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10 Best place to visit in Hurbanovo Slovakia


Restaurants in Prievidza, Slovakia

Have a really tasty meal again, in a good restaurant or eatery nearby. Enjoy a great dinner with near Prievidza. Whether gourmet, fast food or a romantic candlelight dinner, you will find something suitable here.

Here you can find Restaurants in Prievidza, Slovakia:
1) Čerstvé Osuchy
Bojnická cesta 389, 971 01 Prievidza

2) Tradičná polievkáreň pod kláštorom
Andreja Hlinku, 971 01 Prievidza

Bojnická cesta 32, 971 01 Prievidza
0903 293 426

4) Poke_pd
Bojnická cesta 406/18, 971 01 Prievidza
0908 543 749

5) Schnitzel Platz Yes Prievidza
Ivana Krasku 32, 971 01 Prievidza
0915 626 453

6) AeroRest
Letisková 387/8, 971 01 Prievidza
0905 342 750

7) First Sushi Bar
3 G, Gustáva Švéniho 3C, 971 01 Prievidza
0944 016 014

8) Simply Vegan
A. Hlinku, 727 727/12, 971 01 Prievidza
0902 210 811

9) Alej Restaurant Bojnice
Hurbanovo námestie 10/17, 972 01 Bojnice
0944 581 777

10) Sabbia Ristorante
Nábrežie Andreja Kmeťa 136/11, 971 01 Prievidza-Priemyselný obvod
046/542 40 88

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The music is from:

Heineken Slovensko - Hurbanovská pivná cesta - pivovar Hurbanovo

Hurbanovská pivná cesta sa pre verejnosť otvorila na konci júla 2016, a prístupná bude vždy dve stredy v kalendárnom mesiaci. V rámci jedného dňa sa uskutočnia dve prehliadky pivovaru - dopoludnia a popoludní, pričom celkové trvanie prehliadky je približne 90 minút. Odborný výklad počas prehliadky návštevníkom sprostredkuje obchodný sládok Karol France, ktorý práci s pivom zasvätil takmer 40 rokov svojej kariéry. V roku 2016 získal od Slovenského združenia výrobcov piva a sladu ocenenie Osobnosť slovenského pivovarníctva a sladovníctva. Karol France hovorí: „Som veľmi rád, že aj vďaka Hurbanovskej pivnej ceste môžem svoje skúsenosti a vedomosti o pive sprostredkovať verejnosti. Otvorenie najväčšieho slovenského pivovaru je dôležitým krokom k šíreniu pozitívneho príbehu slovenského piva, ako aj k ďalšiemu rozvoju pivnej kultúry.“Prehliadková trasa Hurbanovskej pivnej cesty pozostáva z viacerých tematických častí. Príbeh štyroch základných surovín, z ktorých sa vo svete vyrába až 40.000 rôznych typov pív, sa návštevníci dozvedia v priestoroch historickej varne s pôvodnými medenými kotlami. Tie sa dnes už na výrobu piva síce nepoužívajú, priestory však slúžia ako múzeum, v ktorom návštevníci nájdu rôzne artefakty pochádzajúce zo začiatkov pivovarníctva v Hurbanove. Všetko o súčasnej výrobe piva sme sa dozvedeli pri prehliadke novej varne, fermentačných tankov, ako aj na plniacich linkách, ktoré sme si pozreli z bezpečnej presklenej galérie nad výrobnou halou. Poslednou, veľmi populárnou zastávkou bola návšteva moderného pubu priamo v priestoroch pivovaru, ktorá je samozrejme spojená s ochutnávkou piva. Pred odchodom sme si my pivári mohli vybrať suvenír s vizuálom Hurbanovskej pivnej cesty alebo svojich obľúbených značiek v stánku s darčekovými predmetmi, ktorý je vyrobený na mieru pre pivovar v dizajne pripomínajúcom pôvodné pivovarnícke medené kotly a potrubia.

Bojnice in 4K - most beautiful castle of Slovakia

Travel guide:

Most beautiful castle in Slovakia

Slovakia has some of the most beautiful places in the world and being off the beaten path it is a very budget-friendly location at the same time. In this free travel guide I give you tips on how to visit Slovakia’s most beautiful castle in Bojnice. It looks like right out of a Disney movie.

