Top 10 Best Tourist Places to Visit in Munnar | India - English
Take a break from the mundane affairs of life by exploring the beautiful places to visit in Munnar. Nestled amidst the panoramic sceneries of nature, these tourist attractions promise a refreshing escape for everyone. Whether you are a backpacker or visiting with a group of friends and family, these places are sure to leave you overwhelmed with their enthralling beauty.
Places to see in Munnar offer an invigorating retreat whether you are looking for a laid-back vacation or an adventure. Echo Point, Photo Point and Top Station are the best places in Munnar for sightseeing. Eravikulam National Park and Chinnar Wildlife Sanctuary promise an unforgettable escape for the wildlife enthusiasts in Munnar
With a plethora of tourist places in Munnar, tourists are sure to have a gala time during their vacation. From a surreal sunrise at Kundala Lake to a lovely picnic at Attukad Waterfalls with family members, Munnar is a delightful escape for everyone.
Wiki Peaks is on a mission to promote the tourism in the World. We are here to show you the beautiful places in the world. You can see the beauty of this world from the comfort of your home.
There are many beautiful places in Munnar. India has some of the best places in Munnar. We collected data on the top 10 places to visit in Munnar. There are many famous places in Munnar and some of them are beautiful places in Munnar. People from all over India love these Munnar beautiful places which are also Munnar famous places. In this video, we will show you the beautiful places to visit in Munnar.
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***All images used in this video are a property of their owners. We have no intention of showing these images as our own property. We used these images just to promote tourism.***
Munnar top 10 tourist places, मुन्नार - केरल का एक सबसे बेहतरीन हिल स्टेशन
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અમરેલી ના 8 જોવાલાયક સ્થળો | 8 Places To Visit In Amreli | Sightseeing places | #amreli
અમરેલી ના 8 જોવાલાયક સ્થળો | 8 Places To Visit In Amreli | Sightseeing places | #Amreli
અમરેલી ના 8 જોવાલાયક સ્થળો
અમરેલી ના 8 જોવાલાયક સ્થળો
અમરેલી ના આજુબાજુ ના જોવાલાયક સ્થળો
જોવાલાયક સ્થળો અમરેલી
અમરેલી ના ફરવાલાયક સ્થળો
અમરેલી જિલ્લો
અમરેલી ના પ્રખ્યાત સ્થળો
અમરેલી ના સુંદર સ્થળો
અમરેલી નો ડેમ
અમરેલી નો પુલ
અમરેલી જોવાલાયક જગ્યા
અમરેલી ના સ્થળો
અમરેલી ના બંદરો
અમરેલી શહેર
અમરેલી ના તાલુકા
અમરેલી શ્રેષ્ઠ સ્થળો
8 places to visit in Amreli
Places to visit around Amreli
Sightseeing places in Amreli
Sightseeing places in Amreli
Amreli District
Famous Places of Amreli
Beautiful places of Amreli
Amreli No Dam
Bridge of Amreli
Amreli sightseeing place
Places of Amreli
Ports of Amreli
Amreli city
Taluka of Amreli
Best places in Amreli
Tourist places in Amreli
Near tourist places in Amreli
Places To visit in Amreli
अमरेली में घूमने की 8 जगहें
अमरेली के 8 सबसे अच्छे स्थान
अमरेली के आसपास घूमने की जगहें
अमरेली के दर्शनीय स्थल
अमरेली के दर्शनीय स्थल
अमरेली जिला
अमरेली के प्रसिद्ध स्थान
अमरेली की खूबसूरत जगहें
अमरेली नो डैम
अमरेली का पुल
अमरेली दर्शनीय स्थल
अमरेली के स्थान
अमरेली के बंदरगाह
अमरेली शहर
अमरेली का तालुका
अमरेली में सबसे अच्छी जगहें
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Top 10 Places To Live In India | 10 Best Places To Live In India | @A-B_Luxury
Hi, thank you for watching our video about
▶▶Top 10 Places To Live In India | 10 Best Places To Live In India◀◀
India, also known as the Republic of India, is a South Asian nation. It is the world's most populous democracy, the second-most populous nation by area, and the seventh-largest nation overall.
