Popular | 10 Hidden Gems)

To finish our Hungary series, we will go over the TOP 20 best places to visit in the country: starting with 10 of the most popular Hungarian locations and finishing with 10 incredible hidden gems.

I truly hope you guys enjoyed this Hungary series and a massive thank you to my Patreons and all of you guys for sticking around. Really appreciate your patience during these past months where I needed to take some time off after my surgery.



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↝ Related videos:
* What to See and Do in Budapest (3 Day Itinerary Vlog):
* A Complete Guide to Lake Balaton:
* I Visited Some of the Most SINISTER Abandoned Places in Hungary (AND GOT CAUGHT!):
* Budapest is NOT Hungary:
* Full Hungary Series:

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0:00 Intro and Disclaimers
2:52 Budapest
4:15 Lake Balaton
6:02 Lillafüred
6:36 Danube Bend and Visegrád
7:31 Bory Castle
8:13 Pécs
9:21 Hollókő
10:01 Aggtelek National Park
10:21 Lake Tisza
11:06 Hortobágyi National Park
12:01 Bonus Locations (Eger, Debrecen, Szentendre, Szeged, Sopron)
12:36 Esztergom
13:40 Tarn of Megyer-hegy
14:32 Rudabánya Bányató
14:56 Tata
15:40 Wineries (Tokaj and Hercegkút)
16:35 Gánt
17:46 Mohács
19:45 Bükki National Park
21:44 Lake Velence
22:13 Boldogkő Castle
23:00 Outro and Bloopers


MAGYAR VÁROSOK - Rövid sétám Mohácson. *** Ez Magyarország legdélebbi Duna-parti települése. A város egyik legfőbb nevezetessége az évente megrendezett, ezrek által látogatott busójárás, amelyet 2009-ben felvettek az UNESCO szellemi örökség-listájára. A város nevének eredete ismeretlen. A város nevét a források először 1093-ban említik, mikor Szent László király 1093-ban a pécsi püspöknek adományozta a területet. A kis falu lakói a pécsi püspök jobbágyai voltak. A környéken állattartás, földművelés, halászat folyt. Az 15. században már mezővárosként említették, a század közepén a kutatások szerint körülbelül 800 lelket számlált. Az erőteljes déli török terjeszkedés miatt a várost palánkkal erősítették meg. A település határában lezajló 1526. augusztus 29-ei tragikus kimenetelű vereség után a törökök a várost elpusztították.

A törökök csak másfél évtizeddel később tértek vissza Magyarországra. Ekkor a palánkot újjáépítették, és 1543-tól 1566-ig, majd 1570-től ismét szandzsákközpont lett. A török megszállás éveiben, illetve a 18. században érkeztek a városba a szerb, sokác és német betelepülők. A várostól mintegy 20 km-re nyugatra, Nagyharsánynál zajlott Magyarország török alóli felszabadulásának nevezetes eseménye, a II. mohácsi csata. Mohács 1724-ben mezővárosi városi rangot kapott (utóbb visszaminősítették). A reformkorban tovább erősödött Mohács kereskedelmi jellege.
Mohács 1944. november 26-án „szabadult fel. 1956-ban a jeges árvíz miatt a szigeti tanyák 80%-a romba dőlt. Ezután alakultak ki a Mohács-szigeti falusias Újmohács és Sárhát települések. Ezután kezdődött a város intenzív iparosítása. Ekkor építették Közép-Európa legnagyobb farostlemezgyárát is. A szocialista időkben a városban több lakótelepet építettek. Kedvező közúti, vasúti és vízi kapcsolatai az ország egyik jelentős kereskedelmi központjává tették.

A város napjainkban is dinamikusan fejlődik. 2002-ben Hild János-emlékérmet kapott.

Top 25 Things To Do In Hungary

Cheapest Hotels To Stay In Hungary -
Best Tours To Enjoy Hungary -
Cheap Airline Tickets -
Here are top 25 things to do in Hungary
All photos belong to their rightful owners. Credit next to name.
1. Hungarian Parliament Building, Budapest - Shutterstock
2. Eger Wine Region - Shutterstock
3. Hortobágy National Park - Shutterstock
4. Great Market Hall, Budapest - Botond Horvath /
5. Pannonhalma Archabbey - Shutterstock
6. Cave Bath, Miskolc-tapolca - Anton_Ivanov /
7. Lake Balaton - Shutterstock
8. Caves of Aggtelek Karst - Shutterstock
9. Mosque of Pasha Qasim, Pécs - posztos /
10. Dohány Street Synagogue, Budapest - Kotsovolos Panagiotis /
11. Necropolis of Sopianae, Pécs - Shutterstock
12. Memento Park, Budapest - irena iris szewczyk /
13. Danube River Cruise - Shutterstock
14. Esztergom Basilica - Shutterstock
15. Busójárás, Mohács - vitfoto /
16. Gödöllő Palace - posztos /
17. Gate of Faith, Sopron -
18. The Caves of Lillafüred - Shutterstock
19. Visegrád Castle - Shutterstock
20. Great Church, Debrecen - Shutterstock
21. Hollókő Village - Hollókő Village
22. Sziget Festival, Budapest - joyfull /
23. Tokaj wine region - Shutterstock
24. Eger Castle - Shutterstock
25. The Buda Hills, Budapest - Shutterstock