Best time to visit

Slovakia is cold in winter so the main seasons when people are visiting is summer, spring and autumn. Bojnice is a destination that is mainly visited by Slovak tourists so prices for accommodation and food are low.

How to get there

We came from Austria so we first went to Bratislava.

If you are going by car you can first go to Trenčín and immediately before entering the city turn right and follow the road through the mountains until Bojnice.

If you are going with public transport your first option is to take the fast train which goes to the high Tatras and stops in Trenčín as well. There you have to change to a bus that goes to Prievidza. From there you can take another bus to the nearby town of Bojnice (or walk ca. 30 minutes).

Or you take a slower train from Bratislava that goes to Prievidza directly (second option).


Bojnice is a small city. There is a big alley for pedestrians (Hurbanovo námestie) with some restaurants eventually leading to the castle park.

Downstairs from this area there are many weekend houses with gardens. This is where we stayed.

We stayed in Penzión Kastelán. This accomodation was a very good value. I can highly recommend it!


We were eating at Bojnická reštaurácia. They had a lunch menue for a very reasonable price (around 5 Euros including water and soup).

The waiter (who was very friendly) could not translate the bread-like side dish but it is the same kind of bread that is used to make dumplings (“Knödel” in german).

They had an excellent Greek salad (vegetarian option).

Next to the castle there are many shops where you can buy oblates with various tastes. This is very typical and makes for a very good gift.

Top 5 things to do in Bojnice

1. Visit the castle and park

The main attraction is the castle of course.

Surrounding it is a very nice park. Especially in autumn the colors of the trees are amazing.

The castle grounds can be visited only with a guided tour in Slovak. But you receive a small booklet in your language. Note: You have to pay extra if you want to take pictures and even more if you want to make a video.

It is definitely worth to go inside.

2. See the falcon show

Right next to the castle entrance there is an area to see falcons. Unfortunately this area was closed when we visited (because of winter). But if it is open it is something really interesting.

3. Bojnice Zoo

The entrance to the zoo is also near the castle entrance.

It stretches up the hill and if you are visiting with children this is a must do.

4. Bojnice Spa (Kupele Bojnice / LD Mier) and public swimming pool

Bojnice has a very nice spa with some indoor pools and one outdoor pool. It is a little bit away from the center but you can walk there.

There is a nice footpath that starts behind the parking lot (left side behind the castle).

To go there you first go through the castle park passing by the public outdoor swimming pool.

5. Walk to treetop footpath/viewpoint (Vyhliadková veža)

There is an amazing lookout tower on top of the hill behind the castle. Entry was 8 Euros (2018).

We went there going straight up the hill behind the castle (passing by the falconry area and then going little bit right following the fence of the zoo later).

This path is a little bit rough sometimes but more or less ok with normal shoes. Be aware of mountain bikes! Not recommended for going down.

There is actually a nice footpath that we used for going down (it starts near the Spa but you don’t have to go all the way there).

The treetop footpath features a nice slide. Unfortunately it was not in operation because they need someone to supervise it but there were just 2 people at the cash desk (not enough visitors I guess in November).

But there is a nice tunnel made of ropes that is a lot of fun:

Downstairs from the treetop path there are some mushroom houses you can visit and go inside. This is mainly for children but it is very funny anyways.

When we went down we visited a viewpoint from where you can see the castle in the distance.


Bojnice castle is one of the most beautiful castles in the world and the most beautiful castle of Slovakia. It looks like right out of a Disney movie.

I can highly recommend going there. What do you think about the castle and town? Did you visit it already or are you planning your stay? Please post in the comments below! Also if you have any question or comment don’t hesitate.

Views Around Bratislava, Slovakia - January, 2017

Views Around Bratislava, Slovakia - January, 2017.

Bratislava is the capital of Slovakia, and with a population of about 450,000, the country's largest city. The greater metropolitan area is home to more than 650,000 people. Bratislava is in southwestern Slovakia, occupying both banks of the River Danube and the left bank of the River Morava. Bordering Austria and Hungary, it is the only national capital that borders two sovereign states. To read more about Bratislava, click here: .

