قوائم - قائمة (10) اجمل قرى فرنسا
قوائم - قائمة (10) اجمل قرى فرنسا
1 كولمار
2 اغویسهایم
3 تروا
4 روشفور
5 شاموني
6 شناز
7 كايزرسبرغ
8 غورد
9 إيز
10 بيناك
We Tried 10 of the Best French Breakfast Pastries in Paris
Discover 10 of the best breakfast pastries (viennoiseries) to try during your visit to Paris.
GET YOUR OWN Paris Travel Guide 👉
⚡️ Video Notes ⚡️
1️⃣ Paris Travel Guides
📍 Boulangerie Carton (Gare du Nord)
📍 Ernest & Valentin (Le Marais)
📍 Tout Autour du Pain (Le Marais)
📍 La Petite Alsacienne (Montparnasse)
📍 Maison d'Isabelle (Latin Quarter)
👉 Hire a PRIVATE Guide + Private Driver 🔥 (Recommended)
👍 WATCH: 9 Best Areas & Places to Stay in Paris
👍 WATCH: How To Use the Paris Metro (2021 UPDATE) + RER & Best Apps
👍 WATCH: Train from Paris Airport (CDG) to Paris Center [RER B]
After 32 years in the US, the Duponts moved to France where Antoine was born. Antoine is rediscovering his homeland and sharing it with his American wife Colleen. With the help of his brother Vincent, a renowned Restaurateur (and food snob).
They are on a quest to find the best France has to offer.
There are over 35,000 villages in France, all with their own history, culture, and food. We are on a journey to discover as many of them as we can together. Let’s go.
🥖🍷 Food & Vines. 🎭 🏰 Culture & History. 🎨 🌳 Art & Nature.
For Questions & Personal Inquiries:
For Business Inquiries ONLY: lesfrenchiestravel@gmail.com
As you can imagine, we're on the go most of the time. So it may take us a little bit of time to get back to you and respond. Just be patient, we're doing our best to get back to everybody 😁
==== CREDITS ====
🎬 Credits:
(in order of appearance)
Antoine Dupont - Marketing, Public Speaker & filmmaker newbie
Colleen Dupont - Branding, Identity Coach & cooking enthusiast
Filmed with a Canon 70D & Samsung Galaxy S21FE
⚖️ All clips are used for fair use commentary, criticism, and educational purposes. See Hosseinzadeh v. Klein, 276 F.Supp.3d 34 (S.D.N.Y. 2017); Equals Three, LLC v. Jukin Media, Inc., 139 F. Supp. 3d 1094 (C.D. Cal. 2015). Almost all, if not 100% of the clips are sourced via an active royalty-free license agreement with Storyblocks. (
In compliance with the FTC guidelines, please understand the following about some of the links in the description :
📌 A few links on our channel's description are affiliate links from which we receive a small commission from sales of certain items, but the price is the same for you.
📌 If we post an affiliate link to a product or service, it is something that we personally use, support, and would recommend even without an affiliate link.
📌 Our first priority is always providing valuable information and resources to help you create positive experiences during your visit to France, and we will only ever link to products or resources (affiliate or otherwise) that fit within this purpose.
📌 We do not accept money from vendors to showcase their products or services. Often time, we pay for them out of pocket.
📌 Finally, the small commission we earn helps us create more videos like the one you watched.
© 2022 Les Frenchies Travel. All rights reserved.
