吸引中國遊客最多的德國城市,只因是他的故鄉,每年15萬中國人到訪,德國特里爾,馬克思出生地,Trier,Germany,for 150,000 annual Chinese visitors
大家好 歡迎收看 《行影步離》
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THE LONGEST WAY 1.0 - 350 days of hiking through China - TIMELAPSE
In 2008, I walked through China - 1 year, 4500km. I let my hair and my beard grow. This is the resulting video. UPDATE: ▶ I have decided to continue my walk home from China to Germany. I'm currently in Turkey, or about halfway through.I post daily videos on this channel, and I blog about it here:
▶ I didn't finish my original goal of walking to Germany in 2008. Instead, I walked for a year and roughly 4500km, passed the Gobi desert, and then decided to stop walking.
▶ All of the distance from Beijing to Ürümqi was completed solely on foot, straight good old walking. There are instances where you can see me in the video sitting on a plane or riding a boat, but those are during breaks I had to take from walking, either to sort out bureaucracy issues or to take care of some personal things.
▶ I had been planning this trip for over a year before I even started, and getting as far as I got was an experience for which I am very grateful.
▶ Obtaining the necessary visa for a trip like this was not very easy, hence I had to go back to Beijing a few times to resolve some issues.
▶ This is not a strict 1 pic a day video, because I wanted to make it a bit more alive by adding some additional movement. Sometimes during the film you would follow me turn around, or something would happen in the background. I tried to capture these moments to make the video more interesting.
▶ If you liked the music I used in this video, get it here: The Kingpins - L'Aventurier Zhu Fengbo - Olive Tree
▶ The core of this project is in actually my blog where I have posted my extensive travel diary, starting from day 1 (Nov 9th 2007) and describing every single day until the end one year later.
Get stuff:
If you have any ADDITIONAL QUESTIONS, please refer to:
or get the GOOGLE EARTH FILE here (1KB):
▶ 2009 Boulder Adventure Film Festival
▶ 2010 Berlin Webcuts
▶ 2010 Banff Mountain Film Festival
▶ 2011 Vancouver International Mountain Film Festival
▶ 2011 5th International Mountain Film Festival Domžale
▶ 2011 Squamish Mountain Festival
▶ 2011 Mezinárodný Festival Horských Filmov, Poprad
▶ 2011 Vertical Film Festival, Moscow
▶ 2009 TIME.COM #8 viral video
▶ madandcrazychild (she takes a photo every day)
▶ NK5000 (Noah takes a photo of himself every day for 6 years)
▶ mattharding2718 (Where the Hell is Matt? 2008)
▶▶▶SUBSCRIBE to Christoph Rehage:
【欢迎订阅】#纪录片 #高分纪录片 #经典纪录片 #解密中国 #奇闻趣事
► ★【探访山区】走进中国大山深处 致力村庄脱贫攻坚
► ★【草药探险 】| 探险神秘疆域 寻找深山百草
► ★【绿野中国】 | 探寻自然未知 发现奇异世界
► ★【山野秘事】 | 走遍山川湖野 发现诡秘之事
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110. 1961, the year of Seeking the Truth from Reality
Get to know more about China through Historic Journey of China Bit by Bit, you may check out the playlist:
In January 1961, the Ninth Plenary Session of the Eighth CPC Central Committee met in Beijing. Mao Zedong used the occasion to call on the entire Party to help investigate and study, and to spend a year seeking the truth from reality.
In response, the entire Central Committee set out to gain first-hand experience of Party work at the grass roots. Based on what they discovered about the situation on the ground, they created new policies, designed to open a splendid new chapter of investigation and study.
Mao Zedong personally organized three investigation groups, which were sent to villages in Zhejiang, Hunan and Guangdong provinces. Liu Shaoqi went to the city of Changsha and Ningxiang County in Hunan; Zhou Enlai went to Wu'an and Shexian counties in Handan, Hebei; Zhu De toured the provinces of Sichuan, Shaanxi and Henan; Chen Yun went to Qingpu County in Shanghai; and Deng Xiaoping travelled to Shunyi and Huairou on the outskirts of Beijing.