This film features views from around central Bratislava in freezing cold January 2017, within the film, the following locations and features are identified: Národná rada SR, Vodny vrch, Bratislava Castle, Svatopluk Statue, River Danube, Most SNP, Viedenska cesta, UFO Tower, UFO Bar, Razusovo nabrezie, Rybne Namesti, Holy Trinity Column, Hans Christian Andersen Statue, Fountain Girl with a Deer, Hviezdoslav Statue, Radisson Blu Carlton, Jesenskeho, Slovak National Theatre, Rybarska branao, Cumil, Schone Naci, Hlavne Namestie, Maximilian's Fountain, Old Town Hall, Cukraren Muzeum, Sedlarska, Michalska, Michael's Gate, Hurbanovo Namestie, Trinity Church, Church of the Capuchins, Kapucinska, Staromestska, Falkensteiner Hotel, Namestie Franziska Liszta, and Bratislava Central Station.

To see a film from an aircraft landing at Bratislava Airport, click here: .

To see a hotel review of the Falkensteiner in Bratislava, click here: .

This film is a Moss Travel Media production –

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Kolárovo - a ship mill and the Europe's (allegedly) longest wooden bridge

Warning: this video contains geese and a donkey.

#slovakia #travel

Bratislava old town | Snowfall in Bratislava | Snow in old town | Slovakia | Samsung galaxy S22 plus

Hurbanovo námestie - Agatha Toott Borlobaschin - Musical Tiles - Farský kostol sv. Jána z Mathy (Trojička) - Župné námestie - Michalská - Michalská brána - Sedlárska - Hlavné námestie - Palác Uhorskej eskontnej a zmenárenskej banky - Rybárska brána - Hviezdoslavovo námestie - Pavol Országh Hviezdoslav statue - Víťazstvo – pamätník oslobodenia Červenou armádou - Laurinská - Radničná - Hlavné námestie - Žena s krčahom - Primaciálne námestie - Maqbool Tree - Klobučnícka - Stará tržnica - Lev s erbom

Walking points:

Date: 22012023

#bratislava #oldtown #slovakia #snow #snowfall #travel #walking #monuments #statue

00:00 Hurbanovo námestie (square)
01:14 Michalská street
01:27 Statue - Socha sv. Michala archanjela - Socha sv. Jána Nepomuckého
01:58 Michael's Gate - Michalská brána
02:50 Zero kilometer of Bratislava - Nultý kilometer Bratislavy
03:20 Zbrojnoš pub
03:40 Michalská street
05:30 KORZO stone - Kameň KORZO
05:50 Sedlárska street
06:58 Main Square - Hlavné námestie
07:26 Napoleonic soldier - Napoleonský vojak
07:51 Main Square - Hlavné námestie
08:15 Maximilian's fountain Maximiliánova fontána
08:42 Schöne Náci
09:05 Rybárska brána (street)
09:40 Statuse Čumil
10:05 Panská (street)
11:20 Eszterházyho palác - Passage
12:10 Hviezdoslavovo námestie (square)
12:30 Pavol Országh Hviezdoslav statue
12:41 Radisson Blu Carlton
13:25 Bratislava Reduta - Námestie Eugena Suchoňa (square)
13:40 Slovenské národné divadlo (SND) - Slovak National Theatre
16:13 Passage - Pasáž
17:15 Laurinská street
17:28 Radničná street
18:12 Pawerov dom (house) - Ungerov dom (house)
18:33 Mariánsky stĺp - Marian column
18:53 Church - Kostol Najsvätejšieho Spasiteľa (Jezuiti)
19:26 Stará radnica - Old Town Hall
20:36 Primaciálne námestie (square)
20:51 Primaciálny palác
21:40 Klobučnícka street
22:37 Stará tržnica - The old market
24:15 Námestie SNP



Samsung Galaxy S22 Plus, DJI OSMO4

Adobe Premiere Pro 22

Driving Slovakia: I-64 Nové Zámky - Komárno/Komárom - 4k scenic drive through South Slovakia

We continue our exploring of South Slovakia, discovering a beautiful but touristically mostly unknown region close to the hungarian border. The landscape is very hilly at least during the first half of the trip, driving here offering a great rollercoaster feeling. The mix of forests and wide-open areas, with some villages and small towns from time to time and the low traffic made the drive very relaxing and pictuoresque. Enjoy!

Filmed in March 2022.

Please Subscribe ➤
in order to not miss 4K road tourism videos of the nice areas I am driving through.

