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10 Best place to visit in Feldioara Romania


Feldioara, cetatea cavalerilor teutoni (Transilvania, România)

Vă rog să activați subtitrarea în românește !
Videoclipul vă propune în 10 minute un tur rapid al Cetății Feldioara, cunoscută și ca cetate a cavalerilor teutoni. Nu demult o ruină, în perioada 2013-2017 cetatea a fost cercetată arheologic, reconstruită și dotată cu panouri turistice explicative precum și cu numeroase exponate care reconstituie istoria și etnografia fortificației și a localității. Cercetările arheologice au evidențiat uimitoare urme de locuire care acoperă perioadele: neolitic, epoca bronzului, Hallstatt (prima perioadă a fierului), La Tène (a doua perioadă a fierului), perioada romană (secolele 2 - 3, eventual și 4) și perioada medievală (începând cu secolul 12). În zona satului, cu centrul unde este acum biserica evanghelică, a fost conturată o mare cetate de pământ ale cărei rădăcini coboară în preistorie. De la această cetate de pământ se trage și numele așezării, respectiv „Földvár” = cetate de pământ (în ungurește), din care a derivat și românescul Feldioara. După anii 1150, pe arealul cetății de pământ se așează sași din primul val de colonizare, formând cea mai veche localitate săsească din Țara Bârsei. Coloniștii sași au fost aduși de regii maghiari pentru a apăra partea sudică a Transilvaniei. Anul 1211 marchează anul sosirii aici a Cavalerilor Teutoni (ordin religios cavaleresc german), întorși din cruciada în Țara Sfântă, cărora regele Ungariei, Andrei al II-lea, le oferă Țara Bârsei (zona Brașovului) în întregime cu scopul principal de a apăra partea sud-estică a Transilvaniei contra cumanilor. La est de fosta cetate de pământ, pe un mic vârf din capătul unei culmi, cavalerii teutoni construiesc această cetate care va deveni și reședința lor pentru întregul ținut stăpânit. Cetatea (și așezarea) primește numele de Marienburg (Cetatea Mariei), Sfânta Fecioară Maria fiind ocrotitoarea Ordinului Teuton. Intrând însă în conflict tot cu regele Andrei al II-lea (teutonii au încercat să-și creeze în Țara Bârsei un stat propriu, desprins de suzeranitatea ungară), după numai 15 ani (în 1225) Ordinul Cavalerilor Teutoni este nevoit să părăsească Transilvania, continuându-și odiseea în partea central-nordică a Europei. Important este că ”vizita” teutonilor (1211-1225) a lăsat o amprentă uriașă în istoria României, ei făcând adevărate minuni (re)construind în acest scurt interval de timp un număr de circa 15 fortificații (cetăți). După plecarea Cavalerilor Teutoni, cetatea este distrusă de Marea Invazie Mongolă (1241). Este refăcută și spre sfârșitul secolului 13 dată în folosință (pentru o perioadă relativ scurtă) călugărilor cistercieni care înființează și o mănăstire în interiorul fortificației. În secolele următoare, cetatea a fost atacată, distrusă și apoi refăcută de mai multe ori. Menționăm atacurile făcute de turci (1430), din Țara Românească de Vlad Țepeș (1457), iar din Moldova de Petru Rareș (1529). Încetul cu încetul cetatea își pierde rolul strategic și de apărător al vieții și bunurilor locuitorilor din Feldioara, ajungând o ruină în care nu mai era mare lucru de văzut. În perioada 2013-2017 cetatea a fost intens cercetată arheologic, studiate izvoarele istorice și reconstruită la înfățișarea care se presupune că ar fi avut-o în secolul 17 când zidurile erau tencuite. Camerele din turnurile vestic și nordic găzduiesc un muzeu de istorie, iar cele din turnul estic, un muzeu etnografic. În ultimii ani, prin diverse festivaluri (de exemplu ”Cavalerii Teutoni se întorc la Cetatea Feldioara”) și alte manifestări asistăm la o renaștere a spiritului teutonic și a vechilor tradiții.

Cele mai frumoase cetati din Romania

🔴 RO Câteva dintre castelele și cetățile medievale din România pe care consider ca ar trebui să le vizitați măcar o dată. Nu uitați să vă abonați, dacă nu ați făcut-o încă!

0:10 Cetatea Sucevei
2:00 Cetatea Rupea
3:50 Cetatea Râșnov
6:08 Cetatea Neamț
7:33 Cetatea Feldioara
8:53 Cetatea Deva
10:47 Castelul Corvinilor

🔴 Music: I Found an Answer de la Twin Musicom este licențiată în baza unei licențe Creative Commons Attribution 4.0.

