Romanian Gypsy Village! - Stray dogs, stray old ladies, and a cow grazing on the side of main road
Embrace the charm of rural Romania as we take a leisurely drive through the picturesque village of Homecaa in the Vrancea region.
Enjoy the winter sun as we encounter the local wildlife, including stray dogs, roaming babushkas, and even a curious cow grazing on the side of the main road.
Marvel at the colorful and eclectic architecture, showcasing the distinctive style of the Roma community who call this village home.
Witness the unique blend of tradition and modernity as we explore the charming streets of Homecaa.
Keywords: Romania, village life, rural Romania, Vrancea, winter, countryside, travel, tourism, Romanian culture, Roma, gypsy, traditional architecture, colorful houses, stray animals, dogs, babushkas, countryside living, peaceful village, scenic drive, winter wonderland, Romanian landscape
10 septembrie 2022
Mausoleul Eroilor din Marasesti
Vandut - De vanzare - 269000 euro - Vila cu 5 camere, piscina, lac, cabana SUB PRETUL PIETEI
Tel 0721 633 844
Agentie imobiliara Arad
Agentii imobiliare Arad
Imobiliare Arad
Agent imobiliar
Vila in Arad
Vila de lux Arad
Apartament 2 camere
Hale in Arad
Terenuri in Arad
Interviu cu Carmen Pavel de la nunta anului.
Mostenitoarea imperiului J'Info Tours, Jacqueline Pavel in varsta de 25 de ani si-a unit destinul duminica, 8 iunie 2014 cu alesul inimii, Horia Georgescu. Ceremonia si petrecerea au avut loc intr-un cadru intim, pe malul lacului Snagov, la Casa de Lago. La eveniment au participat rudele şi prietenii apropiaţi. Cuplul a anuntat oficial ca asteapta o fetita pe care o va numi Aria, iar nasterea este programata pentru luna octombrie.
Jacqueline ne-a declarat ca sunt foarte fericiti in aceasta zi, iar dupa nunta vor merge in luna de miere in Maldive.