0:00 Intro
0:15 Nové Zámky
2:18 Nové Zámky - Bajč
5:00 Bajč
6:14 Bajč - Hurbanovo
8:46 Hurbanovo
14:39 Hurbanovo - Komárno/Komárom
25:00 Komárno/Komárom

Szlovákiai falurádió - 2015.07.10.

Máté Péter - Elmegyek
2015.07.10., Ipolykiskeszi (Malé Kosihy), Szlovákia
Megmondja a GARMIN! :D


Ce sa faci in Bratislava daca ploua? Mancare traditionala Slovaca

Ne-am propus ca in fiecare locatie noua sa vizitam putin orasul fara niciun plan facut in avans, asa ca ne-am inarmat cu entuziasm si am trecut de ploaia si de vantul pe care le-am gasit in fata, reusind sa surprindem cateva cadre frumoase cu prima experienta avuta in Slovacia

Ce am vazut azi:
- Michael's Gate:
- Napoleon's Army Soldier:
- Čumil:
- Fontána Carlton:
- Old Cathedral of Saint John of Matha and Saint Felix of Valois:

Unde am mancat:
- Koliba Kamzík Bratislava:
- Urban Bistro:
- Pollito Cheesecake:

Ce echipament folosim:

Daca vreti sa aflati mai multe despre noi, ne gasiti si pe Instagram, TikTok, Vero si Blog:
Cine suntem:

Cycling in Slovak paradise

Video z cyklistiky v Slovenskom raji organizovane Bajkerteamom
Zastavka na ceste v smere na Pilu a do Podleska.

The Slovenský raj (the slovak paradise) mountain is considered to be one of the most beautiful natural regions. You can visit it also by using a bike. There are several cycle paths for the mountain bikes situated in the Slovenský raj mountain. The known is the path leads from Podlesok to Kláštorisko. Through the col Kopanec in this mountain you can come to Dedinky village from the north and you can also ride your bike in the Geravy region. Many cycle tours in the Slovenský raj mountain are characterized by the fact that you must often put your bike on your back and carry it along the terrain impossible to ride on. At pres Sent there are eight cycle routes here, which are situated especially in the conservation area of the National Park. There are also a few unmarked paths situated here, on which you can experience equally the beauties of nature and interesting views with joy in this National Park.

Radfahren in dem Slowakischen Paradies
Die Qualität der Markierung der Radwege und die Wartung dieser Routen ist unterschiedlich.

Bratislava Slovakia Old Town | Staré mesto | street view

22. september 2018
Natural colors and sounds of the streets.

Video consists of 6 parts, each is 3 minutes long.
1. View on Župné námestie from Kostol sv. Jána z Mathy
2. View on Hurbanovo námestie from Kostol sv. Jána z Mathy
3. View on Kapucínska tram station.
4. View on Klariská street
5. View on Galéria mesta Bratislavy and Stará Radnica.
6. View on Nedbalova street and soaring umbrellas.

Shot on Xiaomi Mi Note 3.

Hotel Bojnický Vínny Dom - Bojnice Hotels, Slovakia

Hotel Bojnický Vínny Dom 4 Stars Hotel in Bojnice, Slovakia Within US Travel Directory One of our top picks in Bojnice. Situated just a 3-minute walk from the popular Bojnice Castle, Bojnický Vínny Dom combines winemaking tradition with modern and comfortable accommodation. Its rooms are air-conditioned and have free Wi-Fi.Each room at Hotel Bojnický Vínny Dom has been named after a particular wine variety.
They have been carefully decorated with traditional wooden furniture and some offer a view of Bojnice Castle.
Bojnický Wine House offers a selection of wine-themed services.
At the wellness and spa area, guests can enjoy a scrub massage with wine and grape seed oils.
The spa area also includes a sauna and a hot tub.
At the restaurant you can enjoy traditional Slovak dishes prepared from fresh ingredients as well as a wide selection of wines.
Dinner can be arranged upon prior request.

Hotels Located in :
Hotel Bojnický Vínny Dom - Bojnice Hotels, Slovakia
Location in : Hurbanovo nám. 57/60, 97201 Bojnice, Slovakia

Booking Now :

Hotels list and More information visit U.S. Travel Directory

Vypočuj si príbehy Starého Mesta I. | #SomDoma a spoznávam Bratislavu #8

Spoznaj vďaka našim online prehliadkam tradičné i netradičné miesta v Bratislave a staň sa #TuristomVoVlastnomMeste. Ôsma prehliadka ti odhalí zaujímavé príbehy historického Starého Mesta.

