Top places in Abkhazia - Lake Ritsa and Geghi Waterfall
💎 To visit Abkhazia and not go to Lake Ritsa and the Geghi Waterfall? It's impossible! These routes are the hallmark of Abkhazia and must-visit. And we will show you their best side! 4K Video
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#abkhazia #Ritsa. #gagra
🏔️Абхазия-что нужно знать перед поездкой? Новые правила прохождения границы, интернет, деньги, связь
Полный гайд о посещении Абхазии в 2024 году. В этом видео мы расскажем как туда добраться, правила прохождения границы ( с поправками которые вступают с 1 марта 2024 года) , что с банковскими картами, банкоматами и наличными деньгами. Какая мобильная связь и интернет в Абхазии. Что нужно если Вы собрались на своем автомобиле. Цены в Абхазии. А так же ответы на самые популярные туристические вопросы.
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7:08 Абхазия на своем автомобиле
9:29 Мобильная связь и интернет
10:42 Курорты и и города Абхазии
13:25 Можно ли из Абхазии попасть в Грузию?
13:54 Есть ли в Абхазии брендовые магазины?
14:34 есть ли в Абхазии ограничения по одежде?
15:14 Безопасно ли в Абхазии?
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Abkhazia - what you need to know before your trip? New border crossing rules, internet, money
Complete guide about visiting Abkhazia in 2024. In this video we will tell you how to get there, the rules for crossing the border (with amendments that come into effect on March 1, 2024), what about bank cards, ATMs and cash. What kind of mobile communications and Internet are there in Abkhazia? What you need if you are going to drive your own car. Prices in Abkhazia. As well as answers to the most popular travel questions.
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Lake Ritsa, Abkhazia 📍
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Beautiful lake Ritsa in the mountains. Mountain Lake.
Beautiful lake Ritsa in the mountains. Mountain Lake.
The beautiful girl @milkyvegan stands on a log that lies in Lake Ritsa. The most beautiful place. Stunning landscape of the Ritsa Mountain Lake
PARAGLIDING IN GEORGIA 🇬🇪 - near Kazbegi & Gudauri
This was our first time to try paragliding and the location couldn't have been more beautiful. We were surrounded by the mountains and there was a small stream down in the valley. It was truly an amazing experience to feel the beauty of Georgian nature up from the sky!
The location is somewhere between Gudauri and Russia–Georgia Friendship Monument on the Georgian Military Highway. It took around 20 mins to drive here from Kazbegi (aka Stepantsminda). We paraglided for around 10 mins and the price per person was only 150 Georgian Lari (46,66 EUR or 55,25 USD). This seemed to be a standard price for short time paragliding. For longer time the price was 300 GEL.
Always make sure the weather is good when you go paragliding here as it can change rapidly. The first time we went here it was rainy and foggy and everything was cancelled for the whole day (see the clips at the end of the video). Totally recommend paragliding here. Hard to find any cheaper and beautiful place to do it!
Check out my other Georgia videos:
Exploring Georgia - GEORGIA TRAVEL (Kazbegi, Tbilisi, Kutaisi, Batumi, Mtskheta etc.)
How is Georgian Food? - Tbilisi, Georgia - FOOD & TRAVEL VLOG #1
The most memorable seafood feast in Georgia - Batumi, Georgia - FOOD & TRAVEL VLOG
All music from Epidemic Sound.
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LAKE RITSA. Mountain Lake in Abkhazia.⛰️🌲 Beautiful Nature 🍃 #shorts
This video is about the lake Ritsa, the mountain lake in Abkhazia. It's a beautiful nature view.
The North Caucasus region of Abkhazia contains the lake Ritsa, which is flanked by subalpine meadows and mixed mountain woods. In 1936, the Black Sea beachfront road was constructed. To the north of the lake is the vacation town of Avadhara. In the Soviet era, the lake was a popular tourist destination. Russian tourists are still drawn to it.
This gorgeous lake with boat trips and cafes is surrounded by mountains with evergreen woods and meadows.