India, often known as the Republic of India (Bharat Gaarjya in Hindi), is a nation in South Asia. It is the world's most populous democracy, the second-most populated nation by area, and the seventh-largest nation overall.
Its land borders Pakistan to the west, China, Nepal, and Bhutan to the north, Bangladesh and Myanmar to the east, the Indian Ocean to the south, the Arabian Sea to the southwest, and the Bay of Bengal to the southeast.
India shares a maritime border with Thailand, Myanmar, and Indonesia on its Andaman and Nicobar Islands, which are located in the Indian Ocean near Sri Lanka and the Maldives.
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GarhKundar गढ़कुंडार के तहखाने में खजाने का रहस्य, भूलभुलैया में समा गई थी पूरी की पूरी बारात!(Ep-2)
| GarhKundar | गढ़कुंडार के इसी तहखाने में किया गया था खंगार वंश का कत्लेआम,भूलभुलैया में उलझाता किला!!
#gadhkundar #Tikamgarh #Gyanvikvlogs #Garhkundar #किला_गढ़कुंडार
#गढ़कुंडार_मध्यप्रदेश #MysteryofGarhkundar #गढ़कुंडार_किले_के_तहखाने #गढ़कुंडार_के_तहखानो_में_छुपा_खजाना #forts #historicalplaces #HeritageofMP #MysteriousTunnelinGarhkundar
📌Other Parts of Garhkundar
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PART 3:--
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देखा जाए तो प्राचीन किले हमेशा ही रहस्य और जिज्ञासा का विषय रहे हैं। जो बेहद रहस्यमयी है। यह एक तिलिस्मी किला है इस किले में दो फ्लोर का बेसमेंट है। बताते हैं कि इसमें इतना खजाना है कि भारत अमीर हो जाए। एक बार यहां घूमने आई एक पूरी की पूरी बरात गायब हो गई थी। गायब हुए लोगों का आज तक पता नहीं चल सका। इसके बाद नीचे जाने वाले सभी रास्तों को बंद कर दिया गया।
ये किला 5 मंजिल का है। 3 मंजिल तो ऊपर हैं, जबकि 2 मंजिल जमीन के नीचे है।ये कब बनाया गया, किसने बनवाया इसकी जानकारी उपलब्ध ही नहीं है। बताते हैं कि ये किला 1500 से 2000 साल पुराना है। यहां चंदेलों, बुंदेलों, खंगार कई शासकों का शासन रहा।गढ़कुंडार को लेकर लेखक वृंदावनलाल वर्मा ने किताब भी लिखी है। इसमें किताब में भी गढ़कुंडार के कई रहस्य दर्ज किए हैं।
घूमने आई बरात हो गई थी गायब........
आसपास के लोग बताते हैं कि काफी समय पहले यहां पास के ही गांव में एक बरात आई थी। बरात यहां किले में घूमने आई। घूमते-घूमते वे लोग बेसमेंट में चले गए।नीचे जाने पर बरात गायब हो गई। उन 50-60 लोगों का आज तक पता नहीं चल सका। इसके बाद भी कुछ इस तरह की घटनाएं हुईं। इन घटनाओं के बाद किले के नीचे जाने वाले सभी दरवाजों को बंद कर दिया गया।ये किला भूल-भुलैय्या की तरह है। अगर जानकारी न हो तो इसमें अधिक अंदर जाने पर कोई भी दिशा भूल हो सकता है। दिन में भी अंधेरा रहने के कारण दिन में भी ये किला डरावना लगता है।
किले में है खजाने का रहस्य..........