خريطة فرنسا
صباح الخير يا اصدقائي. إنها خريطة فرنسا الجميلة. تقع الغالبية العظمى من أراضي فرنسا وسكانها في أوروبا الغربية ويشار إليها باسم فرنسا الحضرية ، لتمييزها عن سياسات البلاد المختلفة في الخارج. يحدها بحر الشمال من الشمال والقناة الإنجليزية من الشمال الغربي والمحيط الأطلسي من الغرب والبحر الأبيض المتوسط من الجنوب الشرقي. وتتألف حدودها البرية من بلجيكا ولوكسمبورغ من الشمال الشرقي وألمانيا وسويسرا من الشرق وإيطاليا وموناكو من الجنوب الشرقي وأندورا وإسبانيا من الجنوب والجنوب الغربي. باستثناء الشمال الشرقي ، فإن معظم حدود فرنسا البرية مرسومة تقريبًا بالحدود الطبيعية والمعالم الجغرافية: إلى الجنوب والجنوب الشرقي ، على التوالي ، جبال البرانس وجبال الألب والجورا ، وإلى الشرق ، نهر الراين. بسبب شكلها ، غالبًا ما يشار إلى فرنسا باسم l'Hexagone (السداسي). تضم متروبوليتان فرنسا العديد من الجزر الساحلية ، وأكبرها جزيرة كورسيكا. تقع متروبوليتان فرنسا بشكل أساسي بين خطي عرض 41 درجة و 51 درجة شمالاً وخطي طول 6 درجات غرباً و 10 درجات شرقاً ، عند الحد الغربي لأوروبا ، وبالتالي فهي تقع في المنطقة المعتدلة الشمالية. يغطي الجزء القاري منها حوالي 1000 كم من الشمال إلى الجنوب ومن الشرق إلى الغرب. معذرة. يرجى التعليق إذا كنت تحب فرنسا. استمر.
يوجد في فرنسا العديد من المناطق الخارجية حول العالم ، والتي يتم تنظيمها على النحو التالي:
خمسة منهم لديهم نفس الوضع تمامًا مثل المناطق والأقسام الحضرية:
غيانا الفرنسية في أمريكا الجنوبية ؛
جوادلوب في منطقة البحر الكاريبي ؛
مارتينيك في منطقة البحر الكاريبي ؛
مايوت في المحيط الهندي ، قبالة سواحل شرق إفريقيا ؛
ريونيون في المحيط الهندي ، قبالة شرق إفريقيا.
تسعة منهم يتمتعون بوضع قانوني خاص متميز عن المناطق والإدارات الحضرية:
في المحيط الأطلسي: سان بيير وميكلون ، وفي جزر الهند الغربية: سانت مارتن وسانت بارتليمي.
في المحيط الهادئ: بولينيزيا الفرنسية ، التجمع الخاص لكاليدونيا الجديدة ، واليس وفوتونا وجزيرة كليبرتون.
في المحيط الهندي: جزر كيرغولين وجزر كروزيت وجزر سان بول وأمستردام والجزر المتناثرة في المحيط الهندي
في أنتاركتيكا: أديلي لاند.
تمتلك فرنسا حدودًا برية مع البرازيل وسورينام عبر غيانا الفرنسية ومع مملكة هولندا عبر الجزء الفرنسي من سانت مارتن.
تغطي متروبوليتان فرنسا 551،500 كيلومتر مربع ، وهي الأكبر بين أعضاء الاتحاد الأوروبي. تبلغ المساحة الإجمالية لفرنسا ، مع إداراتها وأقاليمها فيما وراء البحار (باستثناء Terre Adélie) ، 643801 كيلومتر مربع ، أو 0.45٪ من إجمالي مساحة الأرض على الأرض. تمتلك فرنسا مجموعة متنوعة من المناظر الطبيعية ، من السهول الساحلية في الشمال والغرب إلى سلاسل جبال الألب في الجنوب الشرقي ، و Massif Central في وسط الجنوب وجبال البرانس في الجنوب الغربي. هذا كل شيئ. شكرا على الاستماع. يرجى الاشتراك للحصول على أفضل الخرائط ومن أجل حب فرنسا. إلى اللقاء.
Gassin France - A Relaxing French Village Tour in Provence France 4k video
On this relaxing French village tour, we are stepping into the enchanting world of Gassin France, a medieval village perched high in the hills of Provence. This village tour, captured in stunning 4k video, invites you to feel calm and experience the tranquil beauty and timeless charm of one of France’s most beautiful villages - Les Plus Beaux Villages de France, with us.
