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10 Best place to visit in Jesús Menéndez Cuba


Cuba 2021 day 3

Cuba 2021 Day 3. A visit to Cafeteria Quitrin, ride in a horse taxi, views around the hotel pool. I really need to figure the camera functions out!

(2) Chaparra, Cuba 1080p

Chaparra, Las Tunas Cuba en alta definicion 1080p. Febrero 2013

La Caridad del Cobre 🌻🍯✨ OSHÚN #shorts


A very nice casa particolare in Trinidad (Cuba) Alameda #99 by Ligia Ruíz Mendoza

I stayed a week in the hostal (cp) of Ligia Ruíz Mendoza. A Casa Colonial en el Centro de la Ciudad. Ligia is the owner of the beautiful old house and a very pretty young woman. The rooms are big, high, clean and cool. And the food is very good (between 8 and 10 CUC)
When I come back in Trinidad I only want to live here (Alameda - or: Jesús Menéndez - number 99 (Esquina Colón) e/ Colón y Smith) Her teléf. is 996147. Her langusta is the best of Cuba! This casa is much better than a hotel!

La vida COTIDIANA en Cuba 🇨🇺 camaguey Calle Enrique José Varona

Así es la vida en las calles de Camagüey Lo que no te cuenta de los barrios de Cuba Historia vivencia contado por un cubano

#deltingoaltango #camaguey #cuba #calle #cubahoy

📢 Video de la calle Hospital

📢Vídeo de la calle Capitán Escobar Sedano

📢 Video de la calle General Gómez

Museo de la Revolución la Habana Cuba 🤓👍

¡Hola amigos!

En este video les platicaremos un breve resumen de la revolución Cubana, narrado desde el Museo de la Revolución en la Habana Cuba.

¡Esperemos que disfruten de este video y les sea de utilidad!

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Facebook: anecdotaviajera
Insta de Ate.@ateateruiz
Insta de Saúl: @saulbucci

UNMUTE! US-Cuba relations and the perfect storm. December 4th, 2020

Cuba is experiencing a perfect storm of forces—between the coronavirus pandemic and four years of hostile relations with the US, the island has plunged into its worst economic crisis since the Special Period in the early 1990's. What does the future hold for Cuba, the Cuban people, and US-Cuba relations?
On December 4th, 2020, a group of CCJ travelers joined Chip Barclay and Jesus Noguera for a civil conversation across cultures. This is the unedited version.... :).

donde van mis pies alli va mi corazon ernesto el cubano , plaza san martin

donde van mis pies alli va mi corazon ernesto, cubano

Un repaso por nuestra historia deportiva (1965 2020)

Conferencia a cargo de Cipriano Fernández.

Hispanic Heritage Month at Wisconsin Historical Society

Hispanic Americans have lived in Wisconsin since before statehood, but the largest wave of migration came during and after World War II when an increased demand for food and simultaneous shortage of labor during the war created a demand for agricultural workers. Government programs permitted employers to hire foreign workers to work in the fields, and between 1942 and 1964, millions of Mexican farm laborers came to the state.

Today, Mexicans are the largest Spanish-speaking group in Wisconsin. Mexicans arriving in the 1950s and after have found an established community to settle into, particularly in Milwaukee. Another fast-growing group of Spanish-speaking residents is Puerto Ricans, who began arriving in Wisconsin in the late 1940s. They were drawn to industrial jobs in Milwaukee, Kenosha and Racine counties. Wisconsin is also home to political refugees and other immigrants from Cuba, El Salvador, Columbia, Nicaragua, and other countries.

From the time of their arrival, Latinx Americans have battled racism and discrimination, a struggle that continues to this day.

The Society has put together a page with stories, images, and artifacts from our history collections. Learn more:

Tres autores AGNYEE en búsqueda de Elcano y de la Primera Circunnavegación (30/09/2020)

Contenido completo de la Mesa Redonda organizada de modo virtual por AGNYEE, con la participación de José Antonio Crespo-Francés y Valero, Coronel de Infantería (R), Doctor en Artes y Humanidades, Miembro de Honor de AGNYEE y autor de varios libros; Francisco José Ruiz Aldereguía, marino de guerra (R), emprendedor, autor de varios libros y capitán de una etapa de la Vuelta al mundo AGNYEE a vela “Tras la estela de Elcano 500 años después”; e Isidro del Río, psicólogo y profesor, autor de varios libros y socio de AGNYEE. Los tres autores han debatido sobre sus obras y la I Circunnavegación en formato de mesa redonda, moderada por el Vicepresidente de AGNYEE, Luis Vilches Collado.



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