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10 | Guofeng whirling through the game industry
#greaterbayarea Do you like playing games? Now, Guofeng's style is whirling through the game industry. #china #guofeng
The 2022 China-Style Ceremony: men’s Han costumes | 2022 国风大典:男子汉服群像
The 2022 China-Style Ceremony was recently held at Oriental SaltLake Resort in Jintan, #Changzhou. On the stage, exquisite men’s Han costumes displayed the classical charm of the Oriental.
“2022 国风大典”近期在常州金坛的东方盐湖城举行。舞台上,各种各样帅气的男子汉服造型层出不穷,展现出东方古典之韵。
Dari hotel yang aku stay, kota Changsa ke Feng Huang Gu Cheng memerlukan lebih kurang 10 jam an. Sampai disana tentunya sudah malam. Kota Feng Huang Gu Cheng adalah kota tua atau kuno atau juga disebut gedung tua yang sangat indah sekali dimalam hari dengan hiasan lampu yang sangat cantik dan indah.
Kota tersebut memiliki sungai yang bisa kita kelilingi memakai perahu yang pastinya tidak gratis.
Kota Feng Huang jika disiang hari, baru akan keliatan gedung tua.
Mayoritas rumah atau gedung yang aq video gak bisa di tinggal, cuma hanya sebagai panjangan kasih turis yang datang buat kunjungi.
Kota Feng Huang dibangun pada tahun 1704 dan sudah 300 tahun lamanya.
Kota ini seluas 1,745 km2 (674 sq mi).
#fenghuang #china #travel
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I'm Chinese - Indonesia from Medan, living in both country, Indonesia and Philippine. I love travel and hiking. I'm also coffee addicted. I make beauty and also lifestyle or any video that make me enjoy and happy doing it. I try upload my video every once a week. Make sure to subscribe so you never miss any of my videos. You don't have to though. But just do it because it's free anyway :)
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Email : sisca.sisi@gmail.com
Shanghai NIGHT TOUR with CHINA Expert
I'm an American living in China for 18 years. In this video I take you to Shanghai’s Bund promenade in the evening to see some of the best views Shanghai has to offer. I also take you to the most famous soup dumpling (xiaolongbao) restaurant in Shanghai. And lastly we walk around Yu Garden and check out the night market there. I hope you enjoy. And please don’t forget to like and subscribe.
0:00 Intro
0:50 Puxi Vs Pudong
1:42 Bund History
3:15 Walking
3:30 Restaurant with view
4:50 Yu Garden
5:06 Top Xiaolongbao Spot
5:41 Ordering
6:00 Food Arrives
6:48 Crab Spring Roll
7:21 Restaurant Atmosphere
7:36 Soup Dumplings
8:50 More Yu Garden
9:38 Night Food Market
12:45 Churros?
13:00 Summary
13:25 Cats
Why China’s Weirdest Buildings Are All in This One Spot
Every year, architects gather to pick the 10 “ugliest” buildings in China. And for the past decade, most of the winners have come from one province: Hebei.
Whenever you read about another wacky building in China, chances are it’s in Hebei. How did this one place, often called China’s “forgotten” province, become the bona fide home to bizarre architecture?
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The 88-Year-Old Chinese Woman Who Made Her Own Porcelain Palace
The See-Through Library in a Chinese Mountain Village
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Producer: Jessica Novia
Videographer: Li Guofeng
Editor: Joel Roche
Music: Audio Network
《杭州烏鎮D1》 『杭州自由行蕭山機場出發—浙江嘉興烏鎮超詳細攻略 絕不後悔彷彿穿越歷史的江南美麗古鎮』包車出發 地圖旅行攻略大全 道地美食開吃 超大飯店開箱 烏米飯 醬鴨 吳媽媽餛飩湯 當古人一回!
KKDAY 官網 :
Esim 網卡購買處
《烏鎮晚上D1》 『從杭州蕭山機場出發—浙江嘉興烏鎮超詳細攻略 人生必去一次彷彿穿越歷史的江南美麗古鎮』包車出發 地圖旅行讓你攻略不用做 道地美食大開吃 超大飯店開箱 烏米飯 醬鴨 吳媽媽餛飩湯 今天當古人一回!
