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10 Best place to visit in Curup Indonesia


Top 10 Best Tourist Places to Visit in Palembang | Indonesia - English

#PalembangPlaces #PlacesInPalembang #PalembangVisitPlaces #PalembangIndonesia
Palembang is one of the biggest tourist attractions in Indonesia having many best places in Palembang. Palembang, capital of Indonesia’s South Sumatra province, is a port city on the Musi River. The river, scene of a floating market, is lined with houses on stilts and spanned by the Ampera Bridge. At the bridge’s northern end stands the palatial Museum Sultan Mahmud Badaruddin II, exploring regional history. The archaeological site and sacred hill of Bukit Siguntang overlooks the city. So to help you figure out the places you need to try, we've gathered up a bucket list of the best Places in Palembang that you won't regret going to.

Wiki Peaks is on a mission to promote the tourism in the World. We are here to show you the beautiful places in the world. You can see the beauty of this world from the comfort of your home.

There are many beautiful places in Palembang. Indonesia has some of the best places in Palembang. We collected data on the top 10 places to visit in Palembang. There are many famous places in Palembang and some of them are beautiful places in Palembang. People from all over Indonesia love these Palembang beautiful places which are also Palembang famous places. In this video, we will show you the beautiful places to visit in Palembang.

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***All images used in this video are a property of their owners. We have no intention of showing these images as our own property. We used these images just to promote tourism.***

Wonderful Indonesia #3 - West Sumatra

West Sumatra is one of the most beautiful areas of Indonesia. It is mountainous and divided by three valleys. There are lovely lakes and spectacular volcanoes. But Minangkabau land is very special and has the most friendly population group of Indonesia. They love to talk with visitors and will tell us about their unique society. If the visitor tries to understand the culture and Minang, he will soon feel a member of the clan. He will be a guest house - a unique way to become acquainted with real Indonesian life. Most of our hosts and hostesses are English teachers so the language will not be much of a problem. They will show us the community and explain their customs.

The land of the Minangkabau, West Sumatra has a distinct culture, which distinguishes it from the rest of the island. A land of scenic beauty with blue green mountains and mountains, West Sumatra's Center for culture and tourism in Bukittinggi in the highlands, north of the provincial capital of Padang. The most prominent in the landscape is horn-shaped roofs of houses nestled in the coconut groves. The name Minangkabau means triumphant buffalo. It leads a community and family life based on a matrilineal system, which clusters around mosques and the traditional houses. As it is the women who have the properties, the men are known for their wanderlust and entrepreneurship. Traveling is a sign of success and therefore many of them are found to be emigrated to other parts of the country. This is proof that many Minang or Padang restaurants, serve very spicy food, found in all major towns in the nation. The people are hospitable and in a poetic style of speech and ceremonies. Festivals are colorful occasions.
See by yourself the beauty of Indonesia.

So, what are you waiting for? Visit West Sumatra :)


Note : All of the footages and music are not my own property


okay friend , still in the area around the city of Lahat this time I want to take a trip to the Sambar Nyawe waterfall, the location is only 10 km from the center of Lahat city Sumatera Selatan , located in the village of Talang Sejemput kec. Lahat Selatan
I hope to become a tourist reference to fill your vacation ..
enjoy this video
wisata alam di kota lahat
#tempat wisata di lahat
tempat wisata di pagaralam
lahat seputaran
sungai lematang


Hidden gems in indonesia. Explore indonesia dan tempat wisata menarik di indonesia.

Danau Mas Harun Bastari Curup, Rejang Lebong, Bengkulu Indonesia || Drone view

Danau Mas Harun Bastari Curup, Rejang Lebong, Bengkulu Indonesia || Drone view
#visitbengkulu #bengkulu_hitsz #bengkulu_vidgram #bengkulu #bengkuluinfo #bengkuluhits #curup #wisatabengkulu #wisatacurup #Rejanglebong #danau#danaumasharunbastari #danaubengkulu #wondeefulindonesia #fyp #indonesia

Referensi Wisata di Kabupaten Lebong Provinsi Bengkulu

Tempat Wisata di Curup yang Berada di Ketinggian, Bukit Jipang dan Tebing Suban

Mengunjungi tempat wisata di Curup, Kabupaten Rejang Lebong yang berada di ketinggian,
Bukit Jipang untuk melihat view Kota Curup dari ketinggian,
dan Tebing Suban, tempat wisata yang berada di tebing.
Have a nice vacation...