As we wander through the narrow cobblestone streets, of Gassin France together, you'll be treated to breathtaking views of the vineyards and countryside, all the way to the Gulf of Saint-Tropez and the Îles d'Or. We'll discover the quaint art galleries, charming boutiques, and architectural wonders that tell us tales, of the rich history of one of the oldest villages in France. Squeeze through the world's narrowest street and visit a remarkable garden with us!
Are you seeking a peace and relaxation? This video invites you to escape to the serene ambience of the French Riviera without leaving your home. Imagine the delicate scent of beautiful flowers and enjoy viewing the historic buildings. Relax and unwind to the ambient sounds that capture the essence of French village life and it's countryside. Every moment of this walking tour is designed to soothe your mind, inspire your imagination and fuel your wanderlust for the most beautiful places of the world.
Remember to LIKE, SUBSCRIBE, AND CLICK THE BELL 🔔 icon so you never miss an opportunity to travel with us from the comfort of your home or workplace.
Join us on this exquisite journey to see why Gassin Provence deserves a place on your France travel destinations wish list. Experience the allure of the beautiful French Riviera and the tranquil charm of a relaxing French village tour with Walking Tours and Road Trips.
🏛️ Tourist information:
🗺️ Google Maps Link:
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🇫🇷 Enjoy our France Walking Tours Playlist 🇫🇷 including the villages of Ramatuelle and Grimaud:
Filmed in high quality 4K with immersive binaural audio, our videos can transport you somewhere new and help you to feel relaxed. Turn on optional [CC] captions for additional information. We recommend wearing 🎧 headphones to listen to the relaxing sounds of nature or the fascinating hustle or bustle of life.
Chapter Markers
00:00 Gassin a relaxing french village tour
00:54 Gassin village walk
02:38 Views of Saint-Tropez
05:36 Gassin a Plus Beaux Villages de France
06:19 Jean Luc Ducreux sculptures
06:47 Ramparts built 13th and 14th centuries
07:32 Gassin oldest village in the South of France 1234
08:17 Place Dei Barri
10:06 L’Hardy-Denonain private gardens Gassin
19:10 Mediterranean mammoth bones
23:04 Gassin hiking and mountain biking trails
24:57 Gassin best new town in Europe Francois Spoerry
28:23 David Ginola born in Gassin
29:56 Puits Neuf traditional Provençal wells
33:28 Mairie de Gassin built in 1584
36:33 Rue de la Tasco charming interior courtyards
37:41 La Porte des Sarrazins Gassin
39:41 Notre-Dame-de-l’Assomption 16th century
40:51 Le Don du Rosaire by Coriolanus Malagavazzo 1587
46:02 Bus us a coffee scan QR code
46:34 Rue Longue
53:49 l’Androuno narrowest street in the world
57:05 Gassin delicious scent of Jasmine
58:52 Subscribe scan QR code
59:27 Is Gassin worth visiting? Video summary
About Us -
We are Michelle and Charlie and after experiencing life changing injuries, permanent and severe chronic pain and depression, we took a 'leap of faith' and now travel, creating beautiful videos for curious explorers to help inspire, inform and entertain our followers. Join us on our walks and road trips, let's explore the world together, all from the comfort of your own home.
*All of the audio-video material on this channel is copyright protected. No part of this video may be used for personal or private use without written permission from Walking Tours and Road Trips. We will not remove a copyright strike once it has been issued.
