15 Top Rated Tourist Attractions in Hangzhou, China | Travel Video | Travel Guide | SKY Travel
15 Top Rated Tourist Attractions in Hangzhou, China | Travel Video | Travel Guide | SKY Travel
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The Most Beautiful Places in China #Shorts
Welcome to our VentureWorldTravels, fellow adventurers, to our thrilling journey across the majestic land of China's the most beautiful place, Huangshi Sky City.
Prepare to be transported to the amazing 4th place. Ascend to the mystical Huangshi Sky City! Perched atop the rugged cliffs of Zhang Jia Jie, this ancient city offers panoramic views that will take your breath away. Join us as we wander through its winding pathways and unravel the secrets of its storied.
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湛江最大海鮮市場!海鮮加工!300元海鮮大餐!清蒸沙蟲60元!花蟹50元!生蠔40元!4日3夜!美食旅遊推薦!漁人碼頭!極度美味!午餐!驚人的價格!Canton Food Tour|GuangZhou
#湛江 #海鮮 #美食
餐廳消費:蒜蓉粉絲蒸沙蟲 ¥60+加工費¥20,蒜蓉蒸鮑魚 ¥54+加工費¥25,薑蔥炒花蟹 ¥50+加工費¥20,薑蔥炒生蠔 ¥40+加工費¥28
湛江市的徐聞古港,是漢代海上絲路最早始發港。 湛江歷史代表文化為雷州文化,部分地區亦受高涼文化影響。
1899年11月,法國政府與清政府簽訂《中法互訂廣州灣租界條約》,將雷州府遂溪縣、高州府吳川縣兩縣所屬部分陸地、島嶼以及兩縣間的麻斜海灣(今湛江港)劃為法國租借地,統稱“廣州灣”,劃入法屬印度支那聯邦範圍,設廣州灣行政總公使署,受法屬印度支那總督管轄。 1943年2月,太平洋戰爭時期,被日本軍隊佔領。
Zhanjiang City, also known as the Port City and formerly known as Guangzhou Bay (Kwangchouwan), is a prefecture-level city under the jurisdiction of Guangdong Province, a sub-central city of Guangdong Province, and a central city of the Beibu Bay and Yuexi town cluster[5]. It is located on the Leizhou Peninsula at the southernmost tip of mainland China, at the intersection of Guangdong, Guangxi and Hainan provinces (regions). It is adjacent to Maoming City in the northeast, Yulin City and Beihai City in the Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region in the northwest, the South China Sea in the east, Hainan Island across the Qiongzhou Strait in the south, and Beibu Bay in the west. The municipal government is located at No. 67, Yuejin Road, Chikan District.
The Xuwen Ancient Port in Zhanjiang City was the earliest starting port of the Maritime Silk Road in the Han Dynasty. Zhanjiang's historical representative culture is the Leizhou culture, and some areas are also influenced by the Gaoliang culture.
Zhanjiang was a French concession in 1899 and was officially opened to trade. As the shortest sea voyage from mainland China to Southeast Asia, the Middle East, Europe, Africa and Oceania, Zhanjiang is an important port city on the southeast coast of China and a national comprehensive transportation hub. It is one of the first coastal open cities in China and the headquarters of the Navy's South China Sea Fleet.
According to expert research and argumentation, the Liyudun Shell Mound Site in Jianghong Town, Suixi County today is a human settlement site from the Neolithic Age 7,000 to 8,000 years ago, and is the earliest place inhabited by humans on the Leizhou Peninsula. During the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, the current Zhanjiang area was under the jurisdiction of Baiyue. It belonged to Xiangjun in the Qin Dynasty. In the sixth year of Yuanding of the Han Dynasty (111 BC), Xuwen, Leizhou and Suixi in the south belonged to Xuwen County of Jiaozhi; Wuchuan and Lianjiang in the north belonged to Gaoliang County and Hepu County of Jiaozhi respectively. Afterwards, the three counties in the south belonged to Jiaozhou, Yuezhou, Hezhou, Nanhezhou and Donghezhou successively. In the eighth year of Zhenguan of the Tang Dynasty (634), Donghezhou was changed to Leizhou, which governed the three counties of Leizhou Peninsula until the Qing Dynasty; Wuchuan and Lianjiang in the north belonged to Guangzhou, Luozhou and Huazhou successively, and belonged to Gaozhou until the Ming and Qing Dynasties.
★开平楼价 鵝城 白切鵝 煎豆腐角★
★台山廣海鎮 食足一日海鮮★
★中山美食一日遊 紅燒乳鴿★
★廣州最大海鮮市場 食海鮮必去★
00:00 Intro
00:41 湛江海鮮市場/抵達現場已搬遷/只有批發商戶
04:52 開車前往漁人碼頭/湛江最大海鮮市場買海鮮
19:11 漁人碼頭海鮮餐廳加工海鮮/蒜蓉粉絲蒸沙蟲/蒜蓉蒸鮑魚/薑蔥炒花蟹/薑蔥炒生蠔
30:19 漁人碼頭海鮮批發市場
33:44 法國時期建築物/大教堂/全部都看不到
41:21 開車前往化州/預訂酒店
44:31 Ending
#广州美食 粤语 #food tour #city walk #Chinese food #walking tour #street walk #town market #china tour #walking downtown in china #busy street #粤语 #cantonese #Guangzhou #Cantonese cuisine #点心 #Chinese Food #Canton Food Tour #Walk in GuangZhou #vlog #guangzhou #street food #eating #chinese food #chinese food recipes #湛江 #海鮮 #美食 #海鮮市場 #海鮮加工 #海鮮大餐 #沙蟲 #花蟹 #生蠔 #3日3夜 #旅遊 #旅遊推薦 #漁人碼頭 #午餐 #food tour in china #food tourism #漁人碼頭 美食 #vlog bgm #cantonese vlog #cantonese food #vlog study #china tour 2024
Shangluo, Shaanxi, China
Shangluo, a prefecture-level city under the jurisdiction of Shaanxi Province, is located in southeastern Shaanxi, at the southern foot of the Qinling Mountains, at the junction with E and Yu Provinces, bordering Lingbao, Lushi, Xixia and Xichuan in Henan Province in the east; adjacent to the Utopia District and Utopia County in Shiyan City, Hubei Province in the south; adjacent to Hanbin District, Ningxia, Xunyang and Chang'an District and Lantian County in Ankang City, Shaanxi Province in the west and southwest, and connected to Tongguan, Huayin and Huazhou Districts in Weinan City in the north, between longitude 108°34′20″ and 111°1′25″ East and latitude 33°2′30″ and 34°24′40″ North. 108°34′20″-111°1′25″ and latitude 33°2′30″-34°24′40″, with a length of about 229 km from east to west and a width of about 138 km from north to south, and a total area of 19,292 square kilometers, accounting for 9.36% of the total area of Shaanxi Province. As of 00:00 on November 1, 2020, Shangluo City has 1 district and 6 counties under its jurisdiction, with a resident population of 2,041,231 people.
Shangluo was named after the Shang Mountain and Luo Water in its territory, and was first named during the Han Dynasty, referring to the combined geographical area of Shangluo (county) and Shang (county). Historically, Shangluo Road (also known as Shang Yu Ancient Road) was one of the main roads of the Qin Dynasty, and was the throat of Qin and Chu, a major transportation route from Chang'an to the southeast and other areas of the Central Plains. The famous scenic spots in Shangluo City include the 5A-level scenic spot of Shannan Jinsi Grand Canyon, Niu Bei Liang National Forest Park, Zhushui Cave, Erlang Temple, Fengyang Pagoda, Dayun Temple, Tianzhu Mountain, Moon Cave and so on. Since 2010, the annual China Qinling Ecotourism Festival has been held in Shangluo City.
化州最豪華酒店!自助早餐是怎麼樣?當地樓價!兩房一廳!只要35萬!6000元一方!驚人的價格!4日3夜!自駕遊!最大早市!街拍!街景!美食旅遊推薦!Canton Food Tour|GuangZhou
#酒店 #樓價 #旅遊
餐廳消費:純籺子糖 ¥12,鮮百合木耳糖 ¥7
南朝宋元嘉三年(426年)置羅州縣,檀道濟築石城於羅江口,置羅州縣,屬廣州高涼郡,為化州建縣之始。南朝齊置高興郡、高興縣,郡治所在今化州市區東北舊城嶺,屬越州,郡轄地在今化州南部及吳川、廉江。南朝樑大通年間,置石龍縣、石龍郡,又升羅州縣為羅州,領石龍、高興二郡。隋朝廢石龍、高興二郡,羅州領石龍、吳川、茂名三縣。大業三年(607)廢高州、羅州,設高涼郡,石龍縣屬高涼郡。唐武德四年(621)廢高涼郡,五年復置羅州,治所石龍,領石龍、吳川、陵羅、龍化、羅辯、南河、石城、招義、零綠、慈廉、羅肥十一縣。唐武德六年(623)羅州徙治石城(今廣東廉江)後,先後置南石州、辯州,其間天寶元年(742年)至乾元元年(758年)曾一度改置陵水郡,後復置辯州,下領石龍縣等。北宋太平興國五年據「州治之石龍能變化之義」(980年),辯州改稱化州,領石龍、吳川兩縣。 此乃化州命名之始。元朝先後置化州路安撫司、化州路總管府。明朝洪武元年(1368年)改化州路為化州府,領石龍、吳川、石城三縣。洪武七年(1374年)始降府為州,並石龍縣入化州,化州領吳川、石城二縣。自置羅州時起,至明洪武六年(1373年)止,近八百年間,化州一直是一、二級政區州、郡(府)的治所,為粵西地區的重要政治中心之一。
Huazhou City (postal pinyin: Fachow) is a county-level city in the southwest of Guangdong Province, administered by Maoming City. It borders Beiliu County of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region to the north, Wuchuan City of Guangdong Province to the south, Gaozhou City and Maonan District of Maoming City to the east, and Luchuan County of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region and Lianjiang City of Guangdong Province to the west.
Huazhou City was formerly known as Shilong. It was named China's Hometown of Orange Peel because of its abundant production of orange peel. It is known as Orange Township, Orange City, and Orange State. Its terrain is long and narrow, like a sitting lion.
