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10 Best place to visit in Mátészalka Hungary


Budapest Old Style Train. A little rough around the edges... EEEEEK!! - Budapest Hungary - ECTV

Hungarian State Railways (Hungarian: Magyar Államvasutak, MÁV) is the Hungarian national railway company, with divisions MÁV START Zrt. (passenger transport), MÁV-Gépészet Zrt. (maintenance), MÁV-Trakció Zrt. and MÁV Cargo Zrt (freight transport).[1] The head office is in Budapest.[2]

Construction of Hungary's first railway line began in the second half of 1844. The first steam locomotive railway line was opened on 15 July 1846 between Pest and Vác. This date is regarded as the birth date of the Hungarian railways. The Romantic poet Sándor Petőfi rode on the first train and wrote a poem predicting that rails would connect Hungary like blood vessels in the human body.

After the failed revolution, the existing lines were nationalized by the Austrian State and new lines were built. As a result of the Austro-Sardinian War in the late 1850s, all these lines were sold to Austrian private companies. During this time the company of Ábrahám Ganz invented a method of crust-casting to produce cheap yet sturdy iron railway wheels, which greatly contributed to railway development in Central Europe.

Following the Austro-Hungarian Compromise of 1867 that created the Dual Monarchy of Austria-Hungary, transport issues became the responsibility of the Hungarian Government, which also inherited the duty to support local railway companies. This came at a considerable cost: in 1874 8% of the annual budget went to railway company subsidies. This led the Hungarian Parliament to consider founding a State Railway. The goal was to take over and operate the Hungarian main lines. The branch lines were constructed by private companies. When the law in 1884 provided a simplified way to create railway companies many small branch line companies were founded. These, however, usually only constructed the lines, then made a contract with MÁV to operate them. Thus they also owned no locomotives or other rolling stock. MÁV made a contract only if the line, its equipment and buildings were constructed to MÁV standards. This helped to build standard station buildings, sheds, and accessories, all to the MÁV rules.

Because of relatively high prices the traffic density was considerably lower in Hungary than in other countries. To change this the Interior Minister, Gábor Baross, introduced the zone tariff system in 1889. This system resulted in lower prices for passenger trips and goods transport but it induced a rapid increase in both and so higher overall profits. In 1891 the Hungarian lines of the StEG were bought by the Hungarian State directly from the French owners and became MÁV lines.

In 1890 most large private railway companies were nationalized as a consequence of their poor management, except the strong Austrian-owned Kaschau-Oderberg Railway (KsOd) and the Austrian-Hungarian Southern Railway (SB/DV). They also joined the zone tariff system, and remained successful until the end of World War I when Austria-Hungary collapsed.

By 1910 MÁV had become one of the largest European railway companies, in terms of both its network and its finances. Its profitability, however, always lagged most Western European companies, be they publicly or privately owned. The Hungarian railway infrastructure was largely completed in these years, with a topology centred on Budapest that still remains.

By 1910, the total length of the rail networks of the Hungarian Kingdom reached 22,869 kilometres (14,210 miles), the Hungarian network linked more than 1,490 settlements. Nearly half (52%) of the Austro-Hungarian Empire's railways were built in Hungary, thus the railroad density there became higher than that of Cisleithania. This has ranked Hungarian railways the 6th most dense in the world (ahead of countries as Germany or France).[3]

In 1911 a new locomotive numbering system was introduced which was used until the beginning of the 21st century and is still in use for motive power purchased before then. The notation specifies the number of driven axles and the maximum axle load of the locomotive.

The Hungarian Locomotive (engines and wagons bridge and iron structures) factories
Despite the Hungarian factories were independent companies, the largest suppliers of MÁV were the MÁVAG company in Budapest (steam engines and wagons) and the Ganz company in Budapest (steam engines, wagons, the production of electric locomotives and electric trams started from 1894).[4] and the RÁBA Company in Győr.

My name is Eric Clark and I am a world traveler. I have been around the world a few times and decided to help fund my travels by sharing my videos and pictures. I have been to almost every country and would be glad to give tips and pointers. Drop me a note. = )

Restaurants in Mátészalka, Hungary

Have a really tasty meal again, in a good restaurant or eatery nearby. Enjoy a great dinner with near Mátészalka. Whether gourmet, fast food or a romantic candlelight dinner, you will find something suitable here.