Prečítaj si viac o Bratislave online:

V čase krízy a karanténnych opatrení v súvislosti s ochorením COVID-19 sa organizácia Bratislava Tourist Board rozhodla podporiť miesta, ktoré prišli o všetkých návštevníkov a musia byť teraz zatvorené. Zároveň ide o podporu cestovného ruchu domácimi obyvateľmi po kríze.

Pozri aj: alebo skoč na kapitolu, ktorá ťa zaujíma najviac:
0:00 Intro
0:28 Kapucínska ulica
1:12 Popravisko na Hurbanovom námestí
1:37 Najstarší kamenný most
2:07 Bratislavský kat
2:35 Kapitulská ulica
3:00 Korunovácie kráľov
3:37 Outro

#somdoma #visitbratislava #zvladnemeto

Realizované s finančnou podporou Ministerstva dopravy a výstavby Slovenskej republiky.

4K Bratislava walking | Slovakia | Trnavské mýto - Castle - Main station | Samsung S22 Plus

In memory of the victims of the attack on Zámocká Street (12th Oct.2022) and the car accident at the Zochová bus stop (2nd Oct.2022)

Walking points on map:

Walking points:
Trnavské mýto – Špitálska Street – Shopping Street – Michalská Gate – Main Square – Hviezdoslavovo Square - Fish Square – Jewish Street – Bratislava Castle – Castle Garden – Castle Street – Old Town Street – Presidential (Grasalkovičov) Palace – Presidential Garden - Štefánikova Street – Main train station (Bratislava)

Walking points (in slovak language):
Trnavské mýto – Špitálska ulica – Obchodná ulica – Michalská brána – Hlavné námestie – Hviezdoslavovo námestie - Rybné námestie – Židovská ulica – Bratislavský hrad – Hradná záhrada – Zámocká ulica – Staromestská ulica – Prezidentský (Grasalkovičov) palác – Prezidentská záhrada - Štefánikova ulica – Železničná hlavná stanica

00:00 Trnavské mýto (The old market - Stará tržnica, Istropolis in destruction)
04:23 Budova Konskej železnice - The building of the former Horse Railway
05:20 Krížna ulica (U Taliana)
07:08 Námestie Martina Benku, Vazovova ulica
08:12 Krížna ulica
08:56 Odborárske námestie (Avion obytný a obchodný blok)
10:48 Americké námestie (Avionský parčík)
12:02 Špitálska ulica (Metropol)
12:40 Medická záhrada (Medical garden)
13:29 Ulica 29. Augusta
15:31 Kollárovo námestie (Mestský pivovar Alžbetka)
16:23 Obchodná ulica - Shopping Street (Poštová ulica)
22:15 Hurbanovo námestie (Agatha Toott Borlobaschin, Farský kostol sv. Jána z Mathy (Trojička))
23:28 Michalská ulica (Socha sv. Jána Nepomuckého, Michalská Gate, Kameň KORZO)
28:10 Sedlárska ulica
29:23 Main Square - Hlavné námestie (Maximiliánova fontána, Schöne Náci statue)
30:43 Rybárska brána - Čumil Bratislava
32:33 Hviezdoslavovo Square (Slovenské národné divadlo)
39:17 Fish Square - Rybné námestie (Morový stĺp, Holocaust Memorial)
42:47 Židovská ulica, Beblavého
46:46 Castle stairs - Zámocké schody (Bridge SNP - UFO bridge)
55:18 Castle garden - Zámocká záhradná
57:44 Bratislava castle - Bratislavský hrad (Equestrian statue of Svätopluk)
01:02:00 Vienna Gate - Parlament SR
01:03:04 Palisády
01:05:45 Zámocká ulica (Tepláreň Gay bar Bratislava)
01:11:35 Pilárikova ulica (Zochova bus stop) - Staromestská ulica
01:19:27 Hodžovo námestie - Presidential (Grasalkovičov) Palace
01:23:19 Presidential Garden - Prezidentská (Grasalkovičova) záhrada
01:31:00 Štefánikova ulica
01:37:28 Šancová ulica - Námestie Franza Liszta
01:41:50 Main train station (Bratislava) - Bratislava hlavná stanica

