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10 Best place to visit in Deir ez-Zor Syria


2010 Episode 15 Turkey-Syria: Raqqa Halabiyeh Deir Ez-zur

A visit to the ancient cities of Syria

You don't want to miss these places in Syria ❤️ | Damascus, Aleppo, Homs, Latakia, Saladin's Castle

What is so special about Syria! If you want to explore the most historic places in a single country, Syria is the destination that you are looking for.

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Damascus — The capital, claimed as the oldest continuously inhabited city in the world
Aleppo — a large souk and ancient citadel with great views
Deir-az-Zur — a desert town on the Euphrates River bank
Hama — waterwheels
Homs — an ancient city by the Orontes river, amazing green mountains in Spring
Latakia — A major port city, Saladin's Castle, Fronloq Forests and Al Samra Beach near Kasab
Tartous — a historical port city and historical small island called Arwad

Main Destinations

Apamea — a former Roman city, once housed about half a million people. An earthquake hit Apamea in the 12th century, and much of it was destroyed but still boasts a long street lined with columns, some of which have twisted fluting.
Bosra — a Roman city in southern Syria close to the Jordan frontier noted for the use of black basalt stones and its well-preserved theatre
Crac des Chevaliers — the archetypal Crusader castle, magnificently preserved and not to be missed
Dead Cities — A series of towns that once formed part of Antioch. They have long since been abandoned but make an interesting stop for tourists. Al Bara boasts pyramidal tombs and formerly grand archways on modern farmland. Serjilla is another famous dead city
Der Mar Musa — not a tourist site, but an active Christian monastery actively promoting Islamic/Christian dialogue. Welcomes Christians and followers of other religious traditions. It is 80 km north of Damascus.
Saladin's Castle[1] — a quiet gem in a valley with pine trees about 37 km inland from Latakia
Salamieh — Salamiyah is an ancient city that was first known during Babylonian times in 3500 BC; it contains Shmemis castle, the Greek temple of Zeus, The old Hammam, the old Walls, and the remains of Roman canals.

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Life Inside The Syria's Most Devastated Cities S06 EP.40 | MIDDLE EAST MOTORCYCLE Tour

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#syria #homs #Palmyra #motovlog #pakistanivlogger #motorcycletravel #makelifearide #bmwmotorrad #g310gs

This vlog is about my travel experience from Homs to Palmyra Syria. Both cities were hugely impacted by the Syrian War.

Tadmur Palmyra Syria at Night

The main street of Tadmur aka Palmyra in the Syrian desert at night. Visit for more free pictures and videos.

Euphrates الفرات/幼发拉底河 [4K]

River in Asia
Length: 2,800 km
Mouth: Shatt Al Arab
Sources: Murat River, Karasu

The Euphrates is the longest and one of the most historically important rivers of Western Asia. Together with the Tigris, it is one of the two defining rivers of Mesopotamia. Originating in Turkey, the Euphrates flows through Syria and Iraq to join the Tigris in the Shatt al-Arab, which empties into the Persian Gulf.

chronological order
3:28 Al-Faw, Iraq
3:28 Shatt Al Arab/River
9:48 Al-Faw
9:48 Shatt Al Arab/River
12:28 Abu Oqab, Iran
15:58 Abadan
18:38 Rezagahi, Iran
18:38 Sanad Rashed, Iran
27:43 Basra Family Park
30:53 Qaryat Nasr, Iraq
31:23 Shafi
32:50 Junction of the Euphrates/Tigris River
37:38 Al Madina
42:27 Chibayish
53:17 Nasiriyah
1:05:36 Batha
1:22:16 Samawa
1:52:36 Qaryat al Gharab
1:55:47 Ash-Shinafiyah
2:07:37 Kufa
2:09:47 Al Abbasiya
2:20:47 Fallujah/Iraq
2:20:57 Habbaniyah
2:21:27 Lake Habbaniyah
2:22:57 Therthar Lake
2:23:27 Ramadi
2:31:27 Khauza
2:31:37 Hit
2:31:57 Sahiliya
2:33:37 Al Dulab
2:35:17 Al-Baghdadi
2:35:48 shamiya Jaba
2:36:28 Alsawar
2:40:28 RIO EUFRATES bridge
2:42:09 Haditha Dam
2:42:09 Haditha Dam Lake
2:51:48 Rawa
2:53:58 Al Obaidy
2:55:49 Al-Sayyal/Syria
2:57:09 Khara'ij
2:57:29 Abu Hardub
2:58:09 Al Mayadin, Syria
3:02:22 Deir ez-Zor
3:05:00 Al-Masrab
3:05:50 Wadi Abu Shahri
3:06:40 Ar Raqqah
3:10:26 Lake Assad
3:13:52 Sarrin
3:13:52 Hayyah Kabirah
3:14:55 Birecik, Turkiye
3:19:30 Ömerli
3:22:30 Atatürk Dam/3rd largest dam in the world
3:35:23 Battalgazi
3:36:55 Dibekli
3:37:25 Keban
3:39:47 Bahadırlar
3:40:10 Yıldızlı
3:41:34 Erzincan
3:44:25 Kırıkdere
3:46:56 Kazankaya
3:48:26 Karadiğin
3:50:26 Tanyeri