Note: Some of the above may be affiliate links, which means when you buy something we may receive a small commission. There is no additional charge to you, and it really helps to support this channel - so thank you! :)
France by Autoroute - A26 Cambrai - A2 Junction for Paris and Valenciennes
In this video we are northbound on the A2 towards Calais passing the A2 junction near Cambrai
MIN⌘002 LOIRE 2013 (J01)
Samedi 06 avril 2013, Trajet Aller vers les Châteaux de la Loire - MIN⌘002 (J1). Téléchargement du roadbook : Ce roadbook traverse, ne fût-ce qu'un peu, les communes suivantes : Le Roeulx, Thieu, Ville-sur-Haine, Mons, Ghlin, Quaregnon, Ville-Pommeroeul, Hensies, Trith-Saint-Léger, Douchy-les-Mines, Neuville-sur-Escaut, Hordain, Estrun, Paillencourt, Bantigny, Abancourt, Epinoy, Sauchy-Lestrée, Marquion, Sains-lès-Marquion, Inchy-en-Artois, Moeuvres, Boursies, Hermies, Bertincourt, Bus, Mesnil-en-Arrouaise, Sailly-Saillisel, Combles, Maurepas, Hem-Monacu, Herbécourt, Estrées-Deniécourt, Vermandovillers, Lihons, Méharicourt, Rouvroy-en-Santerre, Bouchoir, Guerbigny, Etelfay, Le Pompidou, Montdidier, Crèvecoeur-le-Petit, Brunvillers-la-Motte, Le Plessier-sur-Saint-Just, Saint-Just-en-Chaussée, Fournival, Etouy, Litz, La Neuville-en-Hez, Thury-sous-Clermont, Hondainville, Saint-Félix, Heilles, Mouchy-le-Châtel, Cauvigny, Sainte-Geneviève, Mortefontaine-en-Thelle, Andeville, Esches, Amblainville, Vallangoujard, Epiais-Rhus, Grisy-les-Plâtres, Bréançon, Marines, Ableiges, Us, Sagy, Meulan, Hardricourt, Gaillon-sur-Montcient, Brueil-en-Vexin, Sailly, Fontenay-Saint-Père, Limay, Mantes-la-Jolie, Mantes-la-Ville, Richebourg, Maulette, Houdan, Boutigny-Prouais, Faverolles, Coulombs, Villiers-le-Morhier, Pierres, Maintenon, Saint-Piat, Saint-Prest, Gasville-Oisème, Champhol, Chartres, Le Coudray, Dammarie, Le Gault-Saint-Denis, Nottonville, Civry, Saint-Cloud-en-Dunois, Villampuy, Ozoir-le-Breuil, Prénouvellon, Ouzouer-le-Marché, Villermain, Lorges, Josnes, Séris, Mer, Muides-sur-Loire, Chambord, Vineuil, Saint-Gervais-la-Forêt, Cellettes, Chitenay, Fougères-sur-Bièvre, Sambin, Montrichard, Chenonceaux, Civray-de-Touraine, La Croix-en-Touraine, Saint-Martin-le-Beau, Montlouis-sur-Loire, La Ville-aux-Dames.
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©️ Rando-Moto.be - RandoMoto.be
What to do in the 10th arrondissement of Paris [rue du Faubourg Saint-Denis]
We spent a day in the 10th arrondissement. Here’s what we found.
This video shows a walk along rue du Faubourg Saint-Denis. The audio is an Earful Tower podcast episode from the Paris Countdown season, where hosts Oliver and Lina spent 24 hours in each Paris arrondissement.
This season's sponsor @LivTours offers more than 30 tours and experiences in and around Paris. Their tour groups are small – max 6 people – or private and their guides are top-rated. They cover everything from the Pere Lachaise Cemetery to food tours of the Marais, but even day trips to Versailles, Giverny, and Champagne.
Find out more about LivTours’ Parisian offerings here:
See the LivTours family-oriented tours here:
Also, they offer hundreds more tours throughout Europe so if you're headed over any time soon, check them out at
Mentioned in this episode:
Bouillon Julien @bouillinjulienparis
Address: 16 Rue du Faubourg Saint-Denis, 75010
Holybelly @holybellycafe
Address: 5 Rue Lucien Sampaix, 75010
Du Pain et des Idées @dupainetdesidees
Address: 34 Rue Yves Toudic, 75010
Sain Boulangerie @sain_boulangerie
Address: 15 Rue Marie et Louise, 75010
DonAntónia Pastelaria @donantonia_pastelaria
Address: 8 Rue de la Grange aux Belles, 75010
Le Syndicat @lesyndicat
Address: 51 Rue du Faubourg Saint-Denis, 75010
Chez Jeanette @chezjeannette
Address: 47 Rue du Faubourg Saint-Denis, 75010
Divine @bar_divine
Address: 61 Rue d'Hauteville, 75010
Ten Belles - Paris 10 @tenbelles
Address: 10 Rue de la Grange aux Belles, 75010
More things to find in the 10th:
Explore the canal area, have a picnic.