Samsung S22, Samsung S22 Plus, DJI OSMO4

Adobe Premiere Pro 22, Relive Pro


Amade Château Hotel***** Vrakúň - Travel TV

Amade Château je očarujúci vidiecky luxusný hotel, ktorý ponúka svojim hosťom neopakovateľný zážitok s nádychom histórie a jedinečnej atmosféry. Hotel má výnimočnú polohu. Nachádza sa na pokojnom a malebnom Žitnom ostrove a predsa neďaleko od hlavného mesta Bratislava. Hotel je obklopený obrovským anglickým parkom a Wellness & Spa, ktorého súčasťou je i Hammam - turecké kúpele - ozajstný unikát. Hotel má k dispozícii 29 luxusných izieb, z toho 10 individuálnych apartmánov. Každá izba sa vyznačuje originálnym dizajnom. Hotel Amade Château čaká svojich hostí výbornou reštauráciou a vynikajúcim maďarským šéfkuchárom Istvánom Volenterom. Gastronómia kuchyne sa zakladá iba na čerstvých, miestnych, sezónnych surovinách. Popri reštaurácii je hneď ďalšou špecialitou naša cukráreň, ktorá z pohodlia svojich kresiel sľubuje krásny výhľad do anglického parku. Cigar room - fajčiareň, je špeciálne pre pánov, kde si môžu v skvelom prostredí vychutnať kvalitné cigary a koňaky. Vináreň, vínna pivnica ponúka široký výber vín strednej Európy. Dva komfortné konferenčné miestnosti poskytujú priestor pre konferencie, firemné a súkromné ​​akcie. Wellness & Spa poskytuje obrovský vnútorný a vonkajší bazén, vírivku, bazén pre deti, saunový svet, telocvičňu, slnečnú terasu a originálne Hammam - turecké kúpele. Zvláštnu atmosféru tureckých kúpeľov, vytvárajú pôvodné turecké materiály a autentické turecké Hammam masáže, ktoré ponúkajú nezabudnuteľný zážitok. Náročnejší klienti si môžu vybrať zo širokej škály masáží a procedúr s francúzskou kozmetikou - Terraké. Hotel, okrem dokonalého pokoja, ponúka rad aktivít pre voľný čas nachádzajúcich sa v okolí. Priamo v areáli hotela sa nachádzajú 2 tenisové kurty, možnosť požičať bicykle, nordic walking palice, badminton, k dispozícii je i detské ihrisko.



360° videomapa Komárno a okolie z neba, časť 4/7 K riekam a ku hviezdam

Pilotáž, kamera a réžia: Milan Paprčka
Grafická animácia a strih: Mgr. art. Zuzana Maďarová
Orientačné mapy a pomocná grafika: Mgr. art. Zuzana Maďarová
Text: Ing. Matej Schwarzbacher
Komentár: Kristián Druga
Preklad: Mgr. Nikola Betková
Hudba: Emmanuel Jacob

0:30 Hurbanovo
03:16 Martovce
04:43 Vrbová nad Váhom
05:48 Kameničná
07:57 Čalovec

©2021 CBS spol, s.r.o., Kynceľová 54, 974 01 Banská Bystrica

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Najpresnejšie mapy od VKÚ Harmanec

Komárno to Jasová, Slovakia : Sicily to Ukraine by camper van part 72


In early June 2013 the Danube, along with other rivers in northern Europe, flooded. Having waited on 8 June 2013 to the south of the river, I crossed it on 9 June and proceeded north through the Slovakian border town of Komarnó which is the largest port in that country and once was the largest port in Czechoslovakia.

On leaving the town, as you can see in this film, the flooding was apparent as I cross the bridge over the Váh river. Taking country roads I pass towards the small town of Jasová via Hurbanovo on the Žitava river, a town named after Slovak writer Jozef Miloslav Hurban in 1948.

The city of Komárom was formerly a separate suburban village called Újszőny. In 1892 Komárom and Újszőny were connected with an iron bridge and in 1896 the two towns were united under the name Komárom.

The centre was split by the newly created border of Czechoslovakia in 1920 following the Treaty of Trianon in which Hungary lost two thirds of its territory creating a sizeable Hungarian minority in Slovakia. The Czechoslovak (Slovak) part is now Komárno, Slovakia.

Komárom and Komárno are connected by two bridges: The iron bridge and a newer lifting bridge.