《烏鎮早晨D2》 『早安浙江烏鎮:體驗穿越歷史的「早茶客文化」,悠遊搖櫓船把江南風景盡收眼底,品茗聽曲看風景,大啖在地美食醬鴨、河蝦、雙皮奶、熨斗蔥包燴,感受煙雨江南的獨特韻味,如詩如畫的風景你能不來嗎?』枕水早餐開箱
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IG: _yinnngch_
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Guo Feng Hotel
The Guofeng Hotel is located by the intersection of South Caitian Road and Fuhua Road, in Shenzhen's Futian District. It is near Huanggang Port and the Shenzhen-Shantou Highway and is just a 10-minute drive from the railway station. The hotel provides a variety of rooms and suites as well as a modern conference center and a business center. Other facilities include a beauty salon and a chess and cards room.
Yuzhen Palace was specially built by the emperor for a Wudang Taoist priest named Zhang Sanfeng. Zhang Sanfeng is a miraculous figure in the history of Taoism and martial arts in China. He never forgets his reading, and is proficient in astronomy and geography. , is regarded as true fairy. In the early years of Hongwu in Ming Dynasty, Zhang Sanfeng came to Wudang Mountain, where he established a nunnery for training. Wudang Boxing, which he performed and created, became famous all over the world. After the continuous evolution and development of the masters, it eventually became one of the most influential schools of Chinese martial arts. Because Zhang Sanfeng was regarded as the ancestor of Wudang martial arts, Yuzhengong was also revered by the first children of Wudang boxing in all dynasties, and he practiced boxing here.
When Zhang Sanfeng was in Wudang Mountain, he said that this mountain will be prosperous in the future. Decades later, Ming Chengzu really did a great repair of Wudang. Later, Zhang Sanfeng left Wudang Mountain and did not know where to go. Ming Taizu Zhu Yuanzhang and Ming Chengzu Zhu Di both issued edicts to send envoys to visit Zhang Sanfeng and his people. Ming Chengzu still said in a letter to Zhang Sanfeng: ...True immortals have noble morals, transcend everything, and are mysterious. I am talented and mediocre, but my sincere desire to see it will never be forgotten... He was also unable to visit Zhang Sanfeng, who has the technique of longevity and long-term vision, and the extraordinary ability to join the world. This Wudang master has also become mysterious and admired by future generations. In order to express his sincerity, Ming Chengzu personally ordered the construction of the Yuzhen Palace, and ordered a group of statues of Zhang Sanfeng to be placed in the center of the hall for people to worship. The supreme emperor built a temple for a Taoist priest in Wudang Mountain, enshrined it with a statue, and sent officials to sweep it, which is unique in Chinese history. Yuzhen Palace also became a strong stroke of Wudang Taoism.
How do members of the Chinese Photographers Association take photos? What camera does he use to work? How to learn how to shoot complex compositions? ... A group of videos and photos taken by Blue Wind on the streets of a small town in Wudang Mountain in China not long ago. This time he has too many dry goods to bring you.
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Street photography,street photographer,photography vlog,shooting,photography shooting,perspective photography,how to do street photography,shooting strangers,uncut photos,personal photography,photography skills,photography,Canon 70-200mm,street Photography tutorial,real photos,taking pictures of people,street photography skills,first perspective,街头摄影,拍摄,人文摄影,pov,pov photography,pov摄影,摄像,第一视角,街头照片,urban photography,sony pov,街拍,偷拍,摄影,拍照,povphotography,摄影技巧
It's more fun in the China - Yunhe
A truly magnificent views and surroundings. Nature's lovers best.