खजाने को तलाशने के चक्कर में कईयों की जानें भी गई हैं। गढ़कुंडार का किला बेहद रहस्मयी है। कहा जाता है कि इसके बेसमेंट में कई रहस्य अभी भी मौजूद हैं। दो फ्लोर बेसमेंट को बंद कर दिया गया है। खजाने का रहस्य इसी में छिपा हुआ है।इतिहासकार हरिगोविंद सिंह कुशवाहा बताते हैं कि गढ़कुंडार बेहद संपन्न और पुरानी रियासत रही है। यहां के राजाओं के पास कभी भी सोना, हीरे, जवाहरात की कमी नहीं रही। कई विदेशी ताकतों ने खजाने को लूटा। स्थानीय चोर उचक्कों ने भी खजाने को तलाशने के की कोशिश की।वो कहते हैं कि इस किले में इतना सोना चांदी है कि भारत जैसा देश भी अमीर हो जाए। यहां चंदेलों, बुंदेलों, खंगारों का कब्जा रहा। किले के नीचे दो मंजिला भवन है। इसी में खजाने का रहस्य है।
Most Beautiful Villages of Himachal Pradesh | Kinnaur Valley | Kalpa and Nako
Kinnaur Valley has some of the most beautiful villages like Kalpa and Nako, explore these villages and Himachali culture and traditions in this Hindi documentary video.
0:00 Hindustan - Tibet Highway
01:23 Kalpa Village
03:19 Himchali Traditional House
05:26 Apple Garden
06:45 Kinner Kailash
08:24 Devta Rath Festival
11:18 Nako Village
14:15 Highest Peak of Himachal Pradesh
15:06 Nako Lake
15:47 Buddhist Temple
17:30 Conclusion
My Colour Grading Presets
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Hoá ra quả Lựu ở Việt Nam đều đến từ nơi này của Trung Quốc?
Hoá ra quả Lựu ở Việt Nam đều đến từ nơi này của Trung Quốc?
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Liên hệ hỗ trợ, hợp tác:
Famous Tourist Places Near Udaipur | Eklingji | Nathdwara | Kumbhalgarh Fort | Chittorgarh Fort |
Famous Tourist Places Near Udaipur | Eklingji | Nathdwara | Kumbhalgarh Fort | Chittorgarh Fort | Rajasthan Tourism
There are several places to visit near Udaipur that make great day trips or longer side trips, depending on how much time you have available.
There are some great places to visit near Udaipur within the range of 150 km. In this video we will explore some of the Famous Tourist attractions near Udaipur.
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#udaipurtourism #rajasthantourism #kumbhalgarhfort #chittorgarhfort #ranakpur #incredibleindia #rajasthan #rajsamandlake #eklingnath #nathdwara #india #nagda
First Impressions of India - Comparing Old and New Delhi // India Travel Vlog
We made it to India!! Come with us as we explore Old and New Delhi during as we develop our first impressions of India. In this video we really wanted to show the multiple faces of Delhi; a city most commonly known to the Western World as a place of noise, dirt, and poverty. And while that can all be found here, New Delhi and Cyber City showed us that the opposite things can be found here too: quiet, cleanliness, and wealth. There is so much to discover in Delhi!
If you are visiting Delhi soon or this is your first time in Delhi as well, then this video will also help you plan your time in this giant city! To really develop our first impressions of India, we wanted to explore as much of Delhi as we could (without overloading this vlog too much!). Over the course of a couple days (thanks rain), we were able to see India Gate, Delhi's Red Fort, Chandni Chowk, Jama Masjid Mosque, Connaught Place, Cyber City and Cyber Hub (which are just outside of Delhi in an area called Gurugram), and of course we rode the top-notch Delhi Metro!
Delhi is a huge city, and the two areas we were primarily in for this video are called Old Delhi and New Delhi. Old Delhi is the oldest part of the city and was originally built during the Moghuls. There are incredible pieces of history in Old Delhi and the infamous Chandni Chowk is here. Chandni Chowk is an area well known for being home to many, many shops and residences packed tightly together. Because it was built before cars were invented, the roads are more like small alleyways. There is never a dull moment here! New Delhi was designed by the British during colonial times and tends to attract high-end restaurants, hotels, and shops.
