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10 Best place to visit in Gheorgheni Romania


✅ TOP 10 Atractii Turistice Judetul Harghita, Lacu Rosu, Cheile Bicazului

00:00 TOP 10 Atractii Turistice Judetul Harghita
0:27 Manastirea Izvoru Muresului
Sfânta Manastire cu hramul „Adormirea Maicii Domnului” din Izvoru Muresului este asezata la poalele Hasmasului Mare, între cei doi frati de cruce Muresul si Oltul, la o altitudine de 950 m, pe DN 12 între Miercurea Ciuc si Gheorghieni.

1:30 Castelul Lázár
Situat aproape de centrul satului Lazarea, este unul dintre cele mai frumoase exemple pentru arhitectura renascentista din Transilvania.Castelul cu creneluri a fost una dintre cele mai atractive resedinte nobiliare din secolul al XVII-lea din Transilvania.

2:23 Cascada cu apa termala Toplita
In Romania exista o singura cascada cu apa termala, cea de la Toplita,este clasificata ca fiind a doua formatiune de acest fel din Europa (in Saturnia, Italia, mai exista o cascada cu apa termala).

3:13 Borsec/Poiana Zânelor
(Pestera de Gheata (Ice Cave) / Grota Ursilor/ Baile Borsec / Aleea 7 Izvoare, parcul cu Fantana Arteziana / Pista de bob de vara)
Cea mai mare bogatie a Borsecului sunt numeroasele izvoare de apa minerala. Denumirea de „Regina Apelor minerale” a fost atribuita de împaratul Austriei, Franz Josif.
Grota Ursilor este o formatiune carstica reprezentata de un ansamblu de coridoare adânci, formate prin fenomenul de eroziune naturala a calcarelor sub actiunea apelor de infiltratie.

4:42 Baile Tusnad
Se afla În cheile Oltului, la o altitudine de 650m, la poalele muntilor acoperiti cu brazi.Localitatea situata în partea sudica a Depresiunii Ciucului, între muntii Harghita si Bodoc, este cea mai mica statiune balneara din tara, fiind cunoscuta pâna astazi ca “Mica Elvetie”.

5:16 Ski Gyimes
Pista de bob din Ghimes se afla in frumoasa vale a Ghimesului, in localitatea Lunca de Sus, la o distanta de 30 km de Miercurea Ciuc, langa drumul national 12A care leaga Transilvania de Moldova, in valea raului Trotus.

5:59 Cascada Varsag
În padurea localitatii Varsag, pe pârâul Fântâna Mare, se afla cascada Varsag. Alimentate de 7 izvoare, apele pârâului se arunca de la înaltimea de 7 metri, formând o frumoasa cascada în doua trepte. De aici se îndreapta spre Târnava Mare, al carui afluent de stânga este.

7:10 Cariera de andezit Suseni

7:30 Barajul Zetea

8:21 Statuia Inima Lui Iisus
În anul 2011, pe dealul Gordon din Harghita, aflat între Odorheiu-Secuiesc si Praid, a fost ridicata cea mai mare statuie a Lui Iisus din Europa de Est. Denumita Inima Lui Iisus, statuia are o înaltime de aproximativ 22 de metri, e construita din fier si otel inoxidabil, iar pretul ei de 200.000 de euro a fost platit din donatii strânse de primaria din comuna Lupeni.

8:32 Barajul Bicaz
Este un baraj de greutate construit din beton si uneste Muntele Gicovanu cu Obcina Horstei, fiind situat în amonte de confluenta pârâului Izvorul Muntelui cu Bistrita.A fost construit între 1950 si 1960, are o înaltime de 127 m, o lungime de 435 m la coronament si o latime maxima la baza de 119 m.

9:46 Cheile Bicazului
Cheile Bicazului au fost formate de râul Bicaz si fac legatura între Transilvania si Moldova.
Zona Cheile Bicazului, cu o lungime de peste 6 km, se desfasoara între Lacul Rosu în amonte si localitatea Bicaz-Chei în aval, si este strabatuta de drumul transcarpatic DN12C care leaga orasele Gheorgheni si Bicaz.
S-au format datorita eroziunilor provocate de raul Bicaz si ai sai afluenti.Parcul National din care fac parte aceste chei are o suprafata de 6675 ha si este cea mai importanta zona geologica din tara noastra.