#euphrates #tigris #الفرات #幼发拉底河 #幼发拉底河

Dura Europos Syria 2007

A old roman city in the desert

نهر دجلة والفرات من المنبع حتى المصب

#لازم_نعرف #دجلة #الفرات
يقع نهر دجلة في الجهة الغربية من قارة اسيا ويبلغ طوله حوالي 1850 كيلو متر
ويمر على ثلاث دول (تركيا بلد المنبع ثم سوريا ثم العراق)
كما ينبع نهر دجلة من بحيرة هزار الموجودة في جبال طوروس جنوب هضبة الاناضول في تركيا ، وهى بحيرة عملاقة طولها 22.5 كم وعرضها 6 كم تقريبآ
يتجه نهر دجلة نحو الشرق داخل الاراضي التركية مخترقا هضبة الاناضول وهي منطقة تشتهر بالامطار
الكثيفة وبكدة بيكون قطع مسافة 400 كم داخل تركيا
بعد ما بيغادر تركيا يدخل الاراضى السوريا ويمر بمدينة المالكية بمسافة 43.45 كم تقريبآ
ثم يدخل بعد ذلك الاراضي العراقية بطول 1400 كيلو متر عند قرية فشخبور وعند وصوله الى مدينة الكوت العراقية يتفرع الى فرعين هما نهر الغرافة ونهر الدجيلة
ويسير فى مساره حتى يلتقي بشقيقه نهر الفرات في مدينة الكرنة وهي مدينة تتبع محافظة البصرة داخل العراق
ليشكلا معا شط العرب في الطرف الجنوبي الشرقي من العراق
والذي يصب في النهاية في الخليج العربي
وبكدة بيكون مر على 9 مدن داخل العراق هم الموصل، بيجي، تكريت، سامراء، بغداد، الكوت، المدائن، العمارة، القرنة.
منابع نهرالفرات
نهر الفرات من اشهر انهار الشرق الاوسط واطول نهر في جنوب غرب اسيا طوله 2940 كيلو متر
يمر نهر الفرات على ثلاث دول (تركيا بلد المنبع ثم سوريا ثم العراق)
ويتكون نهر الفرات من خلال هطول الامطار وذوبان الثلوج التي تزيد خلال شهر ابريل ومايو كما تنخفض مياه نهر الفرات خلال الصيف والخريف
ينبع نهر الفرات من منبعين.
المنبع الاول نهر مراد صو ومنبعه من بحيرة وان
المنبع الثانى نهر وكرة صو ومنبعه في شمال شرق الاناضول
النهران يجريان باتجاه الغرب حتى يلتقيان في نقطة واحدة جنوبا مخترقا سلسلة جبال طوروس
الجنوبية التركية
ثم يجري النهر الى الجنوب الشرقي. ويمر داخل تركيا بطول 1176 كم ويمر بداخلها على اربع مدن تركية
بعد مغادرة نهر الفرات الاراضى التركيا يدخل الأراضي السورية عند مدينة جرابلس، وفي سوريا ينضم إليه نهر البليخ و نهر الخابور ثم يمر في محافظة الرقة ويتجه بعدها إلى محافظة دير الزور، ويخرج من الاراضى السورية من مدينة البوكمال وبكدة يكون قطع مسافة 610 كم داخل الاراضى السورية

ويجرى فى مساره حتى يصل الى الاراضى العراقية ويدخل عند مدينة القائم في محافظة الأنبار
ثم إلى بابل، ثمّ إلى كربلاء، ويسير فى مساره حتى يصل النجف والديوانية، والسماوة و الناصرية، حتى يلتقى بشقيقه نهر دجلة فى مدينة القرنة ليشكّلا معاً شط العرب، والّذي يصبّ في النهاية في الخليج العربي.
وبكدة يكون قطع 1160كم داخل الاراضى العراقية