Blue Dream - Cheel, Bomber (Sting) - Riot, Communicator - Reed Mathis, Island Dream - Chris Haugen, Moonrise - Reed Mathis, Old Vienna - Endless Love, and Stinson - Reed Mathis from YouTube Audio Library

🔴 EN Some of the medieval castles and fortresses in Romania that I think you should visit at least once. Don't forget to subscribe if you haven't already!

translated using Google Translate
🔴 Music: I Found an Answer de la Twin Musicom este licențiată în baza unei licențe Creative Commons Attribution 4.0.

Blue Dream - Cheel, Bomber (Sting) - Riot, Communicator - Reed Mathis, Island Dream - Chris Haugen, Moonrise - Reed Mathis, Old Vienna - Endless Love, and Stinson - Reed Mathis from YouTube Audio Library

Romania in imagini, 4K #visitromania #travel #romania

Romania in imagini, Filmare 4K #visitromania #travel
Locuri spectaculoase din România pe care trebuie sa le vizitezi.
Vizitați România!

In filmare apar imagini din următoarele locații: Muntele Ciucaș, Munții Bucegi văzuți din Bușteni, Masivul Cozia și Valea Oltului, Transfăgărășan, Cabana Omu, Vârful Coștila, Crucea Eroilor de pe Caraiman, Sarmisegetuza, Monumentul de la Adamclisi, Sfinxul din Bucegi, Biserica Fortificată Saschiz, Cetatea Feldioara, Cetatea Rupea, Cetatea Râșnov, Castelul Corvinilor, Castelul Peleș, Vulcanul Racoș și Lacul de Smarald, Cheile Zănoagei, Lacul Scropoasa, Lacul Bolboci, Cheile Dobrogei, plus multe alte imagini din Bucegi, Parâng, Piatra Craiului, Vulcanii Noroioși, Transbucegi, Poiana Brasov, Delta Dunării.

Prejmer Fortress: Romania's Hidden Tourist Gem

The Prejmer Fortress that houses the Fortified Church in the town is one of the best preserved fortifications in Europe, but also the oldest historical monument in Brasov. It is among the few that were not crushed by the Communists, but on the contrary. Even Nicolae Ceausescu gave money for its restoration.

The fortress was built in 1211 by the Teutonic Knights, in Gothic style and is listed on the UNESCO World Cultural Heritage List. In order to defend themselves against the Turkish invasions, the inhabitants of the settlement, originally from Saxony, built the walls of the Peasant Fortress in the 15th century.

The fortress has the shape of a circle that surrounds the Evangelical Church, 12 meters high walls and 3-4 meters thick. It was attacked 50 times by the Turks. It is said that the fortress fell once in the hands of the enemies, but only because they had come as friends, and after entering the city they became conquerors. Prejmer Fortress is the only tourist destination in Romania that has received three stars in the Michelin Green Guide for tourism.


🏰Feldioara Fortress - Best Historic Sites to Visit in Brasov🏰#romania #brasov #castles #history

Exploring Feldioara Fortress an historical site surrounded by rural countryside in the Transylvanian region of Brasov in Romania.

For photos and more things to do in this region, visit my blog:

Explore Feldioara Fortress in 360 VR | Discover Romania’s Medieval Heritage

🌍 Step inside the historic Feldioara Fortress with this immersive 360 VR experience! Discover Romania’s medieval heritage and explore one of the most important fortifications in Transylvania. Walk through the restored walls and towers, and uncover the history behind this ancient stronghold. #FeldioaraFortress #Romania360 #MedievalFortress #VRTravel #360Video #ExploreFeldioara #VirtualTourRomania

👉Main page of Feldioara Fortress Tourist info:

📌Feldioara Fortress, Romania
🗓️14 december 2023
☀️🌧️🌈 : ⛅5°C | 41°F 🌡️


🎥Timisoara, Romania -

🎥Sibiu, Romania -

🎥Sighisoara, Romania -

🎥Brasov, Romania -


📀🇷🇴Romania -

📀🇧🇦Bosnia and Herzegovina -

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✅ COPYRIGHT NOTICE: All the videos and pictures on this channel are owned by Tourist Travel Channel. Please do not use our videos without permission.

