【4K】广州漫步,中国首间五星酒店,今日的白天鹅宾馆探秘。Walking in White Swan Hotel ,the first five-star hotel in China
白天鹅宾馆(White Swan Hotel)位于中国广东省广州市荔湾区沙面岛的南端、面向白鹅潭,为一座五星级宾馆,由香港企业家霍英东注资兴建,现隶属于广东省旅游控股集团有限公司。它是全国“三个第一”的国家五星级宾馆。白天鹅宾馆建设时正值国家刚开始改革开放,宾馆引入很多崭新的管理模式,被形容为“国家改革开放的试验田播下的一颗成功种子”,并为中国宾馆业往后的发展打下坚实的基础。
#廣州#广州#City Walker#Guangzhou
TCM & Living in China with Juan Siblesz - Episode 118
The ancient wisdom of Traditional Medicine
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Luca Sonzogni interviews Juan A. Siblesz 黄龙 on Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and his experience living in China.
Born in Caracas, Venezuela in 1988, Juan eventually moved to the States as a young boy, but upon graduating from high school, he relocated to China where he spent the next fifteen years studying the language and culture of this ancient land.
A graduate of Beijing Foreign Studies University and Yunnan University in Chinese language and history, he started his formal education of acupuncture in 2017 after a two year illness that didn't heal in any other way.
After being introduced to the Tung method, Juan recovered completely from his ailments and went on to study the system himself through the apprenticeship of Drago Goicovic, a renowned Chilean acupuncturist who studied in Taiwan under the guidance of the renowned disciple of Master Tung, Li Guozhen 李国政, and who was residing in China at the time.
Juan finally left China in December 2021 and since then has treated hundreds of patients as he travels and educates people along the way on the ancient wisdom of China.
To contact Juan, send him an email at: sibleszjuan@gmail.com
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Sifu Sha's 100th Birthday Gung Fu Celebration Kunming, China
Sifu Terry Hodgkinson aka wandering ninja is in Kunming, China for Sifu Sha's 100th year celebration. Although he passed away in 1994 his son carries on the tradition of training thousands of people Wusu and Gong Fu (Kung Fu) every year in different countries.
What a great experience to be at Sifu Sha's 100th Birthday celebration. I met so many fantastic martial artists from all over the world and can truly say that what you see them demonstrating in this small video, is only a small bit of what they actually know. I have come to appreciate Chinese traditional martial arts more now than ever before. It's can be really hard to see the awareness and internal ability these students and masters of the various arts command. it takes a special eye to see! - Terry
Background on Sifu's renowned father:
Sha Guozheng was born in 1904, in Jung Chan County, Shandong Province. It was an area renowned for martial artists and Sha began training at a very early age. He loved to read the Wuxia novels, still popular in China today, about good martial artists triumphing the cause of the poor and oppressed. When young he studied with many different masters and many different styles.
At the age of 16 he moved to Kao Shou, and studied hard for 5 years learning a variety of forms including Shi Lu Tan Tui (10 Roads Springing Legs), Liu He Qiang (6 Harmony Spear), Si Men Dao (4 gate Broadsword), etc. In 1920 he met his first Bagau Zhang teacher, Wang Che-Cheng (a student of Dong Hai-Chuan's student Wang Li-Te.) He learned Lion style Bagua Zhang and Baxian Jian (8 Immortal Sword) from him.
In 1926 he moved to Tianjin, near Beijing, and began to study with Jiang Rong-Qiao. Sha was a very serious student and hard-working student. At this time he learned Bagua Zhang, Xingyi Quan, Taiji Quan. One night in 1928 Sha left the Tianjin Martial Arts Training Association building after practice and was going home. On his way there he saw three drunken, foreign sailors taking liberties with a Chinese woman. Sha became very angry and in a short space of time had rescued the lady and flattened the foreigners. For this act the Tianjin Martial Arts Training Association began to call him Shao Shitou (Little Stone) as he was small in size, but was as hard and fast as a stone skimming over water. They also honoured him with a couplet The foreign toads lusting over the swan's flesh; the small stone punishing the foreign devils.
In 1931 Sha moved to Korea to continue his studies with Wang Che-Cheng. Korea was under Japanese rule at this time. A Japanese soldier came to Wang's school after seeing Sha demonstrating at a festival. He wanted to spar with Sha, he was happy to and asked the soldier to choose his weapon, a long spear, he gave Sha a sword. The Japanese soldier had a reputation as being a fierce fighter with little regard for others. Sha simply evaded his attacks without countering. Finally when the soldier became unsure of his strategy Sha attacked hitting his opponent with the flat blade on the shoulder. With arm paralysed the soldier was beaten.
Moving to Anhui in 1946 Sha invited Jiang Rong-Qiao to teach at the Wuhu Martial Arts School. He lived with Sha for 6 months both researching wushu. This formed the basis for his later books.
Master Sha moved to Kumning in 1949 and met Peng Qing and He Fu-Sheng, among other great wushu masters. After the Cultural Revolution Sha became coach for the Yunnan Wushu team. Master Sha was also proficient in medicine having spent time gathering healing skills from his many Shifu's. Sha healed many people always refusing payment. In 1983 he gave his medical formulas to the Government for the benefit of others. Master Sha Guozheng passed away in 1992.