اهلآ بكم فى قناة لازم نعرف هى قناة متخصصة فى البحث عن المعلومات اتوثيقها
ارجو ان تنال اعجبكم
تمنياتى لكم ان تستمتعوا
تحياتي / سيد فاروق
اذا عجبك الفيديو
اضغط لايك
واشترك فى القناة


القمر MOON رفيق كوكب الارض

جزيرة بينجيلاب Pingelap Island

الزلازل Earthquakes

السفينة الشبح مارى سيلست Marie cleste

جمهورية تركيا Turkey

دولة اثيوبيا Ethiopia منبع نهر النيل الازرق

اسرار تمثال ابو الهول Sphinx

تعرف على جمهورية مصر العربية Egypt

بركان مونالوا اكبر بركان فى العالم Mauna Loa

غابات الامازون Amazon Jungle

نهر الامازون Amazon River

فلسطين Palestine

روسيا الاتحادية Russia (Россия)

سنغافورة كيف نهضت


قناة السويس Suez Canal

تعرف على مملكة اسبانيا Spain

نهر دجلة والفرات

سد النهضة

جبال افريست

برج القاهرة

اخطر انواع اسماك القرش

اخطر انواع الثعابين السامة

نهر النيل من المنبع حتى المصب

اسرار بناء الاهرامات

اشرس 10 كلاب فى العالم

المجموعة الشمسية

كوكب عطارد

كوكب الزهرة

كوكب الارض

كوكب المريخ الكوكب الاحمر

حزام الكويكبات

كوكب المشترى

Syria - Palmyra - سوريا

Palmyra (Arabic: تدمر Tadmur‎) was an ancient Arab city, In the old times it was an important city of central Syria, located in an oasis 215 km northeast of Damascus and 180 km southwest of the Euphrates at Deir ez-Zor. It has long been a vital caravan city for travellers crossing the Syrian desert and was known as the Bride of the Desert. The earliest documented reference to the city by its Semitic name Tadmor, Tadmur or Tudmur (which means "the town that repels" in Amorite and "the indomitable town" in Aramaic. is recorded in Babylonian tablets found in Mari.

crossing Euphrates in Deir Ezzor

crossing Euphrates in Deir Ezzor

यहाँ खुलेआम होते है बलात्कार ! Soaking Facts About Syria ! Syria Travel & Tour Guide.

यहाँ खुलेआम होते है बलात्कार ! Soaking Facts About Syria ! Syria Travel & Tour Guide.

✦ Syria is a Middle Eastern country located on the eastern Mediterranean coast, bordered by Turkey, Iraq, Jordan, Israel, and Lebanon. Its capital is Damascus, one of the oldest continuously inhabited cities in the world. Syria has faced a devastating civil war since 2011, involving various internal and international factions. Its population is diverse, including Arabs, Kurds, and other ethnic groups.

Syria Top 10 Tourist places .

1. Damascus (Old City)
2. Palmyra
3. Aleppo Citadel
4. Krak des Chevaliers
5. Bosra
6. Maaloula
7. Apamea
8. Ugarit
9. Saladin Castle
10. Deir ez-Zor Museum


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Qal'at ar-Rahba, Syria

Al-Rahba, also known as Qal'at ar-Rahba, which translates as the Citadel of al-Rahba, is a medieval Arab–Islamic fortress in Syria. It is located off the western banks of the Euphrates River, adjacent to the city of Mayadin and 42 kilometers southeast of Dayr az-Zawr. Situated atop a mound with an elevation of 244 meters, Al-Rahba oversees the Syrian Desert steppe and historically guarded the Euphrates valley.
It has been described as a fortress within a fortress; it consists of an inner keep measuring 60 by 30 meters, protected by an enclosure measuring 270 by 95 meters. Today Al-Rahba is largely in ruins as a result of erosion.

The original site, which was known as Rahbat Malik ibn Tawk after its Abbasid namesake and founder, was located along the Euphrates. It was viewed by Muslim armies, caravans and travelers as the key to Syria from Iraq and sometimes vice versa. Bedouin tribes often took control of it and used it as a launching point for invasions of northern Syria. Because of its strategic location, al-Rahba was frequently fought over by Muslim powers, including local lords, the Hamdanids, the Uqaylids, the Mirdasids and the Seljuks, among others. Rahbat Malik ibn Tawk was destroyed in an earthquake in 1157.