🌟 Welcome to Feldioara Fortress, a symbol of Romania's medieval past! Our 360 VR tour offers you a unique perspective on this remarkable fortress, located in the heart of Transylvania. Originally built by the Teutonic Knights in the 13th century, Feldioara Fortress played a key role in defending the region. After extensive restoration, this impressive stronghold has regained its former glory, allowing visitors to walk through history.

🏰 Explore the mighty fortifications of Feldioara, where you'll see the reconstructed walls, towers, and the inner courtyard. The fortress stands proudly on a hilltop, offering stunning views of the surrounding landscape. With our 360 VR experience, you'll get a complete view of this incredible landmark from every angle, as if you were actually there.

⛪ Discover the fascinating history of the fortress, from its origins under the Teutonic Knights to its role in defending Transylvania during medieval times. As you wander through the fortress, you'll learn about the strategic importance of Feldioara and how it was used to protect the local community for centuries.

🌲 Enjoy the picturesque scenery of the Romanian countryside, as you explore the fortress's surroundings in 360 VR. The views from the top of the fortress are breathtaking, offering a panoramic glimpse of the rolling hills and green valleys that stretch beyond.

❤️🙏 Thank you for joining us on this 360 VR tour of Feldioara Fortress, Romania. Don’t forget to like, share, and subscribe for more immersive travel videos!

🌟🚶🎥#360Feldioara #FortifiedRomania #MedievalTransylvania #Romania360VR #VRFortressTour #RomanianHeritage #HistoricRomania #ExploreTransylvania #SaxonFortress #360VirtualTour

📌Timeline of visited objectives :👇
00:00 Intro
00:07 Feldioara Fortress

Marienburg Medieval Fortress, Feldioara - Discover Romania

EN: Rising from its own ruins, the Marienburg Fortress stands imposingly at Feldioara, on the banks of the Olt, only 20 km from Brasov, on the road to Sighisoara. Its restoration, carried out between 2013 and 2017, saved the remains of the walls that had survived the last hundreds of years of neglect and restored its 17th century appearance.
Its strategic position, with its view over a vast area, and its natural advantages have made this place attractive since prehistoric times. The plateau on which the fortress stands has revealed archaeological evidence of settlement from the earliest times - Neolithic, Bronze Age, Dacian and Roman, and especially the Middle Ages.
It was also an earth city, probably fortified with palisades, as the Hungarian conquerors found it in the first centuries of the second millennium. So they called it Földvár (earth fortress). The German settlers brought by the Hungarian kings and Teutonic Knights called it 'St Mary's Fortress' - Marienburg. We don't know what it was called before, but the name derived from the Hungarian - Feldioara - was preserved in Romanian.
Follow #TripsPhotoMore

RO: Răsărită din propria ruină, Cetatea Marienburg se ȋnalţă impunătoare la Feldioara, pe malul Oltului, la numai 20 km de Brașov, pe drumul spre Sighișoara. Restaurarea sa, desfășurată ȋn perioada 2013-2017, a salvat resturile de ziduri care supravieţuiseră ultimelor sute de ani de părăsire și i-a redat ȋnfăţișarea avută ȋn secolul al XVII-lea.
Poziţia strategică, cu vizibilitate asupra unui ţinut ȋntins, și avantajele naturale au făcut acest loc atractiv din preistorie. Platoul pe care se ȋnalţă cetatea a dezvăluit ȋn decursul cercetărilor arheologice vestigii de locuire din cele mai vechi timpuri – neolitic, epoca bronzului, perioada dacică și cea romană, dar mai ales Evul Mediu.
Mai ȋntȃi a fost o cetate de pămȃnt, ȋntărită probabil cu palisade, așa cum au găsit­-o cuceritorii unguri ȋn primele secole ale mileniului al doilea. Așa au denumit-o: “Földvár” (cetate de pamant). Coloniștii germani aduși de regii Ungariei și Cavalerii Teutoni i-au spus “Cetatea Sfintei Maria” – Marienburg. Nu se știe cum se chema ȋnainte, dar ȋn limba romȃnă s-a păstrat denumirea derivată din maghiară – Feldioara.
Urmărește #TripsPhotoMore

Explore Feldioara Citadel in 100 Seconds | Romania's Medieval Stronghold

🌍 Discover the rich history of Feldioara Citadel in just 100 seconds! Located in Transylvania, Romania, this medieval fortress has been beautifully restored, offering a glimpse into the region's historic past. #FeldioaraCitadel #100SecondsVideo #ExploreFeldioara #RomaniaTravel #MedievalFortress #RomanianHistory #CulturalHeritage

👉Main page of Tourist Info Feldioara Citadel:

📌Feldioara Citadel, Romania
🗓️14 december 2023
☀️🌧️🌈 : ⛅8°C | 46.4°F 🌡️


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🔷Sighisoara, Romania. A Tapestry of Medieval Marvels and Transylvanian Charm.

