Lands of Moldova - The road to Fetești
Cel Mai Lung Pod Din România #romania #poduri
2019-(07)-(20) Bucuresti Nord Fetesti Buzau Bucuresti Nord 104IN FETESTI
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DronieStories @ Calarasi / ROMANIA
Călărași, the capital of Călărași County in the Muntenia region, is situated in south-east Romania, on the banks of the Danube's Borcea branch, at about 12 kilometers from the Bulgarian border and 125 kilometers from Bucharest.
The city is an industrial center for lumber and paper, food processing, glass manufacturing, textiles, medical equipment production, and heavy industry, the last one represented by the Călărași steelworks.
#romania #travel #calarasi #blacksea #drone #djimini2
2021-(06)-(26) Bucuresti Nord Faurei Fetesti Bucuresti Nord 134PANA LA PREASNA LAVANDA INFLORITA
Lavanda (sau levantica) inflorita.
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⛱ Relaxing beach Calarasi Romania 🏞 Arm of Danube, River Borcea
Located in Southern Bărăgan Plain, in the Danube river basin, on Borcea Branch and to the Bulgarian border.
In Călărași, there are several beaches at the Danube. Călărași is also the point of crossing by boat to the resort Silistra in Bulgaria.
In Olteniţa, another city of the county is you will find a landmark of cultural interest – the Archaeological Museum of Civilization Gumelniţa.
Visit the ruins of Vicina Byzantine Citadel on the island Pacuiul lui Soare in Ostrov, whose construction dates back to the tenth century. In the vicinity of Călărași there are also the archaeological sites Grădiştea and Grădiştea Coșlogeni where they found evidences of life of Geto – Dacians in the region.
Part of Ialomița Pond (Balta Ialomița), belongs to Călăraşi county. It is a paradise for fishing enthusiasts and nature lovers. The part of it called Caiafele Moroiu is a natural reserve.
Due to its therapeutic waters, Lake Red Valley (Lacul Valea Roșie) is an important tourist area. He is also an area protected by law.
Danube Branch Borcea is one of the main attractions of the county. He is one of the arms of the Danube waterway offering an impressive view of both: the traffic of commercial ships and also the landscape offered by almost unexplored forests on its banks.
Armata americană a intrat cu tancurile în culturile de lângă Fetești
Dintr-o eroare, soldații americani au intrat cu tancurile în culturile agricole ale unor locuitori din Ialomița Militarii au greșit coordonatele, fapt pentru care au înaintat prin recoltele oamenilor.
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CĂLĂRAȘI - SLOBOZIA | 30 Atracții turistice | ROMANIA 🇷🇴 #calarasi #slobozia
#calarasi #slobozia #roceztravel
CĂLĂRAȘI - SLOBOZIA | 30 Atracții turistice | English subtitles | ROMANIA 🇷🇴 #calarasi #slobozia
Călărași și Slobozia sunt principalele centre urbane din Câmpia Bărăganului. Poate cele două orașe nu se află în topul celor mai vizitate din România, însă noi ne-am aventurat și aici, si iată 30 Atracții turistice!
TRASEU/ITINERAR: Călărași – Slobozia
#Călărași #Slobozia #România #Ialomița #Muzeulagriculturii #Muntenia #Romania #RocezTravel
Alte obiective turistice din Călărași sunt: (Other tourist attractions in Călărași are):
1. Ostroave pe Dunăre (Plaja Mare, Plaja Tineretului, Plaja Automobiliștilor)
2. Parcul Central Călărași
3. Situl arheologic de la Grădiștea (la 12 km de municipiul Călărași)
4. Ruinele cetății bizantine Vicina (la 26 km de municipiul Călărași)
5. Herghelia Jegalia (la 40 km de municipiul Călărași)
6. Muzeul Civilizaţiei Gumelniţa,Oltenița (la 68 km de municipiul Călărași)
7. Biserica fostei Mănăstiri de la Negoiești (la 73 km de municipiul Călărași)
8. Lacul Valea Roșie (la 74 km de municipiul Călărași)
9. Balta Ialomiței (la 104 km de municipiul Călărași)
Alte obiective turistice din Slobozia sunt: (Other tourist attractions in Slobozia are):
1. Biserica de lemn Poiana
2. Lacul Amara (la 10 km de municipiul Slobozia)
3. Casa memorială „Ionel Perlea” (la 20 km de municipiul Slobozia)