Canal Saint Martin
Musée de l'Éventail (Fan Museum) @museedeleventail
Address: 2 Bd de Strasbourg, 75010
Porte Saint-Denis
Address: Boulevard St Denis, 75010
Porte Saint Martin
Address: 18 Bd Saint-Martin, 75010
If you want more photos and addresses from this episode, find it all on this link here:
Sign up for the free Earful Tower newsletter, which we send out every Friday, here:
Video by Alex Brook Lynn. Music by Pres Maxson.
LE 10ème PARIS 🤔 Canal St Martin, Little India, Faubourg St Denis ...
Hello ! Aujourd'hui je vous partage ma toute nouvelle série de vidéo : 1 JOUR 1 ARRONDISSEMENT 🥖🇫🇷 je découvre Paris avec vous.
Episode 10 sur 20 ✨
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Quel age as-tu ? ‣ 23 ans
Sur quoi fais-tu ton montage ? ‣ Imovie X sur MacBookAir
Sur quoi fais-tu tes miniatures ? ‣ Canva
Paris en une minute : visite de la ville de l'amour
Avez-vous maintenant une furieuse envie de visiter la ville des amoureux ? Nous vous proposons de fantastiques formules de voyage à Paris :
Cette vidéo a été produite par
Divers outils et techniques ont été utilisés dans la production vidéo pour montrer la ville de façon artistique et mettre en valeur ses sites touristiques. Les techniques de timelapse et d'hyperlapse ainsi qu'une sensationnelle résolution 4K présentent la destination sous son meilleur angle. En outre, filmer avec des hélicoptères et des drones vous offre une vue du ciel unique : quand aurez-vous à nouveau la chance de voir Paris d'en haut ?
We Tried 12 Street Food WHERE LOCALS EAT in Paris (Cheap Eats)
We tried 12 of the best Paris street food, that you can eat in or take out, recommended by Parisians and highly rated on Google. We tasted Croque-Monsieur, Jambon Beurre, Croissants & Pain au Chocolat, Chinese & Asian Noodles, Crepes, Libanaise & Mid-Eastern, Hamburgers & Pastries. Bon Apetit!
GET YOUR OWN Paris Travel Guide
📍 Carton:
📍 Rozell Cafe Creperie:
📍 Chez Cleopatre:
📍 C'TroBon Asian Restaurant:
📍 Le Petit Vendome:
📍 Caractere de Cochon:
📍 Marche des Enfants Rouges:
📍 Hure:
📍 Chez le Libanais:
📍 La Maison d'Isabelle:
📍 Bo&Mie:
📍 Rosie's Smokehouse:
For Questions & Personal Inquiries:
For Business Inquiries ONLY: lesfrenchiestravel@gmail.com
⚖️ All clips used for fair use commentary, criticism, and educational purposes. See Hosseinzadeh v. Klein, 276 F.Supp.3d 34 (S.D.N.Y. 2017); Equals Three, LLC v. Jukin Media, Inc., 139 F. Supp. 3d 1094 (C.D. Cal. 2015). Almost all, if not 100% of the clips are sourced via an active royalty-free license agreement with Storyblocks. (
In compliance with the FTC guidelines, please understand the following about some of the links in the description :
📌 A few links on our channel's description are affiliate links of which we receive a small commission from sales of certain items, but the price is the same for you.
📌 If we post an affiliate link to a product or service, it is something that we personally use, support, and would recommend even without an affiliate link.
📌 Our first priority is always providing valuable information and resources to help you create positive experiences during your visit to France, and we will only ever link to products or resources (affiliate or otherwise) that fit within this purpose.