Video location:
Yunhe, Lishui, Zhejiang, China
I made this instrumental song using my FL Studio. Free MP3 download for personal use. Good sound quality. Bitrate: 320kbps
Download link:
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Restoran khusus yang pergi ke pasar sebelum makan
Saya berada di restoran pasar kuno yang menarik ini, yang disebut Pasar Gu Feng, yang membuat mata saya terpesona. Sebagai seorang pecinta makanan, saya memutuskan untuk mencoba restoran khas ini. Begitu saya masuk ke dalam restoran, saya segera merasakan suasana pasar kuno yang kental. Setelah berkeliling pasar, saya mencicipi hidangan lezat dari Dapur Jaman Dulu yang memukau saya. Tidak hanya rasanya yang unik, tetapi juga presentasinya yang berbeda. Setiap hidangan disajikan dengan tata letak yang hati-hati dan dekorasi yang detail. Makan di restoran khas pasar kuno ini bukan hanya sekadar perjalanan kuliner, tetapi juga pengalaman perjalanan waktu. Saya seolah-olah kembali ke masa lalu, memiliki kontak yang dekat dengan sejarah dan budaya.#untukmu#fyp #fypシ #foryou #foryoupage #viral #viedeo #youtube #shorts #makanan #restoran #murid #universitas #pelajarinternasional #tianjin #china #TJU #universitastianjin
Yunhe by Drone
Drone footage from Yunhe Rice Terraces in Zhejiang Province, China, in February 2018
Xuanyue Gate is a three-room, four-pillar and five-story imitation wood and stone structure building, twelve meters high and twelve.4 meters wide. It represents the five cities and twelve floors believed in Taoism, that is, this place is a place to wait and meet gods. In Taoism, the human throat is used as the Twelve Towers acupuncture point, which means that this place is the junction of yin and yang. Therefore, there is a saying in Wudang Mountain that when you enter Xuanyue Gate, your life is handed over to God. It means that after mortals enter this immortal realm of Shenmen, it is life or death, blessing or disaster, and they can't help themselves. Therefore, since ancient times, people who came to Wudang Mountain to go to the mountain for incense have a solemn expression after entering the Xuanyue Gate, and they dare not talk and laugh loudly.
Xuanyue Gate is entirely made of giant bluestone carvings and mortise and tenon. Ancient craftsmen used various techniques such as high relief, hollowing out, round carving, flat carving, and tickling to carve patterns such as cranes, Ruiyun, Youlong, Ruyi and Eight Immortals. , and the structure is compact and stretched, giving people a sense of luxury and grandeur. This giant stone carving building is known as a treasure in my country's stone carving art because of its exquisite craftsmanship.
How do members of the Chinese Photographers Association take photos? What camera does he use to work? How to learn how to shoot complex compositions? ... A group of videos and photos taken by Blue Wind on the streets of a small town in Wudang Mountain in China not long ago. This time he has too many dry goods to bring you.
Welcome to subscribe to my channel, there will be more exciting content later!
武当山秋季金顶云海Wudang Mountain Autumn Golden Summit Cloud Sea
Street photography,street photographer,photography vlog,shooting,photography shooting,perspective photography,how to do street photography,shooting strangers,uncut photos,personal photography,photography skills,photography,Canon 70-200mm,street Photography tutorial,real photos,taking pictures of people,street photography skills,first perspective,街头摄影,拍摄,人文摄影,pov,pov photography,pov摄影,摄像,第一视角,街头照片,urban photography,sony pov,街拍,偷拍,摄影,拍照,povphotography,摄影技巧
164. Deng Xiaoping's Southern Tour in 1992
Get to know more about China through Historic Journey of China Bit by Bit, you may check out the playlist:
At this crucial point in China’s reform and opening up, Deng Xiaoping once again demonstrated that he possessed the political courage and wisdom needed to guide China along the right path.
Between January the 18th and February the 21st , 1992, he visited Wuchang, Shenzhen, Zhuhai and Shanghai. During his trip he made a series of highly important speeches. Deng was 87 years old by this time. Yet he was constantly on the road, inspiring others with his speeches.
He provided a scientific summary of the basic path and practices the country had been following since the reform and opening up began. He provided answers to many key questions that had long been troubling Chinese society. His comments, based on the principles of emancipating the mind and seeking truth from facts, were a declaration that projected China’s reform and opening up into a new era and once again placed China onto the fast track of development.
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