Huazhou has a long and narrow terrain, like a sitting lion. The terrain slopes from northwest to southeast. The northern part is a high hilly area dominated by granite, which belongs to the branch of Yunkai Mountain, accounting for 38.4% of the total area of the city. Tieshizhang, with an altitude of 579.8 meters, is the highest peak in Huazhou; the central part is a low hilly area, accounting for 36.8% of the total area; the southwest is a terrace, accounting for 15.5% of the total area; the southeast is the Jianjiang alluvial plain, accounting for 9.3% of the total area. There are three rivers in the territory, namely Jianjiang, Luojiang and Lingjiang, which run from north to south. Other rivers include Lingjiang, Qinghu River, Zhongdong River, Guanqiao River and Shiwan River, which are tributaries of Luojiang. There is Sanya River in the southeast and Tang River in the southwest, which are all third-level tributaries of Jianjiang. The soil is mainly red loam, with a deep soil layer and rich organic matter. The climate is subtropical monsoon climate, with southeast wind prevailing from March to September each year and northerly wind prevailing from October to February of the following year. The summer is long and the winter is short, the climate is mild, and it is often affected by typhoons and tropical depressions.
Huazhou had human activities as early as the Neolithic Age, and the ancient Yue ancestors lived and multiplied here. In the Qin Dynasty, the present Huazhou belonged to Xiangjun. Since then, the affiliation has changed repeatedly, and the establishment and division have been divided and merged many times. It has successively belonged to Nanyue State, Gaoliang County of Hepu County, Jiaozhi Provincial Department, Gaoxing County, Gaoliang County
★开平楼价 鵝城 白切鵝 煎豆腐角★
★台山廣海鎮 食足一日海鮮★
★中山美食一日遊 紅燒乳鴿★
★廣州最大海鮮市場 食海鮮必去★
00:00 Intro
00:50 酒店自助早餐有什麼吃?
10:57 早市實況/當地樓價/6千元一平方米/低至35萬元
15:45 當地市場/物價如何? /比想像中熱鬧/人氣超旺
23:50 50萬元一間的房子是怎樣的?
27:08 爽爽糖水店/純籺子糖/鮮百合木耳糖
35:01 自製飲品/開車前往沙扒灣
40:16 Ending
#广州美食 粤语 #food tour #city walk #Chinese food #walking tour #street walk #town market #china tour #walking downtown in china #busy street #dim sum #粤语 #cantonese #Guangzhou #Cantonese cuisine #点心 #Chinese Food #Canton Food Tour #Walk in GuangZhou #vlog #guangzhou #street food #eating #chinese food #chinese food recipes #化州 #豪華酒店 #酒店 #自助早餐 #樓價 #兩房一廳 #價格 #4日3夜 #自駕遊 #早市 #街怕 #街景 #美食 #美食旅遊 #旅遊推薦 #food tourism #food tour in china #china tour guide #guangzhou vlog #cantonese food #cantonese vlog
廣東化州旅遊!當地最豪華酒店!250元!著名美食!香油雞50元!不得了!!好吃到爆!4日3夜!美食旅遊推薦!最大商場!超市瘋狂購物!2人消費90元!Canton Food Tour|GuangZhou
#旅遊 #酒店 #美食
餐廳消費:白切香油雞 ¥60,白切蓮藕 ¥15,撈粉 ¥10
南朝宋元嘉三年(426年)置羅州縣,檀道濟築石城於羅江口,置羅州縣,屬廣州高涼郡,為化州建縣之始。南朝齊置高興郡、高興縣,郡治所在今化州市區東北舊城嶺,屬越州,郡轄地在今化州南部及吳川、廉江。南朝樑大通年間,置石龍縣、石龍郡,又升羅州縣為羅州,領石龍、高興二郡。隋朝廢石龍、高興二郡,羅州領石龍、吳川、茂名三縣。大業三年(607)廢高州、羅州,設高涼郡,石龍縣屬高涼郡。唐武德四年(621)廢高涼郡,五年復置羅州,治所石龍,領石龍、吳川、陵羅、龍化、羅辯、南河、石城、招義、零綠、慈廉、羅肥十一縣。唐武德六年(623)羅州徙治石城(今廣東廉江)後,先後置南石州、辯州,其間天寶元年(742年)至乾元元年(758年)曾一度改置陵水郡,後復置辯州,下領石龍縣等。北宋太平興國五年據「州治之石龍能變化之義」(980年),辯州改稱化州,領石龍、吳川兩縣。 此乃化州命名之始。元朝先後置化州路安撫司、化州路總管府。明朝洪武元年(1368年)改化州路為化州府,領石龍、吳川、石城三縣。洪武七年(1374年)始降府為州,並石龍縣入化州,化州領吳川、石城二縣。自置羅州時起,至明洪武六年(1373年)止,近八百年間,化州一直是一、二級政區州、郡(府)的治所,為粵西地區的重要政治中心之一。
Huazhou City (postal pinyin: Fachow) is a county-level city in the southwest of Guangdong Province, administered by Maoming City. It borders Beiliu County of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region to the north, Wuchuan City of Guangdong Province to the south, Gaozhou City and Maonan District of Maoming City to the east, and Luchuan County of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region and Lianjiang City of Guangdong Province to the west.
Huazhou City was formerly known as Shilong. It was named China's Hometown of Orange Peel because of its abundant production of orange peel. It is known as Orange Township, Orange City, and Orange State. Its terrain is long and narrow, like a sitting lion.
Huazhou has a long and narrow terrain, like a sitting lion. The terrain slopes from northwest to southeast. The northern part is a high hilly area dominated by granite, which belongs to the branch of Yunkai Mountain, accounting for 38.4% of the total area of the city. Tieshizhang, with an altitude of 579.8 meters, is the highest peak in Huazhou; the central part is a low hilly area, accounting for 36.8% of the total area; the southwest is a terrace, accounting for 15.5% of the total area; the southeast is the Jianjiang alluvial plain, accounting for 9.3% of the total area. There are three rivers in the territory, namely Jianjiang, Luojiang and Lingjiang, which run from north to south. Other rivers include Lingjiang, Qinghu River, Zhongdong River, Guanqiao River and Shiwan River, which are tributaries of Luojiang. There is Sanya River in the southeast and Tang River in the southwest, which are all third-level tributaries of Jianjiang. The soil is mainly red loam, with a deep soil layer and rich organic matter. The climate is subtropical monsoon climate, with southeast wind prevailing from March to September each year and northerly wind prevailing from October to February of the following year. The summer is long and the winter is short, the climate is mild, and it is often affected by typhoons and tropical depressions.
Huazhou had human activities as early as the Neolithic Age, and the ancient Yue ancestors lived and multiplied here. In the Qin Dynasty, the present Huazhou belonged to Xiangjun. Since then, the affiliation has changed repeatedly, and the establishment and division have been divided and merged many times. It has successively belonged to Nanyue State, Gaoliang County of Hepu County, Jiaozhi Provincial Department, Gaoxing County, Gaoliang County
★开平楼价 鵝城 白切鵝 煎豆腐角★
★台山廣海鎮 食足一日海鮮★
★中山美食一日遊 紅燒乳鴿★
★廣州最大海鮮市場 食海鮮必去★
00:00 Intro
00:21 開車兩小時抵達化州/第一次來到
04:35 入住當地最大最豪華酒店/250元一晚/roomtour
09:12 冒雨覓食/途徑步行街/奀奀飯店/讀餐牌時間
15:58 白切香油雞/白切蓮藕/撈粉
24:42 夜遊步行街
30:32 開車前往萬達廣場
35:55 商場瘋狂購物/特價榴槤
44:42 Ending
#广州美食 粤语 #food tour #city walk #Chinese food #walking tour #street walk #town market #china tour #walking downtown in china #busy street #dim sum #粤语 #cantonese #Guangzhou #Cantonese cuisine #点心 #Chinese Food #Canton Food Tour #Walk in GuangZhou #vlog #guangzhou #street food #eating #chinese food #chinese food recipes #廣東 #化州 #旅遊 #酒店 #美食 #香油雞 #雞 #蓮藕 #撈粉 #旅遊推薦 #商場 #美食攻略 #超市 #瘋狂購物 #夜市 #步行街 #購物 #榴蓮 #物價 #food tourism #china tourist guide #美食 中国 #china tour 2024 #vlog study #chinese food vlog
廣東美食旅遊攻略!2人消費90元!樓價38萬元3房2廳!工資多少?4日3夜!!茂名美食旅遊!商場!街拍!鴨!粥!特色美食!開車330公里!第一次吃!Canton Food Tour|GuangZhou
#樓價 #美食 #旅遊
餐廳消費:白切鴨 ¥63,水東芥菜拼豆芽 ¥15,清湯鴨粥 ¥4/位,水東撈粉 ¥10
50年代茂名市初建時,因未定市名,以所在地茂名縣為名暫稱茂名工礦區。茂名工礦區城市建設籌建處提出了四個候選名稱:公館市(以所在地公館礦區命名)、金塘市(以所在地金塘礦區命名)、金陽市(金塘礦區、羊角礦區各取一字,「羊」以同音取「陽」)、茂名市。廣東省領導為了連貫性起見,決定定名“茂名市”,將原茂名縣改為高州縣。 1958年8月26日,茂名工礦區正式定名為茂名市。
Maoming City (postal pinyin: Mowming), abbreviated as Mao, is located in the southwest of Guangdong Province. The city borders Yangjiang City to the east, Yunfu City and Wuzhou City and Yulin City of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region to the north, Zhanjiang City to the west, and the South China Sea to the south. The Municipal People's Government is located at No. 2, Youcheng Sixth Road, Maonan District.
Maoming is an important birthplace, prosperous place and inheritance place of Gaoliang Culture. During the Ming and Qing Dynasties, Gaozhou Prefecture (now Maoming District) was an important political, economic and cultural center in western Guangdong.
In 1956, an oil shale plant with an annual output of 1 million tons of crude oil was built in the southern part of the former Maoming County. In 1959, Maoming City was established based on the Maoming Industrial and Mining Area, and was upgraded to a prefecture-level city in 1975. Maoming is known as the Southern Oil City and is an important petrochemical base and energy base in the country. In addition, Maoming is also a major agricultural city and fruit production base in Guangdong Province. Among them, the planting area and output of litchi, longan and banana rank first in the province.