The earliest mention of the town is possibly in 1075. The Hungarian name for the town is historically Komárom. Since the town has been split, the more colloquial names Révkomárom (Komárom Port), Öregkomárom (Old Komárom) and Észak-Komárom (North Komárom) are used to distinguish it from the town on the Hungarian side, which is simply called Komárom.

Komárno, located at the confluence of the Danube and Váh rivers, 108 -- 115 meters above sea level, is an old settlement. Findings stem from the Neolithic, Eneolithic period, the Bronze Age. Many archaeological remains found throughout the region surrounding Komárno indicate the area was settled by the Celts toward the end of the 1st Century BC. Later the Danube became the border of the Roman Empire.

In the early 10th century the territory came under the rule of the Magyar tribes and later was part of the Austro Hungarian Empire. During the 18th century Komárom experienced floods, fires, earthquakes, and cholera and plague. Two earthquakes completely destroyed the town in 1763 and 1783. In the early 19th century, the fortifications surrounding Komárno underwent extensive reconstruction. The reconstruction was interrupted by the Hungarian Revolution of 1848. Komárom played a significant role in the revolution, remaining the last bastion of the Hungarian resistance against the Austrians until 1849, when the fortress and town were finally surrendered. Captain György Klapka handed over the fortress to the Austrians only after a statement that for every person in the fortress could leave freely although the town was completely destroyed by the Austrian bombardment. Various military buildings were constructed and in 1876 reconstruction of the fortification system was completed. Komárom's recovery began at the end of the 19th century and beginning of the 20th century, when construction of iron bridges across the Danube and Váh began as well as the first railway lines linking Komárno to the rest of Austro-Hungary. It soon became an important transport junction, attracting industry and trade. In 1896 the town of Újszőny on the south side of the Danube was combined with Komárom, allowing the town to expand its territory and development across the Danube.

With the disintegration of the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy after World War I, Komárom became part of Czechoslovakia, with the border on the Danube River, separated Komárom from its southern half. The majority remained Hungarian.

In 1938, under the First Vienna Award of that year, Komárno was taken by Hungary. During the war it was an important supply depot for the Nazis and although there was no heavy fighting in the Komárno area, it was bombarded several times. The bridges connecting the two territories were destroyed and most of the territory lying on the south bank of the Danube lay in ruins. After the WW II the territory on the north bank of the Danube became part of Czechoslovakia again. After the war, large-scale reconstruction of Komárno's industries began. The reconstruction of the SLKB Komarno (Komárno) - Slovak Shipyard Komárno, the town's largest industrial facility, was completed in 1950 and greatly promoted the economic development of the town. New factories were constructed in the west side of town near the shipyard creating a new industrial district. An urban development plan was implemented as well. Residential districts were created with new housing estates and wide roads.

360° videomapa Komárno a okolie z neba, časť 3/7 Z vinárskeho kraja k najmladšiemu mestu Slovenska

Pilotáž, kamera a réžia: Milan Paprčka
Grafická animácia a strih: Mgr. art. Zuzana Maďarová
Orientačné mapy a pomocná grafika: Mgr. art. Zuzana Maďarová
Text: Ing. Matej Schwarzbacher
Komentár: Kristián Druga
Preklad: Mgr. Nikola Betková
Hudba: Emmanuel Jacob

00:46 Svätý Peter
02:17 Dulovce
03:15 Pribeta
06:45 Bajč
08:12 Nesvady
10:00 Imeľ

©2021 CBS spol, s.r.o., Kynceľová 54, 974 01 Banská Bystrica

4K 60fps | Trstená 2022 | Slovakia | Walking | Cross the town | In autumn on vote day | Samsung S22

Trstená- Walking - Vlaková stanica - Autobusove nastupište - Mestský úrad Trstená - Kostol svätého Martina - Námestie Trstená - škôlka Trstená - Nemocnica Trstená - Orava region - Slovensko - Slovakia

#trstena #slovensko #orava #slovakia #walking #travel #town

Date: 29102022

Walking points on map:

Walking points:
Train station - ZTS building in reconstruction - Gymnasium of Martin Hattala - The post office - Bus station - City office - Church st.Martin - Town square - Hospital with polyclinic Trstená

Samsung S22, Samsung S22 Plus, DJI OSMO4

Adobe Premiere Pro 22, Relive Pro



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