Ungarn Sightseeing - Besuch in Szombathely
Szombathely liegt in Westungarn nahe der österreichischen Grenze.... hat die Universitätsstadt besucht.
Hegyeshalom - Csorna Személyvonat
Csorna, 85-ös főút
Cesta do Chorvatska autem 2017 Dálnice D2 Bratislava Maďarská M15 a M1 po 86 směr Csorna,HU,SK
Cesta do Chorvatska autem 2017 Dálnice D2 Bratislava Maďarská M15 a M1 po 86 směr Csorna, Croatia, Hungary, HU
Tara san tayo...KŐSZEG let'sgo! HUNGARY 🇭🇺[JURISICS CASTLE]
It is recommended to crown your trip in the Kőszeg Mountains with the discovery of Jurisics Castle in historic downtown. Its origin dates back to the 13th century, however, later remodeling works added signature features of Gothic, Renaissance and Baroque architecture to its character. Various exhibitions, unique performances and concerts in the castle theatre, family programs as well as the view from the western tower guarantee a complex experience.
M85 expressway (part 2): Csorna bypass - Kapuvár, HUNGARY
Westbound on a new expressway in western Hungary that relieves the congested old main road 85 that runs between M1 at Győr and the Austrian border at Sopron.
Driving from Slovakia to Croatia through Hungary
First part of my journey (2021) from Slovakia to Croatia through Hungary
Part 1
Timelapse 2x
Bratislava(SK)/Rajka (HU) - Rédics(HU)/Dolga Vas(SLO) - Hotiza (SLO)/Sveti Martin na Muri(HR)
00:00 SK - highway D2 : Bratislava - Bratislava(SK)/Rajka (HU)
01:08 HU - highway M15 : Bratislava(SK)/Rajka (HU) - exit Hegyeshalom (M15xM1)
03:50 HU - highway M1: exit Hegyeshalom (M15XM1) - exit 160 Mosonmagyarovár, Csorna
05:33 HU - road 86: exit 160 Mosonmagyarovár, Csorna - Jánossomorja - Csorna - M85
14:20 HU - highway M85/M86 : Csorna – Szombathely
28:23 HU - road 86: Szombathely - Kormend - Zalabaksa - Rédics(HU)/Dolga Vas(SLO)
51:00 SLO - road 109: Rédics(HU)/Dolga Vas(SLO) - Lendava
53:38 SLO - road 443: Lendava - Hotiza - Hotiza (SLO)/Sveti Martin na Muri(HR)
VIDEO #AL Day 67 - Eden Campsite in Village of Sutto Flooded (Hungary)
1D GYSEV Hegyeshalom - Rajka országhatár
1D GYSEV Hegyeshalom - Rajka országhatár
2022 ősz / 2022 autumn
1080p 60fps
Normal sebesség / normal speed
Music: lvymusic - Calm Background For Video (from pixabay)
Térkép / Map: JolietJake (Hu) (Wikipedia)
Driving along a rural road in Western Hungary in winter
Driving from the village of Ösi to Várpolóta in Western Hungary. The temperature was about -10C and although the snowfall was light here, it was drifting due to a heavy wind.
Hungary in the Countryside
M8 autópálya Veszprém elkerülő 2x2 sáv
Veszprémben a 8. sz. főút Litéri és Füredi csomópontja között a fejlesztés keretein belül 7,5 km hosszon, a kiemelten balesetveszélyes csomópontok különszintű csomópontokká fejlesztésére, átépítésére kerül sor. A teljes beruházás a 8. sz. főút Litéri és Füredi csomópontja között készül el, 2×2 sávos, fizikai elválasztással, új pályaszerkezettel és burkolatszélesítéssel. Az így kialakított, tervezett három csomópont: az új Budapesti, Almádi és Füredi csomópont. A szakasz kapacitásbővítése mellett a meglévő burkolatot is korszerűsítik. A beruházásnak köszönhetően a Balaton és Budapest közötti, rendkívül forgalmas útszakaszon megszűnhetnek a rendszeres torlódások.
A beruházás munkaszervezési szempontból két részre tagolódik:
a Litéri és Budapesti csomópont közötti szakasz, illetve
a Budapest úti és Füredi utcai csomópont között szakasz.
A Litéri és az új Budapesti csomópontot is magába foglaló, első rész határidőre elkészült koronaélen belül.
Ezen a szakaszon a 47. és 48. km szelvény között a korábbi nyomvonalat megtartva készült el az útpálya, a 49. km szelvénytől pedig már az új nyomvonalon halad a 8. sz. főút. A régi Budapesti csomópontban elbontották a Körmend – Budapest szakaszt közvetlen összekötő ágat. A Körmend – Veszprém – Győr irány az új különszintű csomóponton keresztül közelíthető meg.
A gépjárművezetők 2021. december 21. napjától már 2×2 sávon közlekedhetnek ezen a szakaszon.
Sopron. Historic city centre | Hungary #10
A visit to Sopron in north-western Hungary on the Austrian-Hungarian border. Roman in origin, Sopron experienced its heyday in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. Most of the town was destroyed during a great fire in 1676. After this tragedy, many buildings were rebuilt in baroque style. This is the Sopron we still see today.