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Budget Friendly Travel Tips for Hungary | Budapest | Hungary | Things To Do In Hungary

Budget Friendly Travel Tips for Hungary | Budapest | Hungary | Things To Do In Hungary

Check out our travel blogs and travel website for more content on the best places to visit around the world.

Budget-Friendly Guide to Hungary: Maximise Adventure, Minimise Costs 🌍💰

Hungary, more than just its iconic capital of Budapest, is a land steeped in history, folklore, and natural wonders. Its undulating plains, historic castles, and world-renowned vineyards have stories that echo through time. Beyond the tales of grandeur, Hungary invites travellers with its rich gastronomy, vibrant festivals, and the warmth of its people. For those yearning for an authentic European experience without burning a hole in their pockets, Hungary beckons with open arms.

🌟 Travel Hungary on a Budget – Tips & Tricks:

Accommodation Alternatives: Instead of hotels, consider guesthouses ('panzió'), hostels or even platforms like Airbnb. For a truly Hungarian experience, try agritourism – staying on a local farm.

Hungarian Rail Pass: Known as the 'MÁV-Start', this offers unlimited train travel within Hungary. Especially beneficial for longer stays, it's a cost-effective way to see the country.

Local Eateries: Delight in authentic Hungarian cuisine without the tourist prices by dining at smaller, family-run establishments. Must-tries include 'gulyás' (goulash), 'pörkölt', and the sweet 'chimney cake' ('kürtőskalács').

Free Walking Tours: Many Hungarian cities, including Budapest, Debrecen, and Pécs, offer free walking tours. It's a fabulous introduction to the locale and its history.

City Cards: Cities like Budapest offer cards providing unlimited travel and free entries to many attractions. They’re available for varied durations and can offer substantial savings.

Explore Beyond Budapest: Regions like Eger, famous for its wines, or the picturesque Lake Balaton, provide a rich experience at a fraction of the cost of more tourist-heavy areas.

Student Discounts: Hungary is home to several universities and thus offers numerous discounts to students. Always carry a valid student ID.

Local Markets: Instead of shopping malls or touristy outlets, head to local markets. Not only do they provide a glimpse into Hungarian daily life, but you'll find unique souvenirs at bargain prices.

Public Transport Over Taxis: Hungarian public transport is efficient and pocket-friendly. Buses, trams, and metros cover extensive networks, especially in larger cities.

🌍 Experiencing Hungary's Richness:

Thermal Baths: While some baths can be pricey, many smaller towns offer local thermal baths at very reasonable rates. Széchenyi and Gellért are famous, but there are hidden gems scattered throughout the country.

Festivals: Time your visit with local festivals. From the 'Busójárás' in Mohács to the wine festivals of Tokaj, these events offer cultural immersion without a hefty price tag.

Nature Escapes: Hungary boasts several national parks. Hortobágy, the largest, showcases the unique Hungarian 'puszta' or steppe with its traditional animal husbandry and distinctive wildlife.

Hungary’s charm lies not just in its landmarks but in the stories whispered by its winds, the songs of its rivers, and the smiles of its people. By travelling smart and embracing local experiences, the soul of Hungary can be felt deeply without straining your budget.

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#Budapest #Hungary #ThingsToDoInHungary

Wonders of Hungary: St Nicholas Water- and Treadmill

We have launched a mini-series in 2020 entitled Wonders of Hungary, occasionally presenting our country's beautiful treasures in about a minute to inspire you. Welcome to the next episode, in which we show you the St Nicholas Water- and Treadmill in Mohács.

Mohacs Battle Memorial Park, Hungary

Battle of Mohacs Memorial Park, Satorhely, Hungary 2015
This park commemorates the defeat of King Louis / Lajos Kiraly by Suleiman the Great in 1526. From here the Turks went on to conquer a great part of Hungary until their eventual removal about 150 years later.
The 'bodies' of men and horses are depicted by carved wooden statues, I find the whole area very moving......and a time and place in which to contemplate.

památník bitvy u Moháče - smrt krále Ludvíka , Maďarsko

Mohacs & Kalocsa Hungary

Photos (and a bit of video) of Mohacs & Kalocsa Hungary June 2012 with music from Egy Kiss Erzsi Zene-Röné álma.