Here you can find Restaurants in Mátészalka, Hungary:
1) Kékfrankos Étterem
Mátészalka, Kölcsey u. 8, 4700
(06 44) 300 369

2) Provolone Étterem
Mátészalka, Kölcsey u. 35, 4700
(06 44) 418 814

3) Ráczkerti Falatozó
Mátészalka, Október 23. tér 15, 4700

4) Panda büfé Mátészalka
Mátészalka, Ipari út 32, 4700
06 30 299 4545

5) Kristály Vendéglő és Panzió
Mátészalka, Eötvös u. 17, 4700
(06 44) 312 036

6) Pisti Ételbárja
Mátészalka, Kálvin tér 11, 4700
06 70 529 2901

7) Nagymajtényi Csikós Falatozó és Pizzéria
Mátészalka, Jármi u. 8, 4700
06 70 366 3088

8) Kraszna Vigadó
Kocsord, Hunyadi János u. 62/A, 4751
(06 44) 314 713

9) Mustafa Gyros
Mátészalka, Jármi u. 49, 4700
06 30 319 2987

10) Alibaba Falatozó
Mátészalka, Jármi u. 53, 4700
06 30 848 8241

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Őr Jármi Mátészalka Ungarn Hungary Magyarország 4.4.2016

Der Weg ist das Ziel... komm fahr mit in meinem Goggomobil =G=
Sightseeing in Krisenregionen, Armenviertel, Bürgerkriegsgebieten.
Along radioactive Death-Zones, MOAs, No-Go and Civil-War Areas.

Mateszalka-Carei | Traseul cu trenul transfrontalier Romano-Maghiara INTER PICI (4k60fps)

Ai fost cumva curios daca circula trenuri pe aici?
Ei bine, nu numai ca circula, dar si intr-un anumit mod in care nu am mai vazut pana acum.

In acest video vom calatorii pe linia Mateszalka-Carei si vom face trecerea granitei Romano-Maghiare cu trenul Inter Pici, sau altfel zis Malaxa Maghiara de Lux.

Haideti sa mergem.


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Restaurants in Kisvárda, Hungary

Have a really tasty meal again, in a good restaurant or eatery nearby. Enjoy a great dinner with near Kisvárda. Whether gourmet, fast food or a romantic candlelight dinner, you will find something suitable here.

Here you can find Restaurants in Kisvárda, Hungary:
1) Madison Pub & Restaurant
Kisvárda, Városmajor u. 56, 4600
06 70 655 5557

2) Mamma Mia
Kisvárda, Szent László u. 21, 4600
06 20 610 9674

3) 4*4*2 Vendéglő
Kisvárda, 4600

4) Camping Söröző
Kisvárda, Városmajor u., 4600
06 20 985 9698

5) Café Vya Étterem és Bowling Club
Kisvárda, Várday köz 1, 4600
(06 45) 403 768

6) Rózsakő Étterem
Kisvárda, Baross Gábor u. 25, 4600
(06 45) 415 127

7) Parish Bull Hotel
Kisvárda, Parish Bull Hotel, Árpád u. 31-33, 4600
(06 45) 415 999

8) Törpilla Teázó
Kisvárda, Mártírok útja 12, 4600
06 20 251 1365

9) Döner Ételbár és Pizzéria
Kisvárda, Aradi vértanuk tere 4, 4600
06 70 277 7755

10) Green Black Gyorsétterem & Kávézó
Kisvárda, Diner István utca 1., 4600
06 30 504 0266

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Debrecen-Csapókert mh. | Elég nyomasztó hely

Hamarosan új videóval jelentkezem, vonatok Debrecen-Csapókert megállóhelyről.

Debrecen-Csapókert megállóhely MÁV 2020 / Debrecen-Csapókert Station MÁV, Hungary 2020

100: Budapest - Szolnok - Debrecen - Nyíregyháza
110: Debrecen - Nyírbátor - Mátészalka

Snapshots from KOMÁROM,Hungary

Music: Ghost Hounds - When Your Shadow Touches Mine


Komárom 08.21.2021 Hungary

- Hungary (Magyarország):
- Transylvania:
- Snapshots From Szeklerland:
- Brasov And It's Surroundings:
- Budapest,Hungary:
- Lake Balaton And It's Surroundings,Hungary:
- In Europe:

Debrecen-Mateszalka | Calatorie cu tren personal in Estul Ungariei

Sosind de la Satu Mare cu trenul SOMES, facem schimb intre trenuri la gara Debrecen din Ungaria, de unde pornim la calatorie cu un tren local adevarat, gen personal din Romania.

Va fi o calatorie interesanta, deoarece incercam un nou tip de garnitura, de tip rama cu locomotiva, plus vagoane cu geamuri de deschis, unde ne vom putea bucura de sunetul joantelor la o viteza medie.