Summer in Georgia - travel in georgia,
information portal of georiga, tbilisi, batumi, mestia, mtskheta, bakuriani, gudauta, signagi, info-tbilisi, tbilisiinfo
ГУЛЬРИПШ и АГУДЗЕРА Самый уединённый отдых на широченных пляжах востока Абхазии.
В 130 километрах от границы Псоу находятся посёлоки Гульрипш и Агудзера частично признанной республики Абхазия.
Это самые безлюдные и тихие места на всём чёрном море.
Там можно почувствовать себя как на необитаемом острове.
Такой отдых может очень порадовать, а может и разочаровать.
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#гульрипш #агудзера #абхазия
0:00 Начало
2:24 Гульрипш
11:38 Агудзера
17:58 Итоги
Друзья, в последнее время, Ютуб перекрыл монетизацию видео на территории России, убрав рекламу из роликов авторов. Для зрителя это хорошо, а вот автор не получает никакой поддержки и теряет стимул и смысл выпускать новый контент. Мой канал никак не связан с политикой и всё равно пострадал, лишившись монетизации. Поэтому если вам нравится то, что я делаю, если информация вам помогла или контент оказался полезным, ПОДДЕРЖИТЕ КАНАЛ. Это даст стимул создавать новые ролики. В том-же режиме, что и до отмены монетизации. Буду благодарен за подписку на BOOSTY на любую сумму.
New Athos town, Abkhazia | Новый Афон | Moments&Places
New Athos or Akhali Atoni (Georgian: ახალი ათონი, Akhali Atoni; Abkhazian: Афон Ҿыц, Afon Ch'yts; Russian: Новый Афон; Novy Afon, Greek: Νέος Άθως, Neos Athos) is a town in the Gudauta raion of Abkhazia, situated some 22 km (14 mi) from Sukhumi by the shores of the Black Sea. The town was previously known under the names Nikopol, Acheisos, Anakopia, Nikopia, Nikofia, Nikopsis, Absara, and Psyrtskha.
jan 2016
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Рица ‒ это красивейшее горное озеро, расположенное в Гудаутском районе Абхазии. В длину этот водоем раскинулся почти на 2 км, а его максимальная глубина составляет порядка 150 м. Озеро имеет ледниково-тектоническое происхождение. Оно настолько чистое и прозрачное, что его воды проглядываются аж на глубину 10 м.
Цвет этого водоема меняется в зависимости от времени года. Зимой озеро приобретает сине-голубой оттенок, а летом и весной становится зелено-желтого цвета. Причина этого явления заключается в изменении степени прозрачности впадающих в озеро рек и наличия фитопланктона в водоеме.
Озеро является частью реликтового национального парка, который был основан в 1996 году. Посетить эту жемчужину Абхазии непременно стоит, если Вы хотите насладиться великолепными горными пейзажами и пышной растительностью этого края. Практически все туристы, посещающие эту природную достопримечательность, оставляют восторженные отзывы.
Ritsa is a beautiful mountain lake located in the Gudauta region of Abkhazia. In length, this body of water stretches for almost 2 km, and its maximum depth is about 150 m. The lake has a glacial-tectonic origin. It is so clean and transparent that its waters can be seen as deep as 10 m.
The color of this reservoir changes depending on the season. In winter, the lake acquires a blue-blue hue, and in summer and spring it becomes green-yellow. The reason for this phenomenon is a change in the degree of transparency of rivers flowing into the lake and the presence of phytoplankton in the reservoir.
The lake is part of a relict national park that was founded in 1996. You should definitely visit this pearl of Abkhazia if you want to enjoy the magnificent mountain landscapes and lush vegetation of this region. Almost all tourists visiting this natural landmark leave rave reviews.
#рица #Абхазия #Abkhazia
Abkhazia (with English subtitles). Абхазия. Общая Информация.
Общая информация об Абхазии.
Music: danielzea
Georgia (country) Explained 🇬🇪🇬🇪
This is a country in the Caucasus region of Asia #georgia #geography #caucasus #armenia #abkhazia #south_ossetia #explainingcountries #amazing #aaronsgeographyworld #cool #countrymaps #countryballs #turkey #azerbaijan #russia #krubera_cave #mountains #georgian_alphabet #asomtavruli #nuskhuri #afghanistan #venezuela #nauru #syria #nicaragua
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Abkhazia Diary: Abandoned Train Stations
An overview of several abandoned train stations in Abkhazia. Included are the Station of Psyrtskha in New Athon ( and the Sokhumi train station (
Each brings different stories and different pasts.