Exploring Szentendre - A Cultural Journey Through Hungary 🇭🇺

Szentendre: Discover Hungary's hidden gem. Wander cobbled streets, explore art galleries, and savor local flavors in this charming town. 🇭🇺

Edited and Filmed by: @aishashakoor

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0:00 Intro
1:06 Overview of Szentendre
2:50 Downtown Szentendre
4:48 Szamos Cake
8:00 Main Square
9:40 Churches
17:17 Danube Promenade

#Szentendre #Budapest #frederikcornelius #ExploreHungary #culturaljourney

The CRAZY CARNIVAL of HUNGARY: BUSÓJÁRÁS of Mohács | Hungarian Festival Travel Guide

This Crazy Festival in Hungary is called Busójárás and it is held in the town of Mohács each year in February and is closely attributed to the End of Winter Carnival festivities.
Busó are masked individuals who wear sheep fur and carry different noise making items around the city, to scare the Winter away, but according to some legends, they scared an invading army away back in medieval times.
This festival of Hungary was also included on the UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage List!
If you are looking for a truly memorable experience for your trip to Hungary, definately consider adding this to your Itinerary!

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Mohács is a small town located in south of Hungary on the shores of the Danube river and as the festival is very popular among locals and foreigners alike, getting to the town directly from Budapest can be done with Volánbusz (long distance Buses), from Népliget Bus station.

Busójárás lasts from Thursday to next Tuesday, with each day having a different program, for more information you can visit the following site:

Next years event is planned for 2025.02.27 - 03.04.

You can enjoy many different cultural programs like folk dancing, folk arts and crafts exhibitions, food tastings, getting to know Busó groups and many more. It's easy to fill a day with many exciting events as you explore the street, encounter the masked individuals and have a ton of fun in the meantime.

If you are looking for other places in Hungary to visit, check out our playlist:

Want to know what are the best things to do in Budapest? Check our our top 10 things to do Video:

I'm a local youtuber born and raised in Hungary, Budapest.
I love my country and I would like to share my experience and knowledge about Hungary and Budapest as a local for those who want to spend their time here, either as a tourist or as an expat.

Consider Subscribing to the Channel and Like the video if you enjoy the content and would like to know more about Hungary and Budapest.

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#wowhungary #hungarytravel #hungary #busójárás #visithungary

00:00 Let's go to Mohács!
00:37 Busójárás Explained
01:44 Food at the Festival
03:23 The Many different Busó
04:48 The History of Busójárás
05:54 Meeting Busó Groups
07:08 Carnival Food of Hungary: Fánk


Welcome to Budapest - the capital and the most populous city of Hungary, and the ninth-largest city in the European Union by population within city limits. It´s a city with strengths in commerce, finance, media, art, fashion, research, technology, education and entertainment.

Budapest attracts around 12 million international tourists per year, making it a highly popular destination in Europe. The city was chosen as the Best European Destination of 2019.

There are numerous historical and cultural sights in Budapest to explore. This are Eria´s Top 10.

1. Saint Stephen's Basilica
2. Shoes on the Danube Bank
3. Parliament building
4. Buda Castle
5. Matthias Church
6. Fisherman's Bastion
7. Chain Bridge
8. Great Market Hall
9. Heroes' Square
10. Gozsdu Court

➤ Travel + Eria = Traveleria!

In this film we show our experience from travelling with our little daughter Eria. Check out our website for more information about travelling with kids.


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Events not to be missed in Hungary each year

Events not to be missed in Hungary each year:
Busójárás (traditional costumed parade), Easter in Hollókő, Flower Carnival, Fireworks on 20 August, Christmas fairs

#visithungary #hungary

⚡have a look top 15 places to visit in Hungary travel guide#Hungary

#hungry #hungrytravel#travelguide#visitHungary# Europecountry

Sure, here are some interesting travel facts about Hungary:

1. Budapest: The capital city, often called the Paris of the East, is famous for its stunning architecture, thermal baths, and vibrant nightlife. The Danube River splits the city into Buda and Pest.

2. Thermal Baths: Hungary is known for its numerous thermal baths. Budapest alone has over 100 thermal springs, and famous baths like Széchenyi and Gellért are popular spots for both locals and tourists.

3. Rich History Hungary has a deep and complex history, with influences from the Romans, Ottomans, and Austro-Hungarian Empire. This is reflected in its architecture, cuisine, and culture.

4. Great Hungarian Plain: This vast region, known as the Puszta, is a UNESCO World Heritage site. It's famous for its traditional horsemanship and rural way of life.

5. Lake Balaton: The largest lake in Central Europe, often referred to as the Hungarian Sea, is a popular summer destination with beaches, vineyards, and charming villages.