It is very common for travelers to make Delhi the first stop on their visit to India because it is part of the Golden Triangle in India. The Golden Triangle is made up of Delhi, Agra (where the Taj Mahal is), and Jaipur (commonly called the Pink City). For tourists who are short on time, visiting the three cities in the Golden Triangle is a great way to get a small peak into what India is like! Like so many others, Delhi was our first stop in this new country and was a great place to make our first impressions of India!
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+ Nicole's long white shirt (this isn't the exact one, but it's the one I'd buy today):
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== Chapters ==
0:00 Our first time in India!
0:37 Pictures with locals
1:21 Chandni Chowk is wild
4:11 More of Old Delhi - Jama Masjid
5:25 Famous in India
6:50 The Red Fort in Old Delhi
9:53 Taking Delhi's famous metro system
11:10 Futuristic Cyber City and Cyber Hub
12:38 Surprise! Our favourite place on earth
13:58 Connaught Place
14:55 Uber tuktuks?
15:40 India Gate (or is it the Arc de Triomphe)
16:07 First impressions of India (and Delhi)
17:12 Bloopers
Hey there! We are Nicole and Mico, full-time travel vloggers searching for adventures all around the globe. In March 2021 we quit our jobs, sold our belongings, and hopped on our first ever one-way flight leaving our home country #Canada. We believe #travel builds understanding that reaches across culture, language, and boundaries, and we want to share our experiences as we create connections all over the world. If you like learning about unique places, new cultures and different foods, then come follow our adventure as we explore all our beautiful planet has to offer.
Bhimashankar Jyotirlinga Yatra | Gupt Bhimashankar | Bhimashankar Temple Tour Guide | Food | Hotels
Bhimashankar Temple which is one of the jyotirlinga of India. There are total 12 jyotirlinga in India from which 3 jyotirlinga are in Maharashtra namely Trimbakeshwar Nashik, Grishneshwar Aurangabad and Bhimashankar Pune. In this video, I have shared all the detailed information about Bhimashankar Jyotirlinga Yatra like how to visit bhimashankar temple from pune, where to stay, Bhimashankar history & facts, Bhima Nadi Ugam Sthan and so on. So, if you are planning Bhimashankar Jyotirlinga Yatra then do watch this video till end. There are 2 ways to reach Bhimashankar Temple, one is from Mumbai and another is from Pune. From Mumbai, there is a trek from Karjat till Bhimashankar Temple which takes around 4-5 hours to reach at the top. It is a medium level trek. So do carry plenty of water and snacks with you. From Pune, there is a government bus from Shivaji Nagar Bus Depot pune till Bhimashankar Bus Top. It takes around 4 hours to reach and it costs approx 185rs per person. Buses starts from 5:30am for every half an hour.
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Points Covers In This Bhimashankar Video
1. Bhimashankar Jyotirlinga Temple
2. Shri Ram Temple
3. How to reach
4. Bhimashankar Bus Stand & Hotels
5. MTDC Bhimashankar
6. Shidhi Ghat/ Ganesh Ghat Trek
7. Bhimashankar Jyotirlinga Story
8. Gupt Bhimashankar
9. Bhima River Origin
10. Bhimashankar Food
11. Dimbhe Dam Top View Point
Shivaji Nagar Bus Depot, Pune📍 _______________________________________ _______________________________________
Bhimashankar Bus Stand📍 _______________________________________ _______________________________________
Bhimashankar Trek Top Point📍 _______________________________________ _______________________________________
Bhimashankar Trek Start Point📍 _______________________________________ _______________________________________
Bus Timings
From Shivajinagar, Pune
5.30am, 6.00am, 6.30am, 7.00am, 7.30am, 8.00am, 9.00am, 10.00am, 11.15am, 12.00pm, 12.30pm, 13.00pm, 14.00pm, 16.00pm
From Kalyan
From Gahtkopar(Kurla)
►Nashik To Pune Train
11025 - Bhusawal - Pune Express
Nashik - 6h 55m- PUNE
00.35 | S M T W T F S | 12.05
►MTDC Resort Booking
►For Any Inquiry/Quires:-
Bhimashankar Temple is a Jyotirlinga shrine located 50 km Khed taluka (alias Rajgurunagar), near Pune, in Maharashtra, India. It is located 127 km from Shivajinagar (in Pune) in the Ghat region of the Sahyadri Mountains. Bhīmāshankar is also the source of the river Bhima, which flows southeast and merges with the Krishna river near Raichur. The other Jyotirlinga shrines in Maharashtra are Trimbakeshwar near Nashik and Grishneshwar. Bhimashankar Jyotirlinga is situated in the Sahyadri Mountain range in Maharashtra. It is one of the 12 jyotirlingas, the holiest of holy shrines of Lord Shiva. It is located in Bhorgiri village, near Pune. Bhimashankar is at a distance of 100km from Pune and 234km from Mumbai. In recent times, it has gained a lot of significance as it was also declared as the Bhimashankar Wildlife Sanctuary.