10:33 Lacul Rosu
Se spune ca o stanca pravalita din munte a blocat firul raului Bucaz si a format cu timpul lacul ce se vede acum.
O regiune unica in lume unde padurile de brazi vesnic verzi, aerul curat si proaspat asigura conditii favorabile de odihna. Statiunea este un adevarat paradis pentru cei care cauta recreere si odihna, transmitand prin pitorescul peisajului o atmosfera de neuitat.


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Ce poți vizita în județul Harghita. Top 15 de atracții turistice de care nu știai | TOP VISTA

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🔵Dacă vrei să faci o mică vacanță prin România, dar încă nu erai decis asupra zonei pe care să o vizitezi, azi avem o sugestie pentru tine. Sigur îți va plăcea ideea noastră și nu te mai ținem pe jar! Este vorba de județul Harghita, loc în care vei avea o sumedenie de locuri interesante de vizitat.

15. Lacul Roșu - 01:11
14. Lacul Sfânta Ana - 01:46
13. Rezervația Naturală Dealul Sării - 02:38
12. Peștera Șugău - 03:13
11. Cheile Vârghișului - 03:55
10. Cascada Csorgókő de la Vărșag - 04:22
9. Barajul Zetea - 04:58
8. Piatra Singuratică - 05:32
7. Salina Praid - 06:22
6. Casa Fluturilor Praid - 06:58
5. Parcul zoogic de la Ivo (Izvoare) - 07:42
4. Parcul Mini Transilvania - 08:02
3. Statuia Inima Lui Iisus - 08:42
2. Pasul Cașin - 09:12
1. Muzeul Păpușilor - 10:03

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#Driving to #Romania: #Gheorgheni to #MiercureaCiuc #travel #scenicdrive #roadtrip #beautifulroad

We will travel from Gheorgheni to Miercurea Ciuc, a journey that passes through picturesque villages and winds between green hills. The area is predominantly inhabited by ethnic Hungarians, which gives the villages a distinct aesthetic.
Our trip starts in Gheorgheni, a city who historically was first mentioned in 1332.
It is a small town with approximately 15,000 inhabitants, of which more than 80% are of Hungarian nationality.
Miercurea Ciuc is a picturesque town, a popular tourist destination for those who want to spend a pleasant afternoon in the city park and taste local cuisine. The main tourist attraction of the town is the Miko Castle, built in 1623. The fortress now hosts several museums with different themes.

Driving in Romania: Gheorgheni - Miercurea Ciuc 4K 50p

Hello, everyone! Today, we will travel from Gheorgheni to Miercurea Ciuc, a journey that passes through picturesque villages and winds between green hills. The area is predominantly inhabited by ethnic Hungarians, which gives the villages a distinct aesthetic.

🧭 Route: Romania, european road E578 (national road DN 12), Gheorgheni - Miercurea Ciuc
🗓️ Date Recorded: 14 Jully 2024
😎 Weather: 33-36+°C | 91-97+°F

If you enjoy the journey, don't forget to give us a thumbs up and subscribe for more scenic adventures! Your support is greatly appreciated.☺️ Hit the notification bell to stay updated on our latest releases!

🛞Roads from Romania Playlist

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Our trip starts in Gheorgheni, a city who historically was first mentioned in 1332.
It is a small town with approximately 15,000 inhabitants, of which more than 80% are of Hungarian nationality.
Miercurea Ciuc is a picturesque town, a popular tourist destination for those who want to spend a pleasant afternoon in the city park and taste local cuisine. The main tourist attraction of the town is the Miko Castle, built in 1623. The fortress now hosts several museums with different themes.