More info:
ABKHAZIA, Land of the beauties
Abkhazia is situated on the Eastern Bank of the Black Sea, bordering to the West with Russia on the Psou River and to the East with Georgia on the Ingur River. On the North the Grand Caucasian Range. It has six main administrative regions: Gagra, Gudauta, Sukhum, Ochamchira, Tquarchal and Gal. The republic contains three National Parks in Pskhu-Gumista, Pitsunda-Mussera and Ritsa. Furthermore the country is rich in fresh water resources with many lakes and rivers. The climate is subtropical.
In the VIII century, the Abkhaz established one of the most influential states of the time - the Abkhaz Kingdom. In the XI century as a result of dynastic marriages, this state fragmented into several minor independent Kingdoms. At this stage until the XIX century, Abkhaz and Georgians coexisted in two separate and independent countries.
In 1810 Abkhazia voluntarily became a protectorate of the Russian Empire. Until 1864 it preserved its statehood and system of self-governance in the form of a sovereign principality. As a result of the Russian-Circassian War in the middle of the XIX Century many Abkhaz like Adyghe, Shapsugh, Ubykh, Abaza and other indigenous nations had to flee to the Ottoman Empire. This period of deportation is called Makhajyr. Approximately more than 250.000 Abkhaz were deported from Abkhazia to Turkey. Being demographically misbalanced Abkhazia had become a favourable territory for migration of other nations like Georgians to Abkhazia. After the collapse of the Russian Empire in 1917, Georgia and Abkhazia took a way of creating two independent states, but in May 1918 the new Georgian Democratic Republic occupied and annexed Abkhazia.
Prior to this occupation the Abkhaz National Council had been formed, actively developing regional state institutions in the Northern Caucasus and Southern Russia (Circassia). As a result of these processes, Abkhazia joined the Union of Mountainous Peoples of the North Caucasus, and then the Mountain Republic and the southeastern Union of Cossack Forces, Caucasian Mountain Peoples and Free Peoples of the Steppe. Hence, following the annexation of Abkhazia by Georgia, the leadership of the Mountain Republic issued a formal protest to the authorities of the Georgian Republic and Germany, whose troops had participated in the operation. Abkhazia led its liberation war against Georgia from 1918 till 1921.
On the 4th of March 1921, the Georgian authorities in Abkhazia were overthrown by Abkhaz rebels; 'Kiaraz' movement. An independent Soviet Socialist Republic of Abkhazia was proclaimed on the 31st of March 1921. On the 21st of May 1921, the Revolutionary Committee of the Georgian Soviet Socialist Republic recognised the independence of Abkhazia.
In December 1921 the Abkhaz SSR, under pressure from Stalin was forced into a Union Treaty with the Georgian SSR, which created the basis for state-legal relations between Abkhazia and Georgia. According to this treaty, the SSR of Georgia and the SSR of Abkhazia entered into a military, political and economic alliance. State-legal relations between Georgia and Abkhazia were based on the treaty, which provided equal rights. Following this the Abkhaz SSR took part in the establishment of the USSR.
Read more:
Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Abkhazia
Abkhaz Web Portal
Abkhazia Land of the Seven Stars
Adyghe-Abkhaz History & Culture
New Afon, Abkhazia. Cave.
Way to Agura’s waterfalls
# way to Agura’s waterfalls # Khosta district #Sochi
Друзья предлагаю проехать на машине по АБХАЗИИ , выезд в 5 час утра проехали Гагру-Гудауту-Новый Афон-Сухум наша конечная точка Горячие Источники Кындыг о ней в следущей части .Экскурссия была интересная информативная .
Friends suggest driving a car around ABKHAZIA, leaving at 5 o'clock in the morning we drove Gagra-Gudauta-New Athos-Sukhum, our final point is the Hot Springs of Kyndyg about it in the next part. The excursion was interesting and informative.