Driving in Hungary: Small Town CSORNA on Road 85
Csorna is asmall town of ~10000 people and we drive through on Road 85 eastbound
Szil to Csorna, Hungary : Sicily to Ukraine by camper van part 66
I start from the western Hungarian village of Szil, in the county of Győr-Moson-Sopron where I had stopped for something to eat. Driving north east, I reflect on a previous visit to Hungary in 1995 and my experiences passing through Yugoslavia at war in that year. If only I had filmed things in those days!
This small part of my journey finishes at Csorna, which is located near the Fertő-Hanság National Park which has a great deal of interesting bird life. People who follow my films will know how much I appreciate the ornithology of Hungary from my visit in 2012. I certainly intend to do a visit of the nature reserves in this country one day. Csorna is also the birth place of David Gestetner who invented a duplicating machine - a name I remember very well from my early days with office machinery.
My channel on you tube : is very prolific. I have produced over 2,500 original films.
My big interest in life is travel and history but I have also placed films on other subjects. For those that want to know more, I have groups on facebook related to motorhome travelling, history and industrial packaging.
Please feel free to ask questions in the public area or to comment on things you disagree with. Sometimes there are mistakes because I speak without preparation. If I see the mistakes myself, I make this clear in the text. Please also leave a star rating!
I am very fortunate that I can spend a large part of my life travelling, thanks to the business I chose to run which allows me to do this. There are a number of films here on the packaging industry. This is because I am the publisher of Central and Eastern European Packaging -- - the international platform for the packaging industry in this region focusing on the latest innovations, trends, design, branding, legislation and environmental issues with in-depth profiles of major industry achievers.
Most people may think packaging pretty boring but it possibly effects your life more than you really imagine!
Central and Eastern European Packaging examines the packaging industry throughout this region, but in particular in the largest regional economies which are Russia, Germany, Poland, Czech Republic, Ukraine and Austria. That is not to say that the other countries are forgotten, they are not, but obviously there is less going on. However the fact that there are so many travel related films here is not from holidays but from business trips attending trade fairs around the region. Every packaging trade fair is a new excuse to make another film!
Sopron, Hungary - 4K Walking Tour - With Captions and Surrounding Sound [4k Ultra-HD 60fps]
Explore Sopron, Hungary on this 4K walking tour. Best viewed on TV for full 4K enjoyment. ⬇informative insights⬇
✅ English Subtitles - available! 🎚️ Enable Closed Captions (CC) to uncover insights about attractions and other intriguing details. Enjoy the experience! 🎚️
✅ Subtitles in the other 124 languages - available!🎚️ Start playing the video. Click on the gear icon ⚙️ (settings) in the bottom right corner of the video. Then select Subtitles/CC (Closed Captions) and choose the option Auto-translate. Select your language from the drop-down list and you're done. Now you can enjoy subtitles in your native language! 🎚️
🗺 Precise Map of the Walk ➡️ ⬅️
🎬 Coordinates of the starting point: 47.68458466052622, 16.59255938161891
🤳 Starting address: Sopron, Lenck átjáró, 9400 Hungary
🏁 Coordinates of the ending point: 47.68408399664113, 16.587995437563084
🤳 Ending address: Sopron, Petőfi tér, 9400 Hungary
👟 Exact Walking Distance: 1.31 km / 0.81 mi
🗓️ Recorded on a Saturday, Morning, in October 2021.
🌤️ Conditions: Sunny, 14°C/57°F
💨 Wind Speed: 19 km/h / 12 mph
💦 Humidity: 77%
🎧 Tascam Surrounding Sound - Experience the journey like never before with meticulously captured separate audio, creating a fully immersive and surround sound. Put on your headphones and let yourself be transported!
🎞️ Elevate your senses on the big screen! This video is presented in 4K at 60fps with HDR and has been enhanced with cinematic post-production processing, allowing you to stroll through the scenes as if you're truly there.
🔻This is for you to easily revisit and quickly find specific content whenever you return.🔻
0:00 Sopron Hungary Walking Tour Intro and Map
0:27 Lenck Gateway
1:26 Szent György Street woth Saint George Church
3:18 Új Street
3:45 Town Hall with Fire tower
4:14 Main Square with Trinity statue and Blessed Mary Benedictine Church
5:16 Templom Street with Church of the Lutheran Parish of Sopron
8:47 Fegyvertár Street with Orsolyita Church and Orsolya Square
10:38 Hátsókapu Street
11:41 Várkerület Street
12:57 Széchenyi Square and Church of St. Judas
14:50 SOPRON Sign
15:44 Liszt Ferenc Street
16:30 Petőfi Square and Petőfi Theatre
🆕 Now you can easily share a link to a specific attraction from this video - right-click on the timestamp of the particular chapter, then copy the link address. Done! Now you can share the link to a specific place from the list above with anyone. 🆕
❓If you have any questions, feel free to ask in the comments section - every question will be answered - 100% guaranteed❗
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😀 Thanks for tuning in! Hope you found it interesting. Wishing you a fantastic day ahead! 😀
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#walkingtour #sopron #hungary
Kárpátalja - A téli Csorna Hora
Egy hetes kirándulás télen, december végén a Csorna Horában. A szállás Mezőháttól 10 km-re volt, onnan mentünk egy-egy napra kirándulni.
Kismaros near CBA store, Hungary -- Kismaros a CBA-nal -- Morgo patak
Kismaros, Hungary charming small village -- near CBA store, cafe, Morgo patak / stream-- Sept 2015
Nagyborzsony (Hungary)
Nagyborzsonyi emlekek/ souvenirs from Nagyborzsony,
a small village of north of Hungary