6. Cuisine: Hungarian food is rich and hearty, with famous dishes like goulash, paprikash, and chimney cake (kürtőskalács). The country is also known for its wines, especially Tokaji and Bull's Blood (Egri Bikavér).

7. Festivals: Hungary hosts numerous festivals throughout the year, such as the Budapest Spring Festival, Sziget Festival, and the Busójárás in Mohács, which is a traditional carnival event.

8. Architecture: The country boasts a variety of architectural styles, from Roman ruins and Gothic churches to Baroque palaces and Art Nouveau buildings.

9. UNESCO Sites: Hungary has several UNESCO World Heritage sites, including the Buda Castle District, Hortobágy National Park, and the early Christian Necropolis of Pécs.

10. Language: Hungarian (Magyar) is one of the most unique and complex languages in Europe, belonging to the Finno-Ugric language family.

I hope these facts inspire your travel plans to Hungary! Is there anything specific you’d like to know more about?

Mohacs and Pecs 2021

Kerstin’s Deaf Travel – A Family Of Happy Deaf Travelers

Travel To Hungary,Beautiful Places to Visit in Hungary,Hungary Tourest Places Culture and Traditions

Hungary (Hungarian: Magyarország [ˈmɒɟɒrorsaːɡ] (listen)) is a landlocked country in Central Europe. Spanning 93,030 square kilometres (35,920 sq mi) of the Carpathian Basin, it is bordered by Slovakia to the north, Ukraine to the northeast, Romania to the east and southeast, Serbia to the south, Croatia and Slovenia to the southwest, and Austria to the west. Hungary has a population of nearly 10 million, mostly ethnic Hungarians and a significant Romani minority. Hungarian, the official language, is the world's most widely spoken Uralic language and among the few non-Indo-European languages widely spoken in Europe. Budapest is the country's capital and largest city; other major urban areas include Debrecen, Szeged, Miskolc, Pécs, and Győr.

The territory of present-day Hungary has for centuries been a crossroads for various peoples, including Celts, Romans, Germanic tribes, Huns, West Slavs and the Avars. The foundation of the Hungarian state was established in the late 9th century AD with the conquest of the Carpathian Basin by Hungarian grand prince Árpád.His great-grandson Stephen I ascended the throne in 1000, converting his realm to a Christian kingdom. By the 12th century, Hungary became a regional power, reaching its cultural and political height in the 15th century. Following the Battle of Mohács in 1526, it was partially occupied by the Ottoman Empire (1541–1699). Hungary came under Habsburg rule at the turn of the 18th century, later joining with the Austrian Empire to form Austria-Hungary, a major power into the early 20th century.[


I went on a mini-interrail through central Europe. I traveled from Prague in the Czech Republic, to Bratislava in Slovakia, to Budapest in Hungary, and ended up in Vienna Austria.

Check out the other travel vlogs/videos I did for them here:

Central and Eastern Europe’s 5 Unmissable Experiences

Chase away evil spirits, take a dip in a natural spa and visit an ancient pillar in Central and Eastern Europe. These are the 5 unmissable experiences you need to try in Central and Eastern Europe.

If you’re in Bulgaria, make sure to check out a Kukeri ritual. This centuries-old tradition takes place in many towns and villages all over the country every year and involves men, and sometimes women, donning scary costumes in an attempt to ward off evil spirits.
For more fun things, visit:

Hungary’s Busójárás might be competition. Every February, the town of Mohács is taken over with revelry, mayhem and celebration as the festival of Busójárás is celebrated during Farsang (Carnival) season. Learn more about this ancient tradition here:

Put your feet up after a day of sightseeing and get your beer delivered by a model train at this restaurant in Prague. The restaurant chain has over 400 metres of track winding through tunnels and bridges across its Prague branch. For more things to do in the Czech capital, visit:

Pamukkale in Turkey is famous for its natural spa where thermal waters flow down the hillside and deposit a soft calcium jelly that eventually hardens into rock with pools of hot spring water you can soak in. If you’re stuck for things to do in Pamukkale, head to:

The Katskhi Pillar towers over Western Georgia and an ancient church sits on top. This natural limestone monolith is situated in the village of Katskhi, an hour’s drive from Kutaisi. The height of the pillar is about 40 metres (130 feet), and it overlooks a small valley where the Katskhura Rriver flows. More adventures await here:

Subscribe to our channel for unmissable experiences every week and download our app to start exploring your world.

Discover more about Eastern Europe and start your wishlist here:

To get more Culture Trip visit:

_ _ _


Kukeri, Bulgaria

Prague, Czech Republic

Pamukkale, Turkey

Mohács, Hungary

Katskhi Pillar, Georgia



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