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✅ COPYRIGHT NOTICE: All the videos and pictures on this channel are owned by 100 Seconds Video. Please do not use our videos without permission.


🏰 Feldioara Citadel, one of Transylvania’s most iconic medieval strongholds, is perched on a hilltop in Brașov County. Originally built by the Teutonic Knights in the 13th century, the citadel played a key role in the defense of the region during medieval times. After centuries of decay, Feldioara has been meticulously restored, allowing visitors to step back in time and experience Romania's medieval past.

🔭 As you walk through the fortress, you'll discover restored towers, bastions, and inner courtyards that showcase the architectural brilliance of the time. Feldioara Citadel not only offers a historical experience but also breathtaking views of the surrounding landscape, making it a must-visit for history enthusiasts and travelers alike.

🛡️ The citadel’s museum displays artifacts and exhibits that provide insights into the lives of the people who once defended this fortress. Visitors can explore the fortress walls, admire the medieval architecture, and learn about its significance in Romania’s history.

❤️ Join us for 100 seconds to explore Feldioara Citadel—Romania's restored medieval gem that brings history to life.

❤️🙏 Like, share, and subscribe to our channel to explore more incredible destinations in 100 seconds! Stay tuned for quick and immersive travel videos that capture the essence of the world's most exciting locations.

🌟🚶🎥#FeldioaraFortress #ExploreRomania #MedievalTransylvania #FeldioaraLandmarks #TransylvaniaHistory #RomanianHeritage #100SecondsAdventure #HistoricRomania

📌Timeline of visited objectives :👇
00:00 Intro
00:10 Feldioara Citadel

Explore Feldioara Fortress in 360 VR | Discover Romania’s Medieval Heritage

🌍 Step inside the historic Feldioara Fortress with this immersive 360 VR experience! Discover Romania’s medieval heritage and explore one of the most important fortifications in Transylvania. Walk through the restored walls and towers, and uncover the history behind this ancient stronghold. #FeldioaraFortress #Romania360 #MedievalFortress #VRTravel #360Video #ExploreFeldioara #VirtualTourRomania

👉Main page of Feldioara Fortress Tourist info:

📌Feldioara Fortress, Romania
🗓️14 december 2023
☀️🌧️🌈 : ⛅5°C | 41°F 🌡️


🎥Timisoara, Romania -

🎥Sibiu, Romania -

🎥Sighisoara, Romania -

🎥Brasov, Romania -


📀🇷🇴Romania -

📀🇧🇦Bosnia and Herzegovina -

❤️ Thank you for watching! Don’t forget to like, comment, and subscribe, and hit the bell 🔔 to stay updated with our latest adventures!

💞 S U B S C R I B E to be part of our growing travel community!

✅ COPYRIGHT NOTICE: All the videos and pictures on this channel are owned by Tourist Travel Channel. Please do not use our videos without permission.

🌟 Welcome to Feldioara Fortress, a symbol of Romania's medieval past! Our 360 VR tour offers you a unique perspective on this remarkable fortress, located in the heart of Transylvania. Originally built by the Teutonic Knights in the 13th century, Feldioara Fortress played a key role in defending the region. After extensive restoration, this impressive stronghold has regained its former glory, allowing visitors to walk through history.

🏰 Explore the mighty fortifications of Feldioara, where you'll see the reconstructed walls, towers, and the inner courtyard. The fortress stands proudly on a hilltop, offering stunning views of the surrounding landscape. With our 360 VR experience, you'll get a complete view of this incredible landmark from every angle, as if you were actually there.

⛪ Discover the fascinating history of the fortress, from its origins under the Teutonic Knights to its role in defending Transylvania during medieval times. As you wander through the fortress, you'll learn about the strategic importance of Feldioara and how it was used to protect the local community for centuries.

🌲 Enjoy the picturesque scenery of the Romanian countryside, as you explore the fortress's surroundings in 360 VR. The views from the top of the fortress are breathtaking, offering a panoramic glimpse of the rolling hills and green valleys that stretch beyond.

❤️🙏 Thank you for joining us on this 360 VR tour of Feldioara Fortress, Romania. Don’t forget to like, share, and subscribe for more immersive travel videos!