It is generally believed that Maoming was named after Pan Maoming, a local Taoist pioneer. It originated from a person's name and later evolved into a place name. The surname is the state name and the given name is the county name. According to the Maoming County Chronicles, Pan Maoming was born in Panpo Village, Genzi Town, Gaozhou on March 24th of the lunar calendar in the first year of Taixi in the Western Jin Dynasty (290 AD). It is said that Pan Mao (name) cared about the people of the world all his life, practiced medicine to save the world, and practiced medicine for the people. He was indifferent to fame and fortune, did not like official titles and salaries, and did not come after the court summoned him three times; he was not greedy for money, provided medical treatment and medicine, and benefited his hometown; when the plague was raging, he devoted himself to studying elixirs, risked his life to test medicine, stopped the plague and comforted the people, and was deeply respected by the people in Lingnan and praised by the court. In the 18th year of Kaihuang in the Sui Dynasty (598), in order to commend Pan Maoming's merits, Maoming County was established in his name. In the eighth year of Zhenguan in the Tang Dynasty (634), Panzhou was established in his name to govern Maoming County. Some scholars also believe that the word Maoming was derived from a river called Maoming Water (now Jianjiang River), and after the Song Dynasty, it evolved into a Taoist priest Pan Maoming, and the latter's deified interpretation became increasingly mainstream.
★开平楼价 鵝城 白切鵝 煎豆腐角★
★台山廣海鎮 食足一日海鮮★
★中山美食一日遊 紅燒乳鴿★
★廣州最大海鮮市場 食海鮮必去★
00:00 Intro
00:36 自駕遊/高速公路服務區實況
07:27 第一次來到茂名/印像如何?
08:36 水東興記鴨粥店/白切鴨/水東芥菜拼豆芽/清湯鴨粥/水東撈粉
21:29 附近酒店價格如何?/烈日當空市集無人問津
27:08 華僑城購物中心/當地人的生活
32:31 附近樓價/38萬3房單位/當地人收入夠供樓嗎?
39:37 開車前往湛江
43:27 Ending
#广州美食 粤语 #food tour #city walk #Chinese food #walking tour #street walk #china tour #walking downtown in china #busy street #粤语 #cantonese #Guangzhou #Cantonese cuisine #Chinese Food #Canton Food Tour #Walk in GuangZhou #vlog #guangzhou #street food #chinese food #chinese food recipes #樓價 #美食 #旅遊 #4日3夜 #工資 #月薪 #茂名 #商場 #街拍 #鴨 #粥 #特色美食 #開車 #白切鴨 #food tourism #food tour in china #chinese food vlog #chinese food festival #樓價 2024 #chinese food recipes spicy #vlog china #vlog travel
湛江最大早市!樓價!海景房無人買?1.5萬一平方!原因是什麼?4日3夜!酒店自助早餐!街拍!街景!舊城區!美食旅遊推薦!海鮮價格極便宜!海蝦20元!Canton Food Tour|GuangZhou
#樓價 #美食 #旅遊
湛江市的徐聞古港,是漢代海上絲路最早始發港。 湛江歷史代表文化為雷州文化,部分地區亦受高涼文化影響。
1899年11月,法國政府與清政府簽訂《中法互訂廣州灣租界條約》,將雷州府遂溪縣、高州府吳川縣兩縣所屬部分陸地、島嶼以及兩縣間的麻斜海灣(今湛江港)劃為法國租借地,統稱“廣州灣”,劃入法屬印度支那聯邦範圍,設廣州灣行政總公使署,受法屬印度支那總督管轄。 1943年2月,太平洋戰爭時期,被日本軍隊佔領。
Zhanjiang City, also known as the Port City and formerly known as Guangzhou Bay (Kwangchouwan), is a prefecture-level city under the jurisdiction of Guangdong Province, a sub-central city of Guangdong Province, and a central city of the Beibu Bay and Yuexi town cluster[5]. It is located on the Leizhou Peninsula at the southernmost tip of mainland China, at the intersection of Guangdong, Guangxi and Hainan provinces (regions). It is adjacent to Maoming City in the northeast, Yulin City and Beihai City in the Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region in the northwest, the South China Sea in the east, Hainan Island across the Qiongzhou Strait in the south, and Beibu Bay in the west. The municipal government is located at No. 67, Yuejin Road, Chikan District.
The Xuwen Ancient Port in Zhanjiang City was the earliest starting port of the Maritime Silk Road in the Han Dynasty. Zhanjiang's historical representative culture is the Leizhou culture, and some areas are also influenced by the Gaoliang culture.
Zhanjiang was a French concession in 1899 and was officially opened to trade. As the shortest sea voyage from mainland China to Southeast Asia, the Middle East, Europe, Africa and Oceania, Zhanjiang is an important port city on the southeast coast of China and a national comprehensive transportation hub. It is one of the first coastal open cities in China and the headquarters of the Navy's South China Sea Fleet.
According to expert research and argumentation, the Liyudun Shell Mound Site in Jianghong Town, Suixi County today is a human settlement site from the Neolithic Age 7,000 to 8,000 years ago, and is the earliest place inhabited by humans on the Leizhou Peninsula. During the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, the current Zhanjiang area was under the jurisdiction of Baiyue. It belonged to Xiangjun in the Qin Dynasty. In the sixth year of Yuanding of the Han Dynasty (111 BC), Xuwen, Leizhou and Suixi in the south belonged to Xuwen County of Jiaozhi; Wuchuan and Lianjiang in the north belonged to Gaoliang County and Hepu County of Jiaozhi respectively. Afterwards, the three counties in the south belonged to Jiaozhou, Yuezhou, Hezhou, Nanhezhou and Donghezhou successively. In the eighth year of Zhenguan of the Tang Dynasty (634), Donghezhou was changed to Leizhou, which governed the three counties of Leizhou Peninsula until the Qing Dynasty; Wuchuan and Lianjiang in the north belonged to Guangzhou, Luozhou and Huazhou successively, and belonged to Gaozhou until the Ming and Qing Dynasties.
★开平楼价 鵝城 白切鵝 煎豆腐角★
★台山廣海鎮 食足一日海鮮★
★中山美食一日遊 紅燒乳鴿★
★廣州最大海鮮市場 食海鮮必去★
00:00 Intro
00:21 酒店自助早餐/海景自助早餐
06:48 酒店附近樓價/1.5萬一平方米/150萬起步
10:42 霞山區全部都是高樓大廈
13:10 赤坎區舊城區街道狹窄/全部都是舊屋
22:26 當地早市/北橋市場/海鮮價格極為便宜
32:55 古井騎樓街/法租界紀念館
39:16 騎樓街實況
43:30 Ending
#广州美食 粤语 #food tour #city walk #Chinese food #walking tour #street walk #town market #china tour #busy street #粤语 #cantonese #Guangzhou #Cantonese cuisine #Chinese Food #Canton Food Tour #Walk in GuangZhou #vlog #guangzhou #street food #eating #chinese food #chinese food recipes #cantonese food #food tourism #china tourism #guangzhou vlog #湛江 #早市 #樓價 #海景房 #4日3夜 #自助早餐 #早餐 #街拍 #街景 #舊城區 #美食 #旅遊 #旅遊推薦 #海鮮 #海鮮價格 #海蝦 #霞山區 #赤坎區 #自助餐 #vlog travel #vlog china #vlog study #food tour in china #樓價 2024
4日3夜旅遊!美食旅遊攻略!全是高樓大廈!現代化城市!海景酒店價格如何?從未吃過如此美味!必吃沙蟲粥110元!2人消費170元!晚餐!湛江!超級美!Canton Food Tour|GuangZhou
#酒店 #旅遊 #美食
餐廳消費:沙蟲粥 ¥138,酸湯羊肚 ¥39
湛江市的徐聞古港,是漢代海上絲路最早始發港。 湛江歷史代表文化為雷州文化,部分地區亦受高涼文化影響。
1899年11月,法國政府與清政府簽訂《中法互訂廣州灣租界條約》,將雷州府遂溪縣、高州府吳川縣兩縣所屬部分陸地、島嶼以及兩縣間的麻斜海灣(今湛江港)劃為法國租借地,統稱“廣州灣”,劃入法屬印度支那聯邦範圍,設廣州灣行政總公使署,受法屬印度支那總督管轄。 1943年2月,太平洋戰爭時期,被日本軍隊佔領。
Zhanjiang City, also known as the Port City and formerly known as Guangzhou Bay (Kwangchouwan), is a prefecture-level city under the jurisdiction of Guangdong Province, a sub-central city of Guangdong Province, and a central city of the Beibu Bay and Yuexi town cluster[5]. It is located on the Leizhou Peninsula at the southernmost tip of mainland China, at the intersection of Guangdong, Guangxi and Hainan provinces (regions). It is adjacent to Maoming City in the northeast, Yulin City and Beihai City in the Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region in the northwest, the South China Sea in the east, Hainan Island across the Qiongzhou Strait in the south, and Beibu Bay in the west. The municipal government is located at No. 67, Yuejin Road, Chikan District.
The Xuwen Ancient Port in Zhanjiang City was the earliest starting port of the Maritime Silk Road in the Han Dynasty. Zhanjiang's historical representative culture is the Leizhou culture, and some areas are also influenced by the Gaoliang culture.
Zhanjiang was a French concession in 1899 and was officially opened to trade. As the shortest sea voyage from mainland China to Southeast Asia, the Middle East, Europe, Africa and Oceania, Zhanjiang is an important port city on the southeast coast of China and a national comprehensive transportation hub. It is one of the first coastal open cities in China and the headquarters of the Navy's South China Sea Fleet.