HARTA CU TOATE VIDEOCLIPURILE FEROVIARE DIN EUROPA (tot ce am filmat până acum, exclus România):

Îmi poți susține activitatea feroviară din afara României:
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📻CONT LEI: RO40INGB0000999903937615 ING Bank - Valter Patric

Data filmarii:

Children's Railway Budapest

The Children's Railway is located in the west of the city of Budapest, the capital city of Hungary. Its eleven-kilometre-long, narrow gauge line runs through the woods of the hills of the city on the Buda side.

It is often called the greatest child toy of the world, but it is not entirely true. Children aged 10 to 14 control the traffic and commercial services provided but strictly according to regulations of any other railway line of the State Railways of Hungary (MÁV Rt).

The engines are driven by adult engineers, and children on duty, are continuously supervised by adult railway employees. Apart from that, children do their jobs, operate the switches and signals, print tickets and keep passengers informed, on their own.

The Children's Railway in Budapest is not a unique institution of its kind. But it has always been by far the largest, most popular and serious one of them all in the world.

The railway operates throughout the year, except for Mondays from September to April. Trains run from 9 o'clock in the morning until 5 o'clock in the winter and until 7 o'clock in the summer.

Railway Sunrise in Mezőtúr Hungary

Railway Sunrise in Mezőtúr Hungary

Így változott Kisvárda (2012 vs. 2021)

Ha támogatnál:

Iratkozzatok fel, hogy semmiről se maradjatok le:
Fotók a Google Street View (Utcanézet) alapján.
A Google általában 2012-ben készítette az első Street View (Utcanézet) fotókat Kisvárdán, a legújabbak pedig általában 2021-esek.
Minden változást nem teszek be a videóba, csak a komolyabbakat és prioritásként kezelem az állami és önkormányzati beruházásokat.

Playful Happy No Copyright Free Light Background Music for Videos with Kids - Innocence by ROA

#kisvárda #hungary #comparison #city

Tony Curtis about Hungary

Domaszék Mórahalom Ásotthalom 55 Ungarn Hungary Magyarország 22.4.2016

Der Weg ist das Ziel... komm fahr mit in meinem Goggomobil =G=
Sightseeing in Krisenregionen, Armenviertel, Bürgerkriegsgebieten.
Along radioactive Death-Zones, MOAs, No-Go and Civil-War Areas.

218 Rákosrendező - Rákosrendezői elágazás

218 Rákosrendező - Rákosrendezői elágazás
2022 ősz / 2022 autumn

1080p 60fps
Normal sebesség / normal speed

Music: Andrey Sitkov - Heroes

Martonvásár (Hungary)

Autumn visit to Martonvásár castle park (Hungary).

Driving Hungary: 41 & 49 - Nyíregyháza - Csengersima - 4k drive through Northeast Hungary

We are continuing our roadtrip through North Hungary and travel between the main city of Nyíregyháza and the hungarian - romanian border at Csengersima/Petea. Decided to take the national road 41 instead of the M3 motorway between Nyíregyháza and Vaja, in order to better discover the pleasant, green, countryside. Enjoy!

Filmed in September 2021.

Please Subscribe ➤
in order to not miss 4K road tourism videos of the nice areas I am driving through.

0:00 Intro
0:15 Nyíregyháza - Levelek
2:50 Levelek
3:30 Levelek - Vaja
12:42 Vaja
14:18 Vaja - Őr
14:58 Őr
17:16 Őr - Jármi
19:32 Jármi
22:20 Jármi - Mátészalka
23:40 Mátészalka
30:14 Mátészalka - Kocsord
32:11 Kocsord
36:23 Kocsord - Győrtelek
37:55 Győrtelek
40:49 Győrtelek - Ököritófülpös
42:52 Ököritófülpös
45:32 Ököritófülpös - Porcsalma
47:37 Porcsalma
50:32 Porcsalma - Pátyod
51:12 Pátyod
53:10 Pátyod - Szamosbecs
55:10 Szamosbecs
55:39 border HUN/RO

Vonatok Cegléden

Porcsalma Pátyod Ungarn Hungary Magyarország 4.4.2016

Der Weg ist das Ziel... komm fahr mit in meinem Goggomobil =G=
Sightseeing in Krisenregionen, Armenviertel, Bürgerkriegsgebieten.
Along radioactive Death-Zones, MOAs, No-Go and Civil-War Areas.

Sárkány Fürdő Nyírbátor

Nyírkarász Gyulaháza Ungarn Hungary Magyarország 25.4.2016

Der Weg ist das Ziel... komm fahr mit in meinem Goggomobil =G=
Sightseeing in Krisenregionen, Armenviertel, Bürgerkriegsgebieten.
Along radioactive Death-Zones, MOAs, No-Go and Civil-War Areas.



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