A few years later, the current fortress was built close to the desert edge by the Zengid–Ayyubid lord Shirkuh. The latter's descendants held al-Rahba as a hereditary fief granted by Saladin until 1264. One of them, Shirkuh II, oversaw a third major reconstruction in 1207. Through the early Mamluk era (late 13th–14th centuries), the fortress was continuously restored and strengthened as a result of frequent sieges by the Ilkhanid Mongols of Iraq. Al-Rahba was the most important Mamluk fortress along the Euphrates, an administrative center and the terminal stop on the sultanate's postal route. It fell into disuse during Ottoman rule (1517–1918) and from then until the early 20th century, the fortress primarily served as a shelter for local shepherds and their flocks. Excavations were carried out at the site between 1976 and 1981.

Across the Syrian

From Damascus to Palmyra by car. From Palmyra to Deir Ezzor on the Euphrates by bus.

Jeunes Plongeurs sur le Pont suspendu de Deir Ez-Zor - Syrie juin 2002.

C’était en juin 2002, 10 mois après le 11 septembre, 18 ans avant le musèlement de la planète entière.

Nous étions à quelques encablures de la frontière irakienne, plus précisément à Deir Ez-Zor en Syrie, sur les bords de l'Euphrate, avec un groupe de jeunes syriens s’adonnant aux joies de la plongée, à partir de son fameux Pont suspendu qui sera détruit en 2013. Un après-midi agréable à les filmer, admirant tour à tour leur enthousiasme et leur exaltation. Le plus dur n’était pas de plonger ou de sauter mais bien de regagner la rive pour ensuite recommencer encore et encore. D'une énergie débordante, insouciants, ils avaient entre 10 et 15 ans, un âge où l’on prend conscience de tout ce qui nous entoure, entre les premiers rêves et les premières désillusions...

Je n’ai jamais oublié ce voyage extraordinaire au pays de Bachar. L’une de mes meilleures escapades entre la Jordanie, le Liban et la Syrie. Depuis, il m’arrive souvent de repenser à ces jeunes plongeurs croisés sur ma route. Tout comme moi, ils ont pris quelques années et sont tous devenus des hommes dans la fleur de l’âge. Nous étions en pleine embargo, à la veille de la guerre de 2003 en Irak, à une décennie du conflit syrien déclenché par qui nous savons, toujours les mêmes...

Que sont-ils devenus ? Quel destin pour chacun d’eux ? Ont-ils fondé une famille ou sont-ils devenus de vaillants résistants ? Ou encore, bien trop lâches jusqu’à vendre leur âme au diable ? De djihadistes à takfiri en passant par les daechiens, au nom d’un Printemps Arabe qui pourtant n’avait rien de Coloré...

Sont-ils exilés, prisonniers ou peut-être morts ?

Aujourd’hui des images d’un autre temps, d’une époque révolue, et j’étais loin de m’imaginer que ce voyage résonnerait toujours aussi fort en moi après tant d’années.
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Syria - Beyond the War (2023)

We take many things for granted like having a consistent supply of electricity and easy access to clean water that we often forget how people in other parts of the world are forced to live.

After 12 years of civil war coupled with the recent earthquakes, Syria is home to the world’s largest refugee crisis with millions displaced and 90% of its population living below the poverty line.

If you were to ask me why I visit such places, my answer would be that it keeps me grounded and is a reminder to appreciate everything we already have. It is enough.

- Aleppo
- Maaloula
- Homs
- Hama
- Al-Mishtaya
- Palmyra
- Bosra
- Damascus

Instagram: ThatSquidlyGuy

Syria Adventure.. One Life... Live it Adventure...

,Syria Adventure company

Homs, Syria - Massive destructions

Homs City Center and Old City was heavily destroyed during the Syrian Civil War and the Siege of Homs that lasted three years from May 2011 to May 2014. Have a look how Homs looks like today, both areas completely destroyed during the war and other mostly untouched areas of city center with everyday bustling city life. Enjoy!

تصوير قضاء الدير من الجو // 2022

تصوير قضاء الدير من الجو

On The Road, Syria

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Syria, Damascus, Damas Moderne, Routes vers Palmyre et vers Aqaba, 2005, by HabariSalam

#Damas_by_HabariSalam #Palmyra #Palmyre Quelques images du Damas actuel.(2005).
Quelques vues des routes vers l' Est, Palmyre et Der, et vers le Sud, Amann et Aquaba.
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Alep, Aleppo *****
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Palmyre, Palmyra *****

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