📌 We do not accept money from vendors to showcase their products or services. Often time, we pay for them out of pocket.
📌 Finally, the small commission we earn helps us create more videos like the one you watched.
© 2022 Les Frenchies Travel. All rights reserved.
10 Lugares para comer BARATO em PARIS com menos de 10 euros
Veja onde comer barato em Paris em lugares e restaurantes gastando até 10 euros.
Baixe a Planilha de Paris Gratuita para planejar sua viagem:
Guia e Roteiro de Paris
✅ 7 dias de roteiro em Paris;
✅ Programação por dia e dividido por região otimizando seu tempo e dinheiro;
✅ Dicas de Restaurantes, transporte;
✅ Material atualizado ideal para quem não tempo de ficar procurando informações desencontradas na internet e quer ter a melhor experiencia de viagem.
📱 Chip de Internet com desconto para EUROPA:
Cupom de desconto: VAICOMBRUNO
💳 Para abrir sua conta Nomad Gratuita e ganhar até 20 dólares:
- Baixe o app Nomad na loja de aplicativos do seu celular
- Efetue o cadastro
- Use o código VAICOMBRUNO20 para ganhar até 20 dólares após a primeira transferência.
- Emita seu cartão virtal e/ou físico
Veja esse vídeo com as contas e a economia de ter a conta global Nomad:
Seguro Viagem obrigatório para entrar na Europa
Restaurantes em Paris
1 - Bouillon Pigalle: 22 Bd de Clichy
2 - Carton Boulangerie: 6 Bd de Denain
3 - Crepe de rua (espalhado por toda cidade)
4 - La Droguerie Crepe: 47 Rue du Faubourg Saint-Denis
5 - Caractere de Cochon: 42 Rue Charlot
6 - Self LongChamp: 113 Rue Lauriston
7 - Rozell Cafe Creperie: 24 Rue la Vieuville
8 - Bouillon Chatier: 7 Rue du Faubourg Montmartre
9 - Le Petit Vendome: 8 Rue des Capucines
10 - Marché de Enfantes Rouge : 75003 Paris
Seguro Viagem obrigatório para entrar na Europa
*** Ingresso Disney Paris ***
*** Veja Também em Paris ***
Paris de Graça:
Disney Paris:
Top 10 Passeios:
Metrô de Paris:
Ingresso Disney Paris mais barato:
#dicasparais #oquefazerparis
SOLO TRAVEL IN EUROPE | 40+ Tips and Must-Knows for 1st Time Solo Travelers!
Start speaking a new language in 3 weeks with Babbel 🎉. Get up to 60% OFF your subscription ➡ Here:
Planning to travel Europe solo for the first time? In this video, I'm sharing all my best Europe solo travel tips for first timers, from important must-knows for your Europe solo trip to common mistakes that tourists make when traveling Europe solo. Don't miss this video if you're planning your own solo trip to Europe!
➡️ Read the written version of this guide for more tips:
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➡️ My best Europe travel tips:
➡️ How to travel Europe by train:
➡️ Grab my free Europe trip planning workbook:
➡️ Grab my free accommodation checklist:
➡️ My (brutally honest) Flixbus review:
➡️ My honest RyanAir review:
➡️ My honest WizzAir review:
➡️ Europe summer packing list:
➡️ Europe winter packing list:
➡️ How to avoid pickpockets in Europe:
➡️ 7 scenic train routes you can't miss:
➡️ Europe car rental hidden costs:
Travelling to Europe solo for the first time? In need of solo travel advice that caters to a newbie? This solo travel guide is packed with must-knows before you visit Europe as a tourist, with a rundown of common solo travel mistakes in Europe as well solo travel safety tips, how to make friends as a solo traveler and more.