According to expert research and argumentation, the Liyudun Shell Mound Site in Jianghong Town, Suixi County today is a human settlement site from the Neolithic Age 7,000 to 8,000 years ago, and is the earliest place inhabited by humans on the Leizhou Peninsula. During the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, the current Zhanjiang area was under the jurisdiction of Baiyue. It belonged to Xiangjun in the Qin Dynasty. In the sixth year of Yuanding of the Han Dynasty (111 BC), Xuwen, Leizhou and Suixi in the south belonged to Xuwen County of Jiaozhi; Wuchuan and Lianjiang in the north belonged to Gaoliang County and Hepu County of Jiaozhi respectively. Afterwards, the three counties in the south belonged to Jiaozhou, Yuezhou, Hezhou, Nanhezhou and Donghezhou successively. In the eighth year of Zhenguan of the Tang Dynasty (634), Donghezhou was changed to Leizhou, which governed the three counties of Leizhou Peninsula until the Qing Dynasty; Wuchuan and Lianjiang in the north belonged to Guangzhou, Luozhou and Huazhou successively, and belonged to Gaozhou until the Ming and Qing Dynasties.
★开平楼价 鵝城 白切鵝 煎豆腐角★
★台山廣海鎮 食足一日海鮮★
★中山美食一日遊 紅燒乳鴿★
★廣州最大海鮮市場 食海鮮必去★
00:00 Intro
00:40 開400公里/第一次來到湛江/感覺如何?
02:08 預訂酒店/400元一晚/絕美海景/Room Tour
09:16 沙灘漫步/海邊美食
28:35 老媽子海鮮酒家/讀餐牌時間/開車去海南島?
30:26 沙蟲粥/酸湯羊肚
39:45 夜遊萬達廣場
49:47 Ending
#广州美食 粤语 #food tour #city walk #Chinese food #walking tour #street walk #town market #china tour #walking downtown in china #busy street #粤语 #cantonese #Guangzhou #Cantonese cuisine #Chinese Food #Canton Food Tour #Walk in GuangZhou #vlog #guangzhou #street food #eating #chinese food #chinese food recipes #4日3夜 #美食 #旅遊 #酒店 #酒店價格 #高樓大廈 #海景酒店 #沙蟲粥 #晚餐 #湛江 #酸湯羊肚 #沙灘 #廣州灣 #海鮮 #霞山區 #徐聞 #法國 #food tourism #food tour in china #广州队 大连 #cantonese food #china tourist #china tour vlog #china tourism
廣州本地人帶你吃!價錢便宜!平民粵菜飯店!30元燉湯!45元焗雞!晚餐人均消費35元!美食旅遊推薦!市場買菜!街拍!街景!交通路線!老廣生活!激抵!Canton Food Tour|GuangZhou
#廣州 #粵菜 #市場
餐廳消費:金銀菜燉豬肺 ¥30,沙薑焗雞 ¥45,乾炒牛河 ¥33
Guangzhou Longjin Road is a road full of history and cultural heritage. It is located in Liwan District, Guangzhou, China. It is about 2.3 kilometers long and 10 to 17 meters wide. The road is divided into three sections: east, middle and west. The road from Renmin Middle Road to Kangwang Middle Road in the east is Longjin East Road, the road to Huagui Road in the west is Longjin Middle Road, and the road to Liwan Lake Park in the south is Longjin West Road. There are many arcades on both sides of the road, which has a strong Xiguan characteristic.
There are two widely circulated theories about the origin of Longjin Road. One theory is that it is named after the Longjin Bridge built in the Qing Dynasty. In the old days, the Xiguan area of Guangzhou was densely covered with rivers. In order to facilitate people's travel, several stone bridges were built on the Xiguan River, and Longjin Bridge was one of them. However, during the Republic of China period, Longjin Bridge disappeared in the filling and road opening of urban expansion, but the name Longjin has been retained and used to this day. Another version is more legendary. It is said that a British businessman visited Wuxian Temple and saw a small kudzu vine hanging a bell weighing several thousand kilograms. Although the vine was dry, it was still very tough. The British knew that it must be a treasure, so they lied to the temple keeper and said that it was too dangerous for this small vine to hang such a large bronze bell, and they had to cast a large iron chain for him to replace it. The temple keeper was honest and agreed. The British businessman happily took the kudzu vine back to the posthouse on the bank of Baietan. He saw that the vine was covered with dust, so he put it in the water to wash it. Who knew that when the vine touched the water, it turned into a dragon, broke free from the British hand, and flew into the sky. The dragon flying into the sky accidentally dropped a mouthful of saliva on a place in Xiguan. From then on, the place that got Longjin (dragon's saliva) was called Longjin Road.
Longjin Road is not only an important street in Guangzhou, but also a witness to local culture and history. Today, although many buildings on Longjin Road have gone through the changes of time, it still retains its unique charm and style. Walking on Longjin Road, you can feel the profound heritage and unique charm of the city of Guangzhou.
★开平楼价 鵝城 白切鵝 煎豆腐角★
★台山廣海鎮 食足一日海鮮★
★中山美食一日遊 紅燒乳鴿★
★廣州最大海鮮市場 食海鮮必去★
00:00 Intro
00:53 失業率飆漲/年輕人失業率高達18%
17:12 龍津路市場買菜
28:50 輝少食雞專门店/讀餐牌時間
32:25 金銀菜燉豬肺/沙薑焗雞/乾炒牛河
43:06 地鐵站夜市
48:49 Ending
#广州美食 粤语 #food tour #city walk #Chinese food #walking tour #street walk #town market #china tour #walking downtown in china #busy street #dim sum #粤语 #cantonese #Guangzhou #Cantonese cuisine #点心 #Chinese Food #Canton Food Tour #Walk in GuangZhou #vlog #guangzhou #street food #chinese food #chinese food recipes #廣州 #本地人 #平民 #粵菜飯店 #粵菜 #燉湯 #晚餐 #美食 #旅遊 #推薦 #旅遊推薦 #市場 #市場買菜 #街拍 #街景 #龍津路 #失業率 #陳家祠 #地鐵站 #food tourism #chinese food tour #china tour guide #china tour vlog #china tourist #china tourism
廣州最大四九市集!爆多人!最新樓價!均價一萬!性價比最高!荔枝價格驚人?排骨飯15元!什麼都有得買!海鮮!水果!衣服!一應俱全!美食推薦!旅遊攻略!Canton Food Tour|GuangZhou
#廣州 #樓價 #旅遊
餐廳消費:豉汁蒸排骨 ¥15,鹹鴨蛋 ¥3,蠔油生菜 ¥8
番禺位於廣東省及廣州市中南部,珠江口西北岸,位於珠三角腹地。 番禺區土地肥沃、水陸交通便利,自古以來就是嶺南地區的魚米之鄉。 舊時番禺(番禺縣)與同樣經濟富庶、文化互通的南海、順德合稱“南番順”,是嶺南文化的發源地之一, 區人民政府駐清河東路319號。
番禺於秦始皇三十三年(前214年)置縣,是嶺南文化的重要發源地和“海上絲綢之路”起點之一,嶺南建築、嶺南畫派、粵劇曲藝、廣東音樂等廣府文化和 鰲魚舞、飄色、乞巧、醒獅等民間藝術源遠流長。 番禺還是著名的美食之都,歷來有「食在廣州、味在番禺」的美譽。
市橋大橋為廣州市首座橫跨市橋河南北的橋樑,是市橋地區往南通往沙田地區(現南沙及番禺橋南街以南的地區)的第一座大橋,同時是橫跨市 橋河道市橋段的第一座跨河大橋,用以接連市橋水道南北兩岸的樞紐橋樑。 其建橋地點為市橋河道最窄處,大橋全長294.12米,兩岸引道各90米,於1978年完工。
Panyu is located in the south-central part of Guangdong Province and Guangzhou City, on the northwest bank of the Pearl River Estuary, and in the hinterland of the Pearl River Delta. Panyu District has fertile land and convenient water and land transportation. It has been a land of plenty in the Lingnan region since ancient times. In the old days, Panyu (Panyu County), Nanhai and Shunde, which were also economically prosperous and culturally interconnected, were collectively known as Nanfanshun. It was one of the birthplaces of Lingnan culture. The District People's Government is located at No. 319 Qinghe East Road.
Panyu was established as a county in the 33rd year of Qin Shihuang (214 BC). It is an important birthplace of Lingnan culture and one of the starting points of the Maritime Silk Road. It has Lingnan architecture, Lingnan School of Painting, Cantonese opera folk art, Guangdong music and other Guangfu cultural and Folk arts such as fish dance, floating color, begging for skill, and lion awakening have a long history. Panyu is also a famous city of gourmet food, and has always been known as Food in Guangzhou, Taste in Panyu.
The Shiqiao Bridge is the first bridge across the Shiqiao River in Guangzhou. It is the first bridge from the Shiqiao area to the south to the Shatian area (the area south of Nansha and Panyu Qiao South Street today). It is also the first bridge across the city. The first cross-river bridge in the Shiqiao section of Qiaohe Road, it is a hub bridge connecting the north and south banks of Shiqiao Waterway. The bridge was built at the narrowest point of the Shiqiao River. The bridge has a total length of 294.12 meters, and the approach roads on both sides are 90 meters each. It was completed in 1978.
★开平楼价 鵝城 白切鵝 煎豆腐角★
★台山廣海鎮 食足一日海鮮★
★中山美食一日遊 紅燒乳鴿★
★廣州最大海鮮市場 食海鮮必去★
00:00 Intro
00:35 廣州最大市場/清河市場/四九墟日
03:10 衣服/鞋子/日用品/農具一應俱全
09:32 草藥/海鮮/全部都有
15:59 買水果/荔枝價格驚人/三華李剛上市
18:53 番禺清河市場空拍
21:18 番禺市橋街道街拍
23:39 午餐/PGKing港口馳名排骨飯/讀餐牌時間
29:48 豉汁蒸排骨/鹹鴨蛋/蠔油生菜
35:54 清河西路/附近最新樓價/均價一萬元一平方米
39:37 網紅麵包店東主竟然是叔叔阿姨
42:56 甜點店竟然結業
46:28 Ending
#廣州美食粵語 #food tour #city walk #Chinese food #walking tour #street walk #town market #china tour #walking downtown in china #busy street #dim sum #粵語 #cantonese #Guangzhou #Cantonese cuisine #dim sum #Chinese # Food Canton Food Tour #Walk in GuangZhou #vlog #guangzhou #street food #eating #chinese food #chinese food recipes #廣州 #樓價 #旅遊 #市集 #荔枝 #排骨 #排骨飯 #海鮮 #水果 #衣服 #美食 #番禺 #市橋 #趁墟 #food tourism #food tour in china #china tour vlog #china tourist #guangzhou vlog #cantonese food #cantonese chinese
廣州西華路!50元食到飽!本地人幫襯餐廳推薦!拒絕網紅店!鮮蝦雲吞麵 12元!牛腩撈伊麵 22元!美食推薦!旅遊攻略!食在大灣區!美食吃不停!力推!Canton Food Tour|GuangZhou
#廣州 #西華路 #大灣區
GOOGLE MAP:廣州市西華路158號
餐廳消費:鮮蝦雲吞麵 ¥12,牛腩撈伊麵 ¥22
餐廳消費:瀨粉 ¥6,糯米糍 ¥5
在古代時,是從彩虹橋(驛馬湧)登岸進入廣州的道路。清朝初年稱為萬善裡,當時東段稱移民市,因清政府強迫番禺、新安、香山等縣的沿海居民遷移到此而得名,後改“移”為“宜”,稱宜民市。西華路口一段,原來無街。由光復北路尾至彩虹橋一段,是合併宜民市、連桂坊、榮圩及彩虹橋直街而成,而至鐵路止。 1933年擴建道路並定今名。
Xihua Road is located in Guangzhou, China. It is an east-west road.