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#travel#tour #tourist #tourism #shiv
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Note: - Full Credit to Owners All Images, Picture, Music show in the video belongs to the respected owners
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India is NOT for Beginners 🇮🇳
I visited Old Delhi, which is one of the most crowded places in India.
My main reason for going was to try Butter Chicken, the signature dish at a famous old restaurant called Karim's. But first, a bit of shopping at the chaotic Chor Bazar (Thieves Market.)
The road from the metro station to the bazaar was a pain to navigate, with so much traffic and so many obstacles, so I bargained for a motorcycle rickshaw to take me there. That way I got to enjoy the chaos in comfort.
At Meena Bazar (the official name for Chor Bazar) I noticed it was a lot busier that the last time I visited there in March 2020. That was because this time I visited on a Friday, and the market is right beside one of the biggest and most popular mosques in the city, Jama Masjid.
There were so many random things for sale at Chor Bazaar, but none more random that a wind-up Doraemon toy that plays the drums. Of course, I had to buy that, and the bargaining session was quick and easy to knock 50% off the vendor's first price.
It didn't take long after that purchase before finding something else appealing. I saw a vendor with stacks of dates, in many varieties. I asked the local people which type of date was best, and bought myself a box of them.
Dates are a very popular food with Muslim people, so if you see a market area outside of a Mosque, then for sure you'll be able to buy them there.
I then bought another useless toy. This time it was a plastic helicopter, that looked fun, but I couldn't get it to fly like the vendor had demonstrated. The local people crowded around me. Most, just to stare, but some tried to help me. Regardless, my helicopter didn't make it up into the air. I gave the toy away to a local kid, so hopefully she has more success with it than me.
I wasn't looking for a meal in Meena Bazaar but one vendor insisted I try his food. I couldn't resist having a munch of his beef biryani. What they call beef in India is actually buffalo meat and not cow, so it's legal. You'll only find beef in the Muslim areas.
Usually I'm not one for buying random things in markets. I tend to just buy things that are useful to me. However, when I saw a market stall with many random items at just 10 rupees ($0.12 USD / £0.10 GBP) I just had to buy a handful of random nonsense, including a squishy ball and a Rubik's Cube keychain.
There was a whole other section of the market that I didn't see last time, called the Tibetan Refugee Market. The vendors were mostly selling winter jackets. I spoke to some of the vendors and they told me that the market only runs for about 4 months per year.
After escaping the chaotic Chor Bazaar, which was no easy feat, I wandered around Old Delhi for a bit and was trying some of the local snacks such as Shahi Sheermal and Jalebi. The owner of the Rehmatullah Hotel proudly told me about how his prices are the lowest, with meals available for 50 rupees.
Many poor people sit outside his restaurant, because they will be fed for free. People can donate money and it will be used to give free meals to those who can't afford to eat. And if nobody donates, then the restaurant owner will pay for the meals by himself. Very nice.
I enjoyed some tasty Chicken Malai (chicken cooked in cream) and seekh kebab at Rehmatullah Hotel, then after a lot of searching I washed it down with a fresh pomegranate juice.
Thankfully I still had enough of an appetite to enjoy the butter chicken at Karim's hotel, which was the main reason I visited Old Delhi in the first place.