La cascade de l'ancien Moulin d'Orsinval (20 sec)
Carte postale vidéo (30 secondes) : Cascade de l'ancien Moulin d'Orsinval (Nord, Pays de Sambres-Avesnois). Retrouvez-nous sur :
🇫🇷 Saint-Amand-les-Eaux with camper, dog and cat to the most beautiful cities in France -summer 2022
Français suit / Deutsch am Ende
Saint-Amand-les-Eaux - Hauts-de-France - France - vacation with camper, dog and cat including 4K drone recordings in summer 2022.
A travel report - VLOG - from Saint-Amand-les-Eaux (Hauts-de-France) in France from a dog's point of view.
The video shows Saint-Amand-les-Eaux, a renowned spa town, located in the North of France, in the Hauts-de-France region. Its 16,000 inhabitants live in the heart of the Scarpe-Escaut Regional Nature Park, not far from the Belgian border, and in the mining basin listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
The city also has tourist city status and is the only spa resort north of Paris. Its mineral waters have made its reputation throughout the country, and beyond, while its cultural and historical heritage attracts many tourists. The national forest that surrounds Saint-Amand-les-Eaux offers various possibilities for hiking, horseback riding or even cycling, and you can admire a very beautiful local fauna.
Dynamic and green, Saint-Amand-les-Eaux has various labels such as Towns and villages in bloom, The most beautiful detours in France or the Blue Flag for its river port of La Porte du Hainaut. It is an ideal place to spend a relaxed and green holiday!
The beautiful Campsite Mont des Bruyères is located in a wood.
Leroys little dogheart is happy about subscription and likes. Please support his channel.
The dog Leroy reports on his trip to Saint-Amand-les-Eaux, accompanied by pictures and 4k drone video recordings from his vacation and gives tips for a tour to Saint-Amand-les-Eaux in Hauts-de-France. A slightly different travelogue - VLOG - to Saint-Amand-les-Eaux in Hauts-de-France.
Saint-Amand-les-Eaux - Hauts-de-France - France - vacances avec camping-car, chien et chat avec enregistrements drone 4K à l'été 2022.
Un récit de voyage - VLOG - de Saint-Amand-les-Eaux (Hauts-de-France) en France du point de vue d'un chien.
La vidéo montre Saint-Amand-les-Eaux, une ville thermale renommée, située dans le Nord de la France, dans la région des Hauts-de-France. Ses 16 000 habitants vivent au cœur du Parc Naturel Régional Scarpe-Escaut, non loin de la frontière belge, et dans le bassin minier inscrit au patrimoine mondial de l'UNESCO.
La ville a également le statut de ville touristique et est la seule station thermale au nord de Paris. Ses eaux minérales ont fait sa renommée dans tout le pays, et au-delà, tandis que son patrimoine culturel et historique attire de nombreux touristes. La forêt domaniale qui entoure Saint-Amand-les-Eaux offre diverses possibilités de randonnées à pied, à cheval ou encore à vélo, et vous pourrez admirer une très belle faune locale.
Dynamique et verdoyante, Saint-Amand-les-Eaux possède différents labels tels que Villes et villages fleuris, Les Plus beaux détours de France ou encore le Pavillon Bleu pour son port fluvial de La Porte du Hainaut. C'est un endroit idéal pour passer des vacances détendues et vertes !
Le beau Camping Mont des Bruyères est situé dans un bois.
Le petit cœur de chien de Leroy est heureux de l'abonnement et des goûts. Merci de soutenir sa chaîne.
Le chien Leroy rend compte de son voyage à Saint-Amand-les-Eaux, accompagné de photos et d'enregistrements vidéo 4k par drone de ses vacances et donne des conseils pour une visite à Saint-Amand-les-Eaux dans les Hauts-de-France. Un carnet de voyage un peu différent - VLOG - à Saint-Amand-les-Eaux dans les Hauts-de-France.
Saint-Amand-les-Eaux - Hauts-de-France - Frankreich - Urlaub mit Wohnmobil, Hund und Katze inklusive 4K-Drohnenaufnahmen im Sommer 2022.
Ein Reisebericht - VLOG - aus Saint-Amand-les-Eaux (Hauts-de-France) in Frankreich aus der Sicht eines Hundes.
