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10 Best place to visit in Colorno Italy


Colorno city



Ducal park Parma


il canal grande di venezia

Глубинка Италии: Colorno, Mezzani (район Пармы) и др. Дороги Италии #6

Глубинка Италии: Revine, Santa Maria, Lago, Mura, Cison di Valmarino и др. Провинция Тревизо #1
- Глубинка Италии: Santa Maria, Revine, Longhere, Vittorio Veneto, Savassa и др. Провинция Тревизо #2
- Глубинка Италии: Poincicco, Cusano, Orcenico Inferiore, Basagliapenta, Campoformido и др. #3
- Глубинка Италии: Cerese, Montanara, Pilastro, Campitello и др. Дороги Италии #4
- Глубинка Италии: Commessaggio (Коммессаджо), Sabbioneta (Саббьонета) и др. Дороги Италии #5
Глубинка Италии: Colorno, Mezzani (район Пармы) и др. Дороги Италии #6

Посмотрите другие ролики об Италии:
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- Квест: Найди точку загрузки))) Италия. Ломбардия (провинция Бергамо) #1
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#Италия #Colorno #Mezzani

La Stazione di Colorno della provincia di Parma in

Ho creato questo video con l'Editor video di YouTube (

Colorno, Italy - Reggia di Colorno and some more

I was driving from Milan to Ancona and stoped in this beautifull place to lunch and took the opportunity to do some sightseeing around the town without any map. Was a pity because only after the journey saw that I must return someday to make a proper visit. The stoppage time for the stay was only 2 houres.

Pictures taken by: Aníbal Seraphim
Edition and FilmMaker: Aníbal Seraphim
Music: Kathryn Toyama from the album: Hope For Harmony
All the credits of the songs goes to Kathryn Toyama.
Songs used under permission.
Check out Kathtyn Toyama website:

Market Day in Colorno

We loved the sleepy town of Colorno, Italy, just north of Parma. A great day trip to a royal villa and gardens coupled with a town market and a delicious meal made it an ideal day trip. Join us for some of the sights, and visit for more travel videos to design-worthy places as well as home decorating videos, resources, inspiration, and help from the experts.

Parma Italy tour

Visiting Parma walking alongside the Parma river, turning the streets of the old town and visiting the garden Ducale. The city offers a lot more than what you can see in the video, art, history, culture and gastronomy. Parma is in Emilia Romagna, Italy

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#emiliaromagna #bologna #italianfood

Palacio de Colorno, castillos de la zona de Parma y Sabionetta

Palacio de Colorno, castillos de la zona de Parma y Sabionetta (Italia)

Reggia di Colorno, la piccola Versailles, vista dal drone

Nel 1337 Azzo da Correggio edificò la Rocca di Colorno insieme alla Rocca di Guardasone, per avere due fortezza a levante e ponente di di Parma a difesa dell'Oltrepò.
La Rocca venne ristrutturata nel XVI secolo dalla contessa Barbara di Sanverino, che la trasformò nel palazzo sede della sua corte.
Dopo la confisca dei beni della contessa da parte di Ranuccio Farnese avvenuta nel 1612 , il palazzo fu nuovamente ristrutturato e assunse l'aspetto attuale.
Con l'unità d'Italia , i Savoia cedettero il palazzo al Demanio, non prima di aver trasferito tutto quello che aveva valore nelle loro varie residenze in giro per la penisola.
Dopo l'acquisto nel 1870 da parte della provincia di Parma il palazzo fu adibito ad Ospedale Psichiatrico e tale rimase sino al 1978 , quando la Legge Basaglia decretò la chiusura dei manicomi.
Oggi il complesso è aperto al pubblico per visite guidate, mostre d'arte e serate musicali e d'intrattenimento. In un'area del palazzo ha sede Alma, scuola internazionale di cucina fondata da Gualtiero Marchesi.
Il parco, sviluppato nel 1749 dal giardiniere di Versailles Francois Anquetil detto il Delisle su disegno del Petitot, è restaurato stato restaurato dalla Provincia di Parma tra il 1998 e il 2000 sui progetti originali di Delisle.

A fantastic place to visit Como, Italy - Travel Photography Slideshow

You can find my photo collection here:


Visiting Parma with a licensed tourist guide

A tour with an experienced licensed guide around Parma and its territory: from the medieval monuments to the Renaissance art, music and typical food: discover Benedetto Antelami, Correggio and Parmigianino's masterpieces, Giuseppe Verdi and Arturo Toscanini's music, Parmigiano Reggiano cheese, Parma ham and Culatello's secrets.
Elisabetta Ivaldi, tourist guide for Parma, Reggio Emilia and Modena organizes gourmet tours around the area for Parmigiano Reggiano cheese, Parma Ham and Traditional Balsamic Vinegar

Just e-mail to to book a tour!