It starts from Renmin North Road in the east and ends at the Guangsan Railway in the west. It is 1,600 meters long and 16 meters wide. At present, except for the section west of Liwan Road, which is one-way from west to east, the rest of the road is two-way.
In ancient times, it was the road to enter Guangzhou from Rainbow Bridge (Simayong). In the early Qing Dynasty, it was called Wanshanli. At that time, the eastern section was called Immigrant City. It was named because the Qing government forced coastal residents from Panyu, Xin'an, Xiangshan and other counties to migrate here. Later, Yi was changed to Yi, and it was called Yimin City. There was no street at the intersection of Xihua Road. From the end of Guangfu North Road to the Rainbow Bridge, it was formed by merging Yimin City, Lianguifang, Rongwei and Rainbow Bridge Street, and ended at the railway. It was expanded into a road in 1933 and named as it is now.
In addition to the residential area, Xihua Road is home to many local restaurants that have been open for more than a decade, selling porridge, noodles, rice, desserts, snacks, etc. It is a food street that is closer to local life.
★开平楼价 鵝城 白切鵝 煎豆腐角★
★台山廣海鎮 食足一日海鮮★
★中山美食一日遊 紅燒乳鴿★
★廣州最大海鮮市場 食海鮮必去★
00:55 西華路小吃之旅/彩虹橋地鐵站/新開民創園/立體停車場
04:38 才福麵家/鮮蝦雲吞麵/牛腩撈伊麵
10:55 珍珍小吃店/糖水鋪/陳雙記
20:19 雍和海鮮酒家/外帶斬料檔大排長龍
21:53 昌記西關瀨粉/6元一碗超飽肚
28:34 天寶食坊/禦品豬腰/芝麻糊世家
34:03 金花街市集買菜/現場製作竹升面/走鬼檔漢堡包
#广州美食 粤语 #food tour #city walk #Chinese food #walking tour #street walk #town market #china tour #walking downtown in china #busy street #dim sum #粤语 #cantonese #Guangzhou #Cantonese cuisine #点心 #Chinese Food #Canton Food Tour #Walk in GuangZhou #vlog #guangzhou #street food #eating #chinese food #chinese food recipes #廣州 #西華路 #本地人 #網紅店 #雲吞麵 #伊麵 #美食 #美食推薦 #旅遊 #旅遊攻略 #大灣區 #才福麵家 #瀨粉 #西關瀨粉 #糯米糍 #金花街 #市場 #市場買菜 #街市 #food tourism #chinese food vlog #西華路 廣州 #廣州美食 西華路 #guangzhou china #cantonese food
惠州市區最新樓價!5000元一平方!全是高樓!最美西湖賓館!嘆早茶!環境一流!2人消費107元!點心!當地最大市場!逛早市!美食旅遊推薦!交通路線!Canton Food Tour|GuangZhou
#惠州 #樓價 #美食
餐廳消費:鳳爪 ¥22,蝦餃 ¥24,叉燒包 ¥18,大白菜鮮肉餃 ¥26
Huizhou West Lake is a famous scenic spot located in Huizhou City, Guangdong Province, China. It is well-known for its beautiful lakes and mountains and rich history and culture. The following is a detailed introduction to Huizhou West Lake:
Geographic location and overview
Huizhou West Lake is located in the central area of Huicheng, Huizhou City, at the intersection of Xizhi River and Dongjiang River. It consists of West Lake Scenic Area and Honghua Lake Scenic Area, with a total area of 20.91 square kilometers. Here, the mountains and rivers are interdependent, and the natural scenery is beautiful. It is one of the iconic attractions in Huizhou City.
History and culture
Huizhou West Lake has a rich historical and cultural heritage. According to historical records, the formation of West Lake can be traced back to the Eastern Jin Dynasty, and it has a history of more than 1,600 years. Over the long years, West Lake has not only attracted many literati and poets to visit and write poems, but also left many precious cultural heritages. For example, when Su Dongpo lived in Huizhou, he left the famous sentence I will not refuse to be a Lingnan person forever, which added a strong cultural atmosphere to West Lake.
Scenic spot features
Huizhou West Lake is famous for its unique natural and cultural landscapes. There are many lakes in the scenic area, with rippling water, shady trees, birdsong and fragrance of flowers. Visitors can stroll along the lakeside trails to enjoy the beauty of the lake and mountains; they can also take a cruise ship to swim in the lake and feel the magnificent scene of the water and sky. In addition, there are many famous attractions in the West Lake Scenic Area, such as Sizhou Tower, Gushan, Su Causeway, etc. Each of them carries rich historical and cultural stories, allowing tourists to appreciate the profound cultural heritage during the tour.
Tourism Service
As a national scenic spot, Huizhou West Lake has complete tourism service facilities. There are visitor centers, parking lots, catering service areas, etc. in the scenic area to provide tourists with convenient tourism services. At the same time, the scenic area also pays attention to ecological protection and cultural inheritance, and continuously improves tourists' travel experience by strengthening environmental management and cultural activity planning.
Cultural Activities and Festivals
Huizhou West Lake Scenic Area often holds various cultural activities and festivals, such as the Lantern Festival and the Lotus Festival, which attract a large number of tourists to watch and participate. These activities not only enrich the tourists' travel experience, but also further promote the cultural connotation and historical value of West Lake.
In short, Huizhou West Lake is a comprehensive scenic spot integrating natural scenery, historical culture and tourism services. Whether you are a tourist who wants to appreciate the beauty of lakes and mountains, or a scholar who loves history and culture, you can find your own fun and gains here.
★开平楼价 鵝城 白切鵝 煎豆腐角★
★台山廣海鎮 食足一日海鮮★
★中山美食一日遊 紅燒乳鴿★
00:00 Intro
00:32 開車前往惠州城區/橋東市場買菜/早市
18:46 惠州西湖賓館/手工點心
30:30 惠州舊城區樓價/五千元一平房/30萬小戶型/交通便利
44:50 祝巷街
51:53 回到廣州遇上大塞車/開榴槤
54:48 Ending
#广州美食 粤语 #food tour #city walk #Chinese food #walking tour #street walk #town market #china tour #walking downtown in china #dim sum #粤语 #cantonese #Guangzhou #Cantonese cuisine #点心 #Chinese Food #Canton Food Tour #Walk in GuangZhou #vlog #guangzhou #street food #eating #chinese food #chinese food recipes #惠州 #楼价 #美食 #最新楼价 #西湖宾馆 #西湖 #早餐 #早茶 #市场 #逛早市 #早市 #鳳爪 #蝦餃 #叉燒包 #榴槤 #food tourism #美食 中国 #vlog china #vlog travel #china tourist #china tourism #china tour vlog #food tour sài gòn
廣州本地人教你!!旅遊景區如何尋找美食?白切雞48元!粵菜餐廳人均40元!貼地生活!本地傳統市場!老城區!美食推薦!旅遊攻略!永慶坊!酒店最新價格!Canton Food Tour|GuangZhou
#廣州 #粵菜 #美食
餐厅消费:白切雞上裝 ¥48.80,紅蔥頭焗排骨 ¥48,酸辣土豆絲 ¥28
在1929年至1930年把寶慶新街、多寶大街擴建後馬路,取名為多寶路。 其「多寶」的由來是安徽巡撫陳華熙為清朝太子少保,他在該地建樓宇,眾人公推他為該地起名,定名為「多寶」。 1966年將其西邊的時敏路和如意坊東併入該路。 文化大革命期間,多寶路曾被命名為“新風路”,1982年復名。
根據《中國致公黨廣東省委員會發展史》記載,中國致公黨1925年10月在美國舊金山成立,後來活動中心從舊金山移到香港,1949年底,致公黨總部從香港遷至廣州,最後 尋址多寶路24至26號(後編為多寶路221號、223號)。 直至1953年7月,總部才正式遷往北京,此地則成為華南總支部辦公地點。 “這是8個民主黨派,唯一在廣州設過中央總部之地,有著重要的歷史意義”,致公黨廣東省委員會宣傳處負責人吳熾榮曾表示。 可惜作為辦公地主體的223號,因興建地鐵於1996年被整體拆除。
廣州醫科大學附設第三醫院前身為1899年12月12日美國基督教長老會創辦的廣東女醫學堂及所屬贈醫所(道濟醫院),後來改名為夏葛醫學院附屬柔濟醫院(英語:Hackett Medical Center)。 中華人民共和國成立初期稱為私立柔濟醫院,1994年,該院被評為三級甲等醫院,2006年1月更名為廣州醫學院附屬第三醫院,2013年廣州醫學院更名為廣州醫科大學 後改現稱至今。
1931年,培英中學劉繼祖校長在西關多寶路購地二畝半自建分校舍(即為1965年後廣州市第二十九中學的校舍),增設國中二、三年級及小學一、二 年級,至1935年更增設幼稚園。 1936年,培英西分擴充至後面相隔一巷的逢源中約新校舍(該校舍即為在1976年從二十九中學析出的廣州市第九十中學的部分校舍)。
From 1929 to 1930, Baoqing New Street and Duobao Street were expanded into roads and named Duobao Road. The origin of Duobao is that Chen Huaxi, the governor of Anhui, built a building there for the Qing Dynasty Prince Shaobao. Everyone recommended him to name the place Duobao. In 1966, Shimin Road and Ruyifang East to the west were merged into the road. During the Cultural Revolution, Duobao Road was named Xinfeng Road and was renamed in 1982.