🌟🚶🎥#360Feldioara #FortifiedRomania #MedievalTransylvania #Romania360VR #VRFortressTour #RomanianHeritage #HistoricRomania #ExploreTransylvania #SaxonFortress #360VirtualTour

📌Timeline of visited objectives :👇
00:00 Intro
00:07 Feldioara Fortress

Cetatea Marienburg - Feldioara!

Detalii și poze:

Răsărită din propria ruină, Cetatea Marienburg se înalță impunătoare la Feldioara, pe malul Oltului, la numai 20 de km de Brașov, pe drumul spre Sighișoara.

Abonează-te la canal: 👉🏽
Mulțumesc pentru vizionare.

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✅ Playlist Turcia, tură în 2021!:

✅ Playlist Grecia: 30 de zile plus una:

✅ Playlist Turcia în 21 de zile, 2018:

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✅ Playlist Despre Suzuki Hayabusa:

Legea 8, articolul 35:
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Romania in imagini, Cetatea Feldioara, județul Brasov #shorts #visitromania

Romania in imagini, Cetatea Feldioara, județul Brasov #shorts #visitromania
Cetatea Feldioara se află în satul de reședință al comunei cu același nume din județul Brașov, Transilvania, România.
Face parte din regiunea istorică Țara Bârsei, aflându-se la cca. 500 m deasupra nivelului mării.
Cetatea a fost construită in sec.XIII de către cavalerii teutoni.
Cetatea a fost reabilitată între anii 2013-2017.
Săpăturile arheologice făcute au scos la iveală artefacte care sunt mult mai vechi decât atestarea documentară a localității.

Vizitați România!

Explore Feldioara Fortress in 360 VR | Discover Romania’s Medieval Heritage

🌍 Step inside the historic Feldioara Fortress with this immersive 360 VR experience! Discover Romania’s medieval heritage and explore one of the most important fortifications in Transylvania. Walk through the restored walls and towers, and uncover the history behind this ancient stronghold. #FeldioaraFortress #Romania360 #MedievalFortress #VRTravel #360Video #ExploreFeldioara #VirtualTourRomania

👉Main page of Feldioara Fortress Tourist info:

📌Feldioara Fortress, Romania
🗓️14 december 2023
☀️🌧️🌈 : ⛅5°C | 41°F 🌡️


🎥Timisoara, Romania -

🎥Sibiu, Romania -

🎥Sighisoara, Romania -

🎥Brasov, Romania -


📀🇷🇴Romania -

📀🇧🇦Bosnia and Herzegovina -

❤️ Thank you for watching! Don’t forget to like, comment, and subscribe, and hit the bell 🔔 to stay updated with our latest adventures!

💞 S U B S C R I B E to be part of our growing travel community!

✅ COPYRIGHT NOTICE: All the videos and pictures on this channel are owned by Tourist Travel Channel. Please do not use our videos without permission.

🌟 Welcome to Feldioara Fortress, a symbol of Romania's medieval past! Our 360 VR tour offers you a unique perspective on this remarkable fortress, located in the heart of Transylvania. Originally built by the Teutonic Knights in the 13th century, Feldioara Fortress played a key role in defending the region. After extensive restoration, this impressive stronghold has regained its former glory, allowing visitors to walk through history.

🏰 Explore the mighty fortifications of Feldioara, where you'll see the reconstructed walls, towers, and the inner courtyard. The fortress stands proudly on a hilltop, offering stunning views of the surrounding landscape. With our 360 VR experience, you'll get a complete view of this incredible landmark from every angle, as if you were actually there.

⛪ Discover the fascinating history of the fortress, from its origins under the Teutonic Knights to its role in defending Transylvania during medieval times. As you wander through the fortress, you'll learn about the strategic importance of Feldioara and how it was used to protect the local community for centuries.

🌲 Enjoy the picturesque scenery of the Romanian countryside, as you explore the fortress's surroundings in 360 VR. The views from the top of the fortress are breathtaking, offering a panoramic glimpse of the rolling hills and green valleys that stretch beyond.

❤️🙏 Thank you for joining us on this 360 VR tour of Feldioara Fortress, Romania. Don’t forget to like, share, and subscribe for more immersive travel videos!