Visit my web-site

and organize your trip to Emilia Romagna: Parma, Reggio Emilia and Modena.
This means: art, music and good food!!!

Elisabetta Ivaldi, tourist guide for Parma, Reggio Emilia and Modena

Web site:
Twitter: @Parmatourguide
Skipe: elisabetta.ivaldi
Tel. +39 328 5718262

Places to see in ( Parma - Italy ) Palazzo della Pilotta

Places to see in ( Parma - Italy ) Palazzo della Pilotta

The Palazzo della Pilotta is a complex of edifices located between Piazzale della Pace and the Lungoparma in the historical centre of Parma, region of Emilia Romagna, Italy. Its name derives from the game of pelota played at one time by Spanish soldiers stationed in Parma.

Built around 1583, during the last years of reign of Duke Ottavio Farnese, it developed around the corridor (Corridore) which connected the keep (Rocchetta, traces of which can be seen next the river Parma) to the Ducal Palace: the latter, begun in 1622 under Duke Ranuccio I, was never completed. the façade on the Piazza della Ghiaia is missing and the annexed Dominican church of St. Peter was demolished only in recent times.

The existing complex includes three courts: the Cortile di San Pietro Martire (now best known as Cortile della Pilotta), Cortile del Guazzatoio (originally della pelota) and the Cortile della Racchetta. The Pilotta was to house a large hall, later turned into the Teatro Farnese, the stables and the grooms' residences, the Academy Hall and other rooms.

After the end of the Farnese family rule of Parma, much of the movable assets of the palace were removed by then Duke Charles I, later King of Spain, and taken to Naples in the 1730s. The Biblioteca Palatina was established here by 1769. Elizabeth Farnese, Queen of Spain, was born here in 1692.

By 2015, the building spaces had been taken up by a number of cultural institutions and museums, including in addition to the library:

National Archaeological Museum
Liceo artistico statale Paolo Toschi (it), an art school named after Paolo Toschi
Museo Bodoniano (it), a museum dedicated to Giambattista Bodoni
Teatro Farnese
Galleria Nazionale di Parma

( Parma - Italy ) is well know as a tourist destination because of the variety of places you can enjoy while you are visiting Parma . Through a series of videos we will try to show you recommended places to visit in Parma - Italy

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[4K]Walking Tour in PARMA / ITALY

Welcome to this walking tour of Parma, Italy, where we'll explore the rich history and culture of this beautiful city in Emilia-Romagna.

One of the main attractions of Parma is its beautiful historic center, which is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The center is filled with winding cobblestone streets, elegant palaces, and stunning medieval churches. Parma's Roman origins can be seen in the remains of the ancient city walls, while the city's Renaissance period is reflected in the impressive architecture of buildings such as the Palazzo della Pilotta and the Teatro Farnese.

Parma is also famous for its culinary traditions. The city is known for its world-renowned cheeses, including Parmigiano-Reggiano and Prosciutto di Parma, which are both produced locally using traditional methods. Visitors can indulge in these delicious delicacies at the many restaurants and cafes throughout the city, or visit the local markets to sample a variety of fresh, local produce.

For art enthusiasts, Parma has a rich cultural heritage. The city is home to several important museums and galleries, including the National Gallery, which houses a large collection of Italian Renaissance art, and the Museum of Palazzo della Pilotta, which features archaeological finds and ancient art.

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Itinerario tra i Castelli del Ducato | #Shorts

📍 Reggia di Colorno, anche chiamata “La Versailles dei Duchi di Parma”
🔶 Visitabile con una guida che in 80 minuti vi farà scoprire il Piano Nobile, l’Appartamento del Duca Ferdinando di Borbone e la Cappella Ducale di San Liborio
🌿 Sul retro della reggia si estende un rigoglioso Giardino Storico, aperto tutto l’anno con ingresso gratuito!
❓ Quale tra questi luoghi vi ispira di più? Ne conoscevate già qualcuno?

[🇬🇧] CASTLES of the DUKEDOM of PARMA and PIACENZA: TRAVEL ITINERARY :european_castle:
1️⃣ Rivalta Castle
2️⃣ Rocca Viscontea of Castell’Arquato
3️⃣ Vigoleno medieval village and fortress
4️⃣ Tabiano Castle
5️⃣ Torrechiara Castle
🔶 Bonus stop: the charming Residence of Colorno, also called the “Little Versailles”
❓ Which one of these places inspires you the most?


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Nosso destino foi a Itália e a primeira cidade, que visitamos foi a cidade de Bérgamo. Uma cidade que tem séculos de história e obras de arte espalhadas por todos os lugares. Nesse video mostramos quanto gastamos com as passagens aéreas, o aluguel do carro, hotel e alimentação.
Não deixe de acessar os links citados visitando nosso site.