According to the History of the Development of the Guangdong Provincial Committee of the China Zhi Gong Party, the China Zhi Gong Party was established in San Francisco in October 1925. Later, the activity center moved from San Francisco to Hong Kong. At the end of 1949, the headquarters of the China Zhi Gong Party moved from Hong Kong to Guangzhou. The address is No. 24-26 Duobao Road (later designated as No. 221 and 223 Duobao Road). It was not until July 1953 that the headquarters was officially moved to Beijing, and this place became the office of the South China Branch. This is the only place among the eight democratic parties that has set up its central headquarters in Guangzhou, which has important historical significance, Wu Chirong, head of the Propaganda Office of the Guangdong Provincial Committee of the Zhi Gong Party, once said. Unfortunately, No. 223, which was the main office space, was completely demolished in 1996 due to the construction of the subway.
The Third Affiliated Hospital of Guangzhou Medical University was formerly known as the Guangdong Women’s Medical Hall and its affiliated donation hospital (Daoji Hospital) founded by the American Presbyterian Church on December 12, 1899. It was later renamed the Hackett Hospital Affiliated to Hackett Medical College. Medical Center). In the early days of the founding of the People's Republic of China, it was called Private Rouji Hospital. In 1994, the hospital was rated as a third-class hospital. In January 2006, it was renamed the Third Affiliated Hospital of Guangzhou Medical College. In 2013, Guangzhou Medical College was renamed Guangzhou Medical University. Later it was renamed today.
Xiguan Peiying Middle School (formerly named Guangzhou No. 29 Middle School) is located at No. 67 Duobao Road, Liwan District, Guangzhou, China.
In 1931, Principal Liu Jizu of Peiying Middle School purchased two and a half acres of land on Duobao Road, Xiguan, and built his own branch campus (which was the campus of Guangzhou No. 29 Middle School after 1965), adding second and third grades of junior high school and first and second grades of elementary school. grade, and in 1935 a kindergarten was added. In 1936, Peiying West Branch expanded to the new Fengyuan Zhongyue school building one lane behind (this school building is part of the Guangzhou No. 90 Middle School, which was separated from the No. 29 Middle School in 1976).
00:00 Intro
00:51 如義坊地鐵站/黃沙大道/多寶路
07:50 廣醫三院(柔濟醫院)/西關培英中學(第二十九中學)/新聯腸粉店
13:43 酒店最新價格/逢源路市場買菜/附近美食推薦
23:14 湛江鄉下雞/讀餐牌時間/白切雞/紅蔥頭焗排骨/酸辣土豆絲
31:57 夜遊永慶坊/粵劇博物館開放時間/雙皮奶攻略
43:40 恩寧路/尋找觀眾曾經居住的地方
46:32 Ending
#廣州美食 粵語 #food tour #city walk #Chinese food #walking tour #street walk #town market #china tour #walking downtown in china #busy street #dim sum #粤语 #cantonese #Guangzhou #Cantonese cuisine #点心 #Chinese Food #Canton Food Tour #Walk in GuangZhou #vlog #guangzhou #street food #eating #chinese food #chinese food recipes #廣州 #粵菜 #美食 #旅遊景區 #白切雞 #市場 #老城區 #旅遊 #永慶坊 #酒店 #排骨 #本地人 #在地人 #多寶路 #恩寧路 #蛋糕 #麵包店 #物價 #food tour china #food tourism #china tour 2024 #china touring #china tour blog #vlog study
廣州西華路!平靚正!!人均消費16元!食到飽!!牛肉腸粉8元!牛肉粥8元!雙皮奶10元!我們最喜歡的美食店之一!美食旅遊攻略!交通路線!坐滿本地人!Canton Food Tour|GuangZhou
#廣州 #美食 #廣州美食
餐廳消費:牛肉粥 ¥8,牛肉雞蛋腸粉 ¥12,肉片腸粉 ¥8.50,雪耳木瓜糖水 ¥6,雙皮奶 ¥10
Xihua Road is a road full of historical charm and market atmosphere. It is located in Liwan District, Guangzhou City, Guangdong Province, China. It starts from Renmin North Road in the east and ends at the Guangsan Railway in the west. It is 1,600 meters long and 16 meters wide. This road not only carries the memory of Guangzhou's old city, but also an important epitome of Guangzhou's food culture.
Historical evolution
Ancient period: Xihua Road was the road to enter Guangzhou from Rainbow Bridge (Simayong) in ancient times. In the early Qing Dynasty, it was called Wanshanli, and the eastern section was called Immigrant City. This is because the Qing government forced coastal residents from Panyu, Xin'an, Xiangshan and other counties to move here.
Qing Dynasty: Later, Immigrant City was changed to Yimin City. Behind this name change, there is a deep historical background, which reflects the policy of migrating coastal residents in the early Qing Dynasty and the subsequent cover-up of this policy.
Modern and contemporary: In 1933, Xihua Road was expanded into a modern road and named Xihua Road. Since then, this road has gradually become an important part of Guangzhou's old city.
Features and charm
Rainbow elements: There are many places named Rainbow in Xihua Road and its surrounding areas, such as Rainbow Bridge, Rainbow Building, Rainbow Quyuan, etc. These names are derived from an ancient bridge with a long history - Rainbow Bridge. This bridge was built in the Southern Han Dynasty and spans Simayong. It is an important passage for the western exit of ancient Guangzhou.
Market life: The arcades on both sides of Xihua Road are typical market scenes, with many old shops and food stores. It is full of the tranquility and comfort of old Guangzhou, and it is a good place to experience the market life in Guangzhou.
Food paradise: Xihua Road is known as one of the food paradises in Guangzhou. There are many authentic food stores here, such as Apo Niu Za, Heji Snack Shop and other old stores, which provide a variety of Guangzhou local specialties, such as Niu Za, wonton noodles, rice rolls, etc. These delicacies are not only authentic in taste, but also affordable, and are deeply loved by Guangzhou locals and tourists.
Transportation and surrounding areas
Transportation Guide: Take Metro Line 1 to Chen Clan Academy Station or take Metro Line 8 to Rainbow Bridge Station, and you can walk to Xihua Road. In addition, many bus lines also pass through here, and transportation is very convenient.
★开平楼价 鵝城 白切鵝 煎豆腐角★
★台山廣海鎮 食足一日海鮮★
★中山美食一日遊 紅燒乳鴿★
★廣州最大海鮮市場 食海鮮必去★
00:00 Intro
00:36 中山七路新開餐廳/門口大排長龍
08:56 荔灣路美食推薦/蛋塔王/粵菜餐館
21:23 小梅街買榴蓮
29:00 西華路腸粉店/同泰腸粉/牛肉粥/牛肉雞蛋腸粉/肉片腸粉/雪耳木瓜糖水/雙皮奶
38:16 康王路美食推薦
41:20 Ending
#广州美食 粤语 #food tour #city walk #Chinese food #walking tour #street walk #town market #china tour #walking downtown in china #busy street #粤语 #cantonese #Guangzhou #Cantonese cuisine #Chinese Food #Canton Food Tour #Walk in GuangZhou #vlog #guangzhou #eating #chinese food #chinese food recipes #廣州 #西華路 #美食 #廣州美食 #平靚正 #牛肉腸粉 #牛肉 #牛肉粥 #雙皮奶 #美食店 #旅遊 #旅遊攻略 #交通路線 #蛋撻 #本地人 #荔灣路 #路邊美食 #街景 #街拍 #food tourism #food tour in china #chinese food vlog #china tour vlog #china tour guide #china tourism vlog
【逛吃廣州美食】讓人驚喜的高CP值餐廳!虹吸壺手沖咖啡!Palia米糕|曉港公園古蹟歷史介紹|美食推薦|旅遊攻略|Canton Food Tour2024|Guangzhou China Travel
#美食 #廣州 #guangzhou #廣州旅遊 #廣州美食 #探店
Google map:
Baidu map:
鄰近地鐵:廣州地鐵8號線 曉港站 D出口,步行120米
餐廳消費:套餐¥46(罗勒煎鸡扒+西西里汁烩鹰嘴豆+罗勒亚+冰滴桂花曼) 虹吸壺手沖慕伽裏¥56 Palia米糕¥32
Google map:
Baidu map:
鄰近地鐵:廣州地鐵8號線 曉港站 D出口,步行410米
🚀【北京路茶樓推薦 - 塗鴉街】
🚀【龍津路美食掃街指南 - 稀有小食】
明代時,廣州城七個城門口形成花市。 那時,河南(今海珠區)庄頭種花已名聲大噪。 每天黎明時分,便有不少賣花姑娘將花擔到躍龍橋邊的渡頭坐船到對岸的五仙門出售。 人們稱此處為「花渡頭」。。
後來江邊已非昔日模樣,海珠區政府撥款在渡頭附近,即同慶路與濱江中路交界處江邊(今解放大橋南面橋腳),建起“花洲古渡”小景。 到了90年代,因建設解放大橋的需要,才拆平了“花洲古渡”,並將牌坊遷至曉港公園內。
原名「小港橋」,因該地一帶古名「小港」; 又名鴨知橋; 後來又稱為「尚書橋」,因其建立者曾任禮部尚書。
何維柏,嘉靖二十三年(1544),巡按福建,開倉賑災,救活民眾數十萬。 在福建任上上書彈劾嚴嵩后被削職回籍。
他的門生學有所成,半數中了舉人,其中十多人中了進士。 村民為紀念其興學振鄉之功,特於橋頭修石坊一座,額書“雲桂發祥”,於是此橋得名雲桂橋。
Xiaogang Park:
It was planned and constructed in 1958, with over 120 varieties of bamboo in the park, initially named Xiaogang Park.
In 1960, it was renamed 'Xiaogang Park,' and was completed and opened to the public in 1975.