🌟🚶🎥#360Feldioara #FortifiedRomania #MedievalTransylvania #Romania360VR #VRFortressTour #RomanianHeritage #HistoricRomania #ExploreTransylvania #SaxonFortress #360VirtualTour

📌Timeline of visited objectives :👇
00:00 Intro
00:07 Feldioara Fortress

Explore Feldioara Fortress in 360 VR | Discover Romania’s Medieval Heritage

🌍 Step inside the historic Feldioara Fortress with this immersive 360 VR experience! Discover Romania’s medieval heritage and explore one of the most important fortifications in Transylvania. Walk through the restored walls and towers, and uncover the history behind this ancient stronghold. #FeldioaraFortress #Romania360 #MedievalFortress #VRTravel #360Video #ExploreFeldioara #VirtualTourRomania

👉Main page of Feldioara Fortress Tourist info:

📌Feldioara Fortress, Romania
🗓️14 december 2023
☀️🌧️🌈 : ⛅5°C | 41°F 🌡️


🎥Timisoara, Romania -

🎥Sibiu, Romania -

🎥Sighisoara, Romania -

🎥Brasov, Romania -


📀🇷🇴Romania -

📀🇧🇦Bosnia and Herzegovina -

❤️ Thank you for watching! Don’t forget to like, comment, and subscribe, and hit the bell 🔔 to stay updated with our latest adventures!

💞 S U B S C R I B E to be part of our growing travel community!

✅ COPYRIGHT NOTICE: All the videos and pictures on this channel are owned by Tourist Travel Channel. Please do not use our videos without permission.

🌟 Welcome to Feldioara Fortress, a symbol of Romania's medieval past! Our 360 VR tour offers you a unique perspective on this remarkable fortress, located in the heart of Transylvania. Originally built by the Teutonic Knights in the 13th century, Feldioara Fortress played a key role in defending the region. After extensive restoration, this impressive stronghold has regained its former glory, allowing visitors to walk through history.

🏰 Explore the mighty fortifications of Feldioara, where you'll see the reconstructed walls, towers, and the inner courtyard. The fortress stands proudly on a hilltop, offering stunning views of the surrounding landscape. With our 360 VR experience, you'll get a complete view of this incredible landmark from every angle, as if you were actually there.

⛪ Discover the fascinating history of the fortress, from its origins under the Teutonic Knights to its role in defending Transylvania during medieval times. As you wander through the fortress, you'll learn about the strategic importance of Feldioara and how it was used to protect the local community for centuries.

🌲 Enjoy the picturesque scenery of the Romanian countryside, as you explore the fortress's surroundings in 360 VR. The views from the top of the fortress are breathtaking, offering a panoramic glimpse of the rolling hills and green valleys that stretch beyond.

❤️🙏 Thank you for joining us on this 360 VR tour of Feldioara Fortress, Romania. Don’t forget to like, share, and subscribe for more immersive travel videos!

🌟🚶🎥#360Feldioara #FortifiedRomania #MedievalTransylvania #Romania360VR #VRFortressTour #RomanianHeritage #HistoricRomania #ExploreTransylvania #SaxonFortress #360VirtualTour

📌Timeline of visited objectives :👇
00:00 Intro
00:07 Feldioara Fortress

Explore Feldioara Fortress in 360 VR | Discover Romania’s Medieval Heritage

🌍 Step inside the historic Feldioara Fortress with this immersive 360 VR experience! Discover Romania’s medieval heritage and explore one of the most important fortifications in Transylvania. Walk through the restored walls and towers, and uncover the history behind this ancient stronghold. #FeldioaraFortress #Romania360 #MedievalFortress #VRTravel #360Video #ExploreFeldioara #VirtualTourRomania

👉Main page of Feldioara Fortress Tourist info:

📌Feldioara Fortress, Romania
🗓️14 december 2023
☀️🌧️🌈 : ⛅5°C | 41°F 🌡️


🎥Timisoara, Romania -

🎥Sibiu, Romania -

🎥Sighisoara, Romania -

🎥Brasov, Romania -


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🌟 Welcome to Feldioara Fortress, a symbol of Romania's medieval past! Our 360 VR tour offers you a unique perspective on this remarkable fortress, located in the heart of Transylvania. Originally built by the Teutonic Knights in the 13th century, Feldioara Fortress played a key role in defending the region. After extensive restoration, this impressive stronghold has regained its former glory, allowing visitors to walk through history.

🏰 Explore the mighty fortifications of Feldioara, where you'll see the reconstructed walls, towers, and the inner courtyard. The fortress stands proudly on a hilltop, offering stunning views of the surrounding landscape. With our 360 VR experience, you'll get a complete view of this incredible landmark from every angle, as if you were actually there.

⛪ Discover the fascinating history of the fortress, from its origins under the Teutonic Knights to its role in defending Transylvania during medieval times. As you wander through the fortress, you'll learn about the strategic importance of Feldioara and how it was used to protect the local community for centuries.

