Mbweni / Ndege Beach Dar es Salam Tanzania | Charcmode
#NdegeBeach #DaresSalam #Africa
Day out in Mbweni area at Ndege beach. Another of Dar es Salam's many beaches.
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My sometimeish solo travels Charcmode4Media@gmail.com
Tanzania Travel 2020 Playlist
Tanzania Travel 2021 Playlist
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Whilst abroad I may not be able to get your direct calls, as I'm using another number, but you can always email me using Charcmode4Media@gmail.com
Exploring Zanzibar Alone: An Unforgettable Journey Begins
In this video, I'm taking you on a journey to explore Zanzibar, Tanzania on my own. This is an unforgettable experience that will leave you amazed by the beauty of Africa and the amazing food!
Starting out by exploring the food in Zanzibar - food that is unique and different from anything you've ever eaten before. Jumps onto boats and taxis to explore the narrow streets of Zanzibar - aching to see the stunning views of the ocean. Travel with me as I experience Zanzibar for the first time - an unforgettable journey begins!
Here is my trip to Zanzibar in Stone Town.
1st Day in Zanzibar I met a good friend of my and we had an awesome walk around the city.
#zanzibarbeach #tanzanianyoutuber #africa #eastafrica #stonetown #swahili
Zanzibar - insula Pemba - partea 3
Continuarea călătoriei în insula Pemba din Zanzibar, vizând:
- cele 3 resorturi importante din nordul insulei Pemba
- vizită la farul din Kigomasha - Pemba
- un banc de nisip alb și plaja Mbuyuni
- Vizită cu barca pe insula Misali
- școala și o gospodărie dintr-un sat izolat, fără curent electric sau apă curentă
Nordul insulei Pemba este mai sălbatic decâr sudul, fiind o zonă deosebit de liniștită, cu doarte puține opțiuni de cazare, 3 mai exact. Farul de pe peninsula Kigomasha oferă cea mai bună priveliște a lagunei insulei Pemba.
Reciful de corali al insulei Misali a oferit cel mai bun snorkeling din timpul celor 10 zile în insula Pemba.
This is the first video in the 3-Part series of Tanzania. I volunteered with a group of some of the most amazing people I've ever met in my life earlier this year. This video series is in dedication to them and the memories we created together. Asante Sana!
To find out how you can be a volunteer yourself, check out:
Haya ndio maajabu ya makaburi yakunduchi,masultani waliozikwa na binti vigori..
zanzibar 2018 | SCI project
This year's volunteering took me to Zanzibar, Tanzania! 2 weeks spend by planting mangroves and teaching English to kids to have a well deserved rest in Nungwi and Kendwa beach for 3 days. I'll probably do another video on the whole project. See you and HAKUNA MATATA!
1. Goth Babe - Sometimes
2. dodie - You
Instagram (travel):
Twitter: @SkaLucy32
ZIPA at the CPS Shukran Event in Oman
“He’s one of my best friends, do you know why?” questions Mr. Shariff Shariff - Executive Director ZIPA during the Shukran Evening & The launch of Burj Zanzibar in Muscat, Oman
Watch the whole video to find out why!
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