0:00 Bargaining for a Rickshaw
5:16 Thieves Market
8:42 Bargaining for a Doraemon
13:02 Buying Dates
16:42 Indian Helicopter
23:04 Beef Biryani
28:06 10 Rupee Vendor
31:39 Tibetan Refugee Market
37:02 Indian Chai
43:46 Escaping Thieves Market
46:32 Shahi Sheermal (Sweet Bread)
48:23 Mawa Jalebi
52:26 Cheap Price Indian Restaurant
57:36 Chicken Seekh Kebab
1:01:47 Poor People Eat For Free
1:04:11 Juice Vendor Hunt
1:09:42 Fresh Pomegranate Juice
1:15:10 Karim's Butter Chicken
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Nashik Darshan | Sita Gufa Panchavati | Tapovan | Trimbakeshwar | Nashik Tourist Places |Nashik Tour
In This Nashik Darshan Video I Give Complete Information About Nashik Tourist Places Hotels Foods How To Reach Nashik After Shirdi Sai Baba Darshan So Many Tourist Visit Nashik Also
Nashik Road Railway Station Is Nearest Railway Station For Nashik 12 KM Away From Nashik City
Igatpuri Hill Station | इगतपुरी हिल स्टेशन
Is Nashik Darshan Video Me Aap Janoge Nashik Kaise Jaye Nashik Me Ghumne Ki Jagah Nashik Ghumne Me Kitna Kharcha Hoga
In Nashik You Can Visit
1. Trimbakeshwar Jyotirlinga
2. Sita Gufa
3. Panchavati
4. Kalaram Temple
5. Panchavati Ghat Ram Kund
6. Goreram Temple
7. Kapaleshwar Temple
8. Tapovan
9. Bhaktidham Temple
10. Muktidham Temple
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10best places to visit in Munnar|Kundala lake|Top Station|Spice garden|How to stop hairfall&greying
10best places to visit in Munnar|Kundala lake & Dam
Top Station in Munnar|
Kerala Spice & herbal garden
Episode-4, Day-4,Vlog71
How to stop hairfall & greying?
Hair mask that nourishes hair and promotes hair growth.
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Munnar travel 2022
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About Munnar-
Munnar is a town in the Western Ghats mountain range in India’s Kerala state. A hill station and former resort for the British Raj elite, it's surrounded by rolling hills dotted with tea plantations established in the late 19th century. Eravikulam National Park, a habitat for the endangered mountain goat Nilgiri tahr, is home to the Lakkam Waterfalls, hiking trails and 2,695m-tall Anamudi Peak.
Karma Munnar-
Karma Munnar itself is surrounded by steep slopes and vibrant cloud forest filled with fascinating flora and fauna, Karma Munnar is a serene upcountry retreat high in Kerala’s Western Ghats mountain range. and features 22 spacious jungle facing rooms, a fine dining restaurant & bar and an infinity pool that seems suspended in the air.
Place near my Hometown - #Savarkundla
Munnar-Things to do in Munnar#Munnar#Tea garden,kundla dam,Echo point,Methupety Dam,waterfalls Ep 09
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Today i will take you to Munnar,
Munnar hills station.
Munnar, the famed hill station of south India, is a romantic locale where natural beauty is everywhere to visit, explore and to enjoy.
In this video you will get all information about munnar
Thing's to do in Munnar
World's Highest Krishna Temple 🚩 Yulla kanda
Yulla Kanda – World’s Highest Krishna Temple!
3,895m /12,778 feet
Trek Length
12 km
Difficulty Level
Yatra sponsored by Sapna Bhandari ji .