🌲 Enjoy the picturesque scenery of the Romanian countryside, as you explore the fortress's surroundings in 360 VR. The views from the top of the fortress are breathtaking, offering a panoramic glimpse of the rolling hills and green valleys that stretch beyond.

❤️🙏 Thank you for joining us on this 360 VR tour of Feldioara Fortress, Romania. Don’t forget to like, share, and subscribe for more immersive travel videos!

🌟🚶🎥#360Feldioara #FortifiedRomania #MedievalTransylvania #Romania360VR #VRFortressTour #RomanianHeritage #HistoricRomania #ExploreTransylvania #SaxonFortress #360VirtualTour

📌Timeline of visited objectives :👇
00:00 Intro
00:07 Feldioara Fortress

Cetatea Feldioara (Marienburg) – parte din Comorile Transilvaniei

Cetatea Feldioara este monument istoric naţional, fiind printre cele mai importante fortificaţii medievale săseşti din Transilvania de Sud. A fost construită în secolul XIII, fiind cea mai importantă fortificație ridicată de cavalerii teutoni în Transilvania – Țara Bârsei.

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Cetatea Fagaras din Judetul Brasov, Muzeul Tarii Fagarasului

Cetatea Feldioara - Drona 4K

Cetatea din Feldioara, județul Brașov, a fost construită în secolul XIII, fiind cea mai importantă fortificație ridicată de cavalerii teutoni în Transilvania.

Top 7 Attractions in Transylvania

is home to some of Europe's best-preserved medieval towns, most notably Brasov, featuring Old Saxon architecture and citadel ruins; Sibiu with its cobblestone streets and pastel-colored houses, and Sighisoara, adorned with a hilltop citadel, secret passageways and a 14th century clock tower. Tiny shops offer antiques and fine hand-made products by local artisans and artists.

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Bran Castle

Surrounded by an aura of mystery and legend and perched high atop a 200-foot-high rock, Bran Castle owes its fame to its imposing towers and turrets as well as to the myth created around Bram Stocker's Dracula.

Built on the site of a Teutonic Knights stronghold dating from 1212, Bran castle was first documented in an act issued on November 19, 1377, giving the Saxons of Kronstadt (Brasov) the privilege to build the Citadel.


ringed by the peaks of the Southern Carpathian Mountains and resplendent with gothic, baroque and renaissance architecture, as well as a wealth of historical attractions, Brasov is one of the most visited places in Romania.

Brasov Downtown Founded by the Teutonic Knights in 1211 on an ancient Dacian site and settled by the Saxons as one of the seven walled citadels*, Brasov exudes a distinct medieval ambiance and has been used as backdrop in many recent period films.


Sibiu (Hermannstadt in German) was the largest and wealthiest of the seven walled citadels* built in the 12th century by German settlers known as Transylvanian Saxons. The riches amassed by its guilds paid for the construction of both impressive buildings and the fortifications required to protect them.

Sibiu's Old Town retains the grandeur of its earlier days when rich and powerful guilds dominated regional trade. Like Sighisoara and Brasov, it has a distinctly Germanic feeling. Sections of the medieval wall still guard the historic area, where narrow streets pass steep-roofed 17th century buildings with gable overhangs before opening into vast, church-dominated squares such as Great Square and Little Square.

Peles Castle

Nestled at the foot of the Bucegi Mountains in the picturesque town of Sinaia, Peles Castle is a masterpiece of German new-Renaissance architecture, considered by many one of the most stunning castles in Europe.

Commissioned by King Carol I in 1873 and completed in 1883, the castle served as the summer residence of the royal family until 1947. Its 160 rooms are adorned with the finest examples of European art, Murano crystal chandeliers, German stained-glass windows and Cordoba leather-covered walls.

Corvin Castle

The most spectacular Gothic-style castle in Romania, Corvin was built by the Anjou family on the site of a former Roman camp. The castle served as a fortress until the mid-14th century when it became the residence of Transylvania's voivode, Iancu de Hunedoara (Ioannes Corvinus in Latin, Hunyadi in Hungarian).
Iancu upgraded the fortress transforming it into a stunning Transylvania castle.

The castle's courtyard features a 100-ft. well dug into stone, in the 15th Century.
Legend says that the wheel was dug by three Turkish prisoners who were promised freedom when job was done.
It took them 15 years and 28 days to reach water.