Thanx to

#bukitjipang #tebingsuban #wisatacurup

15 Tempat Wisata di Bengkulu Terbaru & Instagramable

15 Tempat Wisata di Bengkulu Terbaru & Instagramable

Inilah daftar tempat wisata di Bengkulu yang menarik dan populer. Destinasi wisata alam bahari terbaru, kekinian dan paling hits yang wajib dikunjungi ketika berencana liburan ke Kota Bengkulu.

Bukit Batu Kandis,Pantai Linau,Pantai Panjang Bengkulu,Bukit Kaba,Suban Air Panas Curup,Danau Mas Harun Bastari,Danau Nibung,Benteng Marlborough,Kebun Teh Kabawetan,Arung Jeram Arus Ketahun,Lubuk Sepit Kancing,Pulau Enggano,Pulau Tikus,Hutan Mangrove Pulau Baai,Rumah Fatmawati, kota Bengkulu, wisata Bengkulu,

#wisatabengkulu #wisataindonesia #destinasibengkulu

15 tempat wisata di kabupaten Lebong terbaru & Instagramable #wisataindonesia

15 tempat wisata di kabupaten Lebong terbaru & Instagramable #wisataindonesia

Temukan Beragam Pilihan Tempat Wisata Terbaik di Lebong, Provinsi Bengkulu. Destinasi Wisata Alam Terbaik, Terbaru dan Kekinian yang Paling Hits untuk Membuat Liburan lebih Berkesan.

berikut 15 tempat wisata yang bisa dikunjungi untuk menghabiskan waktu bersama keluarga ataupun teman.

#wisatabengkulu #kabupatenbengkulu #travelvidio

4 Tempat Kuliner Paling Rekomendasi di Kota Curup

#kulinercurup #curup #rejanglebong

tempat makan paling rekomndasi yang ada di Kota Curup

Rute menuju villa Suban pemandian air panas curup #shorts #rute #jalan

Perjalanan menuju vila suban pemandian air panas curup rejang lebong.

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GAC 10 Januari 2021 Part 1 | Jelajah Persawahan dan Pesona Curup |

#GACCurup #gowesasyik #gowes

Kegiatan gowes bersama GAC pada Minggu 10 Januari 2020

Wisata Sungai Ulu Musi Curup, Wisata Baru di Kota Curup

#wisatacurup #wisatasungaimusi #wisatasungaiulumusi

keseruan wisata sungai ulu musi di Kota Curup, Kabupaten Rejang Lebong Provinsi Bengkuli

Edisi Khusus Liburan Akhir Tahun | Explore Keindahan Alam Sumatera Selatan | Curup Gumai Ulu

pesona wisata Curup Bengkulu Indonesia #CURUPKOTAIDAMAN #curup #rejanglebong

Beberapa tempat wisatanya yang terkenal adalah #Suban Air Panas, Pematang Danau, Gunung Kaba, Air Terjun di Kepala Curup, Tabarena dan situs-situs prasejarah seperti Batu Panco.

Daerah ini juga dikenal sebagai salah satu tempat tumbuhnya Rafflesia Arnoldii.Curup adalah kota kecil berudara dingin, segar dan sejuk yang terhampar di lembah dataran tinggi Sumatra. Adanya asimilasi kebudayaan daerah dengan orang pendatang, kini menjadikan kota #Curup sebagai kota heterogen dari berbagai etnis di Indonesia.

Jumlah penduduk Curup 253.661 jiwa dengan rincian 127.744 laki-laki 125.917 perempuan Batas-batas wilayah sebagai curup sebagai berikut: -Sebelah utara berbatasan dengan Kabupaten Lebong -Sebelah selatan berbatasan dengan Kecamatan ujan mas Kabupaten #kapahiang -Sebelah Barat berbatasan dengan Kabupaten #Bengkulu #Utara -Sebelah Utara berbatasan dengan Kabupaten Musi Rawas Provinsi #Sumatra Selatan

Wisata Budaya Umeak Meno'o Curup, Rejang Lebong, Bengkulu

#rumahbudaya #wisatabudaya #curup

wisata ke rumah budaya umeak meno'o yg ada di Kota Curup, Kabupaten Rejang Lebong, Bengkulu

Explore Lahat | Curup Buluh, Air Terjun Tujuh Tingkat #shorts

Curup Buluh
Air Terjun Tujuh Tingkat
Air Terjun Mabed


Wisata Segar di Curup Gangsa | RAGAM INDONESIA

18 Februari 2019
PUKUL 07.00 - 07.30 WIB


Curup Kota Terdingin di SumBagSel

Kabupaten #RejangLebong Provinsi Bengkulu

Menikmati Suasana Alam Curug Ngebul

📌Kampung , Desa , kecamatan , Kabupaten Cianjur, jawa Barat, Indonesia

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