Famous structures include: Yungui Bridge, Huazhou Ancient Ferry Archwayn.
Yungui Bridge:
It was built in the twenty-fourth year of Jiajing in the Ming Dynasty (1545). Formerly known as Xiaogang Bridge, because of the ancient name of the area Xiaogang; Also known as Yazhi Bridge; Later, it was also called Shangshu Bridge, because its founder was the Shangshu of the Ministry of Rites.
Huazhou Gudu(Huazhou Ancient piers):
In the Ming Dynasty, the seven gates of Guangzhou City formed a flower market. At that time, Henan (now Haizhu District) Zhuangtou planted flowers and became famous. Every day at dawn, there are many flower girls who take their flowers to the ferry by the Yuelong Bridge and take a boat to the Wuxian Gate on the other side to sell. People call this place Flower Ferry Head.
Later, the riverside was no longer what it used to be, and the Haizhu District Government allocated funds to build a small scene of Huazhou Gudu near the ferry, that is, at the junction of Tongqing Road and Binjiang Middle Road (now the foot of the south of the Liberation Bridge). In the 90s, due to the need to build the Liberation Bridge, the Huazhou Gudu was demolished and the memorial arch was moved to Xiaogang Park.
00:00 Intro
00:15 曉港地鐵站
03:46 虹吸壺手沖咖啡(慕伽裏)
08:34 ¥46元套餐
10:31 冰滴桂花曼
11:16 意大利Palia米糕
13:57 總結
15:03 曉港公園
15:52 雲桂橋/馬涌/海珠涌/瑤溪
17:35 曉港公園遊樂場
20:35 滄海遺礁/海蝕岩
21:46 遊船價格
22:11 曉港公園/竹林/石馬崗/下馬崗/古榕樹
26:25 花洲古渡
30:11 “撐艇仔”
35:09 Ending
#广州美食 #廣州美食 #広州 #廣州 #广州 #广州旅游 #廣州旅遊 #荔灣區 #越秀區 #天河區 #東山 #海珠區 #西關 #美食指南 #旅游指南 #旅遊攻略 #旅遊景點 #旅遊推薦 #旅遊 #酒店價格 #酒店 #廣州酒店 ##傳統文化 #嶺南 #广州漫步 #探店 #廣州漫步 #粵語 #广州美食 粤语 #廣州美食 粵語 #廣州旅遊粵語 #廣州粵語 #粵菜美食 #粵菜 #美食 #粵菜 #美食攻略 #老飯店 #老字號 #傳統點心 #點心 #舊街區 #老建築 #大排檔 #漫步 #人氣 #地鐵 #交通 #路綫 #Michelin #米芝蓮 #米其林 #必吃 #必食 #街頭小食 #小食 #餐廳 #飯店 #樓價 #廣東話 #飲食介紹 #美食介紹 #美食推薦 #街拍 #西華路 #沙面 #永慶坊 #上下九 #北京路 #步行街 #商業街 #美食街 #廣州美食2024 #china tour 2024 #廣州2024 #2024 #廣州歷史 #广州历史 #歷史介紹 #廣州故事 #广州故事 #美食之旅 #廣州景點 #广州景点 #中國美食
#曉港公園 #竹子公園 #雲桂橋 #花洲古渡牌坊 ##花洲古渡 #十香園 #素馨 #海珠區 #廣州河南 #遊樂園 #遊樂場 #滄海遺礁 #海蝕岩 #紅岩石 #古海岸遺址 #何維柏 #雞蛋花 #海珠涌 #瑤溪 #運糧河 #石馬崗 #下馬崗 #古榕樹 #腳踏船 #昌崗 #曉港 #羅勒煎雞扒 #鷹嘴豆 #羅勒亞 #咖啡 #虹吸壺 #手沖咖啡 #咖啡 #Palia
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#china travel vlog #guangzhou history #china tourist places #guangzhou cantonese #chinese street food eating #china tour food #living in guangzhou #guangzhou city tour #china famous food
廣州!本地人旅遊推薦!好去處!黃埔古港!特色美食!半日遊!艇仔粥!炒麵!姜撞奶!一試難忘!家庭版!牛肉火鍋!旅遊攻略!CP值極高!平民美食!4K!!Canton Food Tour|GuangZhou
#廣州 #美食 #旅遊
餐廳消費:艇仔粥 ¥8,炒麵 ¥6
餐廳消費:薑撞奶 ¥9
00:00 Intro
01:06 黃埔古港/週末好去處/參觀博物館
19:30 貓記/艇仔粥/炒麵
30:16 古港奶婆薑撞奶/薑撞奶
34:12 買農家蔬菜/超市購物
37:26 家庭版牛肉火鍋
53:31 Ending
#food tour #city walk #Chinese food #walking tour #street walk #town market #china tour #busy street #dim sum #粤语 #cantonese #Guangzhou #Cantonese cuisine #Chinese Food #Canton Food Tour #Walk in GuangZhou #vlog #guangzhou #street food #eating #chinese food #chinese food recipes #广州 #旅游推荐 #黄埔古港 #特色美食 #半日游 #艇仔粥 #炒面 #姜撞奶 #牛肉火锅 #牛肉 #火锅 #旅游攻略 #CP值 #4K #廣州美食 粵語 #food tour vlog #4k 60 #vlog study #vlog china #vlog bgm #guangzhou vlog #china tour blog #china tourist #food tourism #china tourism
3日2夜!潮汕食遊記!揭陽第一印象!本地人推薦!牛肉火鍋!100元兩人吃到飽!美食旅遊推薦!當地樓價如何?最大型商場!普通人工資如何?老城區!千年古廟!開車300公里!Canton Food Tour
#美食 #旅遊 #樓價
餐廳消費:牛肉丸 ¥10,烤牛肉串 ¥20,普寧豆腐 ¥15,手切牛肉 ¥40
Geographical location: Jieyang City is located in the southeast of Guangdong Province, with Meizhou to the north, the South China Sea to the south, Shantou and Chaozhou to the east, and Shanwei to the west.
Administrative divisions: Jieyang City has two urban districts, Rongcheng District and Jiedong District, two counties, Jiexi County and Huilai County, and administers one county-level city, Puning City.
Population and area: By the end of 2023, the permanent population of Jieyang City is about 5.6536 million, with a total land area of 5,240 square kilometers and a sea area of 9,300 square kilometers.
2. History and Culture
Historical evolution: Jieyang has a long history. Jieyang County was established in the 33rd year of Qin Shihuang (214 BC), and it is one of the oldest counties in Guangdong. Jieyang is an important birthplace of Chaoshan culture and has rich historical and cultural heritage.
Language and culture: The main dialects of Jieyang City are Chaoshan dialect and Hakka dialect, which reflects the unique language and cultural characteristics of the Chaoshan area.
3. Economic development
Industrial structure: In recent years, Jieyang City's economy has developed rapidly and its industrial structure has been continuously optimized. Agriculture, industry and service industries develop in a coordinated manner, with the most significant growth in industry and service industries.
Key industries: Jieyang City has the largest mid-to-high-end jade marketing market and processing base in China and even Asia, and is known as the Asian Jade Capital. In addition, Jieyang's textile and clothing, metal products, pharmaceutical and chemical industries are also highly competitive.
IV. Tourism resources
Famous attractions: Jieyang City has many tourist attractions, such as Jieyang Tower, Jinxian Gate, Huangqi Mountain, Shuangfeng Temple, Jieyang Palace, Guizhu Garden, Jingming Hot Spring Resort and Huangmanzhai Waterfall. These attractions not only show the natural scenery of Jieyang, but also reflect its profound historical and cultural heritage.
Special food: Jieyang's food culture is also rich and colorful, such as Jieyang beef hot pot, Puning dried tofu, Huilai mung bean cakes, etc., which are all food experiences that cannot be missed.
V. Urban planning and construction
★开平楼价 鵝城 白切鵝 煎豆腐角★
★台山廣海鎮 食足一日海鮮★
★中山美食一日遊 紅燒乳鴿★
★廣州最大海鮮市場 食海鮮必去★
00:00 Intro
00:23 食早餐/出發揭陽/服務區休息
06:18 抵達揭陽/第一印像如何? /下高速食牛肉火鍋
10:27 新合興牛肉火鍋/牛肉丸/烤牛肉串/普寧豆腐/手切牛肉
28:59 舊城區/騎樓街/千年古廟
39:38 揭陽最大商場/萬達廣場/超市物價如何?
47:02 當地樓價如何?工資如何?
53:55 Ending
#广州美食 粤语 #food tour #city walk #Chinese food #walking tour #street walk #town market #china tour #walking downtown in china #busy street #dim sum #粤语 #cantonese #Guangzhou #Cantonese cuisine #点心 #Chinese Food #Canton Food Tour #Walk in GuangZhou #vlog #guangzhou #street food #eating #chinese food #chinese food recipes #3日2夜 #潮汕 #食游记 #揭阳 #本地人 #牛肉火锅 #牛肉 #火锅 #美食 #旅游 #推荐 #旅游推荐 #楼价 #商场 #工资 #老城区 #千年古廟 #food tourism #food tour in china #china tour guide #china tourist #vlog china #cantonese vlog
廣州!百年西湖路!花街最精彩!2024新年!團年飯!1338元!有什麼菜式?環市路63層!美食推薦!旅遊攻略!酒店價格!花山人海!迎新春!北京路!!Canton Food Tour|GuangZhou
#廣州 #北京路 #團年飯
餐厅消费:鹹魚肉餅飯 ¥23,椰奶木瓜 ¥23,北方餃子 ¥20
餐廳消費:新年團聚餐-六人份 ¥1338
每逢農曆新年,西湖路及教育路會開設廣州市最重要、人流量最大的迎春花市---越秀區西湖花市(原雙門底花市)。 2006年,政府曾有建議西湖花市搬遷,引起市民極大的反對聲音,後計畫擱置。
廣州花市是廣州每年一度於新年春節前舉辦的年宵市場,供市民購買賀年年花及各式用品。 廣州人喜歡把“花市”稱作“花街”,逛花市就叫“行花街”。 舊日行花街男性與富裕者居多,富貴人家會揀選好 最大最美的“花魁”,附上有買家名號的紅紙條,以示入手與身份。
南漢時期,河南一帶農民以種花為業,現時濱江路還有「花洲古渡口」的石碑。 廣州的花市起源於明朝萬歷年間,當時芳村的花棣(今花地)為花木產區,早期的花市每天都有,但無固定地址。 清朝時老城7個城門每天都有花市,但花的品種比較單調。 後來在今中山五路與北京路交界處出現夜間花市。
共和國後,每年農曆新年前三天至除夕夜各區均設迎春花市(文化大革命中幾年除外),行花街成為廣州市民迎接新年的習俗。 花市從販售的普通花卉、年桔逐漸趨向高檔的牡丹、蘭花轉移,近年來工藝品也逐漸於花市中流行。
1956年,永漢路花市(或雙門底花市)轉址西湖路、教育路,還有遷往太平路(現人民南路),當時是用竹在街中心搭花檔,兩端出入口搭牌樓 。
In 1956, the Yonghan Road Flower Market (or Shuangmendi Flower Market) moved to Xihu Road and Education Road.
