FECHA DEL VIAJE: Sábado 26 y Domingo 27 de Octubre 2019
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#TorotoroCavernas #ViajesTurismo #BoliviaCultura #CiudadItas
Música #NinoBravo - Un Beso Y Una Flor (1972)
1 MONTH in BOLIVIA in 3m
Produced by - TERRA ANDINA
Directed/Filmed/Edited by me
Instagram: @voyages.sur.mesure
You may NOT download and repost this video for any reason unless you ask for permission from TERRA ANDINA
Thoughts about Bolivia:
When I heard about Bolivia, I really had no idea what to expect. I thought it would be just alright and then I would move onto Peru. However, Bolivia shocked me like never before! The landscapes were so pristine and outstanding, the culture was authentic and well preserved. Since tourism isn't that popular there, it felt like a completely unique experience!
I hope this video encourages you to go and experience this place before everyone finds out how amazing this place really is!
Ikson - Early Hours
Trailer Be Water - From Andes to Amazonia
Suscribe to see the full documentary - Soon available
Be Water
From Andes to Amazonia
52 minutes documentary
Water is the esence of all life. It drews the Earth and the history of mankind.
But it can turn into danger, when men want to control its flow. And it can even become poison when they put mercury, arsenic ...
The rivers of Bolivia - the veins of the heart of South America - are turning black, red and even disappearing.
Community members and specialists warn of these realities.
In the Beni River, mega dam projects and the massive use of mercury endanger the Amazon ecosystem.
In Huanuni, community members who live near the mines express their concern when seeing their territory destroyed by corrupted waters.
In Cochabamba, an emblematic city for its Water War, the vital liquid continues to be a daily concern for the population.
The water from the dams destined for La Paz and Alto is contaminated and follows its deadly cycle to Lake Titicaca.
The issue of water is becoming more worrying every year and by not treating this vital element with respect, we embark on a critical situation, in Bolivia or worldwide.
We have to listen to these testimonies and join our efforts to find solutions now. It is urgent !
This documentary wants to be a pedagogical base to reflect and build alternatives.
Cartoons and original music make it easy to navigate from one river to another.
Bolivia/France – 2021 – 52 minutes
A Julia Blagny documentary
Spanish speaking – Available with english or french subtitles
Themes : Water – Nature – First nations – Human Rights – Polution – Activism
Original soundtrack : Antonio Perez – Marco Antonio Peña
Drawings – Angèle Charbouillot
Selected in more than 50 festivals around the world
« Winner » Climate Change Films, Wildlife Vaasa International Festival, Finland / « Grand Prix » Green Montenegro International Film Fest / « Ojo boliviano » Award - Festival Internacional de Ciné de los Derechos Humanos, Bolivia / Environmental, Social, Political/Justice Award, Latino and Native American FF
« Award of Merit », Impact Docs Awards, California / « Most revealing Award », Cinema Verde, Florida
Honor mentions : Contra el Siencio Todas las Voces, Mexico / Festiver, Colombia / Phare FF, Mauritius / Quetzalcoalt Indigenous Film Festival, Mexico
Special Jury Award : FICIP, Argentina
Festival de Ciné Radical, Bolivia / Alternative World Water Forum, Sénégal / Gifts for the River Festival, USA / Festival Amazonia del Plata, Argentina / Festival de l'oiseau et de la nature, France / Festival du Film Scientifique, La Réunion / FLOW Festival, Hollywood / MEG Genève / ACAMPADOC, Paraguay / Muestra Cine+Video Indigena, Chile and Mexico / APOX Film Festival, Croatia / Africa Human Rights Film Festival, South Africa / Nominated « Best environment » and « Community Award », ChangeFest Social Change Film Festival, USA / SunChild Environmental Festival, Armenia / Amazonia FIDOC, Brazil / Festival del Cinema dei Diritti Umani di Napoli, Italy / Utopia Film Festival, Washington / FIC CLACPI, Ecuador / Green Fest, Serbia / Festival Terre d’Ailleurs, France / Nepal Human Rights International Festival / Colorado Environmental Festival / « Antropo-ciné » CALAS, Mexico / World Water FF, New-York / CRHA Glières, France / Festival International du film écologique et social, Cannes / Life Ater Oil, Sardigna...
Bolivia '15 : Rurrenabaque // Amazonia
Shot with iPhone 6.