4. Ruinele cetății geto-dacice Helis (la 43 km de municipiul Slobozia)
5. Mănăstirea Balaciu (la 43 km de municipiul Slobozia)
6. Complexul Arheologic „Piscul Crăsani” (la 45 km de municipiul Slobozia)
7. Biserica „Sfântul Nicolae” din Hăgiești (la 111 km de municipiul Slobozia)
8. Conacul Marghiloman (la 111 km de municipiul Slobozia)
00:00 – Introducere (Intro)
00:15 – Călărași
00:36 – Grădina Zoologică
01:02 – Palatul Administrativ
01:30 – Muzeul municipal
01:47 – Brațul Borcea al Dunării
02:10 – Statuia ecvestră a regelui Carol I
02:40 – Cazarma Pompierilor
03:07 – Biserica Alexe
03:25 – Muzeul Dunării de Jos
03:53 – Catedrala „Sfântul Nicolae”
04:26 – Biserica „Sfinții Martiri Brâncoveni”
04:47 – Biserica „Sfinții Constantin și Elena” (Volna)
05:07 – Casa „Ana Şi Marinache Popescu”
05:49 – Casa Cruțescu
06:06 – Casa „Atanase Petrescu”
06:34 – Casa Heliade
07:08 – Turnul de Apă
07:24 – Monumentul eroilor călărășeni din Primul Război Mondial
07:41 – Monumentul ridicat în memoria eroilor călărășeni căzuți în cel de-al Doilea Război Modial
07:59 – Parcul Dumbrava
08:25 – Restaurant Casablanca
08:47 – Slobozia
09:12 – Muzeul Național al Agriculturii
09:35 – Mănăstirea „Sfinții Voievozi”
10:08 – Catedrala „Înălțarea Domnului”
10:24 – Centrul Cultural „Ionel Perlea”
10:46 – Monumentul Revolutiei din Decembrie 1989
11:02 – Râul Ialomița
11:17 – Biserica „Sfântul Mare Mucenic Gheorghe”
11:30 – Colac de puț
11:43 – Stadionul 1 mai
11:55 – O plimbare în parcurile orașului.
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Produced by ROCEZ Travel
#Slobozia #Călărași #Ialomița #Romania #BaltaIalomitei #LaculAmara #pisculcrăsani #cetateahelis #marghiloman #hăgiești #laculvalearoșie #civilizațiagumelnița #HergheliaJegalia #Grădiștea #cetateavicina #RocezTravel
CĂLĂRAȘI - SLOBOZIA | 30 Atracții turistice | English subtitles | ROMANIA 🇷🇴 #calarasi #slobozia
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Fetești (ENGLISH SUBTITLES) #ecoturismo #ecoturism #moldova #mountainrunning #mountains #mountain
The village of Fetești is one of the oldest villages in Edinet district. According to documents it appears at the end of the 15th - beginning of the 16th century. This territory was populated since the time of Stephen the Great.
The old name of the village is Hrițeni and only towards the end of the 18th - beginning of the 19th century the name Fetești appears.
By a gramophone of Petru Voda of July 3rd 1975 the village of Hrițeni with a mill is strengthened by Odochiei, daughter of Luca Arbore, porter of Suceava. So previously the village belonged to Luca Arbore, former hatman, beheaded in 1523 by Stefan the Younger.
The village of Hrițeni appears in various documents and gramota from the 17th century (1606, 1621, 1635). Then the village of Hrițeni appears in the census of 1772-1774. According to these data there were 40 inhabited and 5 deserted houses in the village, 45 men and a priest.
In this period appear families: Gribință, Movilă, Furtună, Ursul, Ocrain, Roșca, Budeanu, Traistă, Baltă, Leurdă, and in another part are indicated the professions, e.g.: Petre morar, Istrate pâslar, Gigoraș cojocar, Simion ciubotar and so on.
In sec. In the 19th century the village belonged to Gavril Stroici Scordeli, to the merchant Șimon Caufman, as well as to some peasants.
In 1904 it was recorded as the old Romanian village of the Rhaetians. It has 280 houses, 1872 souls, church.
In the first decade of the cent. In the first decade of the 20th century, a 4-year school was opened. On average, the number of pupils reached 40 annually. Lessons were held by the village priest Gheorghe Balabanov, then by Pavel Barbos and teacher Popovici.
By 1942 Fetești was the centre of the commune of 2 villages: Fetești and Gordinești. The ethnic population of the commune is 4656 Romanians, 335 Ukrainians, 27 Russians, 6 Poles, 5 Germans. In the commune there are 2 churches, 3 primary schools and a Cultural Centre.