The origins of Sighisoara city go back to the Roman times.
During the First Century AD, the Dacians (ancient inhabitants of the territory of modern Romania which eventually will develop into the Romanian people), built a fortification called Sandava.
Under the Roman administration it was known as Castrum Stenarum.
During the 12th century, the Transylvanian Saxons built a new citadel which was named Schäßburg.
Designated as a World Heritage Site by UNESCO, this perfectly intact 16th century gem with nine towers, cobbled streets, burgher houses and ornate churches rivals the historic streets of Old Prague or Vienna for atmospheric magic. It is also the birthplace of Vlad Dracula, also known as Vlad Tepes (Vlad the Impaler), ruler of the province of Walachia from 1456 to 1462..

Turda Salt Mine

A real museum of salt mining in Transylvania
The Turda Salt Mine is now a veritable history museum of salt mining. The excellent state of preservation of mining and machinery used to transport salt, together with the cautious work carried out for prepararing the mine to become a tourist attraction, have made history and legend meet harmoniously here. The increasing number of tourists arriving from distant geographical areas to visit the mine are a confirmation of interest and historical value.

4460ft altitude Village - Fundata Brasov Transylvania Romania

Fundata is a magical place in Brașov County, Romania, in the historic region of Transylvania.
It's a very close drive to other touristic destinations like Bran Castle and Brasov, The Bear Sanctuary in Zarnesti, Poiana Brasov. Fundata commune is composed of three villages: Fundata, Fundățica and Șirnea. The place offers panoramas for the Piatra Craiului Mountains and Bucegi Mountains.
Fundata's altitude of 1,360 m (4,460 ft) makes it the highest village in Romania which air and water are the purest in the country. Șirnea was first attested in 1729, and Fundata in 1732.
A traditional lifestyle of herding sheep and cows is preserved, augmented by agrotourism. Aside from the mountainous scenery, attractions in Fundata include a wooden Romanian Orthodox church (1830) and one of stone (1939–1943); in Șirnea, there is a church from 1893–1894 as well as an ethnographic museum. There is an annual festival held around July 20, feast of the prophet Elijah, called Nedeia Munților (Mountain Celebration). Originally a feast of two countries (Transylvania and Wallachia), it was revived in 1969, and features folklore displays as well as local cheeses and meats.
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[4k] 360video Virtual Reality Drone Video. Feldioara Fortress, Brasov, Romania.

#Feldioara #Romania #DroneVideo #DroneFootage #AerialView #DronePhotography #DroneLife

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Nestled in the picturesque region of Brasov, Romania, the enchanting Feldioara Fortress stands as a testament to the country's rich medieval history. With a history dating back to the 13th century, this fortress has witnessed centuries of cultural shifts, wars, and architectural evolution.

Historical Tapestry:
Built in 1225 by the Teutonic Knights, the fortress served as a key defensive structure against invaders, playing a crucial role in safeguarding the region. Over the centuries, it underwent various modifications, reflecting the diverse influences that shaped Transylvania.

Architectural Marvel:
The fortress showcases a unique blend of architectural styles, harmonizing elements from Gothic, Renaissance, and Baroque periods. Its sturdy stone walls, imposing towers, and intricate details transport visitors to a bygone era, offering a glimpse of medieval life.

Strategic Location:
Perched atop a hill, Feldioara Fortress boasts a strategic vantage point, providing panoramic views of the surrounding landscapes. This elevated position underscores its military significance and highlights the foresight of its builders.

Cultural Heritage:
Immerse yourself in the cultural tapestry of Feldioara as you explore the fortress's interior. Discover well-preserved chambers, halls adorned with medieval artifacts, and exhibitions that narrate the stories of the knights who once called this fortress home.

Visitors' Experience:
Today, Feldioara Fortress welcomes visitors from around the world, inviting them to step back in time. Whether wandering through the courtyards, ascending towers, or participating in guided tours, every corner holds a piece of Romania's medieval narrative.

Surrounding Beauty:
Beyond its historic walls, the fortress is surrounded by breathtaking landscapes. The tranquil ambiance and scenic vistas create a perfect backdrop for those seeking both cultural enrichment and natural beauty.

Preserving the Past:
Efforts to preserve and restore Feldioara Fortress are ongoing, ensuring that future generations can continue to marvel at its architectural grandeur and connect with Romania's captivating history.

In conclusion, Feldioara Fortress stands as an enduring symbol of Romania's medieval legacy. Its walls echo with tales of valor, culture, and resilience, inviting modern-day explorers to embark on a journey through time.

Embark on a captivating adventure and witness the timeless allure of Feldioara Fortress – where history comes to life.

Uncover the Mysteries, Explore the Heritage.

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