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Rora valley, Kinnaur district of Himachal Pradesh. The best time for the Yulla Kanda trek is in the month of Mid-May to Mid-October. Urni is the nearest village from the base camp and the total trek length is about 12 km. Yulla Kanda trekking offers an enchanting view of Kinnaur mountains. Besides, it is also home to an ancient Lord Krishna Temple located inside the lake. It is believed that the Pandavas made this holy lake during their exile in the Himalayas, and it is the highest Krishna temple in the world. Yulla Kanda trekking starts from Yulla Khas, a small village located on the slope of hills. Famous for its Kinnauri apples, this small village is just 3 km from Urni Village and is rich in culture.
music credit : sounds of isha
The Yulla Kanda trekking experience in Kinnaur district, Himachal Pradesh, brings you closer to the Kinnaur mountains. Himachal Pradesh is undoubtedly one of India’s most popular tourist destinations, with numerous trekking options. Apart from the breathtaking views and experience, Yulla Kanda is notable for housing the highest Krishna temple in the country. The Lord Krishna temple is located in the middle of a lake.
The Yulla Kanda (3,895m) trek is a spiritual trek in Himachal Pradesh’s Rora valley, Kinnaur district. The Yulla Kanda trek is best done between May and October. Urni is the closest village to the base camp, and the total trek distance is about 12 kilometres. Yulla Kanda trekking provides a breathtaking view of the Kinnaur mountains.
It also has an ancient Lord Krishna Temple located within the lake. The Pandavas are said to have built this holy lake during their exile in the Himalayas, and it is the highest Krishna temple in the world. Yulla Kanda trekking begins in Yulla Khas, a small village on a hillside. This small village, famous for its Kinnauri apples, is only 3 kilometres from Urni Village and is rich in culture.
The Pandavas constructed the lake during their exile. Following the completion of the lake, the temple was built. The temple’s most notable feature is its elevation above sea level (12000 feet), making it the world’s highest temple. Another significant point is that people of any religion, caste, or creed are welcome to come and pray to Lord Krishna. Everyone is welcomed with an open heart and a tight warm hug.
It is believed that the current Bushah ruler, King Kehari Singh of the Bushahr estate, initiated the “Janmashtmi” festival, which is celebrated with great triumph and joy throughout the region. The temple is thought to be associated with the state of Bushah. According to legend, a traditional Kinnaur cap is inverted and placed in the lake that flows alongside the temple at Yulla Kanda.
According to legend, if the cap floats across the river to the other side without being immersed, your destiny will be with you and the coming year will bring you peace, joy, and harmony. If the cap does not make it to the other side, the coming year may not be kind to you.
Although the area is mostly deserted, tourists, locals, and people from neighbouring districts gather in large numbers every year to commemorate Lord Krishna’s birth anniversary. They circle the lake in an attempt to atone for their sins and wrongdoings.
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Kuldhara - The Story of Rajasthan's Ghost Town (Jaisalmer) | कुलधारा गाँव का रहस्य | Haunted Village
This Vlog is based on my visit to the so called Ghost Town of Rajasthan - Kuldhara. A lot of people want to know about Kuldhara Village Story and mystery(rahasya in hindi) behind it. In this Video, I have told complete story(khahani in Hindi) about the Kuldhara Gaon of Jaisalmer.
A lot of Hindi movie scenes have been shot at this Village a few of them are Kachhe Dhaage, Agent Vinod, Rudhaali, Kaalo, Bachha Pandey and a lot more. Not only that this was also the location for a few episodes of fear files and crime tak with some horror stories. This places is open only from Sunrise to Sunset and Kuldhara night stay is not allowed. Although, there are a few hotels and resorts nearby where you can stay.
About the Kuldhara Village:
Kuldhara is known to be an abandoned village in Rajasthan's Jaisalmer district. Established during the 13th century, it was known to be quite a prosperous village inhabited by Paliwal Brahmins. However, later in the early 19th century it was abandoned for unknown reasons. Some claim that it was possibly due of dwindling water supply, an earthquake, or as a local legend say, due of the atrocities by the Jaisalmer State's minister Salim Singh.
From the pas few years, Kuldhara has acquired reputation of a haunted site, and for this reason Government of Rajasthan planned to develop it as a tourist spot in the 2010s. What legends say: The local legends claim that while this village was being deserted, the Paliwals imposed a curse which said that no one would be able to re-occupy the village. It is said that the ones who tried to re-populate the village experienced paranormal activities, and that is why the village remains uninhabited.