0:00:00 Intro
0:00:45 Departure from Gheorgheni (Gyergyószentmiklós)
0:04:52 Valea Strâmbă (Gyergyótekerőpatak)
0:10:41 Voșlăbeni (Vasláb)
0:16:18 Izvoru Mureș (Marosfő)
0:23:21 most beautiful part of trip
0:26:10 Sândominic (Csíkszentdomokos)
0:37:45 Dănești (Csíkdánfalva)
0:40:29 Mădăraș (Csíkmadaras)
0:45:37 Racu (Csikrákos)
0:47:58 Siculeni (Madéfalva)
0:50:58 Ciceu (Csíkcsicsó)
0:56:29 Miercurea Ciuc (Csíkszereda)

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Hello! We're Teodora and Gabriel, a happly married couple whose adventure began long ago. With creative minds and backgrounds in advertising and media, we've found that our travels across Europe spark inspiration in those around us. Our love for Europe runs deep, and our mission is to uncover and share the treasures of the Old Continent. This passion led us to create @EuropeanScenicRoads, where we document Europe's beauty through captivating videos. Our goal? To inspire, educate, and entertain you. Join us on this thrilling journey!

Pista de bob Toplița - cea mai lungă și cea mai nouă pistă din România

Cea mai lungă pistă de bob ( alpine coaster ) din România s-a deschis recent la Toplița jud. Harghita.

Tarife Bob:
• Copii 3-14 ani: 15 RON/tură
• Persoane peste14 ani: 20 RON/tură

🎵 Track Info:
• Song: Extreme Energy (Music Today 80)
• Composed & Produced by : Anwar Amr
• Video Link:

#romania #alpinecoaster #bob #visitHarghita

Gheorghieni - Harghita. Aprilie 2021. ROMÂNIA

Red Lake and Bicaz Gorge, Romania - Facts

Red Lake and Bicaz George, Romania - Facts (Pentru Limba romana apăsați pe subtitrare)

The Red Lake (or Lacu Rosu) is a natural storage dam lake and is situated at the foot of Hasmasu Mare Mountains, somewhere near the town Gheorgheni.

It is the largest natural mountain lake in Romania, its name coming from the reddish alluvia (iron oxides and iron hydroxides) deposited in the lake by the Red Creek.

During Ceausescu’s reign, these two wonders were compulsory tourist destinations for the ones who wanted to spend their vacations in the mountains.

The lake seems dark and threatening, the stumps that come out of the water makes you think that a lacustrian civilization met their fate just a few years before you pass by. Flocks of ducks just fly around you if you decide to venture into sailing a boat. This is a strong reason for which you should row your boat for almost 10 minutes in a contest along with the ducks. If you get too far away from the shore, you can see what’s left from this “civilization”.

The Red Lake has formed not too long ago, someday in July 1837, when after many storms in a row, a huge piece of stone separated from The Killer Mountain and blocked the Licas Creek, Oii Creek, and the Red Creek.

The only “witnesses” of this natural calamity are the spruce-fir stumps that still remained in the water. Because of the fact that the Suhardu Mic Mountain had a purple reflection in the lake and of the reddish limy alluvia brought by the Red Creek, the shepherds decided to call it The Red Lake (or Lacu Rosu).

Only in 1857, three tourists from Gheorgheni rested on its shores and they were amazed by the wild beauty of the mountain landscape. So therefore they spread the word that they discovered a piece of paradise. Since then, many tourists have been visiting this area, being attracted by the natural beauty of the lake and by the riches of the fauna and flora.

In 1910, the road from Gheorgheni to Lacu Rosu started to be built (it was built in fact only till the place called “Gatul Iadului), and it was finished in 1937.

In other words, this road connected actually Transylvania and Moldavia.

The surroundings of the lake present a very rich fauna and flora. The coniferous forests are mixed with nut forests and the mountain willow. What the flora is concerned, one can see white pine trees, sycamore maple, and poplar trees. The animals that live in the area are the following: the lynx, the chamois, wolves, stags, and wild boars.

In this area, you have about two options to satisfy your hunger: either you choose to eat different goodies from the shops/fair in the area (for example kurtos kolac, sausages, donuts, etc.), or find a table at one of the few restaurants here.

Downstream the Red Lake, you can see the Bicaz Canyon, which is dug by the Bicaz river waters and serves as a passageway between Transylvania and Moldavia. It is 8 km long until it reaches the village called Bicazul Ardelean. The Bicaz Canyon is part of the National Park “Bicaz Canyon”, which includes actually the following protected areas: The Red Lake, The Bicaz Canyon, and The Hasmasu Mare Mountain.