TORO TORO 🦖 Parte 2 👉 Todo lo que tienes que saber 👈 #bolivia #boliviana #torotoro #turismobolivia
#bolivia #boliviana #bolivianosporelmundo #bolivianmusic #turismo #turismobolivia #turista #viajandoporbolivia #shortsviral #shortsyoutube #shortvideo #mochilas #lugares #travel #viajandoando #vanlife #davalstre #travel #traveladdict #travelvlog #viajes #viajarporelmundo #viajarconamigos #lifehacks #2023shorts #travelhacks #tipsdeviaje #fyp #foryou #parati
Pipe playing in Jironkota, Bolivia
Bolivia in 1929. Archive film 85050
South America 1929 - La Paz Carnival in Bolivia, decorated floats and people in costume. Chocaya, Opica. Inca Cancha. Golf in slow motion. Huanuni, Llallagua. Chacaya. Huanuni is a tin mine in Bolivia. Llallagua also a mine.
1930 - Buenos Aires, Argentina. Entrance Rev. troops. amateur home movie.
LA BOLIVIE, une sacrée claque ! - TheCheerfulist
Une vidéo qui résume notre voyage en Bolivie ! On a pris une sacrée claque, voire deux ! Entre des paysages à couper le souffle, des rencontres marquées à jamais et des soucis de santé, la Bolivie on ne l'oubliera pas et surtout on espère que ça vous donnera des idées pour votre prochain voyage.
The Cheerfulist
Mathilde & Julien
Walking in canyons with dinosaurs in Toro Toro Esbjorn's photos around Cochabamba, Bolivia
Preview of Esbjorn's blog at TravelPod. Read the full blog here:
This blog preview was made by TravelPod using the TripAdvisor™ TripWow slideshow creator.
Entry from: Cochabamba, Bolivia
Entry Title: Walking in canyons with dinosaurs in Toro Toro
I went to Cochabamba, mainly as a starting point for a visit to Toro Toro. I spent a day in Cochabamba first though, to find out about tours, transport, etc. No tours clearly, also not that much transport either, actualy just not much information about it at all. But I was lucky to run into a French couple in my hostal and they provided me with all the info I needed. The rest of the day I spent with some ausies (they are just everywhere over here!), exploring the city, taking the teleferico up to a hill where the biggest Jezus statue in the world wactches over the city, eating in the central market, ... (and oh, before I forget, eating a delicious pizza at night). I left for Toro Toro the next morning at 6 o´clock, no choice, it was the only bus. The distance to Toro Toro isn´t that far, some 130 km, but it took us 6 hours anyway which is the normal time to pass the realy bumpy road. It´s not that bad though, as I learned later, the trip is a lot easier now than some years ago when it took more than 10 hours and after a rainy day even more than a day. Arrived in Toro Toro it became soon clear that it is realy off the beaten track as I was the only tourist in town. I stayed in the place the French couple adviced me and they were so right in describing it as a realy great place to stay. Las hermanas is run by a woman named Lily, doughter of the owners, who also live there. Staying there is more like staying in a host family, as I ate together with them in their living room, watched TV together with them and most of all Lily just does everything to make you enjoy your stay as interesting and enjoyable a possible. The rest of the day I didn´t do much more than booking a guide for the next day in the tourism office, wandering aroudn town and reading. During that latter activity, which I did on the central square, I had a, in the beginning, rather funny conversation with some local school kids and I helped one with his English homework (I actualy just made it). After a while I started to become surrounded by those little things, and when they discovered how funny my hand palms where (I don´t know why, but they were just crazy about them) and all started to touch them, fun was over and I politely told them I urgently had to go back to my hostal. In the hostal, I had a great meal and watched the news about the troubles in Huanuni where different miner groups were killing each other in a dispute over selling the mine to the state or not. If they sell the mine, they get a fixed wage and social advantages, if they don´t they remain free and just own what they find in the mine. Well, they clearly disagree enough over this issue to throw dynamite to each other. Next day I went to the cave Umajalanta with my personal guide Felix. A young guy, 20 years old, and a whole relief after the mostly bad guides, who just do it because they now tourist have money, frequently don´t know anything more about the place than the thing that also are in my guide book and are often just repeating there fixed story without realy listing to your questions and therefore answering them by repeating a part of there earlier story (might also be because they just don´t know the answer of course(I have to mention that my guides on Huayna Potosi and in the pampa´s don´t fit in this discription either). Felix was clearly fascinated by the surroundings, the dino tracks,
Read and see more at:
Photos from this trip:
1. Jezus looking over Cochabamba
2. This is how Jezus sees Cochabamba
3. Cochabamba central square
4. Bus to Toro Toro
5. Other kind of transportation to Toro Toro
6. Felix cleaning the dino steps
7. Dino steps
8. Landscape
9. At the entrance of the cave
10. Tree stalachtite
11. The organ
12. Face and christmass tree stalachmite
13. Stalachtites
14. Stalachtite in the making
15. The canyon
16. Waterfall up close
17. Canyon
18. The museum entrance
19. Dino rock mozaik
20. What animals do you recognize?
21. Bus stop in Cochabamba - garbage problems
See this TripWow and more at
Rebeca Tours Bolivia - Sajama
Rebeca Tours Bolivia - Viaje al pueblo Sajama 2011
Imágenes de Pulacayo
Pronto estaré subiendo mas vidéos búscame en el Face
Carnaval de Oruro, Febrero 2010 by Amazanga
Visiting Oruro Carnival (Bolivia) with Amazanga.
Puedes seguirme en mis Redes sociales donde subo contenido todos los días.
Tik Tok
Minas de Potosí - Doorway to hell (Alvaro Saez) | Travel Video
The doorway to hell in Minas de Potosí (Bolivia)
- Minas de plata
- Cerro Rico
Casco del minero oruro
Una vista horas antes del Dakar por oruro
Carnaval de Oruro: Negritos Unidos de la Saya traditional Bolivian dancing Carnival (HD long version
Mira nuestra nueva publicación de blog llena de fotos en Carnaval de Oruro
See our new photo-filled, in-depth blog post on Carnaval de Oruro
See our HIGHLIGHT VIDEO of all of the dances from the Carnaval de Oruro -
The annual Oruro Carnival (Carnaval in Spanish) celebrations in the altiplano city of Oruro, Bolivia is one of the best festivals in Latin America. One of the traditional Bolivian dance groups are the Negritos. Here is Oruro's Negritos Unidos de la Saya dancing at the Carnaval de Oruro.
América Sin Fronteras - 06 - 10-07-2010 - Fiesta Bufa 2010 Ingeniería, Oruro, Bolivia
Video filmado el 10-07-2010 en la ciudad de Oruro, Bolivia
Miniere d'argento #bolivia
Nuna in lingua Quechua significa “anima” o “spirito” e con il progetto Cercando Nuna vogliamo incontrare l’anima vera del Sud America.
Abbiamo creato una rete di associazioni in Bolivia ed in Perù che stanno portando avanti progetti di sostenibilità che fanno bene alla loro terra. Li incontreremo e racconteremo la loro storia.
Abbiamo una campagna crowdfunding che ci servirà per aiutare veramente queste associazioni. C’è chi si occupa di tutela di bambini, riforestazione o protezione di animali. Ogni centesimo della campagna crowdfunding verrà interamente devoluto.
Cerca Nuna insieme a noi 😉
Tutti i link:
YouTube: / @ourdiscoverytravel
Tik Tok:
Progetto Tree-kking 2023: abbiamo attraversato Thailandia, Laos Cambogia e Vietnam per parlare di deforestazione e di interdipendenza dei fattori dei cambiamenti climatici
Progetto Tree-kking 2022: 1 albero piantato ogni km percorso. Da Faro a Finisterre un’avventura a piedi di 1200 km per fare concretamente qualcosa di utile per il pianeta
- Probiotical: azienda di Novara leader nella produzione di microrganismi probiotici (fondamentali per viaggi di questo tipo!) (
- VIP Tende: loro sono di Conegliano e sono maestri in tende da sole e dehor di locali. Vorremmo tanto che ci salvassero dal sole e dal caldo che avremo in indocina (
#bolivia #perù #peru #sudamerica #anima #buscandonuna #cercandonuna #viaggiare #sostenibilità #viaggio #avventure
Este vídeo fue filmado en el pueblo de Huanuni, del departamento de Oruro - Bolivia. Las melodías e instrumentos de viento, son propios para los ritos y rituales que los originarios de habla quechua o aymara utilizan para el inicio de las diferentes épocas agrícolas y mineras.