Uma viagem que iniciou no Aeroporto de Faro no Algarve - Portugal
Nosso propósito é mostrar como é fácil viajar pelo mundo, partindo do Algarve.

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Nosso Canal Vamus Viajar

Visite a Nossa página e acesse os links citados no vídeo com muito mais sobre Bergamo.

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Baixe milhares de músicas para seus vídeos, nós usamos a Epidemic Sound para produzir nossos vídeos. Clique aqui para ter sua conta na maior plataforma de músicas da internet.

Parma, Italy Travel

Parma, Italy Travel - Parma About is a city in the Italian region of Emilia-Romagna famous for its ham, its cheese, its architecture and the fine countryside around it. This is the home of the University of Parma, one of the oldest universities in the world. Parma is divided into two parts by the little stream with the same name. Parmas Etruscan name was adapted by Romans to describe the round shield called Parma.

The Italian poet Attilio Bertolucci (born in a hamlet in the countryside) wrote: As a capital city it had to have a river. As a little capital it received a stream, which is often dry. The district on the far side of the river is Oltretorrente. SOURCE : WIKIPEDIA
Enjoy Your Parma, Italy Travel!

Places to see in ( Parma - Italy ) Parco Cittadella

Places to see in ( Parma - Italy ) Parco Cittadella

The Cittadella di Parma is a pentagonal fortress built in the city ​​of Emilia in the late 16th century. The structure was built by the Duke of Parma and Piacenza Alessandro Farnese and entrusted to engineers Giovanni Antonio Stirpio de 'Brunelli and Genesio Bresciani with the collaboration of Smeraldo Smeraldi. In order to achieve it, the Maggiore canal was diverted, the course of which was joined to that of the Comune canal up to Porta Nuova (today Barriera Farini).

On an annual basis, the Cittadella Park is host to the day of art and creativity, an event in which the various students, coming from the main upper institutes of the city, gather to exhibit and admire some works of various kinds, made by themselves, such as paintings, drawings, comics, photographs, sculptures, and body painting . At the same time musical performances are held, with DJ sets and concerts organized by the students. At the end of the day a jury composed of boys and professors rewards those who are evaluated the best.

Born for defensive purposes, and for this reason equipped with bastions and ditches , it was later used as a barracks , as a prison for political crimes and as a place for capital executions. Between the end of the 20th and the beginning of the 21st century, the fortress, which retains its original pentagonal form, has been renovated and used as a public park, with areas dedicated to sport and activities for children.

The main entrance of the structure, characterized by a monumental facade in Carrara marble , is located to the north, while the other entrance, the Porta del Soccorso, to the south, is provided with five bulwarks . The main entrance door, designed by Simone Moschino and built by Giambattista Carra in 1596 , has been preserved without subsequent modifications.

( Parma - Italy ) is well know as a tourist destination because of the variety of places you can enjoy while you are visiting Parma . Through a series of videos we will try to show you recommended places to visit in Parma - Italy

Join us for more :


“Degli antichi castelli mi incuriosisce la vita che hanno visto passare e che in parte trattengono ancora. Chissà quanti sogni sono rimasti sulle torri”
(Fabrizio Caramagna)

Un itinerario che si sviluppa tra le zone di Parma e i castelli del ducato di Parma e Piacenza. Un viaggio nel passato tra storia e arte senza dimenticare le prelibatezze di quella che viene chiamata la food valley.
Si visiteranno, tra gli altri: Battistero di Parma, Complesso monumentale della Pilotta, Reggia di Colorno, Castello di Torrechiara, Rocca Sanvitale di Sala Baganza, Reggio Emilia - aceto balsamico, Abbazia Cistercense di Chiaravalle della Colomba, Rocca Sanvitale di Fontanellato, Vigolo Marchese, Castell'Arquato, Duomo di Piacenza, Palazzo Farnese di Piacenza

Palazzo della Pilotta in the historical centre of Parma

Parma (Italy), Palazzo della Pilotta in Parma, Italy. The Palazzo della Pilotta is a complex of edifices located between Piazzale della Pace and the Lungoparma in the historical centre of Parma, Italy. Palazzo della Pilotta's name derives from the game of pelota played at one time by Spanish soldiers stationed in Parma.
Parma is a university city in Italy's Emilia-Romagna region, famed for Parmesan cheese and Parma ham. Romanesque buildings, including the frescoed Parma Cathedral and the pink marble Baptistery, grace the city center. Classical concerts take place at the Teatro Regio, a 19th-century opera house. The Galleria Nazionale, inside the imposing Palazzo della Pilotta, displays works by painters Correggio and Canaletto.

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