The road inside this canyon looks like serpentine windings. The limy walls of the crags hide amazing caves (The Black Cave and The Waterfall Cave) and also circular precipices (Licas, the precipice with three entrances).
Along this way, one may find bazaars where one can buy products made by the Romanian and Hungarian craftsmen from this area.

How to get there?

The access to The Red Lake can be made from Ghoergheni, by following the national road 12/C, which actually connects this town with Red Lake resort. Gheorgheni is situated on the route Brasov-Deda. From Moldavia, one can get to the Red Lake, by proceeding from Piatra Neamt on the national road 12/C. The Red Lake lies 57 km away.

From Moldavia, we can make it by train till the town Bicaz and then we can go to The Red Lake by bus. For the route Gheorgheni-Piatra Neamt there are two buses available daily. This area is also accessible from the locality Sindromic (22 km away) through Poaiana Tarcaului and Three Wells, but this route is not recommended to car rides. Another route to get to The Red Lake is from Tulghes, through Balaj pass and the village Telec, but this road is only recommended to bikers and traveling lovers. ---------------
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Pista de bob - Lacul Rosu - cel mai nou Alpine Coaster din ROMÂNIA 2023

Cea mai nouă pistă de bob din România 2023, se află la aproximativ 4 km distanță de Lacul Roșu. ( Cheile Bicazului )

Deschisă în iunie 2023, cu o lungime de 940 m, pista de bob oferă nu numai o experiență de neuitat, ci și o priveliște de excepție prin pădure.

🇷🇴 Vă prezentăm pista noastră de bob care se află la aproximativ 4 km distanță de Lacul Roșu. 🎢⛰️

Deschisă în iunie 2023, cu o lungime de 940 m, pista de bob oferă nu numai o experiență de neuitat, ci și o priveliște de excepție prin pădure.

20 de sănii pentru două persoane, echipate cu centuri de siguranță și frâne, sunt puse la dispoziție clienților noștri. Viteza maximă pe pistă este de 45 km/h, iar virajele vă garantează senzații formidabile.

A 2023 júniusában megnyílt 940 m hosszúságú bobpálya nemcsak remek kikapcsolódást, de szemet gyönyörködtető látványt is!

#romania #PistaDeBob #Bobpálya #Bobpalya #BobLacuRoșu #BobLacuRosu #GyilkostoBobpalya #GyilkostóBobpálya #AlpineCoaster #Bobozás #LaculRosu #LacuRosu #Gyilkosto #Gyilkostó #RedLake #Harghita #Hargita #Neamț #Neamt #Transilvania #Erdély #Erdely #Transylvania #romaniamagica

Top 3 miejsca na śniadanie w BUKARESZCIE

Podczas wypadu do Bukaresztu postanowiliśmy zebrać w jeden filmik 3 restauracje, które serwują dobre śniadania:

1. M60 - 0:25
2. Fellow one - 1:14
3. French Revolution - 1:39

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Fellow one
French Revolution

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Playlista filmów z Rumunii:

#śniadania #śniadaniabukareszt #bukareszt


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Muzyka: Epidemic Sound |

Gheorgheni - Lacul Roșu


Cluj-Napoca - Vedere pe malul Someșului

Vedere aeriană pe malul Someșului.
Aerial view over Someș River Shore

Train trip Gheorgheni - Izvorul Muresului - Sandominic, Harghita County, Romania

Harghita (Romanian pronunciation: [harˈɡita] (About this sound listen), Hungarian: Hargita megye, pronounced [ˈhɒrɡitɒ]) is a county (județ) in the center of Romania, in eastern Transylvania, with the county seat at Miercurea Ciuc.

Exploring Cheile Bicazului to Lacul Roșu and Gheorgheni in Romania| BMW R1200 GSA Adventure Ride

Join me on an unforgettable adventure through the stunning landscapes of Cheile Bicazului to Lacul Roșu and onwards to Gheorgheni, riding the BMW R1200 GSA. This video encapsulates the thrill and scenic beauty of this captivating journey.

Traversing Cheile Bicazului to Lacul Roșu and then onto Gheorgheni offers an incredible experience, especially aboard the versatile BMW R1200 GSA. Explore winding roads, picturesque vistas, and the natural wonders of this remarkable route.