The Ministry of Agriculture and Domains has set up in the commune of Fetești a warehouse of pedigree stallions, which are used for cross-breeding and enrichment of the local breed. A total of 616 horses, 1095 horned cattle, 3461 sheep and 1389 pigs were kept in the commune. From the agricultural inventory we mention just a few figures: ploughs - 376, harrows - 343, sowing machines - 12, cultivators - 44, tiller - 9, agricultural tractors - 10, etc.
These were the basic indicators with which Fetești entered a new period: war, famine, deportations, collectivisation, socialism.
1. Fetești Gorge - Little Switzerland.
2. Fetești Gorge.
3. The violin factory..
#stancileprutului #terrahumana #ecoturismo #ecoturism #moldova #mountainrunning #mountains #mountain #edinet #Riscani #glodeni
The project The ecotourism route of the Prut Cliffs in Edinet, Riscani and Glodeni rayons is co-financed within the framework of the Polish Development Cooperation Programme of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Poland.
Famous places in Moldova 2
Saharna: A picturesque village located in northern Moldova, Saharna is known for its stunning waterfalls, including the Saharna Waterfall and the Niagra Waterfall, as well as the nearby Saharna Monastery, which is a popular destination for pilgrims.
Milestii Mici Winery: Another famous winery in Moldova, Milestii Mici Winery is known for its extensive network of underground wine cellars, which are recognized as the largest wine cellars in the world by the Guinness World Records. It's a unique destination for wine enthusiasts to explore and taste local wines.
Tipova Monastery: Located on the rocky banks of the Dniester River, Tipova Monastery is a cave monastery complex known for its beautiful natural setting and unique architectural design. It's one of the oldest monasteries in Moldova and is a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
Old Orhei Archaeological Complex: Located in the village of Trebujeni, the Old Orhei Archaeological Complex is a historical and archaeological site that includes ancient cave dwellings, fortifications, and a museum. It's a fascinating place to learn about Moldova's history and culture.
National Museum of Ethnography and Natural History: Located in Chisinau, the National Museum of Ethnography and Natural History is a renowned museum that showcases Moldova's rich cultural heritage, including traditional costumes, crafts, and artifacts, as well as displays on the country's natural history and biodiversity.
2020-(08)-(01) Bucuresti Nord Constanta Bucuresti Nord 101LA INTRAREA IN FETESTI PRIN GEAM
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Bucareste, no sul da Romênia, é a capital e o centro comercial do país. Seu monumento mais conhecido é a imensa sede do governo, o Palatul Parlamentului, da era comunista, com 1.100 aposentos. Próximo a ele, o histórico distrito de Lipscani conta com uma agitada vida noturna, além da pequena Igreja Ortodoxa de Stavropoleos e do Palácio Curtea Veche, do século XV, que foi residência do Príncipe Vlad III (O Empalador).
A área urbana estende-se para além dos limites administrativos do município e em 2017 tinha mais de dois milhões de habitantes.
Em termos de população dentro dos limites da cidade, Bucareste é a sexta cidade mais populosa da União Europeia, a seguir a Londres, Berlim, Madrid, Roma e Paris.[carece de fontes]
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2007-(12)-(18) Bucuresti Nord Constanta Bucuresti Nord 112DUPA FETESTI
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2021-(06)-(26) Bucuresti Nord Faurei Fetesti Bucuresti Nord 102PANA LA PARC MOGOSOAIA
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Obiective turistice in Judetul Ialomita.
Hai sa vedem si sa vizitam Judetul Ialomita!
Romania in 30 sec.: Mangalia Beach, Constanta, 2022
Mangalia Beach View
Mangalia, also known as Callatis in antiquity, is a Romanian city and harbour located in Constanta County, Northern Dobruja, on the Black Sea coast.
The municipality of Mangalia also administers several summertime seaside resorts: Cap Aurora, Jupiter, Neptun, Olimp, Saturn, and Venus.
Mangalia retains its natural beauty of yesteryear and stands out through its various leisure opportunities. In continuous development, but at the same time clean and chic, this wonderful place on the Romanian coast has successfully acquired the attribute of a spa resort. Besides the sulphurous mesothermal springs, Mangalia also boasts that it is the only area in the country where the average temperature remains positive, +1.1 degrees Celsius, the spring here being earlier and the autumn much longer.
Here is a 30-second video showing the Mangalia resort.
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#Romania #View #seaside #blacksea #beachlife #summertime
2022-(07)-(30) Bucuresti Nord Mizil Fetesti Bucuresti Nord 108CONT 107 PANA LA INTRAREA IN FETESTI
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2020-(07)-(11) Bucuresti Est Basarabi Bucuresti Nord 101IN FETESTI
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