Das Video zeigt Saint-Amand-les-Eaux, eine renommierte Kurstadt im Norden Frankreichs in der Region Hauts-de-France. Seine 16.000 Einwohner leben im Herzen des Regionalen Naturparks Scarpe-Escaut, unweit der belgischen Grenze, und in dem zum UNESCO-Weltkulturerbe gehörenden Bergbaubecken.
Die Stadt hat auch den Status einer Touristenstadt und ist der einzige Kurort nördlich von Paris. Sein Mineralwasser hat sich im ganzen Land und darüber hinaus einen Namen gemacht, während sein kulturelles und historisches Erbe viele Touristen anzieht. Der Staatswald, der Saint-Amand-les-Eaux umgibt, bietet verschiedene Möglichkeiten zum Wandern, Reiten oder sogar Radfahren.
Der schöne Campingplatz Mont des Bruyères liegt in einem Wald.
Leroys kleines Hundeherz freut sich über Abos und Likes. Bitte unterstützt seinen Kanal.
Der Hund Leroy berichtet von seiner Reise nach Saint-Amand-les-Eaux, begleitet von Bildern und 4k-Drohnen-Videoaufnahmen aus seinem Urlaub und gibt Tipps für eine Tour nach Saint-Amand-les-Eaux in Hauts-de-France. Ein etwas anderer Reisebericht - VLOG - nach Saint-Amand-les-Eaux in Hauts-de-France.
#drone #Drohne #Reisen #4K #dog #cute #saint-amand-les-eaux #voyage #camping #travel #tourism #hautsdefrance #Hund #cat #Katze #vlog #France #Frankreich #süss #vlog #bienvenueenfrance #chti
Ville d'Antony - Driving- French region
Ville d'Antony
Roote 4k It's discovering beautiful regions to visit in France to start
Come and enjoy a family walk, the goal is to give you an overview of these cities
in case you want to go there, live there as a student, it will give you a glimpse of the view.
Visit a street you've never seen before and see how safe these areas are.
It's about discovering beautiful regions to visit in France to start
Come and enjoy a stroll with the family, the objective is to give you an overview of these cities
in case you want to go there, live there as a student, it will give you a glimpse of the view.
Roote 4K C'est découvrir de jolies régions à visiter en France pour commencer
Venez profiter d'une balade en famille, le but est de vous donner une vue d'ensemble de ces villes au cas où vous voudriez vous y rendre, y vivre en tant qu'étudiant, cela vous donnera un aperçu de la vue.
Visitez une rue que vous n'avez jamais vue auparavant et voyez à quel point ces zones sont sûres.
Il s'agit de découvrir de belles régions à visiter en France pour commencer
Venez profiter d'une balade en famille, l'objectif est de vous donner un aperçu de ces villes au cas où vous voudriez y aller, y vivre en tant qu'étudiant, cela vous donnera un aperçu de la vue.
Vue aérienne camping Dordogne Périgord - La Nouvelle Croze
Découvrez depuis le ciel le camping La Nouvelle Croze, à Rouffignac St Cernin en Dordogne. Piscine couverte, Piscines chauffées, espace bien-être.
Le plus petit camping 4 étoiles d'Aquitaine vous accueille depuis 1989 pour un séjour authentique près de Sarlat et de Lascaux.
La caravane des 4jours de Dunkerque
étape Roubaix - Cassel
André Nobile en concert à Denain, région Nord Pas de Calais.
Dans le cadre d'aide au développement à Madagascar.
En partenariat avec les centres sociaux de Denain.
Répertoire joué en cette occasion.
Fernando Sor - Etude n°2
Guy-Jean Maggio - Premier matin
Thierry Tisserand - Dance des fées
Jean-Sébastien Bach - Bourrée
Jean-Sébastien Bach - Prélude
Francisco Tarrega - Etude en Mi
Bartolomeo Calatayud - Bolero
Canal de la Sensee
Work on Canal de la Sensee, France.