#Kuldhara #KuldharaVillageStory #KuldharaVillage #Jaisalmer
Kuldhara Village - World's most HAUNTED Village | कुलधरा गांव की भूतिया कहानी और इतिहास | Ghost Town
This video is based on my trip to Kuldhara rajasthan ghost town(कुलधरा गांव) in Jaisalmer and I will be telling about Kuldhara village story(कुलधरा गांव की कहानी) and also mysteries of Kuldhara gaon(कुलधरा गांव राजस्थान का रहस्य). Kuldhara gaon Rajasthan is a haunted place near Jaisamer(कुलधरा जैसलमेर) and not only I have discussed about Kuldhara rajasthan ghost town story(कुलधरा गांव का वीडियो) but also Kuldhara history in Hindi(कुलधरा गांव का इतिहास). Kuldhara gaon jaisalmer(कुलधरा राजस्थान गांव) is considered on of the most haunted places in the world and there is a Kuldhara horror story which talks about Salam Singh, the minister of Jaisalmer. You will also find some Kuldhara village night vlog or Kuldhara night stay videos on youtube but we covered it in the day time. This Kuldhara vlog(कुलधरा कहानी) also tells about Kuldhara movie shots(कुलधरा फिल्म/कुलधरा मूवी/कुलधरा गांव की फिल्म) that are been picturized here and this Kuldhara gaon ki video will clear all your facts about Kuldhara rajasthan. People also search for Kuldhara rajasthan ghost town kannada but as I am well versed in Hindi, so this video tells Kuldhara Village story in Hindi(कुलधरा गांव की भूतिया कहानी). Not only this but I have also shown the road to Kuldhara(कुलधरा रोड), to show you how to reach there.
Kuldhara is known to be an abandoned village in Jaisalmer district of Rajasthan. Established way back in the 13th century, it was once known to be a prosperous village inhabited by Paliwal Brahmins. It is said to be abandoned by the early 19th century for quite a few reasons. Some say, its possibly because of dwindling water supply or an earthquake, while as per local legends, it was due to atrocities by the Jaisalmer State's minister Salim Singh. Over a period of many years, Kuldhara has actally acquired a reputation of a haunted site, and the Rajasthan Government finally planned to develop it as a tourist place in the 2010s.
By the year 1815, most of the wells in Kuldhara village actually dried up. By 1850, only the step-well and 2 other deep wells were known to be functional. When S. A. N. Rezavi took a survey of the village in the 1990s, the only water which remained at the site was stagnant water at a few portions of the dried-up river bed. It is considered that the dwindling water supply would have significantly reduced agricultural productivity, without a corresponding reduction in tax demands from the Jaisalmer State. This may have forced the Paliwals to abandon the Kuldhara village. A local legend claims that Salim Singh, who was known to be the cruel minister of Jaisalmer, levied huge taxes on the village, leading to its decline.
As mentioned earlier, the historical records say that the population of Kuldhara village declined gradually: its estimated population was known to be around 1,588 during 17th-18th century; around 800 in 1815; and 37 in 1890. However, as per legend claims the village was abandoned overnight. According to this version of the legend, the minister Salim Singh was said to be attracted to a beautiful girl from the village. He sent his guards to forcing the villagers to hand over the girl to them. The villagers asked the guards to come back next morning, and abandoned the village overnight. Another version claims that 83 other villages in the same area were also abandoned overnight.
The local legend claims that while the villagers were leaving the village, the Paliwals imposed a curse that no one would ever be able to re-occupy Kuldhara village. The people who tried to re-populate the village experienced a lot of paranormal activities, and therefore, the village always remains uninhabited.
Gradually, the village acquired its reputation as a haunted place, and slowly started attracting tourists. The local residents in this area do not believe in the ghost stories, but it is said that they propagate them for attracting tourists. In the early 2010s, Gaurav Tiwari of Indian Paranormal Society said to have observed paranormal activities at the site. The 18-member team of the Society and 12 other people spent a whole night at the Kuldhara village. They say they have encountered moving shadows, haunting voices, talking spirits, as well as paranormal activities.
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