Every Lunar New Year, the most important Spring Festival flower market with the largest flow of people in Guangzhou - the West Lake Flower Market in Yuexiu District (formerly Shuangmendi Flower Market) is opened on Xihu Road and Education Road. In 2006, the government proposed relocating the West Lake Flower Market, which aroused great opposition from citizens, and the plan was later shelved.
The Guangzhou Flower Market is a New Year's Eve market held every year in Guangzhou before the New Year and the Spring Festival, where citizens can buy New Year flowers and various supplies. Guangzhou people like to call the flower market Flower Street, and visiting the flower market is called Flower Street. In the old days, most of the people on Flower Street were men and wealthy people. Rich families would select the largest and most beautiful oiran and attach a red note with the name of the buyer to show their purchase and identity.
During the Southern Han Dynasty, farmers in Henan Province grew flowers as a profession. There is now a stone tablet of Huazhou Ancient Ferry on Binjiang Road. The flower market in Guangzhou originated during the Wanli period of the Ming Dynasty. At that time, Huadi (now Huadi) in Fangcun was a flower and tree production area. The early flower market was held every day, but there was no fixed address. During the Qing Dynasty, there were flower markets every day at the seven gates of the old city, but the varieties of flowers were relatively monotonous. Later, a night flower market appeared at the intersection of Zhongshan 5th Road and Beijing Road.
In the 1860s, the flower market developed from ordinary flower selling to an annual spring flower market.
After 1919, the flower market became even more prosperous. Flower markets were set up at the end of the year from the front of the current Finance Department (in front of the former site of the Guangdong Finance Department) to Xihu Road. The variety of flowers and the number of visitors gradually increased.
After the Republic of China, jasmine flower markets were set up in every district from three days before the Lunar New Year to New Year's Eve (except for a few years during the Cultural Revolution), and walking on flower streets became a custom for Guangzhou citizens to welcome the New Year. The flower market has gradually shifted from selling ordinary flowers and oranges to high-end peonies and orchids. In recent years, handicrafts have become increasingly popular in the flower market.
In 1956, the Yonghan Road Flower Market (or Shuangmendi Flower Market) moved to Xihu Road, Yueyue Road, and moved to Taiping Road (now Renmin South Road). At that time, bamboo was used to set up flower stalls in the center of the street, and archways were built at the entrances and exits at both ends. .
In 1967, the Guangzhou Municipal Committee of the Communist Party of China issued a document suspending the flower market until 1973 when it was resumed.
00:00 Intro
00:41 泰康路/珠光路/點點心思下午茶/鹹魚肉餅飯/椰奶木瓜/北方餃子
13:33 北京路/行花街/門庭若市/人山人海
23:07 西湖路/近距離欣賞牌坊/市民爭相拍照留念
29:12 教育路/工藝品/鮮花檔口生意興隆/買風車/揮春超級多人
34:02 環市路/喜愛軒/63層/團年飯
43:55 Ending
#廣州美食 粵語 #food tour #city walk #Chinese food #walking tour #street walk #town market #china tour #dim sum #粤语 #cantonese #Guangzhou #Cantonese cuisine #点心 #Chinese Food #Canton Food Tour #Walk in GuangZhou #vlog #guangzhou #street food #eating #chinese food #chinese food recipes #廣州 #北京路 #團年飯 #花街 #2024新年 #2023 #新年 #美食 #旅遊 #酒店價格 #新春 #燒鵝 #龍蝦 #food tourism #food tour china #food tour vlog #北京路 广州 #北京路步行街 广州 #北京路 廣州 #china tour vlog #china tourist #china tourism vlog #china tourism
中山!當地人最愛!愛群食店飲茶!南區最大市場!農曆147市集!趕集!與眾不同!一直想去!手工點心!終於食到!兩日一夜!美食推薦!旅遊攻略!交通路線!Canton Food Tour|GuangZhou
#中山 #趕集 #旅遊
餐廳消費:二人消費 ¥68元
南區位於中山市中部,與中山市的東區、石岐區、沙溪鎮、大涌鎮、板芙鎮、五桂山區相鄰。 面積48平方公里。 南區2008年的國內生產額(GDP)為25.7億元。 於1997年由環城區更名為南區。
茶樓,是一種粵式餐廳,起源於廣州。 茶樓主要是飲茶和吃點心的地方,並不會有其他菜式供應。 茶樓早於清朝之前就已存在。 現存的著名茶樓有榮華樓、陶陶居、蓮香樓和澳門提督街市旁的龍華茶樓。
廣州清光緒中期始有茶居,至清末民初,佛山七堡鄉(石灣地區)人來廣州開設樓高三層的茶居,始稱茶樓。 粵人上茶樓飲茶,就此稱為上高樓。
西關的茶樓堪稱廣府茶樓的典型及模範。 廣州附近四鄉乃至香港、澳門的茶樓均以西關茶樓為榜樣,迄今香港的一些老牌茶樓仍保留有西關茶樓的影子。
清末,西關茶樓的格局並不像今天所見的兩三層樓式,而是青磚石腳,宛如西關大屋模樣,大門也有木門與腳門,內有天井與廂房,能容納客人數量有限。 在光緒年間著名的茶樓有十一甫的頤苑、第二甫的榮珍居、第三甫的永安居和第五甫的五柳居等,均在抗日戰爭前湮沒。
1920年代,西關新興起一些新式的茶樓,多為二層甚至三四層的“洋樓”,內部為“竹筒屋”式,即縱向深入,有的還有天井(如陶陶居), 臨街的一面窗用滿洲窗,通爽明亮,座位有卡座及廂房,雅潔舒適。
The Southern District is located in the central part of Zhongshan City, adjacent to the East District, Shiqi District, Shaxi Town, Dayong Town, Banfu Town, and Wuguishan District of Zhongshan City. Area is 48 square kilometers. The gross domestic product (GDP) of the Southern District in 2008 was 2.57 billion yuan. In 1997, it was renamed from Huancheng District to Southern District.
South District Sub-district has jurisdiction over the following areas:
Huancheng Community, Chengnan Community, Hengmei Community, Shayong Community, Dutou Community, Zhuxiuyuan Community, Beitai Community, Shuyong Community, Maling Community and Fuyong Community.
As of the end of 2021, the permanent resident population of Nan District Subdistrict is 90,270, and the registered population is approximately 38,000.
Teahouse is a Cantonese restaurant that originated in Guangzhou. The tea house is mainly a place for drinking tea and eating snacks, and does not provide other dishes. Teahouses existed long before the Qing Dynasty. The famous existing teahouses include Ronghua House, Taotaoju, Linxiang House and Longhua Tea House next to Macau Admiral Market.
Tea houses began to appear in Guangzhou in the middle period of the Guangxu period of the Qing Dynasty. By the end of the Qing Dynasty and the beginning of the Republic of China, people from Qibao Township (Shiwan area) in Foshan came to Guangzhou to open three-story tea houses, which were first called tea houses. Cantonese people go to teahouses to drink tea, which is called going to a high building.
The teahouse in Xiguan can be regarded as a typical and model of Guangfu teahouse. Teahouses in the four towns near Guangzhou and even in Hong Kong and Macau all follow the example of Xiguan Teahouse. Some of the old teahouses in Hong Kong still retain the influence of Xiguan Teahouse.
In the late Qing Dynasty, the layout of the Xiguan teahouse was not the two or three-story style seen today, but with blue bricks and stone base, just like a big house in Xiguan. The main door also had a wooden door and a foot door, and there was a patio and a wing inside, which could accommodate a limited number of guests. During the Guangxu period, the famous teahouses included Yiyuan in the eleventh house, Rongzhenju in the second house, Yonganju in the third house, and Wuliuju in the fifth house. They were all destroyed before the Anti-Japanese War.
In the 1920s, some new-style teahouses emerged in Xiguan, most of which were foreign-style buildings with two or even three or four floors. The interiors were of the bamboo tube house style, that is, they were deep vertically, and some even had patios (such as Taotaoju). The window facing the street is made of Manchurian windows, which is bright and airy. The seats have booths and side rooms, which are elegant and comfortable.
★开平楼价 鵝城 白切鵝 煎豆腐角★
★台山廣海鎮 食足一日海鮮★
★中山美食一日遊 紅燒乳鴿★
★廣州最大海鮮市場 食海鮮必去★
00:00 Intro
00:43 中山老店飲早茶/愛群食店/當地人最愛/交通路線
13:14 中山南區夜市趁墟/水果/家禽/蔬菜一應俱全
28:00 Ending
#廣州美食粵語 #food tour #city walk #Chinese food #walking tour #street walk #town market #china tour #dim sum #粵語 #cantonese #Guangzhou #Cantonese cuisine #點心 #Chinese Food #Canton Food Tour #Guangzhou #Cantonese cuisine #點心 #Chinese Food #Canton Food Tour #Walk in Guhou #Walk vlog #guangzhou #street food #chinese food #chinese food recipes #中山 #飲茶 #愛群食店 #市場 #農曆 #市集 #趕集 #兩日一夜 #美食 #旅遊路線 #food tourism #food tour in china #vlog china #vlog study #vlog bgm #china tour vlog #china tour guide #vlog travel #vlog music #cantonese food #chinese food tour