From the rugged terrain of Cheile Bicazului to the serene beauty of Lacul Roșu and the charming town of Gheorgheni, every moment on this ride is a testament to the adventure and scenic wonders of Romania.

Join me in experiencing the thrill and beauty of this captivating journey from Cheile Bicazului to Lacul Roșu to Gheorgheni on the BMW R1200 GSA. Don't forget to like, subscribe, and share your thoughts in the comments below as we embark on this memorable adventure together!

Romania: Bicaz to Gheorgheni #driving #travel #scenicdrive #drivingtour #roadtrip #beautifulroad

We travel on one of the most beautiful roads in Romania🇷🇴: the national road DN15D. To begin with, we will cross picturesque villages located between impressive mountains and green hills. Then we will enter the Cheile Bicazului (Bicaz Gorges), a narrow and spectacular canyon, with tight curves and landscapes that take your breath away. After, we will pass Lacul Rosu (Red Lake) and we'll continue on the winding road to Gheorgheni. This road has almost 60 km (37 miles).

Astoria Hotel & Restaurant, Gheorgheni, Romania

Astoria Hotel & Restaurant, Gheorgheni, Romania
About Property:
Set in a building from the early 20th century, Astoria is quietly located in Gheorgheni. It features a summer terrace and a restaurant serving
traditional Hungarian cuisine. Free Wi-Fi and free parking are also provided.
The rooms are decorated in light colours and offer a cable TV. A private bathroom with shower is available in all units. Some rooms come with a balcony.
Sugau Cave is at a distance of 5 km. Red Lake, Romania's largest mountain lake, is within...
Booking or More Details:
Property Type: Hotel
Address: str. Două Poduri nr. 2, 535500 Gheorgheni, Romania
Searching For
1. Astoria Hotel & Restaurant - Gheorgheni - Romania
2. Astoria Hotel & Restaurant - Gheorgheni - Romania Address
3. Astoria Hotel & Restaurant - Gheorgheni - Romania Rooms
4. Astoria Hotel & Restaurant - Gheorgheni - Romania Amenities
5. Astoria Hotel & Restaurant - Gheorgheni - Romania Offers and Deals
Audio Credit:
Track Title: Reasons To Hope
Artist: Reed Mathis
* This video is not sponsored.
* The photos shown in this video are not owned by Holiday with Falguni.
Copyright issue? Please contact us and for getting more information you can find contact details on the about us page of the channel.
*Note: - Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for fair use for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational, or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use.
#HolidaywithFalguni #AstoriaHotel&RestaurantGheorgheni #AstoriaHotel&RestaurantGheorgheniRomania

⛪🏛 Strada C. Brancusi, Cart Gheorgheni. Cluj-Napoca. Cluj 4K, Romania.

Cluj-Napoca, Romania, Filmare 4k.


@Andrei Farcas

Cluj 4K, Romania, Transylvania, Travel, Ardeal, Romani in Usa, Romania, Romania Te iubesc, Romani in Anglia, Europe, europa, Romani Germania, Italia, innovation, Emil Boc, Mircea Bravo, Untold, Romani in Uk, Romani n strainatate, Romani in diaspora, acasa , home, sunny day, driving, Kolozsvar, Kolozsvar 4k, weekend, life , move to Cluj, clujului, Filmare 4K, filming 4k, GoPro Hero 8, car filming, content creator, YouTube, Hasdate, Andrei Farcas, Transilvania, Ardeal, Road trip, calatoresti, enjoy, Romani in Canada, Toronto, America, electric Castle, cluj days, Romani in Anglia, Grays, tilbury, Romania mea, traieste in Romania, carpati, Dracula, Vlad Tepes, muntii Carpati, dunare, Danubiana, Repatriot, recomstruim Romania, Made in Romania, Fabricat in Romania, dac, Dacia, Decebal, Aprilie, 2021, primavara, spring, trees, blossom trees, blossom nature, houses, nice area, nice houses, weekend in Cluj,petrovici, Piata Muzeului. Somes river, raul Somes, Cluj Arena, Sala Polivalenta, Sala Sporturilor, bicicleta, prin cluj cu bicicleta, cycling, Bicycle, Klausenburg, Romani in Suedia, Norvegia, Rusia, Dubai, Cyprus, Tenerife, Strada Marginasa, Seara in Cluj-Napoca, filmare din masina, strada Motilor, Strada Iuliu Hossu, Lacul Chios, sunset, Sunset Cluj Napoca, Saisfying video, traffic, Calea Turzii, feleac , Buna Ziua, Coborare calea turzii, Grand Hotel Italia, Dacia, Grand Hotel Italia, Audi, Compexit, Bonjour, sunny day, Renault, e60, European, Trafic, Smart street, Leroy Merlin, Petrom, Omv, Rompetrol, dor de casa, Lita, Savadisla , #primaria #Cluj

#Driving to #Romania: #BicazGorges #travel #scenicdrive #roadtrip #beautifulroad

We travel on one of the most beautiful roads in Romania🇷🇴: the national road DN15D. To begin with, we will cross picturesque villages located between impressive mountains and green hills. Then we will enter the Cheile Bicazului (Bicaz Gorges), a narrow and spectacular canyon, with tight curves and landscapes that take your breath away. After, we will pass Lacul Rosu (Red Lake) and we'll continue on the winding road to Gheorgheni. This road has almost 60 km (37 miles).

🌎 Cluj-Napoca, Romania. Cluj 4k. Cartier Gheorgheni.

Filmare 4k 60fps, Cluj-Napoca, Romania,

@Andrei Farcas

Cluj 4K, Romania, Transylvania, Travel, Ardeal, Romani in Usa, Romania, Romania Te iubesc, Romani in Anglia, Europe, europa, Romani Germania, Italia, innovation, Emil Boc, Mircea Bravo, Untold, Romani in Uk, Romani n strainatate, Romani in diaspora, acasa , home, sunny day, driving, Kolozsvar, Kolozsvar 4k, weekend, life , move to Cluj, clujului, Filmare 4K, filming 4k, GoPro Hero 8, car filming, content creator, YouTube, Hasdate, Andrei Farcas, Transilvania, Ardeal, Road trip, calatoresti, enjoy, Romani in Canada, Toronto, America, electric Castle, cluj days, Romani in Anglia, Grays, tilbury, Romania mea, traieste in Romania, carpati, Dracula, Vlad Tepes, muntii Carpati, dunare, Danubiana, Repatriot, recomstruim Romania, Made in Romania, Fabricat in Romania, dac, Dacia, Decebal, Aprilie, 2021, primavara, spring, trees, blossom trees, blossom nature, houses, nice area, nice houses, weekend in Cluj,petrovici, Piata Muzeului. Somes river, raul Somes, Cluj Arena, Sala Polivalenta, Sala Sporturilor, bicicleta, prin cluj cu bicicleta, cycling, Bicycle, Klausenburg, Romani in Suedia, Norvegia, Rusia, Dubai, Cyprus, Tenerife, Strada Marginasa, Seara in Cluj-Napoca, filmare din masina, strada Motilor, Strada Iuliu Hossu, Lacul Chios, sunset, Sunset Cluj Napoca, Saisfying video, traffic, Calea Turzii, feleac , Buna Ziua, Coborare calea turzii, Grand Hotel Italia, Dacia, Grand Hotel Italia, Audi, Compexit, Bonjour, sunny day, Renault, e60, European, Trafic, Smart street, Leroy Merlin, Petrom, Omv, Rompetrol, dor de casa, Lita, Savadisla , Primaria#Cluj


This 1000ft. Georges Jurassic limestone rocks towering over narrow road is the most spectacular and stunning view in Romania.
Location. North east part of country between Neamt and Harghita county at the eastern Carpathians mountain chain.
It is one of the main rock climbing sites in Romania.
Some activities you can do aside from rock climbing are fishing, kayaking, hiking, bird and wildlife watching.,

romania tour

Looking for inspiration for your next trip to Romania? Look no further. This guide showcases all the best places to visit in Romania throughout the year...
omania is a fantastic country that offers something for every type of traveller.

It’s bursting with culture, history, and castles.

The people are friendly, the mountains are fresh, and you might even see a bear on your travels!
#bucharest #travel #tour
#romania #capitalcity #românia #romanian



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